Five Misconceptions of Hinduism
Srila Prabhupada Vyasapuja
→ Ramai Swami
Srila Prabhupada Ki Jaya! The Prabhupada Vyasapuja celebration at New Gokula was very sweet. Even though it was in the middle of the day on Friday still there were quite a few guests and devotees who came to observe the wonderful occasion. Below is an excerpt from the poem I wrote this year.
Give Proper Respect
→ Japa Group
Today I had a nice realisation - no matter what situation you are in and how many distracting elements are around you, we simply need to have the determination to avoid all distractions in our life and make a big effort to just sit down and chant in a quiet place where we can fully concentrate on the sound of the Hare Krsna mantra.
Thursday, September 5th, 2013
→ The Walking Monk
Scotsguard, Saskatchewan
The only thing casting light at 4 AM out in the bareness of the prairie are the stars above, and there is my headlamp – a necessity. You need to know what you’re stepping on at this dark hour. You don’t want to land on some roadkill. Also, with the headlamp you are made known for the oncoming traffic in front or behind. Motorists must be aware that you are there. There is practically no shoulder to the road. But, traffic is light. In the first hour of my walking not a single machine came by. I’m in an area of less civilization.
By 6:30 AM, the eye of God, the sun, came up from behind. At that time you could hear the sound of crickets. Owls are now quieted and hawks began to occupy the ether, moving in swirls. To my amazement, a heard of antelope in full freedom moved with incredible speed in group tightness across the plane from one cut wheat field, crossing the road in front of me, jumping a ditch and then onto another field. Off they went. Minutes later they reappear and it is without a question that they were expressing curiosity at my presence.
En route to work, and some people stop asking if all is okay.
“Yes, I’m alright, it’s a fourth walk across Canada.”
“Good luck!” they say after I’ve identified name, my order, and my purpose.
The sun got brutal. The area is quite desolate, there was no town along the way. From what I could see, Scotsguard is not even a hamlet, maybe three buildings. The first group of trees for any real shade came at the 7th hour of the walk. There I took my one and only cat nap. Thank God for no mosquitoes in this shade, lots of flies though.
I am reminded of the wonder of nature, it’s soft and harsh sides, and I recall a verse from the Gita to allow me to savour in the thoughts of a deeper dimension. From 8.20 it reads:
“Yet there is another nature which is eternal and is transcendental to this manifested and unmanifested matter. It is supreme and is never annihilated. When all in this world is annihilated, that part remains as it is.”
After a last dash at walking, Daruka showed up having booked us for radio media in the early of next week, and some more school engagements. Eventually we made the four hour drive north to Saskatoon.
Whether on foot or in a vehicle, we are both struck with awe at the vastness of the open prairie as we sped along. Billy the parrot always gives a squawk at the sight of anything in flight.
30 KM
29 photos: UK Prabhupada disciple get-together (reunion) in Letchmore Heath on 30th August 2013

National Council Meeting
Harinama In Haifa
School of Life: How to Learn from Good and from Evil.
→ Matsya Avatar das adhikari
Kirtan In The Promised Land
Tracey George, PTA Chairperson
→ TKG Academy
Tracey George is the mother of 4th grader Kalyani Rao. She is originally from Auckland, New Zealand and has been living in Dallas, TX for 7 years. She has been a member of the Hare Krsna community for 15 years. She was very involved in the gurukula last year and this year has accepted the role of PTA Chairperson, which includes organizing the parents in various activities and meetings.
Srila Prabhupada’s Palace News
→ New Vrindaban Brijabasi Spirit
Palace News
Many devotees worked very hard this summer serving Srila Prabhupada at his Palace. Following Srila Prabhupada’s Appearance Day we would like to thank them for all their wonderful service.
Lila, Gopa, Purnima, Srimati and Mukunda worked hard in the garden department. They planted many rows of jiva souls who appeared in the bodies of Blue Salvia and Vinca flowers. Two types of Vincas were planted, called “jellies” and “jams”, Numerous Day Lilies were planted as well. Unfortunately the deer came out at night to eat the Day Lilies so the devotees had to spray the plants with liquid fence. As always, Srila Prabhupada’s rose garden continues to attract and enliven our guests. Whenever you can please come say “Hare Krishna! Thank-you and Goodbye” to all these flowers before they leave us for the winter.
Electricity was out at the Palace during the summer for almost three weeks. Tejomaya, Gopisha, Gopal and Gaurashakti Prabhus worked diligently to replace the defective transformer. Tejomaya is pleased to announce that the Palace has been hooked up to city water. Tripad, Bhakta Josh and Gopish Prabhus were busy throughout the summer water proofing the Palace domes.
Hladini, Kimberely and Shyamala Kishori Prabhus were busy giving Palace tours as well as applying gold leaf on the Palace. Shyamala Kishori, a second generation devotee, (daughter of Batu Gopal das) was so inspired she wants to help start a campaign to help raise awareness about the Palace, Srila Prabhupada’s only pushpa samadhi in the west. If any is interested in collaborating with her on this project please call 304-843-1778.
Chaitanya Bhagavat Prabhu steadily toke care of the puja services at Srila Prabhupada’s Palace and was a source of inspiration to the many guests who come to see Srila Prabhupada. The guests who come to visit Srila Prabhupada are truly special souls. Last month a guest came out who is working on his Phd. in Theology. Even though he is a Catholic he said because of his association with New Vrindaban devotees he has become a vegetarian. He said one of his friends grew up on Irish Ridge (across from the Palace). His friend told him as a small child when he woke up in the morning he could look out his bedroom window and see the Palace sparkling like a gem in the distance, and he could hear the chanting of Krishna’s holy name floating through the valley from the Palace. What a beautiful way to start your day.
your servants
Krishna Bhava and Kripamaya das
krsnas tu bhagavan svayam
→ HH Bhakti Caitanya Swami
53 photos: 12 Hour kirtan @ Singapore

56 photos: ISKCON Kata Beach, Phuket, Thailand program

September 6th, 2013 – Darshan
The post September 6th, 2013 – Darshan appeared first on
The ineffectiveness of separatist devotees
Buying sweets, living before pictures of Krsna and book distribution
Conversation with Russian speaking disciples (English/Russian).
178 photos: Huge Harinama in Madrid’s center, Spain
Innumerable wonderful memories of Janmashtami

12 min vid: A visit to Iskcon Toronto
83 photos: Harinama In Haifa for …Rosh Hashana :-)

12 photos: Awesome flowery decorations for 20th August 2013-Jhulan Yatra Day in Iskcon Chowpatty Temple

66 photos: Prabhupada’s books at the XXV-th Moscow International Book Fair. Does God need advertisement?

24 Hour Maha Kirtan on 12th September, 7pm start
→ The Hare Krishna Movement
Sri Radhastami 2013 on 13th September 2013
→ The Hare Krishna Movement
Mayapur Kirtan Mela Nama Yajna with H.H. Lokanath Swami 12.03.2013 in India
→ Gouranga TV - The Hare Krishna video collection
Mayapur Kirtan Mela Nama Yajna with H.H. Lokanath Swami 12.03.2013 in India
Can devotees practice hath yoga for health?
→ The Spiritual Scientist
From Sadhu Pran P
If yes, how many minutes can be devoted for it and which school can one follow?
How can we best study scriptures?
→ The Spiritual Scientist
From Sadhu Pran P
Which books of Srila Prabhupada should we study daily and which occasionally? And how can we study them effectively?
SB 4.9.8 Be krita-vida (wise) to see the Lord not just as arta-bandho (reliever of distress) but also as apavarga-sharanam (releaser from bondage)
→ The Spiritual Scientist
SB 4.9.7 Devotion activates our awareness of Krishna’s latent presence within everything – even our hearts
→ The Spiritual Scientist
What is actually auspicious?
→ The Spiritual Scientist
The only auspicious activities are those which lead one to liberation. Any activity which is not aimed at ultimate self-realization or liberation from the material bodily concept of life is not at all auspicious.
18.58 – Empower your thoughts to break free from their tired and tiring avenues
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Life is never easy; every day brings new obstacles and some days bring major reversals.
We don’t have the power to make life problem-free, but we do have the power to maximize or minimize those problems. Often our thoughts become dominated by problems. We keep fretting over them without thinking constructively. Our energy gets dissipated in resenting the problems instead of in resolving them. Our thoughts keep going over again and again on the tired and tiring avenues of frustration, self-pity, resentment and the like.
The best way to avoid such unnecessary aggravation of our problems is to direct our thinking towards something constructive. Many constructive things may present themselves as potential candidates for engaging our mind. But the most constructive thing is fixing the mind on Krishna. That’s because remembrance of Krishna is infused with a mystical power that not only redirects but also rejuvenates our thinking. Krishna is our greatest well-wisher, he is supremely powerful and he is the wisest of all – and he is fully and perennially accessible through his remembrance. By cultivating devotional remembrance of Krishna, we connect with the benediction, the power and the wisdom of Krishna.
Do problems magically disappear by thinking about Krishna?
What magically disappears is not the problem but our negativity that makes the problems seem so menacing and overwhelming. The Bhagavad-gita (18.58) specifically states that we cross over problems when we become conscious of Krishna. The precise word tarishyasi conveys the idea of floating over, as in an ocean or scaling across, as in a hurdle race.
Understanding this frees us from the disempowering delusion that remembrance of Krishna is irrelevant to our pressing concerns. When we diligently cultivate the remembrance of Krishna, we gain his supreme empowerment and march confidently through life’s obstacles and reversals.
18.58 - If you become conscious of Me, you will pass over all the obstacles of conditioned life by My grace. If, however, you do not work in such consciousness but act through false ego, not hearing Me, you will be lost.
Mesmerizing Krishna
→ Servant of the Servant
Wednesday, September 4th, 2013
→ The Walking Monk
Cadillac, Saskatchewan
The smell of fresh cut wheat hits the nostrils as soon as I open the door to Daruka’s car and make my entrance to the highway. He drives me to the spot from where I left off on the previous day.
It’s a whole new world of exploration. Will I walk through communities that might socially be classified as ghost towns as in the case of some places I’ve been to? I’m referring to boarded up businesses, sometimes also homes that have fallen into the hands of creepers and bushes. I would say that I’ve not yet trekked through a full blown ghost town yet, but some of these places seem to be getting there. You can only imagine the life that was once there. I guess job opportunities are better in the city so these once thriving communities start to fall into decline. There is always the chance for action to spring back and for a place to blossom again. Hmmm… land must be dirt cheap here.
I proceeded on with today’s adventure and heard to my left side coyotes howling. Once they completed their chorus, a choir began to my right side, stereo. A second community of coyotes had vibrated their awesome sound. I was rather close to their proximity. The sun hadn’t really come up yet. The sound of the choir sent a shot of goose pimples up my back. I just chanted some mantras more intensely, I had to make my sound as meaningful as the coyotes.
Now the day was in full swing, the sun had come up. Greg and Lilly from the Boom Town Booster, came for an interview, and so did Matthew from the Prairie Post. And for presentations at schools now that the summer is over, Daruka and I drove our way east and then west along Highway 13 to meet our appointments in Assiniboia and Lafleche. The gymnasiums got filled up in no time. The kids were marvellous. Educators love it when we inspire kids to be more outdoors. And secondly, hearing about travel encourages kids to think outside of the box.
One thing that I wanted to share was, you know how churches often have a caption to read outside their building? Here is one that applies to attitudes:
“A pessimist needs a good kick in the cans.”
24 KM
New Vrindaban hosts its fall 24 hr kirtan Sat. Oct. 19, 2013
→ New Vrindaban Brijabasi Spirit
Please Join The Japa Group
→ Japa Group
Is Courses And Exam’s the Only Way?
→ simple thoughts
One thing about Janmastami is that it gives you an opportunity to catch up and see how devotees you know are getting on, although their for a short time before being admitted to hospital I did catch up with some who are relatively new to Krishna Consciousness.
Sadly some were speak in terms I’ve sadly heard before and one had indeed been initiated by a sampradaya other than ISKCON, the story was the same they love and are inspired by Srila Prabhupada have learnt much from reading his books but are disillusioned or feel that they do not have a place or have a chance of getting initiated within ISKCON.
There is also a perception that initiation within ISKCON is simply a money grading exercise, yes you can but first pay for these courses and then may be we will consider it; so seeing other’s who use Srila Prabhupada books and have a more open forum that they view fairer and more personal take shelter of them. Saying that they still keep some affection seeing that the first book and association was within ISKCON.
The problem is that we have a round hole and expect everyone to fit into it, there is no personal assessments so if your square, triangle or any other shape it’s never going to work. Their is a growing feeling that there is a greater emphasis on academic accomplishment rather than how the person is progressing in a more practical level; I’ve used the analogy before that for many it feel’s ISKCON has reduced initiation to nothing more than an impersonal tick box exercise.
A perception that some disagree with stating the need to make sure that there is a minimum standard and that these courses ensure that this is so; whilst acknowledging that given the time taken to bring people into an understanding of Krishna that many leave for other sampradaya’s.
We seem to have missed a small point, mentor-ship is good as long as it allows a more personal plan, that we look closely at individual circumstances; those of an academic inclination love courses live for courses it’s good and stimulating. But what if your not academic? Struggle in the class environment? Is the inability to do these courses mean instant disqualification? Or can we look at a more practical route, those who struggle in this area have much to offer that the devotee community will benefit from do we nurture this and progress them through first and second initiation without a course.
One thing that those who speak about their anxiety of loving Srila Prabhupada and some of the devotees they have met, is that they cannot find a place within the society; I wonder if we can through mentor-ship develop a more personal spiritual development plan rather than a single this is the route the only one.
I wonder what the thought’s are of others who have spent time listening and talking to those who have sadly left ISKCON and make it a home were everyone can feel they can make progress?
September 2013
→ 16 ROUNDS to Samadhi magazine
54 photos: “London Saturday Night Harinam”

…the company one keeps
→ everyday gita
One's desires and ambitions develop according to the company one keeps
For regular readers, you might recognize this phrase. It's one of my favorites and one that I quote often.
Today though, I viewed this phrase in a whole new light which caught me off guard. Ever feel like you've gotten all you can out of something? That you just can't learn anymore? Well...I definitely used to think that about the above mentioned phrase. So you can imagine my surprise when a new insight suddenly came to me.
I always used to think that "the company one keeps" referred to individuals. Reflecting upon the fact that lately I've been experiencing the words of the Gita come to life, suddenly a whole new context to the words "company" unveiled itself:
"The company one keeps is not only limited to the people we associate with; it also includes the books we read and the environments we expose ourselves to."
That's how subtle the soul is. When we are constantly exposed to something, we naturally become affected by it. Reading and writing about working without attachment has become such a constant fixture in my life, that I can't help but think about it more frequently!
I invite all of you to perform an experiment. Make the time for the next five days to absorb yourself in reading about one topic that uplifts you. Perhaps it can be on a quality that you hope to develop or a habit you would like to form. Spend ten minutes reading about it and at the end of the five days, take note of how often you think about it. You might be pleasantly surprised to find that you've already made some positive progress.