Join the VIHE’s 25th Anniversary Rupotsava Celebrations In-Person and Online August 14-17th

The Vrindavan Institute for Higher Education (VIHE) is set to commemorate the 25th Anniversary of Rupotsava, an annual celebration honoring the disappearance day of Srila Rupa Goswami. The event, which first began in 1999, will take place on August 14-17 in Vrindavan and will also be available online for participants around the world. There are […]

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Gauri Das Pandit Disappearance
→ Ramai Swami

subalo yah priya-sresthah sa gauridasa-panditah |

In Vraja, Gauri Das Pandit was Subala, one of the twelve Gopals. He is one of Nityananda Prabhu’s dearest associates. (Gaura-ganoddesa-dipika 128)

Gauri Das’s first residence was in the village known as Shaligram, not far from Muragacha. Later he moved to Ambika Kalna in Burdwan district, where his Sripat is extremely well known. His father’s name was Kamsari Mishra and his mother was Kamala Devi.

Gauri Das was possessed of great spiritual power. He was able to give or take Krishna prema to anyone. He surrendered everything he had to Nityananda and made Chaitanya and Nityananda the masters of his life and soul. (Chaitanya Charitamrita 1.11.26-7)

A wonderful story is told about Mahaprabhu and Gauri Das Pandit in Ambika Kalna. It is said that on the day that Mahaprabhu paddled across the Ganges to come to visit Gauri Das, he sat under the tamarind tree. Gauri Das asked for Mahaprabhu to stay permanently there in Ambika.

In order to fulfill his devotee’s desire, Mahaprabhu revealed that his form and that of Nityananda Prabhu were in a nearby neem tree. It is also said that when these deities were being carved, Nityananda was physically present. Conquered by Gauri Das’s love for Them, the deities would physically eat everything that he offered Them.

One time, Chaitanya Dasa, Gauridasa’s foremost disciple, organized a huge sankirtana festival on the bank of the Ganges. Enraptured by the kirtana, Gauridasa’s Deities jumped off the altar and joined the Devotees in chanting and dancing. Discovering the Deities missing from the Temple, Gauridasa grabbed a stick and ran to catch Gaura-Nitai.

Seeing his angry mood, Gaura-Nitai vanished. At that moment, Gauridasa watched in amazement to see Gaura-Nitai enter the heart (hrdaya) of Chaitanya Dasa. Gauridasa embraced his beloved disciple, bathed him with tears, and said, “You are most fortunate. From today your name will be Hrdaya Chaitanya, one who holds Shri Chaitanya within his heart.”

Gauri Das Pandit Goswami disappeared in the month of Shravan on the sukla dvadasi, the twelfth day of the waxing moon.

NA Vaishnavi Ministry: Let’s Come Together to Celebrate our Collective Creativity & Strength

Vaishnavi Ministry North America is announcing a special call to all Vaishnavis, “We are thrilled to resume the collection for the special ‘Book of Talent’ dedicated to celebrating and connecting the wonderful Vaishnavis of our society,” said Govind Priya Devi Dasi, Vaishnavi Minister for North America. She continued, “This initiative is designed to help us […]

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Chant Now Successfully Expanding Outreach to Latin American Seekers

Chant Now, an initiative of ISKCON Online, is expanding its reach with innovative digital strategies designed to spread Krishna consciousness worldwide. Recently, we interviewed Vrajendra Kumar Das, who is in charge of the Spanish edition of Chant Now. He shared insights about some significant activities of the Chant Now program. “We have begun by promoting […]

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Karuna Care Opens Registration for “Guardians of Innocence” Child Protection Course

The ISKCON Karuna Care Association will be holding a comprehensive five-week child protection educational program entitled “Guardians of Innocence: Protecting Krishna’s Children” this month. This comprehensive online course, which begins on August 24th, will hold its first live class on August 31st at 8 AM BST.  “This Course has been designed to bring awareness about […]

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Ready for Krishna!
→ Dandavats

A lady came near my table. She seemed shy at first, but when I was done speaking with someone else, she walked up and took three Russian books. Her name was Camilla, she was from Russia, and although she spoke perfect English, she naturally preferred her native Russian. When she asked about the best way

Gopala-tapani Release
→ Dandavats

By Dr. Baladeva Dasa I am glad to announce the release of Sri Baladeva Vidyabhusana’s commentary on the Gopala-tapani Upanisad. Having been published only once, in 1943, this important commentary has been out of print for many decades ever since. The “Tapani” is a sub-category of mystical Upanisads that shed light on their respective deities,

Statement from the GBC Executive Committee Regarding Bangladesh

Statement from the Executive Committee of the ISKCON Governing Body Commission August 11, 2024 Dear ISKCON Devotees, Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. We write regarding the current situation in Bangladesh. Most of you are aware of the current political and social unrest in Bangladesh. The Prime Minister has resigned and […]

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