Celebrating the month of Damodara & Diwali in New Vrindaban
→ New Vrindaban Brijabasi Spirit

Please hear the glories of offering a lamp to Lord Damodara Krsna during this auspicious month of Damodara in Kartik, an offering that is very pleasing to Lord, starting Oct 18 and ending Nov. 17, 2013.

Mother Yasoda trying to bind Lord Damodara Krsna.

Mother Yasoda trying to bind Lord Damodara Krsna.

“Krishna. O’ King of brahmanas, a person who offers a lamp in this way will not take birth again in this world.”

(Text 100, Kartika-mahatmya, Hari-Bhakti-Vilasa)

“Even one who never performs religious rituals or even the worst sinner will surely be purified by this offering. O’ Narada in the three worlds there is no sin that can stand before this Kartika Deepa. Infact, by presenting this deepa before Lord Krishna, the eternal abode can be reached without obstruction.”

(Text 113, Kartika-mahatmya, Hari-Bhakti-Vilasa)

“In the month of Kartika, one should worship Lord Damodara and recite the prayer known as Damodarashtakam, which has been spoken by the sage Satyavrata and which attracts Damodara.”

(Sri Hari Bhakti Vilasa 2.16.198)

Srila Prabhupada recommended all devotees of the Lord to especially be attentive to the following activities during the month of Damodara, in order to make rapid spiritual advancement:

1. Chant Hare Krsna Japa on Tulasi beads.

2. Offer Damodarashtakam prayers every day. (Listen to Damodarashtakam with lyrics)

3. Offer ghee lamps(dipas), flowers, incense, food.

4. Worship Tulasi Devi.

damodara yasoda


World Holy Name Week in Mauritius (82 photos)
→ Dandavats.com

By Karunika dasi

Imagine three hundred devotees dancing and chanting loudly in unison under a star-lit sky; beautiful deities of Sri Sri Gaura Nitai, on Their decorated cart, leading the way; along the pavement of the winding village roads, people standing in front of their homes, holding plates of fruit and incense to offer to The Lord... Continue reading "World Holy Name Week in Mauritius (82 photos)
→ Dandavats.com"

Do material laws cease to apply for devotees?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

From Visvambhara P

I have a question with regard to something you say in the article "What raises motion to action is motivation": “When we choose to act based on a spiritual motivation, material laws cease to apply”

In PQPA, when Bob Cohen asks Srila Prabhupada, that you (SP) are a pure devotee, so even if you have to drink poison, this will not affect you? Srila Prabhupada replied that as long as we are in the material world, we have to abide by the laws of material nature, as we are affected by them. I’m parapharasing this point.

How do we reconcile these apparently different viewpoints?

Answer Podcast

How can we offer all the results of our work to Krishna?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

From Dheeraj

In this quote

“If, however, you are unable to work in this consciousness of Me, then try to act giving up all results of your work and try to be self-situated.”

What it means “giving up all results of your work”, how can we give up the results…By donation, or by doing service to Krishna? the more we get involved in material activities the more we get attached to the result.

Answer Podcast

People say “Pursue your passion.” Is such passion coming from the soul or the mind?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

From Sudheer P

Many people will say 'follow your heart', 'You have to pursue your own passions what your inner voice says'. I want to know what is that inner voice or passion of the heart. Are those words are given by the soul or just feelings by the modes of material nature. or can those statements can be true in any sense. please tell some few words regarding this.

Answer Podcast

How can we take shelter of Krishna when the sexual urge troubles us while we are resting in bed?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Day time is not a problem for the most part - it is easy to do so many activities and engage. However, when Sexual urge strikes when we lie down in the Bed - what activities can we take shelter? Most of the days, due to being tired we immediately go to Bed but some nights the Draconian mind does not let go. We are too tired to get up and do something. The only activity left is to Chant while lying down which sometimes works and sometimes does not.

Do you have any pointers in this regards?

Answer Podcast

06.25 – Those who take a strong stand internally stand strong externally
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Two buildings may look equally firm, yet when a devastating storm comes, one crumbles, while the other stands strong.

Why the difference?

Because their foundations were not equally strong.

The same principle holds true for our spiritual life. Two seekers may appear equally steady, yet when the storms of anti-devotional temptation come, some of us give up our devotional practices, whereas others stay firm.

Why the difference?

Because not all seekers have equally strong foundations.

What is our foundation in spiritual life?

It’s our inner connection with Krishna and our conviction to continue that connection, come what may. The connection gives us an experience of higher, devotional happiness and the conviction enables us to persevere in our devotional practices even when that happiness sometimes seems inaccessible due to the mind’s ever-chanting moods. The Bhagavad-gita (06.25) urges us to use our intelligence sustained with conviction (buddhya-dhriti grihitaya) to keep ourselves fixed on the inner spiritual reality. This conviction comes by regular scriptural study sharpened by diligent application. When we are thus convinced, we can take a strong stand internally against the mind’s propositions of worldly pleasure: “Nothing doing; I am a soul meant for far better things than such fleeting unfulfilling pleasures. Krishna will offer me everlasting ever-fulfilling happiness if I just stay faithful to him.”

This strong inner stand empowers us to stand strong externally, no matter how alluring the temptation or how extenuating the circumstance. Temptations can afflict us only through the mind. When we say no to the mind, we render the temptations powerless and harmless because we cut off their channel of attack, thereby creating a safe inner haven for ourselves. A haven that enables us to practice devotional service steadily till we are transferred to the ultimate heaven, Krishna’s eternal world of love.


06.25 - Gradually, step by step, one should become situated in trance by means of intelligence sustained by full conviction, and thus the mind should be fixed on the self alone and should think of nothing else.



Priests and pumpkins
→ KKS Blog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 8 September 2013, Johannesburg, South Africa, Home Program)

When having a small get-together, the idea is that some blessings are exchanged. We don’t know the workers who built this house and what karma they put in between the bricks. We think they just put cement when we see them working. No, karma is also there.

carved pumpkinThat’s why in traditional Indian houses, you have to hang a pumpkin outside the building, at the construction site. The pumpkin has to be there and there has to be a face on the pumpkin. Somehow or other, they do this pumpkin ritual and it’s supposed to capture all the inauspicious elements that have been brought in at the time of construction. You don’t know who you bought the bricks from, it maybe from a total demon, maybe Hiranyakasipu! Could be that Hiranyakasipu himself has a brick factory. His bricks are like, you know, full of suffering of so many mistreated (employees) and all the karma of Hiranyakasipu, the brick-seller, comes to us in our house.

But then traditionally, they hang the pumpkin which is supposed to capture all the evil spirits or evil karma and at the end, you’re supposed to throw out the pumpkin or even like BURN the pumpkin! Traditionally, a brahmana would come and chant mantras; nice mantras to invite all the ghosts and spirits into the pumpkin, “Welcome.” It starts very sweet and then suddenly, this brahmana starts some yajna, some fire and he takes a burning stick and he just burns that pumpkin! And throws out the pumpkin of the house, “Out!”

Nowadays, we don’t do such things although that was colourful, I must say. Sort of exciting, you know. It’s not that we cannot do some pumpkin ritual if we want but the essence of course is chanting Hare Krsna. The chanting of Hare Krsna makes everything more auspicious than a truck-load of pumpkins can do because the chanting of Hare Krsna brings auspiciousness. It’s not about driving out the inauspiciousness but it makes auspiciousness, it makes everything auspicious. It makes a house auspicious, it makes our life auspicious!



A wonderful morning of parikrama and kirtan in Srinivasa Acarya’s samadhi. Also in the samadhi of Ramachandra Kaviraja and Hemalata Goswamini (131 photos)
→ Dandavats.com

Indradyumna Swami: On the first day of Kartika here in Vrindavan our parikrama party walked to the courtyard where the sacred samadhis of Srinivasa Acarya, Ramachandra Kaviraja and Hemalata Goswami are located. We had many hours of kirtan and katha and felt our souls greatly purified. Read more ›

Deep Emotions
→ travelingmonk.com

On the first day of Kartika here in Vrindavan our parikrama party walked to the courtyard where the sacred samadhis of Srinivasa Acarya, Ramachandra Kaviraja and Hemalata Goswami are located. We had many hours of kirtan and katha and felt our souls greatly purified. We feel so fortunate to be here in Vrindavan – the [...]

24 Hour Kirtan Countdown: New Vrindaban
→ New Vrindaban Brijabasi Spirit

The 24 Hour Kartik Kirtan will be here this Sat. Oct. 19, 2013!

Join us either on our New Vrindaban webcam or in person.

Here are some of the kirtaniyas scheduled (list not final):

Bhakti Vasudeva Swami, New Vrindaban Devotees Varsana Swami, Devananda Pandit, Ananda Vidya, Rupanuga, Rupa Manjari and others, plusAmala Kirtan Das, Ajamil Das, Uttam Bhakta Das,Sarvajaya Gauranga Das,Kishore (Mayapuries), Lilananda Das,  Bhakti Lata Devi Dasi, andJatin Bhandari.
It will be a rocking kirtan!  Everyone is invited.

Hare Krsna.

24 hr crowd.good.small

Museum of Sacred Art in Villa Vrindavana, Florence, Italy (10 min video)
→ Dandavats.com

“Much of the existing artwork by ISKCON’s publishing arm the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust is in a renaissance-influenced style, including that of Jnanajana Das,” says Villa Vrindavana temple president Parabhakti Das. “As Villa Vrindavana is located in Tuscany, the birthplace of the Renaissance, MOSA’s art will continue in this theme. For this reason, the regional government wants to support our museum, which we expect will attract many tourists.” Read more ›

A Vaishnava artist who lives and paints in the fabulous Tower Bonazza, Florence, Italy
→ Dandavats.com

In Naples, Peter attended the Art School and later the Academy of Fine Arts of this remembers with particular affection the teacher, staunch supporter of intellectual painting. Arrived in Tuscany, was introduced to oriental culture experiences doing yoga with the Hare Krishnas and handling illustration of the ancient texts of this religion at the Academy of San Casciano Read more ›

→ Dandavats.com

Vaisesika Dasa: Wherever one resides, one should daily offer a lamp to the Lord and sing the Damodara astakam. One should also increase one's other devotional activities, especially hearing and chanting the names and pastimes of the Lord. All these practices will be quickly effective during Kartika Read more ›

Srutidharma prabhu’s message about KARTIK 2013 – Urja Vrata (3 min video)
→ Dandavats.com

The execution of devotional service during Urja-vrata in the month of Karttika is especially recommended to be performed at Mathura . . . The Lord does not award devotional service to ordinary persons who are not serious about it. But even such unserious persons who execute devotional service according to the regulative principles during the month of Karttika, and within the jurisdiction of Mathura in India, are very easily awarded the Lord’s personal service Read more ›

How Emotion Becomes an Experience (Rati -> Rasa)
→ The Enquirer

Here are the verses from the beginning of the second section of Bhakti Rasāmṛta, from my old 1998 notes:.I begin with text 3 because 1 and 2 are maṅgalācarana.


asya pañca lahary yaḥ syur vibhāvākhyā ‘grimā matā |
dvitīyā tv anubhāvākhyā tṛtīyā sāttvikābhidā || 3 ||

vyabhicāry abhidhā turyā sthāyi-saṁjñā ca pañcamī |
athāsyāḥ keśava-rater lakṣitāyā nigadyate |
sāmagrī-paripoṣeṇa paramā rasa rūpatā || 4 ||

asya – in this (Southern Ocean); pañca – five; lahari – waves; yaḥ – she; syuḥ – should be; vibhāva-akhyā – called “vibhāva” (“stimuli”); agrimā – the first; matā – in my opinion; dvitīyā – the second; tu – but; anubhava-akhyā – called “anubhāva” (“expressions”); tṛtīyā – the third; sāttvika-abhidā – called “sāttvika” (“reflexive expressions”).

vyabhicārī abhidhā – called “vyabhicārī” (“counter-expressions”); turyā – the fourth; sthāyi-saṁjñā – well known as “sthāyī-bhāva” (“foundational emotion”); ca – and; pañcamī – the fifth; atha-asyāḥ – now, here; keśava-rateḥ – of affection for Keśava; lakṣitāyā – the characteristics; nigadyate – I will describe; sāmagrī – completely, entirely; paripoṣeṇa – totally nourishing; paramā – paramount; rasa – bhakti rasa; rūpatā – the form or nature of.

In this Southern Ocean are five waves. In my opinion, the first should be called “Stimuli” (Vibhāva), but the second should be called “Expressions” (Anubhāva), and the third called “Reflexive Expressions” (Sāttvika-bhāva). The fourth should be called “Counter-Expressions” (Vyabhicārī-bhāva), and the fifth is well known as “Foundational Emotion” (Sthāyi-bhāva).

Now, I will describe how affection for Keśava can be completely and fully nourished to become paramount bhakti rasa.


vibhāvair anubhāvaiś ca sāttvikair vyabhicāribhiḥ |
svādyatvaṁ hṛdi bhaktānām ānitā śravaṇādibhiḥ |
eṣā kṛṣṇa-ratiḥ sthāyī bhāvo bhakti-raso-bhavet || 5 ||

vibhāvaiḥ – Vibhāva (“stimuli”); ca – and; anubhāvaiḥ – Anubhāva (“expressions”); ca – and; sāttvikaiḥ – Sāttvika-bhāva (“reflexive expressions”); vyabhicāribhiḥ – Vyabhicārī-bhāva (“counter-expressions”); svādyatvam – tasted; hṛdi – in the heart; bhaktānām – of the bhaktas, devotees; ānitā – taken, brought near; śravaṇādibhiḥ – hearing, etc.; eṣā – this; kṛṣṇa-ratiḥ – affection for Krishna; sthāyī bhāvaḥ – Sthāyi-bhāva (“foundational emotion”); bhakti-rasaḥ – Bhakti Rasa; bhavet – if/becomes.

If activities like hearing about Krishna bring stimuli (Vibhāva), expressions (Anubhava), reflexive expressions (Sāttvika-bhāva), and counter-expressions (Vyabhicārī-bhāva) into contact with one’s affection for Krishna, then one’s foundational emotion (Sthāyi-bhāva) becomes Bhakti Rasa, and is tasted in the heart of the devotees.

Bhakti Rasa, the transcendental experience of rapture in love of Godhead, has five components. The most basic component is the foundational emotion, “Sthāyi-bhāva,” which is the specific type of unique affection one has for Krishna. This basic emotional relationship with Krishna can be heightened into a rapturous experience (“Bhakti Rasa”) under certain circumstances. First it must be stimulated (“Vibhāva”). Hearing about Krishna, and similar activities, usually introduces the elements that create this stimulation. Once stimulated, one’s emotions for Krishna need to be experienced by being expressed through the senses (“Anubhāva”). For the experience to reach the state of divine rapture (“Bhakti Rasa”), the emotion must also be expressed reflexively, in ways such as shivering, becoming stunned, crying, perspiring, etc. (“Sāttvika-bhāva”). Finally, counter-expressions (“Vyabhicārī-bhāva”) such as attempting to conceal one’s feelings heighten the experience further.

When one’s foundational emotion of attraction to Krishna is thus stimulated and expressed, it can be tasted within the heart as the divine state of bliss known as Bhakti Rasa.


prāktanyādhunikī cāsti yasya sad-bhakti-vāsanā |
eṣa bhakti-rasāsvādastāsyaivā hṛdi jāyate || 6 ||

prāktani – previously learned; ādhunikī – contemporarily; ca – and; asti – is; yasya – one who; sad-bhakti-vāsanā – enveloped in eternal devotion; eṣa – this; bhakti-rasāsvādastā – the nature of tasting Bhakti Rasa; asya – in this; evā – certainly; hṛdi – in the heart; jāyate – is born.

The ability to taste Bhakti Rasa certainly develops in the heart of one who is enveloped in eternal devotion as a result of previous and contemporary studies.

Śloka 5 briefly explained what Bhakti Rasa is. Now, Ślokas 6-11 present the topic of who is qualified to experience it.


bhakti-nirdhūta-doṣāṇāṁ prasannojjvala-cetasām |
śrī-bhāgavata-raktānāṁ rasikāsaṅga-raṅgiṇām || 7 ||

jīvanī-bhūta-govinda-pāda-bhakti-sukha-śriyām |
premāntaraṅga-bhūtāni kṛtyāny evānutiṣṭhatām || 8 ||

bhaktānāṁ hṛdi rājantī saṁskāra-yugalojjvalā |
ratir ānanda-rūpaiva nīyamānā tu rasyatām || 9 ||

kṛṣṇādibhir vibhāvādyair gatair anubhavādhvani |
prauḍhānandaś camatkāra-kāṣṭhām āpadyate parām || 10 ||

bhakti ­– Bhakti; nirdhūta-doṣāṇām – purified of faults; prasannaujjvala-cetasām – happy, bright mind; śrī-bhāgavata-raktānām – with taste for things related to Bhagavan, like Śrīmad Bhāgavatam, and devotees of Bhagavan; rasika-āsaṅga-raṅgiṇām – who take pleasure in associating with those who taste Bhakti Rasa.

jīvanī-bhūta – who has become the very life of; govinda-pāda – the feet of Govinda; bhakti-sukha – the happiness of Bhakti; śriyām – opulence; prema-antaraṅga-bhūtāni – which has become the internal aspect of Prema; kṛtyāni – activities; eva – certainly; anutiṣṭhatām – those who express that station.

bhaktānām – devotees; hṛdi – in the heart; rājantī – existing; saṁskāra-yugala – together with the impressions of previous experiences; ujjvalā – brilliant; ratiḥ – affection; ānanda-rūpa – the form of bliss; eva – certainly; nīyamānā – being brought; tu – but; rasyatām – to the stage of Rasa.

kṛṣṇa-adibhiḥ – by Krishna, etc.; vibhāva-adyaiḥ – by Stimuli (“Vibhāva”), etc.; gataiḥ – attained; anubhava-ādhvani – expressing itself tangibly (“audibly”), prauḍha-ānandaḥ – mature bliss; camatkāra-kāṣṭhām – the platform of wonder; āpadyate – arrives at; parām – paramount.

Those who are purified of faults, happy and bright-minded, who are inclined to Śrīmad Bhāgavatam, who enjoy associating with those who taste Bhakti Rasa, for whom the feet of Govinda is their very life, who are opulent with the happiness of Bhakti, and whose activities express the internal realization of Prema – When Bhakti exists in the hearts of such devotees, together with the brilliant impressions of previous experiences, then affection for Krishna is brought to the blissful stage of Rasa when excited by Stimuli, etc. (such as Krishna, etc.). When it expresses itself tangibly, it arrives at the paramount platform of wonder and mature bliss.

Wednesday, October 16th, 2013
→ The Walking Monk

Let's Get The Bhakti Down
Juhu Beach, India
It was at this beach that a man had been standing on his head when our guru, Srila Prabhupada, passed by him.  One of his students said to Srila Prabhupada, disclaiming the yogi saying, "This is not one of our men."  At that time the mood was that if you did anything that wasn't directly devotional you would be considered as being in maya (illusion).
Srila Prabhupada was silent for a few seconds and then remarked about the fellow doing the head-stand that this was good for health, implying that it was good for a practitioner of bhakti to do this type of thing.
Sometimes, those who are in devotion may carry a self-righteous attitude about what they do, regarding other practical things as secondary or less important.  My remark on that is we need to obtain a balance.
Here's an example of something interesting where the point of devotion was amiss for the sake of being practical.  Murali Krishna Swami is a huskily built green-eyed Boston bloke who used to excel in hockey before he became a monk.  He and I were sitting side-by-side at the edge of a carpet where we were enjoying doshas and chutney.  Two fellows proceeded to roll up the carpet in order to avoid spillage.  In the process M.K. Swami's dhoti (lower garment) got trapped in the carpet.  He finally yanked and freed his dhoti remarking to me, "Do they have to do this now?"  Once the carpet came my way my dhoti got trapped in also and the way things were looking I was going to be pulled in if I hung on.  If I was to remain indifferent I might become guilty of indecent exposure if I let the dhoti take its own course.  (Funny, but we just heard a recording on the message of renunciation).  In the meantime I tried to balance my plate of prasadam (food) when the plate tipped and the chutney spilled on my tugged-at dhoti.
I revealed the evidence to the carpet-rolling devotees who merely waggled their heads.  I thought maybe a tiny bit of thoughtfulness was absent.  So be it!
In any event I had a great day with team members of Vande (Vaishnava Arts for a New Devotional Era).  All was civilized in the end.
May the Source be with you!
5 KM

Krsna conquers us
→ KKS Blog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 11 September 2013, Durban, South Africa, Srimad Bhagavatam 1.3.38)

One who remembers Krsna all the time becomes captured by Krsna. Krsna slowly captures us. It is said: jayati jananivaso devaki-janma-vado (SB 10.90.48). Jananivaso or Jananivasa is speaking about Krsna who is the resort, or shelter, of all living beings. Jayati means he conquers or it means ‘victory’.

001-Krishna_VisionIt is described by Srila Visvanatha Chakravati Thakur, in the commentary of that verse, that jayati is in the present tense and it means that Krsna is victorious. Not like he will be victorious or we hope that Krsna will conquer our heart. No, he is conquering right now. Basically what it means is that Krsna is penetrating into our consciousness even though we are conditioned souls and we are reluctant. It doesn’t matter how much tilak we put, how big the neck beads are; it doesn’t matter whether we live in a temple; it doesn’t matter even if we are bramachari for ninety-nine years, still we don’t want to surrender. There is a portion in us that does not want to, it is resisting; there is reluctance in us. And no matter how devotional we fold our hands, still we don’t want. We want to keep independence, we want to enjoy. That tendency is very strong.

It does not matter because by associating with Krsna, Krsna is victorious, says Srila Visvanatha Chakravati Thakur. He is victorious now. So, whenever we are associating with Krsna, he is penetrating and there is no false ego. Although the false ego is like a wall, a high wall which is so thick that the Chinese Wall looks like nothing; and nothing seems to go through that wall of false ego, except for Krsna. For Krsna it is nothing, he penetrates into our hearts and our consciousness.