Prabhupada Letters :: Anthology 2014-01-21 15:22:00 →
Prabhupada Letters :: 1975
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On today’s Bhagavatam class.
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An old photo of construction of the Samadhi next to a photo of early stage TOVP construction.
Drawings of the Retirement Village by one of our architects, Bhaktin Elena. Stunning work, the real thing will be even better!
I like the good karma atmosphere, and i love the yoga. It is very community orientated.
The post Ange appeared first on The Loft Yoga Lounge Auckland.
The influence of time is very strong. Time is so powerful because it is a representation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; time is therefore stronger than the strongest. The influence of time can effect changes in subtle things without difficulty. No one can check the progress of time. As an animal tamer tames animals according to his will, time also adjusts things according to its own will. No one can supersede the arrangement made by supreme time.
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Please view the following galleries: Flower Dress Darshan Pushpa Abhishek Jananivasa Prabhu said that he was instructed by Srila Prabhupada to celebrate festivals related to the pastimes of the Sri Sri Radha-Krishna in a grand way in Sri Mayapur. These pastimes are going on eternally in the spiritual world. By celebrating these festivals, we can […]
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“Dear prabhus and matajis, please accept our most humble obeisances at your lotus feet! All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to Sri Navadvipa Dham! On behalf of HH Jayapataka Maharaj, we are inviting all of you to join Sri Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama Silver Jubilee celebration; which will take place from 4th of March to […]
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Niranjana Swami – Kirtan, Lecture – Dec. 26, 2013
These are the notes for the discussion at the 2-day Kīrtan party at Ter Kabamba Mandir.
This is the second of three discussions presenting the essential foundations of Indian philosophy, especially the Bhedābheda Vedānta Darśan school of bhakti-yoga.
In the previous discussion we established that three things really exist: (1) consciousness – you, (2) objects of consciousness – the world, and (3) the source of both – the Supreme Being. We established that consciousness is always searching for something, but never finds it in the external objects of consciousness. Consciousness is searching for happiness, and happiness is epitomized as love.
Now we will discuss how consciousness can realize the happiness and love it eternally seeks.
Three Types of Yoga
The Sanskrit word yoga literally means “union” and is mainly used to describe a path that leads the consciousness to realize its beautiful relationship with reality. There are many, many types of yogas described in Sanskrit literature, but all of them fall into one of three broad categories:
Paths of action (karma-yoga)
Paths of philosophy (jñāna-yoga)
Paths of love (bhakti-yoga)
All three free our hearts from selfishness, bringing us to a state in which real love, real happiness, is possible.
The paths of action do it by regulating our daily life through moral rules and rituals. The paths of philosophy do it by examining the world and learning to see that we cannot control or possess anything in it. The paths of love do it by transforming our desires and emotions.
Yogas don’t fight and compete with one another like modern religions do. They help and support one another. The most effective combination is when the paths of action and philosophy support and assist the paths of love. The paths of love are central and most important. The reason is obvious: the light of our consciousness is searching for the happiness of love, therefore the paths of love are the most relevant and essential of all the yogas.
The Beloved
First of all, love requires a beloved!
The light of consciousness is constantly searching for the beloved, but so long as our search is limited to the external objects of consciousness, we search in vain. When our searchlight looks inward, towards to root of its own light, it finds īśvara. Then we will finally have found the ultimate beloved, for īśvara, being the self of our self, is the only object we can ever truly possess.
The most affectionate and intimate form of īśvara is addressed with names like “All-Attractive” (Krishna), “All-loving” (Rāma), and “Heart-stealing” (Hari). This being, Krishna, is is the perfect beloved for the yoga of love.
Definition of Love
Śrī Rūpa Goswāmī is one of the most important founders of the Bhedābheda Vedānta Darśan school of bhakti-yoga. His detailed explanation of the yoga of love, a book entitled Bhakti Rasāmṛta Sindhu is cherished as the most definitive text on the subject. He begins by defining what love is:
आबुकूल्यन कृष्णानुशीलनं भक्तिः
ānukūlyena kṛṣṇānu-śīlanaṁ bhaktiḥ
“Love is an expression of desire to please the beloved, Krishna.”
Love therefore has two components:
A feeling (the feeling of wanting to please the beloved)
An action (the practical ways we express our feeling)
Śrī Rūpa goes further and defines true love, pure love, uttama-bhakti:
अन्याभिलाषिताशून्यं ज्ञानकर्माद्यनावृतम्
anyābhilāṣitā śūnyaṁ jñāna-karmady anāvṛtam
“Pure love has no ulterior motive
and is not distracted by ulterior interests.”
Love is pure when both the feeling and the action are pure. Ie:
There is no ulterior motive. The desire to please the beloved is the only feeling motivating the action.
The expression is completely for the pleasure of the beloved. It isn’t eclipsed by distractions.
To practice the yoga of love, we simply cultivate feelings for Krishna and express them, but we do it without any ulterior motive or distraction for personal gain. We are not practicing the yoga to gain any blessing or liberation, other than the pure bliss inherent in the pure love itself.
“Practicing Love”?
A popular English saying is, “Practice makes perfect.” There are two stages in the yoga of love: practice and perfection. For the rest of this discussion, we’ll learn about how to practice the yoga of love. In our next discussion we’ll learn about the yoga of love in perfection.
Śrī Rūpa defines the practice of love as:
कृतिसाध्या भवेत् साध्याभावा सा साधनाभिध ।
नित्यसिद्धस्यभावस्य प्राकट्यं हृदि साध्यता ॥
kṛti-sādhyā bhavet sādhya-bhāva sā sādhanābhidhā
nitya-siddhasya bhāvasya prākaṭyaṁ hṛdi sādhyatā
“The desired emotions arise from emulating them
- this is known as the ‘practice of love.’
The result is that eternally perfect love manifests in the heart.”
“Practicing love” may sound artificial, but the idea is that by practicing the feelings and actions of love, our hearts become free from the selfishness that blocks such feelings and actions from naturally arising.
How to Practice Divine Love
Śrī Rūpa defined 64 ways to practice the yoga of divine love. Today we will explain the three most important preliminary practices, and the five that are the most powerful of all the practices.
Three Essential Preliminaries
To effectively practice the yoga of love, the first thing we have to do is गुरुपादाश्रयः (guru-pādāśrayaḥ). We have to seek people who are significantly more advanced in the yoga than we are.
Next is कृष्णदीक्षादिशिक्षणम् (kṛṣṇa-dikṣādi-śikṣaṇam). After finding such people, we have to try our best to learn from them everything we possibly can about Krishna. We should ask to receive from them the various Krishna-mantras and so on that greatly aid the practice of divine love.
The third preliminary practice is विश्रम्भेण गुरोः सेवा (viśrambheṇa guroḥ sevā), we should try to tirelessly express our gratitude for the guidance and inspiration we get from these people.
We hold these kīrtana parties to grant one another the opportunity to more easily practice these first three preliminaries. Here we can find people who are more serious than us about the yoga of love, and we can speak with them and seek their guidance and help. We can express our gratitude by participating helpfully and wholeheartedly in the party by bring gifts like fruits and flowers or simple donations for Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī, our ultimate guru.
Five Most Powerful Practices
Śrī Rūpa says:
दुरूहाद्भुत वीर्ये ऽस्मिन् श्रद्धादूरे ऽस्तु पऩ्चके। यत्र स्वल्पो ऽपि सम्बन्धः सद्धियां भावजन्मने॥
durūhādbhuta vīrye ‘smin śraddhā dūre ‘stu pancake,
yatra svalpo ‘pi sambandhaḥ sad-dhiyaṁ bhāva-janmane
“These five practices possess impossibly amazingly potency. Even if one doesn’t have that much faith in them and only practices them with slight concentration – still they bring the perfection of divine love.”
The five most powerful practices are the five things most essential to evoking love: beauty, poetry, friendship, music, and the right atmosphere.
We expose ourselves to divine beauty by looking at the deity and the paintings of Krishna.
Śrī Rūpa says, “Affectionately offer small, humble service to Krishna’s beautiful manifest form.” Śrī Śrī Nandini Nandana have so kindly manifest their form here in Japan just so we can be attracted by their divine beauty. Think of some small way you can do something for them: cooking something delicious for them, sewing or buying some beautiful ornament or decoration, etc.
स्मेरां भन्गीत्रयपरिचितां साचि विस्तीर्णद्रिष्टिं। वंशीन्यस्ताधरकिशलयामुज्ज्वलां चन्द्रकेण।
गोविन्दाख्यां हरितनुम् इतः केशितीर्थोपकण्ठे। मा प्रेक्षिष्ठास् तव यदि सखे बन्धु-सन्गे ‘स्ति रन्गः॥
smerāṃ bhangī-traya-paricitāṃ sāci vistīrṇa-driṣṭiṃ
vaṃśī-nyastādhara-kiśalayām ujjvalāṃ candrakeṇa
govindākhyāṃ hari-tanum itaḥ keśi-tīrthopakaṇṭhe
mā prekṣiṣṭhās tava yadi sakhe bandhu-sange ‘sti rangaḥ
Smiling, in his amazing triple-bending posture,
with his expanding sidelong glance
With newly blossomed lips set upon his flute,
that shines so brightly in the moonlight.
This form of Hari called “Govinda”
eagerly awaits you in Vṛndāvana.
My friend, don’t go there!
You will give up your love for everything else if you do!
The idea in this poem is that if we affectionately serve the beautiful deities of Krishna, we will experience a happiness that will soon make us forget everything else we were once so interested in.
Śrī Rūpa says, “relish the meaning of the beautiful Bhāgavatam.”
शन्के नीताः सपदि दशमस्कन्धपद्यावलीनां। वर्णाः कर्णाध्वनि पथिकताम् आनुपूर्व्याद् भवद्भिः।
हंहो डिम्भाः परमशुभदान् हन्त धर्मार्थकामान्। यद् गर्हन्तः सुखमयम् अमी मोक्षम् अप्य् आक्षिपन्ति॥
śanke nītāḥ sapadi daśama-skandha-padyāvalīnāṃ
varṇāḥ karṇādhvani pathikatām ānupūrvyād bhavadbhiḥ
haṃho ḍimbhāḥ parama-śubhadān hanta dharmārtha-kāmān
yad garhantaḥ sukhamayam amī mokṣam apy ākṣipanti
Oh what a fool you are, child!
The sounds of the letters of the poems of the tenth canto
seem to have traveled the pathways to your ears.
Now you no longer care about what everyone considers important:
Pleasure, prestige, morality…
You even discard the bliss of liberation!
Poetry expressing divine love is extremely important in the practice of the yoga of love. The most important book of such poetry, the mother of them all, is called Bhāgavata. It is full of beautiful poems about Krishna. If you dive into the sweet ocean of these poems, you will soon find yourself drowning in an ocean of unlimited happiness, completely forgetting everything else that once fascinated you!
Śrī Rūpa says, “Become close with the beautiful lovers of Krishna, especially those who are similar to you, can help you, and who naturally like you.”
द्रिगम्भोभिर् धौतः पुलकपतली मण्डिततनुः। स्खलन् नन्तः फुल्लो दधद् अतिप्रिथुं वेपथुम् अपि।
द्रिशोः कक्षां यावन् मम स पुरुषः को ‘प्य् उपययौ। न जाने किं तावन् मतिर् इह ग्रिहे नाभिरमते॥
drig-ambhobhir dhautaḥ pulaka-patalī maṇḍita-tanuḥ
skhalan nantaḥ phullo dadhad atiprithuṃ vepathum api
driśoḥ kakṣāṃ yāvan mama sa puruṣaḥ ko ‘py upayayau
na jāne kiṃ tāvan matir iha grihe nābhiramate
Bathed in tears,
Decorated by blossoms of goose-bumps,
Stumbling under the weight
of a fully-blossomed, overflowing heart…
Since I saw that person,
I can’t enjoy anything ordinary.
When we meet people who are very deeply moved by the yoga of love, our whole life changes. We lose interest in everything else and seek to attain the sublime happiness we witnessed in those people. Three things are very important in making friendship with devotees: sājātiya, we should have some things naturally in common; āśaya, they should be capable of helping us in our practice of devotion; snigdha – they should be willing to help us. Whenever you find all three qualities in a person, it is very important to become very close friends with them.
Śrī Rūpa says, “Celebrate the name of beloved Krishna with music and dancing.”
यदवधि मम शीता वैणिकेनानुगीता। श्रुतिपथमघ-शत्रोर् नामागाथा प्रयाता।
अनवकलितपूर्वां हन्त कामप्यवस्थां। तदवधि दधदन्तर्मानसं शाम्यतीव॥
yadavadhi mama śītā vaiṇikenānugītā
śruti-patham agha-śatror nāmā-gāthā prayātā
anavakalita-pūrvāṃ hanta kām apy avasthāṃ
tadavadhi dadhad antarmānasaṃ śāmyatīva
The cooling sound of that musician’s song
graced the path of my ears,
Glorifying the Name,
destroying all misfortune.
Oh, my dear, at that moment
the Name overwhelmed my inner mind
And erased everything it once held dear.
This is the main practice of the yoga of love – singing the name of the beloved. That’s why it is the main focus of our monthly kīrtan parties. If we regularly sing Krishna’s name, from the heart, we will quickly taste the bliss of divine love – and thus experience a happiness that will make us forget everything else we once thought was so exciting.
The Right Atmosphere
Śrī Rūpa says, “live in Vṛndāvana.” He writes:
तटभुवि क्रित कान्तिः श्यामलायास्तटिन्याः। स्फुटितनवकदम्बालम्बिकूजद्द्विरेफा।
निरवधिमधुरिम्ण मण्डितेयं कथं मे। मनसि कमपि भावं काननश्रीस् तनोति॥
taṭa-bhuvi krita kāntiḥ śyāmalāyās taṭinyāḥ
niravadhi-madhurimṇa maṇḍiteyaṃ kathaṃ me
manasi kam api bhāvaṃ kānana-śrīs tanoti
That splendid, golden place
On the bank of a blue-black river
Where bees hum sonorously around trees heavy with Kadamba flowers…
Why does this heavenly forest decorate my mind
with such inexpressible sweetness?
We hope that you will always help us celebrate our kīrtana parties because here we can very easily enjoy the five most powerful practices of the yoga of love. Coming into this room we enter the spiritual atmosphere of Vṛndāvana. Speaking with the people here, we develop deep friendship with those who love Krishna. Hearing the discussions we come to understand the meaning of the poems of Bhāgavatam. Seeing the deities and paintings, we get some idea of the beautiful form of Krishna. And as we play music and sing Krishna’s name together it all conspires to form a powerful vehicle for our spiritual evolution towards realizing the true happiness that the light of our consciousness has always searched for.
The Most Powerful Way to Practice
Śrī Rūpa explains that there are two ways to practice the yoga of love, one is out of obedience to the logic of it, and the other is as a result of your own specific love for it. Obviously the second way is more pure and faithful to the nature of what the yoga of love is in the first place. It is the most powerful way to practice this yoga.
To practice the yoga of love this way, you must hear enough about Krishna that you will be able to recognize within your heart a natural love and special affection for a certain kind of relationship with him. Then, you can invest your external practices with internal significance. In your heart and mind you envision yourself doing those same practices and activities as a part of the relationship with Krishna that your heart naturally desires.
This method is called rāgānugā-bhakti. It is the primary focus of practitioners in the Bhedābheda Vedānta School of bhakti-yoga.
特に Bhedābheda Vedānta Darśan 宗派において、これはインド哲学の本質的基本を伝える三つの議論第二番目です。
以前の話しでは 3つのことが本当に存在することを確証しました: 1.意識(本当のあなた自身)2.意識の対象(物質)3.両者の根源(上天)。意識はいつも何かを求めていますが、意識の対象物に何かを見つけることは決してできないようだと証明しました。意識はいつも何かを探してる。でも物質からそれを見つけることは決してできないということを確認しました。意識は幸せを探していてその幸せは愛を要約するものだということを悟りました。
サンスクリットの言葉でヨーガというのは文字通り結合(ユニオン)という意味であり、主に意識が本当の美しい関係を悟れるように先導する方法を説明しています。沢山あってサンスクリットの教典では100のヨーガでさえ説明されています。でもこれらすべてのヨーガは大きく分けた3つの種類に分散されます。(1) 活動によっての方法 – karma-ヨーガ; (2) 知識によっての方法 – jñāna-ヨーガ; (3) 愛によっての方法 – bhakti-ヨーガ.
まず最初に愛は愛する人を必要とします!意識の明かりは常に愛する人を探し続けています。でも意識が外的な対象物に限って求めている限り、努力は報われません。内向きに見ると、本当の自分の源Īśvaraを発見します、 Īśvara. そして私たちが大昔から探し続けたことがついに成功するでしょう。最も愛情のこもった、内密な Īśvaraの姿はKrishnaと言う名前(「すべてを魅了するお方」)やRāma (「すべての恋しいお方」)やHari(「ハート泥棒」)。Krishnaは愛のヨーガにおいて完璧な愛するお方です。
Śrī Rūpa Goswāmī は愛のヨーガで最も重要な創業者の一人。彼の Bhakti Rasāmṛta Sindhuと言う名前の本は愛のヨーガで一番大切な本です。この本は、愛の定義から始まります.
आबुकूल्यन कृष्णानुशीलनं भक्तिः
ですから愛は二つの要素で構成されています。1. 感情(最愛の人を喜ばせたいと思う感情)2. 行動(私たちの感情を表現する実践的方法)
Śrī Rūpa はさらに深く進んで本当の愛、純粋な愛 (uttama-bhakti)を定義しています。
अन्याभिलाषिताशून्यं ज्ञानकर्माद्यनावृतम्
感情と行動の両者が本物で純粋なとき、愛は本物で純粋になります。1. 隠された動機がない。愛する人を喜ばせたいという望みが唯一行動の動機としての感情です。2 表現が完全に愛する人を喜ばせたいというためだけなんです。何事にも気をとられず耐えまなく。
Śrī Rūpa が愛訓練の定義する:
कृतिसाध्या भवेत् साध्याभावा सा साधनाभिध । नित्यसिद्धस्यभावस्य प्राकट्यं हृदि साध्यता ॥
Śrī Rūpa は神聖な愛ヨーガ訓練を64の種類に定義しています。今日は最も重要な3項目の準備段階の修練と、そしてすべての訓練のうちで最強の5項目について説明しましょう。
本当に愛のヨーガを訓練は、まずguru-pādāśrayaḥ から始めなければなりません。このヨーガにおいて少なくとも自分よりすっと優れた人を探す必要があります。
3つ目の前段階の訓練はviśrambheṇa guroḥ sevāです。この人たちから頂いくインスピレーシヨン(感動)や指導に対していつも感謝すべきです。
私たちはこの3つの前段階の訓練をもっと簡単にする機会をキルタンパーティーに見ることができます。愛のヨーガにおいて私たちよりもっと真剣な人たちをここで見つけることができます。そして彼らとしゃべることもできますし、助けや指導を求めることもできます。私たちの究極のGuru, Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇīに、フルーツ、花、ご寄付などの贈り物をもってくることによって、そしてパーティーに真心をこめて役に立つように参加することで感謝の気持ちを現すことができます。
दुरूहाद्भुत वीर्ये ऽस्मिन् श्रद्धादूरे ऽस्तु पऩ्चके। यत्र स्वल्पो ऽपि सम्बन्धः सद्धियां भावजन्मने॥
最強の5つの訓練は愛を目覚めさせるために一番必要とされる5項目です:1.美しさ 2. 詩的 3. 友情関係 4. 音楽 5. 良い雰囲気
Śrī Rūpa は言っています。「Krishnaの美しい現れた姿に愛情を持ってささやかな奉仕を捧げよ。」Śrī Śrī Nandinī Nandanaはとても優しいので、ここ日本にその住居と姿を御現しになり、そして神聖な美しさによって私たちを魅了してしまいます。何か美味しいものを料理したり美しい飾りを買ったり、縫ったり、飾ったりすることでクリシュナの美しさにささやかな奉仕をささげましょう。愛情を持って実行して下さい。そうすれば、一度とても興味もっていたことをすぐに忘れてしまうような幸福感を味わうことができます。
स्मेरां भन्गीत्रयपरिचितां साचि विस्तीर्णद्रिष्टिं। वंशीन्यस्ताधरकिशलयामुज्ज्वलां चन्द्रकेण।
गोविन्दाख्यां हरितनुम् इतः केशितीर्थोपकण्ठे। मा प्रेक्षिष्ठास् तव यदि सखे बन्धु-सन्गे ‘स्ति रन्गः॥
Śrī Rūpa 言う,「美しいバーガヴァタムの意味を味わってください。」
शन्के नीताः सपदि दशमस्कन्धपद्यावलीनां। वर्णाः कर्णाध्वनि पथिकताम् आनुपूर्व्याद् भवद्भिः।
हंहो डिम्भाः परमशुभदान् हन्त धर्मार्थकामान्। यद् गर्हन्तः सुखमयम् अमी मोक्षम् अप्य् आक्षिपन्ति॥
Śrī Rūpa 言う「美しい愛するKrishnaに接近するなら特にあなたと同じような人、そしてあなたのことを自然に好きな人が助けてくれます。」
द्रिगम्भोभिर् धौतः पुलकपतली मण्डिततनुः। स्खलन् नन्तः फुल्लो दधद् अतिप्रिथुं वेपथुम् अपि।
द्रिशोः कक्षां यावन् मम स पुरुषः को ‘प्य् उपययौ। न जाने किं तावन् मतिर् इह ग्रिहे नाभिरमते॥
Śrī Rūpa 言う。「愛するクリシュナを音楽とダンスで祝いましょう。」
यदवधि मम शीता वैणिकेनानुगीता। श्रुतिपथमघ-शत्रोर् नामागाथा प्रयाता।
अनवकलितपूर्वां हन्त कामप्यवस्थां। तदवधि दधदन्तर्मानसं शाम्यतीव॥
Śrī Rūpa は「Vṛndāvan に住んで下さい」と言っています。
तटभुवि क्रित कान्तिः श्यामलायास्तटिन्याः। स्फुटितनवकदम्बालम्बिकूजद्द्विरेफा
निरवधिमधुरिम्ण मण्डितेयं कथं मे। मनसि कमपि भावं काननश्रीस् तनोति॥
蜜蜂が満開の kadamba の木の周りをブンブン飛び回っている青くて
この日本の福岡で Vṛndāvan の「大使館」を私たちは頑張って創りました。あなたの愛の修練をもっと簡単にもっと大きく花開かせることができる献身奉仕の環境を創りました。Kīrtan Partyでは五種類の最強の修行を、皆様がとても簡単にそして楽しむことができるので、私たちのKīrtan Partyをいつも手伝って下さることを切にお願いいたします。この部屋に入ると、ここはVṛndāvanの雰囲気に満ちあふれています。ここに来て下さった人たちとお話をし、Krishnaを愛する方々ともっと深い関係を築きたいと思います。神像や絵を見て、美しいKrishnaの姿を想像することができると思います。一緒に音楽を奏し、Krishnaの名前を歌えば、あなたが常に求めてきたあなたの意識の光という本当の幸せの悟りへ向かって、精神的に成長する強力な乗り物を一緒に作りあげることができると信じています。
愛のヨーガの方法は二つあるとŚrī Rūpa は説明しています。一つはその論理に服従することから、そしてもう一つは、それに対するあなた独自の愛の結果です。愛のヨーガが最上であるという事実を考えると二番目の方法がより純粋で誠実であるということは明白です。このヨーガの訓練にはこの方法が最強です。
これをRāgānugā-bhaktiと言います。また、心の中の将来像を見ない外的な修行はVaidhi-bhaktiと言います。Rāgānugā-bhaktiはBhedābheda Vedānta Darśanの主要な訓練。
Special thanks to Gītā Govinda Jī and Yaśodā Jī for working very hard on the Japanese translation!
Giriraj Swami read and spoke from Srimad-Bhagavatam 2.3.23 during the Sunday program.
“The instructions of the devotee are really just the instructions of Krishna. Krishna says, ‘Surrender unto Me,’ and the pure devotee says, ‘Surrender unto Krishna.’ So the teaching is the same. The guru is transparent. Whatever Krishna says, the devotee repeats. And whatever service is rendered to the guru, the guru passes on to his guru, who passes it on to his guru, all the way to Krishna. It is a clear channel. The knowledge comes from Krishna through parampara, and the service goes to Krishna through parampara.”
May blissful, spiritual, wonderful Vrndavana which with its charming groves where Sri Sri Radhika-Muralimohana enjoy pastimes, milks the ocean of nectar, destroy my sins.
[Source : Nectarean Glories of Sri Vrindavana-dhama by Srila Prabodhananda Sarasvati Thakura, 1-38 Translation ]
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(Kadamba Kanana Swami, May 2011, Radhadesh, Belgium, Lecture)
We have to be ready to be changed by the vaisnavas, by the directions of the vaiIsnavas. We have to be ready to give up our own ways, our own ideas and so on. We have to become soft!
It is said that as one is advancing in spiritual life, gradually the heart softens. At first it is like a rock, “I am what I am and who is going to tell me anything! I am here, surrendering to Krsna and that’s it! I am not going to listen to anybody, except, okay, the temple president, but that’s about it!”
Hard-hearted! But gradually, you must become softer. The heart melts, it is explained. Gradually, one becomes pliable and one becomes like clay or like dough. It becomes possible for us to be shaped by the desires of someone else. You have a plan and they will ask you to do just the opposite of your plan and we will say, “Yeah, sure!” There goes your plan!
That kind of flexibility is possible – that we can just give ourselves to the needs and desires of others. That is vaishnava!
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One, who is not, we see: but one, whom we see not, is:
Surely this is not that: but that is assuredly this.
What, and wherefore, and whence? for under is over and under:
If thunder could be without lightning, lightning could be without thunder.
Doubt is faith in the main: but faith, on the whole, is doubt:
We cannot believe by proof: but could we believe without?
Why, and whither, and how? for barley and rye are not clover:
Neither are straight lines curves: yet over is under and over.
Two and two may be four: but four and four are not eight:
Fate and God may be twain: but God is the same thing as fate.
Ask a man what he thinks, and get from a man what he feels:
God, once caught in the fact, shows you a fair pair of heels.
Body and spirit are twins: God only knows which is which:
The soul squats down in the flesh, like a tinker drunk in a ditch.
More is the whole than a part: but half is more than the whole:
Clearly, the soul is the body: but is not the body the soul?
One and two are not one: but one and nothing is two:
Truth can hardly be false, if falsehood cannot be true.
Once the mastodon was: pterodactyls were common as cocks:
Then the mammoth was God: now is He a prize ox.
Parallels all things are: yet many of these are askew:
You are certainly I: but certainly I am not you.
Springs the rock from the plain, shoots the stream from the rock:
Cocks exist for the hen: but hens exist for the cock.
God, whom we see not, is: and God, who is not, we see:
Fiddle, we know, is diddle: and diddle, we take it, is dee.
Sivarama Swami – Szilveszteri bhajan / Bhajans by HH Sivarama Swami