New Vrindaban’s Sankirtan das Publishes Mahabharata
→ New Vrindaban Brijabasi Spirit

NEW BOOK      Mahabharata: The Eternal Quest

 by long time New Vrindaban resident and award-winning storyteller Sankirtana Das

The Author

The Author

In the  late 1960’s, while in college, Sankirtana Das discovered an old book in the library. The Indian Story Book  (1914) by Richard Wilson,  a collection of India’s ancient stories,  included some from the epic Mahabharata. Sankirtana majored in Theater/ Film and turned one of the Mahabharata stories into a one act play. His theater class chose the piece as one of several plays they performed for elementary schools in New York City.

Sankirtana Das  was initiated by Srila Prabhupada in 1973 and has resided in New Vrindaban for over 37 years.  He developed the theater program here and  wrote, acted and directed numerous plays throughout the 80?s and into the early 90?s. He and Lokamangala prabhu developed and performed a two-actor, two hour  Mahabhharata drama for Off Broadway in NYC (1987), which they also toured to temples, colleges and special events for four years. Their performance touched many people who were fascinated that  each of the actors took on several roles, including the role of storytellers. Devotees would often suggest that they develop a full length Mahabharata film. But that was not to be.

Sankirtana started working on his Mahabharata manuscript in 2000. He explains the intent of his rendition was threefold, “to deliver the story as good literature, to give it a cinematic slant, as potentially the basis for a film, and to keep it at a length that could easily be studied in college classrooms.” Gradually, the manuscript came together as he tried to find the unique elements of each part of the story. He recalls, “Sometimes it was exhilarating. Sometimes it was discouraging. I wondered if I could really pull it off successfully. Sometimes I would stop writing for weeks or months at a time and go on to other projects.  But over the years, writing Mahabharata has been a wonderful meditation for me.”

Now the book, entitled Mahabharata: The Eternal Quest is  finally available.  See  It has received acclaim from scholars across the country:

“Fresh, fast-paced and cinematic! This book captures the scope and breath of this great epic.” Subhash Kak, PhD, Oklahoma State University (from the book’s Foreword)

“To condense the profound wisdom and rich culture of Mahabharata  into a book of this size constitutes a formidable challenge. In his offering, Sankirtana Das  has distilled the essence of the expansive scripture and has skillfully crafted  a book which is accessible and comprehensible to a universal audience.” Varshana Swami, Author & Vaisnava Scholar

“Sankirtana Das maneuvers through the story’s monumental terrain with ease. His powerful narrative captivates and sustains the reader.” Kevin Cordi, PhD, Professor, Ohio Dominican U.

“Both entertaining and erudite, This rendering of the ancient Sanskrit epic delivers a text that is readily accessible to the layperson and refreshingly insightful to the scholar. A delight to read – and ponder over.” Greg Emery, PhD, Director, Global Leadership Center, Ohio University

“A stirring and authentic version. My prayer is that this Mahabharata will be enjoyed, studied and appreciated by people for years to come.”  Dr. Laxmi Narayan Chaturvedi M.D, Author, “The Teachings Of Bhagavat Gita”

“A wonderful, rich narrative! Sankirtana Das  does  a fine job keeping all the threads clear, even as they interweave. I  see his  long career of storytelling at work on every page… it’s obvious how much work  has been put into it… this book should be in every high school and college library.”   Dr. Robert Rosenthal, Philosophy Chair, Hanover College, Indiana

For the last 20 years Sankirtana has offered professional storytelling programs and workshops in a variety of venues: schools, colleges, libraries, museums, temples, churches and special events. He is a recipient of a WV Artist Fellowship Award. His workshop, In Search of Story, delves into the creative process  to help participants explore and share the stories of their life’s journey. For more info about his programs visit

ISKCON Disciples Course

In pursuance of the GBC’s recent recommendation that the ISKCON Disciples Course be taught to all of the Society’s aspiring initiates, Namhatta leaders and preachers recently attended the course in Sri Dham Mayapur, with the aim of making it available to more than 2000 Namhatta centers throughout West Bengal, Assam, and Odisha. Taking a break […]

The post ISKCON Disciples Course appeared first on

Evening Program in Iskcon-punjabi Bagh Delhi with Kratu Prabhu (64 photos)

ISKCON Punjabi Bagh had a humble beginning in 1984 as a small temple and was shifted to its present premises on 15th July 2005. ISKCON Founder Acarya His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada always desired to establish the deities of Sri Sri Krishna Balaram in Delhi. Fulfilling the desires of Srila Prabhupada, under the guidance of HH Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaj, the deities of Sri Sri Krishna Balaram were installed on the auspicious occasion of Radhastami in September 2007 Read more ›

Kirtan Mela at Iskcon Ghaziabad, near Delhi, India, 2013 (32 photos)

What does not happen at a kirtan mela? No other activities are to take place in the kirtan area (i.e. garland making, drawing, sewing, japa … ). Only chanting and dancing from the heart. (Exception made for broadcast and sound crew.) No clapping or cheering as though observing a performance. No flash photography or videography that can distract our already fickle minds! Read more ›

Do women have the right to dress however they like? Is modest dressing old-fashioned?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Answer Summary: Yes, they definitely have that right, but the issue is not of rights, but of sending the right message about ourselves to others. When rights blind us to the right, we brand the right - modest dressing - as wrong, as old-fashioned.


Today’s culture makes women believe that they have the right to wear any kind of dress, no matter how revealing. Those women who buy into this belief bristle at any suggestion that their provocative dresses might be a factor in sexual violence against women: “No matter how we dress, men have no right to force themselves on us.”

They are right, of course, that nothing makes sexual violence right. Offenders need to be punished. Swiftly and strongly.

But might bringing the question of rights be blinding us to the right issue?

Suppose a person walked down a dark alley with dollar bills sticking out of his pockets. If muggers rob him, they are culpable. But cops would also offer the common sense suggestion: “Better don’t keep your bills sticking out like that in future.” Suppose that person retorted: “I have the right to keep my money however I like.”

Agreed, that’s his right, but is it the right thing to do? After all, bills sticking out attract the wrong attention. Why attract trouble?

Researchers Carmine Sarracino and Kevin M. Scott in their book The Porning of America give the above example and point out the logical fallacy in the rights argument: “The issue of slutwear is often framed in terms of the wrong argument. ..The question is not, ‘Don’t I have the right to wear a micro-miniskirt and belly shirt?’ The more precise and pertinent questions are, ‘What do I want my clothes to say to the world about me? Do my clothes in fact say what I want them to say, so that others will be more likely to treat me as I want to be treated?”... What we wear, all of us, signals others in society about how we see ourselves… Slutwear (in itself, apart from any behavior) indicates, in the words of the APA [American Psychological Association] report, that girls dressed this way ‘exist for the sexual use of others’.”

The Bhagavad-gita (03.37) declares lust, the dark inner force that impels people to sexual violence, as the enemy of the whole world. Everyone needs to cooperate in combating this Public Enemy Number One. As an essential first strategy in combating lust, the Gita (03.41) urges regulation of the senses. Such regulation implies modest female dresses, for it limits exposure of their skin, which is one of their senses and which is the primary trigger for lust.

Yet today those making suggestions for modest dressing are verbally lynched as politically incorrect, as male chauvinists, as hopelessly outdated self-appointed moral police.

In our obsession with rights, have we ostracized common sense?

Sunday, September 29th, 2013
→ The Walking Monk

Willis and the Gita

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

I met Willis at German Town, he was just having a smoke outside the pub when we greeted each other.  First of all, because he was curious, I had to clarify which monastic order I belong to.

“What’s your belief system?” he asked.

“We follow the ancient teaching of Bhagavad Gita.”

“Hey, I read Bhagavad Gita,” which he pronounced perfectly.

“What do you think of it?”

“It’s got a lot of positive energy,” remarked Willis who I learned is a writer and a real estate agent.

Eventually our conversation lead to many spheres and especially the topic of male/female union.  He asked me what advice I could give of his urge and pursuit in this direction.  Frankly, I suggested to find the right partner and be committed to the one.  This way you both work on patience, tolerance and selflessness.  “We will all exit from this world at one point, and we want to leave this world being very clean inside,” I said.  To this he nodded in agreement.  It seems that Willis knows the people in the neighbourhood where two blocks away from our ISKCON centre, he succeeded in pulling a couple of guys over to let them in on the conversation.  We eventually parted on amicable terms.

Hours later I found myself in the office of Ravindra.  I had asked him for a critique on our dramatical rendition of the Bhagavad Gita called, “Gita: Concise”.  He was just cool with everything he had seen and had heard on the stage the previous day.  He did offer a brief suggestion for perhaps inserting a script, an emphasis on everyone’s natural role in this world as a servant.  Thanks, Ravindra, consider it done.

By the way, my performance towards walking was poor today, but a second take on the drama where my energy went, enthralled our Sunday crowd at the ISKCON Open House, including the university students that came.

3 KM

Saturday, September 28th, 2013
→ The Walking Monk


Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

How is a person to walk without his shoes?  May he go barefoot?

There is one criticism that I have when visiting a Vedic centre, temple, or even a yoga studio.  While some of these destinations do not subscribe to the mayavad or ‘all is one’ philosophy, when it comes to precious shoes, you might experience a free for all culture.  It’s a little bit odd, but arrangements for the deities in a temple is totally together, or orderliness in a yoga session, but if you’re looking for a good first impression at the shoe shelf entrance area, then look elsewhere.

It was embarrassing for me when I discovered that Ravindra, the leader of the community, spent a good portion of his morning trying to track down my footwear.  He is my senior of nine years, he is my big bro, and to have him do this for me, well, it was a moment of humility that struck me.  I had left my pair of shoes at the entrance before retiring for the night.  By morning, prior to a proposed walk, they had vanished.  It ends up that they were borrowed.  Humourously, my crocs, a couple, if you will, had gone for separation.  One was found in the kitchen and another was found by some stairwell, a result of enthused chaos in preparation for the Chariot Fest today.

In any event, we were all “happy feet” again, and I became majorly involved in a chanting procession which began at noon at Ben Franklin Parkway to the art museum where according to one devotee is the famed place where Sylvester Stallone had himself go up and down those steps for training in the classic film, Rocky.

For the entertainment at the “Parade of Chariots” many Bharat Natyam dances took place. There’s a mesmerizing pull that these dance presentations offer, but after a while, I think, the audience wants something more comprehensible (the style of dance has vocalists using non-English formats).  Our troupe of monks from Canada came on the stage to demonstrate a different art form with a predominant male presence for “Gita: Concise”.  It went over really well.

As the day rolled on, my shoes stayed put at the base of my legs.  At one point I tucked them under a table situated near the mantra yoga tent where I also conducted a session.

You might lose your shoes, you might lose your soles, but you should never lose your soul.

8 KM

To become a messenger
→ KKS Blog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 8 September 2013, Johannesburg, South Africa, Home Program)

kks_radhadesh_lecture under the tree_2013Our position is to become a messenger, to become an instrument and follow the path that Krsna went, then we will transform in the process. We “desire” our whole life so we must adjust our life.

The Hamsaduta is a work of a hundred and forty verses and today I will not go into so much detail.

Lalita is an expansion of Srimati Radharani. It is explained that Radharani has these eight principle gopis and they are her expansions. For different pastimes, different moods, she manifests these other forms. Therefore these gopis; Lalita, Vishaka and the other astasakhis; are described as shakti tattva. They are not jivas or living beings, like we are. These gopis are assisted by manjaris who are jivas. So, Srila Rupamanjari is the assistant of Lalita, a very intimate assistant of Lalita, and Srila Rupamanjari is none other than Rupa Goswami. So Rupa Goswami is the leader of our line, of our tradition. We are following Rupa Goswami and it is Rupa Goswami’s plan for us that is really the guideline for our life.

Rupa Goswami has given us the teachings in the Bhakti-Rasamrta-Sindu (Nectar of Devotion) and he continues in Ujjvala Nilami a then, he summarizes the points of Bhakti-Rasamrta-Sindu in the Upadesamrta, The Nectar of Instruction. They are very similar in context but summarized; very short. In the Upadeshamrta, he describes:

vaco vegam manasah krodha-vegam
jihva-vegam udaropastha-vegam
etan vegan yo vishaheta dhirah
sarvam apimam prithivim sa sishyat

First we must be controlling the senses because one who can control the senses, he can be a teacher for the entire world. That is a messenger; he is transparent. He is a messenger of Krsna or a messenger of the representative of Krsna. Ultimately, he is doing Krsna’s work. That is where it begins.



Farm Circle Fiesta in New Vrindaban
→ New Vrindaban Brijabasi Spirit

EVERYONE IS INVITED TO Tuesday’s Farm Circle event:
Farm Circle Fiesta

“Local Foods Latino Style”
garden pic
Program description: Farm Circle gatherings bring together New Vrindaban residents around local foods, farming, gardening and sharing insights about self sufficient living. This gathering called “Local Foods Latino Style” honors and celebrates the wonderful service of New Vrindaban’s Mexican, Peruvian and Argentinian devotees. We’ll explore the foods and lore of land-based Latin American culture as presented by the devotees themselves. The program format includes a lively round robin discussion, KC bhajan, entertainment by Devananda Pandit and a prasadam feast of Latino delights. If you would like to help with cooking, such as learning how to make enchaladas, join Bhaktin Angie and Chaitanya Bhagavat in the devotee kitchen at 3:00 sharp. 

When? Tuesday, October 1st, 6:00 p.m.

Where? Small Farm Guest House (next to the Teaching Garden)

See you there!

03.20 – Devotion encompasses both reconnection of the world and its renunciation
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Some people fear that devotion to Krishna will require them to renounce the world.

However, devotion requires not renunciation of the world, but its reconnection with Krishna. Arjuna, the Gita’s original student, didn’t renounce the world; he became a world ruler.

Why did Arjuna get so involved?

Because devotion is meant to include the world, not exclude it. That’s because the enlightened vision sees the world as it actually is, as the property of Krishna meant to be used by devotees in his service.

Of course, we can’t acquire this vision overnight; it requires sustained practice of devotional service. That practice fosters intellectual illumination and emotional reorientation: illumination to understand ourselves as souls whose real fulfillment comes by loving Krishna, and reorientation to direct our heart towards Krishna, not the world.

As we don’t yet have this enlightened vision, we need to be cautious. That’s why we stay away from some activities that are especially entangling and we make time regularly to keep our devotional connection strong. But beyond that we do our worldly duties responsibly to set an example for others and to thereby attract them to Krishna and to the path of devotion. The Gita (03.20) declares such example-setting a vital social responsibility that does loka-sangraha, a word that literally means maintenance of the world order.

This may raise a question: If setting an example is so important, then why do some devotees renounce the world?

Devotee-renunciates focus not on renunciation but on devotion; they use renunciation as a tool to focus singularly on sharing Krishna’s message of love with the world. Thus they inspire more people to reconnect with Krishna and reconnect the world with him.

Such is the glory of devotion – it includes in its fold both the world and renunciation of the world.


03.20 - Kings such as Janaka attained perfection solely by performance of prescribed duties. Therefore, just for the sake of educating the people in general, you should perform your work.

→ Servant of the Servant

William Wallace gave his entire life in pursuit of freedom. At the end of the movie Braveheart, William was being tied to the stake and about to die, I was anticipating with eagerness William's next move? Is he going to seek forgiveness from the British Rule and be released from death or continue his defiance towards the King? I was surprised - William does not relent but shouts out "freedom" as he lay his life for his motherland Scotland. The feeling is still fresh, I was drenched with feelings of awe towards William Wallace's chivalry and his pursuit of freedom.

I had the same if not even intense feelings of awe and reverence towards Krishna when I first read the Bhagavad Gita As it is. It also was a scene set in a battlefield in pursuit of freedom. Krishna urges Arjuna to fight to annihilate adharma and reinstate dharma. But the freedom of Bhagavad Gita and the movie is not the same. Although William's cause was noble as he sacrificed his life for his countrymen, still he and his countrymen were bound to the identity of being a Scotsman. After we die we are neither British nor Scot nor Indian etc. We are spiritual beings encased within a physical body. So when the identity of the physical body is enhanced then our cause will be bound to this material world of birth and death - a temporary world. We will believe that pursing freedom for sensual enjoyment is the highest and ultimate purpose of life. We will not cultivate a desire to practice austerity to give up the physical identity. In that sense William's pursuit of freedom was binding.

Today this is also our thinking. Practicing rules of spiritual purity such as chanting God's names, refraining from eating meat, intoxication, illicit sex and gambling in a regulated manner is seen as a restriction. We think these rules restrict us from enjoying this world. This idea of binding restriction is there within us because we are intensely attached to this body and mind. We think it is unnatural to practice such rules which brings pleasure to the body & mind. In the ultimate sense, we think such rules bind us against living our life freely - the opposite of freedom!

Krishna, however, says that these very same regulative principles that we think is the opposite of freedom actually give us freedom. It gives us freedom by reinstating us back to our spiritual world free from the bondage of this physical world of birth and death. We no longer have to be subjected to state, physical, material and karmic laws. We no longer are forced to suffer old age, disease and death or miseries caused due to the body/mind, or natural disturbances or other living beings. According to Krishna, this is real freedom.

William Wallace gave freedom from the rule of British and Krishna is giving us freedom from the rule of this entire material creation (not just the British). So it is in our benefit that by practicing the regulative principles as enunciated in the Gita, we can achieve eternal freedom from the clutches of cruel death.

But a person free from all attachment and aversion and able to control his senses through regulative principles of freedom can obtain the complete mercy of the Lord.- BG 2.64

Hare Krishna

Mind Games
→ Tattva - See inside out

During our life journey we are perpetually accompanied by the “voice within”. Yes, we’ve all experienced it - the devil on one shoulder and the angel on the other, each giving their words of wisdom to the confused person in-between. The mind is that voice; essentially a storehouse of memories and experiences that offers live options to the individual. While many identify themselves with the mind, the Bhagavad-gita defines
it as a subtle instrument at our disposal – an instrument which needs to be strictly controlled and eventually befriended. Why?

The Mind creates reality: everything starts in our heads - thoughts to words to actions to habits to a character, which ultimately designs our destiny. What we contemplate, consider and generate conviction in through the thinking process, will determine what we practically strive for in life.

The Mind translates reality: all of the situations and interactions (that we have created) are then translated by the mind. Depending on our state of mind, we experience a proportionate amount happiness, growth and contentment in response to the rollercoaster journey of life.

An uncontrolled mind will agitate, misguide and implicate the soul, forcing us to glide down to the lower nature of lust, anger and greed. That mindset emphasizes problems in every opportunity, dissatisfied with the present and perpetually hankering for a better future. The controlled mind, however, acts as a friend on our spiritual journey, helping us to make progressive and healthy choices which create wellbeing on all levels. That mindset is able to identify opportunities in every problem, ever-satisfied come what may. Now it makes sense: it’s all in the mind.

→ Gita Coaching

You can help them achieve small victories. If you come to me ask me to teach you how to play harmonium, I show you one melody and you say, "I can never play like that." If I am a good teacher, I will show you a more simple melody that is easy for you to play right now. And you say, "I can do that!" Thus you gain confidence that you can play harmonium. Then the next time we do a more complex melody.

You show them how they can do it. You believe in them. You believe in their potential. And your belief in them gives them strength. Gradually, they start to believe in themselves. They start to believe that Krsna is the ability in us. And that God helps those who help themselves.  So they try and they have some small victory, then another small victory.

As a Trusted Advisor, you always help people succeed in various ways. You are a great positive force in their lives by acting as an instrument in Lord's hands. When you genuinely care about people, you will get guidance both from within and from without how to do it so people will benefit from your service. And you are always ready to learn how to do it better and better and better.

The “Friends and Family” service in Mayapur can make your visit to the Holy Dham a safe, healthy, disturbance free, memorable and transcendental experience

Have you ever wanted to bring Family or Friends to visit Sree Dham Mayapur and felt you needed a bit of inside help? The "Friends and Family" service is inspired by the experiences of devotees' relatives visiting the holy dham, and possibly India, for the first time Read more ›

Friday, September 27th, 2013
→ The Walking Monk

At Philly

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

It was near the commuter train that I entered a winding trail near these black walnut trees, a peaceful path it is.  I came upon a seniors couple on the whole hour there.  The rest of the time I was to myself.  It seems to be an unofficial trail which is the best kind.  For the most part, it’s a neat trail, a clear trail.  However, in certain sections, but rarely, you could find broken glass, a result of outdoor partying by youth most likely.

Ravindra had earlier on told me of these entangling trails.  While dark, we tread one on the course of our japa walk which didn’t end up being a mantra meditation walk at all.  He is full of talk with the rich history of the area of German town and Chestnut Hill.  He let me in on all that he wanted to say.  We also touched on some details of his half Christian half Jewish heritage.  I did feel like I achieved a lesson in history of a portion of this city of brotherly love, Philadelphia.

If you go to a place like Europe, you’ll hear about Philadelphia for its cream cheese.  According to Ravindra’s wife, when Europeans speak of the renowned cheese, they only use the word Philadelphia as the spread you put over sandwiches, bagels and other foods.  No mention of cheese in the conversation.  Philadelphia is synonymous to cream cheese.  In fact, this is the common food product that I use in applying to tortillas to make wraps with veggies when I trek across Canada, it nourishes me.

The only other thing that makes me think of this city is Shyamalan, the director of the film The Sixth Sense, whom I met when before he became a noted master in film.

I had delivered a class at the Radha Krishna temple on Allens Road this morning.  It turned out as much of a discussion as it did a discourse or talk.  The verse from which I spoke mentioned the Kumaras who were lifelong monks.  That then lead to the topic of the marital status of people, in many cases people do stay single, but what makes life a fulfillment is through a spiritual channel where a relationship has a solid base only.

7 KM

Thursday, September 26th, 2013
→ The Walking Monk

A True Friend

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

A true friend is someone who leads you on to a trail.

The small group of us from Canada had made the trip to Philly.  I met with Ravindra Svarup and his wife who told me of trails in the Mount Ary district.  Mount Ary is a place where there’s old growth trees.  It’s also the area of the first integrated neighbourhood in America where people of black and white origin found comfort in coexistence.  Though the trails are here, it wouldn’t be until tomorrow morning that I would do some exploration in the vegetation.

Back to Ravindra and wife, Saudamini – I admire them so much.  Here are a couple who have remained as such for decades.  You can say they survived the test of time as a couple.  At a time when the family unit faces challenges in this age of modernity there are some shining representatives of loyalty that exist.  We don’t talk about them because on the very personal note, they have not produced sensational news.

Ravindra in particular, has practically document research history of the Hare Krishna society likely more that anyone.  If not documented, he has that retaining brain of accounts in its development, challenges and triumphs of what seemed like an idealistic group from the 60’s.  He and I, and for some minutes, Saudamini, sat for quite a while looking at an interesting path of a culture that soon turns 50 in the year 2016.  To say that Krishna Consciousness is new would be fallacious.  It’s an old culture.  Krishna devotionalism has existed for thousands of years with roots in India.

It is my wish and deep desire to trek the US in 3 years from now and follow the trail of how the Krishna Culture spread from Boston, to New York to San Francisco to Los Angeles.  In fact, today marks the anniversary that our guru, the founder, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada anchored ship in America in September 1965.  The society became official in ’66 in New York.  I became a monk with the group in the spring of ’73 in Toronto, Canada.

No regrets from my side, especially when I have friendship from Ravindra and Saudamini.  By the way, Ravindra legal academic name is Dr. William Deadwyler III.  He is one of my favourite authors of theological essays.

For today – no walking, a long time was spent on wheels to get to Philly.  It’s a kind of a curse.

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