Our short stay in Zagreb was packed with a variety of programs; classes in the local temple, harinams, a newpaper interview, darsans and a big public program entilted, “Yoga Is Music.” Next stop on the Vaikunatha express: Hungary.
Author Archives: H.H. Indradyumna Swami
72 hours in Zagreb, Croatia
Sacred Grounds
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Before leaving Moscow yesterday we stopped near Red Square and the famous St. Basil’s Cathedral. I make it a point to visit there whenever I can. For me it is a place of pilgrimage because my spiritual master’s lotus feet graced those grounds on his one and only visit to Russia in 1971. It was […]
Beautiful Moldova
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Moldova is a beautiful landlocked country with 3.5 million people in Eastern Europe. It is boardered by Romania and Ukraine. ISKCON has two temples there with 300 active devotees. During my visit I participated in several television shows, numerous new…
A Full Day Of Preaching
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Concluding a full day of preaching here in Moldova, I met with a group of 40 distinguished scholars, professors, politicians, writers and poets in the evening. They asked many deep philosophical and spiritual questions and each one of them said they we…
Only 500,000
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This afternoon I was interviewed on Moldavian TV 1, the nation’s main television station. I was asked to explain how an ancient spiritual tradition, like Krsna consciousness, can be practiced in modern society.The interviewer also asked me to explain the qualities of true leadership and how they could be applied in government. I also explained […]
Morning Class to 2.5 Million People
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This morning I was the special guest on one of Moldova’s most popular morning television talk shows. Jurnal TV interviewed me for 15 minutes with an estimated audience of over 2.5 million people. In my short talk I stressed the importance of spiritual life and how Bhagavad Gita can solve many of the problems we […]
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Srila Prabhupada once told Govinda dasi that formerly in Vedic times the land of Russia was known as ‘Rishiya’ – the land of the rishis. The area of Russia was populated by many yogis and sadhus who went to the mountains of the Himalayas and beyond to perform penances and austerities in the frozen terrain, […]
By His Strong Desire
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Five thousand devotees came for the installation of Panca Tattva deities on the first day of the Russian Yatra festival in Anapa. After presiding over the festival the deities will be worshipped in the temple in Krasnodar. Their installation is another…
All In A Day
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For Radhastami in Omsk, Siberia we started off with kirtan, katha and abhisekha in the temple. After a big feast we went on harinam samkirtan and took the small Radha Krsna deities for a boat ride up the Irish river. That evening we finished the day with discussion of Srimati Radharani’s transcendental pastimes. All in […]
Impelled To Dance
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“I offer my obeisances unto the shoes of those devotees who are expert in extricating those sunk in the rotten muck in the bottom of the ocean of material existence, and who become blissful by hearing the pair of syllables, ‘Krsna’, impelled to dance with all their hairs bristling.” [ A verse by an Utkala […]
A Lament
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“The fortunate town of Navadvipa remains on the earth. The seashore remains. The city of Jagannatha Puri remains. The holy names of Krsna remain. But Alas! Alas! I do not see anywhere the same kind of festivals of pure love for Lord Hari. O Lord Caitanya, O ocean of mercy, will I ever see your […]
The Final Bow
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We took our final bow of the season last night after 48 festivals along the Baltic Sea coast. Devotees held back their tears as they performed our 5 hours stage show for the final time. Many people in the large crowd cried being touched by the devotion…
A Regular Practice
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“The devotee should make it a regular practice to spend a little time alone in a quiet place and concentrate deeply on the holy name. He should utter and hear the name distinctly. It is impossible for the jiva to singlehandedly avoid and overcome the illusion of distraction. By the mercy of the Lord, however, […]
A nice entry
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, […]
45 Down, 3 To Go
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We have just 3 days left on our summer festival tour in Poland. Our bodies ache, but our souls hanker for even more ….
Auspiciousness Reigns
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Auspiciousness reigns as we continue with the last of our summer festival programs along the Baltic Sea coast here in Poland. The amount of vacationers is dwindling as people start to return home for work and school, but attendance at our programs rema…
Living Example
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It is only the exceptional mercy of Lord Caitanya and His representative, Srila Prabhupada, that we can be all delivered and go back home, back to Godhead.
Forever Your Servant
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Volume 14, Chapter 3 Aug 18, 2014 Dear Srila Prabhupada, Please accept my most humble obeisances in the dust of your lotus feet. Once again, I stand before you on the annual occasion of your auspicious Vyasa Puja, the celebration of your appearance in this world. I take this opportunity each year to reflect […]
A Thousand Lectures on the Absolute Truth
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Volume 14, Chapter 2 Jun, 2014 It was a week after the Sadhu Sanga Retreat in North Carolina last May, and I was in Los Angeles waiting to board a flight to London and then on to Warsaw, when an older gentleman walked up to me. He looked at my sannyasa robes. “You must […]
Навеки ваш слуга
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Глава 3 Дорогой Шрила Прабхупада! Пожалуйста, примите мои смиреннейшие поклоны в пыли ваших лотосных стоп. Снова стою перед вами по случаю вашей благоприятной Вьяса-пуджи, ежегодного празднования вашего явления в этот мир. Каждый год я пользуюсь этой возможностью, чтобы размышлять о великой милости, которой вы наградили меня – о служении вашей миссии. Я очень счастлив быть […]
The Home Stretch
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We are on the home stretch of our summer festival tour here in Poland with just 10 days left to go. One can only marvel at the sincerity of these devotees who have kept up such an intense pace for almost two months now. In appreciation for their servic…
Back Stage
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The Festival of India in Poland from back stage ….
Rain! Rain! Go Away! Come Again Another Day!
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Today in Pobierowo we battled with the rain. But people came despite the back weather.That’s how attractive Lord Krsna is! Near the end of the festival the sky cleared and a big crowd of people arrived. [ Photos by Kalasamvara dasa ]
Heaven On Earth
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As we come close to the middle of summer here in Poland we are getting an experience of what it’s like to be in the spiritual world; where all walking is dancing, all talking is singing and there’s a festival every day.
Drops of Nectar
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Drops of Nectar
Twenty One To Go
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After our success at Woodstock we’re back on the beaches of the Baltic Sea in Poland for the second half of summer with 21 festivals to go.
Madhudvisa Prabhu
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Today ISKCON lost Madhudvisa prabhu, an iconic figure in the pioneering history of spreading Krsna consciousness around the world. Srila Prabhupada once described him as the, “Emperor of Kirtan.” When Srila Prabhupada himself was departing this world he said, “bring my son Madhudvisa here.” He was a powerful general in Lord Caitanya’s samkirtan movement, while […]
800,000 Strong
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Polish Woodstock came and went so quickly! The organisers say 800,000 people attended. We chanted, danced and distributed prasadam ( 126,000 full plates ) until we could no longer stand on our two feet. Kirtans went on until 4 am each morning in a tent…
Opening Day Woodstock
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Opening day at Polish Woodstock saw our Ratha Yatra parade move majestically through the massive crowds and our Krsna’s Village of Peace packed to the maximum with young people relishing prasadam, kirtan and spiritual discourses. Srila Prabhupada, we offer all these results at your lotus feet!
700,000 People
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The day before Polish Woodstock we had Ratha Yatra through the center of the field where 700,000 people are slowly setting up camp. Afterwards people flowed towards our Krsna’s Village of Peace to enjoy kirtan, prasada and a variety of events. Madhumangala das entertained 8 thousand people in our large tent with his band. Kirtan […]
Only The Beginning
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Two days before Woodstock officially opened 20 thousand young people had already arrived and set up their tents. We took full advantage and went on harinam with 500 devotees and invitations to Krsna’s Village of Peace. Though we ourselves were still putting the finishing touches to our village we managed to have kirtan in our […]
Preparing the Yajna
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Krsna’s devotees are preparing for one of ISKCON’s biggest yajna’s in it’s history: Krsna’s Village of Peace at the 20th annual Woodstock Festival in Poland. Over 700,000 people are expected. 700 devotees from 14 different countries are arriving and helping to set up Krsna’s Village. We plan endless kirtans, spiritual discourses, daily Ratha Yatras through […]
Prayer for the Eastern Ukraine Devotees
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A prayer for ISKCON’s devotees in the troubled region of eastern Ukraine: “O Lord Nrsimha, who are omnipresent, may your nails protect me and others at all times. Just as a lion attacks powerful elephant groups and splits apart their heads with it’s nails and the Vajrayudha (Indra’s defense weapon) splits the highest mountains, in […]
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We are halfway through our summer festival tour here in Poland. Last night we presented our new theater production, ‘Usa and Aniruddha.’ People loved it. Today we are packing up and moving our base 400 kilometers west to Kostrzyn Nad Odra to begin preparations for the great Woodstock Festival. This will be our 20th year […]
Festivals in Krsna consciousness
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When we come to festivals and give our heart to the festival, listen with a desire to advance, apply the knowledge the speaker has spoken in our lives, chant from the heart and dance in kirtan we make a quantum leap in our devotional lives.
Removing the Darkness of Kali Yuga
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Every day we chant the holy names of the Lord for hours along the beaches of the Baltic Sea coast. Each evening thousands of people attend our festivals and many chant along with us. We are happy and satisfied serving the mission of our glorious spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada. “When people properly glorify the Supreme […]
Troubled Times
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Today’s newspapers reported a terrible plane crash, crimes, scandals, murders and ongoing fighting in wars around the world. We live in troubled times. The only hope is Krsna consciousness, which quickly brings relief from the miseries of material life. That antidote is delivered in the form of blissful chanting and dancing to the holy names […]
Tough Town
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Mielno has a reputation of being a tough town especially during the summer when thousands of young men and women come to drink and party in the many bars and discos around town. But for 3 days this week our harinama party and festivals flooded Mielno w…
Sunny Days
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So far the summer days on the Baltic Sea coast have been mostly bright and sunny. Taking advantage, our festival team can be seen everywhere; on the beaches, in the towns and villages and performing on stage each night.
Crowded Places
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Many people try and avoid crowds during their summer vacation. They find a a quiet place to relax and enjoy a few days of peace and solitude. But that’s not the case for the devotees of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu! They search out the most crowded places and share the ecstasy of chanting and dancing […]