Fifty complete newcomers to Krishna consciousness packed out a recent seminar on “Conscious Living” at the Bhakti Yoga Center in Panama City recently.
Websites from the ISKCON Universe
15 days, 11 temples and $1 million U.S. in pledges! This was the amazing result of the first tour to the small temples of the Maharashtra region of Western India.
Inspired by the amazing success of his recent Vyasa Puja TOVP fundraising event which also raised $1 million U.S., His Holiness Lokanath Maharaja, Chairman of the Western India District Council, personally orchestrated the recent first leg of the Maharashtra tour, calling temple leaders on the phone every day and creating a transcendental competition to give more to the TOVP. Every single devotee enthusiastically responded to this ‘Call to Action’. Even devotees who had given at his Vyasa Puja celebration upgraded their pledges, being overwhelmed by the ecstatic mood of the competition and festival of kirtan and abhisheka for Lord Nityananda’s Padukas and Lord Nrsimha’s Sitari.
“We far exceeded our expectations here in Maharashtra. It wasn’t anticipated that such small temple communities would step forward and give so much”, said Vraja Vilas prabhu, the TOVP Global Fundraising Director. “We owe a debt of gratitude to Lokanath Maharaja for his complete support of the tour, to Radhanath Maharaja and his many disciples in temples in Maharashtra, to the WIDC (Western India District Council) and to all the temple leaders for their unconditional cooperation and expert organization of our schedule as Lord Nityananda’s Padukas, Lord Nrsimha’s Sitari, Jananivas prabhu and myself traveled continuously for 30 days”.
The mood of the devotees was one of personal sacrifice for the TOVP with the understanding that service to Mayapur and specifically to the TOVP project would please Srila Prabhupada and show their love for him through the spirit of cooperation and bring about the empowerment and success of their own preaching projects. This mood was also emphasized by Srila Prabhupada:
“The more you help develop Mayapur, the more Lord Chaitanya will bless your area of the world and it will flourish”
Letter to Hari-sauri
Ambarisa and the TOVP Team wish to thank His Holiness Lokanath Maharaja, His Holiness Radhanath Maharaja and all the leaders and devotees in Maharashtra for making this tour such a grand success and for showing by their example the attitude of combined service to guru and Krishna.
We look forward to the second half of the Maharashtra/Western India tour in 2018 to continue the transcendental competition.
To donate to the TOVP, please visit the TOVP website at: https://tovp.org/donate/seva-opportunities/
The post Maharashtra TOVP Tour an Amazing Success appeared first on Temple of the Vedic Planetarium.
Heart Felt Thank You And Prannams for the effort and all the wonderful devotees and volunteers for making this year Ratha Yatra festival a huge success!!! Your service personally, financially, or by just attending was much appreciated. Huge thanks goes out to devotees who came all the way from different parts of Ireland to be a part of this blissful event and special thanks to Alek Prabhu for capturing the event photos! Continue reading "Dublin Rathayatra 2017
→ Dandavats"
Should he be?
A Monk’s lesson from a tree (1 min video)
Sivarama Swami’s advice.
Watch it here: https://goo.gl/ZPSfAV
An Angel in Disguise.
Sukhayanti Devi Dasi: I guess angels come in all forms and shapes and may appear in the least expected places and circumstances. When I think of angels, I imagine those beautiful, magical figures with wings, sent by God to Earth for some divine purpose. Well, my angel did not have any wings and I cannot remember if she was beautiful or not as her physical appearance was of little significance. She was not magical per se; however, her appearance and the circumstances in which she came into and went out of my life, for me, was quite magical.
I was a young 22 year old woman who had just joined the Hare Krishna movement. Out of my own desire and drive, I decided to daily go out onto the streets of Germany and distribute Srila Prabhupada’s books. I did not have much conviction in the cause, in fact I was full of doubts; yet something drew me to that service.
When I had first joined the movement, and started studying those same books that I would later go out and distribute, I felt like finally, for the first time in my life everything made sense. All those burning questions in my mind and in my heart were instantly answered. It is not that I did not ever ask the questions before. I did, to some extent or another. I asked the teachers at my school and the books I read; I even looked a bit into the religion into which I was born. However, no answer was ever able to come close enough to satisfying me. Something was missing.
Then, when I met the Hare Krishna’s and joined the temple, I felt at home. Naturally, I wanted to share with others this valuable gift that I had received. However, although convinced to some degree of the value of my newly acquired belief, many doubts and concerns were still ringing through my brain. One such thought was that of me joining a secret, horribly dangerous, brainwashing cult. I knew it to be nonsense as it would have been an insult to my intelligence and good judgment to ever suggest that I was part of a religious cult. However, the mind who so expertly and easily plays tricks with us kept on whispering in my ears, “are you sure you are not being brainwashed?”. Laughing at the thought, I would shoo it away, only to find it coming back to attack me some days later.
Living in Germany did a lot to contribute to my mind’s playful games. In Germany of 2006, the Hare Krishna movement was still very much perceived as a cult. Whether it still is now I do not know, but it sure was back then. I remember walking down the streets with the books in my hands trying to hand them out to the various people I encountered and every once and a while hearing them say something nasty in German cautioning each other that I am from a cult. I would mainly ignore the remarks or try to brush them off as ridiculous when responding, but that mind of mine was so happy to cling on to each and every remark as it instantly told me “see, I told you so…”.
The day I met my angel was a regular day out on the streets of Germany. We were in a small town walking up and down the streets trying to hand out books and get a donation for them in return. I was not a great book distributor; in fact, I was quite horrible at it. But I was persistent and so I kept going out daily. After many refusals and maybe having succeeded in distributing a couple of books, I came to meet my angel.
She was a women, perhaps in her 40’s, with a very kind and gentle face. I stopped her and immediately felt a connection. I put one of my books in her hand and went on to deliver my usual lines. I had a good feeling about her and was convinced that she would take one of my books. Just as I was telling her that she can take the book in exchange for a small donation to help cover the printing costs, another lady approached us from behind. As she passed by us she spoke quickly but clearly enough for both of us to hear: “Be careful, she is from a cult”. She kept walking as she spoke, and disappeared in the distance.
I stood there speechless. My mind was racing, thinking, “oh no! here we go again, she was just about to take the book but now she will become alarmed, throw the book back in my hand and walk away horrified, to escape the evil danger she was in”.
To my surprised nothing of that sort happened. The lady stood there looking deeply into my eyes with a gentle smile on her face. I do not remember her saying anything, but her eyes spoke to me beyond anything words could ever express. It was as if she was telling me not to worry, and not to listen to every nonsense others had to say. Her smile gave me courage and strength as well as conviction. Her smile told me that I should always have faith in myself and never doubt my ability to decipher between right and wrong, good and evil. She kept the book in her hand, reached down to her wallet and handed me a donation, and with that she walked away, disappearing out of my life just as quickly as she came in.
I cannot say for sure, of course, that she was really an angel, but for me she was. It felt as though God had simply sent her my way so that I may find the strength to believe in myself and not be influenced by others. The way in which she completely ignored the other lady as though she never existed and as though she had not heard a word she said told me that I also need to ignore what is not beneficial for me and keep on focusing on what is true and important.
Photos from the the San Diego Friday Evening Screening of award-winning film, “Hare Krishna! The Mantra, the Movement, and the Swami who started it all” With His Grace Yadhubara Prabhu taking questions and answers after the showing. Photos by ISKCON San Diego’s photographer extraordinaire, Purusa Prabhu.
Find them here: https://goo.gl/2PQqTH
The Gathering for the Yajna (Album with photos)
Indradyumna Swami: 700 devotees from around the world gathered today in the eve of Woodstock to discuss plans for our many programs at Krsna’s Village of Peace.
Find them here: https://goo.gl/V9mEQH
“Be satisfied and pleased with what thou art, Act cheerfully and well thy allotted part, Enjoy the present hour, be thankful for the past, And neither fear, nor wish, the approaches of the last.” [Marcus Valerius Martialis: Roman poet, 41 – 102 AD] Continue reading "The Line Up
→ Dandavats"
Most by college program organizers asked me to speak on “Spirituality in the age of science.” Not wanting to speak the same content again and again, I started approaching the topic from different angles in different talks. And I soon discovered that I had enough approaches to address this topic in a full book. One such talk centered on “The hard problem of consciousness” at the Texas A and M university, College Station. I explained how consciousness is the basis of all our knowledge – even the denial of consciousness requires the presence of consciousness. While research may show which areas of the brain are activated when we have different emotions and experiences, the emotions and experiences themselves can’t be reduced to anything mechanical, be it neural or digital.
At the universities where I spoke on the mind, the audience frequently asked many questions about emotions and relationships. Even among Indian college students in the US, dating is very common. While many youths in India demand the freedom to choose their partners themselves, talking with students in a campus where such choices were the norm revealed the flip side of that freedom: anxiety. Most of the students were in various phases of uncertainty, insecurity or animosity based on whether their relationships with their significant other was forming, fraying or breaking.
This article is part of a series of articles about the recent Western tour. Full article can be read here
The post Spirituality in the age of science – Balancing science, spirituality and audience interest appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
The post Latest Transcriptions – 04 appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
Том 14, глава 14
31 июля 2017, Польша
В последний день первой половины нашего летнего тура я проснулся в радостном расположении духа. Несмотря на плохую, не по сезону, погоду, все двадцать четыре фестивальные программы, уже проведенные нами на Балтийском побережье Польши, были успешными. Всё пока что складывалось благополучно. Тем не менее, я подумал об изменчивой природе этого мира и словах Шрилы Прабхупады ученику: «Когда угодно может произойти всё, что угодно». Но, отбросив эти мысли, вернулся к радостной действительности: сегодня намечался последний фестиваль перед сборами и переездом на другую нашу базу, на грандиозный фестиваль Вудсток. Готовясь к своему служению, я вспомнил цитату, привлекшую накануне мое внимание:
Что счастье полноценной жизни есть?
Довольным быть своим уменьем,
По данному тебе пути с готовностью ступать,
Благодарить за то, что минуло, ловить мгновенье,
Приблизившейся смерти – и не страшиться, и не призывать.
[ Марк Валерий Марциал, римский поэт (41-102 н.э.) ]
Утром, встретившись на собрании со всеми преданными, я поблагодарил их за стойкость в служении, проявленную за последний месяц. Но и напомнил о трудностях, которые еще предстояло преодолеть. Физически преданные явно устали – но глаза их светились из-за их твердой решимости продолжать. Как же люблю я этих преданных!
Позже отправились на харинаму, рекламировать фестиваль. Пляж в Устроние-Морские был забит до отказа: и одному человеку было негде ступить, что уж говорить о стопах семидесяти пяти танцующих преданных!
– Идите ближе к воде! – крикнул я им.
Но и там каждый дюйм песка был занят отдыхающими. Не оставалось ничего другого, как зайти в море и идти по плещущим волнам, по щиколотку в воде.
– Вода ледяная! – воскликнул один преданный.
– Это Балтийское море, – крикнул я в ответ, – не Тихий океан! Ступай, ступай вперед – скоро привыкнешь.
Наверное, мы смешно смотрелись со стороны, когда шагали вот так по воде, по мокрому песку, пытаясь удержать равновесие и при этом петь и играть на музыкальных инструментах. Но люди явно нам симпатизировали: они выходили из воды, уступали дорогу и подбадривали нас. Какие-то женщины даже встали и захлопали, скандируя «Браво! Браво!»
Тут на противоположной стороне пляжа показалась большая группа христиан. Они шли по направлению к нам с гитарами и своими хоругвями и пели славу Иисусу Христу! Я был поражен. За все годы харинам на пляжах Балтийского моря никогда еще я не видел поющих, подобно нам, христиан. Когда они поравнялись с нами, я улыбнулся, но шедший рядом со мной преданный высказался пренебрежительно.
– Нет-нет, – сказал я. – не говори так. Чем отличается их деятельность от нашей? Ничем. И та, и другая во славу Господа. И еще, говорится: «Подражание – высшая форма лести».
Улыбаясь, я помахал нескольким монахиням, сопровождавшим процессию поющих – они улыбнулись и помахали в ответ. На преданного рядом со мной это не произвело особого впечатления. Я посмотрел на него и процитировал слова Альберта Швейцера: «Этот мир не принадлежит тебе одному. Здесь живут и твои братья».
Дальше по берегу, когда я остановил процессию киртана, человек двадцать отдыхающих спонтанно присоединились к нам и стали танцевать. Такое происходит каждый раз. Я не перестаю удивляться тому, с каким самозабвением танцуют с нами люди на польских пляжах. Самое логичное тому объяснение – это мгновенно очищающая сила святых имен. Святые имена столь могущественны, что тотчас превращают самое обыкновенное место в трансцендентную обитель.
«И все благодатные реки – Шри Ганга, Сарасвати, Ямуна, Годавари – и все места святые есть там, где возглашают катху о Бхагаване**, о непогрешимом, Ачьюте».
[ Шрила Рупа Госвами, Падьявали, текст 44 ]
Киртан уже снижал обороты, и я обратил внимание на распространительницу книг, которая предлагала «Бхагавад-гиту» семейной паре в нескольких метрах от меня. Увы, книга их не заинтересовала, но тут одна из их дочерей, девушка лет шестнадцати, выхватила ее и крепко прижала к груди. Когда мать попыталась отобрать книгу у дочери, та принялась отбиваться и гримасничать. Она явно хотела получить ее. Посовещавшись с мужем, женщина, в конце концов, купила ей книгу. Как только мы тронулись дальше, я поинтересовался у преданной, продавшей книгу:
– Что это там было?
– Родители не заинтересовались, а вот девушка – да, – ответила та. – Ее поразили картинки в «Гите», и она прочла несколько стихов, пока я показывала их родителям. Я удивилась, когда она выхватила у меня книгу. Родители извинились, объяснив, что дочка глухонемая. Она не может слышать и говорить – но за такое короткое знакомство с книгой что-то в ней срезонировало, и она ни в какую не хотела с ней расставаться! Так что родители сдались и купили ей книгу.
Я оглянулся посмотреть на эту семью. Мама и папа купались в море – а дочь сидела на пляже, полностью погруженная в чтение «Гиты».
Наш трехчасовой киртан завершился, и видно было, что преданные устали. Не столько от того, что шагали по мягкому песку, по воде, сколько от двадцати четырех предыдущих харинам и двадцати четырех фестивалей!
Когда мы вернулись на территорию фестиваля раньше обычного, Нандини подошла ко мне, явно чувствуя облегчение.
– Шрила Гурудева, вас уже ждут гости. Вот, ушли с пляжа, зашли в отели, переоделись и уже здесь. – Она показала рукой на небольшую группу людей на скамейках перед сценой.
Я замешкался на мгновение, подумав: «А я ведь устал». Но потом напомнил себе, что эти люди ищут общения с преданными, и сомнения улетучились.
– Хорошо, дай мне десять минут. Нет грешникам покоя*, – пошутил я.
– Каким грешникам? – не поняла Нандини.
– Неважно, – ответил я. – Вернусь через десять минут.
Я пошел в тенистое местечко подальше от палаток и прилег на траву. Спустя десять минут, освежив холодной водой лицо, отправился к тем людям, что хотели со мной поговорить.
– Здравствуйте, меня зовут Кинга, – сказала девушка двадцати с небольшим лет. – Могли бы подписать мне «Бхагавад-гиту»? Купила ее сегодня на пляже.
– Конечно, – отвечаю. – Ты первый раз на нашем фестивале?
– Да, – говорит она. – Но я всё о вас знаю.
– Правда? – слегка удивился я. – И как же ты всё о нас узнала?
– Нет, я не имела в виду, что всё знаю обо всем этом, – произнесла она, обводя рукой фестивальное поле. – Я имела в виду, я знаю всё о ВАС, – и она показала на меня.
Я озадачился.
– Знаешь всё обо мне?
– Да, – сказала она. – Два года тому назад я была в глубокой депрессии. Ходила к профессиональным психологам, но безрезультатно – я погружалась всё глубже и глубже. Однажды ночью, отчаявшись, я набрала в поисковике слово «счастье». Можете себе представить, сколько выпало разных ссылок! Решив рискнуть, я кликнула на ту, что гласила «Повторяй Харе Кришна и будь счастлив», и она привела меня к Движению Харе Кришна. Спустя полчаса я уже пролистывала вашу страничку на Фейсбуке. Не спала всю ночь, читала ваши посты, смотрела фотоальбомы и видео. То, как вы пели Харе Кришна, подействовало на меня успокаивающе. Через несколько дней я уже не могла без этой песни заснуть.
И я многое узнала о вашем духовном учителе, Свами Прабхупаде. Когда я прочла о том, через сколько трудностей он прошел, чтобы принести учение Кришны на Запад, то все мои проблемы показались мне такими пустяковыми. Я начала повторять Харе Кришна и читать книги Харе Кришна он-лайн. Постепенно депрессия прошла, и сейчас я всё время чувствую себя счастливой. Врачи даже поверить не могут. И я не пропускаю ни одного вашего поста на Фейсбуке.
В общем, я сказала маме, что хотела бы встретиться с вами лично, и мы подгадали отпуска под ваш фестиваль. Мне так не терпится, чтобы он поскорее начался. Когда вы будете петь?
– Ближе к концу представления, – сказал я, немного смущенный, протягивая ей подписанный экземпляр «Бхагавад-гиты».
– Вы не представляете, как много вы значите для меня, – сказала она. – Если бы не вы, то я, наверное, была бы уже мертва.
Я онемел. Только лишь кивнул и помолился Шриле Прабхупаде о том, чтобы быть его достойным представителем.
Следующей была женщина, которая показалась мне знакомой. Рядом с ней был ее муж.
– Очень рада снова вас видеть! – сказала она, энергично пожимая мне руку. – Вы меня помните? Два дня назад, в Ревале, после лекции вы подарили мне свою гирлянду. И еще «Бхагавад-гиту».
– Ах, да, – ответил я. – Помню. Я всегда после выступления отдаю гирлянду и «Бхагавад-гиту» кому-нибудь из зрителей.
– Честно сказать, – продолжала она, – мне было совсем не интересно. Я толком и не слушала вашу речь, ждала следующего номера программы. Но меня тронула ваша доброта, и вчера я взяла с собой книгу на пляж. Короче говоря, я не могла от нее оторваться, читала и вчера, и сегодня весь день напролет. В ней все настолько логично. Сегодня притащила сюда своего мужа. Он инженер-химик, и я уверена, что он поймет вашу философию. Хотя в книге говорится, что для осознания этих вещей нужна помощь духовного учителя.
– Вы быстро схватываете, – сказал я с улыбкой, подписывая экземпляр «Бхагавад-гиты», данный ей два дня назад.
– Дома поставим эту книгу сразу за Библией, – сказала она.
«Последовательность верная!» – подумал я.
Следующей была статная, хорошо одетая дама. Она подошла вместе с дочерью и протянула мне старую зачитанную «Бхагавад-гиту».
– Добро пожаловать на фестиваль, – сказал я, кивнув.
– Спасибо, – ответила она. – Мы приходим на фестиваль уже шестнадцать лет. Дочке было два годика, когда пришли впервые.
– Да, мы его любим, – сказала девушка. – У нас по всему дому фотографии с фестиваля. Все время крутим вашу музыку и «Бхагавад-гиту» читаем. Принесли ее сегодня вам подписать. Раньше приходили с бабушкой, но вот уже три года она не может, совсем старенькая стала.
– О, жаль это слышать, – посочувствовал я.
– Нет-нет, все в порядке, – сказала дама. – Мы звоним ей и, пока сидим и смотрим программу, держим телефон повыше, чтобы звук был четче. Она полностью прослушала все представления за те годы, что не смогла прийти.
– Мы с мамой меняемся, держим телефон по очереди, а то шоу длится пять часов, и руки затекают, – сказала дочка, смеясь. – Больше всего бабушка любит ваше пение в конце. Мы многие ваши песни записали. Бабуля не уснет, не послушав, как вы поете!
Подписав еще пару книг, я отправился к фургону освежиться и подготовиться к фестивалю. Шагая, я прокручивал в уме радостные утренние мысли.
«А ведь и правда всё хорошо складывается», – решил я.
И в тот же миг одна девушка-преданная бросилась бежать ко мне, крича в истерике:
– Гурудева, Гурудева! Мне позвонили из дома, мама только что умерла! От внезапного сердечного приступа!
Она рухнула передо мной, подбежали ее подруги и стали ее успокаивать. Я вспомнил пророческие слова Шрилы Прабхупады: «Всё, что угодно, может случиться, когда угодно».
В такие моменты можно лишь предложить слова утешения скорбящему. Не время это для философии.
– Простите, что плачу, – сказала девушка.
– Плачь, плачь, – ответил я. – Мы всё понимаем. И мы здесь для тебя.
Спустя десять минут она попросила:
– Гурудева, пожалуйста, скажите мне какие-нибудь мудрые слова.
Я процитировал Библию:
«Всему своё время, и время всякой вещи под небом:
Время рождаться, и время умирать; время насаждать, и время вырывать посаженное;
Время убивать, и время врачевать; время разрушать, и время строить;
Время плакать, и время смеяться; время сетовать, и время плясать».
[ Экклезиаст 3:1 ]
Какое-то время я мягко говорил с ней, поясняя слова Экклезиаста, и она мало-помалу успокоилась.
– Можно рассказать вам мамину историю? – спросила она.
– Да, расскажи, – ответил я.
– Двадцать лет тому назад мама работала в аэропорту Екатеринбурга, в России. Как-то вы прилетели из Москвы, вас встречала целая толпа преданных. Вам надели прекрасную благоухающую цветочную гирлянду – она доходила вам до колен. Преданные сопровождали вас к выходу из терминала. А мама никогда раньше не видела их и стояла у дверей офиса, восхищенная. Заметив ее, вы подошли и надели ей гирлянду. Потом пошли, как ни в чем не бывало, дальше с группой киртана.
Этот ваш жест тронул маму до глубины души. Так что гирлянда все это время висела у нее в офисе, пока в прошлом году мама не вышла на пенсию. Я, помнится, видела эту гирлянду всякий раз, когда приходила к ней на работу. И она рассказывала мне эту историю снова и снова. Три года тому назад я стала интересоваться сознанием Кришны, начала ходить в наш храм. Мама хорошо относилась к преданным, но меня отпускала как-то неохотно. В какой-то момент даже отговорила бывать в храме слишком часто.
В прошлом году вы приехали в Екатеринбург на Ратха-ятру. Тогда я обратилась к вам с просьбой стать вашей ученицей. Вы милостиво согласились и спросили, поддерживает ли мама мой выбор. Я объяснила вам, что ее немного тревожит эта идея, и рассказала ту историю, как вы дали ей гирлянду в аэропорту двадцать лет тому назад. Ваши глаза засияли и вы сказали: «У меня есть одна идея!». Вы присели и написали маме нежнейшее письмо, прося ее не беспокоиться, потому что жизнь в сознании Кришны – это самая желательная вещь для молодежи. Вы пообещали ей, что будете приглядывать за мной и защищать. Отдав мне письмо, вы опять сняли с себя большую цветочную гирлянду и попросили передать маме вместе с письмом.
Придя вечером домой, я первым делом протянула маме письмо. Она читала его, и по щекам у нее катились слезы. Когда она закончила, я отдала ей гирлянду, и тут она уже не могла сдержать рыданий. После этого все изменилось. Она не только поощряла мою практику сознания Кришны, она сама увлеклась. Стала постоянно ходить в храм помогать на кухне и не раз давала деньги на разные храмовые проекты. Все преданные любили ее, и она любила их всех.
А сегодня рано утром у нее случился сердечный приступ. Скорая забрала ее в больницу. Мама попросила преданных приехать, побыть рядом с ней. Она оставила тело несколько часов назад, и много преданных вокруг нее сладко пели святые имена Кришны. Такой благоприятный уход. Как же мне мамы не хватает!
Она вновь разрыдалась.
– С твоей мамой будет все в порядке, – сказал я. – Она услышала безупречное послание о том, как выйти за пределы этого мира рождения и смерти, – то же самое, которое мы пытаемся донести до людей нашими фестивалями. Будь уверена: Кришна постепенно приведет ее обратно к Себе домой.
«Своим извечным состраданием Господь Чайтанья вернул людей обратно к жизни и милостью святых имен дал пересечь бездонный океан века раздоров. Так, милостью золотых лун Хари и Вайшнавов весть об именах Кришны из уст в уста передавалась».
[ Сарвабхаума Бхаттачарья, Сушлока-шатакам, текст 46 ]
* цитата из книги пророка Исайи (прим. перев.)
** катха – разговоры, обсуждение тем, связанных с Бхагаваном, Верховной Личностью Бога (прим. ред.)
на англ. http://www.dandavats.com/?p=49214
Ratha Yatra Zagreb 2017 (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: “The essence of all Vedic knowledge—comprehending the three kinds of Vedic activity, the Vedic hymns, and the processes for satisfying the demigods—is included in the eight syllables Hare Krishna Hare Krishna. This is the reality of all Vedanta. The chanting of the holy name is the only means to cross the ocean of nescience.” (Narada-pancharatra)
Find them here: https://goo.gl/U4CMLg
A conversation between Saints (2 min video)
Mother Kulangana, an 85-year-old disciple of Srila Prabhupada, has been serving at Bhaktivedanta Manor for decades. Known for her devotional artistry whilst making milk-sweets for Krishna, she is a mother figure, an aunt, a grandmother & a guru to hundreds if not thousands of worshippers at the Temple. Now her time to leave this world is nearing yet she remains fixed in meditation, readily accepting the next phase of her journey. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Below is a video from 10 days ago when HH Sivarama Swami went to see her.
Watch it here: https://goo.gl/g1GE8o
Attention: Problems in Hell!
Dhirasanta Das Goswami: Yamaraj is the demigod who records all of our pious, as well as evil deeds. Once, the servants of Yamaraj approached him and complained about something which they were very concerned about. Here is the conversation between Yamaraj and his Yamaduta servants.
Yamaduta 1: How are you Prabhuji?
Yamaraj: I am doing well. But you look a little tense?
Yamaduta 1: Yeah Prabhu… we are disturbed by a few matters.
Yamaraj: Oh, let me know your issues.
Yamaduta 1: I am worried about this hell.
Yamaraj: Why? What has happened?
Yamaduta 1: Hell is getting empty by each passing day and if this situation continues, we will need to close down hell.
Yamaraj: But why, what is happening?
Yamaduta 1: This is just because of a devotee of Krishna.
Yamaraj: Devotee? How is a devotee doing such miracle?
Yamaduta 1: This devotee is a representative of Krishna and although he has already left his material body and returned to the spiritual world, his magic is still working like anything.
Yamaraj: Whom you are speaking about?
Yamaduta 2: Prabhuji - It is obvious - Srila Prabhupada. I don’t know what he told his followers but they are preaching and preaching and preaching, and because of their preaching - no one is coming to this hell.
Yamaraj: Yes, you are right - this is a concern…
Yamaduta 1: Even we cannot touch them or take them to hell.
Yamraj: Why? They must have made some mistakes… and for making certain mistakes they can be brought to my hell.
Yamaduta 1: We can’t take them. Everyone is going to Krishna-loka because they know a transcendental secret.
Yamaraj: Which transcendental secret?
Yamaduta 1: They know that “In whichever state you quit your body; in your next birth you will attain the same body.” That’s why every devotee keeps chanting Krishna’s name and never stops chanting. They practice to chant the Lord’s holy name so at the time of death they will be able to attain the Lord.
Wherever they go - they keep on chanting the Hare Krishna mantra, which is so powerful that these devotees become very sharp and smart. They always chant loudly so that people around them can also hear. The sound is everywhere . Some senior devotees are totally renounced and are traveling from country to country giving classes on Krishna consciousness. There are others that send regular weekly wisdom emails in order to give spiritual guidance. What shall we do? We will be in big trouble if hell closes! We will all lose our jobs!
Yamaraj: This is a big issue and problem for hell. But at least I am happy that we still have a lot of prisoners in hell.
Yamaduta 2: No Prabhu. These devotees are very cunning. Srila Prabhupada has revealed every secret to them. These people are observing ekadashis to give benefits to their forefathers, and therefore hell’s population is decreasing.
Yamaraj: Oh no…
Yamaduta 1: Especially because of Indira ekadashi! Due to Indira ekadashi a lot of souls have been released from hell. As stated in the Garuda purana, someone who is suffering in hell cannot practice Krishna consciousness - because it requires some mental peace. The reactionary tortures of hell make that impossible. But if a relative of a sinner suffering in hell gives some charity in the name of the sinner, he can leave hell and enter the heavenly planets. Or if a sinner’s relative observes Indira ekadasi fasting for his suffering kinsman, the kinsman goes directly to the spiritual world.
Yamaduta 2: And moreover - they observe every single ekadashi as per the directions given by Srila Prabhupada and thereby give comforts to their forefathers in this hell.
Yamaraj: Oh my Krishna… I am getting concerned with these devotees.
Yamaraj: Why don’t you put these devotees in some turbulence so that they will be afraid and will forget to chant Hare Krsna?
Yamaduta 2: Prabhuji - It’s not easy… whenever we create some problems for these devotees, they start chanting the Hare Krishna mantra and thank Krishna for giving them a test, or for their purification. They are not afraid of any problem. They think that whenever Krsna sends some problem, it means that Krishna loves them and is testing their sincerity. They are not afraid of anything. They know that Krishna is everywhere. They sing the Hare Krishna mantra in every situation. They are making us mad. We are really sitting idle just because of these devotees.
Yamaraj: Oh no… we are really in trouble.
Yamaduta 1: Even One more problem is there.
Yamaraj: What?
Yamaduta 1: They are making every place like Vrindavana.
Yamaraj: How?
Yamaduta 1: They are building new temples and spending money in Krishna’s service. They have installed so many deities in people’s homes. I can tell you that these devotees are making such a big mess in this material world. I am sure that if they continue to work with this speed, they will make everyone go from this world to Krishna-loka.
Yamaraj: Oh my Krishna!!! Save us from these devotees!
Yamaduta 1: Yeah… better to request Krishna to give us another job…
Yamaraj: What is their mantra?
Yamaduta 1 & Yamaduta 2 (In Chorus): Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.
And suddenly Yamaduta 1 and Yamaduta 2 became invisible and Yamaraj understood that they were going upwards to the spiritual plane.
Then Yamaraj started chanting: “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.
Suddenly - I heard my clock "ring, ring, ring” – It’s 4:00 am. It’s 04:00 am - It was a dream. But yeah, never stop preaching, even in a dream.Transcendental Secrets
Yamaraj is the demigod who records all of our pious, as well as evil deeds. Once, the servants of Yamaraj approached him and complained about something which they were very concerned about. Here is the conversation between Yamaraj and his Yamaduta servants.
Yamaduta 1: How are you Prabhuji?
Yamaraj: I am doing well. But you look a little tense?
Yamaduta 1: Yeah Prabhu… we are disturbed by a few matters.
Yamaraj: Oh, let me know your issues.
Yamaduta 1: I am worried about this hell.
Yamaraj: Why? What has happened?
Yamaduta 1: Hell is getting empty by each passing day and if this situation continues, we will need to close down hell.
Yamaraj: But why, what is happening?
Yamaduta 1: This is just because of a devotee of Krishna.
Yamaraj: Devotee? How is a devotee doing such miracle?
Yamaduta 1: This devotee is a representative of Krishna and although he has already left his material body and returned to the spiritual world, his magic is still working like anything.
Yamaraj: Whom you are speaking about?
Yamaduta 2: Prabhuji - It is obvious - Srila Prabhupada. I don’t know what he told his followers but they are preaching and preaching and preaching, and because of their preaching - no one is coming to this hell.
Yamaraj: Yes, you are right - this is a concern…
Yamaduta 1: Even we cannot touch them or take them to hell.
Yamraj: Why? They must have made some mistakes… and for making certain mistakes they can be brought to my hell.
Yamaduta 1: We can’t take them. Everyone is going to Krishna-loka because they know a transcendental secret.
Yamaraj: Which transcendental secret?
Yamaduta 1: They know that “In whichever state you quit your body; in your next birth you will attain the same body.” That’s why every devotee keeps chanting Krishna’s name and never stops chanting. They practice to chant the Lord’s holy name so at the time of death they will be able to attain the Lord.
Wherever they go - they keep on chanting the Hare Krishna mantra, which is so powerful that these devotees become very sharp and smart. They always chant loudly so that people around them can also hear. The sound is everywhere . Some senior devotees are totally renounced and are traveling from country to country giving classes on Krishna consciousness. There are others that send regular weekly wisdom emails in order to give spiritual guidance. What shall we do? We will be in big trouble if hell closes! We will all lose our jobs!
Yamaraj: This is a big issue and problem for hell. But at least I am happy that we still have a lot of prisoners in hell.
Yamaduta 2: No Prabhu. These devotees are very cunning. Srila Prabhupada has revealed every secret to them. These people are observing ekadashis to give benefits to their forefathers, and therefore hell’s population is decreasing.
Yamaraj: Oh no…
Yamaduta 1: Especially because of Indira ekadashi! Due to Indira ekadashi a lot of souls have been released from hell. As stated in the Garuda purana, someone who is suffering in hell cannot practice Krishna consciousness - because it requires some mental peace. The reactionary tortures of hell make that impossible. But if a relative of a sinner suffering in hell gives some charity in the name of the sinner, he can leave hell and enter the heavenly planets. Or if a sinner’s relative observes Indira ekadasi fasting for his suffering kinsman, the kinsman goes directly to the spiritual world.
Yamaduta 2: And moreover - they observe every single ekadashi as per the directions given by Srila Prabhupada and thereby give comforts to their forefathers in this hell.
Yamaraj: Oh my Krishna… I am getting concerned with these devotees.
Yamaraj: Why don’t you put these devotees in some turbulence so that they will be afraid and will forget to chant Hare Krsna?
Yamaduta 2: Prabhuji - It’s not easy… whenever we create some problems for these devotees, they start chanting the Hare Krishna mantra and thank Krishna for giving them a test, or for their purification. They are not afraid of any problem. They think that whenever Krsna sends some problem, it means that Krishna loves them and is testing their sincerity. They are not afraid of anything. They know that Krishna is everywhere. They sing the Hare Krishna mantra in every situation. They are making us mad. We are really sitting idle just because of these devotees.
Yamaraj: Oh no… we are really in trouble.
Yamaduta 1: Even One more problem is there.
Yamaraj: What?
Yamaduta 1: They are making every place like Vrindavana.
Yamaraj: How?
Yamaduta 1: They are building new temples and spending money in Krishna’s service. They have installed so many deities in people’s homes. I can tell you that these devotees are making such a big mess in this material world. I am sure that if they continue to work with this speed, they will make everyone go from this world to Krishna-loka.
Yamaraj: Oh my Krishna!!! Save us from these devotees!
Yamaduta 1: Yeah… better to request Krishna to give us another job…
Yamaraj: What is their mantra?
Yamaduta 1 & Yamaduta 2 (In Chorus): Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.
And suddenly Yamaduta 1 and Yamaduta 2 became invisible and Yamaraj understood that they were going upwards to the spiritual plane.
Then Yamaraj started chanting: “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.
Suddenly - I heard my clock "ring, ring, ring” – It’s 4:00 am. It’s 04:00 am - It was a dream. But yeah, never stop preaching, even in a dream.
My tour to the West in 2017 was the longest till date, lasting for three months and extending across forty cities in five countries: USA, Canada, Trinidad, Panama and UK. During the tour, by Krishna’s mercy, I gave around 132 classes and answered around 1000 questions. Here I share some of the highlights of the tour. Continue reading "2017 Spring tour of the West
→ Dandavats"
Hare Krishna! The movie (video)
Ladali Cabezas: I sat next to this lovely person this morning at the Hare Krishna movie. Before the movie began, I asked: “what brought you here today?” She said, “curiosity, I was curious about the Hare Krishna’s, but I didn’t know who was behind it all.” At the end, I asked her “what did you think of the movie?” she replied, “ I’m deeply moved and inspired.”
In the parking lot, Vishvramrita prabhu gave her a Bhagavad gita, and she asked where the closest temple was.
I was in quiet tears from the beginning of the film to the end.
I encourage everyone to see this amazing film!
Watch it here: https://goo.gl/Pqj9hQ
Muller Beata about rtvikism and being Prabhupada’s disciple, Gopal Raya about the age difference between Krsna and Balarama and Prema Rasa about getting to Radha Krsna without worship of Gaura.
After last years success in contributing towards 50 padyatra’s worldwide as part of the ISKCON50 campaign, ISKCON London agreed to help in continuing this program as an addition to the already vibrant festival season in the UK. This year’s vision was that by organising a Padyatra event and walking between two of our satellite centres we could bring together the devotees from this region for an offering to Guru and Gauranga in an alternative yet highly traditional presentation of Krishna Consciousness, not only for the public but also for the devotees, and in this way draw the attention of the mass of people to our work in the South East of England. The main emphasis this year was intended to explain to the general public the definitive link between the mass slaughter of cows and the violence in modern society, especially in light of recent terror attacks. Continue reading "5 days on Padyatra UK
→ Dandavats"
"The quicker we can develop it [GBC College], the better it will be for all of us in the whole movement" Continue reading "Bhakti Chaitanya Swami about the GBC College
→ Dandavats"
Vineet Chander (Venkat Bhatta P), who is the Director of Hindu Affairs at Princeton University and has become a close friend over the years, organized a talk on The Karma Conundrum – Does our destiny make us or do we make it? I have found that audiences all over the world are keenly interested in the topic of destiny because here philosophy intersects with reality in a way that matters tangibly to all of us. We all have experienced some higher forces working for or against us, and often they shape the results of our endeavors much more than our endeavors themselves.
The caliber of the Princeton audience (a result of their past good karma) was evident in their subtle and sensitive questions about karma and destiny, as well as their measured appreciation after the program. During a private conversation, a student, who is a department topper in his field, said that he found the talk insightful, though he didn’t agree with everything that was spoken. He felt that my saying that bhakti was the best way to spiritual elevation smacked of sectarianism – it undermined the esteemed path of jnana.
We didn’t have time to go into the technicalities about various paths, but I recognized that he had simply voiced what others in his position might have thought too. When speaking to an audience trained in critical thinking, it’s not easy to present the special position of bhakti without coming off as bhakti exclusivists. I am slowly learning this art by discussing with devotees who regularly make presentations to similar audiences and by studying how teachers of other paths present their philosophies without attracting the label of sectarianism.
The post Talking on karma and appreciating the audience’s karma – Talk at Princeton University, Princeton appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
The post Latest Transcriptions – 03 appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 2010, Stockholm, Sweden, Lecture)
The desire to be free is in every living entity but there are always some obstacles to our freedom. For children, it is the parents who are constantly blocking them and at one point when they grow to maturity, they move away from their parents, and think, “Freedom at last!”
But still there is no freedom. Even if there is no one to tell us what we should or should not do, even then we are bound and limited by the material energy. We encounter the limitations of our mind, the senses, the intelligence; limitations after limitations… The Vedic scriptures say that there are six waves that are just dragging us along: hunger, thirst, lamentation, old age, infirmity and death. So these six waves are overpowering forces and we cannot do anything, we simply have to respond and thus life goes on.
It is explained that real freedom comes in relationship to Krsna because as we turn away from Krsna, we become minimised in our power and currently we are very much minimised in our power!
New home for Ahimsa Foundation (UK)
As featured on the BBC, the Ahimsa Dairy Farm has moved to a new permanent home where it hopes to provide a model for other farms around the UK to copy. In the Dairy industry, cows are usually culled when they get older and their male calves are sold for meat almost immediately. Yet, just like Bhaktivedanta Manor’s dairy farm, the Ahimsa Dairy allow their cows to live out their natural lifespan. Indeed, the organization was inspired by New Gokul, and Sita Rama das is their Co-Director. The Ahimsa farm was previously on rented land in Leicestershire but has secured its future with land bought in Manton. Nicola Pazdzierska, the other Director of the Ahimsa Dairy Foundation, explained that while their milk was more expensive, many people were willing to spend the extra because they know the cows are in good care. The Ahimsa Dairy Foundation was founded in 2011 and originally produced milk in partnership with an organic farm in Kent.
The Calm Before The Storm (Album with photos)
Indradyumna Swami: Setting up “Krsna’s Village of Peace” at Woodstock takes 10 full days!
Find them here: https://goo.gl/vfTBGg
Krishna conscious presentation in Bangalore (Album with photos)
On 26th July 2017, Gaur Gopal das spoke at IIMB, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore.
Indian Institute of Management Bangalore is a public business school located in Bangalore, Karnataka, India. Founded in 1973, it was the third IIM to be established, after IIM Calcutta and IIM Ahmedabad and was ranked No 1 in the India Rankings 2016 in the Management Education category.
Gaur Gopal das was invited by the students of EPGP ( Executive Post Graduate Programme in Management) batch for their Seminar series which aims at expanding the exposure of IIMB students to the best minds beyond the campus and also building the Institution’s connect with the society at large.
Find them here: https://goo.gl/v6tBcv
Jhulan Yatra takes place every year in the monsoon season over a period of five days, leading up to Balarama Purnima. This is the time when Srimati Radhika and Her Madhava enjoy swing pastimes in the spiritual world. Every year the youth of Mayapur come together and work to make the festival what it has […]
The post A glimpse into Sri Radha-Madhava’s Kunja! (Jhulan Yatra-Mayapur2017) appeared first on Mayapur.com.