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Meet the future Sannyasis of Iskcon! To expand ISKCON’s preaching mission Srila Prabhupada created sannyasis. Thus the Ministry for Sannyasa Service has established a website to provide information about potential sannyasis to the ISKCON community and to get feedback in order to help in the candidate’s training. Read more ›
Monthly Archives: April 2014
Sannyasa Candidates 2014
356. Kirtan, the way.
→ 9 Days, 8 Nights
I was a little agitated an hour ago. Something didn’t go the way i want. And when you are in that mood, your relationship with others isn’t really positive. And i hate that feeling when i realise i could have been better. The guilt kills you. Anyways, i was lucky to come in the association […]
Kirtana forever with Madhava in Auckland, New Zealand (Album 50 photos)
→ Dandavats.com
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Spreading the Holy Name. Stay High Forever! Read more ›
2014 02 15 Prerna Festival A Date With Krishna Devamrita Swami ISKCON Chowpatty
→ Gouranga TV - The Hare Krishna video collection
2014 02 15 Prerna Festival A Date With Krishna Devamrita Swami ISKCON Chowpatty
Art Department Update!
- TOVP.org
The Art Department has been working a marathon with early mornings and late evenings to progress with sculpting the Six Goswamis. Jananivas and Pankajanghri prabhus were recently into the TOVP to approve the final mood of Gopal Bhatta Goswami’s deity. The next step in this process will be covering it in fiberglass followed by a
The Lord’s manifestations correlate with the evolution of the serving mood of the jiva
→ The Spiritual Scientist
We can notice the different stages of animal life from the invertebrates to the fully-grown human beings. These stages have been classified by the Indian sages of a scientific outlook in ten orders, viz, (1) the invertebrate, (2) testaceous or shelly, (3) vertebrate, (4) erectly vertebrate (as in the combined form of man and beast), […]
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Next Town Hall – Sunday, April 20th – 3:30PM
→ The Toronto Hare Krishna Temple!
We are very excited to announce that ISKCON Toronto will be hosting our next Town Hall on Sunday, April 20th, 2014 from 3:30pm to 5:30pm in Govinda’s Dining Hall. This Town Hall will present an opportunity for our vibrant Hare Krishna community to come forward and engage in a productive, two-way dialogue about our Hare Krishna temple and community at large.
The Town Hall will begin with a small presentation from the ISKCON Toronto Temple Council, highlighting the successes, challenges and financial developments over the last several months. After this, we will open up the dialogue to our entire community to share their thoughts, dreams, concerns and suggestions about how we can continue to grow our temple and community. This Town Hall will be different in that we will have our auditor present to go over the past year’s financials and aid in answering any financial question the community may have.
Please accept this as a warm invitation for you to come and attend our Town Hall. We continue to host these Town Halls every three months in an attempt to increase the communication between the temple management and our dear congregation.
If you are unable to make it to the Town Hall, but would like to share some ideas, suggestions or feedback, please feel free to email us at templecouncil@torontokrishna.com.
We hope to see you on Sunday, April 20th – please feel free to pass along this warm invitation to your devotee friends! Hare Krishna!
The ISKCON Toronto Temple Council
Double Rama Navami Celebrations!
→ The Toronto Hare Krishna Temple!
This year, Toronto’s Hare Krishna Centre will mark the appearance day of Lord Rama (also known as Rama Navami) on two separate occasions this upcoming week! This Sunday, April 6th, we will begin the celebrations with a dramatic presentation by Bhaktima…
Is Not Different From Him
→ Japa Group
“…his name is not different from Him. The name and the form and the quality of God, they are all Absolute. Therefore chanting His name means associating with God. So when one associates with God, gradually He becomes godly. And when he is fully purif…
New Vrindaban Daily darsan @ April 4, 2014.
→ New Vrindaban Brijabasi Spirit
Give up false identification with this wretched material body, identification that is the cause of the horrible cycle of repeated birth and death. Meditate on your spiritual form in Vrinda?vana. Millions of calamities may fall. Don’t be disturbed. Until all past karma is destroyed, reside in Vrinda?vana and always meditate on the pastimes of your […]
Join us for Sunday Feast starting at 11.00am with another Very Special Guest.
Sunday Love Feast |
Back in 1980′s (Album 72 photos)
→ Dandavats.com
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Old And Beautiful Pics Of Sri Sri Krishna Balaram Mandir, Vrinda Kund, Gurukul, Goshala & Various Places In Vraja From 1980’s. Contributors: Uddhava Bandhu Dasa (owner) and Kusha Devi Dasi · Taken at Krishna Balaram Mandir
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Read The Conch Newsletter – New Govardhan Farm’s News – April 2014
→ Dandavats.com
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Rama Navami – Full Moon Rising
Chance Encounter – Where Worlds Collide
Mentorship Arrives – Women Leading the Way
School Honors Devotee – Benowa Primary hears Holy Name
Kuli Catch-up Q&A
Harinama Sankirtana ki jaya !
Srila Prabhupada Uvaca
Vaisnava Calendar
Upcoming events and much, much more … Read more ›
Mandakini Devi Dasi on London Harinam
→ simple thoughts
Saturday Night Harinam London **************************************** This weekend we were joined by one of Srila Prabhupada’s senior European disciples, Srimate Mandakini Devi Dasi. Mandakini came over from France to visit the London Yatra for Gaura Purnima. She was one of the guests of honour, along with mothers Malati and Manjuali at the Connaught Rooms on Lord […]
Ahmedabad Ram Navmi Rathayatra – 2nd day/2nd Rathayatra (Album 65 photos)
→ Dandavats.com
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These are pictures taken at the 2nd day of the two day Ram Navmi Rathayatra organized by ISKCON Ahmedabad Read more ›
Swami Plans Walk to Key Areas of ISKCON’s History for Society’s 50th
Intrepid ISKCON Guru and GBC Bhaktimarga Swami, known colloquially as “The Walking Monk,” is planning his next big adventure. The Swami has already trekked across his native Canada three times, and has walked in Ireland, Israel, G…
Rama’s Quiver….fun time with Parents
→ TKG Academy
On March 26th we invited the preschool students’ parents to join our fun. Together we crafted Quivers and arrows for Lord Ramacandra. We are now ready to observe Rama Navami next week as well! [slickr-flickr private=on search=”sets” set=72157643407299663 […]
“O” for Octopus & “P” for Porcupine
→ TKG Academy
Crafty kids, crafty sounds. After making a cute Octopus for “O” we pasted Prasadam Plate with many “P” Preparations and were amazed at how many food items we found! We also made a Pasta Porcupine from clay, which […]
Experiment Time!!
→ TKG Academy
One of the joys of teaching is seeing students master concepts that previously gave them trouble. Long division no longer phases the fourth graders! Students begin a flower experiment, in which five of the same […]
Is the Ramayana Relevant Today?
If the message of sacrifice as a means to deep human relationships was all that the Ramayana offered to the world today, then that message in and of itself would be valuable. But the Ramayana’s gifts are much greater.
HG Mother Sucarya / The Krishna Book
→ Kalachandji's Audio Archive
HG Bhagavatananda Prabhu / SB 10.59.01
→ Kalachandji's Audio Archive
Does accepting disciples diminish a guru’s spiritual strength – continuing from yesterday
→ SivaramaSwami.com
The post Does accepting disciples diminish a guru’s spiritual strength – continuing from yesterday appeared first on SivaramaSwami.com.
Tamil class on Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu
→ ISKCON Scarborough
Feeding The 5000-Brussels! (Album 59 photos)
→ Dandavats.com
We had the opportunity to cook wonderful Prasadam that was served to over 5000 fortunate souls in Brussels. Pretty amazing program organized by Tristran, Niki, Dominique and Parasuram. Everyone loved the Prasadam and were awestruck by Para’s huge pots. This program is making people aware of the terrible waste going on in the food industry. Parasuram has been doing this for years, getting donations from food wholesales and chains such as Costco. Then we cook it, offer to Lord Krishna, then distribute it freely. The expenses are offset by grants and donations.
Every day in London over 1000 students, homeless and others are getting FREE Prasadam. Read more ›
A Devotee Couple Moves to New Vrindaban- An Interview
→ New Vrindaban Brijabasi Spirit
Lilasuka (L): So how are things going for you, so far, here in New Vrindaban, Alexander and Radhapriya prabhus? You’ve been here for a few months now. Alexander (A) & Radhapriya (R): Well, we like our apt. There’s easy access to the temple. Things are good. L: I heard you went to India recently, Radhapriya. […]
Mangala Arati sung by HG Sundar Nitai Prabhu – 29.03.2014
→ Gouranga TV - The Hare Krishna video collection
Cosmos Ep 4: A Sky Full of Ghosts
→ The Enquirer
Finally, a great episode. I want all the episodes to be like this one. This is my kind of stuff. But …
Cosmos Ep 4: A Sky Full of Ghosts
→ The Enquirer
Finally, a great episode. I want all the episodes to be like this one. This is my kind of stuff. But …
Wednesday, April 2nd, 2014
→ The Walking Monk
Tuesday, April 1st, 2014
→ The Walking Monk
Be A Fool
I passed through 61 April Fools in this one life. At the Tuesday Sanga, the evening’s presenter, Praharana, spoke on how we are all more or less fools for being in this world of suffering. She, however, explained that joy could be had by taking to the spiritual component. Her message spoken at the ashram was well received.
It was only after the time of her presentation that I went on my daily walk. Vrindavan, one of our dedicated devotees in our community here, drove me at my request, to his home. From there I would walk back to the ashram, a mere 6 KM distance. I recall when I first tackled the longer stretches for training. A couple of my colleagues at that time thought I was slightly foolish to go on a 22 KM trek (a first), and to do it on a winter afternoon when a snow storm suddenly hit. I had lost directions while trying to reach my destination point, the home of a friend. Eventually I was found through the aid of a call by payphone. No panic, it was fun being a fool. Anyways, it was all done for the training perspective.
Monday, March 31st, 2014
→ The Walking Monk
Why Lord Chaitanya took initiation from the Madhva sampradaya
→ The Spiritual Scientist
The special characteristic of Madhvacarya’s doctrine is that it very clearly defeats the faulty mistakes of the Advaita perspective. By maintaining this forceful position, the distress caused by impersonal philosophy falls to the wayside, allowing one to understand and appreciate the Lord’s personal form. Therefore, in order to bring about safe and sure benefit for […]
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New Vrindaban Daily darsan @ April 3, 2014.
→ New Vrindaban Brijabasi Spirit
Don’t even glance at the external things of this world, whether they belong to you or to others, whether they are as splendid as millions of suns and moons, or whether they possess a great flood of good qualities, Renounce them¡ Give up all conventional peaceful composure, and without caring for anything else, always remember […]
No perfect match
→ KKSBlog
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 20 March 2013, Cape Town, South Africa, Srimad Bhagavatam 8.12.6) Pure devotees of the Lord are only interested in satisfying the senses of the Supreme Lord, hṛṣīkeṇa hṛṣīkeśa-sevanaṁ bhaktir ucyate (Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu 1.1.2). They are not concerned with the material world because they appreciate that in the material world, everything is only temporary and […]
Gold Coast Rathayatra
→ Ramai Swami
Janmejaya Das has made many Rathayatra Carts including the ones at New Govardhana, New Varshana and Christchurch temple. This year, Jamal Arjuna from the Bhakti Centre on the Gold Coast, asked him to make a smaller cart for the Rathayatra … Continue reading →
Top Three Benefits of Lavender
The numerous benefits of lavender contain its capability to get rid of mental tension, alleviate painful sensations, disinfect skin, treat respiratory troubles, and so much more.
Please Join The Japa Group
→ Japa Group
Please share your realisations with other devotees from around the world…simply send me an introduction message and I will be happy to make you a member:rasa108 ::_::{.at.}::_:: gmail dot comysRasa Rasika dasa
April Fool’s Isn’t a Religious Holiday, but There Are Some Religious Roots
The day began in 1582, when Pope Gregory XIII decreed the adoption of the “Gregorian calendar”, which moved New Year’s Day from the end of March to Jan. 1.
The Third Eye
→ travelingmonk.com
The holy abode of Jagannatha Puri, through the eye of a camera. Jaya Jagannatha! Kindly become visible to us. Jaya Srila Prabhupada! You so kindly gave us the spiritual world.