How can ghosts, being subtle, act on gross objects as when opening doors or breaking things?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Answer Podcast

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Gita 14.02 Death can’t be avoided, but affliction due to death can be
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Bhagavad-gita verse-by-verse podcast

Gita verse-by-verse podcast

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Bhakti-sastri report from Alachua. Sukhada devi dasi: His…
→ Dandavats

Bhakti-sastri report from Alachua.
Sukhada devi dasi: His Holiness Guru Prasad Swami launched Krishna Institute’s Bhakti-sastri Course on Labor Day weekend by offering the first 3 Lessons of Nectar of Instruction with separate classes in Spanish and English. Eager devotees filled the Alachua Learning Academy’s cafeteria and heightened their appreciation of Srila Rupa Goswami’s and Srila Prabhupāda teachings. Maharaja made PowerPoint presentations during the first half of each lesson with ample time for lively discussions. He organized interactive exercises during the second half, enabling us to delve deeper into the devotional principles being unpacked and to get to know each other better.
In Lesson 3 devotees paired up to share a time when they felt nourished in spiritual life and a time they felt starved. Some devotees then presented to the whole class what they shared with their partners. (these devotees gave permission to use their names.) For example Jishnu prabhu related his experience of arriving in India 20 years ago as a new devotee with almost no money! In fact, with less than $10! Bhadra Prabhu, who’s also in the course, however, compassionately made arrangements for him in Vrindavana and cared for him when he got sick. This loving support greatly encouraged Jishnu Prabhu in his spiritual life. With these kinds of exchanges we grasped much more than ever the significance of Srila Rupa Goswami‘s 6 loving exchanges.

By the end of the seminar we felt indebted to those who arranged this amazing devotional experience. We walked away feeling more determined than ever to follow the principles Srila Rupa Goswami established and Srila Prabhupada lovingly bestowed upon us.

More Arabic and Farsi books going out on the streets and in the…
→ Dandavats

More Arabic and Farsi books going out on the streets and in the subways of New York City! (Album with photos)
And it’s remarkably easy to do, because these people really want the books (and there’s a special reason for that)! To find out how you can taste this unprecedented bliss yourselves, in your own city, please contact us today:

Distributing Srila Prabhupada’s books in Lyon, France…
→ Dandavats

Distributing Srila Prabhupada’s books in Lyon, France (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: In the Adi Purana Krishna tells Arjuna: “Anyone who is engaged in chanting My transcendental name must be considered to be always associating with Me. And I may tell you frankly that for such a devotee I become easily purchased.” (Nectar of Devotion, 12)
Find them here:

A glorious departure
→ KKSBlog

Written by Sesa Das

We see Srila Prabhupada would end his letters to disciples with “Your ever well-wisher” at the bottom. Many say that when they read or heard this line from Srila Prabhupada it touched them deeply & changed their life!

Kadamba Kanana Swami returned to Radhadesh from his Slovakia tour after a busy week of preaching. Unfortunately, the news came to us that Manisha devi dasi, one of Maharaj’s disciples, was in a very critical condition and close to leaving her body. Some months ago, Bhagavati Mataji (from Radhadesh) approached Maharaj telling him of this lady, who had been recently diagnosed as terminally ill, who for many years had done a lot of service in Radhadesh – from serving in the Boutique to cleaning – & she was very well known for assisting the Food for Life project in Liege. Her merciful spirit was ever present as she would always bring prasadam or request the devotees to bring it so she could distribute it to the staff members and nurses in the hospital. Amazing to hear her eagerness to preach & share the mercy.

The first day that Maharaj went to see her she didn’t look so well but still was very grateful to see Maharaj again. Maharaj & Mother Manisha spoke for 20 minutes or so and then Maharaj began to lead a mellow kirtan. After an hour of singing, Maharaj was saying a few final words before leaving her apartment. Suddenly Manisha grabbed the pull up bar above her head & raised herself. She was extremely grateful that Maharaj had come to see her & spend time with her. Although she wasn’t active and was forgetting many things, her desire was to see him before she departed. Maharaj told me he has no doubt that Lord Caitanya will accept & take her back to Godhead!

The following day after lunch, Bhagavati told Maharaj that Manisha was really bad and this looked like it would be her last day. Shocking news, to us it didn’t seem real or likely as the evening before we saw her pull herself up with so much eagerness & enthusiastic energy. We thought she had a week or more to go at the least.

As Maharaj entered the room, we saw many devotees gathered in the room singing the holy names. Manisha clearly was immobile and had much less energy that what we saw the day before. She couldn’t move or speak like the day before. Maharaj began singing a mellow kirtan which penetrated the core of everyone’s heart. You could feel the prayerful mood within the room. Around 4:45 pm as we all sat around Mother Manisha’s bed, suddenly she slightly rose up, her eyes opened very wide, she chanted with Maharaj and all the devotees and then departed…

A difficult sight for anyone to see, especially her daughter, grand-daughter and their husbands who were by her bedside during the departure. However, what a success story also as her dear Guru Maharaj was singing for her as she chanted until her last breath!

Later on Maharaj went up to her body, paid respects & stood in a deep praying stance. We then left the apartment as they had to attend to her body & Maharaj spent some time consoling the family members who all really appreciated him coming and singing for her at this time.

As we walked down, everyone was amazed at the surreal experience and I had some element of curiosity as to what Maharaj may have prayed for, however I thought it was too personal and not proper etiquette to ask so I left it. Then as we entered Maharaj’s room, he was telling me about her & how she really liked Nityananda Prabhu, how for years she had done so many services in Radhadesh and he was happy to accept her as a disciple & this was a wonderful way to leave with so many devotees around her chanting.

Then as we stood Maharaj turned and began telling me his thoughts and prayers as he went up to her body. He later said it in a few classes, so I felt it fit to share. He turned to me and very gravely & humbly said, “So I was praying to Krsna that I am no way qualified to request this but somehow I have masters who are the most qualified and I am trying to represent them so please, please accept her and give her Your association.”

At this point, I had nothing to say – just shocked & taken away by Maharaj’s humility. The only thought I had was that he is our ever well-wisher!

The following days, there were some gatherings and memories shared about Manisha Mataji & Maharaj sang ‘Je Anilo’ for her. Please check out the upcoming recordings for these & stay in tune for the blog entries about Maharaj on the build up to Janmastami! What fantastic classes he gave! Once you hear them your future Janmastamis will never be the same again!

A dancing rendition of HH Jayapataka Swami’s song…
→ Dandavats

A dancing rendition of HH Jayapataka Swami’s song “Yadi Prabhupada Na Hoito” (9 min video)
If Srila Prabhupada had not come, what would have happened? How could we have passed our lives?
Who else would have distributed the unlimited mercy of Lord Nityananda and Lord Gauranga all over the world?
Which other compassionate person would have endeavored to deliver the miscreants, sinful, impersonalistic and voidistic people in the West?
Who else would have come to distribute Harinama to them? Who else would have come forward to transform them into civilized beings?
For the rest of the lyrics:
Watch it here:

Florida Devotees Escape Hurricane Irma With Minimal Damage….
→ Dandavats

Florida Devotees Escape Hurricane Irma With Minimal Damage.
Just two weeks after Hurricane Harvey struck Texas, Irma made landfall at the Florida Keys on September 10th as a Category 4 hurricane, bringing 130 mph winds and a storm surge of 10 feet.
Predicted to tear its way through the entire state, the hurricane cast a cloak of fear over many residents in advance of its arrival.
In Alachua, North Central Florida, devotees of New Raman Reti – the largest ISKCON community in the Western World – braced themselves for a Category 1 or 2 hurricane, rarely seen so far inland.
To read the entire article click here:

Srila Prabhupada’s arrival in the West
→ Ramai Swami

The anniversary of Srila Prabhupada’s arrival in the USA is very significant. It is celebrated by devotees all over the world because shortly after ISKCON was born.

From the Prabhupada Lilamrta:

“The ocean voyage of 1965 was a calm one for the Jaladuta. The captain said that never in his entire career had he seen such a calm Atlantic crossing. Prabhupada replied that the calmness was Lord Krishna’s mercy, and Mrs. Pandia asked Prabhupada to come back with them so that they might have another such crossing. Srila Prabhupada wrote in his diary, “If the Atlantic would have shown its usual face, perhaps I would have died. But Lord Krishna has taken charge of the ship.”

After a thirty-five-day journey from Calcutta, the Jaladuta reached Boston’s Commonwealth Pier at 5:30 A.M. on September 17, 1965. The ship was to stop briefly in Boston before proceeding to New York City.”


Sunday, September 10th, 2017
→ The Walking Monk

Concord, California

5 Days 2 Go

It is my great pleasure to have my dear friend, Anuttama, from D.C., join us for a few days.  He has been a cheerleader for me since I started marathon walks in ’96.  Finally, he has come to walk a walk and see me get close to the finish line.

We were off to a late start—9:00 a.m. and we tackled Camino del Diablo—The Path of the Devil—a windy, paved road through soft-ridged mountains.  Anuttama admitted to me that he saw, for the first time in his life, a coyote, on this day.  To see olive groves in an American setting was a first.  We were also delighted by trees producing various nuts as we moved along in what is clearly ranch country.  It was hard for me to extract any notion of Satan being in our midst.  Pure pleasure of walking in the sanctity of the outdoors with a decent foot partner became my experience, although it was a tad on the hot side (99° Fahrenheit).

Our accommodation was in the Motel 6 in a city called Pittsburg and naturally we took advantage of the pool for loosening up stiff leg muscles.  There we met Steven Styles of Sacramento, who describes his former way of being, somewhat like that of the devil.  Luckily or by “the grace of God,” as he put it, he had gone through a transformation for the better.  Our dialogue, while in the pool together, was a productive meeting for two human beings and worth the encounter.

Whether on the road with someone, or in a pool of refreshing water, you always try to make the most of any event.  Make everything a God experience.

May the Source be with you!

10 miles

Saturday, September 9th, 2017
→ The Walking Monk

Byron, California

6 Days 2 Go

Frankly, we have a tough time finding good walkable roads in northern California.  It’s a dangerous undertaking.  Marshall and I tackled Hwy 4 and in the dark.  No shoulder and practically a steep slope that falls into a ditch.  I’ve complained about it before.  There are few alternatives.  We try our best.  I imagine it will get more restrictive as we approach the Bay area.

We rushed to the park in Jackson for an arranged meet, promoted highly through Facebook, and the newspaper.  The overwhelming response by people in this area, was quite typical.  I will copy a sample of one person’s letter after we conducted a chant and a talk which included some of our conscious values.

“I attended your meet at Deitert Park in Jackson, California on Saturday, September 9, 2017.  I would like to thank you and your support team for sharing your life and adventures with me.  I found you and your life fascinating.  Journey safely…”

We spoke about ethical things, spiritual things and the message that Krishna told Arjuna, which is totally relevant to today’s world in which an individual becomes despondent about obligational duties.

The thirty or so folks who came were nodding at my suggestion for a car-free day in America.  Oh they were sweet.

One other sweet person I met yesterday was a Filipino priest, Pastor Edwin, of the St. Mary’s Parish in Stockton.  He knows about the Hare Krishna from his homeland.  It seems that Krishna is known.

May the Source be with you!

17 miles

Understanding and fulfilling the Bhagavatam’s purpose by cultivating sensitivity
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Bhagavatam at Bhakti Center, New York, USA]

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Gita 14.01 The Gita uses diverse frames of analysis to reiterate its consistent conclusion
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Gita verse-by-verse podcast

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Bhagavatam study 66 01.13.24-29 Detachment emerges from education that changes our definition of success
→ The Spiritual Scientist


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Radhanath Swami Speaks at Climate Change Workshop, Govardhan…
→ Dandavats

Radhanath Swami Speaks at Climate Change Workshop, Govardhan Eco-Village.
A Nexus International Workshop entitled “Climate Change Adaptations for Sustainable Development- A Vedic Perspective” was held on August 27 and 28th, 2017. The workshop was jointly organized by Govardhan Ecovillage (GEV) & Shree Halari Visa Oswal College of Commerce (SHVOCC), and sponsored by The National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI).
The conference was inaugurated by Radhanath Swami, the Visionary behind Govardhan Ecovillage, who highlighted the Vedic perspective that the restoration of the ecology has to be done in conjunction with the restoration of the ecology of the heart. He explained, “The Vedic perspective teaches us that the solutions of climate change lie in the understanding that we are entrusted the sacred care Mother Earth, and that through this care we can become the followers of true dharma.”

Guest of Honor Shri Rajendra Singh ji spoke of how the Vedic approach toward environmental crises were involved traditional localized adaptation techniques which were not only decentralized but also cost-effective, unlike the modern techniques which are complicated and cost prohibitive. He also emphasized the urgent need for climate change literacy and water literacy to the present generation.

The impact of climate change is continuing to grow as are the challenges we are facing in adapting. The workshop provided a platform to share experience and knowledge, of opportunities, tools, resources, local initiatives, and expertise.

Among the themes featured in the technical sessions were: Ground water resources, Governance: a role to be played for sustainability, Inca Civilization and its sustainability, Jal Vayu parivarthan at Rajasthan, Water Conservation and River rejuvenation with special reference to Karnataka, Bioremediation :A tool to combat Aquatic Pollution, Exploration in search of Incessant Ganga River Rejuvenation at Harmu River, Steps to save Mahanadi the lifeline of Orissa, Eco-tourism a Vedic perspective, Agro ecological systems for future economic growth. Most sessions were followed by lively interactions.

The conference was conceptualized by Jalapurush Dr Rajendra Singh, Gauranga Das and Sanat Kumar Das from Govardhan Ecovillage, and Dr Sneha Dhonde from SHVOCC, and was attended by more than 120 global participants.

Consolidating the input of all the speakers and participants, which included academicians, researchers, NGOs, community developers, government official’s and students, a four-page declaration was released at the workshop which was signed by key panelists.

You can read the declaration here:

FLOW OF MERCY IN LAWRENCE! Danakeli Dasi: Another wonderful day…
→ Dandavats

Danakeli Dasi: Another wonderful day distributing copies of Bhagavad-gītā, this time at Kansas University in Lawrence. So many nice students! A few highlights…
When I told one student that this book is about Arjuna’s existential crisis, he said, “Wow! I went dry [stopped drinking alcohol] two years ago & have found clarity enough to start asking existential questions myself. You mean you’re giving me this book?”
A girl who I told that the book addresses existential questions became wide-eyed & said, “That’s what I’m all about!”
A smiling student walked up to us carrying BG in his hand, saying, “I saw you both busy talking to others, so I took this from your box. I’ve been wanting to read this book! May I take it?” He disclosed he already knew the Hare Krishna mantra, having heard it sung on a comedian’s show. Since then he’s been “singing that song” & “feeling high.”
A girl from Bangalore had never seen Śrīla Prabhupāda’s BG before & was so happy to see us propagating it at KU that she gave a $50 donation to help us print more.
Several students took a serious interest in our invitation to attend a BG discussion on campus this Wed. evening organized by Hannah & Kishori Gopi through their Bhakti Club.

Guru Gauranga Dasa: Dear Niranjana Maharaja, Please accept my…
→ Dandavats

Guru Gauranga Dasa: Dear Niranjana Maharaja,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda!
What the modest delegation of devotees returning home to Switzerland from the 2017 Ukraine Bhakti Saṅgam Festival lacked in numbers, they surely made up for by their unbridled enthusiasm and immense happiness.
In this connection, I’d like to share with you a spontaneous testimonial (see below) which I received from Ramadas (Ramabiriya Krishnadas) (waving in photo) and which made my day as I was in the process of “riding out” Hurricane Irma back in Florida.
I’d like to take this opportunity to express my profound thanks to you and and the leaders of the Ukrainian Yatra, especially to Acyuta-priya, Gaura Pūrṇimā, Viṣṇudāsa, Devatātma and Mathurānātha Prabhus, and of course to the amazing Ukrainian devotees themselves for the many kindnesses and warm hospitality extended to the devotees visiting from Switzerland. Once again, I am in awe of the Ukrainian yātrā’s great zest for the seva of Lord Kṛṣṇa, Śrīla Prabhupāda and the Vaiṣṇavas.
Your servant always,
Guru Gaurāṅga dāsa
Begin forwarded message:
Hare Krishna, dear Guru Gauranga Prabhu
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
We arrived [back home] in Zurich today, and I want to express my infinite thanks to you. The [2017 Ukraine Bhakti Sangam] Festival was an incredible experience. Before going to Ukraine, I had some idea how the Festival would be, but the Festival actually left a much bigger impression on me.
When we arrived at the Festival place in the night, the driver shocked me by saying that my accommodations would be in a room separate from the other Swiss devotees and that the distance between the two locations would be a 15-minute walk.
I soon realized, however, how merciful Krsna was with His plan. My room was just in front of the main pandal and since I wished to remain every day until the very end of the kirtans, this was the best situation which could happen to me!
The organization of the Festival was amazing and perfect. The seminars were all inspiring and nourishing, the aratis were so beautiful (especially the Deities were so sweet and beautiful, that it appeared that they are dancing with us), the prasadam was delicious (we could, in fact, take prasadam with the Maharajas!), the kirtans were so ecstatic. Most of all, the enthusiasm of the Ukrainian devotees was incredible. I have never seen such a huge willingness for service.
The only negative point is that the festival only lasted just five days. It could have lasted one week more. Nevertheless, I am bringing with me such unforgettable memories, that I am very glad and thankful to you, that you contacted me to attend. My parents are also very happy that they let me go for this trip and are already inspired to attend the [2018 Ukraine Bhakti Sangam] Festival! They would also like to express their thanks to you.
With Hrvoje Kušanić Prabhu, we have taken many pictures and videos. In the upcoming days, we will compile them together and present them to the devotees of the Swiss Yatra.
I wish you a good time, my prayers will also be with your mother and you and may the Lord give your family the best protection against the hurricane.
Looking forward to see You soon.
Your servant,

Matchless Gifts and Harinam in the East Village (Album with…
→ Dandavats

Matchless Gifts and Harinam in the East Village (Album with photos)
Indradyumna Swami: Yesterday our festival crew visited “Matchless Gifts,” the very first of Srila Prabhupada’s temples in ISKCON. It was a deeply emotional moment for many of the devotees. Later we went on harinama samkirtan throughout the streets of New York’s famous East Village. People Ioved it - and so did we! [ All black and white photos are of Matchless Gifts. ]
Find them here:

The Bhagavad-gita is a yoga text for emotional empowerment
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Talk at One Yoga Center, New York, USA]




Podcast Summary



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“Swamiji at Sea” drama script
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Damodara Pandita das

The Vande Arts Team would like to offer this special drama script depicting Srila Prabhupada's epic voyage on the Jaladhuta. Devotees are welcome to use the script for there own celebrations of Srila Prabhupada's arrival in the USA and throughout ISKCON. This play is heavily musical (the main soundtrack theme is the beautiful “Prayers to the lotus feet of Lord Krishna” as recorded by Indradyumna Swami), with carefully choreographed scenes. A professional soundtrack has been recorded that provides background noise and the musical soundtrack (not the actual lines). Continue reading "“Swamiji at Sea” drama script
→ Dandavats"

Srila Prabhupada’s Journey Song – Video
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Sahadeva Dasa

Here is our Video offering on the historical occasion of the 52nd anniversary of Srila Prabhupada's departure for America by Jaladuta ship...... This is not only Srila Prabhupada's journey, this is also your, mine and everybody else's journey. Imagine if Srila Prabhupada would not have gone on this perilous voyage, where would I, you and many others be today! There is a need for ISKCON members to be aware of this song as this profoundly presents the mood of our beloved founder Acharya. The extraordinary mood of surrender, presented herein, forms the basis of our institution. This might be one of the most underrated songs in ISKCON. Let us try not to loose the connection with our roots. The force of time is overwhelmingly powerful and let it not cover up these beautiful memories. At least once in his/her life time, an ISKCON member needs to put him/herself in Srila Prabhupada's lotus shoes and see what it means to travel all the way to America, at a ripe old age, in a cargo ship with frail health and only 40 rupees. Continue reading "Srila Prabhupada’s Journey Song – Video
→ Dandavats"

Srila Prabhupada’s Arrival in America
→ Dandavats

By Giriraj Swami

On September 17, 1965, His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada arrived in Boston on board the ship Jaladuta, carrying within his heart the orders of his spiritual master to spread the teachings of Sri Caitanya beyond the borders of India, throughout the entire world Continue reading "Srila Prabhupada’s Arrival in America
→ Dandavats"

Improving Japa 2 – Concentrate by cultivating interest and appreciating importance
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Seminar at ISKCON, Towaco, USA]



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TOVP update (Album with photos) Sadbhuja Das: Hare Krsna, PAMHO,…
→ Dandavats

TOVP update (Album with photos)
Sadbhuja Das: Hare Krsna,
PAMHO, All Glories to Srila Prabhupada,
Dear Devotees,
Preparation works to install the next two Kalashes have begun.
Works are under way for the Main and Nrshimha Dev’s dome to install the power frame which will hold the Kalash and Chakra.
Nrshimha Dev’s dome is ready for the Russian engineers to begin works.
The stainless steel pipe frame (each pipe has a diameter of 80-140 mm) has been installed, along with all 16 GRC brackets that will hold the Kalash and the scaffolding that has been raised to working level.
For the Main dome of the TOVP, the work for the installation of the same steel frame is being actively carried out. All the preparatory work is planned to be completed by mid-October, which will follow with the installation of the Kalash by the Russian engineers.
Hare Krsna!
Find them here:

Krishna Taba Punya Habe Bhai (15 min video)Beautiful rendition…
→ Dandavats

Krishna Taba Punya Habe Bhai (15 min video)
Beautiful rendition of “Prayer to the Lotus Feet of Krishna”
by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Svami Prabhupada
on board the ship Jaladuta, September 13, 1965.
Watch it here:
krishna taba punya habe bhai
e-punya koribe jabe radharani khusi habe
dhruva ati boli toma tai
I emphatically say to you, O brothers, you will obtain your good fortune from the Supreme Lord Krishna only when Shrimati Radharani becomes pleased with you.
shri-siddhanta saraswati shaci-suta priya ati
krishna-sebaya jara tula nai
sei se mohanta-guru jagater madhe uru
krishna-bhakti dey thai thai
Shri Shrimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, who is very dear to Lord Gauranga, the son of mother Shaci, is unparalleled in his service to the Supreme Lord Shri Krishna. He is that great saintly spiritual master who bestows intense devotion to Krishna at different places throughout the world.

tara iccha balavan pashcatyete than than
hoy jate gauranger nam
prithivite nagaradi asamudra nada nadi
sakalei loy krishna nam

By his strong desire, the holy name of Lord Gauranga will spread throughout all the countries of the Western world. In all the cities, towns, and villages on the earth, from all the oceans, seas, rivers, and streams, everyone will chant the holy name of Krishna.

tahale ananda hoy tabe hoy digvijay
caitanyer kripa atishay
maya dushta jata duhkhi jagate sabai sukhi
vaishnaver iccha purna hoy

As the vast mercy of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu conquers all directions, a flood of transcendental ecstasy will certainly cover the land. When all the sinful, miserable living entities become happy, the Vaishnavas’ desire is then fulfilled.

se karja je koribare ajna jadi dilo more
jogya nahi an dina hina
tai se tomara kripa magitechi anurupa
aji numi sabar pravina

Although my Guru Maharaja ordered me to accomplish this mission, I am not worthy or fit to do it. I am very fallen and insignificant. Therefore, O Lord, now I am begging for Your mercy so that I may become worthy, for You are the wisest and most experienced of all.

tomara se shakti pele guru-sebaya bastu mile
jibana sarthak jadi hoy
sei se seva paile tahale sukhi hale
taba sanga bhagyate miloy

If You bestow Your power, by serving the spiritual master one attains the Absolute Truth—one’s life becomes successful. If that service is obtained, then one becomes happy and gets Your association due to good fortune.

evam janam nipatitam prabhavahikupe
kamabhikamam anu yah prapatan prasangat
kritvatmasat surarshina bhagavan grihitah
so ’ham katham nu vishrije tava bhritya-sevam

My dear Lord, O Supreme Personality of Godhead, because of my association with material desires, one after another, I was gradually falling into a blind well full of snakes, following the general populace. But Your servant Narada Muni kindly accepted me as his disciple and instructed me how to achieve this transcendental position. Therefore, my first duty is to serve him. How could I leave his service? (Prahlada Maharaja to Lord Nrisimhadeva, Bhag. 7.9.28)

tumi mor cira sathi bhuliya mayar lathi
khaiyachi janma-janmantare
aji punah e sujoga jadi hoy jogayoga
tabe pari tuhe milibare

O Lord Krishna, You are my eternal companion. Forgetting You, I have suffered the kicks of maya birth after birth. If today the chance to meet You occurs again, then I will surely be able to rejoin You.

tomara milane bhai abar se sukha pai
gocarane ghuri din bhor
kata bane chutachuti bane khai lutaputi
sei din kabe habe mor

O dear friend, in Your company I will experience great joy once again. In the early morning I will wander about the cowherd pastures and fields. Running and frolicking in the many forests of Vraja, I will roll on the ground in spiritual ecstasy. Oh when will that day be mine?

aji se subidhane tomara smarana bhela
baro asha dakilam tai
ami tomara nitya-dasa tai kori eta asha
tumi bina anya gati nai

Today that remembrance of You came to me in a very nice way. Because I have a great longing I called to You. I am Your eternal servant and therefore I desire Your association so much. O Lord Krishna, except for You there is no other means of success.

Slovakia, August 2017
→ KKSBlog

Written by Sesa Das

Starting his morning in Radhadesh and continuing to give Srimad Bhagavatam class on the topic of Gajendra’s return to the spiritual world, Maharaj spoke about how Gajendra was sufficiently offering realized prayers and therefore got the mercy & darsana of the Lord. Maharaj went on to speak how when Gajendra was touched by the Lord he attained his spiritual body & so we also touch the Lord’s body in deity worship, but we sometimes know the deity is God, but haven’t got the full real belief it’s true. Srila Prabhupada went to many places and turned them into tirthas. He transformed Tompkins Square park and the tree, Matchless Gifts is surcharged with transcendental energy as all the Krsna Consciousness in Srila Prabhupada is in that storefront! We sometimes get shadow ecstasy in the presence of these great devotees, and are therefore able to do super nature things beyond the impossibles. And via this association with pure devotees and the dhamas we can make this ecstasy permanent!

Just like if you leave some money with a devotees usually it will stay, however if you leave a book with a devotees, rest-assured it’s gone! So we transform through Krsna’s touch and the ecstasy which is dormant and transcendental acts and awakens it all.

The class and QnA came to a close by Maharaj stating we only see the tip of Srila Prabhupada’s mercy, because like an iceberg you see the tip or part sticking out of the water, however the majority of it is underneath the water! So there’s more mercy than we can imagine…

Later the same Maharaj flew to Vienna, Austria and would begin his Slovakia tour. Welcomed at the airport by a dozen or so devotees (including Gopali dd, Yamunacarya prabhu, Navadvipa prabhu, Teja Gauranga prabhu, Jalasaya dd and many others) Maharaj was driven from Austria over the board to the Bhaktiloka temple in Slovakia, where he would stay for the night.

Early next morning Maharaj set off to Markiza TV studio for an interview on their livestream morning show, which is the most popular news broadcasters in Slovakia. All had been expertly arranged by Gopali. As we came into the studio complex, many of the team began to come over and introduce themselves and Maharaj was mic’d up for the interview. The set was outdoors as the sun was shining, but a cooling breeze was they so we weren’t in the scorching heat. As you’ll see in the pictures there was 5 cameras set up from various angles, a live band set up & playing in the intervals, coffee machines with snacks and a pond in the background. The two presenters took a key interest in Maharaj from the start of their meet. Fredy, a celebrity in Slovakia & Hungary who now travels teaching Yoga explained a little about Maharaj to them in Slovakian stating that Maharaj is a Bhakti Yoga teacher, so he teaches the Yoga of love. When they went live, the lady presenter gave quick introduction to Maharaj and out excitement, eagerness and maybe a tinge of nerves she stated Maharaj teaches loves (although in short this is the essence so she was right). The male presenter began to ask why Maharaj left everything and what made him turn to this path he pursued over 45 years ago. Maharaj began to talk about the situation of Holland as he was growing up and how to intense spiritual culture of India really touched him when he visited the country, leading him to pursue spirituality further. Gopali also expanded about the Bhakti Yoga process and how we focus on chanting the Hare Krsna Mahamantra.

Afterwards we travelled to the border of Slovakia & Hungary, where Fredy lives in a wonderfully natural and peaceful house. His garden accommodates peacocks, African sheep, rabbits, ducks, and much much more (over 100 animals peacefully live in harmony there). Over the next few days he kindly accommodated Maharaj and organized many programs for him.

Staying at Fredy’s was interesting and full of nature. As soon as the sun began to rise the noise began. No the devotees, no, this time it was all the animals, especially the cuckoos in his back garden jungle. For the next hours the cuckoos would be constantly sounding.

During the day Maharaj spend breakfast and sometimes talking to Fredy & to find out what about you’ll have to listen to the evening lecture! One not to be missed! Later in the day Maharaj went on his walk with a few disciples, however no-one knew the area and we were all figuring out and bearings and where would be peaceful and quiet. Maharaj took the lead taking us to a near by lake. Being used to going at a fast speed on the high hills of Radhadesh, Maharaj was now on an unusual flat surface in Hungary and going very slowly. None the less it was a very peaceful & explorative walk. Towards the end we passed a house with a sign saying AG UTCA & Maharaj stared at it saying “mmmm, Acyuta Acyuta.”

Later that evening we went to The Yoga Vidyadarya in Bratislava, Slovakia. As many devotees assembled from Czech also as it’s just across the border Maharaj began a kirtan which very soon turned into a rip roaring kirtan. Maharaj as always had taken everyone out of the city centre & placed us all in the spiritual world. & then he began sharing his reflections on the birth of Parikshit Maharaj, as he read and spoke on the 1stCanto of Srimad Bhagavatam descriptions of Krsna saving Parikshit within the womb of his mother & then went on to glory and explain the high calibre of Parikshit’s character & ruling ability.

The next day Fredy & Gopali had arranged for Maharaj & the Hare Krsna’s could come to an annual Yoga gathering. Over 30 other yoga and spiritual societies had gathered with stalls, exhibitions and rooms hired for practical yoga sessions. The venue was actually a sports centre which meant it was very spacious and ideal for the intention of this gathering. Over 500 spiritual minded individuals had gathered, inquisitively viewing the stalls, products and at all part of the day in the main court yard was a stage & loads of grass land for people to assemble to practice the yoga that was being taught on stage.

As soon as Maharaj arrived and came to the main arena Fredy welcomed him, then although there was a bhajana session happening Maharaj stole the attention of everyone on the lawn, including the performers who stopped and invited him on stage to sing and play kartals with them.

A couple of hours later Maharaj had his own slot on stage & many devotees and disciples joined him on stage as he lead a kirtan. Somehow I came on & was given the whompers. As I played I realized it’s a deadly combination to be sitting next to Maharaj & playing these as he pushed me harder & harder to go faster & faster. Not knowing if the sun was going to burn me or Maharaj. As soon as the tune changed I quickly passed the whompers to Patrick from Slovakia, who is millions of times better than me and gladly changed for the kartals. The last 15 or 20 minutes of the slot Maharaj began to speak about the real meaning of yoga, starting by describing how Brahma came into the world as the first living being & then did years of austerities & ending the class linking back to this about how now the world is filled with people but without real yoga we may deep within feel like we are the only living being in the whole world due to loneliness. As the class went on people’s attention was tuned in and locked on Maharaj’s words. Many heads nodded in acknowledgement and agreement, and phones where being drawn out of bags and handbags to take videos of what was being said. Afterall a video often lasts longer than our memory at times. Maharaj finally ended his slot with a kirtan and then invited people to the room booked for the Hare Krsnas if they wanted to further meditate, discussion or had any questions.

The TV crew from Markiza had also come to video part of the kirtan, talk & after the slot began to ask Maharaj several questions about his life. The link for this is below:

As we made our way to the room, at the beginning on a few were present & Maharaj began then soon the room began to fill up & many questions were flying around the room. Maharaj left all that came with a warm and pleasant personal experience. As the day went on the room was used for various seminars and interactive sessions and Maharaj went around meeting people who had come, spending time with many yoga students, signing their books and spending time with the organizers who had great affection for him.

After a long day we all looked forward to the night of sleep ahead. Maharaj had done so much preaching and spent so much time cultivating many.

The following day the yatra gathered at the Bratislava temple house for the Sunday congregational celebrations for Balarama Jayanti. Although officially Balarama Jayanti was on the following day, due to making it practical for more to attend there would be celebrations on Sunday also. During the morning Maharaj was meeting many devotees & then after noon the program began with Maharaj leading a kirtan. Grab the recording to this kirtan! It’s on the 6th of August! Just before the kirtan a few of us where discussing some of the wild kirtans in South Africa, the extent to which I hadn’t experienced anywhere else yet. Little did I know what Maharaj had instore for today! After around 10 minutes of warming us up, Maharaj began to rock & then he rocked more & more & more & the whole temple room was up, although there was not so much space Maharaj made it irresistible to stay seat and not sing til our lungs ran out of air. He got us chanting Krsna bursting out of our throats, breaths, into our ears & making our minds go crazy! There was nothing but Krsna Krsna Krsna! Maharaj then slowed the kirtan down, 40 minutes into the recording he began singing the “Hari Haraye Namah” bhajana. Although many of us had been there whilst he lead this bhajana, it was different this time! It started the same but Maharaj knew the build-up he was beginning and taking us on. After minutes the room had the divine words “sri caitanya nitayananda sri advaita sita” bouncing off all the walls. We had all innocently come to see and spend the evening with Maharaj & he turned it into a completely ecstatic, mind blowing experience. No-one had anything but this bhajana and the desire to not stop chanting going through their head. I spoke to many after the program and everyone had the same feeling of complete madness during this kirtan. There was no other cares! Just hearing or re-thinking about the kirtans made us all go back to the madness! Listen at your own risk.

After the kirtan Maharaj gave a class on Balarama, explaining how He’s always ecstatic as He’s always serving Krsna and so this is the real key to life. It’s so simple and sublime. We try for ourselves and so many walls come up but when really serving Krsna we experience the eternal happiness (Nityananda). Maharaj explained that we can try all & it’s not enough! Therefore we need to turn to Balarama, the giver of spiritual strength. When we are happy what can touch you? What else do you need? But when we are depressed we think and feel all has gone wrong, all didn’t happened right and will never happen. & the real secret of Balarama is that He gives His whole life for others! In this way Maharaj began explaining that yes we do take austerities, but to keep going & attract others we need to have fun! He then went around the room asking what several individuals do to have fun. Some said they eat prasadam, some jump and dance, some read, some sleep, and a few other answers were given. Then at the end of the whole class during the QnA Gopali dd who was translating, asked Maharaj what he does to have fun. A great question, to which Maharaj replied he finds it really fun to drive people mad in spiritual life. He likes to made people go mad for Krsna and then he sees them go beyond any of their limits and that is his fun. He ended the class stating that we all have to find something which inspires & pulls us through to Krsna prema & share it! & then in the mood of making us mad again he lead a 20 minute kirtan before the feast was served.

The rest of the day Maharaj spent time with the devotees and having several private darsans.

The following day (7th August) was Balarama Jayanti, Maharaj woke up early to chant & spontaneously decided to take a visit to Paramesvara prabhu’s house to spend some time with him & the Harinama ruci group who were staying there. Amazing Krsna arranged everything worked to get there and back as nothing was planned.

Later in the day Maharaj was scheduled to go to Aupark, Slovakia to meet an influential celebrity rapper named Majk Spirt (prounced Mark Spirit). Aupark is a popular shopping centre, with a funfair outside, & we gathered in a gigantic park, which personally I thought was similar to & reminded me of Central Park, NYC. It was huge & very open, a good place to choose for the picnic. There was an amazing feast put together – samosas with chutneys, pastries, salad, fruit salads, and a variety of sweets like Sandesh, date balls, & a few Slovakian sweet sauces. Maharaj met Fredy in the park and with a few disciples sat down in the park to later on receive Majk. Spending a couple of hours together Maharaj and Majk exchanged many of their personal reflections and life experiences. Majk informed us how he had been God conscious and praying for many years, and over a decade ago came in contact with the Bhagavad-gita. He told Maharaj how he really wanted to visit India and was just awaiting the time to be freed up from his career schedule. Maharaj told him about a few key places to visit in India such as Vrindavan, Mayapur, Jaipur, Rajasthan, along with the cultural background of each place. Having a pleasant time together Maharaj then had to leave for to be on time for the evening program in Vienna. As Maharaj & Majk departed they had a final few exchanges and Majk out of gratitude gave a few of his latest CDs to Maharaj. He was a wonderful person, we saw many crowding around him, lining up to take a selfie & he had a desire to help the youth shape a better future for themselves & this is tried to do through his music. Hopefully we will meet him again in the future.

From Aupark Maharaj was picked him by Paramesvara prabhu in a smooth & almost silent car. On the way I being tired fell asleep & Paramesvara said to Maharaj: “I must be a good driver as he’s asleep within seconds.” To which Maharaj replied: “No, he’s a brahmacari. Just give him any time or space to sleep and he’ll take it.” As we approached Vienna the Harinama was going on for an extra hour and therefore Maharaj although fasting and having a full on day thus far thought to take advantage on this day & went straight into town to meet the Harinama ruci team. Within a few minutes of locating them in the town centre Maharaj was mic’d up and leading the harinama.

Then around 6pm the temple began to fill up as the program was about to begin. Maharaj began with a mellow kirtan & then gave a class on Lord Balarama. During the QnA Harinamananda prabhu asked if there was any difference between Nityananda and Lord Balarama. To which Maharaj began to remember and recite the pastime when Saci mata had a dream of Lord Caitanya fighting Krsna & Nityananda fighting Balarama over the food offering. Then Nityananda prabhu & Balarama began fighting with more vigour & Nityananda said: “Get out of here! This is our yuga not yours! This is for us!” So in this way we see they are the same but this yuga is for approaching Nityananda & He is Balarama in His most merciful mood. Maharaj explained that Nityananda is Balarama who is completely drunk from service & therefore doesn’t care but gives the highest to anyone & all.

Then Maharaj for the final time began leading a kirtan & got everyone up singing and dancing ecstatically. The madness of kirtan had returned and everyone was up and jumping wildly!

The next morning Maharaj had an early flight to Brussels where he would have a few days to rest before the Janmastami celebrations in Ljubljana, Slovenia.


Links for the Markiza TV show interviews:

Please watch the above link from 1 hour 40 mins to see Maharaj’s interview.

If you want to watch our part only then scroll down and find Najvacsi jogovy festival and click on it.

Visit Flickr to see more photos.