Prabhupada Letters :: Anthology 2013-11-26 02:51:00 →
Prabhupada Letters :: 1973
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Initiation Ceremony – Lika Camp – Janmastami, August 10, 2012 from Lilasuka Das on Vimeo. 2012-08-10
The post November 26th, 2013 – Darshan appeared first on
In the past year, success in SEO has been based on the past year, success in SEO has been based on Kanana Swami, 2011, Helsinki, Finland)
In preaching, we should not throw Krsna consciousness like a ton of bricks on people’s heads and all at once tell them, “You have to follow everything!” and then runaway, never to be seen again. No, preaching means that we have to be sensitive, depending on which stage a person is at, and offer them the next step – that is preaching!
There is no stereotype lesson for everyone. No, each person is at some level and the preacher has to check them out partially by asking some questions and by being sensitive, try to give the person the next step to take.
About book distribution, Vaiseshika said interesting things, “When we take members of the congregation out on book distribution for the first time, usually I tell them that for the first three times they are not allowed to distribute any books! They can only watch but anybody, who is a little bit of a natural, ignores those instructions and starts distributing books! The ones who are shy, they feel secure with these instructions. It is authorized now for them to watch three times and they don’t feel pressurized.”
So I thought it was intelligent. It gives people the next step!
In the past year, success in SEO has been based on the past year, success in SEO has been based on Vivaha is a famous festival where it is said that tulasi devi, in this world in the form of a plant, marries Krsna, in the form of Saligram Sila.
Bhakti-yoga is not only easy, simple, natural and free from trouble, but is the only source of happiness for the human being.
In the past year, success in SEO has been based on the past year, success in SEO has been based on the past year, success in SEO has been based on the past year, success in SEO has been based on is invited!
Thursday Nov. 28 is the “real” Thanksgiving Day for the U.S.A. and there will be a sumptuous Thanksgiving feast for everyone who comes that day.
In addition, we will have a full, three day Thanksgiving program the weekend following Thanksgiving Day, namely Fri. Nov 29, Sat. Nov 30 and Sun. Dec. 1. SCHEDULE BELOW.
There will be such features as a swing festival for Their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Vrindaban Chandra, and sacred storytelling with our long-time resident, professional storyteller, Sankirtan das, as well as a seminar about worshiping Lord Krsna in your home.
Hare Krsna!
HH Badahari Prabhu kirtan at Nandaghat 12.11.2013
The first fourteen verses of Caitanya Caritāmṛta are extremely important. The author, Krishnadās Kavirāja, will explain them systematically and thoroughly over the first seven chapters of the biography.
Verses 15-29 were a very brief summary explanation of those fourteen verses. Let’s pick up the narrative from the 30th verse of Chapter One:
He pays his respects to all the Vaiṣṇava readers, and says “Now I’ll fully describe the meaning of all these (fourteen) verses. Please listen with a one-pointed mind, because I will define Krishna Caitanya with through reasoning and authoritative evidence.”
He again explains that the absolute truth is a singular entity fully expressed in six facets:
He says that he hasn’t jumped right into explaining them – first he made a humble glorification of them so that he could recieve the blessing of their mercy, which is the only way the absolute truth can be fruitfully discussed.
He repeats the first verse of the fourteen, in which he offered his respects to the six aspects of absolute truth. He identifies Śrī Krishna Caitanya as the absolute truth with six aspects.
The first of the aspects he will enumerate more clearly is the “Guru” aspect. He offers respects to “mantra-guru” (in singular) and “instructing gurus” (śikṣā-guru-gaṇa - in plural). In ISKCON and many modern settings, it’s common to refer to the mantra-guru as the dikṣa-guru. He names his instructing gurus: “Śrī Rūpa, Sanātana, Bhaṭṭa-raghunātha; Śrī Jīva, Gopāla-bhaṭṭa, Dāsa-raghunātha.”
Next he more elaborately specifies the “Bhakta” aspect. He offers “countless respects to the feet of all the devotees of Bhagavān, amongst whom Śrīvāsa is very important.”
Next he respects the “Avatāra” aspect (skipping the Śakti aspect). He offers, “countless obeisances to the lotus-feet of Advaita Ācārya, the Lord’s aṁśa-avatāra.”
Next, the “Prakāśa” aspect. He says, “Nityānanda Rāya is the brilliant manifestation of the Lord’s own form. I am a servant offering praise to his lotus-feet.”
Out of order, he specifies the “Śakti” aspect. He says, “Gadādhara Paṇḍit (and others) are the Lord’s own śakti. My thousands of respects are at all of their feet.”
Finally, also out of order, he specifies the “Prabhu” (Lord) / “Krishna” aspect. He says, “Śrī Krishna Caitanya Prabhu is Bhagavān himself. My infinite respects are at his lotus-feet.”
Now we are up to the 43rd text. Here he says that he’s respected all six facets of the Absolute Truth, so he can now begin explaining them. He will begin with the “Guru” facet. We will discuss that section next.
The post November 25th, 2013 – Darshan appeared first on
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 10 February 2013, Simhachalam, Germany, Srimad Bhagavatam 9.1.34)
Sometimes, making money took over. There was a time when the feeling was that if we sell records, then we will make more money than with books. So we started to sell records and sometimes we would do books. Then of course, you know, paintings make more money than records so we started to sell paintings. Some sold Krsna paintings and some sold any paintings, Hong Kong paintings. Then carpets made more money than paintings!
And before we knew it, it was business and business! I remember these things going around the offices – a roll of paintings and then girls in the office who liked the paintings but there was no time in the day so you made an appointment for the evening, to visit them at home. Then together, you sat on the carpet looking at the paintings and sometimes she liked the paintings a lot but she liked you even more! We lost a few brahmacaris in those days (laughter!). There were some casualties in this program.
So we went for the money but this was not Prabhupada’s idea. Prabhupada’s idea was that we become absorbed; we become absorbed in glorifying Krsna. We read the Bhagavatam and as we distribute the book, we glorify the book! We take elements of the book, we glorify it and distribute the book on its merit – that is the key – and not with salesmen tricks. In this way, the purity of the book distributor is guaranteed and then the movement has strength.