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Burnaby, British Columbia
Attention Given to Krishna
So, the worship of Krishna went on in a very celebratory way, and, as usual, right up until midnight. Here in Burnaby the crowds were thicker than ever. The sweat was also thick and when entering into the temple it seemed more like a swimming pool, if not, a sauna. People love Krishna and so they came in great numbers.
The two years of lockdown have had an effect on all of us. Covid has indeed compressed and confined us for that while and there appears to be a sort of backlash. The parking lot was full, both in ISKCON’s facility as well as the VHP temple next door. They celebrated yesterday and left their parking lot for our usage. According to the ISKCON management, many new people have come to pay homage on this Janmasthami day.
What really helped in giving attention to Krishna and His birth were the announcements on live radio the day before. Mukunda Madhava drove Manu and I to two radio stations – Sher E. Punjab AM 600 and Media Waves Internet Radio for interviewing us. It paid off. Multitudes came.
Also, I am receiving reports from other locations in the US, Canada and other places – all good. People are back to being together again and all on the premise that Krishna is popular.
Let us reciprocate with His mercy by being good to each other.
May the source be with you!
3 km
Burnaby, British Columbia
Krishna: His Birth and His Escape
There had never been a day like this, nor night
Planets repositioned to create a heavenly sight
Prominent was the star, Rohini, so bright
A pervading peace kept at bay any tendency to fight
Such was the cosmic sky on that day, and what of the Earth?
Lotus flowers, trees, and rivers were welcoming a new birth
Unbounded joy, lightness, and expressions of mirth
Were centered around a bundle of Absolute Worth
Tucked away in a royal prison was a woman, a man
And a person, blue in hue, from whom a glow began
It was Vishnu, par excellence, there is no greater than
Moreover, the woman, Devaki, asked Him to disguise if He can
In compliance, an infant boy, as charming as could be
Was manifest as Krishna Himself, yet few could see
While all was calm, Devaki sunk into a panic degree
For the child’s life was in danger, therefore, He had to flee
The father, Vasudeva, was mystically mobilized to make
A great escape with babe in arms, all for His sake
It was the power of yogamaya allowing the two to break
Barriers of shackles, gates, and guards unawake
Just minutes after midnight with all the power behind them
Father clutched and held high his tender, fragile gem
While traversing River Yamuna, usually a problem for crossing men
That great getaway led to the village named Gokul Vrindavan
The destination point was a modest rural home
The place of Nanda, Yashoda, a newborn, a safe zone
Vasudeva did the unthinkable, seemingly on his own
With all asleep Vasudeva switched babies, actions were unknown
The return journey back to the prison was unique
There was a girl now in Vasudeva’s arms, in the night so bleak
Guards under spell were bypassed on his quiet technique
As the baby was lain to rest, all things came to a peak
The infant girl let out a cry which broke utter silence
And triggered attention to the tyrant of violence
King Kamsa was suffering from impulsive defiance
He rushed to the prison to the infant of innocence
He mercilessly grabbed the sweet child
But she leapt from his hand, entering the sky so wild
Transformed as a beautiful goddess, she chastised and defiled
This man of disgust who reacted to make even the gods smile
Kamsa relented and fell on knees, begging forgiveness
Atrocities directed to Devaki and Vasudeva was his business
But now in a humble way his spirit was less ambitious
He was a different man, leaving the couple less suspicious
But all was not settled in dealing with this impulsive man
Kamsa’s associates were a bad breed with another plan
Darkness does not end easy for the nefarious, the bad master
Who murdered Krishna’s six brothers while Krishna was set free in greener pastures
- Composed by Bhaktimarga Swami, The Walking Monk©
May the Source be with you!
Vancouver, British Columbia
There is excitement in the air, not just here, in the Greater Vancouver area, but everywhere. Preparations are being made for the birthday of Krishna, and He is so important to us. That is what all the fuss is about.
Tents are rising. The boys are erecting them and setting up signs to give direction to the coming crowds. Girls are making garlands. And all are adorning the temple, inside and out, with decorations galore. Cooks are making tasty preparations. Schedules are being sent in virtual and paper form to tell of this coming Friday’s event. It’s Krishna’s birthday and the atmosphere is awesome.
While the devout are pulling it all together, there’s chanting in the temple. Voices are projected with love. It’s a special time.
I’m hoping and praying that the pole grasses on the lawn will get nourished with rain as rain often comes down on Janmasthami, Krishna’s birthday in India. What about here? May the Rain God, Indra, bless us. While the Sun God, Surya, makes his presence strong, we hope all elemental figure-heads will endow us with their presence.
Indeed, the atmosphere is good. We are all becoming intensified in our eagerness to see Krishna’s pleasure, because through His great representative, Prabhupada, He is established as our Numero Uno Personality; the God of love and charm.
May the Source be with you!
0 km
Covid Years
An offering to Prabhupada, our guru:
In these last two years
We felt a buildup of fears
In a battle of usual peers
We witnessed a shedding of tears
With large-scale character erosion
Sadly there’s community implosion
Sunk in a lake of irrational emotion
Is it all a lack of devotion?
Even Saints seem to be hating
Satan’s presence – intimidating
And highly incriminating
Seeing viruses and prices inflating
Misappropriation of finances
These are Kali Yuga advances
Is Shiva doing his destructive dances
In such chaos what are the chances?
Does the solution lie in activism?
Or in peace driven pacifism?
Certainly not in capitalism
How to address a narcissism?
Where does all this take us?
Do our leaders forsake us?
Is there anyone to wake us?
Is there anyone so gracious?
All fingers point to you
Prabhupada, it’s true
In analysis and review
Whom else can we pursue?
Do we just step right back
And see our own personal lack?
Why do we give others flack?
Isn’t it better to self attack?
You have given us everything
Wisdom, music, food for a king
How to serve, how to sing
All that involves a healing
We follow or we fall
It makes no sense to stall
When we started it was a crowd
Now we move, sit and stand tall
We clutch onto your lotus feet
We utter the Name and we repeat
We read, teach, know how to treat
We start this project, we complete
We must end our messing
Look hard at our possessing
Detach and do that assessing
We continue to receive your blessing
- Composed by Bhaktimarga Swami, The Walking Monk©
May the Source be with you!
0 km
Anchorage, Alaska
Last Full Day
Adam and I hiked one of the trails at Kincaid Park where a massive moose, a bull with crowning antlers, came into view. There he was chewing away at leaves from a little tree. He wasn’t shy in the least nor aggressive. Was just enjoying lunch. He was close.
Adam was in the process of recording for his Outdoor Explorer radio show, 91.1 FM, from Anchorage. Being an outdoors person himself, as a ski coach and a cyclist marathoner, he was excited about my cross-country walks so he took an hour of recording as we were walking. Being a coach, he fills the role, automatically, as a kind of guru. Young folks in training come to him for consultation and consolation. Anyway, we have a lot in common.
For a bit more of outdoor experience and mountain air, Sudevi took Krishnadas and I to Chugach Mountains area. We hit a dry spot for a change.
The evening became a time for another book launch at Namaste North on L St. in Anchorage. Although I only had two copies left of The Saffron Path, my launch presentation went on, nevertheless. I offered my tales from trails and then we finished with a pleasant kirtan.
You can say it was an all around in-and-outdoor exploration. So much exhilaration!
May the Source be with you!
5 km
Anchorage Alaska
Full and Fun
It was a day full and fun. Firstly, Krishnadas and I went for our morning walk. Then Sudevi had lined up a series of events that stretched throughout the day. A.T.O.M. (Ancient Teachings of Masters), our small Anchorage group, came to listen to a woman’s life journey and it was interesting; from the perspective of her presentation, her language and evolution.
By noon time we were set up for some pooja or worship at the newly constructed Ganesh temple. This location was the former center for A.T.O.M. and is a mere two blocks away from Sudevi and Ryan’s place. How convenient! The attendees there were mostly tourists, like Krishnadas and myself. Folks came from Dallas, Orlando and Cleveland. It was Nice to unite with our Hindu brothers and sisters.
With the regular rain upon us for days we were craving to get out to see more of Alaska’s naturalness. Fog and wetness had obscured any visible beauty but we couldn’t complain. Thus far our stay has been phenomenal and, to top off today’s journey, we drove to the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center and, once again, it was nothing to do with a presentation I put out. I was here to watch and learn. On display were indigenous members of the wildlife community. Muskox, bison, bear, moose, caribou, and porcupine were behind fences but then I saw adequate space. The public came and appreciated. I do have mixed feelings about animals in a type of captivity but, to put it more cleverly, these creatures are in a rescue category.
Tagged onto this afternoon trip was viewing surfers as the high tide came in at Turnagain Arm’s Channel. Quite amazing!
May the Source be with you!
4 km
Narayani Devi Dasi (right) initiates Nila Madhava (left), now Nilambari Dasi, a second-generation ISKCON devotee on Janmastami 2022 at New Raman Reti Temple in Alachua, Florida. (Photo credit: ISKCON Alachua) On August 19, Janmastami Day, Narayani devi dasi became the first Vaishnavi (female devotee) in ISKCON to serve as a diksa guru, or initiating […]
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Dear Devotees Hare Krsna All Glories to Guru and Gauranga. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. The most auspicious of all months is just weeks away! The Month of Kartika is said to be very auspicious that whatever little Spiritual activities performed in this month are rewarded with greater spiritual results than usual. Just Imagine immersing […]
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At the 2022 Annual General Meeting, the GBC appointed South African devotee, Champakalata devi dasi to the post of ISKCON’s Justice Minister. Champakalata devi’s appointment follows the resignation of prior minister, Sesa das, on the grounds of ill health Continue reading "ISKCON’S New Justice Minister
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After two years of separation, MAN-tra is back in New Vrindaban, Sept. 9-11th, 2022. While technology allowed the annual men’s retreat to go virtual over the past couple of years, and carry on with exciting seminars, performances, and discussions, and to have the association of Vaishnava men from around the world, nothing can replace the […]
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