Harvard Study: What Makes a Good Life?

What keeps us happy and healthy as we go through life? If you think it's fame and money, you're not alone – but, according to psychiatrist Robert Waldinger, you're mistaken. As the director of 75-year-old study on adult development, Waldinger has unprecedented access to data on true happiness and satisfaction. In this talk, he shares three important lessons learned from the study as well as some practical, old-as-the-hills wisdom on how to build a fulfilling, long life. A TED video.

New Govardhana Kirtana News
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Jhulan devi dasi

I remember watching a kirtana festival some years ago. I saw a devotee wearing a t-shirt with the wording: ‘This is what we do,’ which was quite impressive. Actually, chanting the holy name in congregation is indeed what Hare Krishna devotees are supposed to do. Now different kirtana events are happening more and more at New Govardhana. Did you know that there is kirtana every night at the temple? Feel free to come to the temple at 7pm for a lively kirtana. Resident brahmachari Suratanatha dasa says, “Bhakta Mark and I used to have kirtana after evening prasadam at the temple. It was Shyamamrita mataji who encouraged us to do so more often. So we started to sing every night in the temple room and more people became involved. Now we have regular devotee attendance. “Kirtana is great for the community because everyone can easily get together through chanting. We want to keep this happening,” he says. Continue reading "New Govardhana Kirtana News
→ Dandavats"

Have you had a near-death experience?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

I often talk about how theoretical knowledge is different from experienced knowledge, but we don’t always know what we are talking about. I was reminded of this when I spoke at Jacksonville, Florida to students from the University of North Florida on “Near Death Experiences – Has the white crow been spotted?

The title referred to renowned psychologist William James’ statement about the criterion to challenge ruling theories in science: ““If you wish to upset the law that all crows are black, you mustn’t seek to show that no crows are; it is enough to prove one single crow to be white.”

In my talk, I discussed a strong candidate for the white crow in near-death studies – a case that seriously problematizes the materialist dogma that consciousness originates in the brain. It is the case of Pam Reynolds who was made brain-dead as a part of a surgery called “operation standstill” and during that brain-dead period had a vivid near-death experience (NDE).

After the class, three among the twenty-thirty students said that they had had NDEs. Seeing this frequency drove home the reality of the statistic I had read: “IANDS (The International Association for Near Death Studies) reports that as many 14% people, especially in USA, have had NDEs.”

How commonplace near-death experiences were became even more apparent when one of them nonchalantly asked me whether I had ever had a near-death experience.

I answered that I had had not a near-death experience, but an out-of-body experience. Once nearly a decade ago I had been sick and had been hospitalized. While I was given an intravenous injection, something went wrong and instead of the fluid going into my body from the bottle, my blood started going into the bottle. I had dozed off during the injection. When I woke up and noticed what was happening, I became horrified and panicky. But suddenly I saw myself from an out-of-body perspective and immediately felt calm. After a few moments, I found myself back in my body. Still feeling calm, I pressed the nearby alarm button to call a nurse, who promptly fixed the problem.

My program in Jacksonville was held at the Bhakti House, a center run by a young couple: Amrita Keli Mataji, who is the Hindu Chaplain for the University of North Florida, and Lovelesh Prabhu, who is a software engineer.

While I have seen many youth centers managed by monks in India, this is the first youth center I have seen managed by householders, and that too in America. Amrita Keli Mataji and Lovelesh Prabhu have taken a two-story house, in which they live in one small part and open the rest of the house for students as a facility for staying and practicing bhakti.

One of the most inspiring features of being a traveling teacher of bhakti for me is seeing the commitment to outreach of devotees all over the world. Their dedication demonstrates that the zeal for outreach ignited by Srila Prabhupada burns strong in the hearts of his second generational American followers.

This article is part of a series of articles about the recent Western tour. Full article can be read here

The post Have you had a near-death experience? appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.

Thursday, Aug 3rd, 2017
→ The Walking Monk

Spanish Fork, Utah

Gifts, Luck and the Radio

Luke from DC and his girlfriend from New Jersey were stuck on Highway 6.  It was a flat tire that troubled them.  There was no reception on their phone but there was on mine.  I happened to be there, when they were in distress, and they asked for help.  Hayagriva, my support, came to further assist.  Their spare was useless.  Because of our help, the couple paid for our full tank of gas—a generous gift—after AAA (triple A) came to the rescue.

I received a second gift from them—a magic card with Legendary Creature “Human Monk, Narset, Enlightened Master.”  Is that good luck?  I’m not sure. http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=386616

But one woman, a motorist, gave me water and a crystal.  Will that bring me good luck?  I do have Krishna’s mercy, and that should be good enough, yet I might consider all these gifts to be that mercy, including the water.  The several ride offers I received, I feel, are signs of compassion.  Kind gestures for sure.

I managed to get in a morning interview with Frank and Taylor on KUSA FM 100 radio in Price City.  Frank introduced me on the air waves as a “Hare Krishna monk.”  To date, he’s the first radio announcer to ever get my initiated name right.  He said it perfectly.  Over the air I said, “I’m impressed.”

Frank asked about me.

“Well, I became a monk in 1973.”

“That’s before I was born.”

“When you were in another body,” I added.

He asked about adventures on the road.  My eyes were on a picture of a badger pinned on the studio wall when he asked me.

“Well, I came upon a badger but he hadn’t made it across the road.  A car was the culprit.  It’s car country.  Cars have taken out our sense of neighbourliness (humanity / sensitivity).”

May the Source be with you!

20 mi

Latest Transcriptions – 08
→ The Spiritual Scientist

The post Latest Transcriptions – 08 appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.

Truly speaking…
→ Servant of the Servant

When we first come to the path of Krishna Consciousness, Krishna, devotees, chanting, Kirtan, Prasadam, etc attracts our minds. We think "this is pure and fresh, I want to do this". We start our journey in earnest. Then as days go by, our enthusiasm starts to wane or plateau. Now, no more the same Krishna, devotees or chanting gives us the feeling it once did. Then the mind starts to wander during japa. The mind starts to see holes in others' services. The mind justifies judgement and self-righteousness etc etc. Certainly familiarity will start to breed contempt. Then, in just a matter of time the soul will wash back to the shores of maya by criticizing everything Krishna consciousness or at least the institutions' promoting it.

When we experience a lull, we have to understand that it is because of our desire for material enjoyment (in its myriad forms'). We also have to understand that our initial attraction to Krishna was actually not so pure after all but tainted with our enjoying tendencies. Therefore it is  our job to clean our enjoying tendency. To let this tendency go unnoticed means we truly are not interested in Krishna but just in ourselves but in a different way (so called spiritualism).

Always, we have to be simple, honest and keep focus the purpose of spiritual life - that is - to love God without selfishness. As long as this selfishness is there we cannot truly appreciate the Bhagavat.

 Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Ṭhākura mentions that...one must not desire material profit when rendering devotional service. Even if one follows all the sixty-four regulative principles, he cannot attain pure devotional service with a contaminated heart. - Purport by Srila Prabhupada CC Madhya 19.175

Hare Krishna

Czech Summer Camp 2017
→ KKSBlog

Written by Sesa Das

As the evening of Friday, the 30th June approached, HH Kadamba Kanana Swami landed in the Czech Republic & he wasn’t alone! Nandagopa das from Mafikeng, South Africa had just received the great news of successfully passing his Bachelor’s degree at Bhaktivedanta College, and Maharaj decided to treat him by taking him along to the Czech Summer Camp after having spent three full years in Radhadesh. Kadamba Kanana Maharaj has been actively helping organize & attend the Camp for almost two decades! On Friday, Maharaj stayed in the Lucze temple for the night & the next morning, we all went to the Summer Camp.

Arrival at the Camp

Amazing to think that Czech Republic once was under a strong communist regime, where there were extreme difficulties and punishments for attempting to become and spread Krsna Consciousness. And now, over 200 devotees from all over Czech and Slovakia had come together, taking a week of holiday from work and taken over the landscape of X. The line-up for seminars, kirtans, katha was amazing with special guests HH Danavir Goswami, HH Bhakti Vaibhava Swami, HH Kadamba Kanana Swami, HH Bhakti Gauravani Swami, HH Janananda Goswami.

Kadamba Kanana Swami arrived at the Summer Camp with a kind welcome from the devotees; they were very happy to see him. In the evening, everyone assembled in the main temple room as Maharaj began to sing his first kirtan of the retreat. After ecstatically warming up the atmosphere and people with a 40 minute kirtan, Maharaj then began his evening class where he spoke on Bhagavad-gita 10.10, telling us about the need to serve,

To awaken our desire to chant we must associate with the Lord & His potency. Our real aim is to constantly glorify Krsna, all else is trivial and secondary, because Krsna is Lord Caitanya’s heart! There no room for anything else. However, we have so many desires and attachments, so what to do? Maharaj went on to explain that if we can’t spread the chanting of the Holy Name then we must somehow support the mission which serves to spread the Holy name. We want to serve our senses and not Krsna. But real change and transformation comes from practice or cultivation not just having the knowledge. When we practice then we put ourselves aside and place Krsna at the forefront.

Later on in the class Maharaj went on to give the example of the Gopis, who have no personal desires. He stated that we see Mother Yasoda actually only wanted Krsna and Balarama to have pleasure. So the more we are engaged in devotional service, the more everything else disappears. As Srila Prabhupada would often give the analogy that if there is ink in a cup then when one places more and more water in the cup it automatically fills up with water and clears out all the ink. So we need to apply ourselves properly to the process, in particular (1) Always chanting & (2) Serving the vaisnavas. Maharaj finished the class by with an important point, which is that we chant for the pleasure of Krsna.

Srimad Bhagavatam Class 10.13.61

The following morning, Maharaj led the Guruvastakam prayers at Mangal arati and thereafter gave a Srimad Bhagavatam class based on verse 10.13.61. He began speaking about Lord Brahma’s exalted position. Brahma received the words spoken to him “ta pa” and so he began severe austerities and the Lord revealed everything to him. But now Brahma saw Krsna eating with his left hand and became confused, thinking, “Is that really God?!

Maharaj went on to cite Sridhara Swami’s commentaries where it is explained that this cowherd boy form isn’t a ‘form’ that Krsna takes, no, rather it is His original form, govindam adi purusam. But here we see that even great personalities forget the Absolute Truth. Even then though Krsna makes an arrangement for them to remember Him, as we see in this pastime with Lord Brahma. Brahma set out to bewilder and in-turn got bewildered himself. So we must also see this arrangement in our life too.

Maharaj then heated up the class with many penetrating points. He went on to state who is courageous enough to ask their spiritual master, “What are your plans for my life?” We see the spiritual master as intimidating figure even if they are friendly, because he has all authority, more than our parents, more than schools, more than the government! So maybe it’s best to just stand & smile at him. That way we get no revolutionary instructions that we have to follow! However, the bold prostrate themselves and ask, “How can I serve you?” They purely want to be his instrument. This we see in Srila Prabhupada’s example, as he asked, “Why did this happen to me?” (in a grateful & humble mood) and further went on to explain because he 100% followed his spiritual master. We often go to our spiritual master seeking blessings for our own plan, however this means that we are actually competing with Krsna & in a position like Brahma, maybe not immediately, however we start developing this mentality to places ourselves in the centre & that’s how it all begins!

Deep Questions

Maharaj ended the class on the point above and opened up for questions, and two very interesting questions arose (1) Do devotees suffer more than karmis because Krsna wants us to go back to Godhead this lifetime? & (2) What happens if the disciple only follows 20% of the spiritual master’s instructions? Maharaj gave his personal deep reflections on these matters & I could tell them to  you, however I won’t spoil it for you & rather recommend listening to the recording. The remainder of the day, Maharaj spent with many of his disciples & well-wishers.

Initiation ceremony

The morning of our 3rd day at the Camp, Maharaj gave a class on Sri Caitanya Caritamrta. Around mid-day, everyone assembled in the temple room for an initiation ceremony. Just over half a dozen devotees were seated and about to received initiation, some from HH Danavir Goswami & some from HH Kadamba Kanana Swami. As Kadamba Kanana Swami began a kirtan you could feel the atmosphere being soaked with vaisnava blessings for those about to take their vows and further their commitment to this parampara.

HH Danavir Goswami spoke on the nine stages of devotional service and how we gradually progress. He explained how unless we take initiation, the higher stages are unattainable & even Krsna took initiation to show the importance of it. Maharaj explained the humble mood of the spiritual master who doesn’t think himself qualified to take anyone back to Godhead but thinks he is just a wire and somehow his spiritual master picked him up and tied me to his current so in this way the current of Krsna Consciousness flows down to us. Danavir Goswami then went through the ten offences, stating the clear importance of avoiding them.

The microphone was then passed over to HH Kadamba Kanana Maharaj who spoke on the importance of the process of chanting. Maharaj stated that actually the chanting of the Holy name isn’t dependent on initiation, but when offences are committed this delays the effects of real chanting. Connecting to the disciplic succession gives one the tools and blessings but then it’s up to us to make the most out of them, and our real success starts when we develop humility, otherwise it is very difficult. Only with humility can one’s initiation be successful. Therefore, it is the ‘trinad api sunicena verse’ (3rd verse of siksastakam prayers) must be kept round one’s neck with the mahamantra.

Then the initiations began and Patthik who is originally from India, however now with his wife is working in Czech and serving wonderfully in the Harinam Mandir, received the name Prema Vilasa dasa; a name denoting the love of the spiritual world.

Then Bretislav, from Czech and serving in Lucze temple, received the name Bala Govinda dasa –Govinda gives pleasure to the cows and senses. And Bala means young boy. As the assembled devotees laughed due to him not being a young boy anymore, Maharaj said, “So you are His servant.”

Maharaj then began the evening kirtans which rocked and compelled everyone to come to the temple room. After a while he then went on to speak on Bhagavad-gita 10.11. An amazing class for which I collected almost 7 & a half pages of notes! In the class, Maharaj addressed the issue that it is difficult to practice Krsna consciousness for a lifetime without any problems. So we need to get the higher taste, which is Krsna’s mercy that can only be obtained when we make a serious endeavour. As we preach, we confront our limits more and more. There must be a change in us as we usually have more compassion for ourselves than on others. We must be selfless, we must think about it and find someone to give this greatest gift to others and then we break through. Maharaj round up this evening class by saying that we must take responsibility and somehow expand the movement. There are different opportunities all around us!

The next morning HH Janananda Goswami gave the morning Srimad Bhagavatam class and spoke about the Paris Ratha Yatra he had just come from. An event of ecstasy for all. Maharaj finished the class by bringing out a tiffin of maha-prasad and distributed it from the Vyasasana. Everyone jumped up and crowded around him, of course allowing the sanyasis and senior devotees to take some first and then hands extended out around Maharaj to grab the mercy.


After lunch, HH Janananda Goswami, HH Kadamba Kanana Swami, Harinama Ruci and many devotees drove to a close by city centre to fill the streets and atmosphere with harinama sankirtan. When we arrived, the microphone was immediately given to Kadamba Kanana Maharaj to start the procession. Devotees were still parking up and assembling as the harinama began with a hand-full of devotees. Quickly many joined, and then suddenly Janananda Goswami and Harinama Ruci came from another direction also doing a harinama. What a transcendental sight as two harinama parties merged into one big party. The procession began and we went through the city centre and came to a water fountain where Kadamba Kanana Maharaj took the harinama up a notch, to the next level. Everyone was running, dancing, singing, and jumping around. Then  Janananda Maharaj took over and within minutes also had everyone singing and dancing ecstatically in lines as people watched with amazement and attraction to the Harinama party. This was a great way for us all the end the Czech Summer Camp. Later that day Maharaj, Nandagopa, Mayapur Candradoya & myself were driven back to the Lucze temple by Antardvipa Prabhu. We stayed there overnight & Maharaj could get good rest after a busy, fully packed Summer Camp in Czech.

The following morning we left for Prague airport as Maharaj, Nandagopa & myself would fly to Radhadesh. Keep in tune to find out what transcendental adventures Maharaj next went on, after coming to Radhadesh, giving many powerful classes on Gajendra’s prayers, going to USA, & later on to the Swiss Summer Camp & Berlin Ratha Yatra.

Visit Flickr to see all the photos!

Jhulan Yatra at Bhaktivedanta Swami Mission School, Juhu,…
→ Dandavats

Jhulan Yatra at Bhaktivedanta Swami Mission School, Juhu, Mumbai.
The students and staff of the Bhaktivedanta Swami Mission School flagged off the Janmashtami Celebrations with a grand Jhulan festival at the school at Andheri, Mumbai. Besides the students and teachers the festival was enthusiastically attended by the parents as well.
The Janmashtami celebrations will be held on Fri, 11th August with abhishekha performed by the students followed by a boat festival in the temple hall. The 121st appearance day celebrations of Srila Prabhupada will be held on Monday, 21st August 2017 with an offering of 121 bhoga offerings made by the students and staff followed by pushpanjali and various competitions in remembrance of Srila Prabhupada.
The Bhaktivedanta Swami Mission School comprises of approximately 1100 students from all walks of life, studying through the ICSE board offering high quality material education. The various spiritual activities and celebrations involving EVERY child brings about the much needed balance for an overall development and a “Practical application of Spirituality”.


The 16Th Annual Padayatra In Slovenia
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Aradhikā Radha dasi and Gaurangi dasi

Padayatra is one of the biggest preaching programs of the year in Slovenia. For the past fourteen years Slovenian devotees have been organising a walk every summer. By walking in different sections each year they have covered the entire country, which is not a difficult task since Slovenia is a small coutry of 2 million people (less than 1/6 of Moscow's population) with a superficy of 20 000 square kms, the size of Costa Rica or Macedonia, and 1/32 the superficy of France. Continue reading "The 16Th Annual Padayatra In Slovenia
→ Dandavats"

A Day to Remember – ISKCON St Louis Chariot Festival ( Ratha Yatra)
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Shrinithi Syam Mohini Karthikeyan

As the music got louder, the crowd of almost 800 people started to grab the ropes of the rath and began to pull. With organizers in front of the crowd and on top of the cart controlling the speed and course of the chariot and communicating with the crowd through stop and slow signs, and volunteers passing out iced water bottles, the rath was pulled through the park without a glitch. The people in the crowd were all joyful and lively while enthusiastically dancing and singing. As the parade part of the festival came to close, the deities were moved from the chariot to an altar by the stage, and the public began to wander through the various activity stalls or sit to start watching the stage programs. Continue reading "A Day to Remember – ISKCON St Louis Chariot Festival ( Ratha Yatra)
→ Dandavats"

Srila Rupa Goswami Disappearance
→ Mayapur.com

In 1517, Shri Rupa Goswami and Shri Sanatana Goswami, his elder brother, came to Vrindavana to fulfill four orders of Lord Chaitanya’s: (1) Uncover Shri Krishna’s lost pastime places. (2) Install Deities, start puja. (3) Write bhakti-shastras. (4) Propagate the rules of bhakti-yoga. Wearing only kaupina (loincloth) and kantha (patchwork quilt), Shri Rupa Goswami lived […]

The post Srila Rupa Goswami Disappearance appeared first on Mayapur.com.

Jhulan Yatra 2017 begins: Day 1 photo gallery
→ Mayapur.com

Jhulan Yatra is one of most spectacular festival celebrated in Mayapur for the pleasure of Sri Radha-Madhava and Vaishnavas. Starting from  the Ekadasi day, the festival continues for 5 days till Balaram Purnima. Presence of HH Jayapataka Swami for festivals in Mayapur is always special for Mayapur devotees and we are very fortunate to have Maharaj […]

The post Jhulan Yatra 2017 begins: Day 1 photo gallery appeared first on Mayapur.com.

Beyond Conversion to Conversation – Christian-Vaishnava inter-faith meet at Washington DC:
→ The Spiritual Scientist

The Christian-Vaishnava dialogue is the marquee achievement of the ISKCON Communications ministry and Anuttama P, who has been its insightful pioneer and my thought-provoking guide. He had invited, indeed insisted, that I be present for at least part of the conference.

As I participated in the conversations, I was intrigued to see the level of candor among the participants coming from two different faith-traditions. They had found common ground in their humanity and, putting aside their differences, had focused on the generic human issues that face religions in today’s post-modern world. Coming from India where Christianity draws a lot of flak from concerned Hindu circles because of its overt and covert conversion agendas, it was refreshing to meet Christians who had genuine interest in conversation, not conversion.

Thus, I realized a point that I have spoken often in my classes: we need to see people not by the designation of their religion, but by the level of their consciousness. Every religion has people in the three modes, and moderates, who are usually in the mode of goodness, can cut through the barriers of differing, even conflicting traditions, to establish authentic connections and conversations.

Living Spiritually in Today’s World – QA session at Bhakti Center, New York 

Jai Giridhari P, a certified yoga teacher and the vice-president of the Bhakti Center, had invited me to speak at his Sunday afternoon called Recharge for yoga practitioners who want to go deeper into the yoga tradition. He had arranged the format of the program to be a QA session named – Ask. All the participants were Westerners and they asked many thoughtful questions. While addressing the overall theme of Living Spiritually in Today’s World, I highlighted the theme of positivity in spirituality, stressing how “What we are is God’s gift to us and what we become is our gift to God.”

These articles are part of a series of articles about the recent Western tour. Full article can be read here

The post Beyond Conversion to Conversation – Christian-Vaishnava inter-faith meet at Washington DC: appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.

Krishna FunSkool Presents: Summer Camp for Youth – August 24-25, 2017
→ The Toronto Hare Krishna Temple!

Krishna's Funskool at Toronto's Hare Krishna Temple is very happy to announce the Summer Camp for Youth-2017, a unique value-based leadership program for youth aged 12-17 years!

Join us for 2 fun-filled days of interactive spiritual learning, intriguing outdoor and indoor activities, sumptuous prasadam, practical life management skills, yoga, meditation, music and much more. We invite you to experience, explore and evolve - discover your true potential.

Sumptuous breakfast, lunch and snack prasadam will be provided.

Here are more details:
The camp will run for two days Thursday, August 24th and Friday, August 25th 
from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Please register  by filling up the form here.

Registration Fee:  $ 60 for 2 days

You can complete the payment for registration in the following ways:

1. In Person - On Sundays at Krishna's Funskool, Govinda's Restaurant, ISKCON Toronto between 6:15 - 7:30 p.m. Please give the name of your child, age and Summer Camp for Youth 2017 while making the donation.

2. Online using PayPal/interac/EMT via donate@torontokrishna.com - Please add the name of your child, age and Summer Camp for Youth 2017 in the description line.

3. By Cheque payable to ISKCON Toronto.

For more information please contact 

Latest Transcriptions – 07
→ The Spiritual Scientist

The post Latest Transcriptions – 07 appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.

Jhulan Yatra
→ Ramai Swami

Srila Prabhupada very much encouraged the observance of Jhulan Yatra – the swing festival of Radha and Krsna.

He said, “During these five days of Jhulan Yatra, the deities’ clothes should be changed daily, a nice prasad (food offering) be distributed, and samkirtan (group singing) should be performed.

A throne may be constructed on which the deities (Radha & Krishna) can be placed, and swayed gently with accompanying music.”

Ananda Vrndavana Campu describes the swing festival as “the perfect object of meditation for those desiring a taste of devotion.”

I was in Adelaide for Jhulan Yatra and many devotees came morning and night to swing Their Lordships.

Wednesday, August 2nd, 2017
→ The Walking Monk

Soldier Summit, Utah

The Death and Life of Today

The wind was forceful, blowing my robes every which way.  That powerful air funnelled through these incredible rock formations.  It was still quite dark out, and rain, a teasing rain, came down—cold droplets.  I received a call on my cell in the course of this trekking through turbulence.

“He’s gone!” said the caller, Anubhava, from Montreal, in reference to Basab’s passing.

The sun did come up, so incrementally, and the wind died down.  Then an e-mail from a friend.  “Could you please pray for my father, age 84, who just left his body this morning.  He died from cancer.”

Deer and prairie dog are casualties.  A fresh deer carcass lay by the road and the totalled car that hit the deer.  The impact may have killed the car, too.  A front tire came off the axle and the engine is done.

The theme of this morning was so obviously “death,” and “turbulence,” but it all became easily replaced by life, sunshine and then there was Rick.

Rick is a writer with the Sun Advocate in Price City.  He was really intrigued with our walking project, its intent, the adventure behind it and the tales I was able to relay to him.  “The tremendous benefit of moving one foot forward and then swinging the adjacent one forward—the simple stepping procedure we take so much for granted—is there for all,” I said.

I felt like I was making him feel guilty because as he admitted, he felt the need to walk more.  A real gentleman, he is.  He gave a lift to the day.  Thanks!

May the Source be with you!

20 mi

Tuesday, August 1st, 2017
→ The Walking Monk

Helper, Utah

Back to Miles

Life is indeed tough.  Some bitter news came to me in the latter part of the day—the loss of life of one of our young members from our Montreal community.  He was 33.  Basab Chaudury was a bright star and a very special and mild but committed devotee.  He died suddenly from a condition of brain infection.  Please pray.  His dad Samir, and devotional family will miss him dearly.

Yes, prayerful chanting occupied my second segment of today’s walk.  I’m back at it again.  The other three companions turned out redder than I from sun exposure.

I had picked up from where I left off a month ago.  I find myself on a busy Highway #6, westbound toward Spanish Fork.  I called my dear friend, Charu.  He said, “You’re in the most intriguing part of Utah with its mountain formations.”  One, the “balance rock,” is this huge natural-cut rock that is suspended by a feeble foundation.  How it’s held up, only God knows.  It’s awe-inspiring!

Many motorists stopped to wonder about our little walking brigade as I had my guys with me.  Ride offers came along with their curiosity.  We had it good on this first day back on track.

Some, on other sets of legs and hooves, didn’t move so well.  It was a mama deer with her two calves that were bouncing along very near to us.  Unfortunately, mama leaped a fence that her young ones couldn’t scale so it left her bewildered when she carried on and then looked back to find them not there.  I believe instinct will bring them together or as we believe actually, paramatma(God in the heart) will lead them to reunion.

May the Source be with you!
21 miles

Canadian Family’s Journey in Simple Living Takes Them to New Vrindaban
→ New Vrindaban Brijabasi Spirit

By Madhava Smullen for ISKCON New Vrindaban Communications


Neither Filippo Paonessa nor his wife-to-be Sukhayanti Dasi had any previous experience in cow protection or agriculture when they met at the Toronto ISKCON temple. But they found that they were both inspired by Srila Prabhupada’s words on simple living and shared a desire to follow them practically.

Sukhayanti had grown up in Israel and traveled the world in her twenties, meeting devotees at a Rainbow Gathering in Germany in 2005. Attracted by their authenticity, she visited the farm temple of Simhachalam in the Bavarian forest and decided she wanted to join ISKCON.

Over the next few years, she became a whirlwind of service around the world: She hotfooted it across Germany organizing Rathayatras; led women’s book distribution parties in Heidelberg and London, England; organized Harinama Sankirtana weekends in Brazil, and took the Bhakti Sastri program in Mayapur.

Meanwhile in Toronto, Canada, Filippo was doing physiotherapy after sustaining an injury from his construction job, when a friend suggested he try yoga. Immediately Fil sensed that there was something more beyond the postures, and when yoga studios couldn’t give him the answers he was looking for, he decided to try the Hare Krishna temple. Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is won him over, and he never turned back.

At the time, in 2011, Sukhayanti also happened to be living at the Toronto temple, and the two started a relationship and were married. Among many things, they connected deeply on their shared understanding of what Srila Prabhupada wanted – particularly in the area of simple living.

“We had some good talks together, and we decided that the nicest way to raise a family and live a Krishna conscious life would be in a simple setting like a farm,” says Fil.

An action-oriented couple, they didn’t waste time, and began plans to purchase their own farm and protect cows right away. But first, they needed expert training. For this, they turned to Balabhadra Das of ISCOWP, which was based in New Vrindaban at the time.

“It was great – Balabhadra Prabhu is wonderful,” Fil says. “He’s very quiet, but he really works you hard. He doesn’t hold back because he wants you to experience the work as it is, and make sure you can actually handle it. When I passed the test, I didn’t just prove to him that I could do it – I also proved to myself that this is what I wanted to do with my life.”

While Fil learned how to take care of cows, train oxen and maintain a garden, Sukhayanti  assisted Balabhadra’s wife Chayadevi,  learning how to maintain and promote a non-profit organization, how to keep in touch with donors and how to run a newsletter.

“It was particularly special because they taught us not only how to take care of cows and oxen, but also the mood and philosophy behind such care,” Sukhayanti says.

After six months training with Balabhadra, Fil and Sukhayanti purchased a fifty-acre farm in Hastings, Ontario. There, they maintained themselves by growing and selling a wide variety of different vegetables. They also rescued six cows and two bulls from neighboring dairy farmers, eventually resulting in a herd of thirteen animals whom they provided sanctuary to.

Their efforts were successful and garnered much support from devotees in the Greater Toronto Area who donated to their Adopt-A-Cow program and purchased their organic vegetables. Yet with devotees unwilling to move from the city to create a community with them, the lack of association became difficult.

“We felt a deep desire to be part of a bigger community, to work with other devotees,” Sukhayanti says. “And we wanted our one-year-old twin daughters, Rangadevi and Sudevi, to grow up with devotee friends too.”

New Vrindaban, with which they had already developed a bond, seemed ideal, especially with its opportunities for service and ability to take on their herd.

So recently Fil, Sukhayanti and their girls moved to the West Virginia community, taking their seven cows and six oxen with them.

Their animals increase New Vrindaban’s herd to about eighty. Two of their oxen are almost fully trained and two are familiar with voice commands, adding more value to the New Vrindaban ox program.

Meanwhile Fil and Sukhayanti themselves bring a lot of skill to the community. Fil is putting his experience to work as a general farmhand for ECO-Vrindaban – milking cows, maintaining buildings, cutting hay, putting up fence posts, and efficiently working through a list of projects.

“For my first, I am building a bull pen for one of the young bulls who is set to breed with the cows to expand the milking herd,” he says. “What’s nice is that ECO-V’s general manager Ranaka Prabhu lets me know the priority level on projects, and then lets me take it from there – because he trusts me based on my work in Ontario.”

Sukhayanti has her hands full caring for their two young daughters, but says she likes to do service, so she has been asking for whatever volunteer work she can.

One exciting project she is putting her organizational skills to is reviving an effort maintained by the late head cowherd Amburish Das, who kept meticulous records of all the cows’ activities, births, deaths, names, parents, locations and milk production amounts in the 1970s and early 1980s.

Compiling scattered data about the cows and interviewing long-time New Vrindaban residents to fill in missing information, Sukhayanti is creating new bios for the eighty-plus herd to create a more personal connection with them. She’s also helping to fundraise for the cows’ care.

Fil, 42, and Sukhayanti, 34, are bringing some younger energy to New Vrindaban, inspiring long-time residents like Ranaka, who feel it will soon be time to pass the torch to the next generation.

The couple also encourages other younger families to consider becoming a part of Srila Prabhupada’s first farm community.

“The facilities are here,” says Sukhayanti. “New Vrindaban is one of the few communities in ISKCON that has the ability to some extent to offer jobs to devotees. They have some housing and are planning to build more. They have a school and preschool for the children – and as the mother of two young girls, it’s super important for me that they will be able to have friends. And it’s great to have a Govinda’s restaurant right onsite for when you don’t feel like cooking!”

She continues, “We love being able to attend the morning program at the temple every day, and there are always devotees at the program here. There are also many senior devotees like Malati Devi, who remind us more of Srila Prabhupada.  And the festivals like 24 hour kirtan that draw so many people are enlivening for us.”

“I think all these things are a big incentive for families who want to work with devotees, in a devotee environment – to surround themselves with devotees the whole day!” Sukhayanti enthuses. “Hopefully more and more families move here, and we can create a really young and vibrant community.”

For Fil, the possibility of doing that with Srila Prabhupada’s first farm community — “his original baby” – is exciting.

“I see the New Vrindaban community really trying to push towards fulfilling Srila Prabhupada’s vision,” he says. “And that inspires us to totally give ourselves to that vision too. We just feel very privileged and grateful to be here, and to be able to contribute.”




Training Oxen by Voice Commands Lesson 2 The Halter
→ Life With the Cows and Land

William E. Dove (president of ISCOWP and also known as Balabhadra das) is available  to answer any questions about the training process. You may ask here in the comment section or email at iscowp@gmail.com..

More lessons will be coming soon. This is the second in a series that is published on our YouTube channel ISCOWP108. The main reason to be teaching oxen how to do useful work and obey commands is to show their usefulness as an alternative to their slaughter. To many the ox or steer has no purpose but for the price he may bring in the meat industry.

Griffith University Gold Coast, Australia, Prasadam…
→ Dandavats

Griffith University Gold Coast, Australia, Prasadam Distribution.
Radharani Priya devi dasi Tuesday nights at the Griffith University Student Village are ‘Krishna Supper Night’, where we serve out free, hot nutritious vegetarian meals and have kirtana. This project was started through the University Chaplaincy department. The Cardamom Pod Restaurant sponsors the prasadam, and well-known cook Garuda dasa also brings an equal amount of prasadam from New Govardhana.
The Village houses 500 students, who are mainly from interstate and overseas. The students line up for pasta, kicheri, halava and a drink, while listening to the soothing kirtana melodies of Kalyani devi dasi and Garuda. Another valuable member of the team is Rajnesh, a Griffith student. He comes to help serve out every Tuesday and often brings some of his uni friends to assist. The project has been running successfully for two semesters, and the Village management is very happy about the Krishna Supper Night.

The devotee who “kidnapped” the deities from his own…
→ Dandavats

The devotee who “kidnapped” the deities from his own wife!
Sri Sri Radha Govardhanadhari’s Installation Anniversary.
Ajita dasa: The New Govardhana farm, Australia, was purchased in May 1977 for $80,000. A year later the temple construction began with its three altars. The middle altar was to become the residence of Sri Sri Radha Govardhanadhari, the transcendental lifter of the hill that fulfills all desires. The devotees decided to install the Deity form of Radha Govardhanadhari as soon as the temple could receive Them. Unfortunately, to design, carve and ship such a wondrous form of God required a lot of time. Imagine India and communications in 1977 … Hari Sauri dasa decided to fly to Jaipur where the professional Deity sculptors (sthapatis) design and carve such forms of Krishna. He arrived at a sthapati’s workshop to place his order for New Govardhana. He saw a beautiful form of Radha and Krishna, who he felt would be perfect for Australia. “Bad news”, says the sthapati with transcendental pride. “They have been pre-ordered, paid for and are ready for shipping to New Mayapur, France.” Hari Sauri wanted the same Deities for New Govardhana, but time was running out. After much haggling, discussions, and bribes the sthapati finally released the already carved Divine Couple to him. He finalized the payment and shipping on the spot. Meanwhile, the sthapati frantically began a replica of the exact same set for the original customer. History confirms that this ‘client’ was not happy upon seeing the slightly modified version. July 1979 was the time for the two installations of the Radha Krishna Deities for New Mayapur, France, and New Govardhana, Australia. Many devotees attended the festival held at the newly constructed temple in Australia. Strawberry halava was one of the many preparations offered to Their Lordships on 15 July 1979 as a welcome feast. (Since then, more than half a million such preparations have been offered to Radha Govardhanadhari.) The other installation took place in New Mayapur, France. Sri Sri Radha Govinda Madhava were installed and also received halava with Their first offering. Now it’s 2004, during our Deities 25 th anniversary, and Hari Sauri is telling the assembled devotees about Their installation but, unknown to him, the ‘customer’ is also among the assembled devotees. Suddenly, the form of Sri Sri Radha Govardhanadhari flashes in her mind – 25 years ago in Jaipur, waiting to be shipped, to France. All hell breaks loose – Hari Sauri and the ‘customer’ together on the same day, same time, same Deities, same temple, same story – but now the customer is his very own wife, Sitala devi dasi!
Hari Sauri had ‘kidnapped’ the Deities who were ready for France and only 25 years later the truth came out on Their anniversary day. Sri Sri Radha Govardhanadhari had previously arranged, some 20 years ago, for the thief and the designer to marry. Who says God doesn’t have a sense of humor? Another little-known fact is that Govardhanadhari temporarily had conch shell eyes. Sri Sri Radha Govardhanadhari are very special Deities. Krishna is the lifter of the hill that fulfills all desires and He does indeed fulfill all desires of His dear servants, but He does so with a twist – as we have learned. So please somehow serve Their Lordships and see how kind They are. Just beware of what you desire …

Lord Balarama’s Appearance Day – Aug 7
→ The Toronto Hare Krishna Temple!

Come join us this Monday to celebrate the appearance of Lord Balarama, the elder brother of Lord Krishna! Lord Balarama always protects His devotees and is known to be very merciful even to the most fallen conditioned soul. What better way to end off the long weekend than coming to the temple to celebrate this very special appearance day starting at 6pm.

Here is the schedule for the evening:

6:00-6:30 Arati
6:30-6:40 Welcome and Announcements
6:40-7:30 Class
7:30-8:00 Special Bhajan Meditation
8:00-8:30 Arati\

We hope to see you all there!