How to stop the unstoppable! (Album with photos)Mohanasini Devi…
→ Dandavats

How to stop the unstoppable! (Album with photos)
Mohanasini Devi Dasi: That was the challenge this weekend….people just so passionate to get to their sense gratification! Fortunately there were enough special souls who were interested in Srila Prabhupada’s books and it turned out to be a great weekend! Please click on the pics for the whole story!
Book Distribution weekend of Sept 28 - Oct 1, 2017.

Thousands Celebrate Dussehra at Hare Krishna Temple in…
→ Dandavats

Thousands Celebrate Dussehra at Hare Krishna Temple in Washington.
Potomac, Maryland, September 30, 2017 — Thousands of people clad in colorful Indian attire thronged to the Hare Krishna Temple in the Washington area on a picture-perfect day in early Fall to celebrate ‘Dussehra’, a Hindu festival signifying the triumph of good over evil. The event is now in its 36th year at the temple, also known as ISKCON of DC, and draws some 3,000 people, making it the third largest celebration following ‘Holi’, the festival of colors (4,000) and ‘Janmashtami’, the birth anniversary of Lord Krishna (5,000). “Today we are celebrating Dussehra which is the day when Lord Ram rescues his wife Sita and kills the demon, Ravana”, Ananda Devi, President of the Hare Krishna Temple, said. “It’s a great part of our Hindu, Vaishnava tradition to celebrate this festival symbolizing that good always win. If you do the right thing and if you really care about people, then good will always triumph over evil”. On a deeper level, she told us, “It is a time to remember our connection with God. The idea is that when we spend time nurturing our spiritual relationship with Krishna, we get a deeper sense of happiness in life. This festival is all about awakening our pure, spiritual love for Krishna and for each other”.
Read more:

Social Media: ISKCON UK Annual Communications Conference with Avelo Roy, September 2017

Hare KrishnaBy Gauri das

A few years back a brand expert was asked about ISKCON UK’s presence on social media. His response was simple and to the point: ‘the good news is that you are not scary anymore, you are just confusing’. Though temples and devotees do have a solid presence on social media, the big question remains, how effective is that presence? To examine this question, devotees from across the UK came together at Bhaktivedanta Manor for a weekend of communications training that focused on social media. Continue reading “Social Media: ISKCON UK Annual Communications Conference with Avelo Roy, September 2017”

Srila Raghunatha Bhatta Gosvami’s disappearance day. Giriraj…
→ Dandavats

Srila Raghunatha Bhatta Gosvami’s disappearance day.
Giriraj Swami: Today is Srila Raghunatha Bhatta Gosvami’s disappearance day. “Raghunatha Bhattacarya, or Raghunatha Bhatta Gosvami, one of the Six Gosvamis, was the son of Tapana Misra. Born in approximately 1425 Sakabda (A.D. 1503), he was expert in reciting Srimad-Bhagavatam, and in Antya-lila, Chapter Thirteen, it is stated that he was also expert in cooking; whatever he cooked would be nectarean. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was greatly pleased to accept the food that he cooked, and Raghunatha Bhatta used to take the remnants of food left by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Raghunatha Bhattacarya lived for eight months in Jagannatha Puri, after which Lord Caitanya ordered him to go to Vrndavana to join Sri Rupa Gosvami. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu asked Raghunatha Bhattacarya not to marry but to remain a brahmacari, and He also ordered him to read Srimad-Bhagavatam constantly. Thus he went to Vrndavana, where he engaged in reciting Srimad-Bhagavatam to Srila Rupa Gosvami. He was so expert in reciting Srimad-Bhagavatam that he would recite each and every verse in three melodious tunes. While Raghunatha Bhatta Gosvami was living with Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the Lord blessed him by offering him betel nuts offered to the Jagannatha Deity and a garland of tulasi said to be as long as fourteen cubits. Under Raghunatha Bhatta Gosvami’s order, one of his disciples constructed the Govinda temple. Raghunatha Bhatta Gosvami supplied all the ornaments of the Govinda Deity. He never talked of nonsense or worldly matters but always engaged in hearing about Krsna twenty-four hours a day. He never cared to hear blasphemy of a Vaisnava. Even when there were points to be criticized, he used to say that since all the Vaisnavas were engaged in the service of the Lord, he did not mind their faults. Later Raghunatha Bhatta Gosvami lived by Radha-kunda in a small cottage. In the Gaura-ganoddesa-dipika (185) it is said that Raghunatha Bhatta Gosvami was formerly the gopi named Raga-manjari.” (Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Adi 10.158 purport)

Hare Krishna.

Morning Class, Srimad Bhagavatam 4.2.31 – Agnidev prabhu – 1…
→ Dandavats

Morning Class, Srimad Bhagavatam 4.2.31 - Agnidev prabhu - 1 October 2017, ISKCON Melbourne (video)
The Vedas give the eternal regulative principles for auspicious advancement in human civilization which have been rigidly followed in the past. The strong evidence of this principle is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is called Janārdana, the well-wisher of all living entities.
Watch it here:

Gita 14.11 Illumination of knowledge regulates the input and output through the doorways of the senses
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Bhagavad-gita verse-by-verse podcast

The post Gita 14.11 Illumination of knowledge regulates the input and output through the doorways of the senses appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.

As most people nowadays are born without any garbhadhana samskara, will the world soon be filled with people in ignorance?

Answer Podcast

The post As most people nowadays are born without any garbhadhana samskara, will the world soon be filled with people in ignorance? appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.

Are religious rituals entirely separate from philosophy – why do different religions have different rituals?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Answer Podcast

The post Are religious rituals entirely separate from philosophy – why do different religions have different rituals? appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.

Might our sense of right and wrong be something created by society to check our biological urges?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Answer Podcast

The post Might our sense of right and wrong be something created by society to check our biological urges? appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.

Might our desire for eternal life come from our experience of an external long-living object, not from an eternal soul?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Answer Podcast

The post Might our desire for eternal life come from our experience of an external long-living object, not from an eternal soul? appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.

Simplify, Clarify, Purify – Three principles for a fulfilling life
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Sunday feast class at ISKCON, Connecticut, USA]


Podcast Summary

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Live in the present, but not for the present
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Talk at University of Massachusetts, USA]


Podcast Summary


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Book Review: Sri-Damodara-janani – The Perfect Kartika Read

Sri Damodara-janani is the latest book from Sivarama Swami and the fourth volume of the Krishna in Vrndavana series, a unique retelling of the damodara-lila that weaves a captivating tale of the glories of Mother Yasoda. No other person has ever received the unique mercy that Krishna showed His own mother, teaching devotees for all time that the binding force of love for Him is more powerful than even His own supreme will.

Festival of Fiji 2017 (Album with photos) The best way to spend…
→ Dandavats

Festival of Fiji 2017 (Album with photos)
The best way to spend an Ekadasi!
Kalasamvara Das: Today we went to one of the larger school in Fiji in a small town called Navua with about 2500 student and distributed over 4000 plates of prasadam at the school and in the town.
Performed Harinam, and distribution Srila Prabhupada’s books and ended the day with a picnic/lunch and swimming in one of the many beautiful beaches in Fiji.
Find them here:

If you like our Vlogs then this fundraising request is for you :)

Social Media
Facebook £650.00 52 videos at £12 promotion each.
Promotion is needed to push the videos, especially when they are not as appealing to the common person so we need paid promotions to get the video more widely distributed to build a following.
Twitter £500.00 Twitter allows us to pay to promote tweets and the profile to get followers.
As Twitter messages are quite direct, we need to promote the tweets a bit more to reach out to the wider audience to capture those who would be interested in these topics. Once we get a larger following the popularity should snowball. This is a small amount requested at present but should help. At present we have nearly 300 twitter followers. Aim is 1000+.
Flickr £40.00 $50/year – this will eventually be the central place for all photos on SRS Media.
Dropbox £660.00 4 users at approx Eur15 a month for a year – This is crucial for the media archive which is being built up as many files will be being shared to replace the tape ministry
Wetransfer subscription £120.00 Eur120/year to allow large files/recordings to be distributed by Guru Maharaja to the website team £150.00 $79 – the7 theme, $99 gallery plugin
SRS books £100.00 An estimated cost for the future redevelopment of the website
Vlog production
Camera £2,000.00 This amount ranges from £1500-2000 for a new camera for filming of the Vlogs at a high standard
Ball head £465.00 $600 – equipment for camera
Gimbal £1,200.00 Approx $1500 – equipment for camera – this allows more flexibility of shots especially moving shots
Lighting £450.00 $300-500+ – This can add to the professionalism of the videos in areas of low light and when filming longer items such as courses
Microphone £500.00 – this is required to Guru Maharaja does not need to have a clip on mic and sound can be accurately picked up from the camera’s microphone
Small prompter £250.00 Glide Gear TP – A prompter is very important for Gur Maharaja to follow his notes for each video
Total £7,085

Radhanath Swami: Prajalpa (gossip)
→ Dandavats

Prajalpa (gossip).

Radhanath Swami: People like to hear about other people’s problems. It’s fun for some. That’s the reason why some of the most popular magazines in the world just focus on scandals. Recently, a champion golfer got into some scandal. It’s like a rule in this world—that such news must be known to everyone, that such news must be the event on every television and news channel. That scandal was all that the people were talking about, for weeks and weeks and weeks and weeks. Ironically, nobody cared that much when he won a golf game. But when he did something really scandalous, all of a sudden everybody becomes really ‘concerned.’ Now, is it necessary to bother about all these things? But we have this inclination to gossip, which the scriptures call Prajalpa.


Departure of Srila Prabhupada’s daughter. My dear Maharaj…
→ Dandavats

Departure of Srila Prabhupada’s daughter.
My dear Maharaj ji’s and prabhu ji’s!
Please accept my most humble obeisances!
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
The daughter of Srila Prabhupada, Bhaktilata Dey left her body yesterday (Ekadashi) at 4 am. Her younger brother Vrindavan Chandra Dey performed her last rites. She was unmarried and was staying with her brother.
your servant
Radharaman Das

All India Padayatra Hosts Special Program For School Children |…
→ Dandavats

All India Padayatra Hosts Special Program For School Children | Kumbla, Kerala (Album with photos)
Acarya Dasa: When we visited Kumbla on September 16th, we performed saṅkīrtana in the town and the news of pāda-yātrā spread everywhere. There is a ‘Nityananda Swami Matha’ in the area which also has a school. Nityananda Swami invited us to hold a program for the school children; we agreed and all the teachers were informed. The children were called out on the school grounds where we had a grand saṅkīrtana and they danced to the Holy Names. Afterward, we gave a small talk on the glories of chanting, followed by book distribution and maha-prasādam. Nityananda Swami was very happy that pāda-yātrā had come to his town and he was especially happy that we inspired the school children. Before we left he took a Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam set from us.

If every school principal has such an attitude and wants the children in his institution to be exposed to the Holy Names, then every school will be a Gurukula with seeds of bhakti being sown in every heart.
Find them here:

Dusshera at Bhaktivedanta Manor (2 min video)Yesterday, we…
→ Dandavats

Dusshera at Bhaktivedanta Manor (2 min video)
Yesterday, we celebrated Dusshera at Bhaktivedanta Manor with an amazing performance of the Ramayana from ISKCON Pandava Sena followed by the burning of Ravana.
The burning of the 10 headed demon, Ravana reminds us to eradicate the demons inside of us and to continue in the path of Bhakti.
If you weren’t able to join us, watch the video here:

ECO-Vrindaban Board Meeting Minutes 08/27/2017
→ New Vrindaban Brijabasi Spirit

ECO-Vrindaban New Vrindaban ISKCON cows gardens Prabhupada

ECO-Vrindaban Board Meeting Minutes 08/27/2017

Mission Statement: ECO-Vrindaban promotes simple living, cow protection, engaging oxen, local agriculture, and above all, loving Krishna, as envisioned by Srila Prabhupada, the Founder-Acharya of ISKCON New Vrindaban.

Participating Directors: Anuttama (partial attendance), Chaitanya Mangala (chair), Kripamaya, Ranaka, and Vraja.

Participating Advisors: Bhima, Jaya Krsna, Kalakantha, Makara, and Olivia (partial attendance)

Recording Secretary: Jamuna Jivani

1. Ranaka’s Monthly Report

  • The Temple Barn crew has been milking five cows. Milk production is at 18-20 gallons per day.
  • Sita gave birth to a heifer calf this week, which will bring the milking herd up to six.
  • Malati is due in October. Sriya and Anjali are both due in February.
  • There are two heifers residing at the Temple Barn (an 18-month-old and an eight-month-old).
  • The heifer, Subhadra, was moved from the Temple Barn to Nandagram for breeding with the bull Madhu.
  • The milk cow, Usha, was moved from the Temple Barn to the Valley Barn for breeding with the bull Dharma.
  • Ananda Vidya is producing 10-12 lbs. of butter and 15 gallons of yogurt each week for the temple kitchens.
  • Hay harvest: We have 460 new first cutting, and 85 new second cutting bales in addition to the approximately 250 bales from last year. 80-100 more first cutting bales are expected along with additional second and third cutting hay.
  • Ray is pressure washing and painting the valley board fences on the days he is not in the fields.
  • Ray has begun work on Dharma the bull’s outside pen expansion project at the Valley Barn. Fill dirt has been added at the end of the cement apron on the side of the barn, and old fence has been taken down to recoup welded wire panels and posts for the new fence installation.
  • Fil has been starting each day working with the oxen.
  • While Ananda Vidya was out of town, Fil covered the morning and evening milking for three days.
  • Fil has been doing grounds maintenance and mowing at Nandagram and the flower garden, as well as feeding, cleaning, and herd maintenance at Bahulaban.
  • Ananta Gauranga, one of Fil’s cows from Canada, died unexpectedly a couple of weeks ago and Ray buried him. The cause of death is uncertain, though it is likely from “hardware disease,” ingesting a foreign object.
  • Fil has been working on the mold problem in both houses at Nandagram by bleaching, removing, and repairing walls and ceilings when necessary.
  • Fil and Tejo are making repairs and doing maintenance on the Nandagram water system.
  • There is a problem with the electrical feed to the Nandagram pasture cabin. It will be revisited once Fil returns from his initiation in Hungary this coming Wednesday.
  • Robert has been delivering summer vegetables to the temple kitchen and green beans to the Valley Barn processing room. He also picks flowers and makes vases for the temple.
  • ECO-V purchased a new 15-cubic ft chest freezer for green bean and tomato storage. Dharmakala processed 26 one-gallon freezer bags of green beans.
  • Suchandra and Lila have been picking and delivering 500-600 flowers each day to the temple. 6,000 marigolds were delivered over a three-day period for Janmastami. 2,000 flowers are expected to be picked for Radhashtami this week.

2. Farm Conference Update

Jamuna Jivani reported on the previous month’s projects:

  • Madhava Smullen interviewed Jamuna Jivani for a Dandavats article about the conference. It will be published the week of 9/4/17.
  • Sukhayanti and Jamuna Jivani have been calling all the temples and farm communities in North America to personally speak with them about and invite them to the conference.
  • Posters have been sent out to many temples and farm, as well as the Facebook event page.
  • A program at Prabhupada’s Palace has been confirmed for the evening of Friday 10/13/17 with kirtan, dipa dana, and a slideshow presentation by Sankirtana dasa.
  • The organizers have confirmed a panel discussion on the topic of ahimsa dairy featuring some of the conference speakers.
  • A special discounted price of $20 is being offered to New Vrindaban residents.

3. Sri Tulasi Manjari’s Resignation

WHEREAS: The ECO-V Board wishes to acknowledge the contributions made by one of its directors.

RESOLVED: The Board reluctantly accepts Sri Tulasi Manjari’s resignation as both a board member and board chairperson.

The Board members expressed their deep appreciation for Sri Tulasi’s service and sacrifice over the past couple of years.

4. Partnership with IMCPA

Kalakantha proposed a three-year partnership between the ISKCON Ministry of Cow Protection and Agriculture and ECO-V. He proposed the relationship that IMCPA envisions with the two organizations working together on specific projects. ECO-V will consider this proposal and vote on it at a later date.

5. Community Center Update

The community center topic was discussed at the Village Association meeting on 8/3/17. It was concluded that a sub-committee will inquire as to the needs of the Village Association members, consider the current buildings that could potentially be used as a community center, and examine places a new building could be erected. They will develop a proposal based on these considerations.

6. Prabhupada’s Palace Restoration Grant Update

Over the past few years, ECO-V allocated grants totaling $375,000 for the Palace restoration, which have since been transferred to INV in full. This funding went toward the restoration of the main stairs, the rain water control on the middle level, and the outer wall, as well as a number of smaller repairs. At the same time, INV committed matching funds totaling $425,000, of which approximately $10,000 remains.

7. Prabhupada’s Palace Fundraising Grant Update

The $50K matching grant committed by ECO-V for the purposes of fundraising for Prabhupada’s Palace renovation is yet to be requested. INV is currently planning a campaign.

8. Talavan Housing Sites Update

Members of the Village Association are the process of creating a subgroup to research the proposed housing site at Talavan. They intend to have a defined plan by the biannual meeting in early November.

9. Jamuna Jivani as a Board Advisor

WHEREAS: The ECO-V Board wishes to maintain a team of advisors.

RESOLVED: The ECO-V Board invites Jamuna Jivani devi dasi to act as an advisor from September 1, 2017 through the January 2018 annual meeting.

For regular updates please visit and like the ECO-V Facebook page.

Gita 14.10 The modes are neither in segregation nor in integration but are in competition
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Bhagavad-gita verse-by-verse podcast

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“Discover India” Tour in the USA, 2017

Sixty devotees, from 14 different countries around the world, performed almost daily in many of the prestigious universities on the east coast of the United States. Professors, students, and various dignitaries gave resounding applause devotees' performances which were centered around the pastimes of the Lord recounted in the Srimad Bhagavatam and the Ramayana. Other performances included bhajans, the Sankhya dance company from Mumbai, a talk on the wisdom of Bhagavad Gita and more. Everything was presented in a professional, and most important, devotional way. A video by Ananta Vrindavan.

Friday, September 29th, 2017
→ The Walking Monk

Toronto, Ontario

The Clouds and Rain

One of our younger members, Rukmini, delivered the class today based on the chapter, once again, “Description of Autumn.”  The image of clouds keeps coming up in this chapter.  Clouds are viewed in both negative and positive tones according to Vedic thought.  The concept is rather classic and universal.

If someone says to you, “You’ve got your head in the clouds,” it’s referring to not being too attentive to the here and now.  It would not come across as a compliment.  Even if we hear the expression, “You’re on Cloud Nine,” it again implies that one is in dreamland or  spaced-out.

On the other hand, clouds can be so welcoming.  For instance, my August and early September found me in the desert in Utah and Nevada.  Just the hint of a cloud was such a relief when walking.

Today, many clouds formed over southern Ontario, but I got my walking in on the Danforth, in the Greek Village, after and before those clouds gave their shower.  Light rain is not a great threat, though, to anyone, and the mere sight of a cloud can mean so much good.  Plants and the earth love its by-product.

To me clouds represent ‘coolness’.  Already Danforth is a rather ‘cool’ street with its cafes and accessible people.  Several of the people greeted me with pranams and they most likely have some Greek blood in them.

Ah yes, Grece has had cultural ties with India for a long time.  The Greek god, Zeus, can be paralleled to the Hindu rain god, Indra.

I wonder how much the ancient Greeks knew Ram?
May the Source be with you!

6 km

Thursday, September 28th, 2017
→ The Walking Monk

Toronto, Ontario

Something Came Up in the Class

I delivered the message, or class as we say, from the Bhagavatam, Canto 10, chapter entitled, “Description of Autumn.”  In the purport of today’s verse, number 15, an explanation is given of what is considered beautiful in a person of devotion; it is the quality of tolerance.  Those of us in the class dwelt on and discussed the topic for a few minutes.  Chaitanya likened tolerance to a tree….

Even the word ‘resplendent’ was used, to further enhance the quality of tolerance.  Generally, the mind of one devoted is focused and peaceful.  A strong wind may come to agitate and cause huge waves in the ocean.  Similarly, the forces of temptation may come to attempt an agitation within the mind of a meditator.  But he / she will not be phased.

There is definitely great beauty in the ability to overcome the agitation of desire.

Today, I took a two hour walk to the ravine, I know so well, at the Brickworks.  On both sides of me were well-anchored trees to remind me of tolerance.  A pond of water, very still, was also there to tell me to “keep calm.”

I interrupted the walk here and there to capture their physical aesthetics, but reflecting on today’s verse, I could appreciate the added beauty that such features of nature supply.  I clicked away with my cellphone’s camera and I’ve periodically glanced at the images even after I lodged myself into the space of our ashram.

Beauty is truly everywhere.  It’s in your own backyard.

May the Source be with you!

8 km

Wednesday, September 27th, 2017
→ The Walking Monk

Owen Sound, Ontario

A Day of Worth

Garuda Vahan had been my support person on Canwalk #3 and was responsibly with me from British Columbia to the Manitoba / Ontario border.  It was he and I who had the encounter with a grizzly bear near Castlegar.  Well, it was time to pay him a visit in his town of Owen Sound, since his brother of two years his junior, Terry, just passed away. My good friend, Garuda, 70, needed a bit of consoling, being that the two brothers were close.

Nanda from Brampton drove me to the northern town that is Garuda’s home.  There, his son, Tulasi, also resides with him, in a well kept, old town hall, now residence.

Vida came along to visit.  She’s a young fire-spinner—who is very good at it—and friend of the family.

We all had great prasadam—blessed vegetarian fare—and kirtan, and then proceeded to walk to Hibou Conservation Area at the edge of Georgian Bay.  The water was populated by hundreds of geese and then sea gulls.  With intent to go for a refreshing swim, we plunged in and the water fowl moved over.  A few flaps of their wings did it.  They didn’t leave altogether.  It’s nice to think that perhaps they wanted our company nearby.

After days of a blazing heat wave in this part of the country, we now felt a drastic drop in temperature, but the waters were still warm.  Rajesh came in for the splash as well.

Our next move was a brief trip to Gopan’s house.  He’s been living like a recluse for years in a cabin in the bush.  Garuda arranged for us to visit him.  Gopan pulled out a massive, vintage, atlas and turned to the page for the USA.  “Mark the route you took across the U.S.,” he smoothly requested. I did, with a highlighter, after a meaningful hug.  I hadn’t seen the fellow for years.  For Gopan, Garuda and I, it  was a heart-felt day with spirit-brothers coming together.

May the Source be with you!

5 km

Attraction, Attraction
→ KKSBlog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 22 December 2011, Cape Town, South Africa, Srimad Bhagavatam 7.14.3-4)

Affection and relationships should be there in our life but of course, they should not lead to illicit sex. This is the bottom line. As you know, accidents do happen. This is the nature of the senses and the mind, that where there is an attachment to such sense gratification, somehow or other, when men and women come together… you just do not know how it happened! Somehow, it happened… and everybody could see it coming and could understand it’s going to happen if you go on like this… because that natural attraction is there.

Srimad Bhagavatam has the ‘butter and fire’ analogy where men are butter and women are fire. And when the butter comes near the fire, it melts… it always melts! Brahmacaris are trying to keep the butter in the fridge so that it doesn’t melt quickly so they have a whole cooling system there within their saffron cloth and brahmacari practices.

Ladies, in spiritual life, are covering the fire. That is why they cover their heads and wear sarees which cover the body more than modern clothing.

We are not trying to blame anybody, like throw the blame on the women that they are mayadevis. The poor men are the victims and the women are nothing but troublemakers. That is a somewhat biased and wrong understanding of what the Vedic literatures are saying. However, the illusory power of the female body is very strong undoubtedly. They have this power of attraction more than males. Although males may be attractive still the male body is not as charming as the female body.

In spiritual life, we recognise that the beauty of a female body has a danger connected to it. A danger to entangle spirit souls, both men and women. The women themselves are also falling victim to their own beauty… it gives a certain power and it is kind of addictive and difficult to stop it. So devotees realise this and therefore keep a certain amount of reservation.


Sri Ramacandra Vijayotsava Celebrated in Sri Dham Mayapur

Sri Ramacandra Vijayotsava, or Vijaya Dasami is a festival commemorating Lord Ramacandra’s victory over King Ravana. When Ravana kidnapped Sita Devi, Ramacandra set out to Lanka to punish Ravana and rescue His beloved wife Sita, and this day marks the occasion of Ravana’s defeat. In Sri Caitanya Caritamrta Madhya-lila, 15.32-35, it describes Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s […]

The post Sri Ramacandra Vijayotsava Celebrated in Sri Dham Mayapur appeared first on

Reasons to Continue our Spiritual Practice. Radhanath Swami:…
→ Dandavats

Reasons to Continue our Spiritual Practice.
Radhanath Swami: There is a beautiful story in the Srimad Bhagavatam about Mahadev, Lord Shiva. Once upon a time when the devas and the asuras were churning the ocean of milk for nectar, massive quantities of poison came out. They were seeking nectar, but sometimes when we want nectar, first we have to remove all the poison.
That’s kind of the way our sadhana is, our spiritual practice. The real nectar of prema, or love – love for God and love for all beings – is within us. Our spiritual practice is just to remove all those things that obscure our connection to that love. So sometimes when we are doing our meditation or our chanting, a lot of poison starts coming out of us – lust, envy, anger, greed, illusion and arrogance – and we actually see all this stuff that is already there. That should not discourage us. We should not give in to those things; rather if we just tolerate them and continue with our spiritual practice, gradually it will all be removed, and then the real nectar which we are all seeking will be forever ours.

So this poison from the churning of the Milk Ocean spread everywhere and the great rishis and devas approached Lord Vishnu, who took them to Shiva. When Shiva saw the plight of all living beings on the verge of extermination, by his mystical power he took massive oceans of this poison and concentrated it so that it could fit in the palm of his hand. We can’t even imagine the power of that concentrate. And because this poison had to go somewhere, he drank it. His throat became very black in colour. This black throat is one of the features of Shiva that is most honoured, and is considered to be the ornament of his compassion. He is known as Neelkantha or Kalkantha. There in the Bhagavatam there is a beautiful verse in relationship to this story: the service that is most pleasing to Bhagavan is when we make sacrifices without selfishness, out of compassion, for others within this world. – Radhanath Swami

tapyante loka-tāpena
sādhavaḥ prāyaśo janāḥ
paramārādhanaṁ tad dhi

It is said that great personalities almost always accept voluntary suffering because of the suffering of people in general. This is considered the highest method of worshiping the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is present in everyone’s heart. Srimad Bhagavatam 8.7.44