ECOV Board Meeting Minutes 8-10-2013
Mission Statement: ECOV (Earth, Cows, Opportunities & Vrindaban Villages) is dedicated to cow protection, sustainable agriculture, self-sufficiency and simple living — all centered around loving service to Sri Krishna, as envisioned by the ISKCON New Vrindaban Founder-Acharya, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
Participating Members of the ECOV Board of Directors: Chaitanya Mangala, Madhava Gosh, Navin Shyam, and Ranaka
Advisors present: Jaya Krsna
Others present: Tapahpunja
1. G7G & SFTC projects
In general, Tapahpunja said that a lack of manpower and unusually heavy rains had prevented him from working on longer-term capital improvement projects, as he focused on basic growing and distribution operations.
Greenhouse: Based on recent experiences with PVC-shell greenhouses being damaged by storms, he is cancelling the current proposal and will resubmit a new one for steel-framed houses.
Irrigation system: This is 90% complete, but its use has not been necessary with the heavy rains.
Drainage system: Tapa has not been able to work on this because of wet weather.
Bread oven: Some funds were spent on creating a design and constructing a shelter. The project was moved to the backburner, due to labor shortage, however, the shelter is being used to cover other gardening materials, and the balance of funds were returned.
Pole barns: Designs for 2 structures at a cost of $42K were made, but there have been issues in negotiating with INV on what the barns will be used for.
SFTC: Tapa mentioned that he plans to ask for a grant to rebuild the fence and gazebo at the Teaching Garden.
2. Deity milk product offerings
Most of what the Deities are offered is coming from local milk. INV has plans to purchase 2 more cows to increase production. INV is requesting ECOV to continue subsidizing Ananda Vidya’s time on the project, which averages 6 hrs/week.
3. Reusable metal water bottle distribution
A sign to be displayed at the outlets is just about ready. The lassi barn is not currently open, but when it does open, bottles will be available there as well.
4. Auction fund
Gosh is about to buy $1K worth of pavers at a discount price (for the G7G cabin and other projects).
5. Grain storage
The project is just about finished. A motor needs to be purchased to power the augur that will transport the grain into the bins.
The purchase of grain will be discussed at the next joint board meeting.
6. Prototype cabin
The unit still needs insulation, a sink and flooring. Pavers that Gosh will be purchasing will be used for the floor. A grand opening celebration is scheduled for October 5.
7. Srila Prabhupada’s Palace cow pasture fence
Installation of a wooden fence is almost complete. Plans are to paint it next year.
8. Palace renovation
INV is advertising for a Project Manager for Srila Prabhupada’s Palace renovation.
9. Bahulaban projects
Pink building demolition is just about complete and utility building stabilization is about to begin.
10. Temple/Lodge foundation plantings
Gosh has found a devotee, Brikhasanga, to work on these.
11. Proposal: $7K to cover overage for 2013 trees and berries budget
WHEREAS: The ECOV Board wishes to continue its efforts to make New Vrindaban land agriculturally productive.
RESOLVED: The Board authorizes an additional $7K for the 2013 trees and berries budget.
12. Proposal: $15K for second cabin at G7G
The project was put in pipeline status.
13. Guidelines for promotional materials
The Board discussed that what we sell at our promotional booth should reflect our values and mission, even if that increases the expense and decreases the profit we earn.
For example, wooden and gourd cows, organic cotton t-shirts printed with non-toxic dyes, and generally hand-made crafts rather than mass-produced Chinese imports.
14. Grant request: $12K for Gopal’s Garden School
WHEREAS: The ECOV Board wishes to continue its support of a school in the New Vrindaban community.
RESOLVED: The Board grants up to $12K to Gopal’s Garden school for the 2013-2014 school year, based on the assumption that INV will match this amount, and on condition that the school produce a quarterly newsletter (September, December, March & June) highlighting activities at the school and including pictures of the students.
15. Replacement for Rafael
The immediate need is to find someone to manage the Deity flower garden and trees & berries projects while Rafael is away from October through April.