Today’s newspapers reported a terrible plane crash, crimes, scandals, murders and ongoing fighting in wars around the world. We live in troubled times. The only hope is Krsna consciousness, which quickly brings relief from the miseries of material life. That antidote is delivered in the form of blissful chanting and dancing to the holy names […]
Author Archives: H.H. Indradyumna Swami
Troubled Times
Tough Town
Mielno has a reputation of being a tough town especially during the summer when thousands of young men and women come to drink and party in the many bars and discos around town. But for 3 days this week our harinama party and festivals flooded Mielno w…
Sunny Days
So far the summer days on the Baltic Sea coast have been mostly bright and sunny. Taking advantage, our festival team can be seen everywhere; on the beaches, in the towns and villages and performing on stage each night.
Crowded Places
Many people try and avoid crowds during their summer vacation. They find a a quiet place to relax and enjoy a few days of peace and solitude. But that’s not the case for the devotees of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu! They search out the most crowded places and share the ecstasy of chanting and dancing […]
An Auspicious Beginning
This summer we are celebrating the 25th anniversary of our Festival of India tour along the Baltic Sea coast in Poland. It began auspiciously yesterday with our first program in Kolobrzeg. As always, thousands of people came and were introduced to Krsn…
Like A Lion
On our last day in Russia we participated in Ratha Yatra in Krasnodar. Bada Haridas prabhu, who led kirtan most of the way, was roaring like a lion as he sang the holy names and while dancing in ecstasy gave delight to all the devotees present.
The Prediction
One of the last stops on our Russia tour was Maykop, the capitol of the Republic of Adygea in the Western Caucasus Mountains. A number of Muslim families have become devotees and hold regular Nama Hatta programs in the region. As we enjoyed an evening …
Preaching – The Highest Welfare Activity
Harinam Sankirtan is one of the principle methods for advertising the teachings of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. It is the highest form of welfare work and must be revived for our own benefit as well as the benefit of the entire world.
Тысяча лекций об Абсолютной Истине
→ Traveling Monk
Глава 2 На неделе, следующей после майского ретрита «Садху-санга» в Северной Каролине, я дожидался в лос-анджелесском аэропорту рейса на Лондон, а потом в Варшаву. Ко мне подошел пожилой джентльмен и, глядя на мои одежды санньяси, заговорил с сильным польским акцентом: – Вы, должно быть, из Харе Кришна. – Ну да, – ответил я. – […]
Kirtan In The Land Of The Midnight Sun
Twenty-five thousand people attended the Arkaim Festival in Urals, Russia on the occasion of the summer solstice. ISKCON devotees held a late evening Ratha Yatra parade through the festival grounds with the sun still blazing high in the sky. By midnight we were back in our “Krsna village” chanting and dancing with the people as […]
The Swastika City
After traveling for 4 days and over 2,500 kilometers we finally arrived yesterday in Arkaim, a remote archaeological site situated in the southern Urals steppe of Russia. Discovered in 1987 by a team of Russian scientists the dwellings are described as an ancient capitol of the Aryan, or Vedic culture. Dubbed the “Swastika City” because […]
The Dust Of Their Feet
Tatarstan is a republic in Russia with a large ethnic Muslim population. Known for it’s religious tolerance it is home to many mosques and churches … and one Hare Krsna temple. Devotees have permission to distribute books but are only allowed one harinam a month in downtown Kazan, the capitol. The kirtan party is restricted […]
Harinama Samkirtan
“I surrender to merciful Śrī Caitanya, astonishing in His activities, who revived the world covered with ignorance and made it mad with the abundant nectar of His prema.” [ Govinda Lilamrta, Chapter One, Text Two ] [ Photo: Harinama samkirtan, Kazan, Tatarstan, June 15, 2014 ]
Twenty-Two Years To The Day
Yesterday devotees in Moscow celebrated the installation of their Gaura Nitai deities exactly twenty-two years ago. I was thinking how pleased Srila Prabhupada must be with them for maintaining a consistent and high standard for over two decades. Because of various factors the devotees have had to move their temple numerous times – but the […]
Bhakti Vriksa Festival
“The mlecchas who are born from mixed countries ruled by descendants of Kasyapa (demons) and the sudras will become brahmanas by initiation. They will wear sikhas and brahmana threads and will be well versed in the uncontaminated fruit of the Vedas ( Srimad Bhagavatam ). They will worship Me by the yajna prescribed by the […]
Russia Day
Yesterday Russia celebrated, Russia Day, a national holiday. Taking advantage of the occasion devotees in Moscow held a festival to celebrate their goal of creating 100 Nama Hatta centers throughout the greater city. There are 7,000 devotees in and aro…
As Best They Can
Belarus is a landlocked country in eastern Europe, bordered in part by Russia, Ukraine and Poland. Once part of the Soviet Union, it continues with a number of soviet era policies, such as state owned ownership of large sectors of the economy and a res…
Benefits of Deity Worship
If the Deity was really a stone or marble or wooden statue, then how does the devotee who worships Him become purified and possessed of all the beautiful spiritual qualities?
Sadhu Sanga Retreat – Part Three
Another talented photographer, Damodar-rati dasa, provides us with more beautiful photos of last weeks Sadhu Sanga Retreat. The festival has become the ‘talk of the town.’ The association was stellar, the chanting of the holy names out of this world and the prasadam something to remember. [ All photos from Dennis Sher Photography ]
Sadhu Sanga Retreat – Part Two
More testament to the power of the holy names chanted in unison for days on end by loving devotees in a beautiful environment. Sadhu Sanga Retreat is a must for all American devotees in 2015!
Sadhu Sanga Retreat – Part One
Thanks to Gajendra das and Denisse of Lotus Eyes Photography for capturing many of the magical moments at this year’s Sadhu Sanga Retreat in Boone, North Carolina. Words alone could not express the happiness and joy that 1,500 devotees felt in each others association while chanting Lord’s holy names for several days together.
Blessings In London
Yesterday in London on my birthday, I visited the Radha Krsna Temple on Soho Street to get the blessings of Sri Sri Radha London Iswara, who were installed in the early years of the movement by Srila Prabhupada. I first saw Them in 1972. I asked for Th…
A Most Spectacular Event
Yesterday Russian devotees held their annual Ratha Yatra festival in Moscow. Due to the present political climate in the country, city authorities restricted the event to a small area inside a park. But that did not deter 700 hundred devotees from part…
Faith in Guru
Only unto one who has unflinching devotion to the Lord and to the spiritual master does transcendental knowledge become automatically revealed.
A Festival of Bliss in St. Petersburg, Russia
Saint Petersburg is the 2nd largest city in Russia. Founded by Tsar Peter the Great in 1703 it now boasts a population of over 5 million people. St. Petersburg is also graced by a community of 1,000 ISKCON devotees from all walks of life. Over the last…
Lord Nrsimhadeva
“As Your hot claws roughly dig into the chest of the enemy (Hiranyakasipu) like thunderbolts, You happily bear the redness of his blood upon Your body just as a peak is born by a mountain. Your abdomen is nicely folded, and Your navel is very deep. O auspicious one! O intolerable Nrsimha! Burn, burn and […]
Slowly, But Surely
Nine Million people live in Azerbaijan, an affluent, oil-rich Muslim country bordering Russia, Georgia, Armenia and Iran.There are 250 practicing devotees in Azerbaijan, most of whom live in the capitol, Baku. Slowly, but surely, they are spreading Lord Caitanya’s message. Please everyone give them your blessings and keep them in your prayers.
How to Please the Guru
More than the donations, flowers or garlands, the spiritual master is most pleased when he sees his disciple conquering material desires and developing some attraction to the service of Radha and Krsna.
Entry with Audio
→ Traveling Monk
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, […]
Atashgah – The Home of Fire
Just outside Baku, Azerbaijan on the Caspian Sea is an ancient site the local people call Atashgah, or “the home of fire.” From time immemorial yogis, ascetics and rishis from India would come here to worship Agni, in the form of fire. The site is situated on a natural gas field. Before the oil reserves […]
Make the Choice
Give up the sand bags of material desires and let the Helium of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra take you back home, back to Godhead.
Twenty-Two Years Ago Today
This weekend myself and Bada Haridas prabhu will continue with our travels. Our first destination is Moscow. While studying the itinerary, I suddenly realised that 22 years ago on the same weekend in April,1992 I was doing samkirtan in Moscow with my g…
Hari Hari!!
“From the time that the name of Hari became manifest on the earth, Vaisnava folk were seen everywhere, adorned with faultless tiloka, neckbeads and equipped with the maha-mantra. In the midst of Kali Yuga they purified the atmosphere chanting, ‘Hari! Hari!’ So indeed it came to pass.” [ Srila Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya, Susloka-satakam ]
Lord Caitanya’s compassion
“Out of Lord Caitanya’s spontaneous compassion, He restored the people back to consciousness and through the means of His holy names enabled them to pass beyond the impassable ocean of the age of quarrel. Thus by the golden moons of Lord Hari and the Vaisnavas the news of the names of Krsna was told from […]
Reconnect with God
We are completely dependent on God. But at the present moment, we are ignorant of it, to greater or lesser degree. To greater degree, if you are a demigod, and to lesser degree, if you are an insignificant insect.
Sharing the fruits
Tonight Bada Haridas and myself are leaving India for Europe. After a few days we’ll travel to South Africa for the Durban Ratha Yatra, and then onto Russia and Ukraine for a 3-week preaching tour. Time to share the fruits of our pilgrimages to India’s holy places with others!
The Third Eye
The holy abode of Jagannatha Puri, through the eye of a camera. Jaya Jagannatha! Kindly become visible to us. Jaya Srila Prabhupada! You so kindly gave us the spiritual world.
Glories of Aindra Prabhu
For those with a deeper vision, Aindra Prabhu spent most of his life chanting Hare Krsna in Vrindavana, serving his Deities, doing parikrama and his final act of service was to fall down in front of his Gaura-Nitai Deities. I am sure a flower airplane …
A Day Of Causeless Mercy
Yesterday in Cuttack we visited Jogendra Candra das, one of the last living disciples of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saravati. Born November 16, 1912 he is 102 years old. He was initiated in 1932. During WWII he served in the Indian army, all the while maint…
What Nectar!
This morning we discovered a treasure-trove of nectar in a private collection next to an old temple here in Orissa. Amongst many valued articles were ancient Gaudiya Sampradaya palm-leaf scriptures and a piece of sannyasa cloth worn by Srila Bhaktisidd…