Diet for a Sustainable Planet

“Don’t eat meat, ride a bike, and be a frugal shopper.” – Rajendra Pachauri, chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change in a press conference in January 2008

“As long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other. Indeed, he who sows the seeds of murder and pain cannot reap joy and love.” – Pythagoras

In the wider world of environmental activism it is no longer a secret that animal-protein rich diets and the global animal industry it has spawned are one of the major causes of agricultural inefficiency, environmental degradation and unsustainable natural capital depletion. Our diets are a very practical way to express our compassion and how much we actually care about the environment. ISS therefore promotes a diet which is organic, vegan/vegetarian and locally produced and consumed.

Though our society’s food consumption and production habits are far from reaching this standard, there are inspiring initiatives from all over the world that are raising awareness about the indispensable role our diets play in the quest for a sustainable society. Last week ISS was involved in one such initiative. In conjunction with Students for a Sustainable Planet, ISS helped start a Meat Free Mondays program which launched the Victoria University of Wellington’s Environment Week on the 20th of July. Click on the gallery to view photos from the event.

Student Reflections
→ NY Times & Bhagavad Gita Sanga/ Sankirtana Das

Back in May, New Vrindaban hosted another visit from the Global Leadership Project at Ohio University. Student groups from OU have been visiting for several years, staying overnight, and interviewing devotees, each time focusing on a different topic of study. Several of the students even came back for the 24 hour kirtana in June. Below are excerpts from 2-3 page reflections of most, but not all (just didn't get around to it), of the students on their visit in May. It's always interesting to get a glimpse into what visitors think about the community.


“What I experienced at New Vrindavan was entirely different than what I expected…. Because it’s part of the Krishna religion to be evangelists, I thought that the devotees would be extremely pushy in showing their beliefs to us. I found most of them to be extremely understanding and they were not pushy at all.”

“It was fun dancing at the service although I was afraid I would do something wrong… The next morning I went to the 7:30 service. Once again I was shocked at the dancing and liveliness from everyone in the temple, especially it being that early in the morning…We had a session where many devotees told their stories of how the came to the Hare Krishna religion…. It was definitely an interesting experience and very unique.”

“Tapapunja, the gardener, was very knowledgeable regarding organic gardening and made a whole lot of sense…In comparison to Catholicism, the religion I grew up in, I felt that the Krishna religion was so much more exciting and enjoyable… I wirily dug my spoon into the meal and was pleasantly surprised. The food tasted so pure and natural… My New Vrindavan experience will be two days in my life that I will never forget.”

“I have never seen such jubilance and happiness in any religious ceremony… I definitely want to include kirtan into my religious practices….I love the whole idea of ‘simple living, high thinking’…. I realized that constructing a spiritual community is very difficult and carries with it much responsibility and care.”

“It was an experience filled with spiritually evoking thoughts accompanied by a tranquil external environment. Before visiting New Vrindavan, I could not remember the last time where I was at peace with the world and not concerned about the stresses of school and work…. The prasadam meals are the most fresh and delicious meals I have ever had…. The devotees are more that willing to answer questions and engage in meaningful conversation…. Almost every aspect of New Vrindavan has something to offer spiritually….I will remember this trip for the rest of my life.”

“Before arriving, I envisioned New Vrindavan as a place of tranquil meditation and communal living…. I could not figure out the spiritual relevance of the huge concrete elephant…the call of the peacocks served as a reminder to the celibate monks that sex is an integral part of nature,,,,, the sights and sounds of New Vrindavan were similar to that of a circus equipped with a semi-religious theme…Is a remote controlled swam boat related to Prabhupada’s ‘simple living , high thinking’ standard?…. It seemed that college educated devotees were placed at a higher level of the hierarchical system and asserted control over the others.”

“Before the trip, I was most excited to interact with the devotees and try to understand their lives and their devotion to their beliefs. I’m not sure I was able to achieve the level of understanding I initially hoped for…. To an extent I wish I knew more about why certain things were being done and what they meant…Sankirtana gave us a tour of the Palace also gave us additional background knowledge that I had been looking for throughout the trip….I found it easy to take any of their religious stories or practices, no matter how ‘bizarre’ and draw a comparison to my own beliefs.”

“What I enjoyed most about being there was the feeling of being transported to another world that was so different from the everyday reality of life in Athens … I saw a fascinating religious community that was sincere in its pursuit of Hare Krishna consciousness….Hari Bhakta, the devote we interviewed, was one of the coolest and most interesting people I have ever met….My time at New Vrindavan was a very positive experience.”

“I always thought that the life of a Christian seemed intense…The devotees are so strict in their eating and drinking intake. I could not believe that so many people were happy at 5AM without caffeine!…. One of the most surprising aspects of New Vrindavan was the kindness of the children. I am used to children being frightened of strangers and uncomfortable with anyone who is not in their family. This is not the case at New Vrindavan….While I do question some aspects of New Vrindavan, my overall experience was quite impacting.”

“I tried to have an open mind when I went to New Vrindavan…The ceremonies were fascinating. It was like watching a documentary film…I thought there would be more people around at the ceremonies…My favorite part was learning about the garden and cows…I found all the food really good. The people were friendly, even if some were a little pushy…I am not sure I would visit again.”

“The chanting started slowly, but by the time the ceremony was over all the devotees and students were dancing like crazy…. This was very memorable. I was thinking the culture we were studying was going to be very basic and austere. I was happy to discover that they were such a vibrant and animated religious society which sees dancing and having fun as a way to worship God… To finish off the day we were served a fantastic dinner.”

“In the temple the chanting began and soon transitioned into a harmonious melody. Soon I was taping my feet to the rhythm and slightly muttering the chant…Before I realized, one devote took my hand and dragged me into the middle of the dancing….I was dancing with every move I had in my arsenal, and the devotees were accepting me for who I was… At dinner I dug in and thought ‘Wow. This is amazing’… We interviewed Madhava Ghosh, his wife and son. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I didn’t expect our interview to be three hours long… He is an extremely intelligent man, and I’m glad I had the privilege of meeting him…. The trip opened my eyes to a different belief system and a different outlook on life. Meeting the devotees is an experience I will never forget.”

“Prior to my research, my concept of the Hare Krishnas was that it is a cult of oblivious people with shaved heads who dance and sing Hare Krishna for most of the time…. I was surprised to see just a few people around the temple partaking in the daily events… The worship ceremony was not as uncomfortable as I thought it might be. Most ceremonies involve sitting quietly for long periods of time. The Krishna ceremony incorporated music and dance. The worship was actually a more spiritual experience and probably my favorite aspect of the Krishna practice.”

“I wonder how they can be so certain that their religion is the correct one. So much so that they dedicated their lives to it. To me it almost seems a little naïve. But maybe they are right, and I should read Bhagavat Gita and join the enlightenment.”

Student Reflections
→ NY Times & Bhagavad Gita Sanga/ Sankirtana Das

Back in May, New Vrindaban hosted another visit from the Global Leadership Project at Ohio University. Student groups from OU have been visiting for several years, staying overnight, and interviewing devotees, each time focusing on a different topic of study. Several of the students even came back for the 24 hour kirtana in June. Below are excerpts from 2-3 page reflections of most, but not all (just didn't get around to it), of the students on their visit in May. It's always interesting to get a glimpse into what visitors think about the community.


“What I experienced at New Vrindavan was entirely different than what I expected…. Because it’s part of the Krishna religion to be evangelists, I thought that the devotees would be extremely pushy in showing their beliefs to us. I found most of them to be extremely understanding and they were not pushy at all.”

“It was fun dancing at the service although I was afraid I would do something wrong… The next morning I went to the 7:30 service. Once again I was shocked at the dancing and liveliness from everyone in the temple, especially it being that early in the morning…We had a session where many devotees told their stories of how the came to the Hare Krishna religion…. It was definitely an interesting experience and very unique.”

“Tapapunja, the gardener, was very knowledgeable regarding organic gardening and made a whole lot of sense…In comparison to Catholicism, the religion I grew up in, I felt that the Krishna religion was so much more exciting and enjoyable… I wirily dug my spoon into the meal and was pleasantly surprised. The food tasted so pure and natural… My New Vrindavan experience will be two days in my life that I will never forget.”

“I have never seen such jubilance and happiness in any religious ceremony… I definitely want to include kirtan into my religious practices….I love the whole idea of ‘simple living, high thinking’…. I realized that constructing a spiritual community is very difficult and carries with it much responsibility and care.”

“It was an experience filled with spiritually evoking thoughts accompanied by a tranquil external environment. Before visiting New Vrindavan, I could not remember the last time where I was at peace with the world and not concerned about the stresses of school and work…. The prasadam meals are the most fresh and delicious meals I have ever had…. The devotees are more that willing to answer questions and engage in meaningful conversation…. Almost every aspect of New Vrindavan has something to offer spiritually….I will remember this trip for the rest of my life.”

“Before arriving, I envisioned New Vrindavan as a place of tranquil meditation and communal living…. I could not figure out the spiritual relevance of the huge concrete elephant…the call of the peacocks served as a reminder to the celibate monks that sex is an integral part of nature,,,,, the sights and sounds of New Vrindavan were similar to that of a circus equipped with a semi-religious theme…Is a remote controlled swam boat related to Prabhupada’s ‘simple living , high thinking’ standard?…. It seemed that college educated devotees were placed at a higher level of the hierarchical system and asserted control over the others.”

“Before the trip, I was most excited to interact with the devotees and try to understand their lives and their devotion to their beliefs. I’m not sure I was able to achieve the level of understanding I initially hoped for…. To an extent I wish I knew more about why certain things were being done and what they meant…Sankirtana gave us a tour of the Palace also gave us additional background knowledge that I had been looking for throughout the trip….I found it easy to take any of their religious stories or practices, no matter how ‘bizarre’ and draw a comparison to my own beliefs.”

“What I enjoyed most about being there was the feeling of being transported to another world that was so different from the everyday reality of life in Athens … I saw a fascinating religious community that was sincere in its pursuit of Hare Krishna consciousness….Hari Bhakta, the devote we interviewed, was one of the coolest and most interesting people I have ever met….My time at New Vrindavan was a very positive experience.”

“I always thought that the life of a Christian seemed intense…The devotees are so strict in their eating and drinking intake. I could not believe that so many people were happy at 5AM without caffeine!…. One of the most surprising aspects of New Vrindavan was the kindness of the children. I am used to children being frightened of strangers and uncomfortable with anyone who is not in their family. This is not the case at New Vrindavan….While I do question some aspects of New Vrindavan, my overall experience was quite impacting.”

“I tried to have an open mind when I went to New Vrindavan…The ceremonies were fascinating. It was like watching a documentary film…I thought there would be more people around at the ceremonies…My favorite part was learning about the garden and cows…I found all the food really good. The people were friendly, even if some were a little pushy…I am not sure I would visit again.”

“The chanting started slowly, but by the time the ceremony was over all the devotees and students were dancing like crazy…. This was very memorable. I was thinking the culture we were studying was going to be very basic and austere. I was happy to discover that they were such a vibrant and animated religious society which sees dancing and having fun as a way to worship God… To finish off the day we were served a fantastic dinner.”

“In the temple the chanting began and soon transitioned into a harmonious melody. Soon I was taping my feet to the rhythm and slightly muttering the chant…Before I realized, one devote took my hand and dragged me into the middle of the dancing….I was dancing with every move I had in my arsenal, and the devotees were accepting me for who I was… At dinner I dug in and thought ‘Wow. This is amazing’… We interviewed Madhava Ghosh, his wife and son. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I didn’t expect our interview to be three hours long… He is an extremely intelligent man, and I’m glad I had the privilege of meeting him…. The trip opened my eyes to a different belief system and a different outlook on life. Meeting the devotees is an experience I will never forget.”

“Prior to my research, my concept of the Hare Krishnas was that it is a cult of oblivious people with shaved heads who dance and sing Hare Krishna for most of the time…. I was surprised to see just a few people around the temple partaking in the daily events… The worship ceremony was not as uncomfortable as I thought it might be. Most ceremonies involve sitting quietly for long periods of time. The Krishna ceremony incorporated music and dance. The worship was actually a more spiritual experience and probably my favorite aspect of the Krishna practice.”

“I wonder how they can be so certain that their religion is the correct one. So much so that they dedicated their lives to it. To me it almost seems a little naïve. But maybe they are right, and I should read Bhagavat Gita and join the enlightenment.”

Bedtime insecurities
→ Clouds.

There are a few things about Krishna that just hold me in complete fascination that I just start gushing about my fascinations and discoveries about Krishna's personality and pastimes to everyone! If you've met me and known me for a decent period of time, then you've probably heard this from me already.

When Madhavi first told me this on the altar, I just exclaimed ! "How adorable!" So what every Radha Krishna pujari would know and most other devotees would not know is that, the Lord of the Universe, the controller of everything moving and non-moving, THE Supreme personality of Godhead......sleeps with his flute under his pillow! :)

i.e The pujari who puts the deities to sleep at night usually takes Krishna's flute and keeps it under his pillow physically. I've heard a couple of reasons for this but the official ones from Jananivas prabhu are:

1) The flute is sooo dear to Kanha that he does not want to be separated from it since it is with the flute that he controls the gopis

2) The gopis know that with this flute Kanha controls them so they are always looking to steal his flute. He keeps it under his pillow for protection


nadyas tadā tad upadhārya mukunda-gītam āvarta-lakṣita-manobhava-bhagna-vegāḥ ālińgana-sthagitam ūrmi-bhujair murārer gṛhṇanti pāda-yugalaḿ kamalopahārāḥ

"When the rivers hear the flute-song of Krishna, their minds begin to desire Him, and thus the flow of their currents is broken and their waters are agitated, moving around in whirlpools. Then with the arms of their waves the rivers embrace Murari's lotus feet and, holding on to them, present offerings of lotus flowers."
- Srimad Bhagavatam 10.21.15

Bedtime insecurities
→ Clouds.

There are a few things about Krishna that just hold me in complete fascination that I just start gushing about my fascinations and discoveries about Krishna's personality and pastimes to everyone! If you've met me and known me for a decent period of time, then you've probably heard this from me already.

When Madhavi first told me this on the altar, I just exclaimed ! "How adorable!" So what every Radha Krishna pujari would know and most other devotees would not know is that, the Lord of the Universe, the controller of everything moving and non-moving, THE Supreme personality of Godhead......sleeps with his flute under his pillow! :)

i.e The pujari who puts the deities to sleep at night usually takes Krishna's flute and keeps it under his pillow physically. I've heard a couple of reasons for this but the official ones from Jananivas prabhu are:

1) The flute is sooo dear to Kanha that he does not want to be separated from it since it is with the flute that he controls the gopis

2) The gopis know that with this flute Kanha controls them so they are always looking to steal his flute. He keeps it under his pillow for protection


nadyas tadā tad upadhārya mukunda-gītam āvarta-lakṣita-manobhava-bhagna-vegāḥ ālińgana-sthagitam ūrmi-bhujair murārer gṛhṇanti pāda-yugalaḿ kamalopahārāḥ

"When the rivers hear the flute-song of Krishna, their minds begin to desire Him, and thus the flow of their currents is broken and their waters are agitated, moving around in whirlpools. Then with the arms of their waves the rivers embrace Murari's lotus feet and, holding on to them, present offerings of lotus flowers."
- Srimad Bhagavatam 10.21.15

→ Living in the Material World

Well, it's been nearly 3 months since my last blog entry. Not really much going on besides soccer mom duties that ran until May, lots of end of school year activities, and getting run over by household duties.

Without going into too much detail i'll also say that my husband and I have been really contemplating the future and where it may take us. I'm beginning to have anxiety for my children's spiritual lives and am thinking that a change of environment may be looming on the horizon. It is becoming more and more difficult to shelter them here. They go to school and thrive materially, but I want so much more for them. I don't have enough self determination and motivation to provide all of their spiritual needs. I'm praying to Krishna for some guidance and of course i need to humble myself and ask my guru maharaj for guidance.

→ Living in the Material World

Well, it's been nearly 3 months since my last blog entry. Not really much going on besides soccer mom duties that ran until May, lots of end of school year activities, and getting run over by household duties.

Without going into too much detail i'll also say that my husband and I have been really contemplating the future and where it may take us. I'm beginning to have anxiety for my children's spiritual lives and am thinking that a change of environment may be looming on the horizon. It is becoming more and more difficult to shelter them here. They go to school and thrive materially, but I want so much more for them. I don't have enough self determination and motivation to provide all of their spiritual needs. I'm praying to Krishna for some guidance and of course i need to humble myself and ask my guru maharaj for guidance.

Nirjala Ekadasi Darshan
→ Arcanam: Worship of the Deity...

Is been a while since I've posted anything so I thought I'd share some pictures of my deities dressed in pink on Pandava Nirjala Ekadasi, click here for more pictures. Hopefully more posts will be ready soon, but this is a busy time of the year with Ratha-Yatra planning in full swing! To learn about Toronto's 37th annual Ratha-Yatra (July 18 & 19) visit! Also visit for a unique kirtan experience!

Nirjala Ekadasi Darshan
→ Arcanam: Worship of the Deity...

Is been a while since I've posted anything so I thought I'd share some pictures of my deities dressed in pink on Pandava Nirjala Ekadasi, click here for more pictures. Hopefully more posts will be ready soon, but this is a busy time of the year with Ratha-Yatra planning in full swing! To learn about Toronto's 37th annual Ratha-Yatra (July 18 & 19) visit! Also visit for a unique kirtan experience!

Smile please?
→ Clouds.

"When a devotee with all his heart and soul serves Krsna, dresses him in nice garments and gives him a flower, Krsna smiles. If you can get Krishna to smile upon you just once, your life's goal is fulfilled." - Srila Prabhupad, Lecture SB 3.25.12, 12th November, 1974

Vishaka mataji's girirajji

As my eyes took in the slow dawn of day
my fingers felt the soft wood
bead by bead - transcendental wood of tulsidevi
My mind the wonderful traveller
a thousand places did it visit

A thread of desire was visited and explored
Memories entangled with that thread
of gopi dots, peacock feathers, ghee lamps
of chandan, mukut pieces, chadars
caused that familiar longing
longing to serve your beautiful deity form...

How can I ever anticipate that sweet mercy of yours?
"Anuradha? Can you come paint and dress up my girirajji?"
Amazement and wonder continues to be my friend
as your mercy continues to flow...

Smile please?

Smile please?
→ Clouds.

"When a devotee with all his heart and soul serves Krsna, dresses him in nice garments and gives him a flower, Krsna smiles. If you can get Krishna to smile upon you just once, your life's goal is fulfilled." - Srila Prabhupad, Lecture SB 3.25.12, 12th November, 1974

Vishaka mataji's girirajji

As my eyes took in the slow dawn of day
my fingers felt the soft wood
bead by bead - transcendental wood of tulsidevi
My mind the wonderful traveller
a thousand places did it visit

A thread of desire was visited and explored
Memories entangled with that thread
of gopi dots, peacock feathers, ghee lamps
of chandan, mukut pieces, chadars
caused that familiar longing
longing to serve your beautiful deity form...

How can I ever anticipate that sweet mercy of yours?
"Anuradha? Can you come paint and dress up my girirajji?"
Amazement and wonder continues to be my friend
as your mercy continues to flow...

Smile please?

Travels Calling (Again)
→ Servant's Report

I thought I was settled but up in the air again. Travels are calling, perhaps it’s in my blood, at least says so on my palm. But not aimless wandering as I am truly looking for a home. A place to do some service and also help change the world. Where that place will be remains to be seen, but this summer we will try to find out. Hope to meet you there.

Travels Calling (Again)
→ Servant's Report

I thought I was settled but up in the air again. Travels are calling, perhaps it’s in my blood, at least says so on my palm. But not aimless wandering as I am truly looking for a home. A place to do some service and also help change the world. Where that place will be remains to be seen, but this summer we will try to find out. Hope to meet you there.

Thunder !
→ Clouds.

The sweetest sounds to mortals given Are heard in Mother, Home, and Heaven. ~William Goldsmith Brown

Definitely in heaven!

Of all the descriptions given in the scriptures about Krishna, the one I have most trouble visualizing or conceptualizing in my mind are the sounds of the spiritual world. The one thing I yearn most to hear... Krishna's flute, the cakora birds, the koyal, the peacocks, and of course the 'deep resounding thunderlike' voice of Krishna.

"Krishna's deep voice resounds like a rumbling cloud and his tinkling ornaments allure the ears...." - Chapter 6, Gayatri Mahima Madhuri

This quote about his voice was a little hard to find. I used to wonder and wonder if there are any descriptions about Krishna's voice and then I chanced upon this when I was reading the Gayatri book. But there are countless about his ever enchanting, mesmerizing flute playing :)

"..Krishna's flute vibrates eight different tunes. Demigods like Lord Brahma and Lord Siva break their meditation and forget everything when the first tune pierces their ears. Lord Siva stops playing his din-din drum. Lord Brahma sits astonished on his lotus flower, and Lord Ananta Sesa begins swaying hypnotically.
The second tune makes the Yamuna flow backwards.
The moon stops moving upon hearing the third tune.
Cows run up to Krishna, and stand motionless with upraised ears to drink the nectar of the fourth tune.
The fifth note brings the gopis madly running-eager for Krishna's love.
The sixth tune creates autumn, replete with juicy fruits and rich foliage
Stones melt when caressed by this note
The seventh note instantly ushes in all six seasons manifesting their full splendor with gentle, sensous southern breezes carrying the perfumed aromas of fresh forest flowers.

The eighth note of Syama's seductive flute takes the name of Radha...."

Well I don't know whether it is going to take me lifetimes or just this lifetime to hear what I yearn to hear but one thing is for sure.... all my yearnings for sounds of the spiritual world is COMPLETELY satisfied by .....

Ching Ching Chinggg....
Ching Ching Chinggg....

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare...

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare...

Yess.....those soul stirring kirtans that just teases those senses of ours with visions of the spiritual world and incomparable bliss...

Thunder !
→ Clouds.

The sweetest sounds to mortals given Are heard in Mother, Home, and Heaven. ~William Goldsmith Brown

Definitely in heaven!

Of all the descriptions given in the scriptures about Krishna, the one I have most trouble visualizing or conceptualizing in my mind are the sounds of the spiritual world. The one thing I yearn most to hear... Krishna's flute, the cakora birds, the koyal, the peacocks, and of course the 'deep resounding thunderlike' voice of Krishna.

"Krishna's deep voice resounds like a rumbling cloud and his tinkling ornaments allure the ears...." - Chapter 6, Gayatri Mahima Madhuri

This quote about his voice was a little hard to find. I used to wonder and wonder if there are any descriptions about Krishna's voice and then I chanced upon this when I was reading the Gayatri book. But there are countless about his ever enchanting, mesmerizing flute playing :)

"..Krishna's flute vibrates eight different tunes. Demigods like Lord Brahma and Lord Siva break their meditation and forget everything when the first tune pierces their ears. Lord Siva stops playing his din-din drum. Lord Brahma sits astonished on his lotus flower, and Lord Ananta Sesa begins swaying hypnotically.
The second tune makes the Yamuna flow backwards.
The moon stops moving upon hearing the third tune.
Cows run up to Krishna, and stand motionless with upraised ears to drink the nectar of the fourth tune.
The fifth note brings the gopis madly running-eager for Krishna's love.
The sixth tune creates autumn, replete with juicy fruits and rich foliage
Stones melt when caressed by this note
The seventh note instantly ushes in all six seasons manifesting their full splendor with gentle, sensous southern breezes carrying the perfumed aromas of fresh forest flowers.

The eighth note of Syama's seductive flute takes the name of Radha...."

Well I don't know whether it is going to take me lifetimes or just this lifetime to hear what I yearn to hear but one thing is for sure.... all my yearnings for sounds of the spiritual world is COMPLETELY satisfied by .....

Ching Ching Chinggg....
Ching Ching Chinggg....

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare...

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare...

Yess.....those soul stirring kirtans that just teases those senses of ours with visions of the spiritual world and incomparable bliss...

Atma Nivedana
→ Clouds.

A devotee once told me,
" We offer so many services to Krishna......we offer him garlands, we make prasad and offer it, we offer our kirtans, our bhajans yet in the process of offering him all these services, we forget to offer him ourselves! "
Krishna accepts anything offered with love but all he is really looking for is YOU. And that is the hardest thing to offer. The false ego of me, mine never lets us actually do this. Every activity we do, each and every step and action we take in our lives, from bathing, eating, studying.....everything is geared towards one goal......satisfy the self.

We can classify every action as geared towards
1) Sense pleasure
2) Intelligence & Mind pleasure
3) False ego pleasure

Think about it....every small thing we do can be classified under these things. Even devotional service. When I make garlands, it satisfies my senses to see the beautiful flowers, satisfies my intelligence to arrange it in a pattern, and finally satisfies my ego when somebody says, 'oh what a beautiful garland you've made!'. Even though, I'm making it for Krishna, this tinge of ego pleasure never goes away. I would say that ego pleasure is the hardest to overcome. Whatever service we do, the sense of the self doing it hardly goes away....
(I am of course talking about common neophyte devotees like me and not elevated souls where can see actual 'selfless service')

Now you can argue that if even devotional service is performed to satisfy the material senses and ego then why do it? Well.....the only answer I have for this is to ask you to actually spend a day doing service. Yes, my ego is being satisfied, my intelligence is being satisfied when I listen to a good lecture or read sound philosophy, my senses are being satisfied when I listen to beautiful, heartmoving kirtans and bhajans.......yet, at the end of the day, when I go home....when I get a moment to ponder on my pleasure and enjoyment, I realize, this pleasure is something much much is the pleasure of the satisfaction of the soul....:)

Atma Nivedana
→ Clouds.

A devotee once told me,
" We offer so many services to Krishna......we offer him garlands, we make prasad and offer it, we offer our kirtans, our bhajans yet in the process of offering him all these services, we forget to offer him ourselves! "
Krishna accepts anything offered with love but all he is really looking for is YOU. And that is the hardest thing to offer. The false ego of me, mine never lets us actually do this. Every activity we do, each and every step and action we take in our lives, from bathing, eating, studying.....everything is geared towards one goal......satisfy the self.

We can classify every action as geared towards
1) Sense pleasure
2) Intelligence & Mind pleasure
3) False ego pleasure

Think about it....every small thing we do can be classified under these things. Even devotional service. When I make garlands, it satisfies my senses to see the beautiful flowers, satisfies my intelligence to arrange it in a pattern, and finally satisfies my ego when somebody says, 'oh what a beautiful garland you've made!'. Even though, I'm making it for Krishna, this tinge of ego pleasure never goes away. I would say that ego pleasure is the hardest to overcome. Whatever service we do, the sense of the self doing it hardly goes away....
(I am of course talking about common neophyte devotees like me and not elevated souls where can see actual 'selfless service')

Now you can argue that if even devotional service is performed to satisfy the material senses and ego then why do it? Well.....the only answer I have for this is to ask you to actually spend a day doing service. Yes, my ego is being satisfied, my intelligence is being satisfied when I listen to a good lecture or read sound philosophy, my senses are being satisfied when I listen to beautiful, heartmoving kirtans and bhajans.......yet, at the end of the day, when I go home....when I get a moment to ponder on my pleasure and enjoyment, I realize, this pleasure is something much much is the pleasure of the satisfaction of the soul....:)

Candana Yatra
→ Arcanam: Worship of the Deity...

Govindaji and his new friend Balarama on Akshaya Tritiya

Candana Yatra starts on Akshaya Tritiya, the third lunar day of the waxing moon of Vaisakha month and continues for twenty days. Lord Jagannatha gave direct instructions to King Indradyumna to perform this festival at this time. Smearing the body of the Lord with ointments is an act of devotion, and the best of ointments is sandalwood paste. Since the month of Vaisakha is very hot in India, the cooling effect of the sandalwood is very pleasing to the body of the Lord. Source:

Krishna Balarama in Vrindavan with their foreheads covered in Candana; and Jagannatha, Baladeva & Subhadra in Mayapur covered in Candana more pics from Mayapur here

Candana Yatra
→ Arcanam: Worship of the Deity...

Govindaji and his new friend Balarama on Akshaya Tritiya

Candana Yatra starts on Akshaya Tritiya, the third lunar day of the waxing moon of Vaisakha month and continues for twenty days. Lord Jagannatha gave direct instructions to King Indradyumna to perform this festival at this time. Smearing the body of the Lord with ointments is an act of devotion, and the best of ointments is sandalwood paste. Since the month of Vaisakha is very hot in India, the cooling effect of the sandalwood is very pleasing to the body of the Lord. Source:

Krishna Balarama in Vrindavan with their foreheads covered in Candana; and Jagannatha, Baladeva & Subhadra in Mayapur covered in Candana more pics from Mayapur here

Jaggu Dada…
→ Clouds.

So, since I've been caught up dealing with a million different emotions and new situations and new life etc., I just realized today how I miss writing. Yet, I'm still caught up with other things to write anything decent....but I still want to post something so here is something short I had written during my initial days when I first got my brahmana initiation and went on the altar...

Dear Jagannath...
The throbbing feet I can ignore,
sacrifice my precious world of snore,
the burns, the cuts, the bruises
all I can dismiss away as excuses
to see your beautiful smile on the merciful Jagannath

P.S: The burns were from cooking, the cuts from making garlands (I always found a way to bruise my skin with the needle and cut my self with scissors and the bruises from banging myself on random things like doors, tables and chairs as I ran from the altar to the pujari to finish dressing by darshan. I attribute all this to the burning away my karma of deity worship offenses on the altar :)

Jaggu Dada…
→ Clouds.

So, since I've been caught up dealing with a million different emotions and new situations and new life etc., I just realized today how I miss writing. Yet, I'm still caught up with other things to write anything decent....but I still want to post something so here is something short I had written during my initial days when I first got my brahmana initiation and went on the altar...

Dear Jagannath...
The throbbing feet I can ignore,
sacrifice my precious world of snore,
the burns, the cuts, the bruises
all I can dismiss away as excuses
to see your beautiful smile on the merciful Jagannath

P.S: The burns were from cooking, the cuts from making garlands (I always found a way to bruise my skin with the needle and cut my self with scissors and the bruises from banging myself on random things like doors, tables and chairs as I ran from the altar to the pujari to finish dressing by darshan. I attribute all this to the burning away my karma of deity worship offenses on the altar :)

Bhaktivedanta College\’s Newsletter Spring 2009

Here you can download Bhaktivedanta College\’s Newsletter Spring 2009. In this edition you can read:

– Our Eighth Academic Year Is Coming: 2009–10
– Students Visit Three Faith Communities
– The New Library Club Needs You!
– A Cold Weekend for Distributing Books
– Burke Rochford: “The highlight of my career!”
– Student Teams Cook Community Breakfasts

→ Living in the Material World

We had a nice day yesterday. Narada woke up and immediately said, "Today is my birthday!". We went to pick daddy up from work early and headed to a nice vegetarian Chinese restaurant in Cary for lunch. After lunch we went to the cheapo theater (only $1.50 per person!) to watch Bolt. Then we came home and did the whole presents, ice cream, and donuts-in-place-of-cake thing.

The kids played with Narada's presents and watched Wall-E while me, hubby, and my dear friend Radhanuga watched Twilight (squeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!). My poor husband thinks that Radhanuga and I are completely nutso after watching that movie with us. He never imagined 30 year old women oohing, aahing, gasping, hyperventilating, and sighing over a movie for 2 straight hours. Radhanuga preordered a copy for me and one for her. The dvd was released yesterday, but due to overwhelming demand Amazon didn't ship our dvds until yesterday despite the fact that they were preordered a while ago. To compensate they gave Radhanuga one free day of Twilight as a digital rental which is what we watched yesterday. Tomorrow we will watch again on dvd....and again and again and again and again and again and again...lather, rinse, repeat...


Watching Kapila play Club Penguin

Handsome Rasaraj~

The pretty lobby of the restaurant

Handsome Kapila~

Narada was very excited!

These cool sand bottles came on the day of Narada's birthday :) My sister sent them for the boys. She is currently deployed to South Asia (the middle east). The boys think these are so very cool! Thank you!

Legos from grandma & grandpa

Wall-E!!! Thank you auntie, uncle, Jacob, and Timmy :)

A set of books about Krishna from mom and dada

Rasaraj brought this hen puppet home from the school treasure box so he could give it to Narada for his birthday

Hot Wheels set from grandma and grandpa

Donut cake :)

Contemplating his wish~

We hung with the Cullens for a couple hours ;0) Lovely vampires~

→ Living in the Material World

We had a nice day yesterday. Narada woke up and immediately said, "Today is my birthday!". We went to pick daddy up from work early and headed to a nice vegetarian Chinese restaurant in Cary for lunch. After lunch we went to the cheapo theater (only $1.50 per person!) to watch Bolt. Then we came home and did the whole presents, ice cream, and donuts-in-place-of-cake thing.

The kids played with Narada's presents and watched Wall-E while me, hubby, and my dear friend Radhanuga watched Twilight (squeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!). My poor husband thinks that Radhanuga and I are completely nutso after watching that movie with us. He never imagined 30 year old women oohing, aahing, gasping, hyperventilating, and sighing over a movie for 2 straight hours. Radhanuga preordered a copy for me and one for her. The dvd was released yesterday, but due to overwhelming demand Amazon didn't ship our dvds until yesterday despite the fact that they were preordered a while ago. To compensate they gave Radhanuga one free day of Twilight as a digital rental which is what we watched yesterday. Tomorrow we will watch again on dvd....and again and again and again and again and again and again...lather, rinse, repeat...


Watching Kapila play Club Penguin

Handsome Rasaraj~

The pretty lobby of the restaurant

Handsome Kapila~

Narada was very excited!

These cool sand bottles came on the day of Narada's birthday :) My sister sent them for the boys. She is currently deployed to South Asia (the middle east). The boys think these are so very cool! Thank you!

Legos from grandma & grandpa

Wall-E!!! Thank you auntie, uncle, Jacob, and Timmy :)

A set of books about Krishna from mom and dada

Rasaraj brought this hen puppet home from the school treasure box so he could give it to Narada for his birthday

Hot Wheels set from grandma and grandpa

Donut cake :)

Contemplating his wish~

We hung with the Cullens for a couple hours ;0) Lovely vampires~

It’s Time To Make The Donuts
→ Living in the Material World

Tomorrow my baby Narada Muni will turn 5 years old! I asked him what kind of cake he would like and he said he didn't want cake, he wants donuts. Your wish is my command sweet baby boy. I'm already getting weepy just thinking about my youngest being 5...

I made the dough for the donuts about an hour before the boys headed to bed. I couldn't tolerate the idea of all three of them hovering in the kitchen while I made donuts. As soon as they were all in bed I pulled out the risen dough and started rolling and cutting. While the the donuts were rising I cleaned up the kitchen and when i finished it was time to fry. In the end I made 42 donuts. Half are dipped in vanilla glaze and the other half are dipped in carob frosting.

Here's a photo of my sweet little boy sleeping his last night as a 4 year old~

It’s Time To Make The Donuts
→ Living in the Material World

Tomorrow my baby Narada Muni will turn 5 years old! I asked him what kind of cake he would like and he said he didn't want cake, he wants donuts. Your wish is my command sweet baby boy. I'm already getting weepy just thinking about my youngest being 5...

I made the dough for the donuts about an hour before the boys headed to bed. I couldn't tolerate the idea of all three of them hovering in the kitchen while I made donuts. As soon as they were all in bed I pulled out the risen dough and started rolling and cutting. While the the donuts were rising I cleaned up the kitchen and when i finished it was time to fry. In the end I made 42 donuts. Half are dipped in vanilla glaze and the other half are dipped in carob frosting.

Here's a photo of my sweet little boy sleeping his last night as a 4 year old~

DIY Deity Jewellery: Necklaces- Part 4
→ Arcanam: Worship of the Deity...

Modifying Ready-Made Jewellery
This year for Gaura Purnima I wanted to try something different than the typical beaded jewellery I always make. I like buying ready-made jewellery and it them apart for the beads and other pieces. This is really versatile for small deities as most of the ready-made jewellery available will not fit properly.
In this case, I used two necklaces purchased from a local Indian clothing store. The necklaces are basically made of jeweled pieces that have a hole on each end separated by beads on two strands of wire. I simply snipped the wires and removed the beads and jeweled pieces. I like to use these pieces individually as earrings for Radha Govindaji or nose rings Jagannatha and Baladeva.

The basic technique for Radharani's and Gaura Nitia's necklaces are the same as the Multi-Stranded Necklaces with two needles being used. The two holes in the jeweled pieces were used to weave the seed beads being around the jeweled pieces. Govindaji's necklace was simply made with a single needle and just beading around the single jeweled piece creating a pendant. Radharani's crown was also made using a similar jeweled piece along with wire and seed beads, detailed instructions for these crowns will be posted shortly.
More pictures of my deities from Gaura Purnima can be found here.

DIY Deity Jewellery: Necklaces- Part 4
→ Arcanam: Worship of the Deity...

Modifying Ready-Made Jewellery
This year for Gaura Purnima I wanted to try something different than the typical beaded jewellery I always make. I like buying ready-made jewellery and it them apart for the beads and other pieces. This is really versatile for small deities as most of the ready-made jewellery available will not fit properly.
In this case, I used two necklaces purchased from a local Indian clothing store. The necklaces are basically made of jeweled pieces that have a hole on each end separated by beads on two strands of wire. I simply snipped the wires and removed the beads and jeweled pieces. I like to use these pieces individually as earrings for Radha Govindaji or nose rings Jagannatha and Baladeva.

The basic technique for Radharani's and Gaura Nitia's necklaces are the same as the Multi-Stranded Necklaces with two needles being used. The two holes in the jeweled pieces were used to weave the seed beads being around the jeweled pieces. Govindaji's necklace was simply made with a single needle and just beading around the single jeweled piece creating a pendant. Radharani's crown was also made using a similar jeweled piece along with wire and seed beads, detailed instructions for these crowns will be posted shortly.
More pictures of my deities from Gaura Purnima can be found here.

Of Resolve and branches
→ Clouds.

Resolve a fickle entity you are
choose you I do duped by your exterior strength
of brick and stone you appear to be made
Rashly do I place you in my heart and mind

Little did my intelligence know
of the enmity between you and my heart
Senses chip away at those bricks
siding with my heart

O mind! I plead my case to you
heed my words that paint the future
our best interests is to reinforce these bricks
for all I want to do is to serve my guru...

Become my friend O mind
let us dwell not on these temporary branches
but on eternal topics that would
soothe the heart and senses.....Krishna.

Of Resolve and branches
→ Clouds.

Resolve a fickle entity you are
choose you I do duped by your exterior strength
of brick and stone you appear to be made
Rashly do I place you in my heart and mind

Little did my intelligence know
of the enmity between you and my heart
Senses chip away at those bricks
siding with my heart

O mind! I plead my case to you
heed my words that paint the future
our best interests is to reinforce these bricks
for all I want to do is to serve my guru...

Become my friend O mind
let us dwell not on these temporary branches
but on eternal topics that would
soothe the heart and senses.....Krishna.

Good night…
→ Clouds.

It is funny how we devotees always can find something to occupy ourselves with. If I was a karmi, staying here at the ayurvedic center I would have left screaming for being bored out of my mind. Benefits of being a devotee, Radha rati mataji and me are occupying ourselves with singing kirtans, reading the Bhagavatam (we have an aim to finish the first canto before we leave) and generally exchanging our realizations.

Last night I was particularly lamenting on my separation from Panihati Dham and the deities there. Deity worship is something that I miss truly from the core of my heart. You have to be a pujari to know what I'm talking about....a pujari who has no deities at the moment to serve. A small temple like Panihati dham where during the weekdays, it is just you and the deities....prabhupad singing softly in the main temple room, there is so much bliss that it really hurts knowing that it is highly impossible for me to go back to that kind of service.

Prabhupad's bhajans are the most soothing sounds in this world. Getting absorbed in Prabhupad's deep voice, removing Panihati candra's mukut pieces, scrubbing gopi dots off of Madan mohan, giving jagannath some fresh water for the night, sweeping and mopping the altar with some eucalyptus oil.....

Bringing in their beds....tucking Krishna's flute under his pillow...

"agaccha sayana-sthanam priyabhih saha kesava divya-puspatya-sayyayam sukham vihara madhava"
"Now come, O Kesava, along with Your beloved Srimati Radharani and Her friends, to the bed covered with transcendental, aromatic flowers. Now happily enjoy Your pastimes, O Madhava."

and then chanting the respectful mantras for everyone else , switch off the lights on the altar,
and then whisper a,
"Good night...".....and slowly tiptoe out the back locking the doors...

...until I see them the next morning glowing softly for Mangala arati....

So, Caitanya Mahāprabhu is very kind. Parama karuna, pahū dui jana. Two Lords, Nitāi-Gauracandra, Nityānanda Prabhu and Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu, They are very kind, you see? They have appeared just to reclaim the fallen souls of this age. So They are more kind than Krishna. Krishna, He is also very kind. He comes to deliver. But Kṛṣṇa demands that first of all surrender. Caitanya Mahāprabhu even does not demand surrender. He is so kind. (voice choking) So take shelter of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu and be happy. Thank you very much. (weeping) (end)

-Srila Prabhupada, Arrival Address, February 28, 1975, Atlanta, Georgia.

You made Prabhupada weep...will I ever gaze at your merciful eyes again? scrub the chandan off your feet?....

Good night…
→ Clouds.

It is funny how we devotees always can find something to occupy ourselves with. If I was a karmi, staying here at the ayurvedic center I would have left screaming for being bored out of my mind. Benefits of being a devotee, Radha rati mataji and me are occupying ourselves with singing kirtans, reading the Bhagavatam (we have an aim to finish the first canto before we leave) and generally exchanging our realizations.

Last night I was particularly lamenting on my separation from Panihati Dham and the deities there. Deity worship is something that I miss truly from the core of my heart. You have to be a pujari to know what I'm talking about....a pujari who has no deities at the moment to serve. A small temple like Panihati dham where during the weekdays, it is just you and the deities....prabhupad singing softly in the main temple room, there is so much bliss that it really hurts knowing that it is highly impossible for me to go back to that kind of service.

Prabhupad's bhajans are the most soothing sounds in this world. Getting absorbed in Prabhupad's deep voice, removing Panihati candra's mukut pieces, scrubbing gopi dots off of Madan mohan, giving jagannath some fresh water for the night, sweeping and mopping the altar with some eucalyptus oil.....

Bringing in their beds....tucking Krishna's flute under his pillow...

"agaccha sayana-sthanam priyabhih saha kesava divya-puspatya-sayyayam sukham vihara madhava"
"Now come, O Kesava, along with Your beloved Srimati Radharani and Her friends, to the bed covered with transcendental, aromatic flowers. Now happily enjoy Your pastimes, O Madhava."

and then chanting the respectful mantras for everyone else , switch off the lights on the altar,
and then whisper a,
"Good night...".....and slowly tiptoe out the back locking the doors...

...until I see them the next morning glowing softly for Mangala arati....

So, Caitanya Mahāprabhu is very kind. Parama karuna, pahū dui jana. Two Lords, Nitāi-Gauracandra, Nityānanda Prabhu and Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu, They are very kind, you see? They have appeared just to reclaim the fallen souls of this age. So They are more kind than Krishna. Krishna, He is also very kind. He comes to deliver. But Kṛṣṇa demands that first of all surrender. Caitanya Mahāprabhu even does not demand surrender. He is so kind. (voice choking) So take shelter of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu and be happy. Thank you very much. (weeping) (end)

-Srila Prabhupada, Arrival Address, February 28, 1975, Atlanta, Georgia.

You made Prabhupada weep...will I ever gaze at your merciful eyes again? scrub the chandan off your feet?....