SB 01.05.06 – The Lord is detached yet masively active – Meditating on him makes us similarly effective
Spiritual Embassies of the World – Sri Vrindavan Dhama, India (51 min beautiful video)
SB 01.05.05 – Remove the blocks that prevent Krishna’s wisdom from entering our head and his mercy from entering our heart
→ The Spiritual Scientist
New Vrindaban daily Darsan @ December 25, 2013.
→ New Vrindaban Brijabasi Spirit
To drink: the freely flowing streams are filled with clear sweet water as nectar. To eat: the dried leaves from the trees are foods as palatable as one could desire. The warm breezes are just as one would have them. To reside: there are clean mountain caves and other suitable residences. Alas! Alas! How unfortunate I would be if I wished to leave Vrindavana!
Sivarama Swami goes in book distribution to make sure he meets Srila Prabhupada (Album 10 photos)
Reporting in from our wonderful X-mas FFL distribution festival
The post Reporting in from our wonderful X-mas FFL distribution festival appeared first on
Scenes preceding the food distribution
The post Scenes preceding the food distribution appeared first on
It was a good year – Welcome 2014!
→ KKSBlog
I wish you a happy Hare Krishnamas. 2013 has been a wonderful year and things are getting even better. However we had our fair share of problems – bad hosting, being offline for a week, uploading not working… but we pulled through! And, we did amazing things – new Facebook profile, new newsletter, new media page, new hosting, improved speed. Some other new features include the author displayed on each post and a refreshed layout. There is more good stuff in the planning!
KKSBlog numbers for 2013
- received 8510 page views/month
- most visitors came from South Africa, India and the UK
- our best month was November 2013 in terms of number of views
- had 400+ new articles posted
- most read article was “Strong Medicine” with 848 views
- was offline for one week
- is using 35 GB of data
- has 6780 photos and 486 mp3 files
Our Team
Who gives you the daily news? And who creates all these wonderful quotes and transcripts? This is not possible without the constant work & energy of our core team. We like to say an extra special thank you to:
- Harsarani dd - Our stalwart
- Ananda Vrindavana dd - The newest member on the team
- Nicole - A constant contributor in 2013
- Anisha dd - One of the original team members
- Jananivasa das – Our travel reporter
- Ragalekha dd - The editor
- Uddhava das - The techno-man
Our team is much bigger. Check out our team page
Our Backers
KKSBlog is made up of our team and supported financially by our backers. All in all, it is a community effort and were are very happy that it works out beautifully. We like to thank our backers that supported us in 2013 and will hopefully support us in the future again. Special thanks to:
- Aindavi dd, Australia
- Anonymous
- Astha Sakhi dd, Netherlands
- Bahulasva das, Sweden
- Csaba Szabo, Hungary
- Csitraketu das, Csaba Szabó, Hungary
- Doyal Govinda das, Germany
- Gita Govinda devi dasi, The Netherlands
- Govardhanesvari dd, Germany
- Keshava Madhava das, Switzerland
- Madhava das – Mica Pilsbury, Australia
- Nadia mani dd, Netherlands
- Nama rupa devi dasi, Sweden
- Padmanabha, Australia
- Ravindra Svarupa Das, The Netherlands
- Shiva Nanda, Syama Chandra das, Australia
- Stritama Shereitt, Hawai
- Subash Velagapudi – Sudama das
- Sveta Ganga dd, Nayanabhirama d, Australia
- Vanessa Schutz, Switzerland
- Yajneshvar Arumugam
Our backers supported us financially with almost 1800 euro. Visit our support page for all the details.
2014 – Things to come
2014 will be a year of “things to come”. We started in Nov 2013 by making all the albums of Kadamba Kanana Swami available for purchase & download. More media will be added in the coming months. Nama-rupa dd from Sweden is helping us to edit our mp3 media collection. Thanks to Saurabh Agrawal, we have corrected many problems with our website. This proves yet again that KKSBlog is a community effort, already running for 8 years. Lets continue it…!
2014 Already??! – What did i miss?
A lot.
- New Facebook profile : check it out
- New newsletter system (you would not have noticed this)
- Page with photos of Giriraja Govinda
We have also launched the new media page. Here you will find media and links from Kadamba Kanana Swami and Jayadvaita Swami. All audio albums by Kadamba Kanana Swami are easily available…
Other updated pages
Finally, thank you to you, OUR READER, for following KKSBlog and for liking & sharing our posts!
Narcissus Flowers for Krishna in New Vrindaban
→ New Vrindaban Brijabasi Spirit
Narcissus for Krsna
By Lilasuka dasi
Perhaps you’ve seen them. If you’ve been up on the second floor of the Radha Vrindaban Chandra temple building, you’ve probably seen the beautiful “paper white narcissus” flowers growing in the front window. Their brilliant white color thrives on all the direct sunlight there. ECOV is growing these durable, fragrant flowers inside, during the cold winter months, for offering to the Deities.
Most of the mature narcissus have already been picked and offered, but see the new baby ones coming up! By planting 125 a week, a steady supply is available for Their Lordships Radha Vrindaban Chandra.
Krsna says in the Bhagavad Gita, “If one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, flower, fruit or water, I will accept it.” [BG 9.26] Srila Prabhupada’s vision for New Vrindaban included self-sufficiency, along with four other aspects, all for the purpose of loving Krsna. So, the growing of these lovely little, aromatic narcissus flowers is a small part of fulfilling that vision.
Bhadrinarayan Das on Strategic Planning
Badrinarayan Dasa has been a member of ISKCON’s Governing Body Commission (GBC) since 1987. He became a member of ISKCON in 1970, and was initiated by Srila Prabhupada the following year in Los Angeles. An eloquent speaker, he is noted for his discourses which link current affairs with spiritual matters in a very relevant and practical way.
“Spiritual Embassies” Documentary Premieres in London
The second in the “Spiritual Embassies of the World” film series, entitled “Sri Vrindavana Dhama, India” has received its premiere in London, England. The first screening, on December 14th, was shown to a Bhakti Vriksha congregational group at the beautiful 17th century Swiss Church in Covent Garden.
Prabhupada Letters :: Anthology 2014-12-25 06:16:00 →
Prabhupada Letters :: 1947-64
Klang – Ratha Yatra 2013
→ ISKCON Malaysia Photos
Klang – Ratha Yatra 2013
→ ISKCON Malaysia Photos
Klang – Ratha Yatra 2013
→ ISKCON Malaysia Photos
Klang – Ratha Yatra 2013
→ ISKCON Malaysia Photos
Klang – Ratha Yatra 2013
→ ISKCON Malaysia Photos
Klang – Ratha Yatra 2013
→ ISKCON Malaysia Photos
Klang – Ratha Yatra 2013
→ ISKCON Malaysia Photos
Klang – Ratha Yatra 2013
→ ISKCON Malaysia Photos
Klang – Ratha Yatra 2013
→ ISKCON Malaysia Photos
Klang – Ratha Yatra 2013
→ ISKCON Malaysia Photos
Pushpa Abhisek – 44th Installation Anniversary of Sri Sri Radha Londonisvara
→ Gouranga TV - The Hare Krishna video collection
Pushpa Abhisek – 44th Installation Anniversary of Sri Sri Radha Londonisvara
Rain or Shine, the Show must go on!!
→ ISKCON Malaysia
KLANG - 19th Annual Chariot Festival, the Ratha Yatra Klang, a grand finish despite the heavy rain! Well done organisers! It was a stunning experience with the Bengoli devotees came out in full force chanting and dancing. They distributed their own T-shirts beautiful bright yellow with black wordings. HH Janananda Goswami Maharaja and another sannyasi from Australia added great blissful feeling to the visitors and devotees. Hari Hari Bol! All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!
Happy Holidays from Your Toronto Hare Krishna Temple!
→ The Toronto Hare Krishna Temple!
Bukit Mertajam – Harinam 2013
→ ISKCON Malaysia Photos
Bukit Mertajam – Harinam 2013
→ ISKCON Malaysia Photos
Bukit Mertajam – Harinam 2013
→ ISKCON Malaysia Photos
Bukit Mertajam – Harinam 2013
→ ISKCON Malaysia Photos
Bukit Mertajam – Harinam 2013
→ ISKCON Malaysia Photos
Bukit Mertajam – Harinam 2013
→ ISKCON Malaysia Photos
Bukit Mertajam – Harinam 2013
→ ISKCON Malaysia Photos
December 25th, 2013 – Darshan
The post December 25th, 2013 – Darshan appeared first on
An Unforgettable Night – Candlelit Sunday Feast
→ The Toronto Hare Krishna Temple!
However, spirits remained high and all of the aratis (services) and offerings for our beautiful Deities, Sri Sri Radha Ksira-Chora Gopinatha, went right on schedule. As Sunday wore on, it became evident that we wouldn't have power for our weekly Sunday Feast. At first, we thought nobody would show up, but we decided the show must go on and planned a simple evening program. Of course, the temple was hosting HG Vaisesika prabhu and HG Nirakula mataji and their presence took things from "simple" to "simply wonderful"!
What played out was a stunningly beautiful Sunday Feast, with (amazingly) approximately 100 guests present. Candles were placed ALL around the Temple Room and with no microphones, it was pin-drop silence that welcomed each inspiring word that HG Vaisesika prabhu spoke. Everyone's collected voices chanted in kirtans that warmed the heart, if not the entire body!
Of course, words can only say so much. So allow us to present some stunning pictures from the event. Captured with high exposure and wide aperture settings (thanks to Tarun and Manish prabhus), we were able to capture some incredible visuals from the program, despite the very low lighting! These might very well arguably be some of the best photos of 2013! Check them out:
How can we identify false ego while doing services?
→ The Spiritual Scientist
When do questions move from being inquisitive to offensive? What kind of questions can be asked?
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Is chanting with beads more blissful because the fingers are connected with certain brain parts?
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Announcement: “Spiritual Quotes” started; services needed; Full Bhakti Shastri Course videos uploaded
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Starting "Spiritual Quotes":
In this feature, I will be posting quotes from acharyas in the Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition (except for Srila Prabhupada whose quotes will continue to be published in the Prabhupada quotes category), as well as spiritually meaningful quotes from other sources such as scriptures - Vedic and non-Vedic; and saints and thinkers from different traditions.
Services Needed:
1. Images: Those who visit may have noticed the introduction of images with the daily articles since Gita Jayanti. I am grateful to Bishnu Mahapatra P for this service. Many readers have appreciated this feature and suggested that images can be similarly added to more posts on both and For this, we need volunteers who will find or prepare images based on the content as well as suggestions provided by me whenever necessary. Those interested can look at recent articles on to see the articles and get a general idea of the kind of images needed.
2. Apps: Several visitors have suggested that apps will make both the sites more easily accessible through cellphones. We need volunteers with the technical competence to make these apps. A sample of the kind of app needed is the app associated with
Those who would like to volunteer for any of these services can do so here:
Full Bhakti Shastri Course videos uploaded
All the 162 one-hour videos for the four books of the Bhakti Shastri course have been uploaded on youtube. These include the longest and the most systematic course on the Gita (108 lectures) I have conducted till now. Also included are 22 lectures on the Ishopanishad, 19 on the Nectar of Instruction and 13 on the Nectar of Devotion.
In keeping with the spirit of brahminical culture that knowledge should be shared freely, these videos have been made available free for everyone. Those who wish to not just hear the lectures but also get the Bhakti Shastri certificate can register at by paying the charges of Rs 2,500.
Thank you.
Your servant,
Chaitanya Charan das
→ Seed of Devotion
When I was 17, for several months I lived at this quiet retreat center / temple in Hawaii, doing some accounting service. Some days would go by when I would not see or talk to another soul. I lived in a deep, otherworldly silence.
I would go on long japa meditation walks in the morning. I saw God at every step, I felt Him with every breath. I saw God in the vast reflections of the sky in giant puddles. Or when I would take off my eyeglasses, the sun would shine through the canopies of leaves in millions of pentagons of light, like waterfalls of glitter, and I would marvel at God's engineering. Or I would kneel down and stare at the way rain would create patterns in the soil. There was this one plant that, when its leaves were gently stroked, would react by folding in on itself like a shy child.
Sometimes on my walks I would put aside my chanting beads and sing songs at the top of my lungs. The cows and horses would turn to look at me curiously, even stop chewing their cud. I befriended a horse - I named him Hayagriva.
At night, I was teaching myself how to play harmonium on this old, beat-up instrument. I would sit on a picnic bench outside and sing sacred songs and the holy name for hours. My mind would wander the windswept hills and the clear blue line of the ocean's horizon. When night fell, billions of diamond stars would emerge against the blue-black velvet sky.
The line between this world and the next would blur. When I was living there and also in the many years since, I have acknowledged that this was one of the most beautiful, profound times of my life. I seemed to be discovering something and someone so much greater than myself. It was a time when I thought that if this was what it was like to devote my life to loving God exclusively, then I would gladly become a nun.
In the years since, I have developed my desire to be married and one day have my own children. I pray that I may approach marriage with this same sense of love and wonder. And maybe one day, when my child is a teenager, I'll let him or her go spend some time at a quiet retreat center in Hawaii.
The Lord is the only rest for our heart
→ The Spiritual Scientist
"You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you."
St Augustine, Confessions