Discipline and Principles in Spiritual Life
Teachings of My Mother
→ Karnamrita's blog
(this blog is recorded on the full page: quick time player needed; works best with Firefox or Explorer)
[reposted from 05-20-2013]
Saturday, May 20th was the death anniversary of my mom. I usually post the blog I wrote a few days after she “left her body” (as devotees call death of the physical body, since the soul moves on) seven years ago. Although, I’ll give some links for a whole series of blogs I wrote around that time, I would like to express some thoughts for your consideration, and perhaps, for thinking of your own mom, or your relationship to your parents in general. One of the questions I am thinking about is: “How has your relationship with your parents affected your life in terms of your relationships with your spouse and children (if you are married), or to friends, people in general, or yourself?”
There are many events in life which are like initiations into stages of growth, the first being birth and the last death—the number and type of “initiations” in between those two periods are as individual as people are. For me, some of my significant growth opportunities were: moving from Los Angeles to San Francisco at four years old, the shock of going to Junior High School from a tightknit grammar school, when my parents divorced and I had to live with my father, when my High School met Haight-Ashbury (so to speak), or how I let hippiedom appear to torpedo my education but also lay the ground work for my spiritual quest, my second girlfriend, spiritual initiation at 20, my guru Shrila Prabhupada’s leaving his body, marriage, the struggle to find an occupation, and to the point of this blog, the “death” of my parents.
I haven’t spoken about my father’s death, though I should, as he died by his own hand with a 38 Special revolver. He was obviously miserable, felt his life unmanageable, and had no spiritual knowledge to help him. Although I later went to the place where he committed suicide in an attempt to release his soul, in case he had a ghost body, his death was not as fortunate as my moms. I was able to surround her with prayers and a spiritual environment as she passed on.
Teachings of My Mother
→ Karnamrita.das's blog
(this blog is recorded on the full page: quick time player needed; works best with Firefox or Explorer)
Monday, May 20th is the death anniversary of my mom. I usually post the blog I wrote a few days after she “left her body” (as devotees call death of the physical body, since the soul moves on) three years ago. Although, I’ll give some links for a whole series of blogs I wrote around that time, I would like to express some thoughts for your consideration, and perhaps, for thinking of your own mom, or your relationship to your parents in general. One of the questions I am thinking about is: “How has your relationship with your parents affected your life in terms of your relationships with your spouse and children (if you are married), or to friends, people in general, or yourself?”
There are many events in life which are like initiations into stages of growth, the first being birth and the last death—the number and type of “initiations” in between those two periods are as individual as people are. For me, some of my significant growth opportunities were: moving from Los Angeles to San Francisco at four years old, the shock of going to Junior High School from a tightknit grammar school, when my parents divorced and I had to live with my father, when my High School met Haight-Ashbury (so to speak), or how I let hippiedom appear to torpedo my education but also lay the ground work for my spiritual quest, my second girlfriend, spiritual initiation at 20, my guru Shrila Prabhupada’s leaving his body, marriage, the struggle to find an occupation, and to the point of this blog, the “death” of my parents.
I haven’t spoken about my father’s death, though I should, as he died by his own hand with a 38 Special revolver. He was obviously miserable, felt his life unmanageable, and had no spiritual knowledge to help him. Although I later went to the place where he committed suicide in an attempt to release his soul, in case he had a ghost body, his death was not as fortunate as my moms. I was able to surround her with prayers and a spiritual environment as she passed on.
Fierce Festival
→ The Loft Yoga Lounge Auckland
The Perfection of Horror This Sunday 26th May, at the Loft will be the ultimate mid year festival. From the international speaker, spiritual teacher and author, Devamrita swami, we will hear about real wisdom and the origin to our pleasure propensities, including the pleasure of horror or being scared. This will all be sandwiched with [...]
The post Fierce Festival appeared first on The Loft Yoga Lounge Auckland.
SB Class – Ramnavami – HG Navin Nirada dasa
→ Gouranga TV - The Hare Krishna video collection
SB Class – Ramnavami – HG Navin Nirada dasa
09 Bir Krishna Goswami-Psychophysical Nature
→ Successful Vaisnavas – Personal Development for Hare Krishnas
In this episode His Holiness Bir Krishna Goswami discusses using our psychophysical nature so that we can engage ourselves properly in Krishna consciousness. This is the basis of the varnasrama system and follows on from our discussion last week with His Holiness Bhakti Charu Swami about how to find your varna. […]
The post 09 Bir Krishna Goswami-Psychophysical Nature appeared first on Successful Vaisnavas - Personal Development for Hare Krishnas.
09 Bir Krishna Goswami-Psychophysical Nature
→ Successful Vaisnavas
In this episode His Holiness Bir Krishna Goswami discusses using our psychophysical nature so that we can engage ourselves properly in Krishna consciousness.
This is the basis of the varnasrama system and follows on from our discussion last week with His Holiness Bhakti Charu Swami about how to find your varna.
To contact His Holiness Bir Krishna Goswami or to hear more from him visit
There is also an update on the “tidy up the house” and “put shelves in the cupboard” project (that we have been discussing for the last few weeks. )You will get some tips for communicating with employees and tradespeople to make sure that the job gets done the way that you really want.
Final preparations are being put in place for the launch of the Successful Vaisnavas Online Course.
More information will be given on the upcoming live online event.
Go to http://successfulvaisnavas.com/hangout to register.
“Just Hear” the Name???
→ The Enquirer

This can be what “Hare Krishna, Hare Rama” LOOKS like when you hear it.
Krishna’s name is a noun, a transcendent noun.
Nouns are words, sounds that carry meaning. When you hear a word in a language you don’t understand – it is only sound. But as you repeatedly listen with curiosity and intelligence the meaning becomes clear. When you understand a language, hearing the sound of a word immediately invokes your awareness of the meanings and implications of the word.
There is no real meaning to “hearing the sound” of Krishna’s name without the sound of that name causing you to become aware of Krishna.
When we are “newborn” we don’t understand much in the sound of words (Krishna’s names). So it behooves us to listen carefully to the sound, with curiousity and intelligence (i.e. do our best to learn as much as we can about the person being named, mainly by reading Śrīmad Bhāgavatam). When we are “a few years old” we begin to understand words. When we hear the names of Krishna, the sound will invoke in us awareness of the person being named – naturally, that is simply what nouns do.
However, the names of Krishna are transcendental nouns. Therefore as we become “full grown” in hearing and chanting these nouns – hearing the name of Krishna will invoke in our awareness direct cognition of the named (Krishna). At this stage we begin to experience in the name more than what we read about Krishna – more directly, more personally. The name is becoming pure and showing its inherent nature of non-duality from the named.
The effort to “simply hear” the name, without “remembering Krishna” as a result of hearing it is rather like an infant trying to remain an infant and never learn how to use words.

2013-05-04 Prerna Festival – Bound to be Free – Akincana Krishna Prabhu, ISKCON Chowpatty
→ Gouranga TV - The Hare Krishna video collection
2013-05-04 Prerna Festival – Bound to be Free – Akincana Krishna Prabhu, ISKCON Chowpatty
Narsimha Caturdasi – This Friday!
→ The Toronto Hare Krishna Blog!

On Friday, May 24th, Toronto's Hare Krishna Centre will be celebrating Narsimha Caturdasi, starting at 6pm and will include an abhisheka (bathing ceremony) and amazing kirtan!
Schedule (subject to change):
6:00pm - 6:30pm: Kirtan (Arati)
6:30pm - 6:40pm: Welcome and Announcements
6:40pm - 7:25pm: Discourse on Lord Narsimhadeva
7:25pm - 8:00pm: Abhisheka (Bathing Ceremony)
8:00pm - 8:30pm: Kirtan (Arati)
8:30pm - onwards: Vegetarian Feast
Celebrations will include a special surprise so please join us on this auspicious occasion!
Narsimha Caturdasi – This Friday!
→ The Toronto Hare Krishna Blog!

On Friday, May 24th, Toronto's Hare Krishna Centre will be celebrating Narsimha Caturdasi, starting at 6pm and will include an abhisheka (bathing ceremony) and amazing kirtan!
Schedule (subject to change):
6:00pm - 6:30pm: Kirtan (Arati)
6:30pm - 6:40pm: Welcome and Announcements
6:40pm - 7:25pm: Discourse on Lord Narsimhadeva
7:25pm - 8:00pm: Abhisheka (Bathing Ceremony)
8:00pm - 8:30pm: Kirtan (Arati)
8:30pm - onwards: Vegetarian Feast
Celebrations will include a special surprise so please join us on this auspicious occasion!
Planting Berry Bushes 101
→ Life With the Cows and Land
Springtime brings planting in the cow dung fertilized earth of ISCOWP farm. This year, besides vegetables, we are planting perennials of rose bushes, lilac bushes, berry bushes, lavender and even an almond tree. These plants are for the use of the ISCOWP staff but also to make products for our members and for sale to support ISCOWP's cow protection activities.
A little elementary instruction for a 4 year old and anyone who does not know much about planting is in this video.
Planting Berry Bushes 101
→ Life With the Cows and Land
Springtime brings planting in the cow dung fertilized earth of ISCOWP farm. This year, besides vegetables, we are planting perennials of rose bushes, lilac bushes, berry bushes, lavender and even an almond tree. These plants are for the use of the ISCOWP staff but also to make products for our members and for sale to support ISCOWP's cow protection activities.
A little elementary instruction for a 4 year old and anyone who does not know much about planting is in this video.
Chandan Yatra 2013 – Radha Shyamasundar Darshan
→ Gouranga TV - The Hare Krishna video collection
Chandan Yatra 2013 – Radha Shyamasundar Darshan
Higher Taste Restaurant
→ Ramai Swami
The Wellington Temple Higher Taste Restaurant is in Willis Street in the Lampton Quay area. This is a very busy area of downtown, especially during lunchtime. It has been operating for over ten years and before that we had another restaurant just a few streets away.
Both these restaurants were started under the auspices of Jagjivan Prabhu, the Wellington temple president. There is a staff of 10 to 12 devotees working there in shifts between 11am and 9pm 6 days a week.
The menu is a fusion of western and Indian styles of food, which of course is offered to Their Lordships Gaura Nitai. I usually pop in for lunch when I’m in town and it’s always gratifying to see so many people enjoying the Lord’s tasty prasadam.
Travel Journal#9.7: North Florida
→ Travel Adventures of a Krishna Monk
By Krishna-kripa das
(April 2013, part one)
(Sent from Dublin, Ireland, on May 17, 2013)
Thanks to Andrea Perez Del Solar, Tulasirani Devi Dasi, Krsodari Devi Dasi, Trevor Manton, Facebook User "Photo Is My Life," and whoever else I may have missed, for all the photos illustrating this issue
from Sri Caitanya-caritamrita, Adi 17.1, purport:
from Sri Caitanya-caritamrita, Adi 17.28, purport:
from Sri Caitanya-caritamrita, Adi 17.29:
- My mother is not barren.
- The king is most pious and compassionate.
- The queen is most chaste.
nirbandhah krishna-sambandhe
Travel Journal#9.7: North Florida
→ Travel Adventures of a Krishna Monk
By Krishna-kripa das
(April 2013, part one)
(Sent from Dublin, Ireland, on May 17, 2013)
Thanks to Andrea Perez Del Solar, Tulasirani Devi Dasi, Krsodari Devi Dasi, Trevor Manton, Facebook User "Photo Is My Life," and whoever else I may have missed, for all the photos illustrating this issue
from Sri Caitanya-caritamrita, Adi 17.1, purport:
from Sri Caitanya-caritamrita, Adi 17.28, purport:
from Sri Caitanya-caritamrita, Adi 17.29:
- My mother is not barren.
- The king is most pious and compassionate.
- The queen is most chaste.
nirbandhah krishna-sambandhe
H.H Rtadhvaja Swami Visits
→ TKG Academy
On May 15th, 2013, His Holiness Rtadhvaja Swami visited the school! It was a wonderful end to the school year.
He immediately engaged all 23 students with questions and jokes. You could tell he had been a teacher for many years! “How many of you can spell my name?” He ever-so-patiently guided the kids in the correct spelling, allowing almost every student to try.
Allowing the students to establishing sweet relationships with such generous and advanced devotees is something we truly aspire for at TKG Academy. We’re so thankful to Rtadhvaja Maharaj for visiting us and sharing his guidance and wisdom.
Sunday Feast with His Grace Vaisesika Prabhu (H.G.). H.G Vaisesika Prabhu at ISKCOn Brampton

The program consists of arati, kirtan (devotional chanting), philosophical discussion and prasadam. Please come, get inspired and inspire others through your desire to share Krsna Consciousness!
Program Schedule:
11:00 am - 11:30 am Guru Puja
11:30 am - 12:00 pm Arati & Kirtan
12:00 pm – 12:05 pm Narasingadev Prayers
12:10 pm - 1:00 pm Vedic Discourse by His Grace Vaisesika Prabhu
1:20 pm - 2:00 pm Prasadam (Vegetarian feast)
Upcoming Events:
Nrsimha Caturdasi - Appearance of Lord Nrsimhadeva

7:00pm Guru Puja
7:15pm Main Aarti
7:30pm Narasimha Pranam
7:35pm Welcome Announcements
7:40pm Glories on Appearance of Lord Narsimha Dev by HG Vaisnava Dasa
8:20pm Abhishekam
Recitation of Brahma Samhita
9:00pm Sunday School performance
9:30pm Sringar Aarti & Closing kirtan
9:45pm Honouring of Prasadam
In this appearance Lord Vishu assumed the form of half man half lion, at twilight, manifesting himself from a pillar to kill the demon Hiranyakashipu. Pralad, son of Hiranyakashipu is a very devoted soul and always absorbs his mind, words and actions in the devotional service of Lord Vishnu so much that the Lord appeared personally to give him protection from his demon father who was trying to kill him..
The Personality of Godhead assumed the form of Nrsimha Dev in order to vanquish the great fears of the demigods. He killed the king of the demons [Hiranyakashipu], who challenged the Lord with a club in his hand, by placing the demon on His thighs and piercing him with His nails, rolling His eyebrows in anger and showing His fearful teeth and mouth.
ISKCON Brampton always appreciates your constant support in so many different ways that you are doing to help us carry on Srila Prabhupada's mission of spreading the message of Holy Bhagavad Gita all around.
Maha abhiseka......................
LakshmiNarasimha maha feast.....$251
LakshmiNarasimha maha aarti.....$108
Florals and garlands......................
For sponsorships, please contact Mother Krsna Smaran (kavitabalram@yahoo.com).
Please contact Acarya Thakur Prabhu [alexf108@gmail.com]or Mother Prema Gaurangi [premagaurangi.jps@hotmail.com
Sunday Feast with His Grace Vaisesika Prabhu (H.G.). H.G Vaisesika Prabhu at ISKCOn Brampton

The program consists of arati, kirtan (devotional chanting), philosophical discussion and prasadam. Please come, get inspired and inspire others through your desire to share Krsna Consciousness!
Program Schedule:
11:00 am - 11:30 am Guru Puja
11:30 am - 12:00 pm Arati & Kirtan
12:00 pm – 12:05 pm Narasingadev Prayers
12:10 pm - 1:00 pm Vedic Discourse by His Grace Vaisesika Prabhu
1:20 pm - 2:00 pm Prasadam (Vegetarian feast)
Upcoming Events:
Nrsimha Caturdasi - Appearance of Lord Nrsimhadeva

7:00pm Guru Puja
7:15pm Main Aarti
7:30pm Narasimha Pranam
7:35pm Welcome Announcements
7:40pm Glories on Appearance of Lord Narsimha Dev by HG Vaisnava Dasa
8:20pm Abhishekam
Recitation of Brahma Samhita
9:00pm Sunday School performance
9:30pm Sringar Aarti & Closing kirtan
9:45pm Honouring of Prasadam
In this appearance Lord Vishu assumed the form of half man half lion, at twilight, manifesting himself from a pillar to kill the demon Hiranyakashipu. Pralad, son of Hiranyakashipu is a very devoted soul and always absorbs his mind, words and actions in the devotional service of Lord Vishnu so much that the Lord appeared personally to give him protection from his demon father who was trying to kill him..
The Personality of Godhead assumed the form of Nrsimha Dev in order to vanquish the great fears of the demigods. He killed the king of the demons [Hiranyakashipu], who challenged the Lord with a club in his hand, by placing the demon on His thighs and piercing him with His nails, rolling His eyebrows in anger and showing His fearful teeth and mouth.
ISKCON Brampton always appreciates your constant support in so many different ways that you are doing to help us carry on Srila Prabhupada's mission of spreading the message of Holy Bhagavad Gita all around.
Maha abhiseka......................
LakshmiNarasimha maha feast.....$251
LakshmiNarasimha maha aarti.....$108
Florals and garlands......................
For sponsorships, please contact Mother Krsna Smaran (kavitabalram@yahoo.com).
Please contact Acarya Thakur Prabhu [alexf108@gmail.com]or Mother Prema Gaurangi [premagaurangi.jps@hotmail.com
Mayapuris May 2013 Newsletter!
→ Mayapuris.com
Hey Remember Us?!
We’re that group of Krishna kids that were dancing and chanting with you some time ago and somehow you signed up to our Enewsletter. Yeah, we’ve been slacking on the newsletter but not without a good excuse. While the members of the Mayapuris aren’t flying around the world with Kirtan capes on, we lead semi-regular lives (except for Kish who never takes his cape off). Vrinda and Vish are busy expanding the Mayapuris troupe: they’re expecting a baby in August. Bali is in pharmacy school getting ready to deal drugs and his wife Dhanya just graduated in psychology so she can provide much needed counseling to the rest of the group. Meanwhile of course Kish continues to be Kirtan Super-Man.
In between these alter-ego lives, Kirtan continues to be the eternal thread that holds us together. We just returned from touring the North-East. We had a Kirtan Rave Party at Rutgers University in New Jersey with 700 wild dancing students and faculty (glow-sticks and all) and then we took part in the Spring Ecstatic Chant Weekend at OMEGA in upstate New York. In between, we played at Yogamaya in New York City. It’s so much fun to travel with the crew including Gaura Vani and play kirtan together every evening. We’re very grateful to all the kind yoga studio owners, festival coordinators, and hosts who take such good care of us while we’re on the road.
Now, we have some exciting projects coming up that we’d love to share with you:
- A Recording Studio: we are building our own recording studio in our hometown of Alachua, Florida. The studio is called “The Hanuman House” and is practically completed. Our vision is to have a facility where we can streamline our projects which include: albums, music videos, recording collaborations, festival organization, and empowering conscious youth. We need your support for this project, especially since we are now collecting recording equipment. We need mixers, microphones, monitor speakers, cables, mic stands, and a variety of recording paraphernalia. If you have any equipment you’d like to donate or would like to give a monetary donation for this project, please contact Vish or Kish. In return, we will send you presents!
-Retreats: we love hanging out with fellow bhaktas and kirtan enthusiasts, so we’ve organized a few retreats that are coming up this year:
Himalayan Adventure, India – Going to the Source of Two Holy Rivers. Vish is facilitating a group tour to India, June 20-July 2. Early Bird Special $2500 extended til June 1st. Don’t miss this escapade to the sacred and picturesque mountains! Find Out More or Sign Up!
Thanksgiving Kirtan Retreat – Thanksgiving is a beautiful time in Florida. We are proud to be hosting a 4 day retreat in our hometown, Alachua FL. We’ll show you around to our favorite spots, go swimming in the beautiful crystal clear fresh water springs, eat healthy vegetarian food and do yoga and pranayama. Each member of the Mayapuris will offer unique workshops on The Art of Kirtan and Bhakti Yoga. The culmination of the retreat will be a deep immersion into kirtan, taking part in the annual Festival of the Holy Name. Listen to kirtans from the past festivals. Sign Up
Kirtan Camp with Jai Uttal and Vish: finally, at the end of the year, join Vish and Vrinda (and their soon-to-be-born-newborn baby) in Costa Rica for Jai Uttal’s Yoga and Kirtan Camp at the beautiful Blue Sprit Retreat Center. Jai and Vish will lead us in the ancient practice of Kirtan, or chanting, the heart and soul of devotional yoga. Together they will guide us in a heart- opening adventure through breath, movement and sacred sound, blending these traditions in a deep and playful way. Find Out More
For more updates visit: www.mayapuris.com
Give to Live (The Book)
→ Karnamrita.das's blog
(this blog is recorded on the full page: quick time player needed; works best with Firefox or Explorer)
[Originally published on 05-16-2013, I'm reposting it now, as I want to share the book with new readers who like my blogs. It is still available in many places in the world.] This was originally the introduction for Give to Live, but we decided to cut it, since the size of the front matter and whole book, had to be reduced. Still, I think it gives a good introduction for the book for those of you who don’t have a copy. Additionally, there is a 15 minute video at the end giving a glimpse into the journey of creating the book.
As an introduction to my book, Give to Live, I am thinking about the blessing (or curse) of being a writer. Part of being a writer is the desire to share experience, which is equally true of photographers, artists and the like—people who try to share their perceptions, feelings and thoughts with others through some different medium of one or more dimensions. Yet, sometimes thinking of an experience (or extracting the creative angle) as it is happening makes one less present in the moment. I have taken photos and videos at some temple functions, and felt like I missed the whole thing!
My usual means of sharing experience is what you are reading—words. I think I am very balanced in my “observer’s eye” in that I really have to work at turning it on. It doesn’t come that naturally for me like with some writers. A friend sent me a book about a poet/gardener now in his 90’s who has always loved words, and writing about nature and his garden. His mood of observation and being in the moment is very impressive to me, as I was such a dull, unobservant, and uncreative child. In my current “later years” I am much more present than I could have ever dreamed as a child, though still very inferior to this poet! It is always good to take the humble position regarding our Krishna-given abilities. We are always dependent on His mercy and help in any endeavor and yet we will always find people much better than we are in anything we do. Never the less, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to use our talents and desires in the service of the Lord, his devotees, and people in general.
Give to Live (The Book)
→ Karnamrita.das's blog
(this blog is recorded on the full page: quick time player needed; works best with Firefox or Explorer)
This was originally the introduction for Give to Live, but we decided to cut it, since the size of the front matter and whole book, had to be reduced. Still, I think it gives a good introduction for the book for those of you who don’t have a copy. Adding further to the mystery of this piece of writing is that somehow it disappeared after being posted last week. So I am reposting it again. Do keep an eye on it for me. Additionally, there is a 15 video at the end giving a glimpse into the journey of creating the book.
As an introduction to my book, Give to Live, I am thinking about the blessing (or curse) of being a writer. Part of being a writer is the desire to share experience, which is equally true of photographers, artists and the like—people who try to share their perceptions, feelings and thoughts with others through some different medium of one or more dimensions. Yet, sometimes thinking of an experience (or extracting the creative angle) as it is happening makes one less present in the moment. I have taken photos and videos at some temple functions, and felt like I missed the whole thing!
My usual means of sharing experience is what you are reading—words. I think I am very balanced in my “observer’s eye” in that I really have to work at turning it on. It doesn’t come that naturally for me like with some writers. A friend sent me a book about a poet/gardener now in his 90’s who has always loved words, and writing about nature and his garden. His mood of observation and being in the moment is very impressive to me, as I was such a dull, unobservant, and uncreative child. In my current “later years” I am much more present than I could have ever dreamed as a child, though still very inferior to this poet! It is always good to take the humble position regarding our Krishna-given abilities. We are always dependent on His mercy and help in any endeavor and yet we will always find people much better than we are in anything we do. Never the less, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to use our talents and desires in the service of the Lord, his devotees, and people in general.
Society of cheaters and cheated
→ Servant of the Servant
Therefore, the only way a man can live "happily" in this world is if he is blind, ignorant and selfish or if he is a cheat himself. If a man is blind to other people's suffering, ignorant to the real problems of this world and selfish always worrying about his own needs and wants, then such a man can successfully and happily live in this world. Otherwise, the only other option is to cheat himself.
Any sane gentleman with an ounce of self-respect and gentlemanliness cannot and will not tolerate the modern day society of living- so much quarrel- so much hypocrisy. Therefore, the only recourse for such a gentleman is to become Krishna conscious. Krishna conscious means God conscious!
Hare Krishna
Society of cheaters and cheated
→ Servant of the Servant
Therefore, the only way a man can live "happily" in this world is if he is blind, ignorant and selfish or if he is a cheat himself. If a man is blind to other people's suffering, ignorant to the real problems of this world and selfish always worrying about his own needs and wants, then such a man can successfully and happily live in this world. Otherwise, the only other option is to cheat himself.
Any sane gentleman with an ounce of self-respect and gentlemanliness cannot and will not tolerate the modern day society of living- so much quarrel- so much hypocrisy. Therefore, the only recourse for such a gentleman is to become Krishna conscious. Krishna conscious means God conscious!
Hare Krishna
Human Skull with World’s Oldest Successful Brain Surgery discovered in India
→ Vedicarcheologicaldiscoveries's Weblog
Trephination is the process of drilling holes in the damaged skull to remove shattered bits of bone from a fractured skull and clean out the blood that often pools under the skull after a blow to the head.
The 4,300 year old Skull which underwent brain surgery. Image Courtesy: Current Science
Around 40 years ago similar skull evidences discovered in nearby locations had indicated towards trephination being performed during the times of the ancient Indian Civilization. However, the current discovery gives a concrete proof about this being a case of a successful brain surgery. The damages to the skull which looks like was caused by a strong blow on the head, and the areas of the surgical incursions performed with healing skull structures clearly show that the person survived the surgery for a considerable time after the brain operation.
Much older Trephination cases have been found across the world. However, this one clearly points towards a case where the person who underwent the surgery had survived the drilling of his skull.

Classes with HG Vaisesika Prabhu – LIVE!
→ The Toronto Hare Krishna Blog!
Schedule (May 14th - 19th):
Tuesday, May 14th - Friday, May 17th: Daily Readings from Srila Prabhupada's Books (4:00pm - 5:00pm)
These evening readings are also available by phone at 1-877-860-3058; pass code 837956
Tuesday, May 14th: Tuesday Sangas (at ISKCON Toronto) (6:30pm - 9:00pm)
Classes with HG Vaisesika Prabhu – LIVE!
→ The Toronto Hare Krishna Blog!
Schedule (May 14th - 19th):
Tuesday, May 14th - Friday, May 17th: Daily Readings from Srila Prabhupada's Books (4:00pm - 5:00pm)
These evening readings are also available by phone at 1-877-860-3058; pass code 837956
Tuesday, May 14th: Tuesday Sangas (at ISKCON Toronto) (6:30pm - 9:00pm)
His Grace Vaisesika Prabhu, Her Grace Nirakula mataji and His Grace Rohinipriya prabhu will be at ISKCON Scarborough this weekend!
→ ISKCON Scarborough
Hare Krishna!
Please accept our humble obeisances!
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga!
We are very excited to inform you that H.G.Vaisesika das prabhu and Her Grace Nirakula mataji will be coming to ISKCON Scarborough this Friday - 17th May 2013 and His Grace Rohinipriya prabhu will be coming to ISKCON Scarborough this Saturday - 18th May 2013.
CC Madhya 22.54
The verdict of all revealed scriptures is that by even a moment’s association with a pure devotee, one can attain all success.
Srimad Bhagavatam 4.30.34
Even a moment's association with a pure devotee cannot be compared to being transferred to heavenly planets or even merging into the Brahman effulgence in complete liberation. For living entities who are destined to give up the body and die, association with pure devotees is the highest benediction.
The schedule for Friday is as follows:
6.45 pm to 7 pm- Tulasi Arti
7 pm to 8 pm- class by H.G.Vaisesika das prabhu
8 pm to 8.30 pm- Arti
8.30 pm to 8.45 pm- Chant 1 round of Hare Krsna Maha Mantra together
8.45 pm - free vegetarian feast
HG Vaisesika das prabhu, a senior disciple of Srila Prabhupada is a veteran book distributor who has inspired devotees all around the world in creating and sustaining book distribution.Through classroom lectures and on-field training, Vaisesika prabhu has enlightened, encouraged and empowered several thousand devotees to become the agents of spiritual change. Prabhu’s association is infectious, and everywhere he goes a circle of enthusiastic hearers and chanters springs up around him.
The schedule for Saturday is as follows:
6.45 pm to 8 pm- Srimad Bhagavatam class by His Grace Rohinipriya prabhu
8 pm to 8.30 pm- Arti
8.30 pm to 8.45 pm- Chant 1 round of Hare Krsna Maha Mantra together
8.45 pm - free vegetarian feastHis Grace Rohinipriya prabhu is a is a senior Brahmacari serving at the ISKCON Cowpatty temple in Mumbai, India
A warm invitation goes out to you and your family to come and associate with advanced devotees coming Friday/Saturday.
With best wishes from,
ISKCON Scarborough
3500 McNicoll Avenue, Unit #3,
Phone: 647-955-0415
Email Address:
His Grace Vaisesika Prabhu, Her Grace Nirakula mataji and His Grace Rohinipriya prabhu will be at ISKCON Scarborough this weekend!
→ ISKCON Scarborough
Hare Krishna!
Please accept our humble obeisances!
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga!
We are very excited to inform you that H.G.Vaisesika das prabhu and Her Grace Nirakula mataji will be coming to ISKCON Scarborough this Friday - 17th May 2013 and His Grace Rohinipriya prabhu will be coming to ISKCON Scarborough this Saturday - 18th May 2013.
CC Madhya 22.54
The verdict of all revealed scriptures is that by even a moment’s association with a pure devotee, one can attain all success.
Srimad Bhagavatam 4.30.34
Even a moment's association with a pure devotee cannot be compared to being transferred to heavenly planets or even merging into the Brahman effulgence in complete liberation. For living entities who are destined to give up the body and die, association with pure devotees is the highest benediction.
The schedule for Friday is as follows:
6.45 pm to 7 pm- Tulasi Arti
7 pm to 8 pm- class by H.G.Vaisesika das prabhu
8 pm to 8.30 pm- Arti
8.30 pm to 8.45 pm- Chant 1 round of Hare Krsna Maha Mantra together
8.45 pm - free vegetarian feast
HG Vaisesika das prabhu, a senior disciple of Srila Prabhupada is a veteran book distributor who has inspired devotees all around the world in creating and sustaining book distribution.Through classroom lectures and on-field training, Vaisesika prabhu has enlightened, encouraged and empowered several thousand devotees to become the agents of spiritual change. Prabhu’s association is infectious, and everywhere he goes a circle of enthusiastic hearers and chanters springs up around him.
The schedule for Saturday is as follows:
6.45 pm to 8 pm- Srimad Bhagavatam class by His Grace Rohinipriya prabhu
8 pm to 8.30 pm- Arti
8.30 pm to 8.45 pm- Chant 1 round of Hare Krsna Maha Mantra together
8.45 pm - free vegetarian feastHis Grace Rohinipriya prabhu is a is a senior Brahmacari serving at the ISKCON Cowpatty temple in Mumbai, India
A warm invitation goes out to you and your family to come and associate with advanced devotees coming Friday/Saturday.
With best wishes from,
ISKCON Scarborough
3500 McNicoll Avenue, Unit #3,
Phone: 647-955-0415
Email Address:
08 Follow Your Nature – His Holiness Bhakti Charu Swami
→ Successful Vaisnavas – Personal Development for Hare Krishnas
Follow Your Nature In this week’s episode we discuss varnasrama and following your nature then using it in Krishna’s service. There is a quick recap of some personal experiences from Krsnendu dasa that inspired this topic. The main feature of the show is an excerpt from a teleclass given by HH Bhakti Charu Swami answering […]
The post 08 Follow Your Nature – His Holiness Bhakti Charu Swami appeared first on Successful Vaisnavas - Personal Development for Hare Krishnas.
08 Follow Your Nature – His Holiness Bhakti Charu Swami
→ Successful Vaisnavas
Follow Your Nature
In this week’s episode we discuss varnasrama and following your nature then using it in Krishna’s service.
There is a quick recap of some personal experiences from Krsnendu dasa that inspired this topic.
The main feature of the show is an excerpt from a teleclass given by HH Bhakti Charu Swami answering the question,
“How do we know our varna?”
Upcoming Live Online Event
Be sure to register for the Google + Hangout being held on Wednesday 22nd May 2013 7:30pm NZ time (8:30am UK time)
A hangout is an online interactive live event where you can see me and my computer screen. You also get to ask questions.
I will be talking about the MAYAPUR Framework™ for Krishna conscious personal development.
Visit http://SuccessfulVaisnavas.com/hangout to register and for more details.
In the comments below tell us:
“What do you think is your special talent?
How are you using it (or how can you use it) for Krishna…”
→ Servant of the Servant
Despite the mismanagement of natural resources, the UN has taken a bizarre step to reduce food poverty. It is recommending human beings to eat insects. Gradually, the so called leaders of society are leading the way for people to degrade into animalistic lifestyle (mode of ignorance or tamo guna) . Human beings are meant to eat grains, fruits, roots, nuts, and milk products (mode of goodness or satva guna) and not animal flesh or insects. It is the grossest form of food habit. However, by planting the seed to eat insects, down the road, perhaps in two or three generations this sort of cuisine will be a normal practice.
Below is the article where insect eating is recommended.
The 200-page report, released by the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation, on May 13 at the organisation's Rome headquarters, called for restaurants, chefs and food writers to promote the eating of insects, in a bid to fight world hunger and global warming.
"Insects are everywhere and they reproduce quickly," the FAO said, adding they leave a "low environmental footprint."
They provide high-quality protein and nutrients when compared with meat and fish and are "particularly important as a food supplement for undernourished children".
Insects are "extremely efficient" in turning feed into edible meat, converting feed mass into meat four times more effectively than cows. The report suggests this would allow food to be produced more cheaply, with fewer emissions. Insects are high in protein, and can also be rich in copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium and zinc.
Entomophagy, or the practice of eating insects, has a long history, and is currently practiced by two billion people world wide. The report counts around a thousand edible insect species, from the small grasshoppers served "toasted in a little oil with garlic, lemon and salt" on the streets of Oaxaca, to the fly eggs, gathered from stagnant water, that Montezuma enjoyed for breakfast, which the report optimistically terms "Mexican caviar".
The FAO admits that consumer disgust will remain a barrier to their adoption into the Western diet.
However, squeamish westerners may already be practicing entomophagy unawares. Some degree of insect contamination is considered inevitable in large scale agriculture. The United States Food and Drug Administration considers wheat flour with an average of 75 or fewer insect fragments per 50 grams, and tomato juice with no more than one maggot per 100 grams, appropriate for human consumption.
Source: The Telegraph
Hare Krishna
→ Servant of the Servant
Despite the mismanagement of natural resources, the UN has taken a bizarre step to reduce food poverty. It is recommending human beings to eat insects. Gradually, the so called leaders of society are leading the way for people to degrade into animalistic lifestyle (mode of ignorance or tamo guna) . Human beings are meant to eat grains, fruits, roots, nuts, and milk products (mode of goodness or satva guna) and not animal flesh or insects. It is the grossest form of food habit. However, by planting the seed to eat insects, down the road, perhaps in two or three generations this sort of cuisine will be a normal practice.
Below is the article where insect eating is recommended.
The 200-page report, released by the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation, on May 13 at the organisation's Rome headquarters, called for restaurants, chefs and food writers to promote the eating of insects, in a bid to fight world hunger and global warming.
"Insects are everywhere and they reproduce quickly," the FAO said, adding they leave a "low environmental footprint."
They provide high-quality protein and nutrients when compared with meat and fish and are "particularly important as a food supplement for undernourished children".
Insects are "extremely efficient" in turning feed into edible meat, converting feed mass into meat four times more effectively than cows. The report suggests this would allow food to be produced more cheaply, with fewer emissions. Insects are high in protein, and can also be rich in copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium and zinc.
Entomophagy, or the practice of eating insects, has a long history, and is currently practiced by two billion people world wide. The report counts around a thousand edible insect species, from the small grasshoppers served "toasted in a little oil with garlic, lemon and salt" on the streets of Oaxaca, to the fly eggs, gathered from stagnant water, that Montezuma enjoyed for breakfast, which the report optimistically terms "Mexican caviar".
The FAO admits that consumer disgust will remain a barrier to their adoption into the Western diet.
However, squeamish westerners may already be practicing entomophagy unawares. Some degree of insect contamination is considered inevitable in large scale agriculture. The United States Food and Drug Administration considers wheat flour with an average of 75 or fewer insect fragments per 50 grams, and tomato juice with no more than one maggot per 100 grams, appropriate for human consumption.
Source: The Telegraph
Hare Krishna
A Glimpse of Krishna Prema
→ travelingmonk.com
Deity Darshan: 5/12/2013
→ The Toronto Hare Krishna Blog!
Deity Darshan: 5/12/2013
→ The Toronto Hare Krishna Blog!
A Flurry of Special Guests!
→ The Toronto Hare Krishna Blog!

The schedule is jam-packed with different events that will surely entice everyone!
Schedule (May 14th - 19th):
Tuesday, May 14th - Friday, May 17th: Daily Readings from Srila Prabhupada's Books (4:00pm - 5:00pm)
Tuesday, May 14th: Tuesday Sangas (at ISKCON Toronto) (6:30pm - 9:00pm)
Saturday, May 18th: Harinam Sankirtan in downtown Toronto (11:00am - 2:00pm)
Bhajan Evening (7:00pm - 9:00pm)
Sunday, May 19th: Sunday Feast!
Please don't miss out on an amazing week!
A Flurry of Special Guests!
→ The Toronto Hare Krishna Blog!

The schedule is jam-packed with different events that will surely entice everyone!
Schedule (May 14th - 19th):
Tuesday, May 14th - Friday, May 17th: Daily Readings from Srila Prabhupada's Books (4:00pm - 5:00pm)
Tuesday, May 14th: Tuesday Sangas (at ISKCON Toronto) (6:30pm - 9:00pm)
Saturday, May 18th: Harinam Sankirtan in downtown Toronto (11:00am - 2:00pm)
Bhajan Evening (7:00pm - 9:00pm)
Sunday, May 19th: Sunday Feast!
Please don't miss out on an amazing week!