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The post In youth, how much should we be preparing for our career and how much focusing on devotional growth? appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
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The post How much should we restrict our children from hearing mundane music? appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
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The post How can we prioritize our services, when we have limited time? appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
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[Youth meeting at Alachua, USA]
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ISKCON Congratulates the Baha'i Community.
On October 16th, ISKCON Communications Minister Anuttama Dasa congratulated members of the Baha’i Faith on the special occasion of the 200th anniversary of the birth of Baha’u’llah.
To read the entire article click here:
During Kadamba Kanana Swami’s recent visit to Mauritius, he was interviewed by the daily newspaper “Defiplus”. The original article in French was be found by clicking here. The English translation follows.
Presently in Mauritius, upon the invitation of the International Society for Krsna Consciousness (ISKCON), Kadamba Kanana Swami talks about his youth in Holland, where he was born, and his trip to India, where his conscience awakened to spirituality.
What is the purpose of your presence in Mauritius?
I have come to participate in the prayers and celebrations which are organised all over the island.
Does your visit here meet an expectation that is peculiar to Mauritius?
No, just like everywhere else, people tend to lose sight of spirituality because they are attracted to materialism. But human beings cannot do without searching for spiritual energy, especially welfare and wisdom. All the answers to our quests are found in the Vedas.
How did you, a European, born in a culture very different from millennial India, find yourself in the clothes of a devotee of Krishna?
I was born in Holland at the time when my parents, like other Dutchmen, were working to rebuild their country that had lived through the Second World War. After this stage, they were satisfied with their existence. After my years of adolescence, I asked myself the following question, “Is this life?” It was from there that I went to India to Vrindavan, where ISKCON has its headquarters. India is not a country but a continent. It was there that my spiritual and philosophical consciousness was forged by reading the Gita, the Vedas, the Upanishads and also drawing some inspiration from the life of Mahatma Gandhi. I made a vow of celibacy. I experienced a deep sense of truth and wisdom.
Have you become a Hindu?
No, neither the term Hindu nor that of India appears in the Vedic literature. The most appropriate term for describing India is Bharat. As for the Hindu term, which is more recent, it is not exact. The one that best fits our beliefs is the Sanatan Dharma, but, be careful not to be confused with the same term used in Mauritius.
How can we share these teachings with people from different cultures, as you do?
This is the particular nature of the Vedas, because they are addressed to humanity and their messages become more relevant in a world that is lost in materialism.
Do you see this in Mauritius?
No, because Mauritians, in their diversity, are imbued with religious values. It may also be due to the insularity.
What is your view on the sexual orientation desired by some people?
Sex, when it leads to procreation, gives couples a child which brings responsibility and there are sacrifices to be made. On the other hand, in the case of same-sex couples, there can be no procreation. This type of sexual orientation is not conducive to the awakening of a spiritual consciousness. But I do not judge. I am not a lecturer. I will not say that it is a sin.
But laws allow adoption by gay and lesbian couples in some countries today ...
Yes. But in Iskcon, we do not make it a problem, we have other interests.
In Mauritius, but also abroad, there have been criticisms of certain priests. What do we expect from a priest?
We want him to be exemplary, both in word and in deeds. He will be judged on that.
Can we find a common thread in all religions?
Of course, there is the same message of peace and love, even though, at times, everyone can intimately think that his religion is the best. I saw this in the West and in Pakistan, people who were really imbued with their convictions.
Govardhan Retreat (Album with photos)
Giridhari Swami: Here are more photos of our retreat/parikrama. Rtadhvaja Maharaja gave u...
Fixing the Mind.
Chaitanya Charan Das: When something doesn’t work properly, we need to fix it. We all need to fix our mind because it frequently malfunctions by getting distracted. It frets over the unchangeable, craves for the undesirable, and worries about the unpredictable. By its unnecessary and unhealthy fixations, it sabotages our capacity to deal with life’s challenges.
Still, fixing the mind on constructive things, on the things we need to do, is not easy. Dragging it from its fixations can seem like lugging a huge weight. Over time, the labor becomes too much, and we give up. And the mind promptly rushes back to its distressing obsessions.
Just as we can lift a heavy weight more easily with a lever, we can lift the mind heavy with its infatuations more easily with the lever of remembrance of Krishna. Though its fixations may be varied, the mind’s essential needs are twofold: security and pleasure. If anything threatens, it becomes fearful. If anything allures, it becomes desireful.
Krishna, being the ultimate reality, is the source of the supreme security and the supreme satisfaction. When we fix the mind on him, it first opposes, sometimes vehemently. Why? Because it is habituated to seeking security and satisfaction elsewhere. But if we persevere in focusing on him by practicing bhakti-yoga, it experiences that the security and joy coming from this divine focus are unparalleled. As this realization sinks in, the mind slowly gives up its attachments to worldly things and shifts that attachment to Krishna. A divinely attached mind focuses more readily on constructive things, making life more manageable.
No wonder the same Bhagavad-gita that acknowledges the mind’s obstinacy (6.35 – Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa said: O mighty-armed son of Kuntī, it is undoubtedly very difficult to curb the restless mind, but it is possible by suitable practice and by detachment.) assures that fixing it on Krishna makes our inner growth much easier (8.14 – For one who always remembers Me without deviation, I am easy to obtain, O son of Pṛthā, because of his constant engagement in devotional service.). Thus, fixing the mind on Krishna acts like the lever for fixing the mind.
Mayapur Dham Harinama (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: One is understood to be an eternal servant of the Supreme Personal...
Preaching program in Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology, Bhubaneshwar, India (Album with photos)
On 17th Oct'17, Gaur Gopal das addressed 2500 students on the theme of ‘Art of Giving and India against negativity’ at the conclusion of a 3 day long festival “Kritarth 2k17” organised by Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT University) & Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences (KISS), Bhubaneshwar, India.
“It was an honour to be part of an event hosted by KIIT & KISS, an incredible university solely founded by Dr. Achyuta Samanta. This university is serving a wider community by imparting free education to 27,000 tribal children. Very inspired to witness a monumental campus built on a life’s noble values of love and compassion with a heart of giving back to the society, exemplified by its Founder Dr Samanta.” ~ Gaur Gopal Das
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The City of Victory (Album with photos)
Indradyumna Swami: Jaipur, known as the City of Victory, is rich in the culture and hi...
Srila Prabhupada: When one becomes angry, he forgets himself and his situation, but if one is able to consider his situation by knowledge, one transcends the influence of the modes of material nature. One is always a servant of lusty desires, anger, greed, illusion, envy and so forth, but if one obtains sufficient strength in spiritual advancement, one can control them. One who obtains such control will always be transcendentally situated, untouched by the modes of material nature. This is only possible when one fully engages in the service of the Lord. Continue reading "The Supersoul is in everybody’s heart
→ Dandavats"
Always Keep Krsna in Your Mind! (video)
A lecture by HH Gour Govinda Swami, recorded on July 18th, 1992 in England.
Bhagavad-gita verse-by-verse podcast
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The post Demystifying Reincarnation 16 – The soul’s defining characteristics and levels of consciousness appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
Answer Podcast
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[Bhagavatam class on Srimad-Bhagavatam 11.13.36 at Alachua, USA]
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Vaisnava Seva was the first ever studio album by Kadamba Kanana Swami. It was recorded, mixed and produced in Cape Town and Johannesburg in South Africa in April 2000. It remains, as of today, one of the greatest albums that Kadamba Kanana Swami has made.
Here is your chance to get the Vaisnava Seva album or the individual tracks of your favorite platform. We have launched this album on all major platforms like iTunes, Amazon, Spotify and many others so you won’t miss out! Check out this album on Deezer, Apple Music, Shazam and buy the album or stream it directly to your phone or any other device. Get those tunes on your Google Home, Amazon Echo, Sonos and other streaming audio products.
You need this….
You can also find this album in the Shop on KKSBlog.
€ 10.00
Digital album (mp3)
Vaisnava seva was the first ever studio album by Kadamba Kanana Swami, recorded, mixed and produced in Capetown and Johannesburg in South Africa in Apr. 2000. It features eleven tracks of high quality spiritual melodies and spoken verses from various scriptures. Let yourself be blown away…
Highly recommended!
This is a digital album (mp3). After purchasing you will receive a link to download the whole album.
Vaisnava seva was the first recorded studio album by Kadamba Kanana Swami, mixed and produced in Capetown and Johannesburg in South Africa. It features eleven tracks of high quality spiritual melodies and spoken verses from various scriptures. Let yourself be blown away by Nrsimha pranama on track 11 with a rocking electric guitar. Or relish the upbeat Maha mantra on track 10. An album to sooth your ears.
Dear Vaisnavas,
I made this CD on the request of many devotees, I am offering it to you and hope you will find it to be inspiring.
Vaisnava Seva
In the Srimad Bhagavatam, it is said that by Vaisnava Seva one may develop a taste for devotional service
Nama Ruci
Especially I am praying for taste to chant the Holy Name of the Lord.
Jiva Daya
Then I may truly become the instrument of the mercy of Lord Caitanya
Date: 2000
Place: Cape Town, Johannesburg
Recordings: Studios in Cape Town, Johannesburg
Mixing, mastering: Bauneholm Studios, Hillerod, Denmark
Final editing, mixing : ISKCON Cape Town
Artwork: Unknown
Lead Vocal, Harmonium, Strings : Kadamba Kanana Swami
Mrdanga and Vocals: Nrsimhananda das
Vocal & Rhythm: Madhu Gopal das
Organizer: Nanda Kumar
Keyboard: Yogen Naidoo
Chorus & Rhythm: The Cape Town devotees
Large gathering of Srila Prabhupada’s disciples in Vrindavana for Kartika (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Everyone is struggling to gain something which he does not possess, and he’s lamenting for something which he has lost. But when he realizes himself that “I have nothing to gain and nothing to lose; I have nothing to do with this material world,” that is called brahma-bhutah. That is Brahman realization. Vrndavana, November 9, 1972.
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Amidst a vibrant and colorful reception with kirtan and traditional vedic welcome by drawing flower Rangolis, offering arti & garlands and breaking of coconut, showering of flowers, HH Radhanath Swami arrived today at ISKCON Mayapur. Mayapur devotees in large numbers gathered lovingly to greet and welcome HH Radhanath Swami. Around 5000 devotees, attending the Kartik […]
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Bristol Kirtan – Sat 14th Oct 2017 (Album with photos)
Hare Krishna Festivals UK: Members of the UK Festival Team were invited …
The devotees in Argentina have the people offer candles to Damodar right on the spot during Harinam (Album with photos)
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“Krish” “Na”
On 26 July 1976 ISKCON Founder-Acharya, His Divine Grace Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Prabhupada, was meeting in London with George Harrison (world-renowned as a member of the Beatles). Srila Prabhupada told George about a famous poem written in the Sanskrit language many centuries ago by the great spiritual master, Srila Rupa Goswami, which describes how there is unlimited nectar contained within the two syllables of Lord Krishna’s name: “Krish” and “Na.” Prabhupada advised George, “In your next record, you can give this.” But so far as we know, George did not do this. Now this famous poem translated into English has been made into a song by Sankarshan Das Adhikari for all of the world to enjoy and be benefitted by.
You can hear the song and get a free download of it also at:
Radha Kunda Seva: September 2017 Photos and Updates (Album with photos)
Today is the first day of the holy month of Kartika! This is Srimati Radharani’s special month, the month most dear to Krishna. We hope this update finds you happily experiencing the sweet sanctity of this special month. We finished renovations to our prasadam distribution facility in Radha Kunda – new flooring, roofing, and walls. It is now a more welcoming space for the ladies who come here daily for hot, fresh, wholesome meals. It is common during this month to take up a vrata, or vow of austerity in order to reduce bodily demands and offer oneself in service and surrender to the Supreme Lord. At our ladies’ request, we will be simplifying the meals using only very basic spicing and vegetables. It is our great honor to be able to facilitate their sadhana or spiritual practices. You may have noticed that the tiles of the Lalita Kunda benches were chipping and badly in need of repair. Now they are covered with red standstone! …a hardy and durable material which should stand the test of time and use. As usual, the daily cleaning continues. The Kartika crowds are already here! We are prepared for a month of festive chaos. Please browse our latest photos and join our efforts by visiting Your servants, Campakalata Devi dasi, Padma Gopi Devi dasi, Sri Arjuna dasa, Urmila Devi Dasi, and Mayapurcandra dasa.
Find them here:
By Bhaktivedanta Vidyapitha
The compassion exhibited by Parikshit Maharaj is indeed exemplary. Although he had a few days to live, still he interrupted Sukadev Gosvami, after hearing the discussion of people suffering in various types of hell. Overcome with compassion, he asked Sukadev Goswami the way how these people could be relieved from these suffering conditions. Now to what extent and in what way, a sadhaka can imbibe the spirit of Parikshit Maharaj is important to note. Continue reading “Compassion – Wealth of Divine beings”
HH Bhakti Chaitanya’s Bhagavatam Class in Iskcon Ujjain about the month of Damodara, (02-10-2017) (video)
Watch it here:
Bhagavad-gita verse-by-verse podcast
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