Time lapse video about the building of the Ratha Yatra Cart 2013 – Hare Krishna Melbourne
Change 4,528
→ Jayadvaita Swami
According to what I hear, the second edition of Bhagavad-gita As It Is has five thousand changes. Here’s one that came up in a Gita class a few nights ago:
17.28 (first edition)
asraddhaya hutam dattam
tapas taptam krtam ca yat
asad ity ucyate partha
na ca tat pretya no ihaasraddhaya — without faith; hutam — performed; dattam — given; tapah — penance; taptam — executed; krtam — performed; ca — also; yat — that which; asat — falls; iti — thus; ucyate — is said to be; partha — O son of Prtha; na — never; ca — also; tat — that; pretya — after death; no — nor; iha — in this life.
But sacrifices, austerities and charities performed without faith in the Supreme are nonpermanent, O son of Partha, regardless of whatever rites are performed. They are called asat and are useless both in this life and the next.
Asat, of course, means “impermanent,” “temporary,” or false. The second edition has it right.
The post Change 4,528 appeared first on Jayadvaita Swami.
Change 4,528
→ Jayadvaita Swami
According to what I hear, the second edition of Bhagavad-gita As It Is has five thousand changes. Here’s one that came up in a Gita class a few nights ago:
17.28 (first edition)
asraddhaya hutam dattam
tapas taptam krtam ca yat
asad ity ucyate partha
na ca tat pretya no iha
asraddhaya — without faith; hutam — performed; dattam — given; tapah — penance; taptam — executed; krtam — performed; ca — also; yat — that which; asat — falls; iti — thus; ucyate — is said to be; partha — O son of Prtha; na — never; ca — also; tat — that; pretya — after death; no — nor; iha — in this life.
But sacrifices, austerities and charities performed without faith in the Supreme are nonpermanent, O son of Partha, regardless of whatever rites are performed. They are called asat and are useless both in this life and the next.
Asat, of course, means “impermanent,” “temporary,” or false. The second edition has it right.
2013 09 29 Srimad Bhagavatam 10 24 31 34 Summary Of The Govardhan Lila Radha Govind Swami
→ Gouranga TV - The Hare Krishna video collection
2013 09 29 Srimad Bhagavatam 10 24 31 34 Summary Of The Govardhan Lila Radha Govind Swami
→ Seed of Devotion
So for five years I saw through the vision of death. Not every day, but many days. Even when my illness went away, this vision persisted. I often had this sense that my life would be over in mere seconds, everyone and everything around me would be devoured by time. It was a terrible vision; a gift and a burden.
I remember many years ago how I left my house in Alachua carrying my suitcase at night. I was on my way to join the Winter Bus Tour to Mexico, which would last for 3 adventurous weeks.
I walked down the faded blue front steps and the vision fell over me - all too soon I would be returning to these blue front steps with my bags in hand, the Winter Bus Tour but a memory. Gone. Like sand through my fingers. Just gone.
This happened countless times - carrying my suitcase down those blue front steps, off to my next destination, and then returning. From being gone a couple days to being gone an entire year - it didn't matter.
Time passed.
During that time, I would see my friends and parents through the lens of death - soon they would all be gone. And who knows - tomorrow God may take me. God takes thousands of people every day - every moment - without any warning.
When I was about 14, I read a verse in the Bhagavad Gita where Krishna says, "I am Time, the great destroyer of the worlds." Krishna gave divine eyes to Arjuna so that His friend could witness Krishna's universal form. Arjuna witnessed armies and worlds being devoured, the cosmos spinning, everything whirling and whirling and whirling... at last Arjuna cried out, "Stop, please, stop."
He continued, "Please... show me Your form as Krishna, my friend, the one who plays the flute. The one whom I can offer my love to."
So Krishna showed His form as Krishna. Just Krishna.
Timeless Krishna.
That is the vision I want. I just want Krishna. I want Krishna when He plays His flute, someone I can cook for, put to bed and read to Him at night, someone I can bathe and dress and murmur to, "How are you today?"
I hope one day that I can feel Krishna put His arms around me and hold me. That is all I want.
Through A Ritualistic Phase
→ Japa Group
Deity Darshan: 10/13/2013
→ The Toronto Hare Krishna Blog!
09.22 – When worry accelerates the imagination, let faith become the brake
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Worry accelerates our imagination. When we face problems, worry paints dreadful pictures of the many further things that may go wrong, thereby sucking our mental energy into those gloomy possibilities.
Saying that worry accelerates our imagination doesn’t mean that the problems we worry about aren’t real. They may well be real. But we can live only one moment at a time and we need to take things one at a time. Worry paralyzes our capacity to utilize the present, the only resource that we have to deal with issues.
Moreover, many of the scenarios that worry makes us agonize over are in fact imaginary – they are possibilities that may never become realities.
If while driving the accelerator gets pressed accidentally, we regain control is by pressing the brakes. The brake that slows down our hyperactive imagination is faith – faith in Krishna’s omnipotence and omni-benevolence. He is always in control and is always our well-wisher. He assures in the Bhagavad-gita (09.22) that he personally protects those who constantly meditate on him.
The stipulation that we constantly meditate on him is not a stiff demand meant to disqualify us, but a necessary condition meant to help us access his protection. When we redirect our thoughts from things that worry us to things that pacify us, worry loses its power to accelerate our imagination.
To facilitate this redirection, Krishna offers himself as a pacifying object of thought. He is the best object of thought, for he is all-attractive, embodying within himself everything attractive about everything. The more we choose to put our faith in him and habituate ourselves to meditating on him, the more we relish that attractiveness and develop a taste for it. Then faith no longer remains a brake for worrying thoughts; it becomes an accelerator for fulfilling thoughts.
09.22 - But those who always worship Me with exclusive devotion, meditating on My transcendental form — to them I carry what they lack, and I preserve what they have.
Samudra das
→ Ramai Swami
Samudra das and Nagara devi dasi run a surf, dive and clothing shop in the Sanur area of Denpasar, Bali. Actually the shop is in the front of the family house that Samudra and his brother Padma grew up in.
15 Oct 2013 – Pasankusa Ekadashi
→ ISKCON Desire Tree
The Importance of Devotee Association, Sunday Festival, October 6, Dallas
Giriraj Swami
“The scriptures explain that if one begins acting according to one’s constitutional position, one develops all the qualities that help one act according to that position. Our eternal position is that we are naturally devotees of God and we naturally love God. And, naturally loving God means that you love everyone. So, the natural state of the soul is to give love and receive the love of others. As one begins practicing to do that, then all those natural qualities gradually become manifest. They are beautiful qualities. They’re the qualities that we are all attracted to. To love God means to love all of His parts and parcels—all of His children. And so many of these qualities have to do with how we relate to each other. It is very interesting.” —Gunagrahi das Goswami
Kirtan In the Muslim Quarter
→ travelingmonk.com
Harinama and preaching program in Macedonia receive nice reception from the local population (98 photos)
→ Dandavats.com
Pictures of our bungalow and of a treatment for water retention
→ SivaramaSwami.com
I learned more about motivating personnel on my budget flight to Coimbatore than if I had taken an expensive motivational course
→ SivaramaSwami.com
Mahavishnu Swami giving a lecture at our festival last Thursday at the Green Par…
→ Mahavishnu Swami
Mahavishnu Swami Lecture | Function Room, Bath, 10 Oct 2013
Mahavishnu Swami giving a lecture at the festival at the Bath Function Room on the 10th October 2013. Continue reading
October 12th, 2013 – Darshan
→ Mayapur.com
The post October 12th, 2013 – Darshan appeared first on Mayapur.com.
Lokamata Adilakshmi Mataji passes away
→ ISKCON Malaysia
KUALA LUMPUR - Lokamata Adilakshmi Devi Dasi, disciple of HH Jayapataka Swami, mother of Serojamukhi Kausalya Devi Dasi and grandmother of Prakash Prabhu from Batu caves passed away at 5.25am on Friday, 11th October 2013 at the Kuala Lumpur, General Hospital. She was 85 years old, leaving behind her children and grandchildren who are all active members of Sri Jagannath Mandir, Kuala Lumpur.
20131005 Srimad Bhagavatam 102501 Krishna Used Indra to Teach Us Bh. Rasamrita Swami
→ Gouranga TV - The Hare Krishna video collection
20131005 Srimad Bhagavatam 102501 Krishna Used Indra to Teach Us Bh. Rasamrita Swami
Yadubara prabhu’s new super production about Srila Prabhupada’s life, worth US $395,000 (trailer video)
→ Dandavats.com
International Kirtan Festival 2013, Mumbai, India (nicely edited 19 min video)
→ Dandavats.com
06.28 – The purpose of discipline is not to torture ourselves, but to transcend ourselves
→ The Spiritual Scientist
The idea of discipline often evokes in us an inaudible sigh, if not an audible groan – it appears to be a deprivation, as a form of self-torture.
However, the purpose of discipline is not to torture ourselves, but to transcend ourselves. That is, transcend our lower self – our impulsive mind that is seduced by the promises of quick pleasures.
This mind impels us towards choices that lead to the underutilization of our potential. When we are in material consciousness, that pleasure-seeking nature is misdirected by our mind towards worldly pleasures. And when those pleasures are restricted, the mind makes us feel that it is a torture for ourselves.
However, even the best material pleasure is insubstantial, in fact insignificant, when compared to the steady fulfillment available at the spiritual level in loving and serving Krishna.
Trying to control the mind merely by negating its impulses is neither pleasurable nor sustainable. That’s because we are pleasure-seeking beings, for as souls, ananda is a part of our intrinsic nature.
But as long as the mind misdirects us towards worldly pleasures, we stay caught in those fleeting and unfulfilling shadow pleasures. These pleasures become the limiters that we need to transcend if we are to regain our right to spiritual happiness.
Discipline, specifically the discipline of regulated devotional service, is meant to help us transcend the mind and its infatuation with material pleasures and its consequent incarceration of our mental activity with the material realm, as the Bhagavad-gita (06.28) indicates. The more we fix the mind on Krishna by steady practice, the more we access material happiness. Thereby we realize that we have transcended ourselves – our past conceptions of enjoyment – and have attained a far greater, richer, sweeter fulfillment – the joy of pure eternal love for Krishna.
06.28 - Thus the self-controlled yogi, constantly engaged in yoga practice, becomes free from all material contamination and achieves the highest stage of perfect happiness in transcendental loving service to the Lord.
16.12 – Our bonds are not prisoner’s shackles, but puppeteer’s strings
→ The Spiritual Scientist
We treasure freedom as an inalienable right and resist anything that threatens it.
However, we think of freedom largely in terms of the freedom to pursue various forms of material pleasures.
Gita wisdom expands our conception of freedom by extending it to the spiritual level. As everything material is temporary, so is the pleasure from even the best material enjoyments. To get lasting happiness, we need to attain spiritual reality, wherein we as souls can rejoice in eternal love for Krishna. Our own misdirected desires for enjoying material things drag us away from spiritual reality and chain us to material reality, as the Bhagavad-gita (16.12: asha-pasha) indicates.
Unfortunately, we rarely see material desires as bonds because they are not like prisoner’s shackles – they do not immobilize us. To the contrary, they are like puppeteer’s strings – they activate us, making us dance to their tunes. Just as the casual eye doesn’t see how the strings are making the puppets dance, so we don’t see how material desires make us dance. In fact, we imagine those tunes to be our own tunes: “I want to enjoy that.” Only later when the infatuation passes do we wonder: “Why did I do that? What made me act like this, against my values?”
Gita wisdom answers: “The puppeteer’s strings.”
The way to break free from the puppeteer’s strings is by discrimination and devotion. When we use our intelligence to carefully observe ourselves, then we can catch material desires as soon as they start tugging us. And by praying to Krishna for inner strength and using the fulfillment coming from his remembrance as an inner sword, we can cut off those strings. By consistent cultivation of devotion, we eventually reclaim our right to spiritual freedom – the freedom to rejoice forever with Krishna.
16.12 - Bound by a network of hundreds of thousands of desires and absorbed in lust and anger, they secure money by illegal means for sense gratification.
Lecture – SB 2.4.15 Decorated Cell 7/28/2013
→ Prahladananda Swami
SB 02.04.15 Decorated Cell 2013-07-28 Timisoara
Chanting Is The Prime Necessity
→ Japa Group
Unlimited purity
→ KKS Blog
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 13 September 2013, Durban, South Africa, Radhastami)
Here in this world, we are all limited by karma. Some of us have a nose that is too big. Some of us have ears that stick out too much. Some have eyes that are too sunken. Some have bags under the eyes. Some have puffy cheeks and so on. There is no limit to the imperfection that we face as a result of our previous sinful activities.
These are the reactions due to our impurity and therefore we have the bodies that we have but Srimati Radharani’s appearance is perfectly reflecting her unlimited purity and her pure love for Krsna.
Wednesday, October 9th, 2013
→ The Walking Monk
Michael Cremo is the author along with Dr. Richard Thompson on writings that challenge the status quo including the self-admitted speculations of Darwin. “Forbidden Archaeology” and “The Hidden History of the Human Race” are books inspired by our guru that are premised by conspiracy theory justified. When you read these revealing texts, you’ll know what I mean. Why do people blindly follow anything that’s presented to them? Why the gullibility? Challenge or at least question before acceptance, be thoughtful.
That’s what’s nice about Cremo’s work, it stimulates independent thinking. He travels the world with his message and shakes up a paradigm that needs shaking. And he presents the facts with coolness and sobriety.
It’s unfortunate that I won’t be around for his talks. I’m off to Vancouver today and he’ll be moving about in the Toronto/Hamilton area enlightening people, ‘shaking a few trees’.
Cremo, whom I know devotionally as Drutakarma, came out with me for that chill out trek that I take in the morning. Conversation was light, we were just getting to know each other. In exchange, we asked, ‘Where were you born? Where did you grow up? What’s your ethnicity?’ and so on.
And so long… On the plane I go.
By providence I was moved from a middle seat to the isle and the young fellow two seats from mine was also moved from the middle row to the window. We hit it on. As he put it, it was meant to be. Sam Hing is a Toronto born guy of parents from Hong Kong. He was raised Catholic, and during mass he served as an “Well, you can’t say it anymore, an altar boy, because of the gender thing,” he said in a whisper. He is a strong spiritualist advocate and less so a backer or religion.
People do sometimes ask, “Is yours a religion?” This was a similar assumption made by Raymond, an early seeker to the movement in New York, when he asked, “In your religion…” Our guru, Srila Prabhupada, cut him off sharply.
“This is not religion, this is knowledge.”
In any event, Sam is a great guy who seemed to understand my lifestyle as a traveller, a sannyasi, a monk who likes to be out and about. We conversed about a troubled world and the lack of RESPECT (Aretha) and what that word means. ‘Re’ means ‘again’, ‘Spect’ means ‘look’. When it comes to spirituality it means to look again, to look harder and deeper and finally see your real self.
Our plane landed. Sam deplaned at Calgary, I flew on to Vancouver. I got accommodations at New Gokula Dham off of Marine Drive. Before sleep I read from a recent book by Achyutananda Das, “Blazing Sadhus”, with subtitle, “Or Never Trust A Holy Man Who Can’t Dance”. Here’s an excerpt form that book that put me happily to sleep:
“Someone asked, ‘Don’t we all become one with God?’
Prabhupada answered, ‘Nothing is separate from God; that’s alright. We are one in quality with God, but we do not ‘become’ God.’
The swami pretended to lick his hand and said, ‘It is like saying I am salty, so I am the ocean. This version is inadequate and ineffective. The potency is non different from the potent. The energy is non different from the energetic. The effective, immediate and ingredient causes cannot be less than the result. Yes?’”
May the Source be with you!
4 KM
14 Oct 2013 – Ramacandra Vijayotsava
→ ISKCON Desire Tree
14 Oct 2013 – Appearance Day of Sri Madhvacharya
→ ISKCON Desire Tree
Lecture – SB 2.4.14 Lust Is Not The Greatest Friend 7/27/2013
→ Prahladananda Swami
SB 02.04.14 Lust Is Not The Greatest Friend 2013-07-27 Timisoara (Romanian) AKA A body according to our taste
KIRTAN – OCT 10th 2013
→ Krishna Lounge
Prime Time
→ travelingmonk.com
Food For Life in Navadwip Village 10/10/2013 (145 photos)
→ Dandavats.com
The “Epic” Krishna Balaram Mandir in Vrindavana with its devoted residents (138 photos)
→ Dandavats.com
Arrived safely in Coimbatore hospital and had our first treatment today
→ SivaramaSwami.com
Arrived safely in Coimbatore hospital
→ SivaramaSwami.com
Sangam at Prabhupada’s Palace at New Vrindaban
→ New Vrindaban Brijabasi Spirit
“I have got ambition to construct there seven temples as follows 1. Radha Madan Mohan 2. Radha Govinda 3. Radha Gopinatha 4. Radha Damodar 5. Radha Raman 6. Radha Gokulananda 7. Radha Syamasundar”
Letter from Srila Prabhupada to Hayagriva, 1968
This will be the sixth Sangam at Prabhupada’s Palace of Gold, each with a different theme. Over the past few months, we have had several sangams, including a very fun Prabhupada Rasagulla Fest, commemorating when Srila Prabhupada came to New Vrindaban in 1974 and taught the devotees how to make rasagullas.
Goswami Remembrance Day
On this disappearance day of Raghunatha Das Goswami, Raghunatha Bhatta Goswami, and Srila Krishna das Kaviraja Goswami, the Brijabasis will pray for the mercy of the six Goswamis of Vrindaban so they can fulfill Srila Prabhupada’s desire of building New Vrindaban as a holy place of pilgrimage in the west.
When- Tuesday October 15 2013
Where- Srila Prabhupada’s Palace of Gold
Special Guest Speaker- His Holiness Varshana Maharaja
5:45 PM Bhajan
6:00 PM Excerpt from a lecture by Srila Prabhupada
6:10 PM Stories & realizations shared by His Holiness Varshana Maharaja
6:45 PM Sharing from assembled devotees
7:00 PM Arotika for Srila Prabhupada
7:30 PM Prasadam
Fall Issue of Mayapur Sanga Released
→ Mayapur.com
It is a great pleasure to announce that the Mayapur.com team has released our Seventh edition of our newsletter entitled “Mayapur Sanga”. It is our desire to regularly update our guests and well wishers, pilgrims and devotees of the many ongoing projects and devotional festivals that take place in this magical land called Mayapur. We maintain […]
The post Fall Issue of Mayapur Sanga Released appeared first on Mayapur.com.
Presenting Krishna consciousness to thousands of people in Macedonia through national television (113 photos)
→ Dandavats.com
Remembering Hemalavanya Prabhu
→ Mayapur.com
Hemalavanya Prabhu was born in 1957 in Hungary. Later his family had moved to Austria where he went to the school etc. I met Hemalavanya Prabhu in 1995 in Israel where he was serving as the police officer on Golan Heights. We became friends immediately and stayed close friends till his last day. He was […]
The post Remembering Hemalavanya Prabhu appeared first on Mayapur.com.