How to Obtain Full Freedom
→ Dandavats

“Every living being is anxious for full freedom because that is his transcendental nature. And this freedom is obtained only through the transcendental service of the Lord. Illusioned by the external energy, everyone thinks that he is free, but actually he is bound up by the laws of nature. A conditioned soul cannot freely move

Srila Prabhupada birthplace development work
→ Dandavats

My dear Maharaji’s, Prabhuji’s and Mataji’s Please accept my most humble obeisnaces! All glories to Srila Prabhupada! By all your prayers, active support, we all were able to get 3,600 square feet land where Srila Prabhupada apperaed 175 years ago. In his letter which he wrote to his diciple and relative Shri Sankarshan prabhu, Srila

Curing the Crimes of a Lifetime
→ Dandavats

by Bibhavati Devi Dasi Adapted from Srimad-Bhagavatam, translation and commentary by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. With recent disgrace of an American president still fresh in our minds, it is interesting to read of a similar case in ancient times. Five thousand years ago, a blind king named Dhrtarastra dishonored his high post and caused

Then and Now
→ Dandavats

by Jagajivana Dasa The Right to Distribute the American Dream In 1776, when the American Dream was very new, you could expect to find out about the latest inspiration of Tom Paine, Sam Adams, or Alexander Hamilton when you walked along Main Street, stepped into the town square, or answered your doorbell. Not that you

Simple Living, High Thinking
→ Dandavats

by Dharmadhyaksa Dasa “The cause of it [the world’s malady] is spiritual. We are suffering from having sold our souls to the pursuit of an objective which is both spiritually wrong and practically unobtainable. We have to reconsider our objective and change it. And until we do this, we shall not have peace, either amongst

Declaring Our Dependence on God
→ Dandavats

Two hundred years ago, Americans fought the War of Independence to assure life, liberty, and happiness in a fledgling nation. In a conversation with the BACK TO GODHEAD staff, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada explains that Americans can actually achieve these things only by maintaining a God conscious society, with God conscious leaders.

Raghunandana Thakura Disappearance
→ Ramai Swami

Sri Mukunda Das, Madhava Das and Sri Narahari Sorkar Thakur were three brothers who lived in the village of Sri Khanda. Raghunandan was the son of Sri Mukunda Das. [C. C. Mad 15]

In the house of Sri Mukunda Das, who lives at Sri Khanda, Lord Sri Gopinath is served with great devotion. One day Mukunda was called out to do some work, and then he instructed his son Raghunandan to worship the deity and asked him to serve the Lord Gopinath that day.

He explained to him that this deity is in our family for many generations and thus He has been worshipped by my father and his father and his father on and on, in this way for many years. Just as your mother feeds you and I everyday, so also He has to be fed everyday.

Having explained to Raghunandan that this is a very big responsibility and he should be very careful to give his full attention to this service, Mukunda went out. Raghunandan meanwhile having been instructed by his father, collected the items for offering to Sri Gopinathji and entered into the deity room.

Raghunandan was at that time barely 5 years old and therefore, when he saw that Gopinath hadn’t eaten the offering after he had imitated how his father offered the bhoga, he became very worried.

Ultimately he simply requested Gopinath with tears in his eyes: “Please eat! Eat!” Gopinath became completely subjected by Raghunandan’s simple request, which was made entirely in love, and thus he stealthily ate up everything without leaving any remnants.

Raghunandan was present at the khetori utsob. In Krsna lila he was Kandarpa manjari & in Dwaraka lila he was Sri Krsna’s son Kandarpa. Raghunandan’s son is Kanai Thakur. His descendants are still residing at Sri Khanda. Sri Khanda can be easily reached from Katwa by bus or train. He was born in the year 1432 Sakabda.

Remember Krishna
→ Dandavats

“We can remember Krishna in every moment. We can remember Krishna while taking a glass of water because the taste of water is Krishna. We can remember Krishna as soon as we see the sunlight in the morning, because the sunlight is a reflection of Krishna’s Bodily Effulgence. Similarly, as soon as we see moonlight

One who knows
→ Dandavats

We were going to Kumbha Mela on rikshas and trying to reach ISKCON’s tents. Our riksha driver thought that many of the tents were the ISKCON tents, so he was driving us all around. It was already after midnight but we could not find the ISKCON tents. Since we were tired and sleepy, we stopped

Words of Gratitude from a Ukrainian Refugee
→ Dandavats

By Yuliia Mudrak

My name is Yuliia Mudrak, I am 25 years old, and I am from Ukraine. Before the war, I lived in Kyiv and worked as a certified preschool-teacher. Unfortunately many devotees had to leave their normal life in Ukraine due to the war. But at the same time, we’ve been able to see wonderful examples of devotees in other countries, who show great concern for us Ukrainian devotees. Continue reading "Words of Gratitude from a Ukrainian Refugee
→ Dandavats"