Miraculous Meetings
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We’re back on the road, traveling the country for the next four months. Every town has its flavour, and every day is unique. It’s quite a task to stop someone in their tracks, cut through the myriad of thoughts, penetrate the bubble of their life and begin a dialogue about deeper subject matter. Some people naturally tune in to the concept of ancient wisdom, while others are sceptical, uninterested and otherwise-engaged. Either way we always have a laugh, a smile and learn something from each other!

Every day we experience a small miracle. Last week, on our way to Torquay, the driver lost his bearings and we accidently parked up in Paignton, a small neighbouring town. As we got onto the high street, we realised we were in the wrong place! I rushed to the car park to fetch the van while the rest of the team waited on the street corner. One of our budding monks, Nikhil, was convinced we had come there for a reason (he was the driver who brought us to the wrong place!). In his two-minute ‘window of opportunity’ he decided to approach the first pedestrian and explain what we were doing.

As he turned to a random passer-by, the man stopped almost instantaneously. “We are the monks, traveling the country and teaching people about meditation and spirituality” Nikhil said. With a sparkle in his eye and a look of disbelief the man replied: “Amazing! I’ve been looking for you guys!” He went on to explain how he had received one of our books, read it cover to cover, and begun practicing mantra meditation… all by himself. He has never had any contact with a Hare Krishna community, temple, or practicing devotee. He simply read the book, became convinced and proceeded to string his own beads. Now he carries those beads with him everywhere he goes, quietly whispering the Hare Krishna mantra to himself.

So there was indeed a reason why we stopped in Paignton that day. A miraculous meeting, likely orchestrated by providence. Here’s a short interview with James, without doubt a very special soul:

Ego Death
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The three biggest fears in life: exams, public speaking and death. Of them, the final is probably the most acute. As that fateful hour approaches, everything we worked so hard for is snatched away, throwing our entire sense of identity and purpose into question. On a subtle level, however, we are regularly subjecting ourselves to this disturbing experience. How so? The world teaches us to base our sense of identity and self-worth on transitory, external and artificial considerations. When we identify with our abilities, facilities and positions of responsibility, then we set ourselves up for crisis. Why? Because the undisputable nature of this world is that such things will almost always fade away over time.

We pride ourselves in our ‘unique’ abilities – but then we witness our own ineptitude, or find someone far more qualified and competent. Painful. We find comfort in karmic gifts like beauty, physique, learning and wealth – but the waves of time callously cause them to eventually crumble. Painful. We feel valuable because of our reputation, influence and position in society – but everyone has their day, after which we all have to make way. Painful. Constant change is the underlying theme of the material phantasmagoria – its unstoppable (cannot be checked), unpredictable (will happen at any time) and uncontrollable (could occur in any way). Thus, we suffer a subtle ego death every time we falsely identify with the temporary.

Thus, wisdom teachers continually remind us to focus on our eternal, unchanging, ontological identity. As spiritual beings, our true ego lies in being a selfless servant. Everything we receive in the journey of life is simply a facility and detail in pursuance of this, with any given situation always offering a unique opportunity for selfless service. In such spiritual consciousness, all anxieties, fear and dissatisfaction disappear. You may have the experience of coming home in the evening after a day ‘in the world.’ Surrounded by our closest family and friends, we can kick back, relax and be ourselves – no artificiality, no acting, no masks. Here we feel completely comfortable, safe and natural. Imagine the satisfaction, joy, and sense of fulfilment we can experience if we live each day with the clear consciousness of who we really are… spirit souls and selfless servants. That’s the ultimate in ‘being yourself.’

CC Compact – Free E-Book!
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Saturday 9th May 2015 marks 400 years since the completion of the Chaitanya-Charitamrita. In a mood of gratitude and appreciation we are making this humble contribution entitled “CC Compact” available for free download.

Download “CC Compact Complete Version” by clicking here (right click and “save link as…”)


Throughout cosmic history, Krishna periodically descends to Earth and reveals knowledge of the eternal reality. He re-establishes genuine spirituality and teaches the practical means to develop God consciousness. In 1486, Krishna appeared as Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. While a renaissance of philosophical and theological thought was going on in the world, Shri Chaitanya ushered in a spiritual revolution through His personal interactions, philosophical discourses and most importantly His joyous public chanting and dancing. He established a process of God consciousness that was open to everyone regardless of caste, colour or creed. He went beyond ritualistic worship, dry philosophising, and materialistic piety, instead emphasising the very essence of religion – unmotivated and unconditional love of God.

Krishnadasa Kaviraja Goswami’s Chaitanya-Charitamrita is considered the most accurate, authentic, and philosophical biography of Shri Chaitanya. At present, however, it remains a relatively unexplored literature. Since the studies of Bhagavad-Gita and Shrimad-Bhagavatam are vast in and of themselves, many neglect the opportunity to bathe in the delightful narrations of Shri Chaitanya’s life. CC Compact does not fully describe each episode of the Chaitanya-Charitamrita, since Shrila Prabhupada’s translation does that perfectly. The key objectives are as follows:

  • To present an easy-to-follow overview of Shri Chaitanya’s life.
  • To provide a road-map and framework for anyone who desires to explore the Chaitanya-Charitamrita in greater detail.

Above all, this book has been compiled in a spirit of self-improvement, with the ardent desire to increase my meditation on Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. I am far from qualified to write about this elevated subject matter, but my attempt is simply to encourage the reader to approach the original source of knowledge: Krishnadasa’s devotion-filled words translated by Shrila Prabhupada. Please forgive any mistakes I may make, which are likely due to my limited knowledge and lack of spiritual depth.

Three Steps
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The three steps of anything: 1) Initial enthusiasm, 2) doubts, disinterest and struggle 3) eventual reward for the committed. This seems to be the standard pattern for most things in life: studies, career, relationships, hobbies, and yes, even spirituality. The beginning of our spiritual journey is often characterised by idealism. Everything is fresh and fascinating, a whole new world to explore and unlimited opportunities to pursue. We can’t imagine any problems, since it all seems so simple and straightforward. We have finally found what we’ve always been looking for.

Unfortunately that honeymoon period doesn’t last forever. Now familiar with the externals, one is forced to dig a little deeper to maintain their commitment and dedication. What in the beginning seemed so natural, now requires a good dose of discipline and determination to maintain. As we situate ourselves in the external world of spiritual practice, the internal world of chaos begins to reveal itself. Over time, we realise we aren’t as saintly as we thought, our hearts riddled with weakness, frailty and stubborn material stains. Welcome to the stage of realism – where the gap between the ideal (of where we’d like to be) and real (of where we actually are) becomes strikingly apparent. The gap is indeed uncomfortable, and different people attempt to close it in different ways. Some quit the process altogether (forget the ideal), while others compromise the purity of their expectations (lower the ideal). Both of these approaches cheat us of the invaluable gift of pure spiritual happiness. Only the brave accept the third way: to accept the gap, admit one’s flaws, and undertake the step-by-step process to refine their character (raise the real). It requires incredible commitment, buts it’s the rewarding path that leads somewhere significant.

To tread that path we need to move to the stage of optimism. Embracing the hard work required to raise our character towards the ideal, is only possible as we develop great hope in the spiritual process we practice. We can survive for three weeks without food, for three days without water, but not a moment without hope; it keeps our spiritual journey alive. That hope is cultivated through observation (appreciation of how we’ve developed our spirituality to the current point) and application (the feelings of reciprocation and reward we feel in the current times). Nurturing unbreakable hope is the hallmark of an advanced spiritualist. For one whose spirituality is fortified by such hope, quitting is not an option. Such dedication cracks open the divine treasure-house.

New Book – IQ, EQ, SQ
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Download “IQ, EQ, SQ” by clicking here (right click and “save link as…”)

IQ (Intelligence Quotient) tests are famous for assessing logical, mathematical and linguistic skills. We all wish we were in that top bracket of Mensa elite who have an IQ in excess of 140 – unfortunately only 0.5% of the population make it! Developed intelligence empowers one to gather, process and analyse information effectively. The intelligent can think in abstract ways and learn from their experiences. Despite this, history shows that the intelligentsia are not always the most successful, happy and influential people in the world.

Psychologists and neuroscientists are increasingly talking about the need for Emotional Quotient (EQ). Those with high EQ’s are emotionally balanced, able to maintain composure in the chaos of life, and great at relating with people in appropriate and inspiring ways. EQ empowers the successful utilisation of IQ – people act irrationally when volatile emotions hijack their mental state. Thus, EQ measures the human side of life and our interactions with the immediate environment.

While IQ and EQ help us to function in our present situations, SQ (Spiritual Quotient) is all about ‘thinking out of the box.’ People often come to the point where they begin to question life, the universe and everything – who am I, why am I here, what is my purpose, what should I strive for, and what will make me happy? By exercising their SQ an individual can discover deeper meaning, purpose and direction in life. Often, we are busily engaged in chasing things without seriously considering whether they are necessary, fulfilling and really adding value. Our daily endeavours are usually focused on asking the question ‘how,’ but SQ is all about asking the question ‘why.’

We hope this collection of articles will stimulate your SQ and offer some ‘food for thought’ in a world that (consciously or unconsciously) yearns for fresh perspectives and newer paradigms.

People Problems
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Conflict, friction and human disagreement is, unfortunately, a major part of daily life. Whether it’s the erratic driver who cuts in front of you on the high street, crafty and cunning work colleagues pulling a fast one, or ungrateful and insensitive friends, unsavoury interactions can spoil our day really quickly. Fortunately for us, the great saint Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur offers invaluable wisdom to help handle these daily challenges:

“When faults in others misguide and delude you – have patience, introspect, find faults in yourself. Know that others cannot harm you unless you harm yourself.”

Patience – the first moments of a conflict situation are crucial. Be tolerant and patient. The art of conversation is not only to say the right thing at the right time, but sometimes to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. When negative emotions hijack our mental state, chances are we’ll act and speak irrationally. One who is patient in a moment of anger, saves themselves days of sorrow.

Introspect – take some time to consider the situation. Beyond the perceived idiocy of actions and words, try to understand what is driving someone to do what they do. What is the hidden background? If we can identify that, we hold the key to progress. In human dealings the golden rule is this: seek first to understand, then to be understood. We could also consider how important the conflict really is – most Issues can easily be dropped or ignored, but often our emotional engrossment keeps us doggedly fighting till the last breath.

Find faults in yourself – every experience we encounter is ultimately an opportunity for self-growth. Provoking situations act as a mirror to better understand our weaknesses and faults. When we can identify and accept our own imperfections, we’re better placed to considerately deal with others. Else, we may fall into the trap of being very good judges for other people’s mistakes, and expert lawyers for our own.

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Last week I drove into Central London at 4.00am. It was refreshing – no cars, no traffic jams, no stress. Unfortunately it didn’t last very long. Cruising toward my destination I unexpectedly encountered major roadworks and got stuck in a huge tailback. Despite the strategic timing of my journey, I still ended up delayed! It reminded me of the challenges encountered in our early morning spiritual practices. Every day we dedicate the two hours around sunrise to focused personal meditation. Through the process of mantra, we whisper the sacred names of Krishna and try to conscientiously hear that transcendental vibration. Attentive aural reception frees the mind, cleanses the heart, and brings us in contact with the spiritual reality. You simply have to focus on the vibration. Nothing else. Sounds simple, but in reality quite problematic, since the mind is notoriously difficult to control. One thought leads to another, which leads to a third, and soon we are drifting off and straying far from our purpose.

The early morning hours are considered the most conducive for spiritual practice since the mind can peacefully flow toward the spiritual goal. However, just as early morning road works slowed down my car journey to London, mental agitation can similarly inhibit the strength of one’s spiritual connection. As I sat down this morning in preparation for my chanting, a million things were going through my mind. There were doubts and uncertainties about pending situations. There were quarrels and conflicts of opinion on pertinent issues. There were worries about friends and pressures of expectation from respected associates. There was also excitement about future opportunities, a sense of pride at this week’s achievements and anticipation at the day ahead. What can I say… the mind is a busy place! How in the world would I be able to put this all to one side, pacify the mind, and concentrate on the task at hand – to simply hear the mantra and focus on the eternal reality?

I tried to cultivate a broader mindset. Everything in my life can be resolved if I deepen my spirituality. The problem is not other people – but it’s actually my lack of tolerance, empathy and sensitivity. The problem is not the situations I find myself if in – but it’s actually my rigidity, stubbornness and lack of broader vision. It even occurred to me that all my aspirations and dreams can manifest beyond my imagination, but only after I fine tune my motivations and eradicate my ulterior selfish motivations. Everything is resolved through spiritual purity, and spiritual purity comes from determined and focused spiritual practice. As I sat down I thought to myself – “let me just focus on this mantra for the next two hours. After that, life will look quite different – situations and perspectives will change.”

It worked. Bucket loads of mental energy saved, and substantial solutions found. I’ll try the same tomorrow. Wish me luck.

New Book – CC Compact
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Download “CC Compact Preview” by clicking here (right click and “save link as…”)

The full book is available at Bhaktivedanta Manor reception.

We will be having a short course on the CC Compact at Bhaktivedanta Manor – click here for more details.

Throughout cosmic history, Krishna periodically descends to Earth and reveals knowledge of the eternal reality. He re-establishes genuine spirituality and teaches the practical means to develop God consciousness. In 1486, Krishna appeared as Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. While a renaissance of philosophical and theological thought was going on in the world, Shri Chaitanya ushered in a spiritual revolution through His personal interactions, philosophical discourses and most importantly His joyous public chanting and dancing. He established a process of God consciousness that was open to everyone regardless of caste, colour or creed. He went beyond ritualistic worship, dry philosophising, and materialistic piety, instead emphasising the very essence of religion – unmotivated and unconditional love of God.

Krishnadasa Kaviraja Goswami’s Chaitanya-Charitamrita is considered the most accurate, authentic, and philosophical biography of Shri Chaitanya. At present, however, it remains a relatively unexplored literature. Since the studies of Bhagavad-Gita and Shrimad-Bhagavatam are vast in and of themselves, many neglect the opportunity to bathe in the delightful narrations of Shri Chaitanya’s life. CC Compact does not fully describe each episode of the Chaitanya-Charitamrita, since Shrila Prabhupada’s translation does that perfectly. The key objectives are as follows:

  • To present an easy-to-follow overview of Shri Chaitanya’s life.
  • To provide a road-map and framework for anyone who desires to explore the Chaitanya-Charitamrita in greater detail.

Above all, this book has been compiled in a spirit of self-improvement, with the ardent desire to increase my meditation on Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. I am far from qualified to write about this elevated subject matter, but my attempt is simply to encourage the reader to approach the original source of knowledge: Krishnadasa’s devotion-filled words translated by Shrila Prabhupada. Please forgive any mistakes I may make, which are likely due to my limited knowledge and lack of spiritual depth.

Coming Back Soon
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After a month in India, my spiritual vacation is coming to a close. Vrindavana is beautiful, endearing, and we wish we could stay longer and longer. Living here for even a few weeks makes the rest of the world seem like a distant reality. It’s a place where spirituality is naturally woven into the fabric of daily life. Admittedly, however, there were times when I didn’t feel so holy in these sacred surroundings. I wished every day to be a magical experience and amazing revelation, but some days just weren’t. Yet the soul-searching, introspection and awareness of my spiritual deficiencies on those days was rewarding in its own way. As with every spiritual trip, I’m sure I’ll only fully appreciate the extent of these divine gifts once I leave and reflect back on the experience. I hope these sacred impressions will remain etched within the heart, nourishing my enthusiasm for many years to come.

Srila Prabhupada called Vrindavana his home. He lived here for many years in a humble temple which he identified as the “hub of the wheel of the spiritual world”. It’s hard to imagine how, from a remote village so seemingly disconnected from the urban matrix, he singlehandedly masterminded a spiritual revolution which continues to impact mainstream society today. In 1965, he left India as an ambassador of Vrindavana, intent on inviting the whole world back to this most special place. He wanted everyone to experience the magic of Krishna. His unforgettable sacrifice is an unending source of inspiration, and thus we can only hope to do something to assist the realisation of his dream.

This time has been humbling, but simultaneously encouraging. I’m feeling fallen but hopeful. I am becoming more aware of my obstacles, but the ultimate goal is slowly capturing my imagination. I’ve spoken to, observed and heard about the saints, now I’m challenged to renounce my pride, develop that spotless character and follow in their footsteps. I’ve heard hours of insightful lectures and read pages of profound philosophy, now I’m challenged to develop the simplicity and unpretentiousness required to realise that transcendental information. Gratitude for my elders, who performed unthinkable austerities to give us access to such spiritual treasures, has risen to new heights. Now I’m challenged to ‘up the game’ and sacrifice my own easy life to reciprocate with them.

I hope I’ll be granted entrance here again. I hope I’ll come back with a better character. I hope I’ll have some useful report for Srila Prabhupada next time, who may well ask – “what did you do to remind the world about Vrindavana, the eternal home of Krishna?” 

Living the Dream
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There seems to be a tension between comfort and aspiration in our lives. We seek to explore, to grow, to achieve, yet we also desire security, safety and certainty. It’s clear, however, that we often have to sacrifice one to get the other. If we opt to remain in the comfort-zone, we may have to live with the inevitable feelings of being humdrum, run-of-the-mill and unexciting. On the other hand, if we dive for our dreams we’ll have to ready ourselves to brave the rocky road of uncertainty and opposition. Every significant achievement has its price tag.

In reality, we usually go for something in between. Decisions on where to pitch our life are largely based upon the prevailing social mood of the day. What is everyone else doing? What are the expectations of society? What will keep everyone happy? Breaking free of such barriers and pursuing our ‘inner calling’ is a tough job. As life responsibilities increase, it’s easy to get boxed in, sealed tight and shelved up. Shifting the daily routine becomes more and more taboo. Doing something different may be seen as unintelligent, rash and irresponsible. And even when there are no grounds for such accusation, we conveniently accept those opinions just to reinforce our comfortable life and maintain the status quo.

Life has its way of grounding us down. Very few people have a dream, even fewer seriously consider how to fulfill it, and only a rare soul actually has a decent shot. In an age where security, establishment and balanced prosperity have become the guiding beacons for our comfortable life, a pause for thought may be worthwhile. The Bhagavad-gita reminds us of a broader vision that needs to be etched into our consciousness. The inevitable laws of nature mean we come to this world empty-handed and we leave empty-handed. Everyone, without exception, is guaranteed to lose everything. Although our temporary constructed situations of life seem so real, they are all washed away by the ruthless waves of time. We’re building castles in the sand. It sounds counterintuitive, but I’m trying to invest quality time in developing this “vision of eternity”, hoping that it will make me a whole lot more dynamic in this temporary phantasmagoria.

As I wander around in the spiritual hub known as Vrindavana, I’m reminded of a local saying which is beginning to make more and more sense to me: “All reality outside of Vrindavana is actually a dream, and all dreams in Vrindavana are actually a reality.”

Good Old Days
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I couldn’t imagine winter in India would be colder than London. I was wrong. The misty chill of a Vrindavana morning penetrates your bones to the core. The stone floors and absence of heating systems mean there is no respite – inside is usually colder than outside! Nevertheless, the devotional fervour and busyness of Vrindavana never diminishes. Pilgrims stream in every day, each with a spiritual goal in mind: most visit for personal inspiration, others come to engage in some austerity and rigorous vow, while the elderly usually come to live out their final days in preparation for death. We’ve come for the first, we’re involuntarily doing the second, and he third… well, that’s not in the plan for the time being at least…

Every day I do my early morning chanting in the courtyard of our temple. It was a 3.00am start today. Although it’s early for my standards, every day I’m blessed with the company of the same elderly faces, who, tightly wrapped up in multiple shawls and scarfs, wholeheartedly prostrate themselves, circumambulate the temple, offer prayers and settle into rapt meditation. This is their life. Their dedication is unwavering, steady as a rock, seemingly oblivious to all obstacles which come their way. Despite their ailing health, the severe lack of material conveniences, and the seasonal climatic attacks, they are determined to end their days in complete spiritual absorption, diligently preparing for their imminent journey to the next world. After a lifetime of jobs, family, responsibilities and social interaction, they live as lone mendicants in this holy land, probably with a vow to never leave. They have realised this is the business end of life – this is where it’s make or break. After all, the Bhagavad-gita confirms that the consciousness with which we leave this world determines our next destination.

It prompted me to reflect on how our spirituality should intensify with each passing year. We have to build momentum, increase the urgency, and eagerly look for more and more opportunities to genuinely go deeper. Gradually, all the empty promises of the world that steal our attention should pale into insignificance, allowing us to focus on the essence of life. An elderly lady told me yesterday – “the good old days are not of the past, I’m experiencing them now, and I’m sure there are more to come!” A nice play on words, with a great meaning behind them. Though so many material limitations invariably arrive with age, the spiritually enthused soul is free to move in the skies of devotion. The later years of ones spirituality can open unlimited doors of experience and opportunity. I’m witnessing the living proof, and its giving me great hope.

Simple Spirituality
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Vrindavana is special. I always question my qualification to even approach the most sacred place in the universe. My commitment is weak, my character is flawed and my mentality remains self-centred. The deficiency of purity blocks my vision and appreciation of the situation I find myself in. Still, I have come here as a beggar. I hope I’ll meet the saints, remind myself of what is really important in life, catch a glimpse of Krishna, and reconnect with the voice of inspiration within. I’ll try and keep my eyes, ears and heart open, so I’ll receive what I have come here to get.

A casual stroll through the village streets reveals a depth of wisdom. Holy places are invaluable because they are a living theology. What it written about in pages of books and talked about in hours of discourses, is lucidly revealed in the simple lifestyle of devotion that comes so naturally to the people here. We often relate how spirituality became a part of our life – but here we can see how people’s lives have actually merged into the spiritual reality. It’s a different level of devotion. Everything naturally revolves around Krishna.

Interesting to think of a worldview where we are not the centre. But how can I not think about myself first? It seems alien, unfulfilling and even scary. Ironically, however, that utter selflessness brings one to the most profound level of spirituality. Water the roots, and the whole tree automatically becomes satisfied. Feed the stomach and the entire body is nourished. In other words, when our frantic search for selfish happiness stops, and we absorb ourselves in selfless service to God and His parts, we perfect our spirituality and experience true satisfaction of the soul. Nothing mystical, magical or esoteric – just the simple eagerness to serve. It is that simple. So simple, Swami Prabhupada once said, that we may just miss it.

Soul Searching
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After a month of hectic travels across the UK, it’s time to change gears. As I catch my breath in London for a week, I simultaneously prepare for a flight to India this coming Tuesday. My destination is the remote village of Vrindavana, the holy place where Krishna spent His childhood years. Located 130 km south of Delhi, it’s a mystical place which is full of inspiration and insight. They say that nobody returns from Vrindavana the same person, and that’s exactly why I’m going there. Though we act as spiritual doctors, we are undoubtedly patients as well. People accept us as teachers of wisdom, yet we remain humble students. After a month of sharing spirituality with others, now comes an opportunity to do some soul-searching and reflect on whether I’m walking the talk.

These trips are not just a physical journey to a special place but also an inner journey towards transcendence. The great saints of Vrindavana exemplify the pinnacle of spiritual consciousness. Complete absorption in the spiritual reality rendered them indifferent to the external world. Their living quarters were not formal brick or wooden structures, but temporary arrangements like the hollow of a tree, a clearing under a thorny thicket, or an underground cave. In these austere and solitary settings, the great saints would settle into spiritual trance and have their conversations with God, continuing for hours on end. Their spirituality wasn’t a casual activity. It wasn’t a ritual. It wasn’t simply a discipline – rather, it was full of emotion and feeling. It was from the core of the heart.

I doubt that I could isolate myself and go that deep, and neither is it recommended to try. But hearing of such remarkable personalities nevertheless inspires me to intensify my spiritual endeavors. I’m trying to break free of my mechanical and ritualistic approach. I’m trying to rediscover the freshness, enthusiasm and simplicity that I once had. I’m searching for that childlike innocence that is so beautiful. I’m going back to basics. The core spiritual practices and teachings I was introduced to at the onset of my spiritual journey remain the bridge to the eternal reality; they are not to be taken lightly. I’ll attempt to go a little deeper, and hopefully I’ll become a little closer to Krishna. I’m approaching Vrindavana in the mood of a beggar: spiritually impoverished but confident that I’ll find some sacred treasures along the way.

Street Spirituality
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High streets are intriguing places; a microcosm of modern life. It’s where people descend in their thousands, searching for something extra to enrich their existence. These urban hubs are a melting pot of entertainers, campaigners, shoppers, beggars and advertisers, a marketplace for the latest commodities and ideas, a space for meeting, sharing and exploring. Here you’ll find people from every imaginable socio-economic background, swarming like bees around a hive.

Enter the monks. Yes, you read it right. Crazy as it may sound, this is where we spend many days and weeks; standing on street corners, speaking to random people, and showing them spiritual books. It’s quite a task to stop someone in their tracks, cut through the myriad of thoughts, penetrate the bubble of their life and begin a dialogue about deeper subject matter. Some people naturally tune in to the concept of spirituality and wisdom, while others are sceptical, uninterested and otherwise-engaged. Either way we always have a laugh, a smile and learn something from each other!

Amongst whatever else I do in life, this simple and sublime activity is what I enjoy most. It’s a humble attempt to positively contribute to the world, and something which reconnects me with my calling. Sometimes it’s agonizingly difficult, other times it feels like a dream-like drama being orchestrated by higher powers. Either way, it’s where I feel at home. My most memorable, magical and moving experiences in life have been in bustling high streets sharing spirituality with people. With the arrival of the festive season, we embark upon another month-long tour. The rough route for this year: London – Birmingham – Manchester – Liverpool – Leeds – York – Bolton – Chester – Worcester – Southampton – Poole – Bournemouth – Portsmouth – Chichester – Winchester – London (and a lot of smaller towns in between!). Maybe see you along the way…

Here are some clips from our summer adventures:

Window Shopping
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Help! My inbox is overflowing with self-development quotes! Pinterest, it seems, is the latest online guru, offering digestible, practical and relevant bites of wisdom that make perfect sense. Insightful thinkers like Stephen Covey, Eckhart Tolle, Depak Chopra and Anthony Robbins have shaped a new approach to life, offering a stimulating alternative to the automatous programme of eat, drink, be merry and enjoy. They remind us of the 5 cardinal principles of happy marriage, the 3 ways to diffuse anger, the 4 steps to enduring vitality, and the 7 qualities that will win you the best friends on the planet; all of which help us craft a progressive, peaceful and happy life. Call me a sceptic, but I’m still not convinced. The buzz quotes don’t excite me as much as they used to.

Modern-day self-development promotes the ideals, but how much does it actually equip and empower one to genuinely imbibe this positive mental state? Can we mentally coerce ourselves to forgive others? Does a deep sense of selflessness and kindness towards the universe manifest on the level of the intellect? Will simple determination help us remain equipoised in the midst of the most provoking situations? Next time we’re angry, will we remember the Pinterest jpeg that someone posted on Facebook? A change in our instinctive emotional response must come from a deeper transformation of consciousness. There has to be profound existential awakening. Only when we see our life situation as a chapter in a longer story, when we deeply connect with the divine intelligence who is behind the workings of nature, when we understand that we are spiritual beings on a human journey – only then can we function with genuine and sustained positivity. The 64-million dollar question is how we achieve such consciousness. After all, we don’t want to be window shoppers who are captivated by the products, but have no power to purchase them.

Self-development is a natural consequence of spiritual development. Without practical spirituality, self-development stagnates. Along with describing the character, qualities and persona of a perfect spiritualist, books like the Bhagavad-gita also equip one with the spiritual tools and technology to achieve such an elevated conscious state. It offers information, as well as transformation. Some may doubt that ancient practices like meditation and yoga can actually bring about tangible changes in one’s approach to life, but the practical experience of dedicated spiritualists proves otherwise. Since the calculated procedure outlined by great teachers awakens the spontaneous purity within, the Bhagavad-gita proposes that we need not learn something new, but rather invoke what is already within. This is the ultimate self-development strategy.

Head Space
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As it stands, my entire technology inventory consists of a bog standard Nokia, Dell Inspiron laptop and 2GB I-river MP3 player. I’m determined to limit it to that, but it’s becoming increasingly difficult. The world moves at breakneck speed, and we scarper behind trying to catch up. Two houses, two cars, two television sets, two phones… it all seems too much! Luxuries have become necessities, without which, we just can’t function. Modern-day spiritualists, it seems, are faced with a unique challenge: the art of living is not how big we can make it, rather how small we can keep it! Some say we should just embrace technology and engage it in our spirituality. Rather than fighting the digital current, they say, why not just redirect it in a positive way? After all, isn’t it practical to move with the times?

Sounds good, but exercise caution, lest we may lose the plot. It’s great to connect with people hundreds of miles away, as long as we don’t forget to say hello to our neighbors. It’s nice to know what’s happening in every corner of the world, but let’s not forget to make a positive impact in our immediate circle of friends, family and community. It’s a treat to have entertainment and amusement online, so long as we don’t sleep through the exciting opportunities awaiting us in the physical world. It’s empowering to have access to so much knowledge, provided we don’t just memorise stacks of information with little sign of actual transformation.

Technology often increases quantity, but can potentially end up eroding quality. In ancient times, for example, sacred scriptures were few and far between, hand-copied, and in the possession of only the most fortunate. One saint’s manuscript of Srimad-Bhagavatam, the crest jewel of India’s spiritual wisdom, was blotted, smudged, and rendered practically unreadable due to the tears of love which were shed during his reading. Today, such priceless books are readily available at our fingertips; read them anywhere and anytime on our IPhones, IPads, Kindles and Laptops. Our shelves are lined with the hard copies – big books, small books, deluxe collector’s item and all-in-one version – a veritable library of wisdom! But how much quality time have we devoted to reading them? And when we do, are we in the right headspace to draw the unlimited inspiration which is available? With improved access let’s simultaneously intensify our deep contemplation and absorption in the subject matter. After all, a few short sentences, properly digested, can change our entire life.

Martial Mystics
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – now that was a craze when I was a kid. More than the dynamic turtles, however, the character of Splinter always intrigued me. Although an elderly rat dressed in robes, he was the quintessential calm, all-knowing master of martial arts, his name derived from his proficiency in smashing wooden boards. For the most part he was quiet and unassuming, though he would occasionally spring into action, lending some devastating blows to save his students from impending doom. The young and spritely turtles had a dynamic repertoire of fancy moves, but when the old master came in there was something extra special – though frail and aged, his one hit could destroy everything!

The aged and wise are special – irreplaceable constituents of any family or society, what to speak of a spiritual movement. While many may have knowledge, the seasoned spiritualists bring something special to the table. Their practical wisdom from a life of experience and their inner purity from a life of selfless sacrifice, make their words penetrating and heart-touching. They may not move with the energy of a youngster, but their spiritual potency is as powerful as ever. Such personalities can move the world in a different way.

Swami Prabhupada is the living proof. At the age of 69, homeless, penniless and alone, he relocated to the Lower East Side in search of ‘better opportunities’ to preach his message. This was Skid row; the lowest of the low. Here he lived, worshiped, studied and taught. In the early evening, his new residence, the rat-ridden 94 Bowery, would fill up with buzzing acidheads, bearded bohemians, ruined alcoholics and disillusioned dropouts. Sex, music, LSD, and meditation is what made them tick. The Swami would nonchalantly step into the ‘temple’ and take his seat at the front, face-to-face with these confused souls who were looking for real love, real happiness and real spiritual experience. The Swami’s expression would exude bottomless depth, not phased in the slightest. In short, straight, basic philosophical discourses, he communicated eternal truths with unparalleled impact. When he sang in unsophisticated tunes with a bongo drum, their heads would spin, and their hearts conquered. His tremendous devotion was irresistible, empowering his simple message to penetrate the core of their hearts. As a martial mystic, he effortlessly smashed the illusion, unrelentingly speaking out in defiance of all materialistic ideology. Absolutely incredible. We follow that teacher in awe, hoping to one day become worthy students.

Good Words
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One of my fellow monks is an extremely prayerful person. He has regular stories of the reciprocation and interaction that comes from conversing with God. Though inspired, I personally find it difficult to pray.  It usually feels unnatural and artificial; probably a combination of my impersonal character, hard-heartedness, lack of faith, and general life philosophy of “work hard and be practical.” Someone, however, recently offered me an interesting antidote – “pray for other people” they said. Whether a friend, family member, work colleague, or even a stranger you meet for the first time, just stop for a few moments and sincerely pray for something that will help them in their life. I began to try. Unconventional as it sounded, I could immediately appreciate the power of this approach on many levels:

  • Personal level – Rather than being critical, judgmental or aloof, we evolve into selfless agents of positive change. Since prayer invokes divine intervention, we are not simply observers of the world, but can make a difference, even to people we have very little physical contact with. In such moments of noble prayer, we rise beyond self-absorption and forget our own difficulties.
  • Relationship level – Taking the time to deeply contemplate someone’s life transforms our relationship with them. We learn to see beyond the external chaos, appreciating that everyone is a pure soul trying to break free from material entanglement. Prayer helps one to connect with people on a deeper level. 
  • Social level – When a group of people form, each one sincerely wanting the others to excel, it creates a unique spiritual energy. That unity, fellowship and genuine warmth helps them to achieve their goals and transform the world. Prayer brings people together.

It reminded me of how Swami Prabhupada would sign off his correspondence with “your ever well-wisher.” His prayer was completely selfless; a natural consequence of his incredible compassion and concern for all. Saintly persons are said to feel another’s pain as their own (para dukha dukhi). Just as we spontaneously attend to any ailment in our body, they are spontaneously impelled to relieve the suffering of the general populace. Even if we fall short of that pure stage, we can still institute the process of selfless prayer as a vehicle to developing deeper sensitivity, which is so integral to spiritual advancement. After all, we find ourselves by thinking of others. Try it out this week – take a few quality moments to sincerely pray for the wellbeing of someone else. And if you’re finding it difficult to identify someone, you could always slip in a good word for this struggling soul. 🙂 

Mission Impossible
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People have a romantic idea of spirituality: escape worldly distraction, access higher states of consciousness, and settle into an internal serenity. The dedicated (and honest) practitioners, however, will frankly admit that it doesn’t always work like that. There are good days and bad days. Sometimes we experience a sweet pleasure from simple and sublime spiritual practices. On other days, however, it feels mechanical, burdensome, monotonous and uninspiring. Thousands of thoughts whiz through the mind and disturb our focus. But if spirituality is so natural, why does it sometimes feel so artificial? If we are connecting with our true nature, why does it seem so alien?

Before reaching spiritual maturity, one goes through the stage of anisthita bhakti – unsteady devotion. Here, the ebbs and flows of enthusiasm and dry patches are inevitable. The great spiritual preceptors therefore recommend that one take vows, committing themselves to a regime that will sustain their progress over a lifetime. Honouring vows in the early stages is easy since there is freshness and novelty. Honouring those promises in the mature stage is effortless since there is natural attraction and relish. In between, however, spiritual life can feel like a taxing struggle – freshness has worn off, and the ‘higher taste’ is a distant reality. This interim zone is the proverbial graveyard of numerous sincere spiritualists; they started, but just couldn’t continue.  Fear not, however, since this is also the zone where the beautiful principle of commitment can shine through. The depth of any relationship is proportionate to the commitment shown – husband and wife, friend to friend, parent and child, guru and disciple… and also the individual soul and God.

Spirituality is about experience, taste, inspiration and feeling. But another major aspect is too often neglected – discipline, duty, determination and doggedness. There is much to be said about “getting on with it,” despite how you feel. If we could fortify this unglamorous aspect of our spiritual life we could grow to unimaginable heights. The vows of the great saints were like lines in stone; once uttered, there was no question of retraction. Their vows were planted in the heart and watered for many years, eventually manifesting wonderfully sweet fruits. Thus, this point of commitment should become a deep meditation. Spiritual life is undoubtedly a joyful process, but, uncharacteristic as it may sound, we may have to shed some blood, sweat and tears to make it work. Difficult, but not impossible.

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Good advice is easy to give but hard to take. As soon as we’re offered those words of wisdom, the defence systems kick in and the mind reels off a thousand justifications. A man is seldom corrected without significant resistance. A shame, since the critical feedback of others is an invaluable component of spiritual growth. Developing an unapproachable character and persona, making it difficult for others to offer correction, is one of the top causes of spiritual inertia and internal dry-up. By repeatedly ignoring good feedback and advice, we send a clear message to our constructive critics – just leave me to it. And more often than not, they will.

So why is it so hard to humbly receive the sincere feedback of others?

We can’t see – it’s difficult to see the picture when you’re inside the frame. Entangled in our own emotions, perceptions, habits, and opinions, we struggle to go beyond. A neutral observer can clearly see things that we are completely oblivious to. Our modes of functioning, however, become so engrained that we convince ourselves we must be right, and conveniently disregard any opinions to the contrary.

We don’t want to see – success, we feel, is to be ‘perfect,’ and when that perfection is questioned, our pride awakens to defend. More important than perfection, however, is progress. A spiritually successful day is one where we improve, refine and develop ourselves, and how is that possible if we’re unaware of our shortcomings? Stagnate in the illusion of perfection or progress in the reality of struggle – the choice is ours.

Constructive critics actively craft our spirituality. Why not take their words seriously and embrace the opportunity to improve? Even when their feedback is out-and-out wrong, we’d do well to avoid disregarding it completely. Can we still learn a principle from what is being said? Even if the details are wrong, could the feedback apply to us in a different way? Can we see it as a warning of what not to do? Can we use their seemingly inaccurate analysis as an opportunity to exercise humility? All high ideals, I know, but that’s what makes a sincere spiritualist so special. The great saints demonstrated how even the harsh criticism of a faultfinder can enrich our spiritual growth, what to speak of the earnest words of concerned friends.

Spirit Secret
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Seven years after its first release and people are still talking about it. ‘The Secret’ that Rhonda Byrne felt she had discovered was the ‘law of attraction’; whatever you think about and focus on, eventually becomes reality in your life. The universe, she says, is essentially energy, and all energy vibrates at different frequencies. Since each person also vibrates at a certain frequency, they attract the same within the larger energy field. Thus, we attract objects, fortunes, people and situations that are of a similar ‘vibration’ to ourselves.

It’s a mouthwatering concept – the possibility of attracting anything you desire. While Eastern teachers would agree with the general notion of designing our destiny, there is more to the story. Philosophical exploration and practical observation clearly shows that forces beyond our control are also influencing our fortunes. It’s called karma. We may desire different things, but without the karmic credit, those things will remain elusive. Unfortunately, the secret is not as simple as it sounds.

The Bhagavad-gita, however, reveals a more profound secret to life. While Rhonda’s book is about attracting, the classic Sanskrit text encourages one to first establish what is worthy of being attracted. Most people hastily draw up their shopping lists of life without significantly considering this point. Our basic problem is that we are attracted by the wrong things; things that won’t bring us what we are ultimately looking for. When we reconfigure our desires, turn our attention towards the right things, spiritual things, those things which allow us to connect with our very essence, then everything falls into place perfectly. This is the secret behind the secret.

Divine Power
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Ancient texts poetically describe the effects of divine empowerment. Through it, the lame can cross mountains, the dumb can speak eloquently and the blind can see stars in the sky. Observing my spiritual friends achieve amazing things is living testimony to this (not that any of them are lame, dumb or blind, nor that it makes them anything less if they were). Accessing divine empowerment, however, is open to everyone. The secret lies in developing the ‘selfless service attitude’ – it starts with the necessary, advances to the possible, and matures in the impossible.

Necessary – first, we should become established in doing the necessary: what should be done. This is the foundation. We rise beyond our personal emotions, learning to act with a sense of duty and responsibility. We serve with the knowledge that it’s the right thing to do.

Possible – as we evolve, the focus shifts towards doing the possible: what can be done. Here, we actively seek opportunities to serve. We don’t wait for a need to arise or a request to be issued, but eagerly search for the chance to contribute. We begin to taste the unique delight of spontaneous selfless service.

Impossible – in spiritual maturity, we approach the impossible: what can’t be done. When our hunger to serve takes us to full capacity, we are bolstered by a divine empowerment which transports us beyond our mundane limits. Here, we begin to function on the spiritual platform, transcending all material calculation. Unimaginable things transpire around us. Miracles can become daily affairs.

Let’s increase, expand and push the boundaries. This is where we experience the divine presence first-hand. After all, ‘impossible,’ the Swami said, is only found in a fool’s dictionary.

Market Fluctuations
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Swami Prabhupada explained how an expert businessman can thrive in any economic climate. When the market booms he sells commodities and makes a healthy profit. When the market is down, he buys abundantly, remaining alert to sell when the demand rebuilds. Either way, lucrative business as usual. In the same way, the ups and downs of life are all opportunities to become spiritually wealthy. In times of peace and prosperity, we have the space to spiritually immerse ourselves, building assets of inspiration, strength and unbreakable faith. When times are rocky, we are jolted to exercise our internal muscles by practicing resilience, humility, patience and tolerance. Both experiences are necessary, and both are incredibly rewarding.

What tends to happen, however, is that in ‘good times’ we become complacent, absent-minded and lackadaisical in our spirituality. Then, when painful situations surface, we feel disorientated, frustrated and bewildered. Interestingly, armies are recommended to be extra attentive in times of peace. In that period, they can build the fortitude to deal with frontline warfare, at which time their instinctive abilities will naturally take over. Any weakness in their training will be immediately exposed.

As I mentally fast-forward a decade or two, I begin to think of the heavy experiences that I’m in for. Disease, old age, death, and the inevitable miseries of worldly life, appear in everyone’s ‘crystal ball.’ We’ll go through it, and if not, those around us for sure. Nobody wants it, but everyone is forced to experience it. Will I be able to deal with adversity in a spiritually progressive way? Peace is not an absence of anxiety, but the presence of God everywhere, at all times. Will I have the depth of consciousness to perceive that presence? It largely hangs on how seriously and sincerely I immerse myself now. I need to build up my spiritual assets.

Constant Change
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Constant change has become the underlying theme of the age – update your fashion, contrast your scenery, evolve your goals and upgrade your gadgets. After all, variety is the mother of enjoyment. If someone maintains the same job for over ten years they may well be viewed as dull, unambitious and dysfunctional. Stability and steadiness just isn’t valued in the same way. Being ‘original’ no longer relates to doing something authentic – it means to do something new! But does this constant adjustment improve the quality of life? Is the age of mass distraction leaving us perpetually restless? Have we developed an artificial culture that diverts us from the real source of satisfaction?

The phenomenon of constant change exposes the inability of external adjustments to satisfy our internal yearning. Looking for a ‘secret solution’ in material variety will never succeed in addressing our spiritual vacuum, since deep satisfaction goes beyond the immediate titillation of the mind and senses. Real fulfillment is born from the state of our consciousness, and excessive focus on the externals can distract us from this cardinal principle. Next time we feel the need to change our ‘externals’, we may want to stop and consider whether it’s really necessary.

There is something beautiful about simplicity and sameness. With the proper attitude, it can help one become more conscious, more aware and more reflective. When activities and surroundings remain consistent, it opens up unique opportunities to invest energy into the quality, purpose and consciousness with which one functions. Simple living high thinking. Having practiced an identical spiritual discipline and lifestyle for quite some years now, I’m beginning to appreciate how much depth it can create. Spiritual technology is timeless and limitless. Eternally perfect. No need for upgrades, add-ons or adjustments – just more attention and conscientious application on my part.

Unconscious Competence
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Sometimes it seems so hard to change. The ‘lower nature’ returns to haunt us, we easily slip back into bad habits, and annoying desires (which we thought were dead and buried) somehow re-appear. It’s frustrating and disappointing when one falls short of the spiritual ideals they seek. They know where they want to be, but it seems a far and distant reality. Will I ever come to the standard of purity I earnestly seek? Are these descriptions of the perfect character simply utopian ideals? How do I progress to perfection?

Lucky for us, the Bhagavad-gita is a book of supreme optimism. Even when faced with the disappointment of failure, there is still reason to take heart and smile. How so? At the lowest stage of ‘unconscious incompetence’, one’s deficient character, destructive desires and wayward habits aren’t even a cause of concern. Only when one progresses to the stage of ‘conscious incompetence’, however, do they become aware of their defects and consciously feel the need to improve. That’s quite a jump indeed. Even if one’s behaviour hasn’t changed, the change of values is itself a great sign of progress.

Yet that should eventually mature into a change of character. From the stage of ‘conscious incompetence’, one next embraces the platform of ‘conscious competence’. Here, one makes a concerted effort to act in the proper way; often mechanically and forcibly, one trains themselves in a way of living that mirrors their aspiration. Even though it may feel mechanical and artificial, one is learning to be natural. Finally, in deep spiritual maturity, the proper behaviour and attitude becomes manifest from within, and one lives their ideals spontaneously, effortlessly and joyously. This perfected stage is known as ‘unconscious competence’.

Flying Solo
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It’s a brave and bold step to strive for purity in a world of degradation, to embrace simplicity amongst rampant materialism, and to cultivate selflessness in an atmosphere surcharged with exploitation. Anyone who cuts against the grain will face temptation, doubt, ridicule and moments of weakness. Without the encouragement, support and good advice of spiritual friends how can one continue? We can’t do it alone.

Yet the Bhagavad-gita repeatedly highlights the transitory nature of life: the body changes, fortunes change, people change, and ultimately, relationships change. Individuals, even spiritualists, come in and out of our lives. Thus, while drawing inspiration from others, we must learn to stand on our own two feet. Camaraderie is essential, but there is a simultaneous need for self-sufficiency – even if everyone disappears, one must have the tenacity to continue. This deep conviction and individual strength is an essential element of spiritual success, which actually allows us to contribute more when we do come together in spiritual circles.

Etymologically, the word ‘guru’ means ‘heavy.’ The great saint Bhaktisiddhanta gives an interesting illumination: spiritual preceptors are so heavy that they cannot be budged from their spiritual resolve. Come what may, hell or high water, challenges and changes, their determination remains steadfast and unaffected. Our individual connection with God must become substantial and meaningful, strong enough to carry us through this turbulent world. Then, the inevitable chaos of life becomes simply background noise in our resolute internal journey towards purity.

With the kind help of the saintly, always feeling grateful for and dependent on their good wishes, we must learn to fly our own plane.

Top Gear
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You may (or may not) be surprised to know that our monks don’t have the best track record with vehicles. We seem to be in and out of the mechanics every couple of weeks. As I patiently waited for a tyre change on Monday, I began thinking of how a spiritual movement is just like a car.

Spiritual Inspiration (fuel) – just as cars need juice, the impetus for a movement comes from vibrancy of spirituality. Only when members are feeling inspired, nourished and happy, can the movement push forward and impact the world. To give life, we ourselves have to be alive.

Organisation & Structure (machinery) – if the mechanics are suspect, the car will constantly start and stop; lots of frustration and very little progress. Similarly, a movement can only stride forward when proper systems are in place to focus, channel and sustain the momentum. Even spirit needs to be managed.

Culture & Ethos (steering) – cars need navigation through the urban landscape. Inattentive steering will damage the car, injure the passengers and wreak havoc for everyone else. In the same way, only when a movement is grounded in the culture of respect, and human dealings are conducted in a saintly manner, can we pass through conflicts, issues and obstacles and without inflicting permanent damage.

Good cars with able drivers can’t move without fuel.
Mechanically suspect cars will invariably breakdown.
Bad drivers crash even the best cars.
Fuel, machinery and steering: all three are essential to reach the top gear.

Free Speech
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We live in an overcommunicated world. Good etiquette insists we reply to all text messages within 10 minutes, be mindful of the mountain of emails building up in our inbox, and unfailingly return all ‘missed calls’ on our phones. Don’t forget to regularly post something witty on Facebook, follow your best friends on twitter and utilise all the free airtime minutes on your contract! It is, after all, good to talk. But what is the net result of this web of exchange? Does it bring a greater sense of relationship and community? Is it a case of more connected, but further apart?

Silence, it’s said, is the art of conversation. We often struggle with a quiet moment. When it does arise, most will instinctively grab their phone in a drastic attempt to engage their mind. To see someone sitting and doing absolutely nothing is rare! Even more unusual is to be with another person and not say anything. It feels awkward and uneasy. Yet silence is imperative – it forces us to understand, assimilate, reflect and think deeply about what is actually going on. Often times, however, in order to frantically fill those redundant moments we often end up generating substandard content to share with the world: meaningless, speculative and shoddy communication.

Don’t get me wrong, there is definitely room for chitchat, niceties, and light-hearted exchange between humans. It would be unnatural to jump to the other extreme of strictly regulating our every word. The Bhagavad-gita, however, offers the over-arching model to guide speech. Words, Krishna recommends, should be truthful, pleasing and beneficial. How much of our written and verbal communication would make it through this filter? Along with freedom of speech, it may be worthwhile to remind people of their longstanding right to freedom of thought.

“Wise men speak because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something” (Plato)

Dancing God
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Nowadays you have to use the word “God” with great caution – it can conjure up all kinds of images. Some think of God as a strict and unforgiving judge; the old man who sits on a grand throne and hurls down thunderbolts every time someone deviates. Others consider Him a crutch for the weak; an imaginary being who brings peace, hope and comfort, but has little to do with objective reality. Some think of God as a mythological tool of the power hungry elite, used to keep the masses in line and maintain the status quo. For many, God is simply the cosmic order-supplier; a convenient port of call in times of need and want.

The Vedic canon paints a slightly different picture. Their extraordinary revelation is not only that God exists, but that He is bursting with colour, character and bliss. God is “Raso vai sah”  – the very embodiment of affectionate relationships, loving relish, and transcendental sweetness.

“I would only believe in a God that knows how to dance” – Fredrick Nietszche

Sri Krishna, the Supreme personality, eternally resides in the spiritual world. That realm is known as Vaikuntha, the place of no anxiety, the place where every step is a dance, every word a song, and where all relationships are infused with selfless love. In that abode the spontaneous and natural relationships with Krishna transcend ritual, formality and reverence; fully satisfying the heart’s yearning. Song and dance, two of the most intense forms of emotional expression, are very much a part of the daily schedule.

Maybe Nietszche was searching for Krishna, the enchanting flute-player who dances with the cowherd maidens in the moonlight. Maybe we all are.

Private Eye
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Although it’s a popular notion that some people lead a double-life, I’m tending towards three. We have a public life: what we do when anyone and everyone can see us. We have a personal life: interactions and relationships with our close circle of friends. And finally we have a private life: behaviours behind closed doors when nobody else is watching. Community, camaraderie, and a strong inner life are essential components in the achievement of anything. Our spirituality is also nourished and developed in these three arenas.

Imagine we played a movie showing our public, personal and private life side-by-side. Would everything match up? Would it look like the same person? Maybe not. Some may call it hypocrisy, duplicity and pretence, but there could be more to the story. Often times it’s not deliberate or devious, but simply the result of human weakness. Social pressures, the weight of expectation and the fear of judgement can force us to present an image which is not entirely accurate. The external façade helps to deal with the internal lacking. To find somebody who embodies complete purity and integrity on all three levels is rare. Yet that spiritual consistency is our cherished goal. It’s a struggle, but we have to look for perfect alignment in all aspects of our life.

Strengthening the spirituality in our private life may help; the inside-out approach is what we see in the lives of great saints. Slipping away into solitary surroundings, with nobody to impress and nothing to achieve, these great personalities would focus on making a deep spiritual connection. Their living quarters were temporary arrangements like the hollow of a tree, a clearing under a thorny thicket, or an underground cave. Here they would slide into spiritual fixation and have their deepest exchanges with God, often continuing for hours on end. Their spiritual practice wasn’t casual or ritualistic. It wasn’t simply a discipline – it was full of emotion and feeling. An earnest call from the core of the heart. The spiritual conviction generated pervaded every iota of their being. It effortlessly oozed into every aspect of their life. They were illuminated from within, and were thus exemplary in thought, word and action. Truly amazing.

Great Escape
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Nothing can compare to lessons ‘on the road’. After spending nearly 250 hours over the last month speaking to random people from multifarious walks of life, I’ve gained some new insights and reconfirmed several old ones. A few days ago I asked everyone I met what they do to relax. The top 3 answers: 1) Sleep 2) Entertainment (TV, movies, video games) 3) Intoxication. It’s interesting that all three activities are essentially an attempt to disconnect oneself from ‘real life’. After we’ve seen, done, tried and bought it all, we usually end up wanting to escape it. Although most return to play the same game again, a rare few decide to ‘retire’ and seek something higher. According to the Bhagavad-gita, however, this desire to ‘escape’ the world is entirely natural.

“If I find in myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world.”  – C.S Lewis

The Vedic scriptures offer a variety of enchanting accounts describing the nature of the metaphysical world. In that realm, every step is a dance, every word is a song, every action is motivated by pure love, and the atmosphere is infused with ever-increasing transcendental happiness. Sounds good. Maybe too good. Ethereal concepts formulated to distract us from the aches and pains of the ‘real’ world? Fairytale accounts fit for those living in cloud-cuckoo-land? Could there be reality beyond what we see around us?

Instead of dismissing our deepest and innermost desires as childish, naive and unrealistic, it may be worth exploring where such universal longings come from. Why is the yearning for immortality and unimpeded happiness common to every entity in the universe? Maybe such desires reveal something about our higher nature and self. Maybe such desires are a constant reminder to seek further and go deeper.

Quietly Confident
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I’m all set for a one-month break from computers, meetings and management (even monks can’t escape these things!). Taking full advantage of the festive season, we’ll travel the country sharing spiritual wisdom in the form of thousands of books; ancient writings which are ‘food for thought’ in a fast-paced world. Our approximate route: London – Norwich – Hull – Sheffield – Lincoln – Chesterfield- Stafford – Nottingham – Derby – Mansfield – Leicester – London (and a lot of smaller towns in between!). Last week I dropped off the books for our team in various locations. The sight of nearly four thousand books piled high to the ceiling was slightly bewildering! Would it be possible to stand in a bustling town-centre, stop people at random, and inspire the otherwise-engaged shoppers to seriously contemplate higher truths? Have we ambitiously over-ordered our stock? Will people really be interested? Where do we get the confidence to undertake such a task?

The modern self-development gurus teach us that confidence comes from within. You have to “believe in yourself”. If you are sure, others will be sure – your consciousness creates the reality. They tell us to be optimistic about our abilities, to pride ourselves in our strengths, and to have the conviction that anything is possible if we try hard enough. This ‘material confidence’ may work in a limited scope for a short time. Such confidence, however, which is rooted in self-assurance, will gradually deflate. We eventually realise that we’re not what we pumped ourselves up to be. In his prime, Muhammed Ali would proudly assert: “I am the greatest”. Later in life he realised his folly, declaring that he was in actuality the greatest fool for attempting to usurp the Supreme position.

Real confidence comes from humility. We realise our inherent limitations, but gain firm conviction from knowing that the all-powerful will of providence is on our side. With such transcendental back-up, anything is possible. One who is ‘quietly confident’, their surety grounded in humility and dependence, can achieve unimaginable things in this world. Pride, complacency and hopelessness are not found in their dictionary. Seeing themselves as merely instruments, their job is to just “get out of the way” and let the divine magic manifest. I’m trying to learn the art of being a ‘quietly confident’ ambassador of goodwill. By accessing the wisdom of Bhagavad-gita, people can flourish on all levels: physically, emotionally, socially and most importantly, spiritually. This is welfare work with a difference. I hope I’ll play a small part in connecting people to this spiritual powerhouse.


Split Personality
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I remember studying a module on Human Resource Management at UCL. The lecturer emphasised the necessity of understanding people’s personality in order to maximise individual potential and create synergy in teams. I came across the “DISC model” a few days ago and decided to asses myself. The results clearly indicated that I was a “steady-cautious” type (as opposed to dominant or influential). The descriptions corroborated with my observations; I appreciated the opportunity to discover more about the strengths, weaknesses and fears I may have. Try scribing a word with your non-writing hand – it takes twice as much time and effort, feels uncomfortable and awkward, and usually comes out quite shabby and unclear! Similarly if we engage with the world in a way that is foreign to our natural personality, we end up struggling, sweating and falling short of our true potential.

We are spiritual beings on a human journey. Having passed through many chapters of existence, we are left with strong impressions from the myriad of experiences we go through. This, along with our childhood and upbringing, forms our ‘material personality’. Nature and nurture leave us with a body and mind that are wired to act and respond in a certain way! Aspiring spiritualists can also take advantage of understanding the material framework within which they exist. When committing oneself to spiritual practices, roles and responsibilities in a devotional community, it helps to be aware of our personality and the potential pitfalls we may encounter.

The Bhagavad-gita, however, goes further than modern psychology. Krishna explains that beyond our psycho-physical makeup, is an eternal spiritual personality endowed with its own divine and attractive traits. If one connects with the ‘higher self ’, to that extent one can also transcend the temporary material personality we receive. If one comes to the profound realisation that the body and mind are simply coverings of the soul, the limitations of their psycho-physical makeup can somewhat diminish. It’s comforting to know that each one of us has a unique, pure and perfect character that we simply have to reawaken. The trick is to suitably engage and absorb our temporary personality in eternal spiritual practices. Then we can really be ourselves.

Organised Chaos
→ Tattva - See inside out

When driving in India anything goes. No speed limits, no lane discipline, no right of way… do what you want, just make sure you horn so that everyone’s aware! Once, I witnessed a head-on collision, causing both vehicles serious damage. As the two drivers emerged unscathed, they came face-to-face and began debating whose fault it was. There was loud argument, fiery gesticulation and a crowd of excited onlookers who offered their “two rupees” worth. Within a few minutes, however, they came to some resolution, headed for a tea stall, and sat down together for a good old natter! It was an incredible sight! No animosity, no grudges, no bad feeling. It taught me something about their culture: chaos on the outside, calm on the inside.

Our modern culture is often the complete opposite: orderly on the outside, but chaotic on the inside! We have complex infrastructure, documented rules for everything and refined social niceties that govern day-to-day dealings. External social intercourse may be prim and proper, but many individuals experience huge chaos within. People are often inhibited from revealing their hearts, and instead lock up things within, causing destructive emotions to brew up and eventually surface in unhealthy ways. While modern culture may have succeeded in organising society into a well-oiled machine, there are clear deficiencies in the areas of community, relationships and meaningful human interaction. We’ve learnt how to live a life of organised chaos; bottling everything up, it’s often a case of smiling faces but parched hearts.

A self-development guru once held up a glass of water in front of her audience. While everyone was expecting the usual “half empty half full” exercise, she instead asked them how heavy the cup was. The answers varied from 3 oz to 10 oz. She then explained that the weight and volume of the water is not what makes it heavy – rather it’s the length of time for which we hold it. Similarly, everyone goes through challenges, anger, frustration and unrest in their life (the water in our cup). The problem is when we carry these things and fail to let go. Good social structures allow people to ‘get things off their chest’ and get on with living life. The freedom of expression helps keep things in perspective. We need to free up some internal breathing space, lest we choke our consciousness.