Harinama in Medellin, Colombia 2017 (Album with photos)…
→ Dandavats

Harinama in Medellin, Colombia 2017 (Album with photos)
Dharmatma Das: We’re greeted by Jambavan prabhu who rented a nice Villa near the City Center. Many devotees and friends from near and far joined us in Programs and Harinama’s. The owner of the Villa, Gustav and his friend Valentine served us nicely and got a wonderful dose of Krishna Consciousness.
Find them here: https://goo.gl/2VA4MQ

Our only hope is Srila Prabhupada and his parampara! Giriraj…
→ Dandavats

Our only hope is Srila Prabhupada and his parampara! Giriraj Swami: Every evening, after reciting the Damodarastaka, we read from Srimad-Bhagavatam about the Damodara lila, and one of tonight’s verses and purports, related to Krishna’s deliverance of the two demigods cursed to stand as twin Arjuna trees, struck me as especially relevant. Lord Krishna said, “Although these two young men are the sons of the very rich Kuvera and I have nothing to do with them, Devarsi Narada is My very dear and affectionate devotee, and therefore because he wanted Me to come face to face with them, I must do so for their deliverance.” (SB 10.10.25) Srila Prabhupada explains in his purport, “Nalakuvara and Manigriva actually had nothing to do with devotional service or seeing the Supreme Personality of Godhead face to face, for this is not an ordinary opportunity. It is not that because one is very rich or learned or was born in an aristocratic family one will be able to see the Supreme Personality of Godhead face to face. This is impossible. But in this case, because Narada Muni desired that Nalakuvara and Manigriva see Vasudeva face to face, the Supreme Personality of Godhead wanted to fulfill the words of His very dear devotee Narada Muni. If one seeks the favor of a devotee instead of directly asking favors from the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one is very easily successful. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has therefore recommended: vaisnava thakura tomara kukkura bhuliya janaha more, krsna se tomara krsna dite para. One should desire to become like a dog in strictly following a devotee. Krsna is in the hand of a devotee. Adurlabham atma-bhaktau. Thus without the favor of a devotee, one cannot directly approach Krsna, what to speak of engaging in His service. Narottama dasa Thakura therefore sings, chadiya vaisnava-seva nistara payeche keba: unless one becomes a servant of a pure devotee, one cannot be delivered from the material condition of life. In our Gaudiya Vaisnava society, following in the footsteps of Rupa Gosvami, our first business is to seek shelter of a bona fide spiritual master (adau gurv-asrayah).” Our only hope is Srila Prabhupada and his parampara, disciplic succession.

ECO-Vrindaban Board Meeting Minutes 10/01/2017
→ New Vrindaban Brijabasi Spirit

ECO-Vrindaban New Vrindaban ISKCON cows gardens Prabhupada

ECO-Vrindaban Board Meeting Minutes 10/01/2017

Mission Statement: ECO-Vrindaban promotes simple living, cow protection, engaging oxen, local agriculture, and above all, loving Krishna, as envisioned by Srila Prabhupada, the Founder-Acharya of ISKCON New Vrindaban.

Participating Directors: Chaitanya Mangala (chair), Kripamaya, Ranaka, and Vraja.

Participating Advisors: Jamuna Jivani (secretary), and Makara.

1. Ranaka’s Monthly Report

  • Caitanya Bhagavat continues to work with the oxen for 1.5 hours each morning.
  • The ox Priya has been diagnosed by the veterinarian as having an early form of genetic arthritis and is being retired from the ox program. He had been training with Hari who will continue to be handled individually until he is able to be paired with a new partner, hopefully one of the calves due soon.
  • Robert reported on the September fruit and vegetable harvest (not including the tomatoes and green beans brought to the Valley Barn for Winter Storage). The numbers given indicate pounds:

Green Beans – 76

Carrots – 24

Apples – 32

Tomatoes – 100

Kale – 12

Chard – 31

Basil – 5

Patty Squash – 17

Strawberries – 12

Blackberries – 4

  • In addition to what is listed above, Robert has been delivering to the Valley Barn processing room green beans and tomatoes for freezing. To date, 44 gallons of green beans and 33 gallons of tomatoes have been stored. This marks the end of the preserving for the season, as ECO-V’s two freezers are full.
  • Ananda Vidya is milking six cows at the Temple Barn. Milk production is holding at 20 gallons per day.
  • Ananda Vidya continues to produce 10-12 pounds of butter, 15 gallons of yogurt, and a half gallon of ghee on a weekly basis, and delivers them to the temple kitchens.
  • Malati is due in October, and Sriya and Anjali are both due in February.
  • There are three heifers residing at Temple Barn: one-month-old calf Lalita, nine-month-old Vamsika, and 18-month-old Subhadra.
  • Ray finished the hay harvest for the year. We have approximately 460 new first-cutting and 200 second – and third – cutting bales in the barn, in addition to the approximately 250 bales carried over from last year.
  • The main projects in October will include: harvesting, washing, and storing potatoes; spreading manure; chisel-plowing and disking areas in the temple garden; replacing the underground electric line to the Nandagram pasture cabin; pressure washing and painting the Valley Barn fences; and finishing work on Dharma the Bull’s outside pen expansion project at the Valley Barn.
  • Nila Gopala is working to finish Madhu the Bull’s shed and pen at Nandagram.
  • Lila is harvesting strawberries and blackberries, and weeding their spaces. She is also weeding the asparagus area.
  • Suchandra, Robert and Lila are delivering between 200-300 flowers per day to the temple. Also, Robert continues to makes vases for the temple daily.
  • Approximately 7,000 locally grown, organic flowers were delivered for Sri Sri Radha Vrindaban Chandra’s Pushpa Abhisheka ceremony, held on September 9th.
  • Robert, Suchandra and Lila are putting the garden beds to rest for the winter and have already begun planning for next year.

2. ISKCON’s 2nd North American Farm Conference Update

Jamuna Jivani reported on the conference preparations:

  • The conference is less than two weeks away.
  • Currently, there are approximately 25 participants registered.
  • A panel discussion on the topic of ahimsa dairy has been added to the schedule. The panel will include Balabhadra, Ranaka, Lalita Gopi, and Kalakantha.
  • The seminars will primarily be held in the new Yoga Shala.
  • Three-dozen organic cotton t-shirts have been ordered for the conference, which are being sponsored by ECO-V.
  • The schedule still needs to be finalized and some supplies must be ordered.

3. Nila Gopal’s Resignation

Nila Gopal announced his plans to relocate to New Vraja Dhama in Hungary at the end of October. The ECO-V board members and advisors present expressed their appreciation for Nila Gopal and Sukhayanti’s service and contributions over the six months they have been involved with ECO-Vrindaban and wish them well in their future endeavors.

4. Process for New Board Members & Advisors

The ECO-V board has decided to implement a more formal procedure for those who are interested in being involved with the ECO-V. Interested parties should notify Ranaka via phone or email. He will act as the liaison to inform the board.

5. ECO-V/IMPCA Partnership

WHEREAS: The ECO-V Board wishes to strategically collaborate with similar organizations with a goal to support and encourage mutual growth.

RESOLVED: The ECO-V Board commits to a three-year partnership with the ISKCON Ministry of Cow Protection and Agriculture (IMCPA), as proposed by Kalakantha prabhu.

For regular updates please visit and like the ECO-V Facebook page.

Varsana! (Album with photos) Indradyumna Swami: Every Gaudiya…
→ Dandavats

Varsana! (Album with photos)
Indradyumna Swami: Every Gaudiya Vaisnava’s dream is to visit Varsana, the sacred home of Srimati Radharani, again and again. Our parikrama party was blessed the other day to circumambulate the entire area. A special treat was meeting the residents of Varsana as they went about their daily chores of tilling the fields and herding their cows.
Find them here: https://goo.gl/oSj1UH

Should I choose the spiritual master whose personal association I get or whose classes inspire me?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Answer Podcast

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Ramayana series 3 – Shurapanakha’s slyness – Beware of those who manipulate us using our weakness
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Talk at Phoenix, USA]


Podcast Summary


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Ramayana series 2 – Maricha’s miscalculation – Our destination is not as important as our action
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Talk at Phoenix, USA]


Podcast Summary


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Friday, October 27th, 2017
→ The Walking Monk

St. John’s Newfoundland

To the Atlantic Edge

It’s a tight fit! I thought when we first saw Josh in his Spider-man outfit, all prepared for a Halloween party that evening.  He was our host for a presentation at the Science Building at Memorial University and, being a nursing student, it’s assumed he’s a caring soul.  He also mentioned his guru gave him the mantra, OM NAMO BHAGAVATE VASUDEVAYA.

The attendance was a bit down from last year, however, the folks who came were of quality.  It’s great to see some younger people come with questions.  Stephen and Justin were among them.  And Miranda, seasoned, wise and experienced, is the ultimate yoga teacher, and she is like a sister to me.  She happens to be the daughter of renowned artist, Gerald Squires, whose studio we’re staying in.  Gerald passed away last year; bless his soul.  Many of his works are of religious themes.  Good stuff!

I said a number of things and talked about the world of mass destruction and how walking for me, personally, has offered spiritual solutions to mundane problems.  One item that resonated with this group of individuals who all have yoga connections was, “It’s better to give, than just be.”

I was happy to be in Newfoundland, to reunite with my marathon team, Hayagriva and Marshall.  We plan a weekend of talks, walks and chants, all of which began with tonight’s gathering.  One person wanted to know if I’d seen God on any of the walks; my frank answer to that was, “Yes, through the conduit of nature, and people giving their heart.”

May the Source be with you!


Thursday, October 26th, 2017
→ The Walking Monk

Kirkland Lake / Toronto

Two Planets

Brothers Jaya Gopal, Vyasacharya and the younger Kaushal—all of Gujarati stock—are up north in Kirkland Lake for the business venture of securing another motel.  I'm not sure how many that makes.  All I can say is the Patel Motel Regime goes on marvellously.

They were kind to have me come to this town, which is nothing shy of a seven-hour drive from Toronto, the city that now has the status of “never sleeps.”

The four of us took to the peace of the north by exploring the local ski trails.  No skiing for us, though, just walking.  None of us were really prepared for the wetness of the trails.  I had on my ‘Keen’ sandals and the others had donned their dress shoes.  It didn’t matter.  We were taking in the shanti (peace) of the place, with birch and spruce trees as our company.  There was a raven up above, the sound of a Blue Jay, and the occasional bushy-tailed squirrel scurrying along.

The series of trails just behind the new ‘community sports complex’ looped about and offered enough upward and downward slopes that any concern about the damp chill of the morning quickly dissipated.  Kaushal, the more recent arrival from India, was the first to notice that we heat up when our strides are going up.

A lake nearby and the plentiful presence of water gave the feeling that there was no shortage of H2O around us.

“This is not like Gujarat.  India is drying up,” said Vyasacharya.

Jaya Gopal and family, Chandrika and son Nitai, then drove me to North Bay through the countryside of Chief Grey Owl.  I loved it!

I arrived in Toronto, then Union Station, and then wheeled my luggage back to the ashram.  What a contrast!  The hustle and bustle of the city set against the earlier musical of nature!

May the Source be with you!

8 km

Vaisesika Dasa: The New Oxford American Dictionary defines,…
→ Dandavats

Vaisesika Dasa: The New Oxford American Dictionary defines, opportunity cost, as “the loss of potential gain from other alternatives when one alternative is chosen.” And here’s another simple definition by an economist: “ An opportunity cost is the cost of a missed opportunity.”
In the following verse from the Gita, Lord Krishna encourages us to use our time and energy to advance in Krishna consciousness, as by doing so, one gets the greatest value for one’s life:
“In this endeavor there is no loss or diminution, and a little advancement on this path can protect one from the most dangerous type of fear.” (Bhagavad-gita 2.40)
Especially for a human being – who is afforded the chance to free himself from birth and death and to go back to Godhead – the opportunity cost of missing even a second outside the practice of devotional service is huge.

Therefore, Visnu Purana states: “If even for a moment remembrance of Vasudeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is missed, that is the greatest loss, that is the greatest illusion, and that is the greatest anomaly.”

Knowingly or by consent everyone incurs loss by the choices they make throughout their lives. Economists, businesspeople, financial advisers, and others therefore, carefully consider opportunity costs so that they may make the best and most profitable choices.

Serious bhakti yogis also meticulously calculate the opportunity costs of their actions and investments. Those who do this never lack the incentive to stay steadily engaged in devotional service and to forsake inferior activities.

The Governor of Geneva: If everybody joins your movement, what…

The Governor of Geneva: If everybody joins your movement, what will happen to the economy?
Guru-Gauranga: On May 29, 1974 Prabhupada landed in Geneva and was accompanied by Satsvarupa Goswami and Nitai.
We picked Prabhupada and his team up at the airport and brought him to the temple.
I was very busy with all the arrangements for Prabhupada’s meetings and programs and for the official reception of Srila Prabhupada by the Governor of Geneva.
I was unaware of the fact that Lilavati dasi, a disciple of Prabhupada’s, had previously arrived to Geneva to do typing for Prabhupada.

Blog Post Title
→ The Mayapuris

What goes into a blog post? Helpful, industry-specific content that: 1) gives readers a useful takeaway, and 2) shows you’re an industry expert.

Use your company’s blog posts to opine on current industry topics, humanize your company, and show how your products and services can help people.

Blog Post Title
→ The Mayapuris

What goes into a blog post? Helpful, industry-specific content that: 1) gives readers a useful takeaway, and 2) shows you’re an industry expert.

Use your company’s blog posts to opine on current industry topics, humanize your company, and show how your products and services can help people.

Let No One Go Hungry – Food for Life Mayapur
→ Mayapur.com

Srila Prabhupada continually stressed the importance of prasadam distribution in ISKCON Mayapur, and he instructed that no one within a ten mile radius of Sri Mayapur Candrodaya Mandir should go hungry. Following Srila Prabhupada’s instructions, Food for Life Mayapur has been endeavoring for many years to fulfill this goal. Hundreds of thousands of visitors and […]

The post Let No One Go Hungry – Food for Life Mayapur appeared first on Mayapur.com.

Srila Prabhupada’s Unique Achievement. Late 1966. “It took…
→ Dandavats

Srila Prabhupada’s Unique Achievement.
Late 1966. “It took Hopkins a while to adjust to the idea of a Vaishnava temple replete with a printing operation in the middle of the Lower East Side of New York City. “It’s an astonishing story,” he reflected. “If someone told you a story like this, you wouldn’t believe it. Here’s this person, seventy years old, coming to a country where he’s never been before. He doesn’t know anybody, he has no money, no contacts, none of the things you would say make for success. He’s going to recruit people not on any systematic basis but just picking up whomever he comes across—and he’s going to give them responsibility for organizing a worldwide movement? You’d say, ‘What kind of program is that?’ There are precedents perhaps. Jesus of Nazareth went around saying, ‘Come follow me. Drop your nets, leave your tax collecting, and be my disciple.’ But in Jesus’s case, he wasn’t an old man in a strange society dealing with people whose backgrounds were totally different from his own. He was dealing with his own community. Bhaktivedanta Swami’s achievement, then, must be seen as unique.”
From the book Swami In A Strange Land: How Krishna Came To The West

WSN September 2017 – World Sankirtan Newsletter
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Vijaya Dasa

Recently, a preaching center opened in El Paso, Texas. Some book distributors had made the decision to bite the dust and settle somewhere to cultivate people in Krsna consciousness, and they settled in El Paso. They had a 999% increase, with 1,309 book points. I'm spending some time in Texas, the Lone Star State. A few days ago, I was distributing at Eastfield College, and after some time I was packing up my table and books. A professor stopped by to ask, "How much are your books?", without even asking what they're about. So I asked, "Do you know about these books?" "No, but I saw you, your table, and your sign [Yoga, Meditation, and Philosophy Books] from an upstairs window, and my curiosity got the best of me. So I want to find out what you have." Then he realized that he didn't have his wallet on him. He asked whether I'm on PayPal. I said I was. So he paid through PayPal. For all you book distributors, this is yet another way to receive a donation if people don't have cash or a debit or credit card. Continue reading "WSN September 2017 – World Sankirtan Newsletter
→ Dandavats"

Wonder of Creation
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Pran Gopinath Das

The material world is but a small portion of God’s kingdom and a place for those who wish to become the center of enjoyment. The material world and its suffering is not really God’s desire, just as a government would prefer that there were no prisons. Though the government provides and organises the prison service, the criminal is responsible for his or her situation. Similarly, though God creates this world, the soul creates his own happiness and distress. The world is a place where fallen souls attempt to enjoy existence separately from God. The ultimate purpose of the world is reformation of character and attitude, by which the soul can attain liberation. The soul suffers not so much through his location but through his rebellious attitude. Continue reading "Wonder of Creation
→ Dandavats"

Let No One Go Hungry
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy MCO staff

Srila Prabhupada continually stressed the importance of prasadam distribution in ISKCON Mayapur, and he instructed that no one within a ten mile radius of Sri Mayapur Candrodaya Mandir should go hungry. Following Srila Prabhupada’s instructions, Food for Life Mayapur has been endeavoring for many years to fulfill this goal. Hundreds of thousands of visitors and pilgrims are fed prasadam by Food for Life Mayapur, as well as villagers in the surrounding areas. This video showcases the endeavors of ISKCON Mayapur’s Food for Life program, and demonstrates how they perform this wonderful service. Continue reading "Let No One Go Hungry
→ Dandavats"

Update on HG Agnideva Prabhu. Dear devotees, friends and…

Update on HG Agnideva Prabhu.
Dear devotees, friends and well-wishers,
Here is an update on Agnideva prabhu:
On Wednesday neurologists were planning a spinal tap to check for the dreadful Gullian Barr’e Syndrome. But on Thursday Agnideva prabhu was able to move his hands and lower limbs as well. This recovery in mobility is not symptomatic of GBS, so they continued trying to improve his breathing. He was achieving good oxygen levels and by Friday very minimal oxygen was being administered. At that point, Agnideva prabhu was able to speak and recognized everyone. He also remembered everything; the kirtans, japa, reading etc. at his bedside from the past few days, even while he was heavily sedated at the time. Yesterday the doctors got him to sit in a chair for two hours, but it was very exhausting for him. Although he is improving with reflexes, it’s very slow and his condition remains as serious.
Although his Oxygen levels are better, fluid continues to accumulate in his lungs, requiring drainage. Daily X-rays show slight improvement each day, but a CT scan of the chest is now scheduled to help respiratory specialists see what is causing the fluid and the lung collapse. Depending on the results, they may have to operate and insert a special liquid that draws the lungs towards the rib cage helping them inflate normally. Afterwards, surgery will also be required to repair the holes in his lungs made for drainage.
Agnideva prabhu is in a positive state of mind. He requested to hear his recording of Srila Prabhupda’s poem, “Krishna tabe puniya habe bhai.” He also announced that he has decided that his next recording will be dedicated to Lord Caitanya.
We did not anticipate the complexity of his condition, his long stay in intensive care, the probable surgery of the lungs, and thereafter his heart and the rehabilitation program. Agnideva prabhu, as well as his family and his friends, are overwhelmed by the loving support received. As the path of treatment becomes clearer we may need to call for further continued assistance from you all. Thank you everyone.
Your servant,
Indradyumna Swami

Glimpses from Kartik Navadvip Mandal Parikrama
→ Mayapur.com

Day 1: Glimpses from the first day of Kartik Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama 2017! “Wandering in Navadvipa is the best of all opulences, the best of all religious principles, the best of all kinds of worship, the best of all perfections, the best of all glories, and the best of all oceans of sweetness.” – Sri […]

The post Glimpses from Kartik Navadvip Mandal Parikrama appeared first on Mayapur.com.

Gita 15.08 The essence of growth is evolution in our conception of life
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Bhagavad-gita verse-by-verse podcast

The post Gita 15.08 The essence of growth is evolution in our conception of life appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.

Wednesday, October 25th, 2017
→ The Walking Monk

Kirkland Lake, Ontario

To the North

Air Canada Jazz Flight 8837 landed in Timmins at 13:24 with me as one of the passengers.  Snow was descending but dissolving before it hit the ground.  Late October chill has begun and I came equipped with a light brown coat from Duluth Trading Co., a comfortable coat, compliments of Paurnamasi from Cleveland.

Vyasacharya was waiting to greet me and from there we drove to Kirkland Lake, population 10,000, a gold-mining town.  I walked through Kirkland Lake and Timmins on my first pair of crocs in 2008.  I recall meeting a ‘Born Again’ Christian woman in Kirkland Lake.  I couldn’t have a real conversation.  I remember trying to say that each and every one of us have been born multiple times and will continue to filter through many more bodies until we get it right.

Vyasacharya’s family, the Patel clan, is purchasing the Comfort Inn and I have been invited for a blessing of the deal.  His bro, Jaya Gopal, drove north to meet us for the blessing—a simple chant—but before he arrived I had the chance for a walk through the town once again.

I met a minister of the Spiritualist Church.  He introduced himself as a reverend for thirty years and was going to e-mail me his name.  I found it interesting that he has family who are Krishna devotees in the U.S. and has been following the growth and changes of our movement since its inception.  His residential locations have been Vancouver, St. Petersburg and now Kirkland Lake, where he is currently a major librarian.

Because of my robes, which are unusual for Kirkland Lake, I drew the attention of another man, someone from the First Nations.  He introduced himself with these words, “I’m not sure if I should say, ‘Namaste’ or not?”  He had the greatest grin.

“Namaste is perfect!” I said.

May the Source be with you!

5 km

Tuesday, October 24th, 2017
→ The Walking Monk

Toronto, Ontario


It was a plenty-good day. Lots of cleaning. Also spent time with a Buddhist monk and had dinner with him at the home of a Mauritian couple, Hari and Krishna Katha.

Overall, it’s a great month known as Kartik, when Krishna devotees celebrate the pastime of Krishna as a youngster, helping Himself to butter, and the consequences that follow. In temples and ashrams, we sing this song. (Translation by Kala Kanta of Gainesville.)


After you steal butter, Your earrings dance and shine
As you flee Your mother in Your Gokula pastime.
Though You are all blissful, all knowing, ever-new,
Greatest of controllers, Your mother controls You.

She shows You the stick and she binds You by the waist,
You shudder and sob and Your pearl necklace shakes.
As You rub Your frightened eyes, tears roll down Your face,
Ropes of her love bind You in Your mother’s embrace.

Relishing Your childhood activities like this,
You plunge Your devotees in deep oceans of bliss.
Though many revere You, by love You are subdued.
Again and again, Lord, I bow down before you.

Although You give freedom, I don’t ask to be free,
Nor do I want anything You should offer me.
I only request that Your sweet childhood pastime
Ever be enacted in my heart and in my mind.

Curly hair encircles Your face of blackish-blue.
Kisses make Your cheeks look like red bimba fruit.
May this sublime vision be all that I can see.
Any other treasure has no value to me.

Damodar!  O Vishnu!  O Lord beyond compare,
Be pleased with a soul sunk in oceans of despair.
Uplift and protect me with glances from Your eyes;
Shower Your compassion like rainfall from the skies.

Two sons of Kuvera were cursed to stand as trees;
You gave them the chance to become Your devotees.
My Lord, will You offer the same blessing to me?
I don’t want to merge with Your identity.

Although in Your belly the universe is found,
Your mother’s effulgent rope has Your belly bound.
I bow to that rope and to Radha, Your most dear,
And those sublime pastimes in which You appear.

May the Source be with you!

4 km

Monday, October 23rd, 2017
→ The Walking Monk

Brampton, Ontario

Went for a Walk

I went for a walk with Savy and Ben through some autumn, forest trails. It was nice. The sunrise was phenomenal. We were chanting on our beads, a real special form of yoga, you could say.

All was good except for one thing that truly irks me when I'm in an area like the far reaches of Brampton.  It’s that urban sprawl. It manifests like a monster and consumes everything in its way. What were once  farmer’s fields, forests and open valleys, have now become the invasion of greedy creatures.

All forms of wildlife, including the coyotes, possums, raccoons, birds and the like, are forced to leave their domain to make way for the world of automation, huge homes, and square malls with low-quality food, clothes, utilities and what have you. It is a sin that its growth goes the way it does. In the end, you have a civilization of coldness.

I’ll say it again, that I have great feelings of ambivalence when in the burbs. Progress? Digress maybe. I know people have to live somewhere, but why not develop real communities which include local gardening and the presence of animals.

I will cease my cursing now, and reflect on our guru and his magnanimous contribution to the world.  Srila Prabhupada is remembered today on the anniversary of his passing.

Before 1965, there was no knowledge of Krishna. He brought Krishna to the world, and we can take it that Krishna brought Prabhupada to the world.

May the Source be with you!
8 km

I surrender!