Sunday Love Feast | ||||||||||||||||||
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Sunday Love Feast | ||||||||||||||||||
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“You are Mine and I am yours. All that is Mine is yours. He who hates you also hates Me, and he who follows you also follows Me. Formerly you were Nara and I was Narayana. Though individuals, we are as one. No one can understand our oneness and difference.”
- Krishna to Arjuna, Mahabharata, Vana Parva
Please see the link for all photos …
Whose heart would not be enchanted by Vrindavana where Sri Radhika-Madanamohana enjoy many pastimes, where there are many trees and flowering vines, where the ground is paved with jewels, and where the birds, deer and other animals are all maddened with transcendental bliss?
[ Source : Nectarean Glories of Sri Vrndavana-dhama by Srila Prabodhananda Sarasvati Thakura, 1-19 Translation ]
Whose heart would not be enchanted by Vrndavana where Sri Radhika-Madanamohana enjoy many pastimes, where there are many trees and flowering vines, where the ground is paved with jewels, and where the birds, deer and other animals are all maddened with transcendental bliss?
[ Sourcs : Nectarean Glories of Sri Vrndavana-dhama by Srila Prabodhananda Sarasvati Thakura, 1-19 Translation ]
After a bit of testing, I’ve discovered that I need to do more testing. I removed the single element meniscus lens from the black & white only Polaroid Big Swinger 3000. First, I placed it in the Colorpack II, after removing the three glass elements. I found that only things about four feet away were in focus – everything else was blurry.
Hardly discouraged, I dug the plastic lenses out of my Polaroid EE100 and plopped the BS3k lens in their place (this was no where near as easy as I make it sound). Because the two cameras thus far mentioned had the same focal distance (114mm), I got the same results in both. However, since the EE100 is a folding camera, I can reduce the focal length so that (in theory – I’ve not tested this yet … much) everything is in focus (as it was in the BS3k).
Though I’ve yet to test it with film, I was able to test it with wax paper! This was an exciting bit of brain storming that I later discovered was already known by pretty much anyone who has ever built a camera. Anyway, by dismantling an empty film pack, I was able to tape a piece of wax paper to the spot where the film otherwise would sit. From a dark room, I pointed the camera out the window and moved the front piece of the camera (containing the lens and shutter) back towards me until things were in much better focus. All said, it was about a half inch back – give or take.
All this was because Fuji stopped making black & white Polaroid film, thus rendering my B&W only BS3k obsolete. Taking a HUGE que from this post, I popped the lens out of the BS3k (without breaking anything) and eventually placed it not in a ridged bodied camera but in a “new” folding camera, the EE100 (which is basically the same thing as the Reporter). I used an xacto knife and finally a dremmel, but was able to cut away enough plastic to fit the lens, but not enough to damage anything beyond use.
The photo above was taken with the EE100 (w/ BS3k lens) before I realized that I could actually get everything in focus by pulling the lens closer to me. While I really love the look of the photo, 90% or more of what I shoot are wide landscape scenes. I almost never have a subject in the foreground. If I do, then usually there really isn’t a background. This was going to force me to look at things in different ways, to retrain my eye to see in 3D (or something). I was really excited about it.
But now I’m even more excited that I might not have to relearn this! Actually, since the camera defaults to a close focus, and since only by manually pulling back the shutter/lens can I get to (and past) the infinity stop, it will serve as a constant reminder to look for subjects rather than at landscapes only. Basically, I turned the Big Swinger 3000 from a fixed focus black & white only camera to a scale focus color (and b&w – the EE100 has a setting for 3000iso) camera. There are, of course, no markings to tell me when something may or may not be in focus. Basically, I’ve created the trombone of Polaroids. Dig me!
Sorry for being so long-winded, but I figure that someone out there might want to try this modification.
And if I really wanted to, I could just desaturate it.
Kali Yuga series 11.
The post Oil massage anyone? And about sacred places, hairstyle, the goal of life, lawyers, good housekeepers and ritualists appeared first on SivaramaSwami.com.
An Interview with Krsna dasi from England
Dec. 20, 2013
Lilasuka dasi: Krsna dasi, what made you think of coming to New Vrindaban?
Krsna dasi: Many reasons, really. But the main reason was that New Vrindaban was a very dear project to Srila Prabhupada. If I was going to go anywhere outside of my home country, it’s New Vrindaban because it was so dear to Srila Prabhupada. Actually, I saw an advertisement online in January this year from Jaya Krsna inviting people to come to New Vrindaban. I was working at the time, so I couldn’t go right away. But I did come here as soon as I got a chance. New Vrindaban is a major historic project for ISKCON – the perfect place to spend some time.
LD: There are parts of New Vrindaban’s past history that aren’t so pleasant. Did you know about this and did you decide to come anyways?
KD: Yes, I knew some of the history and had heard bits of things, but I deliberately didn’t catch up on it. I wanted to experience New Vrindaban as it is today, first-hand. I didn’t care to know about the history.
LD: What was the actual impetus that made you finally decide to come?
KD: I replied to Jaya Krsna that I’d like to come and volunteer for a few weeks for whatever was needed. I told him that I could do things like office work, or cooking. He replied, “Yes! Sure! Please come!”
LD: So you’re had some experience cooking for Krsna?
KD: Yes. I cooked back home in 1987. Then, from 1987 to 2000, I used to cook at the Sunday feast at whatever temple I was visiting. I had visited many temples in Europe. After I came to New Vrindaban, I got to cook for a Sunday feast once. I think it’s great when a Sunday feast has lots of sweets, so I cooked sweets for the feast. I like to bake.
LD: What do you like about New Vrindaban?
KD: Wow! That’s a big question. The first thing is that New Vrindaban is an old ISKCON project that Srila Prabhupada really wanted. This is important to me. Also, there are lots of older devotees from the early days that stuck with New Vrindaban. That’s inspirational. Finally, everywhere you go in America, you pretty much know that you’re in America. But here, it is a world apart. And everything you need to live is here! At least, that’s my experience. You don’t even have to leave once you’re here.
Also, we can have the association of all different kinds of devotees, with different backgrounds and experiences. In the summer time, especially, lots of young, enthusiastic devotees come and stay for a while and serve. New Vrindaban is really vibrant. There’s a great morning program with a lot of devotees attending. I mean, compared to some temples where I’ve been, sometimes there are only one or two devotees attending, and if you are not a singer, it’s very difficult.
LD: Tell me more. I’m getting enlivened just listening to you!
KD: Well, there’s a real sense of community here. One thing is that so many devotees take breakfast and lunch together, which reminds me of the old days. It’s really nice.
It’s a busy place where everyone is always busy with so much service to do. When you see that everyone is engaged either in pujari work, cooking, gardening, wood chopping, the restaurant, the lodge, whatever – it’s encouraging.
I also like the way the kitchen is set up, with all stainless steel. Obviously it needs a bit of work, but it’s easy to cook in and I love the big double ovens. It works! I love the scenery in New Vrindaban. I’ve always loved walking. At home, I walk six and a half miles to work every day, which takes about one hour and 10 minutes. So I love going for long walks here too.
LD: I understand you’re leaving in a few days. Are you planning to come back?
KD: If I’m allowed! I would like to. I love it here. I’ve always felt welcome. The devotees look after me and the ashram is quite comfortable.
LD: You make New Vrindaban sound like Utopia!
KD: Well, I especially like the service I do when I come here. A person can get engaged in their own propensity. It’s such a big place so no matter what you like to do, there’s something here for you. As a matter of fact, I have thought of services for some of my friends if they would ever come here. I know exactly where they’d fit in. I’ve also asked my son and daughter to come here. They’d love it.
LD: Thank you very much, Krishna dasi.
H.H Giriraj Swami – Disappearance of Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur
The post December 28th, 2013 – Darshan appeared first on Mayapur.com.
From Vikas Kumar:
From Vikas Kumar:
From Srikar
From Srikar
From Ravikumar Shukla
Someone might argue that, after death, we also leave our present form, and may get another form, lets say a form of a dolphin.
That means our present form is not real, similarly the next form of dolphin is also not real, since it will get destroyed by time factor.
Now, can someone say that forms are not real because they get destroyed by time, but we are real because we don't get destroyed and hence we are truth.
For substantiating the above point, this people take the support of Srimad Bhagvad Gita, chapter-2, verse-16.
In which they claim that,
that which is false is always destroyed (forms)
And that which is true is never destroyed (soul)
Hence they conclude by saying that , soul is formless
How to understand this with Gaudiya Vaishnav commentaries in a better manner.please suggest
"Those who desire riches suffer, while those who have riches suffer even more."
Ekachakra brahmin at whose house the Pandavas were residing, Mahabharata translated by Krishna Dharma Das
I told you yesterday about Fuji discontinuing their B&W Polaroid film (FP-3000B). I also mentioned the Polaroid Big Swinger 3000 that could only shoot 3000iso film. Now that the film is discontinued and I’ve shot my last pack (the photo above being the last photo), the camera is now obsolete. It’s sad, but I didn’t let it get me down (too much).
I loved the BS3k. The blur around the edges was magical, and I had always wanted to shoot color with it. because of the size of the aperture (shutter, actually), it was impossible. But what I could do was remove the cheap plastic lens and put it in another Polaroid.
This was easier said than done, but I did it. I used a Polaroid Colorpack II. As I soon discovered, this was the wrong camera to try it upon. The lens system was built like a tank. Where most are plastic, this was metal with glass lenses. I made this discovery when the broken glass (I was using a hammer to remove the lens) cut my thumb. A bunch of blood later, and the lenses were removed.
I’ve been able to put the old BS3k lens inside it, securing it best I could by screwing down the focus of he CPII. The quandary is that I have no idea where the focal point might be – or even if there is one. With only one lens, what sort of depth of field will I have? Will everything be blurry? Will everything be in focus?
I don’t yet have the ability to focus (the BS3k was fixed-focus), but if the preliminary trials go well, I might try to find a way to make it a more permanent thing that will allow me to adjust the lens. We shall see. I’ve not yet loaded film into it, but it should take only a few shots to have my answers. I bet I’ll post the results.
The camera will be called Polaroid Colorpack Swinger (I suppose).
The post December 27th in Krsna Valley appeared first on SivaramaSwami.com.
Kali Yuga series 10.
The post In Kali Yuga you are unholy without money, virtuous if a hypocrite, married by agreement alone and fit to be seen by a bath alone appeared first on SivaramaSwami.com.