Braja Vilasa Speaks About the TOVP 2024 Marathon and #GivingToNrsimha 12 Day Matching Fundraiser: May 3 (Akshaya Tritiya) – May 15 (Nrsimha Caturdasi)

In this video Braja Vilasa prabhu speaks about the importance of the TOVP 2024 Marathon in order to open the TOVP in 2024 and relocate our beloved Mayapur Deities into Their new home. This is the final lap of the race to open the TOVP and we want every devotee to help win this race. Our motto is, WE RUN, YOU WIN! You win because Srila Prabhupada said you will go back to Godhead:

“If you all build this temple, Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur will personally come and take you all back to Godhead.”

Srila Prabhupada to Giriraja Swami

A major step towards that is the completion and opening of the Nrsimhadeva Temple Wing in 2023, and to accomplish this we are focusing our annual 12-day matching fundraiser on raising funds for this purpose.

The #GivingToNrsimha 12 Day Matching Fundraiser will give an opportunity to every devotee to participate financially according to their ability in the completion of Lord Nrsimhadeva’s altar and temple wing, and by doing so also honor His dear servant Sriman Pankajanghri prabhu who left our vision one year ago. Ambarisa prabhu is doubling his commitment to this fundraiser and will match dollar for dollar every donation up to a total of $250,000. Why not double your commitment to the TOVP also?

There are several sponsorship options including the popular Nrsimha Brick, inscribed with your name and placed under Nrsimhadeva’s altar, the Prabhupada Paschatya Desha Tarine Medallion, the Prabhupada Award and the Prabhupada/TOVP Trophy, as well as a General Donation option for one-time donations and pledge payments.

Take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime, historic seva opportunity today or between May 3 (Akshaya Tritiya) – May 15 (Nrsimha Caturdasi). Visit the #GivingToNrsimha 12 Day Matching Fundraiser page on the TOVP website.

If you need assistance with making a donation, please email us at:


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Akshaya Tritiya is coming!

Akshaya means complete, never ending and eternal or that which never deteriorates. Akshaya Tritiya is celebrated on the third day of the bright fortnight in the month of Vaishakha (vaisakha-sukla-paksa-tritiya). This day is considered to be most auspicious for starting a new venture. This day also yields unlimited spiritual credit for charitable activities that not […]

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Be a dhira
→ Dandavats

“A dhīra is one who is not disturbed by material illusion. No one can be undisturbed unless he is perfectly spiritually realized, at which time one neither hankers nor laments for anything. A dhīra realizes that the material body and mind he has acquired by chance through material association are but foreign elements; therefore heRead More...
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No ordinary devotees
→ KKSBlog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 8 April 2022, Durban, South Africa, Zoom Disciple Meeting)

There are no ordinary devotees. Everyone in this movement is empowered. Everyone has purchased Krsna to an extent and Krsna never fails to notice the smallest service done.

Everyone in this movement is becoming empowered. There are no ordinary devotees. Devotees by definition are empowered. There are some who are more empowered, but everyone is empowered. Everyone has purchased Krsna to an extent. Krsna is known as acyuta. Acyuta means that He is infallible. He never fails to notice the smallest service that we are doing.

Watch the full lecture below or on our YouTube channel here:

The article " No ordinary devotees " was published on KKSBlog.

Report of Krsna Balaram Shobha Yatra celebrated in Himachal Pradesh
→ Dandavats

Śrī Śrī Kṛṣṇa Balarāma Śobhā-Yātrā Celebrations in Himachal Pradesh Aseem Krsna Das In the Brahma-saṁhitā, Lord Brahmā glorifies the Supreme Lord’s residence, Goloka, as a place where every word is a song and every gait a dance, where the soil is purpose gem and all water is nectar. Such a place is ever blissful andRead More...
(This post has been viewed 14 times so far)

Becoming a Great Soul, April 24, Houston
Giriraj Swami

“In devotional service there are certain activities which are called determined, such as fasting on certain days, like the eleventh day of the moon, Ekadasi, and on the appearance day of the Lord. All these rules and regulations are offered by the great acharyas for those who are actually interested in getting admission into the association of the Supreme Personality of Godhead in the transcendental world. The mahatmas, great souls, strictly observe all these rules and regulations, and therefore they are sure to achieve the desired result.” (Gita 9.14 purport)

Bhagavad-gita 9.14 (Right click to download)

Associating with Cows Brings One to the Mode of Goodness, April 24, Bhakti Urban Farm, Houston
Giriraj Swami

The cow stands with tears in her eyes, the sudra milkman draws milk from the cow artificially, and when there is no milk, the cow is sent to be slaughtered. These greatly sinful acts are responsible for all the troubles in present society. People do not know what they are doing in the name of economic development. The influence of Kali will keep them in the darkness of ignorance. Despite all endeavors for peace and prosperity, they must try to see the cows and the bulls happy in all respects. Foolish people do not know how one earns happiness by making the cows and bulls happy, but it is a fact by the law of nature. Let us take it from the authority of Srimad-Bhagavatam and adopt the principles for the total happiness of humanity. (Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.17.3 purport)

Krsna consciousness means to be always remembering Krsna in some way or other
→ Dandavats

“We are all originally situated on the platform of Krsna consciousness in our eternal personal relationship of love of Krsna. But due to forgetfulness we become familiar with the material world or Maya. As soon as one chants the Hare Krsna Mantra with sincerity and without offense (you know there are ten kinds of offensesRead More...
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New Dwaraka Sankirtan
→ Dandavats

The legendary Bhrgupati Prabhu, the “deliverer of the 3 worlds” give mercy to all jivas! Bhrgupati Prabhu and new Bhakta Emile (see photo for before and after) distributed a Srimad Bhagavatam set at a Long Beach University. The guy came back to our book table and bought a Caitanya Caritamrta set also! Awesome day! BirthdayRead More...
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A charity walk to raise more funds for Ukraine
→ Dandavats

A charity walk was organised by the combined efforts of Bhativedanta Manor and the Lotus Trust  to raise more funds. The walk took place  Sunday 24th April from the Krishna Avanti Primary School on Camrose Avenue in Edgware, and reach Bhaktivedanta Manor  near Watford by about 12.30pm. The route was 6 miles long and thereRead More...
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My homage to Pankajanghri Prabhu
→ Dandavats

Ananda Tirtha das: The heart of any community is not its buildings, however grand; not even in Mayapur, despite the grandest building being raised before our eyes. Mayapur’s heart is not limited to even just the Deities, central though they are and worshipped and loved by all. The real beating heart is the residents, mostRead More...
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Srila Vrindavan Das Thakura Disappearance
→ Ramai Swami

vedavyaso ya evasid daso vrindavano’dhuna

sakha yah kusumapidah karyatas tam samavishat

Vedavyasa became Vrindavan Das Thakur. Krishna’s friend Kusumapida also entered into him for special purposes. (Gaura-ganoddesha-dipika 109)

Vedavyasa described Krishna-lila in the Srimad Bhagavatam. Non-different from Vyasa, Vrindavan Das described Mahaprabhu’s lila in his Chaitanya Bhagavat. His book was first called Chaitanya Mangala, but when Locana Das gave the same name to his biography of the Lord, it was dubbed “Chaitanya Bhagavat”.

Vrindavan Das’s Mother, Narayani

Vrindavan Das was born on the Krishna-dvadashi of the month of Vaishakh in 1429 of the Shaka era (1507 AD). Some say he was born in Mamgachi in the Nabadwip area, others say his birthplace was in Kumarahatta. His father was Vaikunthanatha Vipra, who originally came from Sylhet (Sylhet), his mother Narayani Devi. Narayani was the daughter of Srivasa Pandit’s elder brother, Shrinalina Pandit. Kavi Karnapura has also mentioned her name in his Gaura-ganoddesha-dipika:

ambikayah svasa yasin namna shrila-kilimbika

krishnocchishtam prabhuïjana seyam narayani mata

Kilimbika, who used to eat Krishna’s remnants, was the younger sister of Krishna’s nurse Ambika (Srivasa’s wife, Malini). In Mahaprabhu’s lila, she became Narayani.

Narayani also achieved fame because she received Gaurasundara’s mercy when he gave her his remnants. When the Lord displayed his divine form in the Mahaprakasha in Srivasa Angan, Narayani was only a small child of four, but the Lord made her intoxicated with the ecstasy of prema. Whether born in Mamagachi or in Kumarahatta, Vrindavan Das later lived in the village of Denuria, within the Matreshvara precinct of Burdwan district.

Thus Denuria is considered to be his Shripata. He spent some of his childhood with his mother in Mamagachi, at the home of his maternal grandparents where Narayani was married. Vrindavan Das’s Gaura-Nitai deities are still worshiped at the Mamagachi home. When his father died, he and his mother moved to Srivasa’s house where he received Mahaprabhu’s special blessings.

Because of the copious blessings he received from Nityananda Prabhu, Vrindavan Das is said to have been his initiated disciple.

Vrindavan Das is the recipient of Nityananda’s blessings. He is the original Vyasa of Chaitanya’s pastimes. (Chaitanya Charitamrita 3.20.82)

He wrote Chaitanya Bhagavat in 1535 AD.

Vrindavan Das Thakur’s disappearance day is the Krishna Dashami of Vaishakh. There is some dispute as to the exact year of his disappearance, which was likely 1511 Shaka (1589 AD).

A short statement on the philosophy of Krsna Consciousness
→ Dandavats

The International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) is a worldwide community of devotees practicing bhakti-yoga, the eternal science of loving service to God. The Society was founded in 1966 by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, a pure devotee of God representing an unbroken chain of spiritual masters originating with Lord Krsna Himself.Read More...
(This post has been viewed 15 times so far)

Proprietor, Friend, and Enjoyer
→ Dandavats

So knowledge means to know only that Krishna is the Proprietor of everything, that Krishna is the Friend of everyone, and that Krishna is the Enjoyer of everything. These three things: Proprietor, Friend, and Enjoyer. If somebody knows this, he is actually wise. Therefore because the devotee always knows this, he is more superior personRead More...
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The TOVP 2024 Marathon – Final lap of the Race

Despite delays due to the coronavirus pandemic which have set back our plans to open the TOVP by two years, we are now moving full the steam ahead to open the TOVP and relocate our beloved Mayapur Deities into Their new home in 2024. The TOVP 2024 Marathon is the final lap of this race which started in 2008, and the Grand Finale will be a 3-month long celebration of immense proportions.

Our marathon slogan is, “We Run, You Win!”. We do all the work of building the temple and YOU win, because Srila Prabhupada said whoever helps build this temple will go back to Godhead:

“If you all build this temple, Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur will personally come and take you all back to Godhead.”

Srila Prabhupada to Giriraja Swami

The TOVP is undoubtedly ISKCON’s greatest project to date as per Srila Prabhupada’s own vision. From this flagship temple at the birthplace of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Krishna prema will flood the world, and all the satellite temples of ISKCON will derive sustenance and power to fulfill that purpose. It is really no ordinary temple.

The TOVP 2024 Marathon was officially launched by His Holiness Jayapataka Swami during his 73rd Vyasa Puja celebration on April 12, and offers several new sponsorship opportunities. It’s also a time to complete pledges previously made. All these seva opportunities provide us with the funds we need to continue construction.

The first opportunity to participate is coming from May 3 (Akshaya Tritiya) – May 15 (Nrsimha Caturdasi) during the #GivingToNrsimha 12 Day Matching Fundraiser to complete and open Lord Nrsimhadeva’s Temple Wing in 2023. We have dedicated this fundraiser to Pankajanghri prabhu, Lord Nrsimha’s great servitor, who left our vision one year ago.

All the new seva options such as Prabhupada Medallions, Prabhupada Awards and the TOVP/Prabhupada Trophy, along with Nrsimha Bricks, are available to sponsor. And Ambarisa prabhu has increased his personal commitment by doubling his total matched amount to $250,000. Let’s all double our commitments also.

Visit the #GivingToNrsimha 12 Day Matching Fundraiser page today or during the campaign and make a donation, large or small, or sponsor one of the options mentioned above.

We thank you for your continued support and service to the TOVP. Hare Krishna!



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“…Regarding your request for your deliverance from the clutches of Maya”
→ Traveling Monk

Возможно, это изображение 1 человек

“Regarding your request for your deliverance from the clutches of Maya, please rest assured of being delivered, because we have captured the strong chain of disciplic succession. This chain is coming down from the highest platform, Krishna. Just like a rope comes down the well so that anyone who may catch the rope from any position is sure to be delivered, so our aim should be to not give up the rope. We must capture the rope very tightly. Then our deliverance is assured.

So far as I am concerned, in relationship with my disciples who are so kindly cooperating with me in the matter of my rendering service to my Spiritual Master, for them I am always ready to come back from Goloka Vrindavan if they are not delivered along with me. So don’t be worried about the clutches of Maya. Be fixed up in your determination and go on serving the Supreme Lord, Krishna, with determination as you are already doing.”

[ Srila Prabhupada Letter, November 15, 1969 ]

ISKCON Toronto Launches Canada’s First Bhakti Academy

In 2008, devotees founded the Bhakti Academy in Gainesville, Florida. This live-in space facilitates students to learn and practice bhakti-yoga while in many cases continuing their university studies. Since its inception, over 250 students have attended the Academy and many have made a formal commitment to Krishna consciousness and are actively involved in ISKCON full-time […]

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Global Puja for Ukraine

On April 3rd, 2022 an international event took place for a worldwide puja invoking the blessings from Lord Nrisimhadeva’s divine protection towards the devastating conflict happening in Ukraine. This conflict has affected the lives of thousands of Ukrainians and the number is growing every day. The conflict is not only affecting Ukrainians but is affecting […]

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New Book Launch- From Milwaukee To Mayapur

This is the extraordinary journey of Gordon “Jay” Erdman, a brilliant young American student who became Jayapataka Swami, a global spiritual leader. Beautifully written by Steven J Rosen (Satyaraja Das), this is the untold story of a person who has circled the globe over the last 5 decades, faced numerous challenges, and is a shining […]

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Vrindavan Garden in Mayapur

Vrindavan Garden in Mayapur is a project where we hope to offer visitors, and residents an opportunity to experience Vrindavan Dham within Mayapur Dham; revealing Krsna’s pastimes; its connection to Mahaprabhu, the 6 Goswamis, and Srila Prabhupada. To deepen visitors’ understanding of Krsna’s childhood pastimes, and to present Krsna Lila in a fun, educational way […]

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Walking for Ukraine
→ Dandavats

Walking for Ukraine A charity walk has been organised by the combined efforts of Bhativedanta Manor and the Lotus Trust to raise more funds. The walk will begin at 9:00 AM on Sunday 24th April 2022 from the Krishna Avanti Primary School on Camrose Avenue in Edgware, and reach Bhaktivedanta Manor near Watford by aboutRead More...
(This post has been viewed 2 times so far)

Varuthini Ekadasi and the TOVP, 2022

Varuthini Ekadasi falls in the dark fortnight (Krishna paksha) of the month of Vaisakha. On the day of Varuthini Ekadasi, devotees worship and offer prayers to Lord Vamana the incarnation of Lord Vishnu. In the literal sense, Varuthini means ‘protected’ and thus the devotees get protected from various negativities and evils by observing Varuthini Ekadashi.

This Ekadasi is the last prior to Akshaya Tritiya (May 3) which is also the launch date of the #GivingToNrsimha 12 Day Matching Fundraiser to raise funds for the completion and opening of Lord Nrsimhadeva’s Temple Wing in the TOVP in 2023. Click on the link above to find out more.

  NOTE: Varuthini Ekadasi is observed on April 26 worldwide. Please refer to your local calendar through

  View, download and share the TOVP 2022 Calendar​.


The Glories of Varuthini Ekadasi

From the Bhavishya Purana

Sri Yudhisthira Maharaj said, “Oh Vasudeva, I offer my most humble obeisances unto You. Please now describe to me the Ekadasi of the dark fortnight (krishna paksha) of the month of Vaisakha (April-May), including its specific merits and influence.”

Lord Sri Krishna replied, “Oh King, in this world and the next, the most auspicious and magnanimous Ekadasi is Varuthini Ekadasi, which occurs during the dark fortnight of the month of Vaisakha. Whosoever observes a complete fast on this sacred day has his sins completely removed, obtains continuous happiness, and achieves all good fortune.

Fasting on Varuthini Ekadasi makes even an unfortunate woman fortunate.

Upon anyone who observes it, this Ekadasi bestows material enjoyment in this life and liberation after the death of this present body. It destroys the sins of all and saves people from the miseries of repeated rebirth.

“By observing this Ekadasi properly, King Mandhata was liberated. Many other kings also benefited from observing it, kings such as Maharaja Dhundhumara, in the Ikshvaku dynasty, who became free from leprosy resulting from the curse that Lord Shiva had imposed upon him as a punishment.

“Whatever merit one obtains by performing austerities and penances for ten thousand years is achieved by a person who observes Varuthini Ekadasi.
The merit one achieves by donating a great amount of gold during a solar eclipse at Kurukshetra is gained by one who observes this one Ekadasi with love and devotion, and certainly attains his goals in this life and the next.

“In short, this Ekadasi is pure and very enlivening and the destroyer of all sins.

Better than giving horses in charity is giving elephants, and better than giving elephants is giving land. But better still than giving land is the giving of sesame seeds, and better than that is giving of gold. Still better than giving gold is giving food grains for all the forefathers, demigods (devas), and human beings become satisfied by eating grains. Thus, there is no better gift of charity than this in the past, present or future.

“Yet learned scholars have declared that giving away a young maiden in marriage to a worthy person is equal to giving away food grains in charity. Moreover, Lord Sri Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, has said that giving cows in charity is equal to giving food grains. Still better than all these charities is teaching spiritual knowledge to the ignorant. Yet all the merits one can attain by performing all these acts of charity are attained by one who fasts on the Varuthini Ekadasi.

“One who lives off the wealth of his daughters suffers a hellish condition until the inundation of the entire universe, Oh Bharata. Therefore one should be especially careful not to use the wealth of his daughter.

Oh best of kings, any householder who takes his daughter’s wealth out of greed, who tries to sell his daughter, or who takes money from the man to whom he has given his daughter in marriage, such a householder becomes a lowly cat in his next life.

“Therefore it is said that whoever, as a sacred act of charity, gives away in marriage a maiden decorated with various ornaments, and who also gives a dowry with her, obtains merit that cannot be described even by Chitragupta, the chief secretary of Yamaraja in the heavenly planets. That very same merit, however, can be easily achieved by one who fasts on the Varuthini Ekadasi.

“The following things should be given up on the Dashami, (the tenth phase of the Moon), the day before the Ekadasi:
Eating on bell-metal plates, eating any kind of urad-dahl, eating red-lentils, eating chick-peas, eating kondo (a grain that is primarily eaten by poor people and that resembles poppy seeds or agarpanthas seeds), eating spinach, eating honey, eating in another person’s house/home, eating more than once, and participating in sex of any kind.

“On the Ekadasi itself one should give up the following:

Gambling, sports, sleeping during the daytime, betal nuts and its leaf, brushing one’s teeth, spreading rumors, faultfinding, talking to the spiritually fallen, anger, and lying.

“On the Dwadasi the day after Ekadasi (the twelfth phase of the Moon), one should give up the following:

Eating on bell-metal plates, eating urad-dahl, red-lentils, or honey, lying, strenuous exercise or labor, eating more than once, any sexual activity, shaving the body, face or head, smearing oils on one’s body, and eating in another’s home.”

Lord Sri Krishna continued, “Whoever observes the Varuthini Ekadasi in this way becomes free from all sinful reactions and returns to the eternal, spiritual abode.

One who worships Lord Janardana (Krishna) on this Ekadasi by staying awake throughout the entire night, also becomes free from all his previous sins and attains to the spiritual abode.

“Therefore, Oh king, he who is frightened of his accumulated sins and their attendant reactions, and thus of death itself, must observe Varuthini Ekadasi by fasting very strictly.

Finally, Oh noble Yudhisthira, he who hears or reads this glorification of the sacred Varuthini Ekadasi obtains the merit earned by donating one thousand cows in charity, and at last he returns home, to the Supreme abode of Lord Vishnu in the Vaikunthas.

Thus ends the narration of the glories of Varuthini Ekadasi from the Bhavishya Purana.

This article has been used courtesy of ISKCON Desire Tree



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Earth Day
Giriraj Swami

Today being Earth Day, I thought of a prayer that resonated with me in my youth: “The earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. For He has founded it on the seas, and established it on the floods. Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord, or who shall stand in His holy place? He that has clean hands, and a pure heart; who has not lifted up his soul to vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive the blessing from the Lord.” (Psalm 24:1–5)

Later, when I met Srila Prabhupada, I came across a verse spoken by the Lord Himself, Krishna, which confirmed and expanded the same principle: “A person in full consciousness of Me, knowing Me to be the ultimate beneficiary of all sacrifices and austerities, the Supreme Lord of all planets and demigods, and the benefactor and well-wisher of all living entities, attains peace from the pangs of material miseries.” (Bhagavad-gita 5.29)

How, then, should we deal with the earth and its resources? “Everything animate or inanimate that is within the universe is controlled and owned by the Lord. One should therefore accept only those things necessary for himself, which are set aside as his quota, and one should not accept other things, knowing well to whom they belong.” (Isopanisad 1)

Thus one should be happy and satisfied in Krishna (God) consciousness.

Hare Krishna.

Tuesday, April 19, 2022
→ The Walking Monk

243 Ave. Rd., Toronto

The Embassy Film Coming Soon

My assistant with the plays, Dhruv Patel, has begun to submit our short film, “The Embassy,” to film festivals. I am anticipating that there will be takers to this production, which is well acted and overall well-assembled with camera and lighting.

The film is about the dialogue between Krishna and Duryodhan. It is an interesting character study about two persons so diametrically opposed. The play on mind games is fascinating.

The script is rich. Playwright, Bhasa, was committed to a language of class. In his time, centuries ago, all was written in Sanskrit. A smart translation in English was rendered by A.C. Woolner and Lakshman Sarup. As a sample, Krishna, who comes into Duryodhan’s palace, does a quick assessment and explains His purpose:

“At the bidding of Yudhisthira, and from true friendship with Arjuna, I have taken on today the thankless role of envoy to Duryodhan, so overbearing in war and catching at what one has not said.”

The unaccommodating Duryodhan addresses his friend; remarking about Krishna’s entrance:

“Karna, my comrade – Black-hearted Krishna has come here today as an envoy, like a hireling at the Pandava’s behest. Prepare thine ears friend Karna, to hear the words of Yudhisthira, gentle as a woman’s.”

The language is rich and worth viewing. I’m proud of this production. Enjoy the one-minute trailer. The film will be released soon.

May the Source be with you!



ISKCON Launches Global Environmental Initiative Local Volunteers Needed

April 22—Aligned with the world celebration of Earth Day 2022, ISKCON is launching a global environmental initiative to assist local temples, communities, and families in better ‘walking our talk” by living more environmentally conscious and sustainable lifestyles. “Many devotees think that because we’re strict vegetarians, we’ve done all we need to do for the environment,” […]

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Do not waste any time
→ Dandavats

“Do not waste any time, but work always to please Krishna within your heart. He is witnessing everything. He only wants us to constantly remember Him. Is it very difficult?” (Srila Prabhupada Letter, August 21, 1975) (This post has been viewed 8 times so far)Read More...
(This post has been viewed 8 times so far)

Share Your Care: Helping Ukrainian Devotees

Under the guidance of Niranjana Swami, Share Your Care has become your window into what is happening to Ukrainian devotees during the crisis. Share Your Care is able to provide us with the latest updated information on Ukrainian devotee families inside and outside Ukraine. They are also able to report figures to you on who […]

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Celebrate Earth Day by Promoting Vegetarianism

images by: The International Society for Cow Protection – ISCOWP   The Best and Most Impactful Way to Celebrate Earth Day is by Going Vegetarian. We’ve been commemorating Earth Day for 52 years every April 22nd to show our support for environmental protection. This month, approximately 1 billion people will celebrate Earth Day, and today […]

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20th Anniversary of Burnt Ladhu

If you’ve never seen it, now’s the time. It’s the 20th anniversary of Burnt Ladhu, a production by Vaisnava youth creatively and courageously sharing their experiences growing up in ISKCON. On behalf of thousands of devotees, the cast explores coming to terms with life after gurukula; how devotees can behave in harmful ways; attitudes toward […]

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Bhumi Global: First-ever Hindu Environmental Survey

Bhumi Global Conducts First-ever International Hindu Environmental Survey   According to a new Bhumi Global survey, Hindus around the world see global environmental issues as an urgent concern. The poll, which was conducted last year and analyzed over the past few months, is the first such global survey conducted among Hindus. Participants of the survey […]

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