Saturday, November 2nd, 2013
→ The Walking Monk

The Actor

Brampton, Ontario

Early this morning I met the most amazing actor. He looked wholesome and was stylish in attire. At the time, he was very much in the enjoying mode before he got fearsome.

To be more specific, when on my japa meditation walk at 5 AM in the quiet suburbs of Toronto, I stumble upon an opossum. It’s the first one I had ever seen in Canada. He’s a hairy guy, he had in his possession an apple which he had been chewing on. The reason for me calling him an actor was because he was faking it – dead. Like the saying goes, ‘play possum’, referring to lay low and play dead. This little guy pulled it off real well. He was rather motionless, laying partially to the side, yet I could tell by some jaw movement he was very much alive. His stoic posture is his defense method. It’s instinctive, if not genius.

I wanted to let him know that he had nothing to worry about when meeting a veggie monk. I was able to get close enough and let him catch the sound of the mantra. I proceeded to walk with the intent to come back a few minutes later, and sure enough, I found him gone, his partially eaten apple missing as well. Perhaps he’s found a tree to suspend himself from by means of his powerful tail. I’d say he’s quite professional at what he does. I was reminded of the Gita statement, “I am the ability in all.” Wherever talent lies, it all emanates from Him.

Later in the evening I was proudly engaged in the grand opening of a new facility for VEC, an acronym for Vedic Educational Centre, sponsored by ISKCON. This facility will function as a temple on Sunday while on other days of the week will hold Gita classes, kirtan, cooking demos, Odissi classes of dance lessons, perhaps even South Indian martial arts.

To celebrate its opening at 6 George Street in downtown Brampton, we staged a drama, Gita: Concise. It was performed by our own local actors who are very sincere. They did splendid. They helped me to reflect on the expert marsupial little fellow, the opossum, and the opossum reminded me of Him.

May the Source be with you!

8 KM

The secret of the Hare Krsna movement
→ KKS Blog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 23 July 2013, Durban, South Africa, Lecture: Journey of faith)

srila prabhupada_2During my stay at the Krsna Balaram mandir, initially I was very impressed by the deities and the temple. But gradually it began to dawn on me that Prabhupada was even more prominently present in Vrindavan than Krsna. Krsna is so much present in Vrindavan – everywhere! But I realized that in the Krsna Balaram mandir, Prabhupada is even more present and that by satisfying Prabhupada’s desire, we will attain Krsna. That became very apparent to me.

And suddenly, I understood the secret of the Hare Krsna movement. I understood that the sincerity, the dedication that I had mistaken for fanaticism, was actually found in the devotees love for Prabhupada. Because at the time when I joined, the movement consisted of Srila Prabhupada’s disciples. They were very sincere and dedicated simply because of their love for Prabhupada.

That was a unique feature. That is the one thing this movement had over others, and we see that it brought about much greater changes in peoples’ lives.


2013 Govardhan Puja at ISKCON Atlanta, Georgia (Album 47 photos)

Welcome to the Atlanta Hare Krishna Temple, a spiritual home cultivating and inspiring people of all religions, nationalities and cultures in devotion of God, Krishna. We have several programs focused on glorifying God through singing, dancing, worship of the lord(arati), discussing philosophy, and finally having vegetarian prasadam (sanctified food/food offered to the Lord) together. We believe in developing loving relationships, guiding, encouraging, and inspiring each other in spiritual practices and spreading the message of God. Read more ›

338. Racing away with life
→ 9 Days, 8 Nights

Yesterday was the Melbourne cup – a day when the best of horses compete with one another to help make their owners rich and famous. For many years, thousands of dollars are spent on each horse to make them “function” at their optimum. After all – only if you invest will you get the best results. Horses need great care – best of food, trainers, medicine, stable etc. Until they fall over and fracture a leg that is.

Yesterday, one of the horses broke her leg and her “team” decided to “put down” the horse. One of the common reasons given by vets, trainers, their owners and supporters with limited knowledge is – “Horses can’t really survive for too long on 3 legs. So, we are doing it a favour by taking it’s life”.

This is how we should read this analysis of theirs – “We have no more use of the horse, can’t bother spending time and money on something which will eventually die, so lets just kill it, remove the problem and get another horse we can focus on”

Some questions -
- Why wouldn’t they let the horse have a natural death?
- Why won’t they continue to spend money on this animal that gave them so much money, fame and hope? Care means birth through to death.
- Why not have the sporting organizers set aside a fund to treat injured horses? Its not hundreds of horses that you have to pay for but a few here and there. These horses would not have run so much in their lives like they do in these races. So, the owners/sport/spectators have had a direct role to play in their injury.
- If a jockey had a fracture from a fall or any athlete for that matter was injured seriously, would they be put down too?
- If one’s dog or cat was injured, aren’t they given much love and care?
- Why do we continue to mistreat animals this way in the name of sports? Don’t we have enough sports already with which we can enjoy?

If you still want a race, the best one is for humans to race with another in developing a character of compassion and forgiveness. Everyone will end up as a winner and no life will have to be taken away.

Illusion & Reality [Verse 2 of Caturślokī Bhāgavatam]
→ The Enquirer

Continuing from verse one, I will try to explain in English as clearly and simply as possible the second of the four verses that are the essential core of Śrīmad Bhāgavatam.

ṛte ‘rthaḿ yat pratīyeta
na pratīyeta cātmani
tad vidyād ātmano māyāḿ
yathābhāso yathā tamaḥ

Brahmā: I want to understand how your potencies create reality.

Hari: My magic can make the unreal seem real, and the real seem unreal. It hides reality from anyone whose heart dislikes it, granting unreal perceptions instead.

Brahmā: So, you create “reality” by generating illusions?

Hari: That is how my magic creates the unreal, “material” world.

Brahmā: How do you manifest the real world?

Hari: My same magic reveals the truth of real things and the falsity in unreal things, for those whose who are so inclined.

Brahmā: I see! By māyā you create an illusory reality for those who desire illusion, and by yoga-māyā you manifest factual reality to those who so desire.

Hari: Not only is this how I create the “worlds,” it is also how I create your sense of individuality. For those who require illusion, my magic hides their true identity and reveals the false self they desire. For those who embrace truth, my magic hides any false individuality and reveals their true identity.

Brahmā: Your magic seems to be like both light and darkness.

Hari: My magic is like light because it reveals things to the consciousness. When light shines directly on an object, you see it as it is. But when light glares nearby, the object is cast into shadow and cannot be perceived as it is. This darkness is made all the more impenetrable by the dazzling glare nearby, misdirecting the consciousness and contracting the pupil. Thus the light of my magic can both reveal and hide reality; it can both create and dispel illusions.

Large text, above, represents direct translation, smaller text represents useful explanatory comments or setup.


Strange Pursuits
→ Load Film in Subdued Light

Camera: Imperial Savoy Film: FujiChrome Provia 100D RDP (expired mid 90s)

Camera: Imperial Savoy
Film: FujiChrome Provia 100D RDP (expired mid 90s)

Many travelers along Route 66 have stories about Harley and Annabelle, the “Mediocre Music Makers” from Erick, Oklahoma. Thousands have searched them out to experience a drop of their outlandishness – and for good reason. But when I rode through Erick on an incredibly rainy day in 2008, I had never even heard of them.

I saw their building and tried to take a few pictures through the downpour. A frail blond woman peeked her head out and asked if I wanted to come in an warm up. I said no at first, but her smile convinced me otherwise. We talked for an hour, interviewing each other about the road, life, spirituality and general vulgarity. And then they sang for me – which you can watch here (I was tired and shy).

On my most recent trip through Erick, they weren’t around. I know that Annabelle has been sick lately, and anything she needs to do to get better is worth it, but still, it was a bummer to miss them.


“I cannot die!”
→ KKS Blog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, September 2013, Cape Town, South Africa, BYS lecture)

AlexThere’s a famous story of Alexander the Great who walked into this particular town. Apart from the presence of one saint, the town was completely empty. Alexander was used to this – he never walked into a town that was full of people. People had fled before he arrived!

But there was this one man sitting down. Alexander looked at him and said, “Don’t you know who I am?” He pulled out his sword. “Don’t you know that with this sword, I can just pierce you in a moment?”

And the person said, “Don’t you know who I am? Don’t you know that even if you pierce me with  your sword I will not be affected because I cannot die?”

So saints are not so interested in killing or not killing. They try not to kill bodies as much as possible, but they know that the soul cannot be killed. And that’s more important.


DUE TO REMODEL – closed Nov 21st & 28th
→ Krishna Lounge

The later half of this month will be spent investing some remodeling love and devotion into to the Krishna Lounge. We will be expanding the main room of the lounge, installing all new flooring, lights, bathroom, ect. We’re stoked about it- Look forward to sharing the space with you.

Due to the remodel Krishna Lounge will be closed November 21st & 28th


KRISHNA LOUNGE is run and operated completely by volunteers and donations. If you are inspired to contribute your time/energy into this endeavor or other endeavors – we warmly welcome your progressive disposition, insight and support:

Annakuta festival at ISKCON Salem (Album 123 photos)

Salem is a town in Tamil Nadu with almost a million (”ten lakhs”) residents and is a reputed business center, with a large retail market in gold ornaments and jewelry. The anglicized word “Salem” comes from the Samskrita word “Shailam”, or “hill.” There is a well-known “hill station” that was popularized during the days of British rule, Yercaud, located twenty-five kilometers from Salem at a height of just under four thousand feet. It remains a popular place for summer visitors Read more ›