Holy Name Retreat Q&A session | HH Giriraj Swami, HH Sacinandana Swami, and HG Bhurijana Prabhu
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ISKCON Imposes Ban on Bhakti Vidya Purna Swami for Sexual Abuse of Minor and Leadership Abuse Report by ISKCON Communications On October 28, 2022, the ISKCON Central Office of Child Protection (ICOCP), also referred to as the Child Protection Office (CPO), released its official decision regarding Bhakti Vidya Purna Swami (BVPS aka Alan Ross […]
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(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 26 October 2022, Vrndavana, India, Govardhana-puja Lecture)
In the past, I have been the temple president of Krsna Balarama Mandir. When I became the temple president, the GBC told me, “We have many bulls. Across the river, there is the one baba who takes bulls, so why don’t you go there and ask him if he is willing to take some bulls?” It was arranged that someone was taking me there. One of my first assignments in the first few days was to go to talk to this baba about taking thirty to forty bulls. So I went there, and on the way there, someone told me, “He is a naga baba, he is always naked.” And then someone told me some that, “He walks around with a trident and he goes to trains and breaks the locks of the trains because they are sending the cows to states where cow slaughter is not forbidden. He breaks the locks and takes the cows off the train. And if anybody says anything, he shows his trident. Since he is a holy man, nobody stops him.” I was told that this baba had 475 cows with him, which is a huge number!
At that time when we arrived, it was winter and the baba was seated under some tarpaulin with a fire. We also sat next to him and the devotee who was with me started coughing and the baba said, “A bit smoky, isn’t it?” He was a tough man, that was for sure. So then he said how he maintained the cows and why he did this. He said that once, he had been in an ashrama. So after the night, they asked him, “How will you pay for your stay?” He said, “Pay? I have no pockets. All I have is a trident. Is that what you want?” They said, “No, because in the Vedas it says that if you take someone’s salt, then you owe a debt.” He said,” So if it says in the Vedas, then I owe a debt, so what do you want?” They said, “We want that you go to Vrndavana and protect the cows.” From that day onwards, the baba did it, and he was here in Vrndavana single handedly protecting the cows. He used to stand on the road with his trident and if any villagers would come by with their tractor with the busa (cow feed), he would say, “This goes to my cows!” He said that the villagers used to drive around to avoid him. And singlehandedly, the baba maintained all these cows in this way. He said that, “Sometimes my cows do not eat, then the village also does not eat. If that does not help, then I beat somebody up and then usually my cows eat.” (laughter) So this baba was really taking care of the cows very nicely. He was a good businessman with such dedication. I remember when Kurma Rupa left his body. He also cared for the cows so much that this baba also came to offer his respects.
Protecting the cows is the most glorious service. In the Caitanya-caritamrta, there is a description of how Lord Caitanya met an astrologer. Caitanya Mahaprabhu asked him, “Can you tell me who I was in my last life?” The astrologer did a calculation and he did a mediation and he was astonished. He could not speak. Then Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, “So, what did you find?” The astrologer said, ”I do not know, but what I am finding is that you are the Supreme Personality of Godhead”. Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, “It is all wrong. I know that in my last life I was a cowherd boy. And as a result of this pious activity, I became a brahmana in this lifetime.” So, we can see how Caitanya Mahaprabhu points out that the service to the cows is most elevating. We never sent our bulls to that baba since I felt ashamed. I felt that if one man takes care of 475 cows, then how can the whole society not take care of his own bulls? We should be taking care of many more cows – that is after all our ultimate service!
The article " The Most Glorious Service " was published on KKSBlog.
HG Vraja Vihari prabhu, ILS 2020 Seminar: “The Seven Keys to a Successful Future for ISKCON” (video)
ISKCON Leadership Sanga, Sri Dham Mayapur. Gaura Purnima 2020, Day 1
HG Pancharatna prabhu seminar: “The Key to Continuous Improvement in ISKCON”
Ohe Vaishnava Thakura (4 min. musical video)
Prayers written by Bhaktivinoda Thakur.
Arranged/performed/sung by Michael (Mangalananda) Cassidy released 1975 on a ‘45
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Culture are subtle forces or activities which condition or influence how individuals think and behave in every facet of their life; culture largely depends on a country’s or group’s conviction and purpose for existence (belief system); ones convictions are largely formed by knowledge or education (ideas or wisdom); therefore, we can conclude that knowledge and education changes culture, which then ultimately translates to changing individuals behavior and thus their destiny.
Mani Manjari dd: To bring children closer to Krishna Consciousness, parents need to understand their mind and the way they relate to the world. Young children experience the world through play. It is the duty of devotee parents and teachers to provide the means for devotee children to do play about the Lord.
HG Anuradha devi dasi, ILS 2020 Seminar: “Why Prasadam Matters and Can Change Everything”
The blue jackal.
Srila Prabhupada: There is big story about this jackal. I will tell you something. A jackal came in the village and he fell in the tub where, The washerman keeps the water for dipping, making little bluish. For coloring. That blue, blue. So the washerman kept the dye water in a big tub, and the jackal fell in it. So jackal fell in it; he became blue, all blue. So he fled away, and all the animals said, “What is this animal? What is this animal? What is that animal? Oh.” All, even the lion became surprised: “We have not seen this animal.” So “Who are you, sir?” “I am sent by God to rule over you.” “Oh?” So they began to worship him as God, as leader. Then one day other jackals, they were crying, “Waa, waa.” But the jackals cannot stop. If others jackals cry, the jackal cannot stop. So he also began to “Waa, waa.” Oh, then they, “Oh, this rascal is a jackal.” That these rascals are jackals. Now they are talking nonsense. We can detect that “Here is a jackal.” So we have to expose them. They are not leaders; they are jackals.
>>> Ref. VedaBase => Morning Walk – May 3, 1973, Los Angeles
It has already been established that Srila Prabhupada's letters, although by no means to be neglected, do have a limited application, whereas his books, being the lawbooks for the next ten thousand years, are applicable for everyone, everywhere, any time.
Image Source: Govardhan Hill painting by Dominique Amendola,June 21st, 2016, available for sale on FineArtAmerica The god of rain, Indra, became extremely irate Pride is often the big part of his game With thunder, clouds, and lightening so great He exerts this power to maintain his fame What incited him so was a talkative […]
The post The Living Hill, A Poem appeared first on ISKCON News.
ISKCON, Chowpatty, in academic collaboration with the Bhaktivedanta Institute for Higher Studies in Gainesville, Florida (BIHS) and the Bhaktivedanta Research Center in Mumbai (BRC), will be hosting an international hybrid cosmology conference at the Govardhan EcoVillage (GEV) just north of Mumbai, November 4–6, 2022, titled “Puranic and Siddhantic Cosmology: Within an Experiential Mathematical Framework.” For […]
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