Are you a graphic designer? We’d like to hear from…
→ Dandavats

Are you a graphic designer? We’d like to hear from you!
The BBT is looking for a new cover design for the book The Journey of Self-Discovery, a collection of Srila Prabhupada’s articles from Back to Godhead magazine. This book has been in print for almost thirty years and is ready for a new, exciting, updated cover that will attract modern readers to Srila Prabhupada’s timeless wisdom.
The BBT is casting a wide net to find ISKCON’s best designers. We’re offering a $250.00 US honorarium (and a copy of the printed book) to the designer with the winning cover. Win or not, if you have both skill and talent, entering could lead to future service with the BBT.
If you’d like to participate in this little competition, please read some or all of the book. You can find it here:

In your design you can use your own images, images from stock photo sites, devotional paintings, or photos of Srila Prabhupada.

To access lo-res images of BBT art and photos of Srila Prabhupada to use in your design, you can use the North European BBT’s online catalogue: - to search by keyword, you’ll have to create an account.

Or, go to and look under the “art” tab.

Deadline is December 10, 2017. Submit up to five designs to

Questions? Please write to Kaisori Devi Dasi at the above address.

Looking forward to hearing from you and seeing your work.

your servant, Kaisori Devi Dasi on behalf of the North European BBT

Bhaktivedanta Players at the Watford Palace Theatre (Album with…
→ Dandavats

Bhaktivedanta Players at the Watford Palace Theatre (Album with photos by Kanakabja das)
Radha Mohan Das: At this year’s Diwali seasonal showcase at the Watford Palace Theatre (UK), the audience was treated to a variety show which including a premier version of The Ramayan by the famous Bhaktivedanta Players. Devotees of all ages and backgrounds came together to become the headlining act for a successful evening of culture, devotion, and entertainment.
Find them here:

Plant, Plant, Plant
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Vrndavanlila Devi Dasi

There have been several recorded occasions when Srila Prabhupada instructed his disciples to plant and grow different food items for the Lord, sometimes flowers, vegetables and other times fruits according to the situation. Something similar was experienced by the devotees in Secunderabad too. One of the aims of ISKCON is to teach and thus also lead by example “a simpler and more natural way of life.” This does not imply that immediately one has to pack up one’s luggage for a life on the farm. But definitely one can begin making preparations for that while being in the city. One step in the direction is to do urban farming. One can grow one’s own food in whatever limited way one can. Continue reading "Plant, Plant, Plant
→ Dandavats"

Saturday, November 4th, 2017
→ The Walking Monk

Richmond Hill, Ontario

Getting Around

Ontario proclaimed November as Hindu Heritage Month and the celebrations at the Vishnu Temple at Yonge and Hwy. 7 were the venue for this event.  I was invited.  Several mayors were present including those from Richmond Hill and I believe, Markham.  Other dignitaries were also there.  Principle organizer Lajput got up on the stage and mentioned my name twice in the capacity as his guru.  It was flattering.

But in reality, the real boost for me, at this event, was the kirtan that Godbrother Gaura and I led.  Gopal is an excellent drummer on the mrdunga, and Subal, our driver, is a happy dancer.  The projecting of mantras must be a flattery for God.

After the program, when back home, I had the chance to clean, or mop, the floors in the temple and ashram.  It’s always a heart-cleansing involvement.

That was followed by leading a discussion at Sacred Space, a weekly program for newcomers.  It was a good bunch of humans who turned out—meaning they had a sincerity of purpose.  One of the attendees brought up the subject of ‘evil’, questioning its origin and objective.  It is a classic topic for Man.  Generally I’ve found that if you’re a theist, it is a principle that can be accommodated.  When one is an atheist, even of the philosophical mold, one is left baffled with the reality of evil.  Theists tend to swallow the concept and can wrestle it down because they have someone to help them.  They have a Divine connection.

My final engagement for the day was doing a nighttime walk—west on Dupont, south on Christie and east on Bloor, before making the turn to Avenue Road, in Toronto.

May the Source be with you!

7 km

Friday, November 3rd, 2017
→ The Walking Monk

Belfountain, Ontario

The Milking Monk?

When I was a teen and living on the farm just outside of Blenheim, Ontario, my dad would wake me up at 5:30 a.m. to milk the family cows.  It was routine to tie her legs in order that she would not kick the bucket of milk over and cause a spill. Cows do that at times. When I read in scripture that Krishna, as a boy, had done so with His cows before milking, I found it so relatable.

I personally didn’t like it when a cow would kick and sometimes succeed in relieving herself and plopping a whole leg inside the milk pail with the white and foamy liquid content inside.  It, no doubt, ‘spoiled the batch’, so to speak.

Cows are generous in releasing their ‘liquid religiosity’, as our guru put it, but they do in fact sometimes kick.  I see many people are like this in their own behaviour.  There’s a kindness and goodness in everyone, however, there’s also a stubborn and sometimes cantankerous side to them.

After all, no one is perfect, except for you know who.

In my travels, whether on foot, flight or fleet, I come upon people who are a blessing and curse at the same time.  Of course, I must include myself.  I find it always helps to highlight the good side in an individual and dwell less on what is pejorative.  I prefer to think of a cow who bears charitable milk—and let’s assume here that it’s ahimsa milk; milk from a protected cow—rather than a cow who kicks, or is cranky at times.

May the Source be with you!

0 km

The Bhagavad-gita’s message of love comforts and enlightens

[Sunday feast class at ISKCON, Sydney]


Podcast Summary

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How the mind harvests the bad within – and how to harvest the good within
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Hall Program at ISKCON, Sydney]


Podcast Summary


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How our intelligence acts as our enemy – and how to make it our friend
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Bhagavatam class on Srimad-Bhagavatam 10.08.08-09 at ISKCON, Sydney, USA]


Podcast Summary

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Why people do bad things – and how to stop it
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Bhagavatam class on Srimad-Bhagavatam 10.08.07 at ISKCON, Sydney, USA]


Podcast Summary


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Gambling is the gross result of our subtle inclination to cheat…

Gambling is the gross result of our subtle inclination to cheat or lie.
Gambling is the gross result of our subtle inclination to cheat or lie. I once snitched on my friends who decided to bunk school. I denied it so vehemently that years later I wondered, “Did I lie or didn’t I?” I wasn’t so sure anymore. Truthfulness is one of the pillars of dharma that gambling attacks. Who hasn’t hidden that unreturned library book or told your child that the tall-needled injection would not hurt? A person looks into the eyes of a dying man and smilingly says, “Don’t worry. You will get better soon,” when neither of them believes it. When the lines between real and unreal blur, we gamble with the truth.
Let us look a little deeper into the mentality behind a gamble. It is more than just developing the “green fingers” seasoned to make money grow. I can hear the critics say that life itself is a gamble. By definition, gambling implies taking a risk with a potentially positive outcome. By stepping into your car in the morning, you take a risk. The odds may be against you reaching work safely. Is not a theistic lifestyle also a gamble? How can we tell if the dividends will truly pay off? However, these risks are considered reasonable acts of faith, guided by proper knowledge and honest endeavor, and therefore different from gambling. They don’t result in character degradation and are leaps of faith in the mode of goodness.
The problem arises when a person buys into the passionate “winner mentality.” A simple lotto ticket bought together with the bread and milk is an innocent chance at fortune that you slip into your top pocket. You didn’t harm anyone to get it. You paid for it with your hard-earned cash. What could possibly be so wrong with it? In that lotto ticket you have now invested your faith and with it, two negative philosophical affirmations. The first is that life moves by chance and that there is no Superior Designer in the grand scheme of things. The second is that you have the ability to manipulate the natural laws of karma and the beat the odds. This “winner mentality” progresses to the ultimate fantasy that in one stroke, all problems will be solved. It condenses into an obsession (symptomatic of the mode of ignorance), an intoxicating greed where one is willing to lie, cheat or steal, all to be part of the game. Far-fetched? Tell that to the one million people with gambling addictions and families in counseling. Governments, religious societies, and charities around the world benefit from legalized gambling, resulting in a hush over the social collapse that it brews.
Surprisingly the majority of gamblers are from lower income brackets with their gambling expenditure (proportionate to their income) outweighing the big guns. What moves people to wager what they obviously don’t have? The desperate hope that the next card, dice, or spin of the wheel will earn back their losses multifold. Statistics say that no one beats the odds. The odds are always cleverly tipped in favour of the “house.” What you win today can hardly ever surmount what you lose in a lifetime. Of the hundreds of billions of dollars spent in legalized gambling, only 8.75 percent is ever won. Casinos are expert in subtle, psychological manipulation: offering free alcoholic drinks, rooms, and complimentary tickets to entice the regular gambler into thinking he is the center of the universe and everything is for his taking. The link between intoxication and gambling is evident; one who can ‘loosen up’ is more likely to spend. “The mentality that seeks an easy high will invariably strive for easy cash.” In a nut-shell, gambling enforces the mentality of lazy rewards that short-cut hard work. Yet it is a fantasy: ultimately one never beats the odds. The odds beat us.
In the brickwork of life, blocks of untruth are cemented by fear, laziness, convenience, or the thirst for a thrill. Soon we believe the lies we tell others. Even more insidious is the lies we tell ourselves. Bhagavad-gita lists arjavam or honesty as one of the qualities that truly intelligent people imbibe. It can also be translated as simplicity of heart. The gambler and the spiritualist are both involved in acts of faith. The former places faith in chance with the hope that it will help him cheat the system. The latter places faith in a higher power, knowing that the system is a learning ground in the first place. One tries to escape the tests whilst the other tries to rise above them by aligning with the Supreme and thus developing simplicity of heart.

Lessons from WWII (video)HH Sacinandana Swami presents Lessons…
→ Dandavats

Lessons from WWII (video)
HH Sacinandana Swami presents Lessons From WWII - An evening of stories, inspiration and mantra music at PS Alumnights.
Pandava Sena Alumni: We were very privileged to have Sacinandana Swami join us and share his realizations from growing up in post-war Germany and the lessons we can learn and apply to our own spiritual journey.
Watch it here:
About the Speaker.
Sacinandana Swami has been a monk in the bhakti tradition for 42 years. He is known for his significant contribution to the practice of contemplation and meditation for modern practitioners of bhakti. Sacinandana Swami has published seven books and released two CDs, and offers an array of retreats, seminars, and workshops. Thousands of enthusiastic singers and dancers visit his kirtan concerts. He teaches at the Vrindavana Institute for Higher Education in India and the Bhaktivedanta College in Belgium. Furthermore, Sacinandana Swami serves as the spiritual guide for the Veda Academy, which is active in eight countries, and recently founded the organization, “Yoga Is Music”. Fond of India’s sacred pilgrimage sites, he annually goes there to seek personal inspiration. Although his pilgrimages have taken him all over the subcontinent, he is particularly fond of the sacred land of Vrindavan, the birthplace of Lord Krishna.

Fisher’s Ghost Festival in Sydney and the icing on the cake! I…
→ Dandavats

Fisher’s Ghost Festival in Sydney and the icing on the cake!
I was uncharacteristically minding my own business after a very busy day of book distribution at Fisher’s Ghost Festival in Campbelltown, in south Sydney, when Tony, a geologist, looked at the Gita in my hand and “Searching for Vedic India.”
He very solemnly said, “The best place to hide something is to keep it in plain sight.”
I asked, “What do you mean?”
He responded, “Here you are, sitting with the summum bonum of knowledge, and thousands of these people don’t even realize this.”
He continued, “Because the current society has been forced to work under the gross, lower modes, by the influence of media and politics, they are all operating in the lower modes of intoxication and sex enjoyment. And therefore they are completely oblivious of this treasure you have. Could I please buy these books?”
He took a Gita, the SVI, and a HIUH. He pointed toward Krishna’s picture and said, “The only reason I could tell this person must have a flash around His head is because He never operates on the lower modes and is completely transcendental and fully on the Vedic platform.”
Taking the opportunity of meeting this highly knowledgable guy, I took out my Bhagavatam flyer and in detail explained it to him. I then said that this would give him the full picture of Vedas that he’s been talking about. He immediately took my contact details, to place an order for a Bhagavatam set.
10 mins after Gerrainne, another geologist came running, gasping for air, and she said, “My friend Tony sent me to you, to get the Srimad Bhagavatam set. I am glad I caught you, just before you packed up. She also took a Gita, SVI, and HIUH and requested that I deliver a Bhagavatam set.
Both of them gave me a big polar bear hug before leaving. I tried very hard to control my tears and choking throat after the hug. When I told the story to a devotee friend, he just burst into tears, and eventually we all laughed thinking how Krishna picked these geologist scientists in the middle of nowhere.
Fisher’s Ghost Festival had been already very busy, and I came home with the icing on the cake. Some of the best days of my life have happened while I was distributing books. This is the best job in the world.

Your servant,
Radhika Prasad Dasa & Meera

All roads may lead to Rome but some roads are going to get us there quicker than others
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Byron Kyle

Have you ever been on a road trip and knew where your destination was but didn’t know exactly how to get there? You switched on Google maps and got directions but closer to your destination, you felt you knew a better way and ignored the GPS only to get lost and ultimately added thirty minutes to your trip. I find spiritual life to be much the same. We naturally want to be controllers in our in lives. We sometimes ignore instructions and do things our own way. When we do this we hit roadblocks, get stuck in traffic, or get totally lost. Our teachers are like the GPS, they know the way, even if it seems tedious or roundabout, we are sure to get to our destination if we follow their instructions. Continue reading "All roads may lead to Rome but some roads are going to get us there quicker than others
→ Dandavats"

Krishna conscious presentation at Mumbai’s Rotary Club…
→ Dandavats

Krishna conscious presentation at Mumbai’s Rotary Club (Album with photos)
On 10th October 2017, Gaur Gopal das spoke at the weekly meeting of Rotary Club of Bombay held at Hotel Taj Mahal Palace, Mumbai India.
Rotary is a social service organization and the concept of weekly meetings is for like-minded people of different vocations and professions to meet and come together for a common good cause. Rotary Club of Bombay is a group of top industrialists, professionals, many doctors, lawyers from Mumbai.
Find them here:

Thursday, November 2nd, 2017
→ The Walking Monk

Toronto, Ontario

Not Blue Suede Shoes

Tom from Windsor came to spend a few days at the ashram.  He’s good for the morning sadhana, a spiritual workout—chanting, japa and study.  Then by 9:30 a.m., he’s off to the library doing personal research.

I’ve been pushing the wet mop in the mornings.  If floors aren’t done daily, you’ll be assured of sticky black soles.  I know Prabhupada, our guru, loved cleanliness.  Also, the person who cleans feels clean.  It beckons shanti, peace.

Tom and I took evening walks these last two nights.  I have the chance to fly in the new pair of Kyboots, designed with Swiss technology and made in Italy.  Shoes like this don’t get any better.

My summer walking took its toll on my former ones, so it was time for them to reincarnate.  The pair of new shoes went out to explore various streets such as Yonge, Bloor and Davenport.

Tom noticed the city is changing and getting busier like the rest of the world.  To nature we can say, “Make way, the imposition is here!”  Condos are popping up all over the place, blocking the sky.  Stars, you won’t see.  Raindrops splatter on our chest, arms and head.  It is beautifully mild out.

My shoes are happy.  They are set out to do service.  They are helping me with posture and the knees.

I reflected on what Prabhupada said about health, that it is a priority in order to serve nicely.

I do recommend Kyboots as a way to get around.

May the Source be with you!

6 km

Wednesday, November 1st, 2017
→ The Walking Monk

Toronto, Ontario

Surrender Begins

One person I recently met—a year ago—is Gordon Martin of St. John’s, Newfoundland.  He’s someone making great changes in his life.  He sent me a poem of his which addresses “Surrender.” 
Here it is.

Surrender Begins

Surrender begins like a fairy tale
in a distant land
Begins as a dream unknown
scares us shitless

Surrender begins
a blanket with nails
letting go no option
Hang on to the known

Even if that known
Is the darkest night

Even if that known
has dragged us through
the mud, left us naked in the street

Surrender begins with a whisper
A candle flicker
Dancing, embracing the darkness
that peers in so close

Surrender begins
With the mystery of an empty page
The words elusive the ink dry

Surrender begins
A map without borders
A voyage with no defined destination

Surrender begins
loneliness in a crowded room
fear, emptiness

Surrender beings
With struggle
And pleads

I stand now on the other side of surrender
Knowing it’s grace and power

Looking at those who cannot see

Surrender beings with love
With letting go
With saying yes to life

Surrender begins
With tears running down my cheek
With falling to my knees

Surrender begins
With holding hands
And hugs of understanding

Surrender begins
With grace and forgiveness

Surrender begins
In this moment
In this place

May the Source be with you!

TOVP Tour to Australasia – Departure

On Sunday, November 5th ,immediately following Mangal-arati, His Grace Jananivas prabhu and Brajavilas prabhu left Sridham Mayapur with the Padukas of Lord Nityananda Prabhu and Lord Nrisimhadeva’s helmet, to distribute mercy throughout Australasia.

They will be joined by Their Graces Ambarisa prabhu and his wife Svaha mataji for a one month tour of Australia, New Zealand and Fiji.

Please go here to see the dates and locations of the tour.

The post TOVP Tour to Australasia – Departure appeared first on Temple of the Vedic Planetarium.

Success—What it is, and How to get it!
→ Karnamrita's blog

Karnamrita Das

[reposted from 2011-01-26] SUCCESS, WHAT IT IS, AND HOW TO GET IT: To make the claim of today’s title, which might be promised by motivational speakers or writers, I would have to give a universal definition of success. Though I honestly don’t think this is possible, I could do my best to say that in general, success means to be happy—though even here, at different times, people would disagree for various good and bad reasons. In any case, if we can agree for the sake of this blog, that in general people want to experience happiness and avoid distress, we might still argue over the best way to reach this sometimes illusive state.

For some people happiness or peace of mind can seem like the carrot before the donkey—always seeming to be within reach, but never quite obtained. We might have an ever-increasing list of things required to come to our ideal state of happiness—got to have that IPad, and this app, and then that app! To our motivational guru, this would sound terribly negative, since they believe that we can have anything we want if we want it badly enough.

Although the Vedas and Krishna devotees might agree that one can have most anything desired either today or in some lifetime they would caution us that although one may be temporarily happy, it can’t last. The nature of the world is constantly changing, including our body, senses and mind. For instance, toys or dolls no longer are objects of happiness for an adult, or as an old person our ability to enjoy certain foods is lost—though we may still desire them!

Besides this, and fundamentally more important, since our identity is not material but spiritual, worldly things can’t bring the soul happiness.

read more

Humility of great souls
→ Dandavats

Humility of great souls
Radheshyam Dasa: “Humility of great souls is the purity within…” This statement reveals the humility of Srila Prabhupada. Although he is the Founder Acarya of a worldwide Organization, he never considers himself to be the best of the Vaishnavas; rather he considers himself unqualified and insignificant. This is one of the shining characteristics of great souls.
Great souls see smallness in themselves and greatness in others. Small souls consider themselves the best devotees. A Kanishtha Adhikari feels, “I am the best devotee.” “atmano bhakti darpatah”. Thus his devotion is like a raw mango. When one becomes pure at heart, their humility tastes like a ripe Mango.


Famous Indian cricketer receives Srila Prabhupada’s books…
→ Dandavats

Famous Indian cricketer receives Srila Prabhupada’s books (Album with photos)
“Our First Business is this Book Distribution. There is no need of any other Business. If this book distribution is managed properly, pushed on with great enthusiasm and determination and at the same time if our men keep spiritually strong, then the whole world will become Krishna Conscious.” Letter to Satsvarupa, Nellore, 5th January 1976 by Srila Prabhupada
Robin Venu Uthappa born 11 November 1985) is an Indian cricketer. He plays for Karnataka in domestic cricket and Kolkata Knight Riders in the IPL. Uthappa made his One Day International debut in the seventh and final match of the English tour of India in April 2006.
Find them here:

Hare Krishna Auckland – Snana Yatra 2017 (Album with photos)…
→ Dandavats

Hare Krishna Auckland - Snana Yatra 2017 (Album with photos)
Today, 4th November2017, we celebrated Jagannath, Baladev & Subhadra’s Snana yatra. The festival was really nice. We had more than 500 devotees and guests for the program. For the next 15 days, they will take rest, so no darshan of Jagannath, Baladev & Subhadra, then on the 19th of November they will go for the first Ratha Yatra. Thank you all for making the festival successful.
Find them here:

When a loved one is hurt, we feel disturbed, but not so much when someone unknown is hurt – is this attachment?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Answer Podcast

The post When a loved one is hurt, we feel disturbed, but not so much when someone unknown is hurt – is this attachment? appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.

When social justice is not defined in the West in terms of caste discrimination how can bhakti be seen as promoting social justice here?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Answer Podcast

The post When social justice is not defined in the West in terms of caste discrimination how can bhakti be seen as promoting social justice here? appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.