Turning Joy Into Lamentation
→ View From a New Vrindaban Ridge

“The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven..”
― John Milton, Paradise Lost

So it is said to enjoy lasting happiness we need to give up hankering and lamenting.

“As long as we are in material existence, we lament for the losses in our life and hanker for that which we do not have. A self-realized person is joyful because he is free from material lamentation and hankering.”

NBS 1*

So easy to say so hard to do as it is the nature of the mind to do so. Here is an example.

There is a short cut I have taken through Moundsville more than a hundred times. It involves a jag on 4th Street then a left by a church. The other day that street was closed so I had to go to the next one to cut over. On the way back I turned down that same street and had the realization that if I had gone to the normal street there is a stop sign there then another at 4th Street while the new route only had the stop sign at 4th.

Which meant that every time thereafter I take that route I can miss a stop sign and I take it a lot. So it should have been a moment of joy but my mind turned it into a lamentation by thinking how many times I had taken the old route and made an unnecessary stop.

Nothing changed but my mind made a negative reaction to what should have been a happiness. Such is the power of consciousness.

“One who is thus transcendentally situated at once realizes the Supreme Brahman and becomes fully joyful. He never laments or desires to have anything. He is equally disposed toward every living entity. In that state he attains pure devotional service unto Me.”

Bhagavad Gita 18.54

Filed under: News, Ramblings or Whatever

A tribute to Syamalal Prabhu
→ KKSBlog

syamlall_acbspHG Syamalal Prabhu, a disciple of Srila Prabhupada who served for many years in South Africa, departed this world on 5 January 2014. Here is an offering of appreciation to Syamalal Prabhu written by Kadamba Kanana Swami.

Dear Syamalal Prabhu,

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

You were a Navadvipa boy, when you met Prabhupada. He sent you to Calcutta to serve with Gargamuni and Brahmananda. You did it faithfully and even when your father expired, Prabhupada wouldn’t let you go back home to meet your family. You stayed under Prabhupada’s shelter.

Later, you collected large sums of money to push forward Prabhupada’s movement in South Africa and around the world. You always remained under Prabhupada’s shelter.

In your final days, when due to disease so much of your memory was lost, what remained was the essence of your being. You remained the resident of Navadvipa, who with great culture welcomed and respected the vaisnavas. You remained the dedicated servant of Prabhupada and remembered all your pastimes with him over and over, many times a day.

I could see how in those final days your consciousness was all auspicious, because you had taken shelter of Prabhupada only throughout your entire life, until the very end. . I know you are now with His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada once again.

We will miss you Syamalal, but in the future we will meet again at Prabhupada’s feet.

Thank you very much for all your association,

Your servant,

Kadamba Kanana Swami


Hari Nama on New Year Eve, in London
→ simple thoughts


Dear Maharaj/Prabhu,
Please accept my humble obeisances,
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

His Divine Grace wanted us to be happy.
Chanting the Hare Krishna mantra brings one to the platform of the soul.
Happiness is one of the symptoms of devotional service, check out the smiling face on this movie.

On New Year’s Eve central London becomes one big party, millions of people take to the streets, no cars are allowed, and the ground is ready for the biggest Harinam ever.

Enjoy the movie
Your servant Parasuram Das

Tuesday, January 7th, 2014
→ The Walking Monk

Houston, Texas

Shuno Shepa

Walking today constituted zealous steps, the circle fashion, both inside the Radha Nilamadhava Temple and outside it’s expansive parking lot.

I also ventured around the neighbourhood here off of 34th Street.  It’s a mix of residential bungalow homes, plazas, doughnut and pizza shops and churches.  It is a place of many automobiles zooming by.  I see more dogs in people’s yards than people.  It’s not a criticism, but an observation.

Regarding dogs, I was asked to speak today from the book, Bhagavatam.  And what sticks out in the message delivered this morning, had to do with a dog’s tail.  Shuno shepa.  In the verse from Canto 7, the very cultured child, Prahlad, was being tortured by his father.  The father observed his son’s undivided attention to Vishnu, a name for the Absolute.  Prahlad’s father was agitated with the focus of his son, considered it the utmost distraction, and compelled him to put the boy under intense duress.  He likened the boy’s mind to that of a dog’s tail.  Prahlad was unswerved in his fixation on Vishnu, and it was this focus in purity that could not be changed, like trying to make straight the curve in a dog’s tail.

There’s a whole language to a dog’s tail, whether it waggles or not.  The dog may be aroused or feel defeated, humbled or loved, and there’s movements to demonstrate such swaying moods by the way of the tail.  Whatever is the emotion, the tail always has a curve.

The reason for my visit to Houston was to attend our North American AGM.  I’m not the greatest meetings person.  Topics are fine, mission oriented, socially sensitive, and are necessary.  But, it all becomes a little too sedentary for me.  Once I go for those evening drama practices (when meetings are over) my tail starts waggling with joy.

We are all wired differently.  The tail of the dog waggles on its own time.  You just want to make sure that you are in the position of shuno shepa, be unflinching in your devotion.

May the Source be with you!

4 KM

→ The Loft Yoga Lounge Auckland

The Loft reopens After having a refreshing break, the loft will be up and running as usual starting with our first Sunday ‘Free Spirit Festival’ this Sunday 12th Jan 2014. Kick start your year with a complete yoga experience, this Sunday, with healing sound vibrations, wisdom, dance and food. Starts 5pm and only $5 before 5.30pm [...]

The post REOPENING on SUNDAY appeared first on The Loft Yoga Lounge Auckland.

A matter of the heart
→ KKSBlog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, May 2011, Radhadesh, Belgium, Lecture)

pulse-traceWhen I speak about different levels of commitment to different levels of authorities, then I’m speaking about a matter of the heart.

When it comes to our spiritual master, we must give our heart and we must try, we must try cent percent. Although we will not make it, we must have a desire and we must have that kind of commitment in our heart.

With others, we may maintain a certain inner privacy and yet co-operate in the social context.




Chanting Chanting Chanting
→ simple thoughts



TO obtain the full blessings of Lord Krishna for good meditation devotees of syamsundar krishna chant the panch tattva mantra first.


Then with humble and submisive mood devotees chant;


They chant EACH SYLLABLE-Aloud and clearly; and Listen very carefully and concentrate on sound of the MAHA MANTRA’



The flower garland placed around  srimati radharani which is  non different than-[HARE] mantra.

Then flower garland placed around Sri Krishna which is non different than KRISHNA-mantra

In these way ALL -SIXTEEN MANTRA is garlanded and mentally the sweetest fragrant incense is offered to the whole mantra as[ WORSHIP]

Then the holy name worshiper of the LORD sits before the HOLY   NAME MANTRA- AS-HIS WORSHIPFUL- DEITY and He begins to CHANT with concentrated effort.

While worshiping the holy name there are millions of other thoughts appears in the mind ; The subtle unwanted thoughts carries away the chaste contrentration on radhe syama”.
despite that’, Sincere lovers of the holy name remain vigilant to steady their concentration in order to serve the holy name with affection,.
[Mental- Mantra -Card] in japa area helps a lot.

Desire for sense gratification subtle thoughts for sense gratification Gross sense gratification.

Contemplating for sense gratification
IF all these considered as-[ SINFUL]-
Then how to live in this body. Because this body needs some sense gratification in order to survive.

But the devotees of the Lord are constantly engage in gratifying -KRISHNA’S SENSES, therefore their senses are controlled. ‘And in order to FREE from the KARMA of daily senses gratification; Devotees perform austerity by concentrated chanting. And controlling senses and engage in service of the Lord.’

Where non devotees have no clue what do you mean by sense gratification; There whole life is base on sense gratification.

Now I came to realise that I am personally one of them,. Who cannot control senses thats why? I suffer so much in my daily day to day devotional practice.

[SRILA PRABHUPADA ] ……  Don’t give up chanting constant chanting will help control senses and work on it.


Begging for kind mercy.

Father of the Fallen–Experimental space hip-hop video about Śrīla Prabhupāda
→ Dandavats.com

Surrendering to your love by your mercy I find a treasure of pastimes our heart and soul cannot find a love in the morning sky no fire no moon no stars compare to your loving arms father of the fallen deliver me from misery revealing and speaking through hearts your light shot right through the dark dispelling the lifetimes within me destroying all of my ignorance detangle me from this flesh and thought -- Read more ›

80 kilometers through a jungle area to the temple of Sri Janardana which was visited by Lord Caitanya 500 years ago – 68 pics
→ Dandavats.com

"Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu remained for two or three days at Ananta Padmanabha and visited the temple there. Then, in great ecstasy He went to see the temple of Sri Janardana." [ CC Madhya 9.242 ] "Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu chanted and danced at Sri Janardana for two days. He then went to the bank of the Payasvini River and visited the temple of Sankara-narayana." [ CC Madhya 9.243 ] -- Read more ›

Showers of Mercy in Kuala Lumpur
→ ISKCON Malaysia


More pictures here

Sri Jaganntha Mandir celebrated its annual Ratha Yatra festival at Brickfields (Indian enclave), Kuala Lumpur on Saturday, 4 January 2013. We were blessed to have the association of HH Bhakti Vrajendra Nandana Swami Maharaja (President of ISKCON Malaysia), HH Janananda Goswami Maharaja, Prabhavisnu dasa (ACBSP), Ajamila Prabhu dasa (ACBSP), Vrndavana Candra dasa (Vice President) and Simheswara dasa (Regional Secretary) and devotees from Ukraine, America, Europe, Australia, Nepal, Thailand, Singapore, Bangladesh and Malaysia.

The procession started at 4:30pm with arati and sweeping of road. It has been raining everyday for the past few days in Kuala Lumpur and it was a concern for all the devotees. And it was not different on Ratha Yatra day. Soon after Their Lordships started to move on the chariot rain also started. Nevertheless it did not spoil the enthusiasm of devotees. Everyone continued chanting and dancing in rain with bliss. The roads were being washed to welcome Their Lordships.

Lords Jagannatha, Baladeva, Subhadra Devi and Sudarshana went through the city giving darshan to one and all. Many foreigners also joined pulling the ratha, singing and dancing in joy. Kirtan party lead by different kirtaneers, including Ekalavya dasa and Sadhu Kripamoy dasa (Bangladesh), sang melodiously throughout the procession. The chariot festival ended at the jam packed Kandiah Hall where we had more ecstatic kirtans, spiritual discourses by senior Vaisnavas, dance drama and tasty Jagannatha prasädam feast. Devotees were delighted to have the association of HH Bhakti Vrajendra Nandana Swami after his amazing recovery from near fatal heart attack. Lokabandhu Gauranga dasa, Deputy Minister for Federal Territories, also graced the occasion and led the arati kirtan and addressed the devotees. Around 2000 plates of prasadam and around 200 books were distributed during Ratha Yatra.

a new year…time for re(new)ing commitments?
→ everyday gita

Verse 4.30: All these performers who know the meaning of sacrifice become cleansed of sinful reactions, and, having tasted the nectar of the results of sacrifices, they advance toward the supreme eternal atmosphere.

The New Year often brings a sense of fresh beginnings. It's a time to introspect, make new resolutions or perhaps re-commit to old ones.

In order to make good on resolutions, promises and vows, it requires steadiness of mind. As we've discussed before, the mind can be a little crazy (to put it mildly)! It possesses the characteristic of chanchala which is the sanskrit word for flickering or moving rapidly. And that, my friends, is the problem many of us face when trying to stick to any promises we make.

Although we may have the best of intentions to stick to our commitments, it's difficult when we reside 24/7 with a tenant, the mind, who is constantly accepting and rejecting various thoughts and ideas. Notice how when first making a resolution or promise, you feel strong and focused? It's because at that moment, the mind may be accepting of it. However, as time wears on, the the sacrifices one may need to make to keep that commitment becomes more apparent.

Therein lies our problem. At that intersection when our commitment is standing in the way of something else that we desire, the mind can act as our worst enemy. If it controls us, our determination wanes and our resolve weakens to stick to our word. That's because the mind is always seeking out ways and ideas to please the senses, not the heart or soul. We are placed in a predicament because our senses seek pleasure which is often temporary and our commitments often require postponing that immediate pleasure.

Although it's an example that's been used before, we'll use it again just because it illustrates this point so beautifully. Resolving to work out more frequently is often a commitment that is renewed around this time of year. For the first few days, weeks or even months, this may seem pretty easy to maintain. However, as time wears on, it's the mind that often gets in the way. "But that cupcake is just so delicious, just a mini one can't hurt," it'll cajole. Then suddenly some unexpected projects fall onto our plate and the mind may say "Impossible to go to the gym, just see all the work you have to finish. And you can't work without eating, so eat what you want!" So tricky is the mind that it's often hard to realize what's happening! It provokes one to ask, "How can I control it or at the very least steady it?"

Integral to the practice of yoga is mantra meditation. By focusing on powerful sound vibration, it helps to calm the mind. Even better is if one incorporates mantra meditation as part of a regular practice. Whether it be two minutes a day or two hours, the effects are powerful. It is the most practical way to steady the mind and costs nothing except a small investment of time.

So go ahead and make new commitments and/or renew old ones! Now you know the secret for ensuring success!