Mahimamrita Dashakam – New Song Glorifies ISKCON Melbourne
→ Dandavats

By: Govinda Hari Dāsa, ISKCON Melbourne   Like a surprise pot of chipped-rice and yogurt won at a panihati festival auction, Mahimamrita Dashakam, a song released to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the installation of Shri Shri Radha-Vallabha at ISKCON Melbourne, is packed with many delectable flavours.   The song begins by describing ISKCON Melbourne

Imperative for human beings to take to the worship of the lotus feet of the Lord
→ Dandavats

In this age human beings only live for sixty or eighty years, and even this small life-span is gradually decreasing. Therefore it is even more imperative for human beings to take to the worship of the lotus feet of the Lord by constantly chanting the Hare Krishna mantra, as recommended by Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. (Srimad-Bhagavatam,

Real Loving
Giriraj Swami

“We are giving Krishna consciousness—that is loving, real loving. We are giving [people] eternal life, eternal bliss. Unless we love them, why we are taking so much trouble? The preacher must love the people. Otherwise, why he is taking? He can do it for himself at home. Why he is taking so much trouble? Why at eighty years old I have come here if I do not love? So, who can love better than a preacher?”

—Srila Prabhupada, Morning Walk, Perth, May 17, 1975

Images of the Completed TOVP Nrsimhadeva Temple and Hall

In October of 2023 the TOVP will complete and reveal to all, the largest Nrsimhadeva Temple in the world. With over 10,000 sq. ft. of surrounding space and five levels of terraces adorned with paintings and bas-relief art panels depicting the pastimes of Lord Nrsimha and Prahlad Maharaja, this magnificent creation is a miracle in the making and home of our Divine Protector.

The video displays computer generated graphics of the completed hall, dome and altar accompanied by the sound track of Srila Prabhupada teaching his first disciples to chant the Nrsimha prayers sung in all ISKCON temples daily.

Now is the time to take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to help build Lord Nrsimhadeva’s new home in the TOVP. Go to the Give To Nrsimha 2023 Fundraiser page on the TOVP website today.




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ISKCON Leadership Sanga 2023
→ Dandavats

The ILS – ISKCON Leadership Sanga – has started on 13th Feb and will go on till 16th Feb. Several hundred devotees from all over the world have to come to Mayapur to take part in seminars and courses aimed at deepening their Krishna consciousness and developing their skills in leadership in Srila Prabhupada’s movement.

Sravan Utsava Seva Sponsorship 2023
→ welcomes all the devotees who have arrived here for Gaura Purnima 2023 festivities. Yesterday was the 8th Annual Sravna Utsava since it started in 2014. There would be lectures from 13th to 16th February on Spiritual Master, Advent of Lord Caitanya & His Childhood pastimes, The Liberation of Sarvabhuama Bhattacharya and Lord Caitanya travels […]

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Saint Valentine’s Day
Giriraj Swami

Today, February 14, , I was struck when Srila Prabhupada, at the conclusion of his class on Sri Isopanisad, spoke about love—the love that Krishna wants and the love that will satisfy us:

“Any religion—it doesn’t matter whether Hindu religion, Muslim religion, Christian religion—if you are developing love of God, then you are perfect in your religion. . . .

And what kind of love? Ahaituki: without any cause. ‘O Lord, I love You, God, because You supply me so many nice things. You are order-supplier.’ No, not that sort of love. Without any exchange. That is taught by Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, that ‘Whatever You do . . .’ Aslisya va pada-ratam pinastu mam. ‘Either You trample me under Your feet or You embrace me—what You like. You make me brokenhearted by my not seeing You—that doesn’t matter. Still You are my worshipable Lord.’ That is love. . . . That sort of love Krishna wants. Therefore He was so much fond of the gopis. In the gopis’ love there was no question of business propaganda: ‘Give me this, then I love You.’ No. That is pure love. . . . If you want to love God, there is nothing throughout the whole world which can check you. Simply you have to develop your eagerness: ‘Krishna, I want You.’ That’s all. Then there is no question of checking. In any condition you’ll increase your love, increase your love. . . . If you can develop your love for God, or Krishna, without being checked, without any cause, then you will feel fully satisfied.”

Hare Krishna.

Yours in service,
Giriraj Swami

Mayapur Iskcon Leadership Sanga
→ Ramai Swami

The first Iskcon Leadership Sanga was held in Mayapur after three years because of Covid restrictions. Around fourteen hundred devotees attended from different parts of the world over a five day period.

Every day there were presentations given on the main stage in the ToVP building and the devotees then made their way to the thirty or forty various seminars and workshops held in different rooms.

Of course, there was also wonderful guru-puja of Srila Prabhupada, ecstatic kirtan and sumptuous prasadam served three times a day.

Mantra America, Hare Krishna on the Red carpet

Grammy-nominated Mantra America chants Hare Krishna on the Hollywood red carpet. After several years of effort, 2023 marked the first time the Grammys officially included chant as a music category. This year the album “Mantra Americana,” by Madi Das & Bhakti Without Borders, was nominated in the “Best New Age, Ambient, & CHANT Album” category. […]

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Hare Krishna Devotees Provide Aid to Survivors in Turkey

Turkish and Hungarian devotees meet in Istanbul Devotees from Turkey and Hungary met in Istanbul so that they jointly distribute cooked food for the survivors in the most heavily damaged earthquake-stricken area in Turkey.   With permission from the Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD), the devotees will arrive to Antakya, Hatay province on Sunday, […]

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