ISKCON’s Journey Through Apartheid With Mandela – A Tribute to Nelson Rohihlalha Mandela (1918-2013) Father of the South African Nation

As the world joins the South African nation in mourning the death of anti-apartheid struggle hero and South Africa’s first democratically elected State President, Nelson R. Mandela, devotees of ISKCON in South African cherish the wonderful memories of his visits to the Sri Sri Radha Radhanatha Temple and a Food For Life festival hosted by them as well as recount ISKCON’s journey through apartheid and into democracy Read more ›

ISKCON Brampton Grand Opening (Album 5 photos)

The Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting of ISKCON Brampton, on George Street, took place with great energy and enthusiasm recently. The ISKCON Vedic Cultural Learning Centre joins a community of over 350 centres worldwide, for the express purpose of making Vedic teachings more accessible to the people. Visitors to the open house enjoyed a free vegetarian feast, performances from local bands, a play about Vedic history and Odissi dancing. ISKCON is the International Society for Krishna Consciousness and visitors to the Brampton Centre will find a variety of class offerings including Yoga, Vegetarian cooking, dance lessons, scripture study and much more. Additionally, the Centre will be open to the public on Sundays for a vegetarian feast Read more ›

New Vrindaban’s Semi-Annual Joint Boards’ Meeting Minutes – November 9, 2013
→ New Vrindaban Brijabasi Spirit


Board members and N.V. well-wishers return from hiking trail to original Vrindaban farmhouse.

Board members and N.V. well-wishers return from hiking the trail to the original Vrindaban farmhouse.

Minutes of the Semi-Annual Meeting of the Joint Boards Of New Vrindaban

November 9, 2013

Day 2 of 3

ISKCON New Vrindaban (INV) Vision Statement: Founded in 1968, Srila Prabhupada boldly envisions New Vrindaban as a sacred place known worldwide for Cow Protection, Self-Sufficiency, Holy Pilgrimage, Spiritual Education, and, above all, Loving Krishna.

ECO-Vrindaban Mission Statement: ECOV (Earth, Cows, Opportunities & Vrindaban Villages) is dedicated to cow protection, sustainable agriculture, self-sufficiency and simple living — all centered around loving service to Sri Krishna, as envisioned by the ISKCON New Vrindaban Founder-Acharya, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.

INV Board Members: Gopisa, Ranaka, Dayavira, Chaitanya Mangala, Jaya Krsna, Tamohara

ECOV Board Members: Chaitanya Mangala, Madhava Gosh, Ranaka, Navin Shyam, Anuttama, Kripamaya

GBC: Malati, Anuttama, Tamohara

Recording Secretary: Laxmi Honest

Guests: Bhima Walker, Keval Patel

The meeting began at 10:00 with a walking tour of Bahulaban, Srila Prabhupada’s Palace and Old Vrindaban.

Dayavira mentioned that he and Ranaka had toured the Valley Barn area. He was impressed with the neat appearance of the area and the silos ready for bulk grain.  Ranaka reported that they will be getting a grinder to make flour. The brick factory is in the process of being cleared and organized. It was agreed that we would add a visit to the Valley Barn to the next Community Tour in March/April 2014.

Chaitanya Mangala then introduced the guest candidates.

Bhima Walker lived in the community from 1980-1988.  He was an ashram student and has been a regular visitor since that time.  He spent 13 years full time in the military and is still a part time member of the Air National Guard.  He is studying for his PHD in electrical engineering at Dartmouth College and has done Kulimela related volunteer service projects here in NV, and in Los Angeles, Australia and New Zealand.  He is very interested in voluntarily serving as a board member in New Vrindaban where he thinks he can make a substantial contribution to the long-term progress of the community.

Keval Patel lived in the community from 1983-1996.  He was also an ashram student in the 1980’s.  He graduated from WVU in 2010 and is currently employed by JP Morgan Chase in Philadelphia.  His parents live in the community.  He feels that New Vrindaban is his home and it is important for him to give back to the community.

Both devotees are being considered as potential candidates for members of the board(s).

Chaitanya Mangala explained that qualities needed for board membership include strong personal character, deep roots in New Vrindaban and a clear history of volunteerism.  It was noted that a sense of humor is also vital.

Deconstruction of the Bahulaban barn was discussed. The plan to dismantle the building sometime in 2014 remains the same. It was reconfirmed that we will recycle or repurpose as much of the building materials as possible.

The disposition of the Bahulaban utility building still remains unanswered. It was decided to get a quote on temporary roof repairs and it was noted that ECOV had previously agreed to spend up to $5,000 on temporary repairs.

Jaya Krsna next made a presentation about an eco-village proposal for the Old Vrindaban property.  HH Bhakti Raghava Swami has suggested a model of a rural community be built there based on the principle of simple living and high thinking.  It was agreed that we do want an eco-village, and this is a good discussion, but more details are needed before making any firm decisions.

The next item was a report on Srila Prabhupada’s Palace restoration. Jaya Krsna stated that repairs to the front steps are in progress and the balance of funds from that project will be used to put a roof on the walls of the old ghee factory building. The original molds are being returned and we need a place to store them. He also reported that there are plans to hire a project manager. It was agreed that projects already funded and in progress will go on with or without a project manager.

Next there was a discussion about the future of the Garden of 7 Gates. Jaya Krsna requested that ECOV take responsibility for managing food production. It was generally agreed that ECOV will oversee the gardens and INV will purchase the produce. Jaya Krsna suggested that ECOV develop plans to discuss with INV.  It was agreed that this will go on the agenda for the next ECOV board meeting in December.

A plan was set for presentations at the Community Dialog, scheduled for the final day of the meetings. It was agreed Anuttama would lead and that department heads would review their reports of 2013 accomplishments, the settlement with Tapahpunja prabhu would be explained, Jaya Krsna would highlight the five primary instructions from Srila Prabhupada regarding New Vrindaban and Chaitanya Mangala would discuss the ECOV integrated auxiliary transformation. The Community Dialog would then be opened up for questions and discussion.

Liverpool Street
→ Ramai Swami


Thursday night programs at the Liverpool Street preaching centre, Kings Cross, are always well attended. Usually, there is a mix of interested persons from the kirtan nights at the Lotus Room, people who have been regularly attending, and live-in ashram devotees.

The evening kicks off with the Hare Krsna maha mantra sung to different melodies, which is followed by an interactive presentation on the philosophy of Krsna Consciousness. Then there is a little more kirtana and finally a wonderful prasadam feast. At the end everyone is feeling very blissful.

This is “faith” (śraddha)
→ The Enquirer

न ह्यतोऽन्यः शिवः पन्था विशतः संस़ताविह।
वासुदेवे भगवति भक्तियोगो यतो भवेत् ॥

na hy ato ‘nyaḥ śivaḥ panthā viśataḥ saṁsṛtāv iha
vāsudeve bhagavati bhakti-yogo yato bhavet

As you wander through this world, you will find no path more auspicious than bhakti-yoga - the path that links your heart to the All-Attractive Son of Vasudeva.

- Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 2.2.33

Remaining chaste
→ KKSBlog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 17 November 2013, Mayapur, India, Rasapurnima, Srimad Bhagavatam 10.33.19)

Question:  It is pretty clear to me, from studying Srila Prabhupada’s books, that the way we access Krsna lilas is – as sometimes Prabhupada would say in his purports – to give our lives to the mission. But, as the times goes on, it seems to be more and more appeal for people to try to go to Radha-kund to find out who they are. Could you say something on this?

There are two elements that are relevant to us in relation to rasa-lila. One is by going abroad, bringing many others to the lotus feet of Krsna and ultimately to this wonderful world that the Lord is displaying. The other is our own internal life – going deep and trying to understand Krsna’s pastimes in Kuruksetra, in Dvaraka and in Vrindavan; in all the five rasas. These two go hand-in-hand.

gopis-yamunaDedicating ourselves to the mission is not just a matter of running around at neck-breaking speed, trying to reach as many conditioned souls as possible but also we need to ourselves go deep in our dedication.

Ultimately, the depth in our dedication will come from the example of the eternal associates of Krsna, particularly in Vraja. Like that, we are not boycotting these pastimes and we are also not boycotting Radha-kund, which is undoubtedly the most sacred place in the universe, where these pastimes took place.

Unfortunately, by some arrangement of Krsna, there is a group of vaisnavas who reside at Radha-kund, who are diametrically opposed to the siddhanta of Brahma-Madhva-gaudiya vaisnava sampradaya.

There is a conflict in siddhanta and their approach to rasa-lila is basically that at a very early stage one begins to meditate on these eternal pastimes. Now, we are hearing a little bit as spectators from a distance but a higher level is when one is realized of his own eternal identity and then one can enter into these pastimes. In that approach, the desire is there to meditate and place oneself within these pastimes and thus experience exchanges with Krsna. Now, one can do so on the mental platform, just by thinking about it, “Imagine I was there, imagine I was a gopi, imagine that Krsna would pull my veil, imagine what would come next…”  I think that we are then really imagining a lot! And I think our imagination will bring us into the hot water, not to Radha-kund!

Rather, we should have the patience to wait until siddha-deha, or the eternal identity, becomes revealed, simply in the course of chanting Hare Krsna and devotional service.

In the writings of our acaryas such as Bhaktivinoda Thakur, there is a reference to siddha-pranali, a process where one is initiated by a superior vaisnava into his eternal identity. We find it in the Caitanya Caritamrita where Svarup Damodar Gosvami was given in charge of Raghunath das Gosvami by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, that he was guiding Raghunath das Gosvami in these rasas of antaranga-seva or serving according to his eternal identity.

In Jaiva dharma and in Harinama Cintamani as well, we also find descriptions by Bhaktivinod Thakur about siddha-pranali where a superior vaisnava is revealing the eternal identity to another. Sometimes devotees want to go to Radha-kund to look for siddha-pranali, look for a vaisnava who can give them some mantras which reveal their eternal identity.

prabhupada1However, in the teachings of our sampradaya there are two ways in which one can attain his siddha-deha. One is through automatic revelation and the other one is through a process of siddha-pranali, a process of conscious cultivation under guidance of a senior vaisnava.

It is mentioned that Svarup Damodar Gosvami was instructing both Raghunath das Gosvami and Gopal-guru Gosvami. But Raghunath das Gosvami  was being instructed in the process of automatic revelation and Gopal-guru Gosvami in the process of conscious cultivation. So we see that in our sampradaya, it is said that for devotees who are prema-rurukshu, approaching prema, meaning that they are situated on a very advanced platform, for them it is maybe appropriate to take on a bona-fide siddha-pranali. Then there is also a process where that is just automatically revealed, in the process of chanting and serving the holy name through the disciplic succession.

We see that particularly Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur and Srila Prabhupada are emphasizing more the automatic process – just serve, just chant Hare Krsna and everything will be revealed and that is really what we should stick with! That is where our loyalty should be. It is about chastity – we should not jump over and go shopping at the spiritual marketplace of Vrindavan. We should just remain very chaste at the lotus feet of Srila Prabhupada. Then we have the best – there is nothing better! Anyone who thinks that maybe somewhere else there is something better is missing the best – shelter at the lotus feet of Srila Prabhupada.


348. Devotees goal in life
→ 9 Days, 8 Nights

“The most intelligent devotees, therefore, do not take to any means of self-realization except devotional service and constant engagement in the nine different processes of devotional life, especially hearing and chanting. When hearing and chanting about Your transcendental pastimes, Your devotees do not care even for the transcendental bliss derived from liberation or from merging into the existence of the Supreme. Such devotees are not interested even in so-called liberation, and they certainly have no interest in material activities for elevation to the heavenly planets for sense gratification. Pure devotees seek only the association of paramahaṁsas, or great liberated devotees, so that they can continuously hear and chant about Your glories. For this purpose the pure devotees are prepared to sacrifice all comforts of life, even giving up the material comforts of family life and so-called society, friendship and love. Those who have tasted the nectar of devotion by relishing the transcendental vibration of chanting Your glories – Hare Kṛṣṇa, Hare Kṛṣṇa, Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa, Hare Hare/ Hare Rāma, Hare Rāma, Rāma Rāma, Hare Hare – do not care for any other spiritual bliss or for material comforts, which appear to the pure devotee as less important than the straw in the street”

Excerpt From: His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. “Kṛṣṇa, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.” The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust.

Gita Jayanti Celebrations – Thursday, December 12, 2013
→ The Toronto Hare Krishna Temple!

The ancient spiritual text, the Bhagavad-Gita, which translates to "Song of God", was spoken by Krishna to Arjuna some five thousand years ago. The teachings that were imparted deal with topics like how to live a peaceful life in a chaotic world, why good things happen to bad people (and vice versa), and can help us answer questions like "whether purchasing the latest iPhone 5S will really make me happy"!

Gita Jayanti, a festival which marks the speaking of this profound knowledge, falls on Thursday, December 12th this year and is celebrated by millions around the world; people get together, read the verses of the Gita and are left feeling uplifted and fulfilled. 

How can you participate? There are a few ways:

  1. Celebrations commence on Thursday, December 12th at 6:00pm and will involve the reading of both the Sanskrit texts and English translations; feel free to bring in your personal copy of the Gita to join in or you can earn your copy especially blessed by the Deities by sitting through the entire reading that will go until around 9:00pm.
  2. On this auspicious occasion, many well-wishers sponsor copies of the Bhagavad-Gita As It Is, which is Srila Prabhupada’s translation of the original Sanskrit text, to be distributed to hotels, hospitals, shelters, and other welfare organizations. You're welcome to help us in this capacity if you can. 
  3. A tentative second reading might happen on the Sunday that follows Gita Jayanti; stay tuned for more information on that.
Also, check out this cool trailer!

How impersonalism leads to materialism
→ The Spiritual Scientist

The propaganda that the Lord is impersonal, that He has no activity and that He is a dumb stone without any name and form has encouraged people to become godless, faithless demons, and the more they deviate from the transcendental activities of the Lord, the more they become accustomed to mundane activities that only clear their path to hell instead of return them home, back to Godhead.

- Srimad Bhagavatam 2.3.14 purport

End of the Season in New Vrindaban
→ New Vrindaban

New Vrindaban aviary

by Lilasuka dasi

Dec. 2013

The deer are grazing, the trees are bare, the temple is quiet, Prabhupada’s Palace sits majestically and serenely atop the hill, and the busy season in New Vrindaban has wound down. It's a time to reflect back on the good happenings of the spring and summer. 

So many events at New Vrindaban in 2013 have been lining up with Srila Prabhupada’s vision for the community. For New Vrindaban, Srila Prabhupada specifically emphasized the importance of cow protection, self-sufficiency, spiritual education and a holy place of pilgrimage, all focusing on loving Krishna.

The new reception cabin across from the main temple building has proved invaluable in orienting new guests to the community.  Many pilgrims have commented with great satisfaction on the improvements in the newly renovated lodge rooms.  Several guests said they will definitely recommend the lodge accommodations to their friends.  The lodge rooms were booked every weekend throughout the spring and summer.

Govinda’s Vegetarian Restaurant received a new facelift and, although there are still improvements to be made, visitors have mentioned how impressed they are with the new, modern look and atmosphere of the restaurant.

New Vrindaban’s gardens produced a lot this year. “We were able to harvest acres of both white potatoes and sweet potatoes for Sri Sri Radha Vrindaban Chandra.” There were also rows of crops of different varieties of peppers harvested, many of which were pickled for the pleasure of the devotees and guests who take prasadam feasts at the temple.

For New Vrindaban, 2013 was a year of fantastic festivals. 

The 13th Festival of Inspiration was held in May. It was a milestone with several highlights. Govinda’s Restaurant opened in the nick of time the night before the Festival. The Lodge reception cabin was inaugurated at about the same time, and the guests were able to begin enjoying the newly renovated lodge rooms. After the festival, one lady guest was remarking, “I especially appreciated the enthusiastic and helpful attitude of the young ladies, working at the ladies’ ashram, who greeted me.”  The Festival of Inspiration 2013 was a successful festival in so many ways.

There were two very inspiring 24 hour kirtans held in 2013.  The first was in June and was a larger scale kirtan, with kirtaniyers  from around the country. One visitor said, “   I felt a deep heart connection.  The chanting at this kirtan rose to a new level.”  The Kartik kirtan this year in October was smaller than the summer one, but more intimate and sweet.  A guest declared, “This kirtan has been amazing! I can feel that the spiritual energy here is real.”

New Vrindaban has a very special annual puspa abhishek, which was held in July this year.  Their Lordships, Sri Sri Radha Vrindaban Chandra were showered with a downpour of flower petals. One participant was very excited to say, “I seriously felt like I was playing with Radha's gopis and gopas in Goloka Vrindavana at this puspa abhishek festival.”

Janmastami in 2013 was a very joyous festival, where Lord Krishna’s birth is celebrated with great fanfare.  There was a brilliant swan boat display at night, accompanied by fireworks and a resounding Hare Krishna kirtan.

The World’s Happiest Event, namely New Vrindaban’s second Festival of Colors in September 2013 turned out to be three times as big as the first Festival of Colors in 2012!  There were five very upbeat bands rocking out the crowd to the Hare Krishna maha mantra, Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.    This is a family-friendly festival based on the ancient Holi festival in India, where people come and sing, dance and throw organic colored powders on each other, so that everyone is about the same color by the end of the day!  Last year, one guest appreciated that “those people at the Festival of Colors sure know how to throw a party!” 

The year 2013 was quite successful for New Vrindaban, and everyone is looking forward with anticipation for an even better 2014.

A Lament

“He who yearns to attain the sweetness of pure love in Vrindavan, but by destiny is forced to live elsewhere, laments and always remembers Vrindavan with it’s beautiful splendid groves where Radha and Krishna enjoy pastimes. He meditates on entering Vrindavan and thinks, ‘Now I am serving the Divine Couple.’” [ Srila Prabodhananda Sarasvati, Sri [...]

Tuesday, December 3rd, 2013
→ The Walking Monk


Toronto, Ontario

Ken, of yesterday, also asked me, “Which is your favourite place in the world?”

And so I told him what I really felt, “Wherever I am.”

I don’t know if it had come by some coincidence, but this morning the verse which we read from the book Bhagavatam seemed to allude to this type of message – “You are at home even though you are away from home."  At least, this is how we discussed the topic.  In other words, a person should be comfortable in any setting because he/she has the Supreme on their mind.

I could be hundreds of miles away from the nearest temple or ashram and let’s say in the middle of Ireland, walking, but if I vibrate from my lips the maha mantra, my consciousness is there and then I am at home, away from home.  The real home is the spiritual world, but I should also develop the vision that all that is around me is a product of the Great Spirit, that there is always a connection.  The only loose connection is in my head, with my mind.

When we ponder what is mundane and go down the dark tunnel of ME, then we are actually homeless.  I believe that everyone wants to make the homerun.  Recently when I was in Cuba I saw particularly how the young men take to American baseball.  It was Saturday afternoon and in at least three different ball diamonds and parks that I passed by, these young guys were active at play, interested in the homeruns.

It was this day that I met Jan Peters from Newfoundland, a person whom I’ve known from the first of the Canwalks in ’96.  She had lunch in our temple’s dining room with her friend Maggie.  She had just made her first trip to India and just returned.  She had visited temples and orphanages, she was really at home while there, so she conveyed, and plans to be back there soon.  It looks like she’d been in touch with herself, and that is the point.  Home isn’t necessarily at your apartment.  In her case, the Battery, Saint John’s, Newfoundland.  Home is not even far away.   It’s where you are at present.  Then you have a healthy heart.  There’s a great connection.

May the Great Source be with you!

6 KM

Iskcon temple – An attraction forever!

I saw many devotees dressed in white kurtas and dhotis and were busy with their prayers. It was a pleasant atmosphere and all of us spend a few minutes in front of the beautiful idol and experienced the peace being there. I was keen to know more about the activities. I walked up to a person in the temple counter and he directed me to the office where a middle-aged person gave an entire picture of the various activities. It included cow protection, school for children, annadhanam and many more. A wonderful organization with humble and noble activities! I felt proud of them! Read more ›

2013 Varshana and Govardhan Retreat Recordings
→ HH Bhakti Caitanya Swami

Dear Devotees, Please accept our respects. Below are links to the recordings of our 2013 retreats that took place a few weeks back. We hope they bring your hearts closer to Krishna and Sri Vrindavan dham. Varshana: Govardhan: your servant, Sachi Kumar Dasa

New Vrindaban’s Transcendental “Throwback Thursday” – 12/05/13
→ New Vrindaban Brijabasi Spirit

Throwback Thursday is a weekly theme commemorating vintage moments.

We thought to have a little transcendental fun with this internet trend.

Each week we will post a photo and highlight a time from the early days of New Vrindaban.

Visit ISKCON New Vrindaban’s Facebook Page and take your best guess on the who, what, when & where by posting your responses in the comment section.

Let’s see who knows their New Vrindaban history.

Extra credit for anyone who can correctly name the cows as well!

Back to Godhead - Volume 11, Number 01 - 1976