Prabhupada Letters :: Anthology 2014-01-02 03:34:00 →
Prabhupada Letters :: 1974
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(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 13 December 2013, Pretoria, South Africa, Evening Program)
The essence of what I’m trying to say is that we must fill our life with service to Krsna. That is the difference, you see. Hearing, chanting and other service to Krsna will make the difference.
Otherwise, we will be alone, wherever we are. It doesn’t matter who we are with, still alone! But when we are really absorbed in service to Krsna, then we will never be alone. Never!
Therefore we will never be feeling any lacking. One who is not with Krsna all the time always feels something lacking, even if you have everything.
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Today or tomorrow this worthless material body will leave me and all the material happiness connected with it will also leave. Because material happiness is temporary, it should be understood to be only a mirage of the real happiness. O my mind, please abandon this false happiness and enjoy the real, eternal happiness of devotional service within the land of Vrindavana.
[ Source : Nectarean Glories of Sri Vrndavana-dhama by Srila Prabodhananda Sarasvati Thakura, 1-23 Translation ]
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Start of a new year normally a time when I reflect on the previous year the good, bad and ugly bits.
Reflection on practice was something instilled during my nurse training to critically analyse not to see what went well, what could be improved and what went wrong in order to avoid the same mistakes.
This years hospital admission taught me a lot especially about Japa and our connection with our Guru Maharajah; Japa is not that easy the mind becomes an uncontrollable beast it was so kind that the devotee Dipak Prabhu who came with me kept me focused and chanting. Sharing my thoughts with my Guru Maharajah helped focus my mind on one fact, difficulty in chanting comes from inattentive Japa. A timely warning!
It was also wonderful the few amazing devotees who cooked and visited me each day, Thankfully I was admitted during the Diwali festival period not in my home town here in Wales were I would have been without such association (their would be no devotee visits). Reflecting again it shows the value of association, we forget that in many ways the only reason we remain strong is by building strong relationships with sincere devotees. Yes! None of us are pure devotees but were all getting their slowly and that in itself is inspirational, knocking the rough edges off each other. If we want to make progress in devotional life then these devotees are going to be the key.
It was also a year in which I again started to give class in the temple especially humbling as you look out at the amazing devotees who’s knowledge is more expansive than mine; but they listen attentively ask questions and encourage me to give more classes. It is amazing how many personal realizations you gain whilst giving class I think I learn more than those who are listening.
It makes me laugh how I start Pujari clean as the devotees allow me to do the morning transfers and assist the pujari’s in a small way; to ending up making the local dustmen looking remarkably clean given the duties that Acharia prabhu gives for me to do as seva; but it’s always worth the trip and time off work.
The community and school seva is slowly increasing I would love it to increase and cover the whole of Wales; but my inexperience shows; we had the second community Diwali joined by a wonderful devotee couple Mena and Vijay, Mena made a wonderful cake and Vijay did an amazing Kirtan as arati was offered. Yes were planning on another this year, hoping to make it bigger and better I plan one year to take over the Grand Theatre in the sea side town of Porthcawl it’s an aspiration.
But my underlining realization is that of friendship from those who I see and chat to in the guest room, to the pujaris, senior devotees and remarkable devotees who give up their time to do some devotional service. Each inspire and keep me motivated; without this association I would never make any spiritual progress; may Krishna continue to bless you all and your family.
With great pleasure, ISKCON Mayapur invites devotees worldwide to celebrate the Gaura Purnima festival 2014 at Sri Dham Mayapur. On the 27th of February Kirtan Mela will begin, followed by the festival inauguration, various festivities, Navadwipa Mandala Parikrama, and the grand celebration of Gaura Purnima on the 16th of March. Gaura Purnima 2014 Festival Schedule […]
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Video of Sugosh leading New Vrindaban’s 24 Hour Kirtan – June 15th, 2013.
KUALA LUMPUR - While most of us were relaxing at home on New Year's Day, we heard a very shocking news that our Ratha Yatra stalwart had a heart attack. Although we live in a muslim country, we have the good fortune to have Ratha Yatras without a problem. And not only that we have almost 40 Ratha Yatras in a year and definitely the most in the Iskcon world. Our travelling deities, Sri Sri Jagannath, Baladev and Subhatra move from one state to another and most of the times is taken care with such loving devotion and care by Ananda Dulal dasa and wife, Shyama Puja dasi. They even purchased a MPV for easy and comfortable travel for these deities with whatever little they earn. They always get gifts for these deities and some of the more elaborate headgears that our deities wear is due to their effort.
His travel normally intensifies this month due to the increase in Ratha Yatras in the holiday season. And today is another Ratha Yatra in Malacca. He had heart attack as he was getting up for Mangala Arati at Bhakta Valatarasu's house in Malacca.
ISKCON Juhu Deity Darshan – 31 Dec 2013