Abhirama Thakura Disappearance
→ Ramai Swami

Shri Abhirama Gopal Thakura  was also known as Shri Rama Das. He was a great Devotee of Lord Nityananda.  On the order of Shri Nityananda Prabhu, he became a great acharya and preacher of Gaudiya Vaishnavism.

He was a very influential personality, and atheists and blasphemers were very much afraid of him. Empowered by Shri Nityananda Prabhu, he was always in ecstasy and was kind to all fallen souls. It is said that if he offered obeisances to any stone other than a shalagram-shila, it would immediately burst into pieces.

According to Gaura-Ganodesha-Dipika  (12) in Krishna-lila he was Shridama, one of the 12 prominent boy cowherd friends of Shri Krishna. He was Nityananda’s dear most devotee. Abhiram Gopal’s wife’s name was Shri Malini devi. 

Shri Abhirama Thakura had a bullwhip that was imbued with divine power. Its name was “Jayamangal.”  Whoever was struck with this whip became filled with Krishna prema.  One day Shrinivasa Acharya went to take darshan of Abhiram Gopala.  At that time, Abhiram Gopal touched him three times with Jayamangal.

The Thakur’s good wife, Malini, cried out, “My Lord! Do not touch him again. Calm yourself. Shrinivas is only a boy. If you touch him again he will lose consciousness.” As a result of coming in contact with the whip of Abhirama Thakura, Shrinivasa Acharya became filled with Shri Krishna prema. 

Ready to Come Back from Goloka
→ Dandavats

Ready to Come Back from Goloka. “Regarding your request for your deliverance from the clutches of Maya, please rest assured of being delivered, because we have captured the strong chain of disciplic succession. This chain is coming down from the highest platform, Krishna. Just like a rope comes down the well so that anyone whoRead More...
(This post has been viewed 15 times so far)

Sunday, April 17, 2022
→ The Walking Monk

Etobicoke, Toronto

Who Is Crazy?

Our very happy venture to Stratford came to a closure. My companions, Vallabha and Gabriel, and I arrived at the home of a sweet Ukrainian couple and their family. More chanting and feasting were featured here in the cozy setting with friends around. The group meets regularly.

The talking portion of the program was my responsibility and today’s topic was, “Who Is Crazy?” The theme here could sound like a loaded question but frankly the term ended up being the topic of an essay by our guru, Srila Prabhupada, decades ago. Most of us are familiar with the phrase.

Sometimes our orthodox followers of Vaishnava culture are considered “crazy” due to our radical rejection of common, pop-culture. The public has, at least in our North American past, labelled us as a dangerous cult because we do not follow society’s “norms.” We were judged as evil, due to our rejection of meat-eating, gambling, intoxication and casual sex policies.

So, I explained to our group in the home of Igor, that I personally was targeted for being crazy at age twenty, when I walked away from a promising career in the arts. I had one month to compete my first year in college when I abandoned it for the life of a monk. Now, that might be considered crazy since I was doing well in the program, but I had to go with my heart. The thing that made the most sense to me was the powerful message of the Bhagavat, which was related to one’s true identity. “I am not the body. I am spirit. I am meant to search and to serve.” That made total sense, compelling me to do the sanest thing I ever did in my life.

Monkism isn’t for everyone. However, it was a perfect fit for me. As for the question, “Who is crazy?” It is a relative question.

May the Source be with you!


Saturday, April 16, 2022
→ The Walking Monk

Stratford, Ontario

Another Easter Day

People with a Christian background hold this weekend as sacred. With our group from Brampton, we are keeping all events as fun and spiritual. In fact, at a Q and A session, a woman asked how I got involved in Krishna Consciousness, and so I tried capturing my past and admitting that Jesus had a lot to do with my finding Krishna. They are from the same family; in a spiritual sense.

This morning a wild bunny hopped along and stopped at my window. Not scared at all to see a moving monster (me), the rabbit just stood there adjusting his nose and then nibbling some grass. I thought it was interesting that rabbits have somewhat made their mark on the Easter weekend. However, I fail to see the connection between the obedient son of the Heavenly Father and a bunny rabbit.

We also engaged in meaningful kirtantoday, led by Mahadeva and Annapurna. The young boys here all learn mrdangadrum and they did come forward to blend in so well. In fact, there were games set up for the kids and, for the adults, a presentation was made on “cooking without fire.” To be honest, much of the Easter weekend for us bhakti yogiswas about chanting, ritual, and food.

Meanwhile, I continue with my physio therapies for a decent recovery. My medical support team is so helpful. It is hard for me to continue without their guidance. What they give, as well as being in the company of such a vibrant group from Brampton, all contributes to healing.

May the Source be with you!


The cure we all need
→ Dandavats

Do you feel the strong urge to do something to help our dear planet and fellow inhabitants? In these dire times, the world is looking for solutions but in the wrong places. The Srimad Bhagavatam provides answers and strength to transform ourselves and create a revolution. It is the panacea. The cure we all need.Read More...
(This post has been viewed 4 times so far)

The Lotus Foot Of Lord Vishnu (Album of photos)
→ Dandavats

Indradyumna Swami: An actual imprint of the lotus foot of Lord Vishnu has been worshipped in Gaya since Satya Yuga. Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu took initiation from Isvara Puri in front of this footprint. As Isvara Puri chanted the 10-syllable Gopal mantra into the right ear of Mahaprabhu, Lord Caitanya experienced His first symptoms of ecstacy.Read More...
(This post has been viewed 20 times so far)

Always remember Krishna!
→ Dandavats

“Always remember Krsna Who is your dearmost friend and always serve Him just to please Him, and He will give you all intelligence how to be a first-class devotee. Just try to learn all about Krsna, chant Hare Krsna, and you will be a great preacher of our Krsna Consciousness movement.” (Srila Prabhupada Letter, MarchRead More...
(This post has been viewed 13 times so far)

Minimising the reality
→ KKSBlog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 5 September 2021, Goloka Dhama, Germany, Srimad Bhagavatam 6.1.18)

We are just having fun, that is what life is all about. We do not suffer and if there is any suffering, then we make sure that there is maximum care. Someone may have one leg, but that is okay because we can give that person an electronic one. If someone has lost both legs, then no problem, we will give them two electronic legs. The point is that we attempt to turn everything in this material world into enjoyment. I mean, I would rather not lose my legs if I get to choose. Electronic legs are not the same. But you can still run on your electronic legs. So now that may sound like, “Well you know, it is nice that we are caring for people when they are suffering.” That is okay. Caring should be there, but at the same time, we are clearly trying to minimise the reality at every step. The reality is that we are suffering in the material world. So we have to go to the source of it and the source is karma. Karma means the reactions to our action. Therefore, when we change our actions, then eventually karma will also change.

The article " Minimising the reality " was published on KKSBlog.

Professors help with book distribution
→ Dandavats

At a university in Los Angeles, a student with a walker came straight away to my book table and declared, “I know the Bhagavad-gita, and let me tell you this is not a book of rainbows and fairy tales. Arjuna wanted to save the bodies of his family members. He did not know that KrishnaRead More...
(This post has been viewed 18 times so far)

A super favorable scientist from China
→ Dandavats

It was a little quiet at my book table, so I was reading a verse from the Gita for inspiration. And then I hear someone saying, “Haribol! Haribol!“ I looked up. It was this super-favourable scientist and gentleman named Leo, from China. He met devotees 25 years ago in Shanghai and became a vegetarian. DevoteesRead More...
(This post has been viewed 2 times so far)

Who is Srimati Radharani
→ Dandavats

“Srimati Radharani is as fully spiritual as Krishna. No one should consider Her to be material. She is definitely not like the conditioned souls, who have mental bodies, gross and subtle, covered by material senses. She is all-spiritual, and both Her body and mind are of the same spiritual embodiment. Because Her body is spiritual,Read More...
(This post has been viewed 6 times so far)

Friday, April 15, 2022
→ The Walking Monk

Stratford, Ontario

To Shakespeare’s Town

Before the two-hour trip to Shakespeare’s town, my family doctor, Dr. Juta, kindly took the time to come down and remove the operation’s steel staples from the knee. The first pull from the bottom staple triggered an incredible tingling sensation. From thereafter the rest were a cinch.

The doctor’s recommendation to Gabriel, our driver, was “take a break in the middle of the drive. Give Maharaja (me) a chance to stretch.” And so, we did. We veered off in New Hamburg and went for a walk at the Oak Grove Cheese Factory, by Nith River.

The wind was strong. There will always be some God present in one’s daily affairs.

Interestingly, Shakespeare does reference Roman or Greek gods from time to time and does make mention of the singular (Christian) God. In his famous Romeo and Juliet, he speaks of the word “love,” naturally, and the word “hate” also gets kicked around. “Here’s much to do with love but more with hate;” “my only love sprung from my only hate.”

Regardless, our group did not intend to see a Shakespeare drama in Stratford. Krishna devotees from Brampton arrived, as we did, at Quality Inn to engage in kirtan, prasada, and a game of charades. People speak of a sixth wave of Covid, but the mood these days is to not stay away. On expensive petrol, people are prepared to drive somewhere and fun-it-up for this long Easter weekend.

May the Source be with you!


Thursday, April 14, 2022
→ The Walking Monk

243 Ave. Rd., Toronto

Some Milestones

My right knee is healing well, so I put it to the test. It was approaching midnight. I was restless and, in a way, to execute some physio therapy, I thought to go down two flights of stairs and look around to the last round of renovations being completed. I’m personally excited about having those renos done. I’m counting the days when we cut the ribbon for this new training area called “Bhakti Academy.”

I descended the stairs with my ice pack on the bad knee, the left one. I looked around and can express how good it’s all going to be. Here was my chance to undo the ice-pack and place it in the ice compartment of the basement fridge.

The clock was about to strike the turn of a new day and I thought, “Let me get back to my telephone station to click for Amazon our entry of the new book, “The Saffron Road,” which highlights the events of my walking culture. Click! There we go! Submitted for publication.

Meanwhile, Gayatri, from Montreal, was trying to reach me by phone. I picked up. She addresses me as “Maharaj” and asked if she could apply her Reiki method. “Which knee is it?”

“I’ll take care of it!” she said assertively, even though she’s a six-hour drive away. Hopefully her treatment will make a difference.

One more milestone/achievement for the day is the wrapping up of a short film promotion for “The Embassy.” It will require submitting to film festivals.

May the Source be with you!



→ Dandavats

ISKCON RELIEF FOR UKRAINE Week 7 ISKCON Relief – Figures Devotees from Europe and even other parts of the world have tirelessly continued their sincere endeavors to help devotees and refugees from Ukraine to find shelter, care and support. The following figures are for week 7. Food For Life – Prasadam Distribution for Week 7Read More...
(This post has been viewed 10 times so far)

The Chariot of the Mind by Govinda Dasa
→ Traveling Monk


I have arrived in Sridam Mayapur for a one-week visit.


śrī-vigraha-guṇa-gaṇa kari gāne


anubhavi kata bhela prema-taraṅgī

By drinking the nectarean honey of the lotus feet of Sri Gaura, by singing the glories of Sri Gaura’s deity, by listening to the instructions of Sri Gaura, and by associating with devotees who follow his instructions, so many fortunate individuals experienced the joyous waves of Prema.

re mana! kāhe karasi anutāpe

pahuṁka pratāpa-mantra karu jāpe

O mind! Why do you keep burning repeatedly in the fire of worldliness? Simply keep chanting the mantra of your dear Lord.

yo kichu vicāri mano-rathe caḍabi

pahuṁka caraṇa-yuga sārathi karabi

Think carefully about the ultimate aim of your life and then climb on the chariot of the [purified] mind. Make the feet of Lord Gaura your charioteer.

ratha-rohana karu prāṇa-turaṅga

āśā-pāśa jori naha bhaṅga

Engage your five life-airs (prāṇa, apāna, udāna, vayāna and samāna) as the five horses driving this chariot. Let āśā, the hope of attaining the Lord, be the strong rope controlling these horses so that the chariot may never break down.

līlā-jaladhi tīre calu dhāī

prema-taraṅge aṅga avagāī

Using this chariot, go quickly towards the shore of the unlimited ocean of the Lord’s loving pastimes. Having reached there, bathe thoroughly in the waves of this ocean of Prema.

rasa-taraṅgī saṅgī hari-dāse

rati-maṇi deī puraba abhilāṣe

In this ocean, you will swim along with other servants of Hari who are delighting in the waves of bhakti-rasa. These servants of Hari will fetch you the rare jewel of Prema from the depths of this ocean and will thus fulfill your most cherished desire.

so rasa-jaladhi mājhe maṇi-geha

tahiṁ rahu gori suśyāmera deha

In the middle of that ocean of bhakti-rasa is a house decorated with precious jewels in which brilliant complexioned Radha and dark-complexioned Syam reside.

sārathi leī milāyaba tāya

govinda-dāsa gaura-guṇa gāya

The charioteer, Lord Gaura’s lotus feet, will help you meet these two, Radha and Shyam. It is for this reason that Govinda Das sings the glories of Gaura.

[ The Chariot of the Mind,

By the medieval poet, Govinda Dasa

from Vaiṣṇava-padāvalī, fourth edition ]

A Gloria
→ Dandavats

All glory to Lord Krsna, Govinda, the Supreme Godhead! Glory to His eternal blissful spiritual youthful body! Glory to Him who is the origin and prime cause of all! Glory to Gokula, His supernal abode! Glory to the lotus of a thousand petals sprung from a part of His infinitude! Glory, all glory to SrimatiRead More...
(This post has been viewed 3 times so far)

Vedic Evidence and The Scientific Conclusion
→ Dandavats

My Dear Dr. Bigelow: Please accept my greetings. Recently I have read an article in the Gazette by Rae Corelli entitled “Heart Surgeon Wants to Know What a Soul Is,” and it was very interesting. Your comments show great insight, and so I thought to write you on this matter. Perhaps you may know thatRead More...
(This post has been viewed 7 times so far)

Heart Surgeon Wants To Know What A Soul Is
→ Dandavats

WINDSOR A world-famous Canadian heart surgeon says he believes the body has a soul which departs at death and theologians ought to try to find out more about it. Dr. Wilfred G. Bigelow, head of the cardio-vascular surgery unit at Toronto General Hospital, said that “as a person who believes there is a soul” heRead More...
(This post has been viewed 7 times so far)

The Perfection of Consciousness
→ Dandavats

by Karandhara Dasa Krsna consciousness means God consciousness. We all have consciousness or awareness, but of what are we aware? For example, if you are pinched you will feel it that is consciousness. In our normal everyday activities we are conscious of so many things like our stomach, our dress, our relationship with others, andRead More...
(This post has been viewed 34 times so far)

Our eternal personal relationship of love of Krsna
→ Dandavats

“We are all originally situated on the platform of Krsna consciousness in our eternal personal relationship of love of Krsna. But due to forgetfulness we become familiar with the material world or Maya. As soon as one chants the Hare Krsna Mantra with sincerity and without offense (you know there are ten kinds of offensesRead More...
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→ Dandavats

Govardhan Ecovillage, a project of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, is a holy place of pilgrimage or Dhama – The holy abode of Lord Krishna. We are committed to practicing and sharing the lifestyle based on devotional principles of Bhakti coming in the lineage of -The Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition. (This post has been viewedRead More...
(This post has been viewed 12 times so far)

ISKCON Relief for Ukraine

Week 14, June 8th, 2022 ISKCON Relief – Figures Devotees from Europe, as well as other parts of the world, have tirelessly continued their sincere endeavour to help devotees from Ukraine to find shelter, care, and support. The following figures are for week 14 of this devotee care/relief effort. ISKCON Relief –  Food Distribution, Week […]

The post ISKCON Relief for Ukraine appeared first on ISKCON News.

Heaven X, Former No 1 Book Distributor Becomes Hip Hop Artist

Jaya Chaitanya Das with BBT books   Jaya Chaitanya Das, the former number one book distributor in North America is back on the scene after two years, this time with his new hip hop album.  His first single is set to release on April 29, 2022, and an exciting trailer has just been released.   […]

The post Heaven X, Former No 1 Book Distributor Becomes Hip Hop Artist appeared first on ISKCON News.

Prabhupada Mayapur Quotes

The TOVP Communications Department has collected a large number of Srila Prabhupada’s known quotes relating to the Mayapur project and the TOVP taken from lectures, conversations, morning walks, his books, and other books. It covers a wide range of topics and illustrates how important and dear ISKCON Mayapur, the World Headquarters of the Hare Krishna […]

The post Prabhupada Mayapur Quotes appeared first on ISKCON News.

#GivingToNrsimha 12 Day Fundraiser, May 3-15:

The #GivingToNrsimha 12 Day Matching Fundraiser is scheduled for May 3 (Akshaya Tritiya) – May 15 (Nrsimha Caturdasi – India time). This is an opportunity to help complete Lord Nrsimhadeva’s TOVP wing so we can open it in 2023 as part of the TOVP 2024 Marathon. Ambarisa Prabhu is generously matching a total of $250,000, […]

The post #GivingToNrsimha 12 Day Fundraiser, May 3-15: appeared first on ISKCON News.

Sri Vamsivadananda Thakura Appearance
→ Ramai Swami

On the Caitra Purnima, the full moon day of the month of Caitra, Sri Vamsivadananda Thakura took birth within this world. It was a sweet moon in 1466, and everyone sang in great joy at the appearance of such a great soul.

It was in the house of Sri Madhava dasa that Vamsivadananda Thakura took birth. His mother’s name was Srimati Candrakaladevi. Vamsivadananda Thakura is the avatara of Krsna’s flute. The day that he took birth, Caitanya Mahaprabhu was staying in the house of Sri Madhava dasa.  Advaita acarya Prabhu was also present.

After the disappearance of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Vamsivadananda Thakura was engaged as a servant by Visnupriya devi. It is said that he became the foremost recipient of her mercy.  After the disappearance of Visnupriya devi he took the Mahaprabhu deity established by her to Koladwipa which is presently the town known as Nabadwipa dhama. There he established the worship of the Mahaprabhu deity.

Vamsivadananda Thakura was a lyrical poet and a composer of songs. All his songs are especially sweet and mellow and express deep moods of devotion. In one famous song he has expressed the separation felt by Mother Saci upon the sannyasa of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Vamsivadananda Thakura has also composed songs about Krsna’s dana-lila, nauka-vilasa,  and vana-vihara-lila.

How to please the Lord
→ Dandavats

The Lord is very satisfied with His devotee when the devotee greets other people with tolerance, compassion, friendship, and equality. Srila Prabhupada’s translation of Srimad-Bhagavatam 4.11.13 (spoken by Svayambhuva Manu) (This post has been viewed 5 times so far)Read More...
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H.H. Jayapataka Swami Lights the TOVP Victory Torch to Launch the 2024 Marathon
- TOVP.org

We are very pleased to announce that on April 12, 2022, on the occasion of his 73rd Vyasa Puja, His Holiness Jayapataka Swami lit the TOVP Victory Torch and officially launched the TOVP 2024 Marathon to open the TOVP in 2024 and relocate our beloved Mayapur Deities into Their new home.

Having dedicated his entire life to the development of the ISKCON Mayapur project in the service of ISKCON Founder-Acharya Srila Prabhupada, Jayapataka Maharaja is eager to see the opening of the TOVP in 2024, and its ultimate completion soon thereafter. During the 3-day celebration of his 73rd Vyasa Puja from April 11-13, he personally lit and displayed the TOVP Victory Torch toflag off the official launch of the TOVP 2024 Marathon.

In conjunction with this auspicious ceremony and launch, Braja Vilasa prabhu held a live fundraiser promoting the new Prabhupada Paschatya Desha Tarine Medallions commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Srila Prabhupada’s receiving the order from Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati to preach in the Western world. The response was overwhelming and many medallions were sponsored to help raise funds for the completion of the Nrsimha Temple Wing of the TOVP by 2023.

This is a crucial time as we run the last lap of the race to open the TOVP in 2024 and relocate our beloved Mayapur Deities into Their new home. Srila Prabhupada sits in his room in the TOVP now awaiting that historic moment in ISKCON’s progress and in the future of the sankirtan movement.

We wish to also announce the #GivingToNrsimha 12 Day Matching Fundraiser from May 3 (Akshaya Tritiya) – May 15 (Nrsimha Caturdasi) to further raise funds for the completion of Lord Nrsimha’s Temple Wing, and in honor of our beloved Pankajanghri prabhu who left our vision one year ago. Ambarisa prabhu is generously matching a total of $250,000. Several new sponsorship opportunities are available or you can give a general donation of any amount, or make a pledge payment. Every donation will be matched dollar for dollar.




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