Gita 15.08 The essence of growth is evolution in our conception of life
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Bhagavad-gita verse-by-verse podcast

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Wednesday, October 25th, 2017
→ The Walking Monk

Kirkland Lake, Ontario

To the North

Air Canada Jazz Flight 8837 landed in Timmins at 13:24 with me as one of the passengers.  Snow was descending but dissolving before it hit the ground.  Late October chill has begun and I came equipped with a light brown coat from Duluth Trading Co., a comfortable coat, compliments of Paurnamasi from Cleveland.

Vyasacharya was waiting to greet me and from there we drove to Kirkland Lake, population 10,000, a gold-mining town.  I walked through Kirkland Lake and Timmins on my first pair of crocs in 2008.  I recall meeting a ‘Born Again’ Christian woman in Kirkland Lake.  I couldn’t have a real conversation.  I remember trying to say that each and every one of us have been born multiple times and will continue to filter through many more bodies until we get it right.

Vyasacharya’s family, the Patel clan, is purchasing the Comfort Inn and I have been invited for a blessing of the deal.  His bro, Jaya Gopal, drove north to meet us for the blessing—a simple chant—but before he arrived I had the chance for a walk through the town once again.

I met a minister of the Spiritualist Church.  He introduced himself as a reverend for thirty years and was going to e-mail me his name.  I found it interesting that he has family who are Krishna devotees in the U.S. and has been following the growth and changes of our movement since its inception.  His residential locations have been Vancouver, St. Petersburg and now Kirkland Lake, where he is currently a major librarian.

Because of my robes, which are unusual for Kirkland Lake, I drew the attention of another man, someone from the First Nations.  He introduced himself with these words, “I’m not sure if I should say, ‘Namaste’ or not?”  He had the greatest grin.

“Namaste is perfect!” I said.

May the Source be with you!

5 km

Tuesday, October 24th, 2017
→ The Walking Monk

Toronto, Ontario


It was a plenty-good day. Lots of cleaning. Also spent time with a Buddhist monk and had dinner with him at the home of a Mauritian couple, Hari and Krishna Katha.

Overall, it’s a great month known as Kartik, when Krishna devotees celebrate the pastime of Krishna as a youngster, helping Himself to butter, and the consequences that follow. In temples and ashrams, we sing this song. (Translation by Kala Kanta of Gainesville.)


After you steal butter, Your earrings dance and shine
As you flee Your mother in Your Gokula pastime.
Though You are all blissful, all knowing, ever-new,
Greatest of controllers, Your mother controls You.

She shows You the stick and she binds You by the waist,
You shudder and sob and Your pearl necklace shakes.
As You rub Your frightened eyes, tears roll down Your face,
Ropes of her love bind You in Your mother’s embrace.

Relishing Your childhood activities like this,
You plunge Your devotees in deep oceans of bliss.
Though many revere You, by love You are subdued.
Again and again, Lord, I bow down before you.

Although You give freedom, I don’t ask to be free,
Nor do I want anything You should offer me.
I only request that Your sweet childhood pastime
Ever be enacted in my heart and in my mind.

Curly hair encircles Your face of blackish-blue.
Kisses make Your cheeks look like red bimba fruit.
May this sublime vision be all that I can see.
Any other treasure has no value to me.

Damodar!  O Vishnu!  O Lord beyond compare,
Be pleased with a soul sunk in oceans of despair.
Uplift and protect me with glances from Your eyes;
Shower Your compassion like rainfall from the skies.

Two sons of Kuvera were cursed to stand as trees;
You gave them the chance to become Your devotees.
My Lord, will You offer the same blessing to me?
I don’t want to merge with Your identity.

Although in Your belly the universe is found,
Your mother’s effulgent rope has Your belly bound.
I bow to that rope and to Radha, Your most dear,
And those sublime pastimes in which You appear.

May the Source be with you!

4 km

Monday, October 23rd, 2017
→ The Walking Monk

Brampton, Ontario

Went for a Walk

I went for a walk with Savy and Ben through some autumn, forest trails. It was nice. The sunrise was phenomenal. We were chanting on our beads, a real special form of yoga, you could say.

All was good except for one thing that truly irks me when I'm in an area like the far reaches of Brampton.  It’s that urban sprawl. It manifests like a monster and consumes everything in its way. What were once  farmer’s fields, forests and open valleys, have now become the invasion of greedy creatures.

All forms of wildlife, including the coyotes, possums, raccoons, birds and the like, are forced to leave their domain to make way for the world of automation, huge homes, and square malls with low-quality food, clothes, utilities and what have you. It is a sin that its growth goes the way it does. In the end, you have a civilization of coldness.

I’ll say it again, that I have great feelings of ambivalence when in the burbs. Progress? Digress maybe. I know people have to live somewhere, but why not develop real communities which include local gardening and the presence of animals.

I will cease my cursing now, and reflect on our guru and his magnanimous contribution to the world.  Srila Prabhupada is remembered today on the anniversary of his passing.

Before 1965, there was no knowledge of Krishna. He brought Krishna to the world, and we can take it that Krishna brought Prabhupada to the world.

May the Source be with you!
8 km

I surrender!

Sunday, October 22nd, 2017
→ The Walking Monk

Toronto, Ontario

The Country, The Cemetery

After a talk and a chew at the ISKCON Brampton Centre, Vishal so kindly drove me to his farm in Caledon. He has two horses, a pony, one Guernsey cow called Durga and a small herd of gir cows, a breed from India.

Locals say to Vishal and family, “Oh, you’re the people with the camel-like animals!”—referring to the hump they have on their backs. People come by all the time, quite amazed at the very different and very gentle creatures. Well, Manu, the young bull, is rather feisty. He’s handsome like a prince though.

I indeed relish being in the country, and what is quite the fascination for me, is that running through Vishal and Yasomati’s property is the Trans Canada Trail. We couldn’t resist taking to it, even just for a stretch. As we headed south, our ears were tantalized by the sound of bagpipes.

What would someone be doing with Highlander sound out here?

Next to the trail, beyond multiple trees, was a man playing the calming sound of a Scotsman’s delight, and in a cemetery. “Amazing Grace” was one of his tunes, played as he paced through the rows of tombstones. It seemed like he was honouring the dearly departed. Vishal, Yasomati, her mom and myself  sat there on the grass savouring the sound. Vishal and I saw it as a perfect spot for chanting our gayatri mantra. As we did so, a flock of Canada Geese flew overhead, which contributed to the calmness and wilderness of wonder.

May the Source be with you!

7 km

When the consequence is not in our hands, why is the consequence considered a factor in deciding right and wrong action?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Answer Podcast

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Ramayana Series 1 – Dasharatha’s dilemma
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Talk at Phoenix, USA


Podcast Summary


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Studying scriptures
→ Dandavats

Hare Krishna

Dear Prabhu, a member of the twice-born classes is born with three kinds of debts—those owed to the demigods, to the sages and to his forefathers. If he leaves his body without first liquidating these debts by performing sacrifice, studying the scriptures and begetting children, he will fall down into a hellish condition.


Bhakti: pure, devotional, loving service to God.The great…
→ Dandavats

Bhakti: pure, devotional, loving service to God.
The great medieval theologian, Rupa Goswami, defined bhakti as pure, devotional, loving service to God that is free from any selfish desire, including impersonal moksha – the merging of the soul with Brahman – and desires for personal profit, in this life or the next. Such love for God, he wrote, frees one from all suffering, bestows good fortune, and fills the heart with an inexplicable joy. It is rarely attained, and is so powerfully attractive that it even attracts God Himself.
His nephew, Jiva, continued his work by writing books on the theology and practise of bhakti. In one book he writes of eleven essential practises of Bhakti. I reproduce it here with the addition of a few notes of explanation.

Happy Gopastami!

Krishna, the Supreme Cowherd Boy suklastami karttike tu smrta gopastami budhaih tad-dinad vasudevo ‘bhud gopah purvam tu vatsapah “The eighth lunar day of the bright fortnight of the month of Kartik is known by authorities as Gopastami. From that day, Lord Vasudeva served as a cowherd, whereas previously He had tended the calves.” -Srimad Bhagavatam […]

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‘Let No One Go Hungry’ – Food Distribution in Mayapur

Srila Prabhupada continually stressed the importance of prasadam distribution in ISKCON Mayapur, and he instructed that no one within a ten mile radius of Sri Mayapur Candrodaya Mandir should go hungry.  Following Srila Prabhupada’s instructions, Food for Life Mayapur has been endeavoring for many years to fulfill this goal.  Hundreds of thousands of visitors and pilgrims are fed prasadam by Food for Life Mayapur, as well as villagers in the surrounding areas.  This video showcases the endeavors of ISKCON Mayapur’s Food for Life program, and demonstrates how they perform this wonderful service.

Gopasthami. (This lecture was given by H. G. Visvadhika Dasi,…
→ Dandavats

(This lecture was given by H. G. Visvadhika Dasi, disciple of His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, on Gopasthami 2016 at Mayapur Goshala).
Today is Gopasthami. Gopasthami is the coming of age party for Krsna and Balarama. Nanda and the other elder cowherd men, after consulting with famous astrologers, chose Krsna’s graduation ceremony to be on the 8th day of the bright fortnight of Karttika. What was the nature of this “graduation”? Before this day they were vatsa palas (calf herders). On Gopasthami day they became old enough to become Gopalas. They both had just entered their Pauganda age. Srila Jiva Gosvami writes this was a 3-day festival…. I am sure Dayal Mukunda Prabhu is very pleased that he did no have to organize a 3-day festival this year…Maybe next year.
On this day :
· Krsna and Balarama dressed in new clothes, cowherd clothes
· Brahmanas blessed the boys
· Cows were worshipped with foot wash and arghya, fed sweet chick peas
· Krsna and Balarama offered obeisances to the cows and circumambulated them
· Offered obeisances to the priests and brahmanas
· Nanda offered Krsna jeweled cowherd boy stick
· Mother Yashoda put Tilaka on Krsna’s forehead…. And instructed Balarama and cowherd boys to protect Krsna
Every day, when Krsna and Balarama left with all the cows for the forest and pastures, the residents of Vraja were merged in feelings of deep separation being bereft of the sight of the 2 transcendental brothers. This wonderful exchange would take place every morning.
Krsna das Kaviraja tells us: Nanda and Yasoda wanted Krsna to wear shoes and carry an umbrella when they left for the pasture. Gopala would refuse: “How can I wear shoes if the cows have no shoes…Mata I will wear shoes if you make shoes for all my cows” So if you quickly do the math that means: 900,000 cows x 4 = 3,600, 000 shoes. Even for Mother Yasoda that was too many shoes to make so she said to her Son: “AT least you must take an umbrella…” Same reply! But cows can’t hold umbrellas so it would take 900,000 cowherd men to hold umbrellas over their heads.
Knowing that Krsna would not wear shoes because they had none the cows reciprocated by resolving to trample the pebbles and stones to dust for Their soft feet. Such is the love between Krsna and his cows.

We think of Krsna, we think of cows.
· Govinda
cintāmaṇi-prakara-sadmasu kalpa-vṛkṣa- lakṣāvṛteṣu surabhir abhipālayantam lakṣmī-sahasra-śata-sambhrama-sevyamānaḿ govindam ādi- puruṣaḿ tam ahaḿ bhajāmi
I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, the first progenitor who is tending the cows, yielding all desire, in abodes built with spiritual gems, surrounded by millions of purpose trees, always served with great reverence and affection by hundreds of thousands of lakṣmīs or gopīs.
Sri Brahma Samhita 5.29
· Gopis and Gopalas
· Goloka Vrndavana
So in Goloka Vrndavana, there may or may not be computer analysts needed, or rickshaw drivers, secretaries to the Temple president, guest reception personnel…. But there will openings for these positions…Gopalas and Gopis.
So it is good we are all here today to begin our training…
And what are we in training to do?
To become Gopalas and Gopis who give protection to the cows.
Yes, even our respected GBC and sannyasis must be so trained, and temple presidents, and the bhaktas who clean the Prasadam room, and mothers who change diapers and worry about their children. We are all destined to eventually be Gopalas or Gopis, or serving Gopalas and Gopis, or the servants of the servants of Gopalas and Gopis…because ultimately Our final destination is Goloka Vrndavana, the Loka of Cows.

Srila Prabhupada tells us in SB 10.8.16 in the purport
“His pastimes in Gokula are always favorable to the brahmanas and the cows. HIS FIRST BUSINESS is to give all protection to the cows and the brahmanas. In fact, COMFORTS FOR THE BRAHMANAS ARE SECONDARY and comfort of the cows is His first concern.”
For this Gopasthami celebration, Dayal Mukunda Prabhu was telling me of special arrangements for the comfort of the disciples of Srila Prabhupada…. But his real business is to every day make special arrangements for the comfort of Krsna’s cows.
If cows keep healthy and happy, men and women shall also keep disease free and prosperous. May the cow eat green grass and pure water. May they not be killed and bring prosperity to us.
That must be the priority of our whole Mayapur community, to make special arrangements for Krsna’s cows. Not just because we want to go to Goloka and enjoy with Krsna and his cows. That is our enjoying propensity rearing its ugly head again. Protection of Krsna’s cows must be our priority because:
1. Srila Prabhupada has told us to make it a priority….along with all the other priorities. On the Spiritual platform one priority does not exclude another. They complement each other.
2. Every morning we chant “Govindam adi purusham tam aham bhajami” We worship the Supreme Lord who tends cows.
3. This is an important part of our preaching mission for a world that is drowning in the confusion of not knowing what is to be done what is not to be done. Srila Prabhupada knows what is going on in this crazy world we live in and he knows what needs to be done to “make it right again.”
“Unfortunately because people in the Kali Yuga are mandah-all bad, and sumanda-matayah, misled by false conceptions of life, they are killing the cows in the thousands. Therefore, they are unfortunate in spiritual consciousness, and nature disturbs them in so many ways, especially through incurable diseases like cancer and through frequent war among the nations. As long as human society continues to allow cows to be killed in slaughterhouses, there cannot be any question of peace and prosperity.” Srimad Bhagavatam Purport 8.8.11
Protecting the cows and making them comfortable is part of our preaching mission. How wonderful is that! We can bring peace and prosperity to our community and to the whole world just by taking care of our cows at Mayapur Goshala.
It is indeed a basic religious principle of Varnasrama Dharma to care for Krsna’s cows. Again Srimad Bhagavatam and Srila Prabhupada’s purport
Although the cow is beneficial because one can draw religious principles from her, she was now rendered poor and calf less. Her legs were being beaten by a sudra. There were tears in her eyes, and she was distressed and weak. She was hankering after some grass in the field.
Purport: The next symptom of the age of kali is the distressed condition of the cow. For a sanathanist (follower of Vedic principles) it is the duty of every householder to have cows and bulls and other household paraphernalia, not only for drinking milk, but also for deriving religious principles. The calf is not only beautiful to look at, but she also gives satisfaction to the cow, and she delivers as much milk as possible. But in the Kali yuga, the calves are separated from the cow as early as possible. The cow stands with tears in her eyes, The sudra milkman draws milk from the cow artificially, and when there is no milk then the cow is sent to be slaughtered. These greatly sinful acts are responsible for all troubles in present society.
In this purport Srila Prabhupada again points us to our duty,
It is the duty of every householder to have cows and bulls and other household paraphernalia, not only for drinking milk, but also for deriving religious principles.
We are very fortunate in Mayapur, along with our “other household paraphernalia” …. Sometimes we have too much!….. We have Mayapur Goshala. We have cows and bulls, over 310 of them. Never too many cows and bulls. Each one cared for with affection brings auspiciousness to our whole community.
Mayapur Goshala is not a just a department of ISKCON Mayapur, it is our Community Goshala. These are our cows:
Nirmala, Sridama, Kausalya, Tundi, Visnu priya, Vidura, Radhe Syam, Sudama, Purnamasi, Gopal, Jagannath priya, Champakalata, Visakha, Jatila, Savitri, Kamadhenu, Visvapujita, Sarasvati, Vamsi priya, Gaura, Nrsnga, Narayani, Krishna, Gopali, Bhima, Kanai, Amrta keli, Patita pavana, Banumati, Kalindi, Jalangi, Natharaja, Varsana, Govardhana, Sita Thakurani, Gauri priya, Ganesh
And our new born calves: Mallika, Vamanadeva, Narayana, Dvaraka pati
Our small or big contribution to Mayapur Goshala makes us eligible to share in the “auspiciousness” of Cow Protection. One person can contribute 3,000 rupees a month, another more. Another devotee may be struggling and only able to contribute 100 to 300 rupees a month. I saw one little 3-year-old gopi a few months ago contributing her share by dragging bundles of grass bigger than herself to eager cows and bulls. The quantity of the giving does not matter. What matters is that together as a community we provide and care for Krsna’s cows
If cows keep healthy and happy, men and women shall also keep disease free and prosperous. May the cow eat green grass and pure water. May they not be killed and bring prosperity to us.

TOVP Cornice Placement

New external finishing work has begun on the TOVP with the installation of the first cornice moldings on the East Wing of the temple.

These beautiful, decorative pieces are made in-house from GRC (Glass Reinforced Concrete) and will be positioned all around the temple, embellishing and enhancing the remarkable features of the temple.

Remember to contribute now towards sponsoring a Chakra installation abhisheka on February 4th for Radha Madhava’s and Lord Nrsimhadeva’s dome Chakras.

Read more here:

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Giriraj Swami

Today is Gopastami, the day on which Krishna and Balarama and other boys Their age, who previously had tended the calves, were given charge of the cows. This event is described in Srimad-Bhagavatam (10.15.1):  

tatas ca pauganda-vayah-sritau vraje
babhuvatus tau pasu-pala-sammatau
gas carayantau sakhibhih samam padair
vrndavanam punyam ativa cakratuh

“When Lord Rama and Lord Krsna attained the age of pauganda [six to ten] while living in Vrndavana, the cowherd men allowed Them to take up the task of tending the cows. Engaging thus in the company of Their friends, the two boys rendered the land of Vrndavana most auspicious by imprinting upon it the marks of Their lotus feet.”

As stated in the purport: “Since Lord Krsna’s spiritual body had apparently grown slightly in age and strength, the senior men of Vrndavana, headed by Nanda Maharaja, decided to promote Krsna from the task of herding calves to the status of a regular cowherd boy. He would now take care of the full-grown cows, bulls, and oxen. Out of great affection, Nanda Maharaja had previously considered Krsna too small and immature to take care of full-grown cows and bulls. It is stated in the Karttika-mahatmya section of the Padma Purana:

suklastami karttike tu
smrta gopastami budhaih
tad-dinad vasudevo ’bhud
gopah purvam tu vatsapah

‘The eighth lunar day of the bright fortnight of the month of Karttika is known by authorities as Gopastami. From that day, Lord Vasudeva served as a cowherd, whereas previously He had tended the calves.’

“The word padaih indicates that Lord Krsna blessed the earth by walking on her surface with His lotus feet. The Lord wore no shoes or other footgear but walked barefoot in the forest, giving great anxiety to the girls of Vrndavana, who feared that His soft lotus feet would be injured.”

On this occasion, in temples in Vrindavan and elsewhere, Srimati Radharani is dressed as a cowherd boy.

Hare Krishna.

Yours in service,
Giriraj Swami

Thwart the desires that titillate initially but torment eventually
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Reflection at Phoenix, USA]


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Gita 15.07 Even when the mind is directed by the senses, it still directs the senses
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Bhagavad-gita verse-by-verse podcast

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Inner healing through forgiveness
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Talk at Intel, Phoenix, USA]


Podcast Summary

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Love is the ultimate reality that unifies all reality
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Talk for Intel employees at Phoenix, USA]


Podcast Summary


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Govardhan Puja Carnival 2017

TKG Academy students put up an exciting carnival on Sunday, October 22nd for the Govardhan Puja Festival to raise funds for the TKG Academy’s expansion project. It was amazing fact that kids came up with the idea for each booth and also represented the booth. Everyone who attend it had a lot of fun.

Following Games and Booths were presented. Take a look at the pictures!

1. “Aniyora!”: A Govardhana Hill beanbag toss
2. “Target Ravana’s Head”: Dart throwing game with balloons
3. “Pin the Flute”: like pin the tail, but with Krsna’s flute and peacock feather
4. “Govardhana’s Wheel of Fortune”: Govardhana Puja Quiz
5. “Can You Lift a Hill?”: Lifting challenge
6. “Indra’s Thunderbolt Dodge”: similar to a dodgeball game
In a designated area near their tent.
7. “Ox Cart Race”: similar to ‘wheelbarrow’ race, with ‘offerings’ on the back, racing around a small “Govardhana Hill”.
8. “Govardhana Puja Puppet Show”
9. Facepainting and Baloons
10. Makerspace

Sun Love Feast – October 29th, 2017 – Prabhupada Disappearance-Extended Program & Vedic discourse by His Grace Mahabhagavat prabhu
→ ISKCON Brampton

His Grace Mahabhagavat Das: His Grace Mahabhagavat Das, is a disciple of His Grace Sriman Sankarshan Das Adhikari. Mahabhagavat Das along with his spouse are very senior well respected devotees in Toronto and are often associated along with the names of Vaisesika Prabhu for expanding the Sankirtan initiative across the GTA and South Western Ontario. Together as a family they have made preaching their life mission and will go beyond their limits to ensure that Srila Prabhupada’s books are being distributed.

Special Extended Program
10.45  -  11.00   Tulsi Puja                                          
11.00  -  11.30   Guru Puja  Pushpanjali To Srila Prabhupada  
11:30  -  11:55   Aarti & Kirtan                                      
11.55  -  12.00   Sri Nrsingadeva Prayers                
12.00  -  1:00   Vedic discourse
 1:00  -  1:40   Damodarashtakam/Closing Kirtan
 1.40  -  2.00   Sanctified Free Vegetarian Feast


Utthana  Ekadasi
Fasting.....................on Tue Oct 31,2017
Breakfast................  on  Wed Nov 1st ,2017 b/w 7.42am-8.26am

Every fortnight, we observe Ekadasi, a day of prayer and meditation. On this day we fast (or simplify our meals and abstain from grains and beans), and spend extra time reading the scriptures and chanting the auspicious Hare Krishna mantra.By constantly ‘exercising’ our minds through regular japa we can train our senses to push the threshold of contentment.
English audio glorification of all Ekadasis is available here 


Japathon-Congregational Mantra Meditation

Next date is to be announced shortly!

The chanting is a spiritual call for the Lord and His Energy to give protection to the conditioned soul.japa, when performed with focus and attention, can subdue the agitating effects of one’s mind and senses. The senses, of which the mind is also one, are constantly being stimulated by the external world  - by gross and subtle matter.
If you have not chanted before, and would like to participate in this program, we will be very happy to show how you can do this.
All welcome. We’ll loan you a set of Beads!

Sunday School
To register,contact us

The Sunday School provides fun filled strategies through the medium of music, drama, debates, quizzes and games that present Vedic Culture to children. However the syllabus is also designed to simultaneously teach them to always remember Krishna and never forget Him. School
The Sunday School follows the curriculum provided by the Bhaktivedanta College of Education and Culture (BCEC).

Monthly sankirtan Festival(MSF)
“One who has life can preach, and one who preaches gets life.”(Previous Acaryas)
Every member of ISKCON should have the opportunity to make advancement in Krishna consciousness by preaching.We encourage everyone to come out and participate and make Srila Prabhupada happy.

Please contact:
Dharma Dasa- and Brampton regions)

The Mentorship Program

Please note that registration in the Mentorship System is now a mandatory requirement for all initiation requests at ISKCON Brampton.It

1.Facilitates  and nurtures devotees aspiring for first and second Initiation.    
2.One-on-One personal follow up on a regular basis.
3.Systematic training to devotees in matters of Philosophy, Sadhna, Vaishnava behavior, etiquette, Lifestyle and attitudes.

To find details please click here

Gift Shop

Are you looking for some amazing gift items which are less expensive and more beautiful for your loved ones for festivals or many other occasions??
Our boutique is stocked with an excellent range of products, perfect for gifts or as souvenirs of your visit. It offers textiles, jewellery, incense, devotional articles, musical instruments, books, and CDs inspired by Indian culture.We're open on all Sundays and celebrations marked in our annual calendar.