Doors Open Toronto this Weekend!
→ The Toronto Hare Krishna Blog!

This weekend (May 25 - 26), the Hare Krishna Centre is participating In Doors Open Toronto. Annually, 150 buildings of architectural, historic, cultural and social significance open their doors to the public for a city-wide celebration. While Toronto's Hare Krishna Temple is open, free of charge, to the public year-round, Doors Open presents an opportunity for the public to learn about the architectural and historical story of our amazing building!

Guided Tours will take place from 10am-5pm on Saturday May 25th and Sunday May 26th. Guided tours of the building highlight the architectural, historical and spiritual history of the building. There are also visual displays of media news clippings and interesting publications related to the building. There will also be a book lounge and free refreshments provided to the visiting public!

Additionally, the regular Sunday programme (Sunday Feast) is open to the public 6:00-8:30pm, including a Free Vegetarian feast served at 7:30pm.

For more information, please visit the official Doors Open website here.

We hope to see you!

If you would like to volunteer for this event please contact Radha Bhakti devi dasi

Doors Open Toronto this Weekend!
→ The Toronto Hare Krishna Blog!

This weekend (May 25 - 26), the Hare Krishna Centre is participating In Doors Open Toronto. Annually, 150 buildings of architectural, historic, cultural and social significance open their doors to the public for a city-wide celebration. While Toronto's Hare Krishna Temple is open, free of charge, to the public year-round, Doors Open presents an opportunity for the public to learn about the architectural and historical story of our amazing building!

Guided Tours will take place from 10am-5pm on Saturday May 25th and Sunday May 26th. Guided tours of the building highlight the architectural, historical and spiritual history of the building. There are also visual displays of media news clippings and interesting publications related to the building. There will also be a book lounge and free refreshments provided to the visiting public!

Additionally, the regular Sunday programme (Sunday Feast) is open to the public 6:00-8:30pm, including a Free Vegetarian feast served at 7:30pm.

For more information, please visit the official Doors Open website here.

We hope to see you!

If you would like to volunteer for this event please contact Radha Bhakti devi dasi

Gaṇeśa in Bhakti
→ The Enquirer

English: Ganesh, India Español: Ganesh, India

A friend recently asked me,

“How come Rupa Goswami said to worship Ganesh? I saw on FB you have a Ganesh altar and since you studied Bhakti Rasamrta Sindhu, I’m asking you for the tika behind that instruction of worshipping Ganesh.”

(A) I don’t exactly have a Gaṇeśa altar. Once upon a time my wife and I bought a wooden statue of Gaṇeśa from a “Pier One” type store. We took it with us when we moved to Japan. My mother in law, whom we live with, created an altar around it. So, it’s not my altar, really.

(B) Rūpa Goswāmī didn’t say to worship Gaṇeśa.  Nectar of Devotion (a summary presentation of Śrī Rūpa’s Bhakti-Rasāmṛta-Sindhu) does say, in Chapter Eight,

“One should begin the worship of the demigod Gaṇapati, who drives away all impediments in the execution of devotional service. In the Brahma-saḿhitā it is stated that Gaṇapati worships the lotus feet of Lord Nṛsiḿhadeva and in that way has become auspicious for the devotees in clearing out all impediments. Therefore, all devotees should worship Gaṇapati.”

This, however, is Śrīla Prabhupāda’s inclusion of material from Śrī Jīva’s commentary on Śrī Rūpa’s Bhakti-Rasāmṛta-Sindhu. The commentary is on BRS 1.2.118, which lists as the 19th item of sādhanaseva-nāmāparādhānāṁ varjanaṁ” (“Casting off the anti-affections in deity worship and chanting of Krishna’s name.”) In his commentary on this verse, Śrī Jīva goes to the extent of enumerating 64 anti-affections (aparādhā, “offenses”) to serve as examples of what to avoid and cast off. One idea that emerges from this list is to avoid jumping into worship unprepared. When you do service to Krishna, you should do it nicely, calmly, and fully from start to finish – not abbreviating it. Abbreviation is likely to be a symptom of anti-affection. Therefore Jīva Goswāmī advises us to be on guard against abbreviation of our services.

One specific way in which abbreviation can take place involves neglect of Gaṇeśa. All auspicious deeds should begin be worshipping Gaṇeśa. This puts the performer in a fortunate, blessed position therefore more likely to carry out the deed / service nicely. If we skip the worship of Gaṇeśa at the beginning of our seva, we are abbreviating our service – and that is likely to be an anti-affection that will ruin the point of the service: to practice affection (bhakti).

Now, the devotee may question:

But Gaṇeśa is a material demigod, and we are not supposed to worship other gods besides Krishna.

This attitude is not exactly, necessarily “wrong” but in most cases today it carries the strong scent of the Judeo-Christian approach to divinity, “Thou shalt have no other Gods before me… For I am a jealous God.” This is not an accurate conception for Krishna. Krishna is generous, not jealous.  There are many other gods, and they are all invested with power by Hari (Krishna), therefore we certainly respect them all – though certainly our heart naturally reserves its true affections for adorable Krishna alone.

This, in fact, is the injunction given by Śrī Rūpa in the verse two verses before the one under discussion here. BRS. 1.2.116 lists the 16th practice of sādhana as anya devajñā (“Following the orders of other gods”) – and Śrī Rūpa quotes Padma Purāṇa to substatiate it: “Always worship Hari – who is the master of all the Gods; but also do not disrespect Brahmā, Rudra, and others.”

There is nothing wrong with worshipping a demigod for the purpose of serving Krishna. What is wrong is to worship a demigod to gain personal rewards. In fact this is the general principle applying to all things“anukūlyeṇa saṁkalpa, pratikūlyeṇa varjita” - we will do anything for the purpose of serving Krishna, and not do anything for any other purpose.

Gaṇeśa, like all gods, worships the Supreme Person, Hari – to obtain the power to carry out his responsibility as a god. Specifically Śrīla Prabhupāda says that he worships Hari in the form of Nṛsiṁhadeva. Seeing the gods as a class of Vaiṣṇava, we who aspire to be Vaiṣṇava will always respect them as such.

So, if we are very elaborate and “full-format” in our pūjā, we begin with “maṅgalācaraṇa” (auspicious beginning), which traditionally means respecting Gaṇeśa. If we abbreviate this, it is a lack of affection for Krishna – and we should avoid that. Perhaps it is not necessary to include Gaṇeśa in the maṅgalācarana of our pūjā. All gods are respected by respecting the guru. Therefore by remembering and respecting our guru in the beginning of our worship of Krishna – we perform a full maṇgalācarana. And, as Prabhupāda indirectly indicates in the 8th chapter of Nectar of Devotion – a full maṅgalācarana can be effected simply by chanting the all-powerful Hare Krishna mantra in the right state of mind.

One might ask:

Why is Gaṇeśa traditionally associated with auspicious beginnings?

The answer is that Gaṇeśa is the god of thresholds. You can investigate the story of Gaṇeśa getting an elephant’s head to see that his mother Pārvatī put him in charge of guarding the door, the threshold. A doorway is the entrance to, thus the beginning of, a place. So, by being the guardian of thresholds, Gaṇeśa Jī is the guardian of beginnings. If you want a new endeavor to “get off to the right start” you should remember Gaṇeśa while starting, and ask him humbly for his blessing of your crossing the threshold.

I hope this helps satisfy your curiosity.


Six Ingredients
→ Servant of the Servant

Six ingredients in worshipping the Deity
  1. Water
  2. Aasana
  3. Cloth
  4. Lamp
  5. Food grains
  6. Betel nuts
Six ingredients for invoking auspiciousness
  1. Cow dung
  2. Cow urine
  3. Yogurt
  4. Milk
  5. Ghee
  6. Gorocana
Six ingredients in devotional path or bhajana marga
  1. Offering obeisances
  2. Offering prayers
  3. Offering the fruits of all activities
  4. Offering services
  5. Remembering the Lotus Feet of the Lord
  6. Hearing topics of the Lord
source: Sri Chaitanya Bhagavata Madhya Kanda Part One, Ch six Text 33 Purport

Hare Krishna

Six Ingredients
→ Servant of the Servant

Six ingredients in worshipping the Deity
  1. Water
  2. Aasana
  3. Cloth
  4. Lamp
  5. Food grains
  6. Betel nuts
Six ingredients for invoking auspiciousness
  1. Cow dung
  2. Cow urine
  3. Yogurt
  4. Milk
  5. Ghee
  6. Gorocana
Six ingredients in devotional path or bhajana marga
  1. Offering obeisances
  2. Offering prayers
  3. Offering the fruits of all activities
  4. Offering services
  5. Remembering the Lotus Feet of the Lord
  6. Hearing topics of the Lord
source: Sri Chaitanya Bhagavata Madhya Kanda Part One, Ch six Text 33 Purport

Hare Krishna

The Best Of Shaktifest

Held in the desert of Southern California, Shaktifest draws thousands of spiritual seekers each year. Yoga classes, meditation workshops and hours of kirtan attract people from all over the USA. This year myself, BB Govinda Maharaja, Bada Haridas, Karnamrta dasi and other ISKCON devotees performed ecstatic kirtans both on and off the main stage. I [...]

Australian AGM
→ Ramai Swami


The Australian National Council met at Govinda Valley in May for their annual general meeting. There were about 20 participants who came from the temples to discuss various issues pertaining to development of the Australian yatra.

Govinda Valley, a property of about 20 acres, was purchased about 10 years ago and is set in a beautiful valley at Otford, just one hour south of Sydney. It is also only 5 minutes from the beach and visitors like to swim there during the summer months.

Throughout the year devotees have retreats there and at other times yoga groups book the facility for their functions as well.



Narsimha Chaturdasi 2013 Celebrations


In the purport of 7.8.51 of Srimad-Bhagavatam, Srila Prabhupada writes, “The Supreme Personality of Godhead in His transcendental form of Lord Nrsimhadev is always ready to kill the demons who always create disturbances in the minds of honest devotees. To spread the Krishna consciousness movement, devotees have to face many dangers and impediments all over the world, but a faithful servant who preaches with great devotion to the Lord must know that Lord Nrsimhadev is always his protector.”

Lord Nrsimhadev is therefore worshipped by the devotees as their Supreme Protector and they also pray that He vanquishes all obstacles that they may face on the path of devotional service. So it is with much enthusiasm that the devotees come together to worship the Lord on this day of His appearance in the material world.

Special prayers are sung for Lord Nrsimhadev throughout the day and a complete fast is to be observed by the devotees till dusk to express their love and gratitude to the lotus feet of the Lord.

Here’s the link to Srila Prabhupada’s lecture regarding Advent of Lord Nrsimhadev:

7:00pm          Guru Puja
7:15pm          Main Aarti
7:30pm          Narasimha Pranam
7:35pm          Welcome Announcements
7:40pm          Glories on Appearance of Lord Narsimha Dev by HG  Vaisnava Dasa
8:20pm          Abhishekam
                      Recitation of Brahma Samhita
9:00pm          Sunday School performance
9:30pm          Sringar Aarti & Closing kirtan
9:45pm          Honouring of Prasadam
ISKCON Brampton always appreciates your constant support in so many different ways that you are doing to help us carry on Srila Prabhupada’s mission of spreading the message of the Bhagavad Gita all around.

Maha abhiseka..............................$51[per family]
LakshmiNarasimha maha feast.....$251
LakshmiNarasimha maha aarti.....$108
Florals and garlands......................$108
For sponsorships, please contact Mother Krsna Smaran (
Please contact Acarya Thakur Prabhu []or mother Prema Gaurangi [] for any festival related matters. Your valuable comments and suggestions to improve the festivals are always welcome. 

Narsimha Chaturdasi 2013 Celebrations


In the purport of 7.8.51 of Srimad-Bhagavatam, Srila Prabhupada writes, “The Supreme Personality of Godhead in His transcendental form of Lord Nrsimhadev is always ready to kill the demons who always create disturbances in the minds of honest devotees. To spread the Krishna consciousness movement, devotees have to face many dangers and impediments all over the world, but a faithful servant who preaches with great devotion to the Lord must know that Lord Nrsimhadev is always his protector.”

Lord Nrsimhadev is therefore worshipped by the devotees as their Supreme Protector and they also pray that He vanquishes all obstacles that they may face on the path of devotional service. So it is with much enthusiasm that the devotees come together to worship the Lord on this day of His appearance in the material world.

Special prayers are sung for Lord Nrsimhadev throughout the day and a complete fast is to be observed by the devotees till dusk to express their love and gratitude to the lotus feet of the Lord.

Here’s the link to Srila Prabhupada’s lecture regarding Advent of Lord Nrsimhadev:

7:00pm          Guru Puja
7:15pm          Main Aarti
7:30pm          Narasimha Pranam
7:35pm          Welcome Announcements
7:40pm          Glories on Appearance of Lord Narsimha Dev by HG  Vaisnava Dasa
8:20pm          Abhishekam
                      Recitation of Brahma Samhita
9:00pm          Sunday School performance
9:30pm          Sringar Aarti & Closing kirtan
9:45pm          Honouring of Prasadam
ISKCON Brampton always appreciates your constant support in so many different ways that you are doing to help us carry on Srila Prabhupada’s mission of spreading the message of the Bhagavad Gita all around.

Maha abhiseka..............................$51[per family]
LakshmiNarasimha maha feast.....$251
LakshmiNarasimha maha aarti.....$108
Florals and garlands......................$108
For sponsorships, please contact Mother Krsna Smaran (
Please contact Acarya Thakur Prabhu []or mother Prema Gaurangi [] for any festival related matters. Your valuable comments and suggestions to improve the festivals are always welcome. 

ISKCON Scarborough – Grand Appearance day celebrations of Lord Narasimhadev – Friday – May 24th 2013‏
→ ISKCON Scarborough

Hare Krishna!

Please accept our humble obeisances!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga!

Narasimha Caturdasi is the celebration of the appearance day of Lord Narasimhadev, a direct incarnation of the Lord in His half-man, half-lion form. Lord Narasimhadev appeared in order to protect his dear most devotee, Prahlada Maharaja, whose demonic father, Hiranyakasipu was a powerful atheist and enemy of the Lord.

When the angry demon Hiranyakasipu asked his Vaisnava son whether his God existed within the columns of the palace, Prahlada Maharaja immediately accepted that since the Lord is present everywhere, He was also present within the columns. Hiranyakasipu then struck the pillar with his fist, and with a tumultuous roaring sound, Lord Narasimhadev burst forth from the column and killed the demon.

Lord Narasimhadev is Krishna Himself, appearing especially in this form to reciprocate with our desire to remove all the obstacles in our devotional service.

"Although very ferocious, the lioness is very kind to her cubs. Similarly, although very ferocious to non-devotees like Hiranyakasipu, Lord Nrsimhadev is very, very gentle and kind to His devotees like Prahlada Maharaja."- HG Pankajanghri prabhu

Srimad Bhagavatam 5.18.8: The Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa

“I offer my respectful obeisances unto Lord Narasimha deva, the source of all power. O my Lord who possesses nails and teeth just like thunderbolts, kindly vanquish our demon like desires for fruitive activity in this material world. Please appear in our hearts and drive away our ignorance so that by Your mercy we may become fearless in the struggle for existence in this material world”

On the auspicious occasion of the appearance day of Lord Narasimhadev, there will be grand celebrations at ISKCON Scarborough starting at 6.30 pm coming Friday- May 24th 2013

6.30 pm- Abishek on the deities of Lord Narasimhadev
7.15 pm- class on the divine appearance & pastimes of Lord Narasimhadev
8.15 pm – Arti & Kirtan
8.45 pm- 1 round of chanting the Hare Krishna Maha mantra
9 pm- free vegetarian feast

Benedictions for hearing Lord Narasimhadev’s pastimes: Narada Muni to Maharaj Yudhisthir
Srimad Bhagavatam 7.10.46:
One who hears and chants this narration (Lord Narasimhadev’s pastimes) about the omnipotence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu, is certainly liberated from material bondage without fail.

Srimad Bhagavatam 7.10.47:Anyone who with great attention hears this narration concerning the activities of Prahlada Maharaja, the killing of Hiranyakasipu, and the activities of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Narasimhadeva, surely reaches the spiritual world, where there is no anxiety.

We humbly welcome you, your family, friends and relatives to ISKCON Scarborough to take part in the celebrations and par take the unlimited blessings of Lord Narasimhadev

With best wishes from,

ISKCON Scarborough
3500 McNicoll Avenue, Unit #3,
Phone: 647-955-0415

Email Address:


ISKCON Scarborough – Grand Appearance day celebrations of Lord Narasimhadev – Friday – May 24th 2013‏
→ ISKCON Scarborough

Hare Krishna!

Please accept our humble obeisances!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga!

Narasimha Caturdasi is the celebration of the appearance day of Lord Narasimhadev, a direct incarnation of the Lord in His half-man, half-lion form. Lord Narasimhadev appeared in order to protect his dear most devotee, Prahlada Maharaja, whose demonic father, Hiranyakasipu was a powerful atheist and enemy of the Lord.

When the angry demon Hiranyakasipu asked his Vaisnava son whether his God existed within the columns of the palace, Prahlada Maharaja immediately accepted that since the Lord is present everywhere, He was also present within the columns. Hiranyakasipu then struck the pillar with his fist, and with a tumultuous roaring sound, Lord Narasimhadev burst forth from the column and killed the demon.

Lord Narasimhadev is Krishna Himself, appearing especially in this form to reciprocate with our desire to remove all the obstacles in our devotional service.

"Although very ferocious, the lioness is very kind to her cubs. Similarly, although very ferocious to non-devotees like Hiranyakasipu, Lord Nrsimhadev is very, very gentle and kind to His devotees like Prahlada Maharaja."- HG Pankajanghri prabhu

Srimad Bhagavatam 5.18.8: The Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa

“I offer my respectful obeisances unto Lord Narasimha deva, the source of all power. O my Lord who possesses nails and teeth just like thunderbolts, kindly vanquish our demon like desires for fruitive activity in this material world. Please appear in our hearts and drive away our ignorance so that by Your mercy we may become fearless in the struggle for existence in this material world”

On the auspicious occasion of the appearance day of Lord Narasimhadev, there will be grand celebrations at ISKCON Scarborough starting at 6.30 pm coming Friday- May 24th 2013

6.30 pm- Abishek on the deities of Lord Narasimhadev
7.15 pm- class on the divine appearance & pastimes of Lord Narasimhadev
8.15 pm – Arti & Kirtan
8.45 pm- 1 round of chanting the Hare Krishna Maha mantra
9 pm- free vegetarian feast

Benedictions for hearing Lord Narasimhadev’s pastimes: Narada Muni to Maharaj Yudhisthir
Srimad Bhagavatam 7.10.46:
One who hears and chants this narration (Lord Narasimhadev’s pastimes) about the omnipotence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu, is certainly liberated from material bondage without fail.

Srimad Bhagavatam 7.10.47:Anyone who with great attention hears this narration concerning the activities of Prahlada Maharaja, the killing of Hiranyakasipu, and the activities of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Narasimhadeva, surely reaches the spiritual world, where there is no anxiety.

We humbly welcome you, your family, friends and relatives to ISKCON Scarborough to take part in the celebrations and par take the unlimited blessings of Lord Narasimhadev

With best wishes from,

ISKCON Scarborough
3500 McNicoll Avenue, Unit #3,
Phone: 647-955-0415

Email Address:


Teachings of My Mother
→ Karnamrita's blog

Karnamrita Das

(this blog is recorded on the full page: quick time player needed; works best with Firefox or Explorer)
 photo MeandMomWeb451x640_zpse4f22564.jpg
[reposted from 05-20-2013]
Saturday, May 20th was the death anniversary of my mom. I usually post the blog I wrote a few days after she “left her body” (as devotees call death of the physical body, since the soul moves on) seven years ago. Although, I’ll give some links for a whole series of blogs I wrote around that time, I would like to express some thoughts for your consideration, and perhaps, for thinking of your own mom, or your relationship to your parents in general. One of the questions I am thinking about is: “How has your relationship with your parents affected your life in terms of your relationships with your spouse and children (if you are married), or to friends, people in general, or yourself?”

There are many events in life which are like initiations into stages of growth, the first being birth and the last death—the number and type of “initiations” in between those two periods are as individual as people are. For me, some of my significant growth opportunities were: moving from Los Angeles to San Francisco at four years old, the shock of going to Junior High School from a tightknit grammar school, when my parents divorced and I had to live with my father, when my High School met Haight-Ashbury (so to speak), or how I let hippiedom appear to torpedo my education but also lay the ground work for my spiritual quest, my second girlfriend, spiritual initiation at 20, my guru Shrila Prabhupada’s leaving his body, marriage, the struggle to find an occupation, and to the point of this blog, the “death” of my parents.

I haven’t spoken about my father’s death, though I should, as he died by his own hand with a 38 Special revolver. He was obviously miserable, felt his life unmanageable, and had no spiritual knowledge to help him. Although I later went to the place where he committed suicide in an attempt to release his soul, in case he had a ghost body, his death was not as fortunate as my moms. I was able to surround her with prayers and a spiritual environment as she passed on.

read more

Teachings of My Mother
→ Karnamrita.das's blog

Karnamrita Das

(this blog is recorded on the full page: quick time player needed; works best with Firefox or Explorer)
 photo MeandMomWeb451x640_zpse4f22564.jpg

Monday, May 20th is the death anniversary of my mom. I usually post the blog I wrote a few days after she “left her body” (as devotees call death of the physical body, since the soul moves on) three years ago. Although, I’ll give some links for a whole series of blogs I wrote around that time, I would like to express some thoughts for your consideration, and perhaps, for thinking of your own mom, or your relationship to your parents in general. One of the questions I am thinking about is: “How has your relationship with your parents affected your life in terms of your relationships with your spouse and children (if you are married), or to friends, people in general, or yourself?”

There are many events in life which are like initiations into stages of growth, the first being birth and the last death—the number and type of “initiations” in between those two periods are as individual as people are. For me, some of my significant growth opportunities were: moving from Los Angeles to San Francisco at four years old, the shock of going to Junior High School from a tightknit grammar school, when my parents divorced and I had to live with my father, when my High School met Haight-Ashbury (so to speak), or how I let hippiedom appear to torpedo my education but also lay the ground work for my spiritual quest, my second girlfriend, spiritual initiation at 20, my guru Shrila Prabhupada’s leaving his body, marriage, the struggle to find an occupation, and to the point of this blog, the “death” of my parents.

I haven’t spoken about my father’s death, though I should, as he died by his own hand with a 38 Special revolver. He was obviously miserable, felt his life unmanageable, and had no spiritual knowledge to help him. Although I later went to the place where he committed suicide in an attempt to release his soul, in case he had a ghost body, his death was not as fortunate as my moms. I was able to surround her with prayers and a spiritual environment as she passed on.

read more

Fierce Festival
→ The Loft Yoga Lounge Auckland

The Perfection of Horror This Sunday 26th May, at the Loft will be the ultimate mid year festival. From the international speaker, spiritual teacher and author, Devamrita swami, we will hear about real wisdom and the origin to our pleasure propensities, including the pleasure of horror or being scared. This will all be sandwiched with [...]

The post Fierce Festival appeared first on The Loft Yoga Lounge Auckland.

09 Bir Krishna Goswami-Psychophysical Nature
→ Successful Vaisnavas – Personal Development for Hare Krishnas

In this episode His Holiness Bir Krishna Goswami discusses using our psychophysical nature so that we can engage ourselves properly in Krishna consciousness.      This is the basis of the varnasrama system and follows on from our discussion last week with His Holiness Bhakti Charu Swami about how to find your varna.      […]

The post 09 Bir Krishna Goswami-Psychophysical Nature appeared first on Successful Vaisnavas - Personal Development for Hare Krishnas.

09 Bir Krishna Goswami-Psychophysical Nature
→ Successful Vaisnavas

In this episode His Holiness Bir Krishna Goswami discusses using our psychophysical nature so that we can engage ourselves properly in Krishna consciousness.

question12 hours clock Fiji Sevens   Golf in the Rain

This is the basis of the varnasrama system and follows on from our discussion last week with His Holiness Bhakti Charu Swami about how to find your varna.

 book            sword           gold hammer

To contact His Holiness Bir Krishna Goswami or to hear more from him visit

Bir Krishna Goswami

There is also an update on the “tidy up the house” and “put shelves in the cupboard” project (that we have been discussing for the last few weeks. )You will get some tips for communicating with employees and tradespeople to make sure that the job gets done the way that you really want. 

Final preparations are being put in place for the launch of the Successful Vaisnavas Online Course.

 More information will be given on the upcoming live online event.

Go to to register.

“Just Hear” the Name???
→ The Enquirer

This can be what "Hare Krishna, Hare Rama" LOOKS like when you hear it.

This can be what “Hare Krishna, Hare Rama” LOOKS like when you hear it.

Krishna’s name is a noun, a transcendent noun.

Nouns are words, sounds that carry meaning. When you hear a word in a language you don’t understand – it is only sound. But as you repeatedly listen with curiosity and intelligence the meaning becomes clear. When you understand a language, hearing the sound of a word immediately invokes your awareness of the meanings and implications of the word.

There is no real meaning to “hearing the sound” of Krishna’s name without the sound of that name causing you to become aware of Krishna.

When we are “newborn” we don’t understand much in the sound of words (Krishna’s names). So it behooves us to listen carefully to the sound, with curiousity and intelligence (i.e. do our best to learn as much as we can about the person being named,  mainly by reading Śrīmad Bhāgavatam). When we are “a few years old” we begin to understand words. When we hear the names of Krishna, the sound will invoke in us awareness of the person being named – naturally, that is simply what nouns do.

However, the names of Krishna are transcendental nouns. Therefore as we become “full grown” in hearing and chanting these nouns – hearing the name of Krishna will invoke in our awareness direct cognition of the named (Krishna). At this stage we begin to experience in the name more than what we read about Krishna – more directly, more personally. The name is becoming pure and showing its inherent nature of non-duality from the named.

The effort to “simply hear” the name, without “remembering Krishna” as a result of hearing it is rather like an infant trying to remain an infant and never learn how to use words.

Narsimha Caturdasi – This Friday!
→ The Toronto Hare Krishna Blog!

Festival season continues with Narsimha Caturdasi on Friday, May 24th 2013. This festival marks the appearance day of Lord Narsimhadeva, Krishna's half-man half-lion incarnation who appeared in order to protect the saintly child Prahlada who was being tormented by his father, Hiranyakashipu.

On Friday, May 24th, Toronto's Hare Krishna Centre will be celebrating Narsimha Caturdasi, starting at 6pm and will include an abhisheka (bathing ceremony) and amazing kirtan!

Schedule (subject to change):

6:00pm - 6:30pm: Kirtan (Arati)
6:30pm - 6:40pm: Welcome and Announcements
6:40pm - 7:25pm: Discourse on Lord Narsimhadeva
7:25pm - 8:00pm: Abhisheka (Bathing Ceremony)
8:00pm - 8:30pm: Kirtan (Arati)
8:30pm - onwards: Vegetarian Feast

Celebrations will include a special surprise so please join us on this auspicious occasion!

Narsimha Caturdasi – This Friday!
→ The Toronto Hare Krishna Blog!

Festival season continues with Narsimha Caturdasi on Friday, May 24th 2013. This festival marks the appearance day of Lord Narsimhadeva, Krishna's half-man half-lion incarnation who appeared in order to protect the saintly child Prahlada who was being tormented by his father, Hiranyakashipu.

On Friday, May 24th, Toronto's Hare Krishna Centre will be celebrating Narsimha Caturdasi, starting at 6pm and will include an abhisheka (bathing ceremony) and amazing kirtan!

Schedule (subject to change):

6:00pm - 6:30pm: Kirtan (Arati)
6:30pm - 6:40pm: Welcome and Announcements
6:40pm - 7:25pm: Discourse on Lord Narsimhadeva
7:25pm - 8:00pm: Abhisheka (Bathing Ceremony)
8:00pm - 8:30pm: Kirtan (Arati)
8:30pm - onwards: Vegetarian Feast

Celebrations will include a special surprise so please join us on this auspicious occasion!

Planting Berry Bushes 101
→ Life With the Cows and Land

Springtime brings planting in the cow dung fertilized earth of ISCOWP farm. This year, besides vegetables, we are planting perennials of rose bushes, lilac bushes, berry bushes, lavender and even an almond tree. These plants are for the use of the ISCOWP staff but also to make products for our members and for sale to support ISCOWP's cow protection activities.

A little elementary instruction for a 4 year old and anyone who does not know much about planting is in this video.

Planting Berry Bushes 101
→ Life With the Cows and Land

Springtime brings planting in the cow dung fertilized earth of ISCOWP farm. This year, besides vegetables, we are planting perennials of rose bushes, lilac bushes, berry bushes, lavender and even an almond tree. These plants are for the use of the ISCOWP staff but also to make products for our members and for sale to support ISCOWP's cow protection activities.

A little elementary instruction for a 4 year old and anyone who does not know much about planting is in this video.

Higher Taste Restaurant
→ Ramai Swami


The Wellington Temple Higher Taste Restaurant is in Willis Street in the Lampton Quay area. This is a very busy area of downtown, especially during lunchtime. It has been operating for over ten years and before that we had another restaurant just a few streets away.

Both these restaurants were started under the auspices of Jagjivan Prabhu, the Wellington temple president. There is a staff of 10 to 12 devotees working there in shifts between 11am and 9pm 6 days a week.

The menu is a fusion of western and Indian styles of food, which of course is offered to Their Lordships Gaura Nitai. I usually pop in for lunch when I’m in town and it’s always gratifying to see so many people enjoying the Lord’s tasty prasadam.


Travel Journal#9.7: North Florida
→ Travel Adventures of a Krishna Monk

Diary of a Traveling Sadhaka, Vol. 9, No. 7
By Krishna-kripa das
(April 2013, part one
North Florida
(Sent from Dublin, Ireland, on May 17, 2013)

Where I Went and What I Did

The beginning of April was special for me with the visit of my friend Trevor, with whom I did harinamalast year in England, Scotland, Germany, and Poland, and kirtana programs in Czech Republic and Slovakia, as well as traveled to the Ukraine festival and to Warsaw for Radhastami. He came with me to Tampa, Tallahassee, and Jacksonville, and really excelled at talking to the students, inviting them to programs, and interesting them in books about spiritual life. Eight devotees from Krishna House came to First Friday and a harinama at Springtime Tallahassee, and we had a great time sharing the holy name and spiritual books with others. New Raman Reti had their first holi festival (festival of colors), and it was very successful. I left Krishna House mid-month to go to New York City and ultimately to Europe, and I reflect on my experience at Krishna House this time.

In the matter of insights I share notes from my daily reading of Srila Prabhupada’s books, a beautiful prayer to Srila Prabhupada by Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami, and notes from our classes in Krishna House on the Tenth Canto of the Bhagavatam, as we end the semester.

Thanks to Andrea Perez Del Solar, Tulasirani Devi Dasi, Krsodari Devi Dasi, Trevor Manton, Facebook User "Photo Is My Life," and whoever else I may have missed, for all the photos illustrating this issue


Trevor came with me to Tampa this time, and we chanted and had a book table at the market day at the University of South Florida for five hours. Trevor, who is just a few years out of college, could easily relate to the students and speak to them about the limitations of the Western education he had experienced and encourage them to investigate Krishna consciousness. In Europe we had just chanted to together on the streets, but in Tampa I found he was very good at speaking to students and distributing books—five Bhagavad-gitas and about twenty small books for eighty dollars. Two people he spoke to came to our evening program behind the library, and one brought a friend. One Hispanic girl was very interested, and he talked to her for a while after the program. Also someone I talked to two weeks before came to the program for the first time. Thus in many ways our visit to Tampa was very successful, and Trevor was inspired by it.

Tallahassee First Friday and Harinamas

Enough of the Krishna House students were enthusiastic enough about First Friday in March that we returned to Tallahassee for the First Friday in April. In addition, we stayed over night and did a harinama with some local devotees and devotees from Alachua at the street fair after the Springtime Tallahassee parade, a parade that we did not participate in this year.

At First Friday Daru Brahma Prabhu and his helpers distributed lots of Krishna food.

Our party sang . . .

. . . and distributed books.

 In particular, Tulasirani Devi Dasi was very enthusiastic about book distribution.

I gave out invitations and talked to people who were looking at our kirtana party.

Hladini, a seventeen-year-old child of devotee parents, had some nice realizations. She was not feeling very well at all, but she distributed books anyway and transcended the pain. At one point, I noticed she got some people to sit down on the blanket and chant with us, and I later asked her how. She explained that she gave them a book but they had no donation and asked if there was anything they could do for her. She replied that they could sit down on the blanket and chant Hare Krishna with us, and so they did. Thus she distributed both a book and the holy name at once to those fortunate souls.

I missed over half of our Saturday harinama because one person forgot his drum, another forgot the invitations, and another suggested I get water for the party in the course of going back for the drum and finding the invitations. Thus a got sense of what you have to go through if you play the role of a leader of a party, something I rarely do.

The location was great for chanting. Many, many hundreds of people were wandering from one stall to another. Although there were dozens of Florida policeman guarding the event, miraculously none restricted our party of chanters with its amplified sound, and I was grateful about that. We visited a section set aside for children’ events, and several children took pleasure in watching and ultimately dancing with the devotees, generally to the approval of the parents. In fact, one mother we passed exclaimed to her two children, “They are such peaceful people!”

Daru Brahma Prabhu and the Tallahassee devotees served Ekadasi prasadam in a park at the end of the event, and my Krishna House friends returned to Gainesville, and Trevor and I stayed in Tallahassee to chant at Lake Ella on Sunday and the campus of Florida State University Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Trevor helped out by making some really great peanut butter cookies for distribution. He was so enthusiastic about chanting and talking with students and doing a book table, that on a couple days, he stayed out for two extra hours, past the three hours I generally do.

I had one nice experience myself there on the campus. One student had taken a small book the previous day and said she liked it. I asked which part she liked best. She described it, and I found the place in the book, and it was a part I also liked and I told her so. It is an excerpt from the Preface to The Nectar of Devotion, where Srila Prabhupada speaks about love:

The basic principle of the living condition is that we have a general propensity to love someone. No one can live without loving someone else. This propensity is present in every living being. Even an animal like a tiger has this loving propensity at least in a dormant stage, and it is certainly present in the human beings. The missing point, however, is where to repose our love so that everyone can become happy. At the present moment the human society teaches one to love his country or family or his personal self, but there is no information where to repose the loving propensity so that everyone can become happy. That missing point is Krishna and The Nectar of Devotionteaches us how to stimulate our original love for Krishnaand how to be situated in that position where we can enjoy our blissful life.

In the primary stage a child loves his parents, then his brothers and sisters, and as he daily grows up he begins to love his family, society, community, country, nation, or even the whole human society. But the loving propensity is not satisfied even by loving all human society; that loving propensity remains imperfectly fulfilled until we know who is the supreme beloved. Our love can be fully satisfied only when it is reposed in Krishna.”

Later another student was looking at the books, and I showed her that book and pointed to the same section of the book that the other girl had liked, and asked her to read it. She was attracted by Prabhupada’s description and took the book. I asked her for a donation, which I do not really like doing, but which Trevor was accustomed to doing, so I did it anyway, and she gave twenty dollars for a small book that people usually give a dollar for.

Trevor spent thirteen hours over the three days on the FSU campus, and he would invite people to our Tuesday Bhagavad-gita class and a special three-hour kirtana on Wednesday. As at Tampa, many students said they would come, but unlike Tampa, none of them did. I wondered why, and upon reflection, decided that because the Tampa program was on the campus itself, just behind the library, it was at a nearby and familiar place. Although our center in Tallahassee is just two and a half blocks from the campus, it was unknown and just a little inconvenient, and so none was willing to take the risk to come there. At Krishna House, I think we can learn a lesson from this. To reach more students we have to do some programs on the campus itself. Even though Krishna House is just three blocks from the University of Florida campus, we probably lose a few people by the little bit of distance and unfamiliarity.

We went to Garuda Prabhu’s yoga studio. Turns out that night he was just painting instead of doing his yoga program, but he engaged us in telling the story of Nrisimhadeva to his students while they painted, and Trevor had interesting conversations with students, encouraging one to get a Bhagavad-gita, as well as distributing more peanut butter cookies. I found a couple people interested in Daru’s cooking classes.

Thursday we went to Jacksonville where we chanted at the University of North Florida. We did not have the variety of books or a book table, so it was not as conducive for Trevor’s style of preaching. Still some students chanted with us briefly, and I got to introduce Amrita Keli Devi Dasi, who is organizing our outreach there, to a math professor friend who loves Krishna food from her graduate days at University of California at San Diego, where Bhakta Kevin would regularly distribute prasadam.

There was a lot of dancing at our UNF Krishna Club program this time, and some of students were really enchanted by it. Tulasirani and Alex, who came from Krishna House for the program, took Trevor and I back to Gainesville, thus ending our harinama excursion to Tallahassee and Jacksonville.

Holi (Festival of Colors) in North Florida

Holi, or the Festival of Colors, is becoming more popular within ISKCON and within human society. This year I heard of holi festivals at University of Florida in Gainesville and University of North Florida in Jacksonville, in addition to the first ever holi festival in Alachua.

In ISKCON, Caru Prabhu who has a temple in Utah, has a holi festival which attracts thousands of people to his temple there, many of the them local Mormons. In fact, one Mormon music major became so enchanted by Hare Krishna kirtana from that festival, she went on do her Ph.D. dissertation on Kirtana at Hare Krishna Festivals, and is planning to write a book on kirtana using the extra material she collected.

The Krishna House devotees catered a spaghetti lunch for the Indian students’ holi festival at University of Florida. And we chanted there as well.

Later we moved up to the stage and thirty or forty people danced with us for a while. I missed that part because I was talking to a student who became attracted to our initial chanting and wanted to know more.

At ISKCON Alachua, the holi festivalwas celebrated for the first time. Three devotee bands played on a stage near where the colors were thrown, Srikalogy, The Mayapuris, and TK and the Namrock Band. Many, many people participated, and the prasadam for lunch was wonderful. Devotees who work at Krishna Lunch noticed that many university students came and enjoyed the fun, and got more Krishna music, food, and association than usual, a cause for happiness. Both initiated devotees and students came from Tampa, Tallahassee, and Jacksonville for the event.

I wore a dhoti and kurta with holes that I was planning to throw out in case the dye did not come out.

Trevor, having recently traveled from India, had no old clothes and was worried about what to wear. He found a purple sari in the free clothes bin and ripped it in half to make a top and bottom piece. People who did not know him or the story behind his outfit wondered about his appearance, perhaps thinking he always dressed in such an eccentric fashion, but I just thought it was a little humorous.

Krishna House Farewell

With all the harinamas, the chanting in the temple, the outreach programs, and the classes, I felt I got to know and love the devotees at Krishna House more than usual during the three or four months I spent there. It was awesome for me to see a lot of young people with wonderful devotional qualities like such as appreciation of kirtana, appreciation of spiritually advanced personalities, enthusiasm to serve others, delight in cooking for Krishna and his devotees, and enthusiasm to share Krishna with others. I hope they are able to maintain and expand these assets throughout their glorious lives of service to Krishna and humanity. The leaders of the project were also exemplary in steadiness and concern for others, and truly inspirational. I felt happy to be involved with the project, and I look forward to returning in October for another three months. We are indebted to Kalakantha Prabhu for heading up the project, and devotees, like Hanan and Ballaba and Caitanya, who are very dedicated, spending years with it. Tulasirani devi dasi did a good job arranging classes and special events this year. Especially memorable was Gasparilla harinama,the 12-hour kirtana, and the First Fridays harinama in Tallahassee, and also the Ocala Rainbow Gathering harinama, which Caitanya organized.

When I leave each year, I know some of the people I will never see again, and thus I feel a little sad. It calls to mind a quote I read in Krishna book, Chapter 82, just last night where Krishna consoles his gopi friends, “Our separation was ordained by Providence, who after all is the supreme controller and does as He desires. He causes the intermingling of different persons, and again disperses them as He desires. Sometimes we see that due to the presence of clouds and strong wind, atomic particles of dust and broken pieces of cotton are intermingled together, and after the strong wind subsides, all the particles of dust and cotton are again separated, scattered in different places. Similarly, the Supreme Lord is the creator of everything. The objects which we see are different manifestations of His energy. By His supreme will we are sometimes united and sometimes separated. We can therefore conclude that ultimately we are absolutely dependent on His will.”.

I want to thank Srikar Prabhu of Gainesville, who in addition to inviting me to a delicious lunch of doshas and coconut chutney, kindly bought me a camera so I can provide more illustrations in future editions of this journal.


Srila Prabhupada:

from Sri Caitanya-caritamrita,Adi 16.8, purport:

Although Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His devotees in disciplic succession can defeat all kinds of learned scholars, scientists and philosophers in arguments, thus establishing the supremacy of the Personality of Godhead, their main business as preachers is to introduce sankirtanaeverywhere. Simply to defeat scholars and philosophers is not the occupation of a preacher. Preachers must simultaneously introduce the sankirtana movement, for that is the mission of the Caitanya cult.”

from Sri Caitanya-caritamrita, Adi Chapter 17 summary:

The attitude of Srimati Radharani is considered the superexcellent devotional mentality.”

from Sri Caitanya-caritamrita, Adi 17.1:

Let me offer my respectful obeisances to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, by whose mercy even unclean yavanasbecome perfectly well bred gentlemen by chanting the holy name of the Lord. Such is the power of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.”

Sri Caitanya-caritamrita, Adi 17.1, purport:

Even in the United States, when our devotees chant on the street, American ladies and gentlemen inquire from them whether they are actually Americans because no one could expect Americans to become such nice devotees all of a sudden. Even Christian priests are greatly surprised that all these boys from Jewish and Christian families have joined this Krishna consciousness movement; before joining, they never regarded any principles of religion seriously, but now they have become sincere devotees of the Lord. Everywhere people express this astonishment, and we take great pride in the transcendental behavior of our students. Such wonders are possible, however, only by the mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. They are not ordinary or mundane.”

from The Nectar of Devotion, Chapter 42:

That is the way of rendering transcendental loving service to the Lord; when devotees are put into great difficulties—even like the Pandavas, as described above—they feel all their miserable conditions to be great facilities for serving the Lord.”

Sri Caitanya-caritamrita, Adi 17.28, purport:

This practice of forbearance (taror iva sahisnuna) is very difficult, but when one actually engages in chanting the Hare Krishna mantra, the quality of forbearance automatically develops. A person advanced in spiritual consciousness through the chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra need not practice to develop it separately, for a devotee develops all good qualities simply by chanting the Hare Krishna mantra regularly.”

Sri Caitanya-caritamrita, Adi 17.29:

Thus a Vaishnava should not ask anything from anyone else. If someone gives him something without being asked, he should accept it, but if nothing comes, a Vaishnava should be satisfied to eat whatever vegetables and fruits are easily available.”

from Srimad-Bhagavatam 4.26.21, purport:

If one accepts punishment as a reward dealt by the master, he becomes intelligent enough not to commit the same mistake again.”

from The Nectar of Devotion, Chapter 46:

The activities of a person, even if they are not very extraordinary, create an impression of wonder in the heart and mind of the person’s friends. But even very wonderful activities performed by a person who is not one’s friend will not create any impression. It is because of love that one’s wonderful activities create an impression in the mind.”

Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami:

from Calling Out to Srila Prabhupada:

O Prabhupada, who dressed always in saffron, who wrote affectionate letters to his disciples signed ‘Your ever well-wisher,’ who wrote to his leaders, ‘Never be a moment without thinking how to improve ISKCON,’ who encouraged each department of workers without discouraging another, who gave all of his life’s energy for spreading Krishna consciousness, who was empowered with success never achieved by previous acaryas,and who opened the door for the entire world to appreciate Gaudiya Vaisnavism as the eternal teachings of topmost love of God, we pray to always retain utmost respect for you and your teachings.”

Kalakantha Prabhu:

Although it appears odd that the devotee Akrura was employed by the demoniac King Kamsa, Akrura’s devotion to Kamsa ended when he left the palace.

Q (by Vaishnava das): Krishna is more famous as son of Yasoda than the son of Devaki, but he spent ten times more time outside of Vrindavana. Why?
A: Yasoda has a higher rasaof spontaneous love. Also it is considered that the feeling love separation is actually higher.

Mucukunda did not want the demigods to bother him to fight once again on their behalf thus he asked for the boon of burning to ashes whoever awakened him.

Neophyte devotees go up and down in their spiritual lives. When they associate with their devotional friends they become inspired spiritually, and when they associate with their materialistic friends they neglect their spiritual life.

comment by Bhakta Mike:

Although Krishna took pleasure in fighting Canura, because Canura was not trying to please Him but to kill Him, it is not counted as devotional service.

comment by Arjuna Prabhu:

The pastime of Vidura enlightening Dhrtarastra shows we should not become so attached to our dependents that we forget what is right and what is wrong.

comment by Rupacandra Prabhu:

It is interesting that although Dhrstarastra had the association of Narada, Vidura, and so many pure devotees, still he was not able to assimilate their instructions. That reminds me of the verse by Prahlada Maharaja, matir na krishne paratah svato va, mitho ’bhipadyeta griha-vratanam, adanta-gobhir visatam tamisram, punah punas carvita-carvananam. Because of their uncontrolled senses, persons too addicted to materialistic life make progress toward hellish conditions and repeatedly chew that which has already been chewed. Their inclinations toward Krishna are never aroused, either by the instructions of others, by their own efforts, or by a combination of both.” (Srimad-Bhagavatam 7.5.30)

comment by Bhakta Paul:

Although some people were mystified, Krishna released Jarasandha after Balarama fought and bound him because He had a deeper plan.

comment by Dorian:

It seems to me Krishna had a sportive childlike mood, “Let’s make a fort and protect our friends. Then we can conquer the enemy.”

It is wonderful to see how the demigods are interacting with Krishna, showering flowers on Him when he is victorious in battle.

comments by students:

Visvanatha Cakravati Thakura describes that the demons get to see Krishna, but they do not see His sweetness. He also mentions that Akrura’s prayers reveal the consciousness a visitor of Vrndavana should have.

It is described that the day Akrura arrived at Vrndavana was Ekadasi and he was fasting, but when Balarama offered him a feast he eagerly accepted it.

The washer man who refused to give Kamsa’s clothes to Krishna and criticized Him instead is the same soul who criticized Rama for accepting Sita after she had lived in Ravana’s kingdom.

comments by Hladini:

When Balarama went to Vrndavana alone, Krishna stayed in Dvaraka because of compassion for its residents. He was worried that if he went to Vrndavana because of His great love for each residents there and they’re love for Him, He would not be able to return to Dvaraka.

Krishna did not abandon the game he was playing when heard of the blazing demon attacking Dvaraka, but merely sent his disc weapon to do the needful.

Dvivida was previously an associate of Lord Rama who made an offense and as a result was condemned to have the bad association of Narakasura and thus became demonic.

comment by Tulasirani dd: It is said Balarama has a complexion the color freshly churned yogurt.

Laksmimani Devi:

If you go to the campus and tell people we follow these four regulative principles and what they are [no illicit sex, no intoxication, no meat eating, and no gambling], the students will not say, “How wonderful! You guys are so free!” Yet Srila Prabhupada called them the regulative principles of freedom.

We do not feel “I cannot eat meat” or “I cannot engage in intoxication.” Thus we can see we have made some advancement.

Sometimes we move forward in our spiritual life, sometimes we move backward, sometimes we stay the same. In time, we advance and become fixed.

We cannot alwaysunderstand a person’s advancement by their external situation.

We know we are not our body, until they serve something for breakfast that we don’t like and then we moan and groan.

When we are building a bridge we have to make sure it goes all the way across the water. We can use the Holi festival to bring people to Krishna, but we have to make sure we do not use it to increase our sense gratification.

Srila Prabhupada had so much faith in the holy name and prasadam. He felt it would purify us, and it did.

Sesa Prabhu:

The best thing in this life is to prepare for our next life.

We do not always understand the great fortune we have in this human form of life.

Khatvanga Maharaja thought although he had but a moment, it would be best used in achieving spiritual perfection.

Happily ever after” exists in the spiritual world but does not exist in this world.

Rohini Kumara Prabhu:

They say the Hope diamond was from King Yudhisthira’s scepter.

Krishna-kripa das:

I saw a girl on the campus wearing a T-shirt with the slogan, “One life. Many loves.” I was thinking that for us it is “Many lives. One love.” Lord Caitanya prays to Krishna in that way in His Siksastaka,Verse 4, “All I want is your devotional service birth after birth.”

Tulasirani devi dasi:

One jasmine tree at Srivasa Thakura’s house supplied all the flowers the devotees of Lord Caitanya needed for their Deity worship.

After Lord Caitanya came back from Gaya experiencing symptoms of the highest love of Godhead, He glorified Gadadhara Pandita’s lifelong devotion to Krishna while considering He Himself only recently saw Krishna once, but then He disappeared.

In His ecstasy when asked about verbal roots, Lord Caitanya explained elaborately that Krishna is the root of everything.

Lord Caitanya in His ecstasy could not think of anything without its relationship with Krishna. We, however, tend to see maya everywhere [instead of seeing Krishna everywhere].

Dina Bandhu Prabhu:

Because we are all part of Krishna we should be able find some common experience with everyone we meet.

People will be attracted just by prasadam, the maha-mantra and relationships with devotees.

comment by Tulasirani dd: When serving the devotees of the Deity I sometimes experience some satisfaction just acting in the position of serving them, and it is like that the Lord as paramatma is encouraging me to act in my original spiritual situation.

comment by Laura: Just being away from the devotees for two or three days, I find it harder to chant.


There is a story that a young man had a guru who told him to meditate an hour a day. He enthusiastically did that for some time but later life became more complicated, so he told his guru of the difficulty in doing his hour of meditation. The guru listened sympathetically and then advised him to meditate two hours a day.

Yamunacarya was originally born as Yamuna in brahmana family and studied in the gurukula. Once the king’s representative came to fine his guru because he was defeated previously by the king’s digvijaya pandita, Koladhar. Yamuna did not like to hear that his guru had to pay a fine. So he challenged that Koladhar was not actually learned, because his king who he represented was so proud, he must be proud, and pride is a symptom of ignorance. The king was upset about this. Thus it was arranged that Yamuna would debate Koladhar and prove that he was actually ignorant. Yamuna insisted he be personally transported to the capital for the debate, which upset the king even more. The king asked Koladhar to prove false three statements:
  1. My mother is not barren.
  2. The king is most pious and compassionate.
  3. The queen is most chaste.
Koladhar was stumped, and Yamuna solved the riddle.
1. Manu-samhitasays a women with just one child is barren.
2. The king takes on the one-sixth of the sinful reactions of his subjects so how can he be pious?
3. The king is described in the scripture to be identical to seven important personalities and thus the queen was in relationships with seven people at once, and could thus be called unchaste.
Thus Koladhar was defeated, and Yamuna won half the kingdom.


from comments after a class:

I tried chanting “Coca-Cola” for about ten minutes the other day. In the beginning it was alright but after five minutes it got worse, and by ten minutes it was unbearable. Yet in Vrndavana I was chanting Hare Krishna nine hours a day.


anasaktasya visayan
yatharham upayunjatah
nirbandhah krishna-sambandhe
yuktam vairagyam ucyate

When one is not attached to anything, but at the same time accepts everything in relation to Krishna, one is rightly situated above possessiveness.” (Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu 2.255)

Travel Journal#9.7: North Florida
→ Travel Adventures of a Krishna Monk

Diary of a Traveling Sadhaka, Vol. 9, No. 7
By Krishna-kripa das
(April 2013, part one
North Florida
(Sent from Dublin, Ireland, on May 17, 2013)

Where I Went and What I Did

The beginning of April was special for me with the visit of my friend Trevor, with whom I did harinamalast year in England, Scotland, Germany, and Poland, and kirtana programs in Czech Republic and Slovakia, as well as traveled to the Ukraine festival and to Warsaw for Radhastami. He came with me to Tampa, Tallahassee, and Jacksonville, and really excelled at talking to the students, inviting them to programs, and interesting them in books about spiritual life. Eight devotees from Krishna House came to First Friday and a harinama at Springtime Tallahassee, and we had a great time sharing the holy name and spiritual books with others. New Raman Reti had their first holi festival (festival of colors), and it was very successful. I left Krishna House mid-month to go to New York City and ultimately to Europe, and I reflect on my experience at Krishna House this time.

In the matter of insights I share notes from my daily reading of Srila Prabhupada’s books, a beautiful prayer to Srila Prabhupada by Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami, and notes from our classes in Krishna House on the Tenth Canto of the Bhagavatam, as we end the semester.

Thanks to Andrea Perez Del Solar, Tulasirani Devi Dasi, Krsodari Devi Dasi, Trevor Manton, Facebook User "Photo Is My Life," and whoever else I may have missed, for all the photos illustrating this issue


Trevor came with me to Tampa this time, and we chanted and had a book table at the market day at the University of South Florida for five hours. Trevor, who is just a few years out of college, could easily relate to the students and speak to them about the limitations of the Western education he had experienced and encourage them to investigate Krishna consciousness. In Europe we had just chanted to together on the streets, but in Tampa I found he was very good at speaking to students and distributing books—five Bhagavad-gitas and about twenty small books for eighty dollars. Two people he spoke to came to our evening program behind the library, and one brought a friend. One Hispanic girl was very interested, and he talked to her for a while after the program. Also someone I talked to two weeks before came to the program for the first time. Thus in many ways our visit to Tampa was very successful, and Trevor was inspired by it.

Tallahassee First Friday and Harinamas

Enough of the Krishna House students were enthusiastic enough about First Friday in March that we returned to Tallahassee for the First Friday in April. In addition, we stayed over night and did a harinama with some local devotees and devotees from Alachua at the street fair after the Springtime Tallahassee parade, a parade that we did not participate in this year.

At First Friday Daru Brahma Prabhu and his helpers distributed lots of Krishna food.

Our party sang . . .

. . . and distributed books.

 In particular, Tulasirani Devi Dasi was very enthusiastic about book distribution.

I gave out invitations and talked to people who were looking at our kirtana party.

Hladini, a seventeen-year-old child of devotee parents, had some nice realizations. She was not feeling very well at all, but she distributed books anyway and transcended the pain. At one point, I noticed she got some people to sit down on the blanket and chant with us, and I later asked her how. She explained that she gave them a book but they had no donation and asked if there was anything they could do for her. She replied that they could sit down on the blanket and chant Hare Krishna with us, and so they did. Thus she distributed both a book and the holy name at once to those fortunate souls.

I missed over half of our Saturday harinama because one person forgot his drum, another forgot the invitations, and another suggested I get water for the party in the course of going back for the drum and finding the invitations. Thus a got sense of what you have to go through if you play the role of a leader of a party, something I rarely do.

The location was great for chanting. Many, many hundreds of people were wandering from one stall to another. Although there were dozens of Florida policeman guarding the event, miraculously none restricted our party of chanters with its amplified sound, and I was grateful about that. We visited a section set aside for children’ events, and several children took pleasure in watching and ultimately dancing with the devotees, generally to the approval of the parents. In fact, one mother we passed exclaimed to her two children, “They are such peaceful people!”

Daru Brahma Prabhu and the Tallahassee devotees served Ekadasi prasadam in a park at the end of the event, and my Krishna House friends returned to Gainesville, and Trevor and I stayed in Tallahassee to chant at Lake Ella on Sunday and the campus of Florida State University Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Trevor helped out by making some really great peanut butter cookies for distribution. He was so enthusiastic about chanting and talking with students and doing a book table, that on a couple days, he stayed out for two extra hours, past the three hours I generally do.

I had one nice experience myself there on the campus. One student had taken a small book the previous day and said she liked it. I asked which part she liked best. She described it, and I found the place in the book, and it was a part I also liked and I told her so. It is an excerpt from the Preface to The Nectar of Devotion, where Srila Prabhupada speaks about love:

The basic principle of the living condition is that we have a general propensity to love someone. No one can live without loving someone else. This propensity is present in every living being. Even an animal like a tiger has this loving propensity at least in a dormant stage, and it is certainly present in the human beings. The missing point, however, is where to repose our love so that everyone can become happy. At the present moment the human society teaches one to love his country or family or his personal self, but there is no information where to repose the loving propensity so that everyone can become happy. That missing point is Krishna and The Nectar of Devotionteaches us how to stimulate our original love for Krishnaand how to be situated in that position where we can enjoy our blissful life.

In the primary stage a child loves his parents, then his brothers and sisters, and as he daily grows up he begins to love his family, society, community, country, nation, or even the whole human society. But the loving propensity is not satisfied even by loving all human society; that loving propensity remains imperfectly fulfilled until we know who is the supreme beloved. Our love can be fully satisfied only when it is reposed in Krishna.”

Later another student was looking at the books, and I showed her that book and pointed to the same section of the book that the other girl had liked, and asked her to read it. She was attracted by Prabhupada’s description and took the book. I asked her for a donation, which I do not really like doing, but which Trevor was accustomed to doing, so I did it anyway, and she gave twenty dollars for a small book that people usually give a dollar for.

Trevor spent thirteen hours over the three days on the FSU campus, and he would invite people to our Tuesday Bhagavad-gita class and a special three-hour kirtana on Wednesday. As at Tampa, many students said they would come, but unlike Tampa, none of them did. I wondered why, and upon reflection, decided that because the Tampa program was on the campus itself, just behind the library, it was at a nearby and familiar place. Although our center in Tallahassee is just two and a half blocks from the campus, it was unknown and just a little inconvenient, and so none was willing to take the risk to come there. At Krishna House, I think we can learn a lesson from this. To reach more students we have to do some programs on the campus itself. Even though Krishna House is just three blocks from the University of Florida campus, we probably lose a few people by the little bit of distance and unfamiliarity.

We went to Garuda Prabhu’s yoga studio. Turns out that night he was just painting instead of doing his yoga program, but he engaged us in telling the story of Nrisimhadeva to his students while they painted, and Trevor had interesting conversations with students, encouraging one to get a Bhagavad-gita, as well as distributing more peanut butter cookies. I found a couple people interested in Daru’s cooking classes.

Thursday we went to Jacksonville where we chanted at the University of North Florida. We did not have the variety of books or a book table, so it was not as conducive for Trevor’s style of preaching. Still some students chanted with us briefly, and I got to introduce Amrita Keli Devi Dasi, who is organizing our outreach there, to a math professor friend who loves Krishna food from her graduate days at University of California at San Diego, where Bhakta Kevin would regularly distribute prasadam.

There was a lot of dancing at our UNF Krishna Club program this time, and some of students were really enchanted by it. Tulasirani and Alex, who came from Krishna House for the program, took Trevor and I back to Gainesville, thus ending our harinama excursion to Tallahassee and Jacksonville.

Holi (Festival of Colors) in North Florida

Holi, or the Festival of Colors, is becoming more popular within ISKCON and within human society. This year I heard of holi festivals at University of Florida in Gainesville and University of North Florida in Jacksonville, in addition to the first ever holi festival in Alachua.

In ISKCON, Caru Prabhu who has a temple in Utah, has a holi festival which attracts thousands of people to his temple there, many of the them local Mormons. In fact, one Mormon music major became so enchanted by Hare Krishna kirtana from that festival, she went on do her Ph.D. dissertation on Kirtana at Hare Krishna Festivals, and is planning to write a book on kirtana using the extra material she collected.

The Krishna House devotees catered a spaghetti lunch for the Indian students’ holi festival at University of Florida. And we chanted there as well.

Later we moved up to the stage and thirty or forty people danced with us for a while. I missed that part because I was talking to a student who became attracted to our initial chanting and wanted to know more.

At ISKCON Alachua, the holi festivalwas celebrated for the first time. Three devotee bands played on a stage near where the colors were thrown, Srikalogy, The Mayapuris, and TK and the Namrock Band. Many, many people participated, and the prasadam for lunch was wonderful. Devotees who work at Krishna Lunch noticed that many university students came and enjoyed the fun, and got more Krishna music, food, and association than usual, a cause for happiness. Both initiated devotees and students came from Tampa, Tallahassee, and Jacksonville for the event.

I wore a dhoti and kurta with holes that I was planning to throw out in case the dye did not come out.

Trevor, having recently traveled from India, had no old clothes and was worried about what to wear. He found a purple sari in the free clothes bin and ripped it in half to make a top and bottom piece. People who did not know him or the story behind his outfit wondered about his appearance, perhaps thinking he always dressed in such an eccentric fashion, but I just thought it was a little humorous.

Krishna House Farewell

With all the harinamas, the chanting in the temple, the outreach programs, and the classes, I felt I got to know and love the devotees at Krishna House more than usual during the three or four months I spent there. It was awesome for me to see a lot of young people with wonderful devotional qualities like such as appreciation of kirtana, appreciation of spiritually advanced personalities, enthusiasm to serve others, delight in cooking for Krishna and his devotees, and enthusiasm to share Krishna with others. I hope they are able to maintain and expand these assets throughout their glorious lives of service to Krishna and humanity. The leaders of the project were also exemplary in steadiness and concern for others, and truly inspirational. I felt happy to be involved with the project, and I look forward to returning in October for another three months. We are indebted to Kalakantha Prabhu for heading up the project, and devotees, like Hanan and Ballaba and Caitanya, who are very dedicated, spending years with it. Tulasirani devi dasi did a good job arranging classes and special events this year. Especially memorable was Gasparilla harinama,the 12-hour kirtana, and the First Fridays harinama in Tallahassee, and also the Ocala Rainbow Gathering harinama, which Caitanya organized.

When I leave each year, I know some of the people I will never see again, and thus I feel a little sad. It calls to mind a quote I read in Krishna book, Chapter 82, just last night where Krishna consoles his gopi friends, “Our separation was ordained by Providence, who after all is the supreme controller and does as He desires. He causes the intermingling of different persons, and again disperses them as He desires. Sometimes we see that due to the presence of clouds and strong wind, atomic particles of dust and broken pieces of cotton are intermingled together, and after the strong wind subsides, all the particles of dust and cotton are again separated, scattered in different places. Similarly, the Supreme Lord is the creator of everything. The objects which we see are different manifestations of His energy. By His supreme will we are sometimes united and sometimes separated. We can therefore conclude that ultimately we are absolutely dependent on His will.”.

I want to thank Srikar Prabhu of Gainesville, who in addition to inviting me to a delicious lunch of doshas and coconut chutney, kindly bought me a camera so I can provide more illustrations in future editions of this journal.


Srila Prabhupada:

from Sri Caitanya-caritamrita,Adi 16.8, purport:

Although Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His devotees in disciplic succession can defeat all kinds of learned scholars, scientists and philosophers in arguments, thus establishing the supremacy of the Personality of Godhead, their main business as preachers is to introduce sankirtanaeverywhere. Simply to defeat scholars and philosophers is not the occupation of a preacher. Preachers must simultaneously introduce the sankirtana movement, for that is the mission of the Caitanya cult.”

from Sri Caitanya-caritamrita, Adi Chapter 17 summary:

The attitude of Srimati Radharani is considered the superexcellent devotional mentality.”

from Sri Caitanya-caritamrita, Adi 17.1:

Let me offer my respectful obeisances to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, by whose mercy even unclean yavanasbecome perfectly well bred gentlemen by chanting the holy name of the Lord. Such is the power of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.”

Sri Caitanya-caritamrita, Adi 17.1, purport:

Even in the United States, when our devotees chant on the street, American ladies and gentlemen inquire from them whether they are actually Americans because no one could expect Americans to become such nice devotees all of a sudden. Even Christian priests are greatly surprised that all these boys from Jewish and Christian families have joined this Krishna consciousness movement; before joining, they never regarded any principles of religion seriously, but now they have become sincere devotees of the Lord. Everywhere people express this astonishment, and we take great pride in the transcendental behavior of our students. Such wonders are possible, however, only by the mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. They are not ordinary or mundane.”

from The Nectar of Devotion, Chapter 42:

That is the way of rendering transcendental loving service to the Lord; when devotees are put into great difficulties—even like the Pandavas, as described above—they feel all their miserable conditions to be great facilities for serving the Lord.”

Sri Caitanya-caritamrita, Adi 17.28, purport:

This practice of forbearance (taror iva sahisnuna) is very difficult, but when one actually engages in chanting the Hare Krishna mantra, the quality of forbearance automatically develops. A person advanced in spiritual consciousness through the chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra need not practice to develop it separately, for a devotee develops all good qualities simply by chanting the Hare Krishna mantra regularly.”

Sri Caitanya-caritamrita, Adi 17.29:

Thus a Vaishnava should not ask anything from anyone else. If someone gives him something without being asked, he should accept it, but if nothing comes, a Vaishnava should be satisfied to eat whatever vegetables and fruits are easily available.”

from Srimad-Bhagavatam 4.26.21, purport:

If one accepts punishment as a reward dealt by the master, he becomes intelligent enough not to commit the same mistake again.”

from The Nectar of Devotion, Chapter 46:

The activities of a person, even if they are not very extraordinary, create an impression of wonder in the heart and mind of the person’s friends. But even very wonderful activities performed by a person who is not one’s friend will not create any impression. It is because of love that one’s wonderful activities create an impression in the mind.”

Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami:

from Calling Out to Srila Prabhupada:

O Prabhupada, who dressed always in saffron, who wrote affectionate letters to his disciples signed ‘Your ever well-wisher,’ who wrote to his leaders, ‘Never be a moment without thinking how to improve ISKCON,’ who encouraged each department of workers without discouraging another, who gave all of his life’s energy for spreading Krishna consciousness, who was empowered with success never achieved by previous acaryas,and who opened the door for the entire world to appreciate Gaudiya Vaisnavism as the eternal teachings of topmost love of God, we pray to always retain utmost respect for you and your teachings.”

Kalakantha Prabhu:

Although it appears odd that the devotee Akrura was employed by the demoniac King Kamsa, Akrura’s devotion to Kamsa ended when he left the palace.

Q (by Vaishnava das): Krishna is more famous as son of Yasoda than the son of Devaki, but he spent ten times more time outside of Vrindavana. Why?
A: Yasoda has a higher rasaof spontaneous love. Also it is considered that the feeling love separation is actually higher.

Mucukunda did not want the demigods to bother him to fight once again on their behalf thus he asked for the boon of burning to ashes whoever awakened him.

Neophyte devotees go up and down in their spiritual lives. When they associate with their devotional friends they become inspired spiritually, and when they associate with their materialistic friends they neglect their spiritual life.

comment by Bhakta Mike:

Although Krishna took pleasure in fighting Canura, because Canura was not trying to please Him but to kill Him, it is not counted as devotional service.

comment by Arjuna Prabhu:

The pastime of Vidura enlightening Dhrtarastra shows we should not become so attached to our dependents that we forget what is right and what is wrong.

comment by Rupacandra Prabhu:

It is interesting that although Dhrstarastra had the association of Narada, Vidura, and so many pure devotees, still he was not able to assimilate their instructions. That reminds me of the verse by Prahlada Maharaja, matir na krishne paratah svato va, mitho ’bhipadyeta griha-vratanam, adanta-gobhir visatam tamisram, punah punas carvita-carvananam. Because of their uncontrolled senses, persons too addicted to materialistic life make progress toward hellish conditions and repeatedly chew that which has already been chewed. Their inclinations toward Krishna are never aroused, either by the instructions of others, by their own efforts, or by a combination of both.” (Srimad-Bhagavatam 7.5.30)

comment by Bhakta Paul:

Although some people were mystified, Krishna released Jarasandha after Balarama fought and bound him because He had a deeper plan.

comment by Dorian:

It seems to me Krishna had a sportive childlike mood, “Let’s make a fort and protect our friends. Then we can conquer the enemy.”

It is wonderful to see how the demigods are interacting with Krishna, showering flowers on Him when he is victorious in battle.

comments by students:

Visvanatha Cakravati Thakura describes that the demons get to see Krishna, but they do not see His sweetness. He also mentions that Akrura’s prayers reveal the consciousness a visitor of Vrndavana should have.

It is described that the day Akrura arrived at Vrndavana was Ekadasi and he was fasting, but when Balarama offered him a feast he eagerly accepted it.

The washer man who refused to give Kamsa’s clothes to Krishna and criticized Him instead is the same soul who criticized Rama for accepting Sita after she had lived in Ravana’s kingdom.

comments by Hladini:

When Balarama went to Vrndavana alone, Krishna stayed in Dvaraka because of compassion for its residents. He was worried that if he went to Vrndavana because of His great love for each residents there and they’re love for Him, He would not be able to return to Dvaraka.

Krishna did not abandon the game he was playing when heard of the blazing demon attacking Dvaraka, but merely sent his disc weapon to do the needful.

Dvivida was previously an associate of Lord Rama who made an offense and as a result was condemned to have the bad association of Narakasura and thus became demonic.

comment by Tulasirani dd: It is said Balarama has a complexion the color freshly churned yogurt.

Laksmimani Devi:

If you go to the campus and tell people we follow these four regulative principles and what they are [no illicit sex, no intoxication, no meat eating, and no gambling], the students will not say, “How wonderful! You guys are so free!” Yet Srila Prabhupada called them the regulative principles of freedom.

We do not feel “I cannot eat meat” or “I cannot engage in intoxication.” Thus we can see we have made some advancement.

Sometimes we move forward in our spiritual life, sometimes we move backward, sometimes we stay the same. In time, we advance and become fixed.

We cannot alwaysunderstand a person’s advancement by their external situation.

We know we are not our body, until they serve something for breakfast that we don’t like and then we moan and groan.

When we are building a bridge we have to make sure it goes all the way across the water. We can use the Holi festival to bring people to Krishna, but we have to make sure we do not use it to increase our sense gratification.

Srila Prabhupada had so much faith in the holy name and prasadam. He felt it would purify us, and it did.

Sesa Prabhu:

The best thing in this life is to prepare for our next life.

We do not always understand the great fortune we have in this human form of life.

Khatvanga Maharaja thought although he had but a moment, it would be best used in achieving spiritual perfection.

Happily ever after” exists in the spiritual world but does not exist in this world.

Rohini Kumara Prabhu:

They say the Hope diamond was from King Yudhisthira’s scepter.

Krishna-kripa das:

I saw a girl on the campus wearing a T-shirt with the slogan, “One life. Many loves.” I was thinking that for us it is “Many lives. One love.” Lord Caitanya prays to Krishna in that way in His Siksastaka,Verse 4, “All I want is your devotional service birth after birth.”

Tulasirani devi dasi:

One jasmine tree at Srivasa Thakura’s house supplied all the flowers the devotees of Lord Caitanya needed for their Deity worship.

After Lord Caitanya came back from Gaya experiencing symptoms of the highest love of Godhead, He glorified Gadadhara Pandita’s lifelong devotion to Krishna while considering He Himself only recently saw Krishna once, but then He disappeared.

In His ecstasy when asked about verbal roots, Lord Caitanya explained elaborately that Krishna is the root of everything.

Lord Caitanya in His ecstasy could not think of anything without its relationship with Krishna. We, however, tend to see maya everywhere [instead of seeing Krishna everywhere].

Dina Bandhu Prabhu:

Because we are all part of Krishna we should be able find some common experience with everyone we meet.

People will be attracted just by prasadam, the maha-mantra and relationships with devotees.

comment by Tulasirani dd: When serving the devotees of the Deity I sometimes experience some satisfaction just acting in the position of serving them, and it is like that the Lord as paramatma is encouraging me to act in my original spiritual situation.

comment by Laura: Just being away from the devotees for two or three days, I find it harder to chant.


There is a story that a young man had a guru who told him to meditate an hour a day. He enthusiastically did that for some time but later life became more complicated, so he told his guru of the difficulty in doing his hour of meditation. The guru listened sympathetically and then advised him to meditate two hours a day.

Yamunacarya was originally born as Yamuna in brahmana family and studied in the gurukula. Once the king’s representative came to fine his guru because he was defeated previously by the king’s digvijaya pandita, Koladhar. Yamuna did not like to hear that his guru had to pay a fine. So he challenged that Koladhar was not actually learned, because his king who he represented was so proud, he must be proud, and pride is a symptom of ignorance. The king was upset about this. Thus it was arranged that Yamuna would debate Koladhar and prove that he was actually ignorant. Yamuna insisted he be personally transported to the capital for the debate, which upset the king even more. The king asked Koladhar to prove false three statements:
  1. My mother is not barren.
  2. The king is most pious and compassionate.
  3. The queen is most chaste.
Koladhar was stumped, and Yamuna solved the riddle.
1. Manu-samhitasays a women with just one child is barren.
2. The king takes on the one-sixth of the sinful reactions of his subjects so how can he be pious?
3. The king is described in the scripture to be identical to seven important personalities and thus the queen was in relationships with seven people at once, and could thus be called unchaste.
Thus Koladhar was defeated, and Yamuna won half the kingdom.


from comments after a class:

I tried chanting “Coca-Cola” for about ten minutes the other day. In the beginning it was alright but after five minutes it got worse, and by ten minutes it was unbearable. Yet in Vrndavana I was chanting Hare Krishna nine hours a day.


anasaktasya visayan
yatharham upayunjatah
nirbandhah krishna-sambandhe
yuktam vairagyam ucyate

When one is not attached to anything, but at the same time accepts everything in relation to Krishna, one is rightly situated above possessiveness.” (Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu 2.255)

H.H Rtadhvaja Swami Visits
→ TKG Academy

On May 15th, 2013, His Holiness Rtadhvaja Swami visited the school!  It was a wonderful end to the school year.

He immediately engaged all 23 students with questions and jokes.  You could tell he had been a teacher for many years!   “How many of you can spell my name?”  He ever-so-patiently guided the kids in the correct spelling, allowing almost every student to try.

Allowing the students to establishing sweet relationships with such generous and advanced devotees is something we truly aspire for at TKG Academy.  We’re so thankful to Rtadhvaja Maharaj for visiting us and sharing his guidance and wisdom.