Saying Goodbye
November 26th, 2013 – Darshan
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Content, Links, And Social Media
→ Gita Coaching
In the past year, success in SEO has been based on Retreat Canada
→ Japa Group
Content, Links, And Social Media
→ Gita Coaching
In the past year, success in SEO has been based on Tips On Writing
→ NY Times & Bhagavad Gita Sanga/ Sankirtana Das
“In the late summer of that year we lived in a house in a village that looked across the river and the plain to the mountains.” - Hemingway’s first sentence of A Farewell to Arms (1929)
We should never lose sight that stories are constructed with words and sentences. Good writing not only conveys an image, advances the story, but also has elements of poetry and symmetry. In the above sentence, Hemingway offers us not only the beginning of a story, but alliteration (late, lived, looked), consonance at the end of words (summer, year river), and repetition (in a house in a village). Having been involved in theater and the spoken word for so many years, the selection of words are important to me, not just by what they mean, but also by how they sound and their relation to other words in a sentence. I try to think of the words to my stories as being spoken. After all, a finely designed sentence and the texture of words offers another dimension to the reading. The words take flight. They are active. The listener will bathe in a cascade of refreshing words.
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I read time and again many authors have the habit of keeping books that inspire them close at hand while writing their own book. It seems it's an open secret: read books that will jump start the way you want to use words and structure sentences and that will help you move your writing in the direction you want.
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One of the best ways to edit yourself is to read the text aloud, stopping to make notations when something doesn’t sound right. Also, always have a good dictionary and thesaurus on hand, for as Mark Twain said, 'The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.'
Check out site below for more Tips On Writing
Be a preacher
→ KKSBlog
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 2011, Helsinki, Finland)
In preaching, we should not throw Krsna consciousness like a ton of bricks on people’s heads and all at once tell them, “You have to follow everything!” and then runaway, never to be seen again. No, preaching means that we have to be sensitive, depending on which stage a person is at, and offer them the next step – that is preaching!
There is no stereotype lesson for everyone. No, each person is at some level and the preacher has to check them out partially by asking some questions and by being sensitive, try to give the person the next step to take.
About book distribution, Vaiseshika said interesting things, “When we take members of the congregation out on book distribution for the first time, usually I tell them that for the first three times they are not allowed to distribute any books! They can only watch but anybody, who is a little bit of a natural, ignores those instructions and starts distributing books! The ones who are shy, they feel secure with these instructions. It is authorized now for them to watch three times and they don’t feel pressurized.”
So I thought it was intelligent. It gives people the next step!
Content, Links, And Social Media
→ Gita Coaching
In the past year, success in SEO has been based on, Links, And Social Media
→ Gita Coaching
In the past year, success in SEO has been based on Vivaha Sydney
→ Ramai Swami
Tulasi Vivaha is a famous festival where it is said that tulasi devi, in this world in the form of a plant, marries Krsna, in the form of Saligram Sila.
Bhakti-yoga is the only source of happiness
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Bhakti-yoga is not only easy, simple, natural and free from trouble, but is the only source of happiness for the human being.
Content, Links, And Social Media
→ Gita Coaching
In the past year, success in SEO has been based on, Links, And Social Media
→ Gita Coaching
In the past year, success in SEO has been based on, Links, And Social Media
→ Gita Coaching
In the past year, success in SEO has been based on can we practice and share Krishna consciousness when the political leadership is uncooperative or even opposed?
→ The Spiritual Scientist
In what mood should we take darshan of Deities?
→ The Spiritual Scientist
When scriptures teach bhakti clearly, why do Mayavadis misinterpret scriptural teachings?
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Bhagavata Dharma Series 3 – 1.2.17-22 – Practice bhakti-yoga cheerfully
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Content, Links, And Social Media
→ Gita Coaching
In the past year, success in SEO has been based on FOR MENTORS (CROATIAN)
→ Gita Coaching
New Vrindaban’s Thanksgiving Weekend Schedule
→ New Vrindaban Brijabasi Spirit
Everyone is invited!
Thursday Nov. 28 is the “real” Thanksgiving Day for the U.S.A. and there will be a sumptuous Thanksgiving feast for everyone who comes that day.
In addition, we will have a full, three day Thanksgiving program the weekend following Thanksgiving Day, namely Fri. Nov 29, Sat. Nov 30 and Sun. Dec. 1. SCHEDULE BELOW.
There will be such features as a swing festival for Their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Vrindaban Chandra, and sacred storytelling with our long-time resident, professional storyteller, Sankirtan das, as well as a seminar about worshiping Lord Krsna in your home.
Hare Krsna!
Sri Isopanisad Repackaged for the Hip-hop Generation (4 min video)

Srila Prabhupada in Stockholm (Album 72 photos)

Why worship the cows?

Radhanath Swami at the Bhakti Center (Album 30 photos)

HH Badahari Prabhu kirtan at Nandaghat 12.11.2013
→ Gouranga TV - The Hare Krishna video collection
HH Badahari Prabhu kirtan at Nandaghat 12.11.2013
Understanding the Intro of Caitanya Caritamrita (Adi 1.30-)
→ The Enquirer
The first fourteen verses of Caitanya Caritāmṛta are extremely important. The author, Krishnadās Kavirāja, will explain them systematically and thoroughly over the first seven chapters of the biography.
Verses 15-29 were a very brief summary explanation of those fourteen verses. Let’s pick up the narrative from the 30th verse of Chapter One:
He pays his respects to all the Vaiṣṇava readers, and says “Now I’ll fully describe the meaning of all these (fourteen) verses. Please listen with a one-pointed mind, because I will define Krishna Caitanya with through reasoning and authoritative evidence.”
He again explains that the absolute truth is a singular entity fully expressed in six facets:
- Krishna
- Guru (The entity who reveals Krishna)
- Bhakta (The entity who loves Krishna)
- Shakti (The power through which love is expressed)
- Avatāra (the forms of Krishna that descend into the world)
- Prakāśa (the forms of Krishna that are fully brilliant)
He says that he hasn’t jumped right into explaining them – first he made a humble glorification of them so that he could recieve the blessing of their mercy, which is the only way the absolute truth can be fruitfully discussed.
He repeats the first verse of the fourteen, in which he offered his respects to the six aspects of absolute truth. He identifies Śrī Krishna Caitanya as the absolute truth with six aspects.
The first of the aspects he will enumerate more clearly is the “Guru” aspect. He offers respects to “mantra-guru” (in singular) and “instructing gurus” (śikṣā-guru-gaṇa - in plural). In ISKCON and many modern settings, it’s common to refer to the mantra-guru as the dikṣa-guru. He names his instructing gurus: “Śrī Rūpa, Sanātana, Bhaṭṭa-raghunātha; Śrī Jīva, Gopāla-bhaṭṭa, Dāsa-raghunātha.”
Next he more elaborately specifies the “Bhakta” aspect. He offers “countless respects to the feet of all the devotees of Bhagavān, amongst whom Śrīvāsa is very important.”
Next he respects the “Avatāra” aspect (skipping the Śakti aspect). He offers, “countless obeisances to the lotus-feet of Advaita Ācārya, the Lord’s aṁśa-avatāra.”
Next, the “Prakāśa” aspect. He says, “Nityānanda Rāya is the brilliant manifestation of the Lord’s own form. I am a servant offering praise to his lotus-feet.”
Out of order, he specifies the “Śakti” aspect. He says, “Gadādhara Paṇḍit (and others) are the Lord’s own śakti. My thousands of respects are at all of their feet.”
Finally, also out of order, he specifies the “Prabhu” (Lord) / “Krishna” aspect. He says, “Śrī Krishna Caitanya Prabhu is Bhagavān himself. My infinite respects are at his lotus-feet.”
Now we are up to the 43rd text. Here he says that he’s respected all six facets of the Absolute Truth, so he can now begin explaining them. He will begin with the “Guru” facet. We will discuss that section next.

November 25th, 2013 – Darshan
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Prabhupada Letters :: Anthology 2013-11-25 00:28:00 →
Prabhupada Letters :: 1966
Prabhupada Letters :: Anthology 2013-11-25 00:24:00 →
Prabhupada Letters :: 1969
Prabhupada Letters :: Anthology 2013-11-25 00:20:00 →
Prabhupada Letters :: 1972
Prabhupada Letters :: Anthology 2013-11-25 00:18:00 →
Prabhupada Letters :: 1972
Prabhupada Letters :: Anthology 2013-11-25 00:17:00 →
Prabhupada Letters :: 1972
Prabhupada Letters :: Anthology 2013-11-25 00:05:00 →
Prabhupada Letters :: 1973
Prabhupada Letters :: Anthology 2014-11-25 00:03:00 →
Prabhupada Letters :: 1974
Prabhupada Letters :: Anthology 2014-11-25 00:02:00 →
Prabhupada Letters :: 1974
Glorification and distribution
→ KKSBlog
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 10 February 2013, Simhachalam, Germany, Srimad Bhagavatam 9.1.34)
Sometimes, making money took over. There was a time when the feeling was that if we sell records, then we will make more money than with books. So we started to sell records and sometimes we would do books. Then of course, you know, paintings make more money than records so we started to sell paintings. Some sold Krsna paintings and some sold any paintings, Hong Kong paintings. Then carpets made more money than paintings!
And before we knew it, it was business and business! I remember these things going around the offices – a roll of paintings and then girls in the office who liked the paintings but there was no time in the day so you made an appointment for the evening, to visit them at home. Then together, you sat on the carpet looking at the paintings and sometimes she liked the paintings a lot but she liked you even more! We lost a few brahmacaris in those days (laughter!). There were some casualties in this program.
So we went for the money but this was not Prabhupada’s idea. Prabhupada’s idea was that we become absorbed; we become absorbed in glorifying Krsna. We read the Bhagavatam and as we distribute the book, we glorify the book! We take elements of the book, we glorify it and distribute the book on its merit – that is the key – and not with salesmen tricks. In this way, the purity of the book distributor is guaranteed and then the movement has strength.
The Jiva’s Most Valuable Treasure
→ Japa Group
From Harinama Cintamani
by Bhaktivinoda Thakura
Saturday, November 23rd, 2013
→ The Walking Monk
Richmond HIll, Ontario
It’s an honour to be asked to speak from the book, ‘Bhagavatam’.
Today’s verse, 7.15.57, was particularly appealing and addresses the nature of the Absolute:
“He who exists internally and externally at the beginning and end of everything and of all living beings, is that which is enjoyable and as the enjoyer of everything, superior and inferior, is the Supreme Truth. He exists as knowledge and the object of knowledge. As expression and the object of understanding. As darkness and as light. Thus, the Supreme is everything.”
The reason why this verse so much resonates with me is because of the confirmation of the presence of Divine presence being everywhere. So that’s it, you can’t escape it, Spirit is all about. Better still, Supreme Consciousness is everywhere, you can’t hide from it. It’s always there to protect you.
Most people can’t see it. We view objects as mere products of matter, as energy. This verse underscores that ultimate reality is present in matter. In expression. In light. In darkness. In knowledge.
I like the description, ‘enjoyable’. God is playful, not vindictive, not one to instill fear, but joy. Fear does exist in this world. We don’t need to be naïve about that, but we can overcome it by reflecting on the ananda (blissful) feature of the Absolute. Absoluteness can be found anywhere in beauty and in ugliness, and hence, nothing moves without the will of the Supreme, not even a blade of grass. In fact, within the most simple object you will find subtle complexities as it’s make up. This is confirmation of a sophistication that could leave one in awe. The world as it is is one of mystery and could leave Alice in Wonderland puzzled.
I’m travelling again, this time to a hospital to see a patient getting some Divine insertion. May I become a decent conduit for the task. Then I’m off to Cuba, not on foot though.
May the Source be with you!
0 KM
Friday, November 22nd, 2013
→ The Walking Monk
Toronto, Ontario
Temperatures at night were going to go below the freezing point. As I was preparing for that nighttime stroll that’s been habit this week, several people became my mothers. It had drizzled, winds were picking up in addition to there being a plummeting of degrees. So I donned my hoodie over a saffron coloured sweatshirt. That wasn’t good enough though for my well intentioned friends as I was about to go out the door.
“You’ll need your coat, Maharaja.” “Are you sure you’ll be warm enough?” I simply had to remind those concerned well wishers that I’m not going to be standing at a bus stop freezing to death.
“I’m walking. Walking, in and of itself, is the most powerful mechanism for the emission of heat.” We have this furnace within that stokes up as soon as you move those feet. It’s the legs and feet that fire up the whole body. As you put feet in motion, it’s like striking the flint; initially sparks will fly and then a combustible flame ignites.
Agni, the god of fire, which is the origin or root word for ‘ignite’ or ‘ignition’, will visit you. He’s with you, even in the presence of Vayu, the wind god, who definitely tagged along for the stretch along College Street (I have yet to explore who the god of cold is, but he’s out there). Generally the demigods all work either in concert or in competition. You are never alone.
A young student, Durjoy, was next to me on the trek on College. He was all bundled up and at one point brought up the topic once again, “Aren’t you cold?”
“No, I’m not cold, I am a spirit,” I wanted to say. I assured him that Agni was with us, so I’m warm. In all honesty, I didn’t mind the company of the elements at all. They are the reason for keeping silent at times. They are communicating with you and it’s always a good thing to acknowledge their presence without too much intimidation. They are personalities and are devotees of the Great Spirit.
So all that is needed is to chill out so to speak.
May the Source be with you!
5 KM