The Walking Monk 2023-01-30 07:27:00
→ The Walking Monk


Friday, January 27th, 2023
Cabbagetown, Toronto

By now, you must be aware that I am a sucker for three dimensional objects – sculptures. Before becoming a monk, I was preoccupied in various visual art forms. Recently when I made a visit at the dentist’s office, I saw a piece of metallic curvature sculpture which reminded me of something I assembled in college in ’73 when I walked away from several pieces of artwork to take to my current vocation. When seeing that sculpture in the patients’ waiting room, I had that nostalgic moment.

Now back at the temple ashram, I was looking at the completed work of two dioramas, one called “Changing Bodies” and the other one, “Karma.” They were both made from a mold design so expertly executed. They both very desperately needed a repaint job. To the rescue came Kunti, and artist, who is part of our Bhakti Academy. Well, she transformed them so nicely, worth of mentioning. The “Changing Bodies” exhibit in particular went through its own reincarnation.

It's beautiful!

In the evening I took to a winter’s walk in the Cabbagetown area, and as usual, when being confined to indoor activity, a relief comes from that walking for just an hour. It is a needed change, a reincarnation for the day. Everyone needs a daily transformation through a mere walk through the park.

May the Source be with you!

4 km

The Walking Monk 2023-01-29 23:13:00
→ The Walking Monk



Thursday, January 26th, 2023

Once again, a group of us walkers moved along River Road with one foot forward and then the alternate one by the oxidized flow of H2O and after a snow storm that broke away at the sun’s insistence. A lovely elderly woman from the UK and resident of the town who walks this route regularly was oh so curious about the monk’s clothes. But it was Vyasacharya who hyped her up about the marathon walker. We certainly ended up encouraging each other in the walking culture and to, as far as possible, do so in a pristine setting like where we were at Muskoka River. The atmosphere represents the mind of a clean devotee.

The drive back to the big city was awesome in that blue skies were shining on us. Everything in the air was there to tell us that life is worth going through.

A final mention about our short film, The Embassy – it is definitely worth viewing. It achieved some awards, including the Crown Wood International Film Festival Award and the Chambal International Film Festival – Season 7 Award. It achieved the status of quarter finalist at the Canada Shorts – Canadian & International Short Film Festival, and was a nominee at The Black Panther International Short Film Festival.

The compelling dialogue is an interesting character study of Krishna verses Duryodhan in a verbal arm wrestle. No blood and no physical conflict, just a good old battle of the minds in an eloquent classic English. The Embassy will be available soon, so please enjoy a sneak peak of what’s coming in its official trailer found at: .

We’ll keep you posted of its official release!

I hope you’ll enjoy the production which was assembled during the height of the pandemic.

May the Source be with you!

4 km

Sripada Madhvacharya’s Disappearance Day
Giriraj Swami

Today is Sripada Madhvacharya’s disappearance day. Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Madhya-lila, Chapter 9, describes him:

TEXT 245

madhvacarya-sthane aila yanha ‘tattvavadi’
udupite ‘krsna’ dekhi, tahan haila premonmadi


Caitanya Mahaprabhu next arrived at Udupi, the place of Madhvacarya, where the philosophers known as Tattvavadis resided. There He saw the Deity of Lord Krsna and became mad with ecstasy.


Sripada Madhvacarya took his birth near Udupi, which is situated in the South Kanara district of South India, just west of Sahyadri. This is the chief city of the South Kanara province and is near the city of Mangalore, which is situated to the south of Udupi. Near the city of Udupi is a place called Pajaka-ksetra, where Madhvacarya took his birth in a Sivalli-brahmana dynasty as the son of Madhyageha Bhatta, in the year 1040 Sakabda (A.D. 1118). According to some, he was born in the year 1160 Sakabda (A.D. 1238).

In his childhood Madhvacarya was known as Vasudeva, and there are some wonderful stories surrounding him. It is said that once when his father had piled up many debts, Madhvacarya converted tamarind seeds into actual coins to pay them off. When he was five years old, he was offered the sacred thread. A demon named Maniman lived near his abode in the form of a snake, and at the age of five Madhvacarya killed that snake with the toe of his left foot. When his mother was very much disturbed, he would appear before her in one jump. He was a great scholar even in childhood, and although his father did not agree, he accepted sannyasa at the age of twelve. Upon receiving sannyasa from Acyuta Preksa, he received the name Purnaprajna Tirtha. After traveling all over India, he finally discussed scriptures with Vidyasankara, the exalted leader of Srngeri-matha. Vidyasankara was actually diminished in the presence of Madhvacarya. Accompanied by Satya Tirtha, Madhvacarya went to Badarikasrama. It was there that he met Vyasadeva and explained his commentary on the Bhagavad-gita before him. Thus he became a great scholar by studying before Vyasadeva.

By the time he came to the Ananda-matha from Badarikasrama, Madhvacarya had finished his commentary on the Bhagavad-gita. His companion Satya Tirtha wrote down the entire commentary. When Madhvacarya returned from Badarikasrama, he went to Ganjama, which is on the bank of the river Godavari. There he met with two learned scholars named Sobhana Bhatta and Svami Sastri. Later these scholars became known in the disciplic succession of Madhvacarya as Padmanabha Tirtha and Narahari Tirtha. When he returned to Udupi, he would sometimes bathe in the ocean. On such an occasion he composed a prayer in five chapters. Once, while sitting beside the sea engrossed in meditation upon Lord Sri Krsna, he saw that a large boat containing goods for Dvaraka was in danger. He gave some signs by which the boat could approach the shore, and it was saved. The owners of the boat wanted to give him a present, and at the time Madhvacarya agreed to take some gopi-candana. He received a big lump of gopi-candana, and as it was being brought to him, it broke apart and revealed a large Deity of Lord Krsna. The Deity had a stick in one hand and a lump of food in the other. As soon as Madhvacarya received the Deity of Krsna in this way, he composed a prayer. The Deity was so heavy that not even thirty people could lift it. Yet Madhvacarya personally brought this Deity to Udupi. Eight of Madhvacarya’s sannyasa disciples became directors of his eight monasteries. Worship of the Lord Krsna Deity is still going on at Udupi according to the plans Madhvacarya established.

Madhvacarya then for the second time visited Badarikasrama. While he was passing through Maharashtra, the local king was digging a big lake for the public benefit. As Madhvacarya passed through that area with his disciples, he was also obliged to help in the excavation. After some time, when Madhvacarya visited the king, he engaged the king in that work and departed with his disciples.

Often in the province of Ganga-pradesa there were fights between Hindus and Muslims. The Hindus were on one bank of the river, and the Muslims on the other. Due to the community tension, no boat was available for crossing the river. The Muslim soldiers were always stopping passengers on the other side, but Madhvacarya did not care for these soldiers. He crossed the river anyway, and when he met the soldiers on the other side, he was brought before the king. The Muslim king was so pleased with him that he wanted to give him a kingdom and some money, but Madhvacarya refused. While walking on the road, he was attacked by some dacoits, but by his bodily strength he killed them all. When his companion Satya Tirtha was attacked by a tiger, Madhvacarya separated them by virtue of his great strength. When he met Vyasadeva, he received from him the salagrama-sila known as Astamurti. After this, he summarized the Mahabharata.

Madhvacarya’s devotion to the Lord and his erudite scholarship became known throughout India. Consequently the owners of the Srngeri-matha, established by Sankaracarya, became a little perturbed. At that time the followers of Sankaracarya were afraid of Madhvacarya’s rising power, and they began to tease Madhvacarya’s disciples in many ways. There was even an attempt to prove that the disciplic succession of Madhvacarya was not in line with Vedic principles. A person named Pundarika Puri, a follower of the Mayavada philosophy of Sankaracarya, came before Madhvacarya to discuss the sastras. It is said that all of Madhvacarya’s books were taken away, but later they were found with the help of King Jayasimha, ruler of Kumla. In discussion, Pundarika Puri was defeated by Madhvacarya. A great personality named Trivikramacarya, who was a resident of Visnumangala, became Madhvacarya’s disciple, and his son later became Narayanacarya, the composer of Sri Madhva-vijaya. After the death of Trivikramacarya, the younger brother of Narayanacarya took sannyasa and later became known as Visnu Tirtha.

It was reputed that there was no limit to the bodily strength of Purnaprajna, Madhvacarya.

There was a person named Kadanjari who was famed for possessing the strength of thirty men. Madhvacarya placed the big toe of his foot upon the ground and asked the man to separate it from the ground, but the great strong man could not do so even after great effort. Srila Madhvacarya passed from this material world at the age of eighty while writing a commentary on the Aitareya Upanisad. For further information about Madhvacarya, one should read Madhva-vijaya, by Narayanacarya.

The acaryas of the Madhva-sampradaya established Udupi as the chief center, and the monastery there was known as Uttararadhi-matha. A list of the different centers of the Madhvacarya-sampradaya can be found at Udupi, and their matha commanders are (1) Visnu Tirtha (Soda-matha), (2) Janardana Tirtha (Krsnapura-matha), (3) Vamana Tirtha (Kanura-matha), (4) Narasimha Tirtha (Adamara-matha), (5) Upendra Tirtha (Puttugi-matha), (6) Rama Tirtha (Sirura-matha), (7) Hrsikesa Tirtha (Palimara-matha), and (8) Aksobhya Tirtha (Pejavara-matha). The disciplic succession of the Madhvacarya-sampradaya is as follows (the dates are those of birth in the Sakabda Era; for Christian era dates, add seventy-eight years): (1) Hamsa Paramatma; (2) Caturmukha Brahma; (3) Sanakadi; (4) Durvasa; (5) Jnananidhi; (6) Garuda-vahana; (7) Kaivalya Tirtha; (8) Jnanesa Tirtha; (9) Para Tirtha; (10) Satyaprajna Tirtha; (11) Prajna Tirtha; (12) Acyuta Preksacarya Tirtha; (13) Sri Madhvacarya, 1040 Saka; (14) Padmanabha, 1120; Narahari, 1127; Madhava, 1136; and Aksobhya 1159; (15) Jaya Tirtha, 1167; (16) Vidyadhiraja, 1190; (17) Kavindra, 1255; (18) Vagisa, 1261; (19) Ramacandra, 1269; (20) Vidyanidhi, 1298; (21) Sri Raghunatha, 1366; (22) Rayuvarya (who spoke with Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu), 1424; (23) Raghuttama, 1471; (24) Vedavyasa, 1517; (25) Vidyadhisa, 1541; (26) Vedanidhi, 1553; (27) Satyavrata, 1557; (28) Satyanidhi, 1560; (29) Satyanatha, 1582; (30) Satyabhinava, 1595; (31) Satyapurna, 1628; (32) Satyavijaya, 1648; (33) Satyapriya, 1659; (34) Satyabodha, 1666; (35) Satyasandha, 1705; (36) Satyavara, 1716; (37) Satyadharma, 1719; (38) Satyasankalpa, 1752; (39) Satyasantusta, 1763; (40) Satyaparayana, 1763; (41) Satyakama, 1785; (42) Satyesta, 1793; (43) Satyaparakrama, 1794; (44) Satyadhira, 1801; (45) Satyadhira Tirtha, 1808.

After the sixteenth acarya (Vidyadhiraja Tirtha), there was another disciplic succession, including Rajendra Tirtha, 1254; Vijayadhvaja; Purusottama; Subrahmanya; and Vyasa Raya, 1470–1520. The nineteenth acarya, Ramacandra Tirtha, had another disciplic succession, including Vibudhendra, 1218; Jitamitra, 1348; Raghunandana; Surendra; Vijendra; Sudhindra; and Raghavendra Tirtha, 1545.

To date, in the Udupi monastery there are another fourteen Madhva-tirtha sannyasis. As stated, Udupi is situated beside the sea in South Kanara, about thirty-six miles north of Mangalore.

Most of the information in this purport is available from the South Kanada Manual and the Bombay Gazette.

TEXT 246

nartaka gopala dekhe parama-mohane
madhvacarye svapna diya aila tanra sthane


While at the Udupi monastery, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu saw “dancing Gopala,” a most beautiful Deity. This Deity appeared to Madhvacarya in a dream.

TEXT 247

gopi-candana-tale achila dingate
madhvacarya sei krsna paila kona-mate


Madhvacarya had somehow or other acquired the Deity of Krsna from a heap of gopi-candana that had been transported in a boat.

TEXT 248

madhvacarya ani’ tanre karila sthapana
adyavadhi seva kare tattvavadi-gana


Madhvacarya brought this dancing Gopala Deity to Udupi and installed Him in the temple. To date, the followers of Madhvacarya, known as Tattvavadis, worship this Deity.

TEXT 249

krsna-murti dekhi’ prabhu maha-sukha paila
premavese bahu-ksana nrtya-gita kaila


Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu received great pleasure in seeing this beautiful form of Gopala. For a long time He danced and chanted in ecstatic love.

*    *   *

May Sripada Madhvacharya bless us all.

Hare Krishna.

Yours in service,
Giriraj Swami

Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura’s Mayapur Prediction

‘Gata-varsha’ (The Last Year) is an editorial written by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura for Sajjana Tosani, Vol.12, Issue 1 in 1900. The Thakura reviews the spiritual achievements made during the last year, and predicts that in future, people from all nations will come to the birthplace of Mahaprabhu. He also mentions his son, Siddhanta Sarasvati in connection to the publication of Padma Puruna.

Gata-varsa (The Last Year)

by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura

(translated by Swami B.V. Giri for the Bhaktivinoda Institute)
By the grace of Sriman Mahaprabhu we have completed our eleventh year. It is a matter of great joy to us that in the last few years we have seen many kinds of improvements in the world of spirituality, when plague, famine and war have greatly increased the misery of men. First of all, Srimati Vishnupriya Patrika has taken a new form. In Sridhama Vṛndavana, by the endeavours of some people, a spiritual monthly called GauḍeSvara Vaishnava was created. In the metropolis of Calcutta, another spiritual magazine called Vaishnava Pratibha has emerged. At one time there was no other spiritual magazine except for this Sajjana Tosani magazine. Sajjana Tosani has created such spiritual excitement in the minds of many people that so many magazines have emerged nowadays. This is a very good sign. There is no doubt that no matter how much Vaishnava dharma is propagated in these magazines, many things will be published about Sri Gauranga and the prema-dharma that He preached. We hope that in all these journals, the teachings of the pure Vaishnnava dharma, as authorised by Sri Caitanya-caritamṛta, will gradually be propagated in a pure fashion. I saw again that a weekly newspaper called Nivedana has come out in the world. Although there is a lot of material news in this journal, we have high hopes, since we have seen a few spiritual discussions within it.

Hari-nama kirtana has been especially popular in the city of Calcutta since last year. No matter what the aspirations of these kirtana communities may be, by abandoning the Jatra theatre, many people are collectively propagating hari-nama – whatever their reason, their wandering through the city is an excellent deed. Destroying a plague is a trivial result for Sri-hari-kirtana. It is our hope that many mahatmas, after associating with sadhus, will become inclined to search for the true result and become pure Vaishnavas.

The main objective of all great deeds performed by anyone in this world is to maintain the preaching of the birthplace of Sri Sri Gaurangadeva for the benefit of future devotees. Happily, in the midst of all the spiritual uproar, righteous men are endeavouring for the betterment of Sridhama Mayapura. It is not the intention of the Lord to make a big fuss by spending more money in Sri Mayapura. Those who will be born as devotees amongst all the nations of the world, will one day hope to see the birth-place of Sri Sri Mahaprabhu from many, many distant lands. Those who endeavour to keep the flow of services in Mayapura strong, will be counted amongst the main benefactors of the world of Vaishnavas that will appear in the future. There is no doubt that by all these activities, the dharma of Sri Mahaprabhu will be especially propagated throughout the world.

During the last one year, authors of transcendental literature have not been idle in producing books on bhakti-tattva. In the last year, Siddhanta Sarasvati has attempted to collect and publish in Bengali Sri Padma Purana, which is worshippable by all the Devas. A respected gosvami, who is the crest-jewel of his lineage, has published four parts of Sri Bhagavat Sandarbha in Devanagari script. An English translation of Srimad Ramanuja’s Sribhasya commentary on the Vedanta–sutra has been published with great endeavour by two Madrasi scholars. The book Vedanta-sara by Srimad Ramanuja has been printed in the Western Provinces with an English translation by a foreign scholar. We have heard that Sri Siddhanta Sarasvati will also publish the original and Bengali translation of this book for the world very soon.




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The central sweet spot of all existence
→ Dandavats

By Gopavrindapal Das “Many teachings point to an infinite personality of love, beauty, wisdom and kindness. These teachings are compelling parts of the world’s spiritual library and add valuable pieces to life’s puzzle. Take, for instance, the Vedic literature’s of ancient India. The Vedas are the oldest and largest body of philosophical information on Earth,

Bhaimi Ekadasi and the TOVP, 2023

Vaishnava Jaya (Bhaimi) Ekadasi is an important fasting ritual observed on the 11th day during the Shukla Paksha (the bright fortnight of moon) in the month of Madhava in the Vaishnava calendar. This observance falls somewhere between the months of January to February in the Gregorian calendar. Jaya Ekadasi is also popularly called as Bhaimi Ekadasi and it is strongly believed that one who observes a righteous fast on this day will find a place in Vaikuntha. Observing the Vaishnava Jaya Ekadasi vrata is equivalent to observing all other Ekadasi fasts.

We encourage devotees reading this article to kindly consider donating on this day to help complete Lord Nrsimhadeva’s Wing in the TOVP, scheduled to open October, 2023. Please go to th Give To Nrsimha 2023 Fundraiser page on the TOVP website and select one of several new and unique seva opportunity options.

  NOTE: Bhaimi Ekadasi is observed on Wednesday, February 1 in India, and Tuesday, January 31 in the U.S.. Please refer to your local calendar through

  View, download and share the TOVP 2023 Calendar​.


The Glories of Bhaimi Ekadasi

From the Bhavishyottara Purana

The narration of the glories of Magha-Shukla Ekadasi or Jaya (Bhaimi) Ekadashi is found in the Bhavishyottara Purana in a conversation between Maharaja Yudhishthira and Lord Krishna. It is said that one who observes upavasa (fasting) on this day is granted entry into Lord Vishnu’s abode, even not having performed other vratas of the year. The half-day fast (vrata) for the appearance day of Lord Varahadev on the following day, Varaha Dvadasi is also observed on this Ekadashi.

Yudhishthira Maharaja Inquires From Lord Krishna

Yudhisthira Maharaj said, “O Lord of the lords, Sri Krishna, all glories unto You! O Master of the universe, You alone are the source of the four types of living entities – those born of eggs, of perspiration, of seeds, and of embryos. You are the root cause of all, O Lord, and therefore the creator, maintainer, and destroyer.

“My Lord, You have kindly described to me the auspicious day known as Sat-tila Ekadashi, which occurs during the dark fortnight (Krishna paksha) of the month of Magha (January – February). Now I request you to please explain to me about the Ekadasi that occurs in the bright fortnight (Shukla paksha) of this month. By what name is it known, and what is the process for observing it? Who is the presiding Deity of this sublime day, which is so dear to You?”

Lord Krishna Answers Yudhishthira

Lord Sri Krishna replied, “O Yudhisthira, I shall be glad to tell you about the Ekadasi that occurs during the bright half of Magha. This Ekadashi effaces all kinds of sinful reactions and demonic influences. It is known as Jaya Ekadashi, and the fortunate soul who fasts on this sacred day is relieved of the great burden of ghostly existence. Thus, there is no better Ekadashi than this, for it truly bestows freedom from birth and death. It should be observed respectfully and meticulously. Please listen to Me attentively, O Pandava, as I relate an ancient episode that I have previously narrated in the Padma Purana.

Malyavan and Pushpavati Attracted

“Long ago, Lord Indra ruled his celestial kingdom well and the devas (demigods) living there were content. In the Nandana Forest graced with Parijata Flowers, Indra drank ambrosia and enjoyed the company of fifty million celestial maidens (Apsaras), who danced for his pleasure. Singers, led by Pushpadanta, sang in sweet voices. Chitrasena, Indra’s chief musician in the company of his wife Malini and his handsome son Malyavan entertained Indra.

“At that time, an Apsara named Pushpavati became attracted to Malyavan. Cupid’s sharp arrows pierced her heart. With her beautiful body, complexion and enchanting movements of eyebrows, she captivated Malyavan.

“O King, listen as I describe the splendid beauty of Pushpavati: She had incomparably graceful arms with which to embrace a man like a fine silken noose; her face resembled the Moon; her lotus eyes reached almost to her lovely ears, which were adorned with exquisite earrings. Her thin neck decorated with ornaments looked like a conch, having three lines. Her waist was as slender as the size of a fist. Her hips were broad, and her thighs like the trunks of banana trees. Gorgeous ornaments and garments complemented her naturally beautiful features. Her breasts were raised emphasizing her prime of youth and to look upon her feet was to behold newly grown red lotuses.

Indra Curses Malyavan and Pushpavati

“Seeing Pushpavati in all her heavenly beauty, Malyavan was bewitched. They had come with the other performers to regale Lord Indra, but enamored of each other, they faltered in their singing and dancing. Their pronunciation dithered and their rhythm wavered. Lord Indra could understand the cause of their mistakes at once. Offended at the discord in the musical performance, he became very angry and shouted, ‘Useless fools! You pretend to sing for me while in a stupor of infatuation for each other! You mock me! I curse you both to suffer henceforth as pisachas (hobgoblins). Go to the earthly regions as husband and wife and reap the reactions of your offense.

The Sufferings of Malyavan and Pushpavati

“Dumbstruck by the chastisement, Malyavan and Pushpavati fell from the heavenly Nandana Forest to a Himalayan peak on Earth. Distraught, with their celestial intelligence vastly diminished by the effects of lord Indra’s fierce curse, they lost their sense of taste, smell, and touch.
“It was so frigid on the high Himalayan desert of snow and ice that they could not even enjoy the oblivion of sleep. Roaming aimlessly in the harsh altitude, Malyavan and Pushpavati suffered more at every moment. Even in a cave, their teeth chattered incessantly due to the cold. Their hair stood on end due to fright and bewilderment. In this wretched condition, Malyavan said to Pushpavati, ‘What abominable sins did we commit as to suffer in these pisacha bodies, in an unbearable environment? This is absolutely hellish! Hell is ferocious, but this suffering is even more abominable. Oh! One should never commit sins!’

The Blessings of Bhaimi Ekadasi

By their good fortune, however, that day happened to be the auspicious Jaya (Bhaimi) Ekadashi, the Ekadasi of the light fortnight of the month of Magha. Due to their intense misery, they had neglected to drink water, kill any game, or even eat fruits and leaves available at that altitude. They had unknowingly observed Ekadasi by fasting completely from all food and drink. Sunk in misery, Malyavan and Pushpavati collapsed beneath a Pipal tree unable to get up. The Sun had set. The night was colder and even more miserable than the day. They shivered in a freezing snowfall. Their teeth chattered in unison, and when they became completely numb, they embraced just to keep warm. Locked in each other’s arms, unable to enjoy sleep or sex, they suffered all night under the powerful curse of Indra.

“Yet, O Yudhishthira, by the mercy of the fast they had inadvertently observed on Jaya Ekadasi, and because they had remained awake all night, they were blessed on the following day. As Dvadasi dawned, Malyavan and Pushpavati had given up their demonic forms and once again attained beautiful heavenly bodies with lustrous ornaments and exquisite garments. As they both looked at each other in amazement, a celestial airplane (vimana) arrived on the spot for them. A chorus of heavenly denizens sang their praises as the couple stepped into the beautiful aircraft and proceeded directly to the heavenly regions, cheered by the good wishes of everyone. Soon Malyavan and Pushpavati arrived at Amaravati, Lord Indra’s capital city, and immediately went before their lord (Indradeva) and offered him their obeisances.

“Lord Indra was astonished to see them restored to their original forms so soon after he had cursed them. Indradeva asked, ‘What extraordinarily meritorious deeds did you perform to give up your pisacha bodies so quickly after I had cursed you? Who released you from my irresistible curse?’

“Malyavan replied, ‘O lord, it was by the extreme mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krishna (Vasudeva) and also by the powerful influence of the Jaya Ekadashi, that we were released from our suffering as pisachas. O master, because we unwittingly executed devotional service to Lord Vishnu by observing the day most dear to Him, we were restored to our former status.’

“Indradeva then said, ‘Because you served the Supreme Lord Sri Keshava by observing Ekadashi, you have become worshipable even by me, and I can see that you are now completely purified of sin. Whosoever engages in devotional service to Lord Sri Hari is commendable to me.’ Lord Indradeva then gave Malyavan and Pushpavati free reign to enjoy each other and wander the heavenly planets as they wished.

Lord Krishna Concludes

“O Maharaj Yudhisthira, one should strictly fast on the sacred day of Lord Hari, especially on Jaya Ekadashi, which frees one even from the sin of killing a twice born Brahmin. A great soul who observes this fast with full faith and devotion in effect gives profuse charity, performs all kinds of sacrifice, and bathes in all the holy places of pilgrimage. Fasting on Jaya Ekadashi qualifies one to reside in Vaikuntha and enjoy eternal happiness.”
“O great king,” Lord Sri Krishna concluded, “one who even hears or reads these wonderful glories of Jaya Ekadashi attains the merit of performing an Agnistoma fire sacrifice, during which the hymns from the Sama-Veda are recited.”

Thus ends the narration of the glories of Magha-shukla Ekadasii, or Jaya Ekadasi, from the Bhavishya-uttara Purana.




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Coming of Age

Reflections on the relevancy of ISKCON in this world If there was a predominant message that Srila Prabhupada left all his followers at the end of his life, it would arguably be, “You will show your love for me by how much you cooperate together.” Our Founder-Acharya (teacher by example) issued this simple yet profound […]

The post Coming of Age appeared first on ISKCON News.

Sri Advaita Acharya Appearance
→ Ramai Swami

Sri Advaita Acharya was born in 1434 in Nabagram, Bengal to Sri Kubera Pandit and Srimati Nabha devi. They were originally inhabitants of Nabagram village near Sri Hatta, but later moved to Santipura on the banks of the Ganga.

When Sri Advaita Acharya made His appearance in this world, Srila Madhavendra Puri, Sri Ishvar Puri, Sachi Mata and Sri Jagannatha Mishra also made their advent.

Sri Advaita Acharya was a disciple of Srila Madhavendra Puri and is one of the chief figures amongst the Panchatattva – Sri Krishna Chaitanya, Prabhu Nityananda, Sri Advaita, Gadadhara and Srivasa.

Sri Advaita Acharya studied the Vedas and other scriptures under a scholar named Santacharya in Phulavati village near Santipura, where He was awarded the title ‘Acharya’.

Advaita Acharya spent most of His adult life in Santipura with His wife and family, where He was a respected leader of the small Vaishnava community; encouraging everyone to follow the path of bhakti – loving service to Sri Krishna.

Seeing all around Him the growing tendency of people to abandon their spiritual practices for the pursuit of wealth and short-lived materialistic gains, Advaita Acharya was greatly pained.

Advaita Acharya prayed to the Lord for several months – He worshipped His shaligram shilas lovingly with sacred tulasi leaves and Ganges water calling out to the Lord to manifest and show a way to the worldly people to reach the eternal spiritual abode.

By the momentum of His spiritual fervor, His loud cries pierced the coverings of the material universe and echoing through the transcendental Vaikuntha lokas, reached the ears of Sri Krishna in Goloka. Sri Krishna then advented Himself as Sri Krishna Chaitanya in Mayapur, Bengal as the son of Sri Jagannatha Mishra and Sachi Devi.

When His parents, Kubera Pandit and Nabha Devi disappeared, Advaita Acharya went to Gaya to perform their pinda daan ceremonies and continued on a pilgrimage tour of the holy places in India.

He came to Vrindavan and became absorbed in the worship of Krishna. He discovered the Deity of Sri Madan Mohan / Madan Gopal which He later entrusted to the care of a Choube brahmin in Mathura before continuing on His pilgrimage.

Sri Advaita Acharya had two wives; Sri and Sita. In the Gaura-ganoddesha-dipika, it is written that the divine Yogamaya took the form of Advaita’s wife Srimati Sita devi, and that Sri is her prakasha – expansion.

The Narasimha shaligram shila and deities made in the image of Sri Sri Madan-Gopal that were worshiped by Sri Advaita Acharya are still to be found at Santipura in Madan-Gopal Para.

The place on the banks of the Ganga where Sri Advaita Acharya worshiped the shaligram shila and called out to the Lord to descend to the world is known today as Babla. A temple has been built in memory of Advaita Acharya’s pastimes there.

New books by H.H. Niranjana Swami
→ Dandavats

Dear Devotees, We are pleased to announce that The Nectar of Lockdown, Volume 2 is now available in English (232-page soft cover book). In his talks in May 2020, Niranjana Swami gives invaluable instructions on keeping Krishna’s holy names prominent in our daily lives and the proper consciousness to develop. These talks were given relatively

MILLION-BOOK Distributor: January 2023
→ Dandavats

— His Grace Bhrigupati Prabhu joined ISKCON in April, 1973, at the famous Henry Street temple in Brooklyn, New York. Almost immediately he took up the service of distributing Srila Prabhupada’s books, encouraged by Romapada Dasa brahmacari. — Bhrigupati recalls asking Srila Prabhupada (at the end of a Bhagavad-gita class) to say something about the

NASN December 2022 – North American Sankirtan Newsletter
→ Dandavats

By Mayapur Sasi dasa

For the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada this report contains the following North American results of book distribution for the month of December 2022. North American Totals, Monthly Temples, Monthly Weekend Warriors. Monthly Top 100 Individuals, Monthly Top 5, Cumulative Countries, Cumulative Temples, Cumulative Top 100 Individuals, Cumulative Top 5 Continue reading "NASN December 2022 – North American Sankirtan Newsletter
→ Dandavats"

Discovering My Best Friend in a Foreign Country
→ Seed of Devotion

In 2005, at 18 years old I bought my first car, a lovely silver 2000 Honda Civic. 

After the harrowing purchase process (because buying a car is *always* harrowing) I drove off the lot, hypersensitive to the sounds and controls of this new and expensive machine that was now under my care. 

Tense, I rode in silence down Main Street in Gainesville. But the silence was not so silent. 

Is that whining and roaring normal? 

I don't think so. 

I just bought this thing! 

Taking a deep breath, I turned my car right back around. Maybe I could still get a refund...? I had just signed a bunch of papers, though, saying that there could be no returns as soon as I drove off the lot. This car was AS IS. 

"Oh, hullo again," The car salesman greeted me with a grin. "How's your new vehicle?" 

"Not so good," I said. "The engine is really loud. I think there may be a problem," 

The man frowned. "Let's take a look," 

He got into the driver seat and turned on the car, revved the engine, and then got out, the car still running. "Ma'am, your car is completely normal,"


"If the sound bothers you, maybe just turn on the radio," he said nonchalantly. 

"Radio?" I said, bewildered. I had not listened to the radio since I was 12. 

"Yeah, some music."

I sat behind the wheel, glancing at the radio controls.  I had only obtained my official driver's license a couple weeks earlier - driving in general overwhelmed me already. I was still getting the hang of how to turn on windshield wipers, now I needed to figure out the radio... while I drove?? 

I pulled away from the dealership and headed back down Main. 

That sound! How could the dealer say that was normal? I had driven in many, many cars in my life and none had ever sounded that loud. I felt like I was standing on a runway underneath an airplane taking off every time I pushed the gas pedal. 

Maybe it's just 'cuz this is the first time you're the driver and not just a passenger, a sneaky voice said. 

I drove for a couple miles, jittery. I kept looking at the radio. Finally, I reached over and fiddled with a few dials - static filled the car. I pressed the SEEK button and landed on a station. Music played through the speakers loud and clear. 

"... I will sing of your mercy 

that leads me through valleys of sorrow  

to rivers of joy..."

A moment of astonishment, wonder, and utter confusion hit me. Was this song talking about... God? On a public radio? I had never heard of such a thing. I had only ever heard pop music, NPR, and rock on the radio. 

I continued to listen to the beautiful, haunting song overlaid with piano and guitar, realizing that indeed, the singer was speaking to God, placing a trust in Him that through all the pain and sorrows of this world, he would "still look to the heavens / I will still seek Your face."

I began to sob. Yes, while I was driving down University Avenue in busy traffic. 

And then, the song was over.

I pulled over and turned off the radio, the music still playing through my head. The words had lanced straight through to my soul, bypassing my brain and even my heart. Krishna Himself seemed to have spoken to me. 

I wanted more. 

So began my exploration and deep love for Christian contemporary music. Year after year I discover some new song that speaks to my soul and deepens my love for God. I experience how these Christians are speaking of the same God that is enthroned upon my own heart: Krishna. He is the same. His beauty, love, and mercy is the same. 

I later discovered that the name of that song was "The Valley Song" by Jars of Clay. It holds a special, revered place in my heart as the very first song where I discovered God so profoundly in another tradition, like stumbling upon my best friend in the street in a foreign country. It's at the top of my curated playlist, but I haven't listened to it in years. 

Until today. 

For some reason, I was drawn to listen to this song while I did laundry. Then, when I went out for a walk in the cold twilight, I put the song on a repeat. For over half an hour, the tender, haunting, soulful lyrics wound their way around my soul, prompting me to glance up at the heavens, to seek Krishna's face in the moon and the stars. I entered a deep, reflective space where I realized that the sorrows of my heart shall never, never end as long as I am here in this world. I belong with my Lord. He is the only one who can lead me to rivers of joy.

I felt a tender desire in my heart that at my funeral this piece would be played. 

The memory of how I had discovered "The Valley Song" kept rising to my mind, and I kept smiling to myself. 

Then I realized - I was 18 years old. 

I am now almost 36 - that was literally half my lifetime ago. I shook my head in amazement. Life shall continue to wheel on and wheel on, moving faster and faster towards death. But I have a talisman here in my soul, a prayer to trust in my best friend through the valleys of sorrow. He'll lead me on.  

Srila Prabhupada at Advaita Bhavan
Giriraj Swami

This story was heard from the pujari at Sri Advaita Acharya’s house in Shantipur, West Bengal. He came to the ISKCON Chaitanya Chandrodoya Mandir, in Mayapur, with a copy of the Back to Godhead article about Srila Prabhupada entitled “A Lifetime in Preparation.”

Just recently an amazing realization occurred to me that I wanted to share with devotees everywhere. I have been the pujari and sevaite at the house of Advaita Acharya for many years. I was also there back in the 1940s and ’50s. At that time, I noticed that one grihastha Bengali devotee was coming to the temple quite regularly. He was dressed in a white khadi dhoti and kurta, and he always came alone. He would sit in the back of the mandir without speaking and would chant harinama on his mala very quietly and deeply. He came on the weekends, usually once every month or two. After chanting there for many hours, he would always thank me when he left. His presence was profound, and I became attracted to him. Since his devotions were solitary, I never spoke to disturb him. Sometimes I happened to notice that while he was chanting, his eyes would be full of tears.

Then, for a very long time, he did not come. But in August of 1965 I saw a saffron-clothed sannyasi sitting in the back of the mandir and recognized him to be my old friend. Again he sat for a long time chanting Hare Krishna. I could see his beads moving, his eyes closed in concentrated devotion. He was weeping unabashedly, even more than he used to, while he took the holy name. Finally, as evening came, he paid his dandavata pranama for long time. When he arose, he came up to me and again thanked me for my seva here at Advaita Bhavan. I asked him, “Who are you? I remember you from so long ago.”

He replied, ‘My name is Abhaya Charanaravinda Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaja. I am an unworthy disciple of His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, Srila Prabhupada, my divine master. I have been coming here for such a long time because my gurudeva has given me an impossible mission. His desire was for me to go across the ocean to the Western countries and spread the sublime teachings of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. There are countless souls there who have never heard of Sri Sri Radha-Krishna, and so they are suffering greatly. I have not known how this mission of his will be successful, so I have been coming here to this special house of Advaita Acharya, where He, Nityananda Prabhu, and Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu would gather together to plan the sankirtana movement. It was here that They launched the inundation of love of God that swept India and continues to this day. Thus I have been praying very earnestly here that They will all give me Their mercy that somehow They will empower me and guide me. I want to satisfy my gurudeva’s desire, but I am feeling unqualified to do this.”

As he was speaking to me, I saw tears falling down on his cheeks again. Then he continued, “Tomorrow I am leaving for Calcutta to go upon a ship across the ocean, to America. I do not know what will befall me there, but I am praying most earnestly here for help.” Then he very humbly asked me for my blessings. I was moved by this Vaishnava’s sincerity and determination as I watched him depart upon his journey.

It was a few years later that I began noticing, for the first time, white Vaishnavas coming to Advaita Bhavan. They were wearing dhotis and saris and chanting on tulasi-mala. I never spoke to any of them, but then one of them gave me this Back to Godhead magazine from America. As I looked at the photographs, suddenly I recognized a picture of the Founder-Acharya who had brought Krishna consciousness to the West. It was my friend Bhaktivedanta Swami, who had come and prayed here so many times before. Then I realized that he has actually accomplished that impossible mission of his gurudeva. I saw that it was he, starting alone and without pretense, who had accomplished this glorious miracle against all odds.

As soon as I saw this, I came here to his temple in Mayapur to tell you this information. I know that he has gone from this world now, but I thought perhaps you might want to know this story about your and my beloved Srila Prabhupada.

Our Srila Prabhupada, A Friend to All, Compiled by Mulaprakrti devi dasi

Sri Advaita Acharya’s Appearance Day
Giriraj Swami

jaya jaya sri-caitanya jaya nityananda
jayadvaita-candra jaya gaura-bhakta-vrnda

We are gathered here to celebrate the appearance day of Sri Advaita Acharya. Advaita Acharya is an incarnation of Maha-Vishnu. In terms of pastimes, He appeared before Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and thus was considered an elder by Mahaprabhu. He was actually older than Lord Chaitanya’s own father.

Advaita Acharya, although Vishnu Himself, was in the mood of a Vaishnava. As a Vaishnava, He felt compassion for the fallen conditioned souls who were suffering without Krishna consciousness. Although previously Navadvipa had been a great center of devotion, it had deteriorated into a center of dry learning. Thus, Advaita Acharya felt compassion for the fallen souls of the age, as they were so engrossed in material affairs, devoid of devotional service to Krishna. Although He was Vishnu Himself, in the mood of a humble Vaishnava He felt that He was not capable of delivering the fallen souls. He believed that only Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Himself could preach the yuga-dharma of hari-nama-sankirtana and deliver them.

Advaita Acharya Prabhu was an ideal householder. He had read in the scriptures that the Lord sells Himself to a devotee who offers Him a tulasi leaf and a palmful of water. As a grihastha brahman, He worshipped a salagrama-sila at home. Therefore, He specifically began to worship Salagrama with Ganges water and tulasi leaves with the aim of bringing about Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s descent.

The Caitanya-caritamrta describes Sri Advaita Acharya’s appeal to Lord Krishna to appear again on earth. He cried with such intensity that the sound traveled throughout the entire universe and ultimately reached Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Because of the loud cries of Sri Advaita Acharya, Mahaprabhu did indeed descend, appearing in Navadvipa on the full moon night of Phalguna (February–March). Thus the Lord came at the request of Advaita Acharya, His pure devotee, to reclaim the fallen souls.

What was the method by which He reclaimed them? The method was hari-nama-sankirtana, the chanting of the holy names of the Lord. And so, in response to Advaita Acharya’s cries, the Lord appeared in Navadvipa on the full moon night of the Phalguna month, during a lunar eclipse, while millions of Hindus were bathing in the Ganges loudly chanting the holy names. Later, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Himself practiced sankirtana in Navadvipa-dhama, and after adopting the renounced order of life (sannyasa), He left Navadvipa and traveled throughout India. Wherever He went, He chanted the holy names and induced others to chant the holy names as well.

Originally, after Lord Chaitanya took sannyasa, He wanted to make His residence in Vrindavan. His mother, however, could not bear the thought that He would be so far away. So, in deference to His mother’s will, He made His headquarters in Jagannatha Puri, which is not so far from Navadvipa. Every year, devotees would travel from Navadvipa to Puri to attend the Ratha-yatra festival and have the association of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Thus, they would go back and forth between Navadvipa and Puri and bring news to Mother Sachi about Lord Chaitanya.

Still, Lord Chaitanya had an ardent desire to visit Vrindavan, and so He left by foot from Puri to travel to Vrindavan-dhama. On the way, He stopped in a place called Ramakeli, the capital of the Muslim despot Nawab Hussein Shah. There the prime minister and the finance minister of the Nawab, who later became known as Srila Sanatana Gosvami and Srila Rupa Gosvami, came to meet Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu in disguise.

At the time, thousands of devotees were following Lord Chaitanya, and Lord Chaitanya inaugurated the hari-nama-sankirtana in Ramakeli just outside the area of the Nawab’s palace. The devotees chanted and danced day and night for many days. They totally forgot about eating, sleeping, and other bodily demands. They were simply absorbed in the ecstasy of hari-nama-sankirtana.

But after some time, a few of the devotees began to think of the Nawab, realizing that they were just outside the doorsteps of his palace. The Nawab, Hussein Shah, was a terrible tyrant. He killed people like anything. And he used intimidation to compel Rupa and Sanatana to serve him, threatening that if they didn’t accept his proposal to act as his ministers or secretaries, he would wreak havoc on the Hindu community and kill thousands. Some of the devotees began to become anxious that they were doing such loud hari-nama-sankirtana so close to the Nawab’s palace: “What if he takes notice of us and becomes enraged? He could kill us all!”

As the omniscient Lord, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu could understand the anxiety of these devotees. So He stopped the kirtan and told them, “Although I am acting as a devotee, actually I am the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and because I am the Supreme Lord, no one can harm Me or My movement.” He explained that His movement of hari-nama-sankirtana was destined to spread to every town and village of every country of the world: prthivite ache yata nagaradi-grama, sarvatra pracara haibe mora nama. (Cb Antya 4.126)

During that period, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s mission spread throughout India. But with the passage of time, even in India it became weak. Unauthorized groups who claimed to be followers of Mahaprabhu but who did not actually understand or follow His principles arose and became prominent. The situation got worse and worse until, in the 1800s, Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura appeared. He separated Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s true followers from the pseudo-followers and identified at least thirteen deviant groups (apasampradayas). He re-established the true idea of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. He also discovered the birthplace of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu in Mayapur-dhama, and with his followers he located many different sites associated with the Lord’s pastimes, including the residence of Sri Advaita Acharya in Mayapur. Advaita Acharya actually had two residences—one in Mayapur-dhama itself and one about twenty miles away in Shantipur.

Although Lord Chaitanya had predicted that the holy name would be chanted and preached in every town and village of the world, even learned devotees could not imagine how such a phenomenon could come to pass. Still, Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura predicted that very soon somebody would come to fulfill the prediction of Lord Chaitanya. And, as we know, His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada did emerge from the followers of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura and Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura to fulfill the desire and prediction of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

Yet this entire arrangement, from one point of view, was created simply to fulfill the desire of Sri Advaita Acharya. He was the one who so intensely desired that the Lord should come and deliver the fallen souls, especially through hari-nama-sankirtana, that Lord Chaitanya did appear. And now, more than five hundred years later, we are gathered here in Camarillo, California, chanting the holy names of Krishna. This is possible only because Sri Advaita Acharya Prabhu desired so intensely that we would be able to do so and thus be delivered from the bondage of material existence and imbued with the ecstasy of devotional service.

The sixteen words of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra—Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare—contain all spiritual truths. Realized devotees have actually seen the entire pastimes of Radha and Krishna within the maha-mantra. Srila Jiva Gosvami wrote a poem describing various pastimes of Radha and Krishna that transpire in the course of chanting one round of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura discussed the import of each word of the maha-mantra and each pair of words (Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, etc.). There are eight pairs of names that combine to make the sixteen words, and Bhaktivinoda Thakura explained how each pair corresponds to one verse of the Siksastaka prayer of Lord Chaitanya. Further, he wrote an entire chapter on each verse of the Siksastaka.

So, although superficially the Hare Krishna maha-mantra appears to be a simple combination of three different words arranged in a combination of sixteen, actually it contains the entire spiritual world. And as we go deeper and deeper in chanting the maha-mantra, we come closer and closer to entering into the spiritual world and the pastimes of Radha and Krishna. Thus, what Lord Chaitanya came to give by the intense desire of Sri Advaita Acharya, although it appears to be very simple—just an arrangement of sixteen words—is actually deeply profound and unlimitedly vast. It is the entire spiritual world, in comparison with which the whole material world is just a fraction.

The whole process is inconceivable. We know the story of Mother Yasoda and baby Krishna. On Krishna’s birthday, Balarama and the cowherd boys complained to Mother Yasoda that Krishna had eaten dirt. Krishna denied the accusation and, to the contrary, accused Balarama and the other friends of being angry with Him from Their play and wanting to get Him into trouble. He said, “If you have any doubts, Mother, you can look into My mouth and see if there is any dirt.” So, Krishna opened His mouth, and Mother Yasoda looked inside. And in Krishna’s mouth she saw the entire universe, the whole cosmic manifestation. She saw all moving and nonmoving entities and all directions. She saw past, present, and future. She saw the material elements and the three qualities of nature. She even saw herself and Sri Vrindavan-dhama. And she became completely bewildered.

Mother Yasoda saw the entire cosmic manifestation in the mouth of Krishna, while Krishna Himself appeared just like a small child that she could hold in her arms. In the same way, the entire spiritual world is contained within the two syllables Krs and na, because the two syllables Krs-na are Krishna Himself, the origin of everything. That is actually the invaluable gift of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu upon the fallen souls, given to us due to the desire of Sri Advaita Acharya.

Sri Advaita Acharya is very merciful. Advaita means “nondifferent.” He is Advaita because He is nondifferent from Hari, the Supreme Lord (advaitam harinadvaitad). And He is Acharya because He preaches the cult of devotion (acaryam bhakti-samsanat).

We are followers of Advaita Acharya. He is one of the acharyas in the line of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Actually, He was initiated by Sri Madhavendra Puri and therefore is in the same generation of spiritual masters as Sri Isvara Puri, the spiritual master of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Himself. Nevertheless, in one sense we can say Sri Advaita Acharya is in the line of Lord Chaitanya because He considered Himself to be His servant.

So, He is acharya—Advaita Acharya. Not only did He induce Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu to descend to deliver the fallen souls through the holy name, but He also set the example how one can be acharya. Even as a grihastha, He was an acharya. Most people, especially in Kali-yuga, marry and become householders. Therefore, the example of Sri Advaita Acharya is most important for us. In some ways, His example may be even more relevant for most people in Kali-yuga than the example of Lord Chaitanya, who renounced family life at an early age, or that of Nityananda Prabhu, who as an avadhuta was beyond all material categories.

Thus, we all have been blessed by the mercy of Advaita Acharya, directly and indirectly. We should take advantage of His mercy and of the mercy He caused to descend from the spiritual world for us. We should serve Him with great love and affection.

maha-visnur jagat-karta
  mayaya yah srjaty adah
tasyavatara evayam
  advaitacarya isvarah

“Lord Advaita Acarya is the incarnation of Maha-Visnu, whose main function is to create the cosmic world through the actions of maya.

advaitam harinadvaitad
  acaryam bhakti-samsanat
bhaktavataram isam tam
  advaitacaryam asraye

“Because He is nondifferent from Hari, the Supreme Lord, He is called Advaita, and because He propagates the cult of devotion, He is called Acarya. He is the Lord and the incarnation of the Lord’s devotee. Therefore I take shelter of Him.” (Cc Adi 1.12, 13)

Hare Krishna.

Devotee: Some of Lord Chaitanya’s devotees went and stayed with Him in Jagannatha Puri. So why not Advaita Acharya?

Giriraj Swami: Advaita Acharya was a grihastha, so He remained in Bengal. But when the other devotees would travel from Bengal to Orissa to join in the Ratha-yatra festival and spend the four months known as Chaturmasya with Chaitanya Mahaprabhu in Puri, He would accompany them. But then He would go back. It was really just the renunciates who were able to join Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Some of them were married previously but joined later. Advaita Acharya, however, as far as we know, remained based in Bengal.

Actually, all the members of the Pancha-tattva more or less concealed their glories. It was only later that the devotees gradually realized their positions.

[A talk by Giriraj Swami on Sri Advaita Acharya’s appearance day, February 8, 2003, Camarillo, California]

One’s Time Zone
→ Dandavats

By Suvarna Radha Devi Dasi Everyone is running their own race of life, in their own time. People around you may appear to be moving ahead of you while others may appear to be behind you. Never belittle or mock them. While you are in your " Time Zone" others are in theirs. Los Angeles is three hours

10th Anniversary – 24-hour kirtan party ISKCON NVCC Pune India
→ Dandavats

Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna? Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare? Hare Rama, Hare Rama? Rama Rama, Hare Hare Kirtana means glorification of Lord Krishna. All activities in the Hare Krishna movement are meant for Krishna-kirtana-glorification of Lord Krishna. Although this glorification takes many forms, kirtana is particularly understood to mean chanting Krishna’s holy names. This is also

Srimati Vishnupriya devi Appearance
→ Ramai Swami

The Supreme Lord Visnu has three different Saktis: Sri, Bhu, and Nila. Sri Visnupriya is the internal potency known as Bhu-sakti. She appeared in Gaura-lila to assist Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu with his mission of spreading the holy name of Krsna. 

In Nabadwipa-dhama there lived a brahmana named Sanatana Misra, who was an extremely exalted Visnu-bhakta. He was a pious and generous brahmana as well, and used to feed, clothe and shelter many people. He was famous as the king of panditas. 

In fact, in Dvapara-yuga, he had been a king named Satrajit.  As a result of his pure devotion to Visnu he was blessed with a beautiful daughter who was rich in all good qualities.

From her early childhood, Visnupriya devi used to bathe in the Ganges three times daily. She was devoted to her parents and carefully followed the scriptural principles, and performed puja, arcana, and served the tulasi tree, while observing many different vows of austerity and piety. 

Every day, when Visnupriya went to visit the Ganges, she would bow at the feet of Mother Saci with great humility. When Sacidevi noticed the modest and beautiful Visnupriya-devi she gave Visnupriya-devi her blessing that she might find a good husband, saying, “May Krsna bestow upon you a good husband.”

From that moment, she began thinking of how  Visnupriya would make a good bride for her son Nimai. Upon further inquiry she found that the girl’s name was Visnupriya, that she was the daughter of Sanatana Misra, a wealthy and respect pandita of Nabadwipa. 

At this time, the Lord’s first wife, Laksmipriya had passed away and entered into the spiritual domain. Saci’s heart had been tormented with great pain at first, but as the days passed, she had become anxious for her son’s happiness.

In this way she began to think of  quickly arranging for a new bride for her son. When she found that Sri Gaurasundra had no objections to the idea, Sacidevi  began to make arrangements in earnest.  She sent a servant to the house of Kasinatha Pandita, the matchmaker to arrange an appointment. 

Thereafter an auspicious day was selected, and at an auspicious time, the preliminary ceremonies began. The  whole of  Nabadwipa turned out for the wedding of Sri Nimai Pandita and Srimati Visnupriya-devi.

Immense canopies were set up, and an enclosure was made with rows of plaintain trees. Sri Nimai Pandita and his new bride looked beautiful together,  dressed in fine garments. Decorated with all the traditional wedding ornaments, the two of them shone together on the raised wedding platform as radiantly as the spotless harvest moon. 

Not only did the whole of Nabadwipa turn out for the wedding, but people came from all the neighboring villages from miles around to see the wonderful event.  Everyone was invited. The poets came and sang the songs they had composed in honour of the happy couple. Many friends and well-wishers came to congratulate Sacidevi and express their best wishes for the nuptial bliss of Sri Nimai and Visnupriya-devi.