Digital Detox
→ KKSBlog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 1 July 2021, Radhadesh, Belgium, General Lecture)

Do you also have one? Are you also connected with one of those things that just eats up your time? That just makes you obsessed. That is with you as a constant companion. And that is always getting your attention by making sounds and by vibrating. Do you also have one? You probably do. Time for a digital detox. Time to disconnect. Time to leave that thing. Time to simply break the habit. Are you also touching the screen more than you are touch your beads? It is time to go back to the basics.

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura lived a life of a simple sadhu, who lived in a simple hut in Mayapur. He was chanting three hundred thousand names a day and ten years of billion names. He then went to preach in the modern world. He was dressed in a overcoat, drove in a car and went to printing presses and what not to push forward the mission. He took us over the bridge from tradition to modernity, where we have arrived, and in the middle of our life we now have Krsna consciousness. Oh yes, we can have it all and it can be cool because you can use it in the service of the Lord. Everything we have, we should think about using in the service of Krsna.

But what about sometimes putting those things aside and going over the bridge of tradition and returning to the very simple basic spiritual life? Living very simple, eating very simple and just chanting and chanting and chanting. Maybe if we go on, then we can become enchanted by the holy name of Krsna. Maybe that will rejuvenate us very much. Digital detox without a doubt may be relevant to many of us, including myself.

There is a great danger that machineries, especially electronics, are beginning to control our lives more and more. This certainly opens up so many horizons. But they take us away from the core of who we are. There are studies that show how Google is permanently changing the way we think. Not only intellectually, but physically, by activating different neurons within our brain and by creating different paths in the brain. It is the time to reflect. A time to take away from these things and return to the very basic chanting of Hare Krsna, and the very basic reading of sastras. Japa retreats and reading retreats are no longer a luxury. They are becoming essential in the artificial modern world that we live in. Just to reconnect with the deeper essence of spiritual practices, where we are meant to experience and realise the presence of Krsna and become cent per cent absorbed in pleasing Him.

The article " Digital Detox " was published on KKSBlog.

The kingdom of Rama in Kali-yuga
→ Dandavats

SB 9.10.53 TRANSLATION When Lord Ramacandra, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, was the King of this world, all bodily and mental suffering, disease, old age, bereavement, lamentation, distress, fear and fatigue were completely absent. There was even no death for those who did not want it. PURPORT All these facilities existed because of Lord Ramacandra’sRead More...
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Wadad village ladies embrace one-day Vaishnavi walk
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Wadad village ladies embrace one-day Vaishnavi walk April 3, 2022   By Jayabhadra devi dasi, IGF preacher On February 26, 2022, we had a one-day Vaishnavi padayatra at Wadad village 15km from Amravati. As a district Medical Officer, I am well acquainted with our health workers, so while our ISKCON Girls’ Forum team did advanceRead More...
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→ Dandavats

DEVOTEES AND REFUGEES NEED YOUR HELP – PLEASE DONATE! Members of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) throughout the world are shocked and saddened by the ongoing terrifying situation in Ukraine. Please support the ongoing relief seva going on in Ukraine and Europe to help devotees who have fled their homes and are relocatingRead More...
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Weekly Report from Poland
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Weekly Report from Poland Gaurangi dasi Our tireless team in Warsaw, Rasikendra, Mathuranath, Karuna, Padma, Ksenya and Akincana continue with their amazing support. They had so many devotees coming in the last few days, 4 big groups from Mariupol, one of them literally came out walking from the war zone as no transport was available.Read More...
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Everywhere Krishna
→ Dandavats

With advance of Krishna Consciousness one is able to realize that Krishna is always with His devotees — not only with His devotees, also with the non-devotees, but the devotees can recognize His Presence and the non-devotees cannot. The more you make advancement in Krishna Consciousness you will see Krishna everywhere. Not only on theRead More...
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Vrindavan Garden Newsletter Issue 1 March 2022 and Updates
→ Dandavats

Welcome to the first edition of our Vrindavan Garden in Mayapur Newsletter [Issue 1 March 2022] General Progress Report After four years of developing the concept and design of the Vrindavan Garden, our next goal is to begin shaping & developing the landscape, initiating detailed design/production of various features [Dioramas, Forms, Temples, etc.] within theRead More...
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ISKCON Canberra participated at this year’s Aus-India Fair by FINACT at Thoroughbred Park!
→ Dandavats

ISKCON Canberra participated at this year’s Aus-India Fair by FINACT at Thoroughbred Park! Mouthwatering delicacies (Kachories, Batata Vada, Gulab Jamun) were served at the stall along with the transcendental literatures (Bhagavad-Gita & others) and devotional paraphernalia! 🍨🥣📚📿 The devotees worked enthusiastically to prepare these traditional delicacies (Prasadam) and to make arrangements for this event, aRead More...
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Gokul and Natasha’s wedding
→ Ramai Swami

Vedavyasapriya Maharaja and I were invited to the wedding ceremony of Gokul Krsna and Natasha at the Beenleigh Events Centre. Both of us attended their engagement a few years back so we were fortunate to be at the wedding.

I have known Gokul and Natasha since they were young when they would come to the Bhakti Centre and then the Southport Centre on the Gold Coast. They are both great devotees who lead kirtan nicely, so it was inspiring to see them mature and finally be married.

The function went very well and there were about four hundred devotees and friends in attendance. People came from all over Australia and even New Zealand. Maharaja and I spoke briefly giving blessings for a happy and long life in Krsna Consciousness.


Mark your calendars for the upcoming ISKCON HEARTS workshops listed below provided you by the esteemed members of the Holistic Emotional Awareness Relational Training & Support [HEARTS] Collaborative whose mission is to provide bhakti practitioners education, training & support that nourishes and sustains them on their journey back home to their eternal life with Krishna. […]

The post ISKCON HEARTS appeared first on ISKCON News.

TOVP Prabhupada Murti Nitya Seva Campaign Launched

The presence of Srila Prabhupada in the Temple of the Vedic Planetarium in his murti form offers another wonderful opportunity to serve His Divine Grace and simultaneously help finance TOVP construction. The TOVP Fundraising Team is very pleased to announce the new Prabhupada Murti Nitya Seva campaign to our ever-growing list of Seva Opportunities. Through […]

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The Prostitute

In the city of Videha lived a very beautiful woman Whose profession involved a regular change of linen For almost every day there was a new man No long-term relationships ever began Attention to makeup, hairstyle, attractive dress Were all externals that spelled much success Her routine was to stand in front of her home […]

The post The Prostitute appeared first on ISKCON News.

Her Grace Nitai Sevini Visits the TOVP

The TOVP was recently visited by Her Grace Nitai Sevini mataji from Vishakapatnam, along with 200+ devotees from that area. In this video she encourages us to help complete the TOVP as soon as possible so our beloved Mayapur Deities can be relocated there in 2024.

Her husband Samba das manages the current temple in Vishakapatnam with her assistance, and together they are organizing the construction of a large ISKCON temple. She is noted for opening the Divine Touch School in 2011 (and acts is its Principal), her lectures and overall inspiring Krishna conscious leadership, example and association. Her complete bio is available at this link:

With the above in mind, we humbly request our readers and viewers to support the TOVP 2024 Marathon for the continued construction of the TOVP by going to the Seva Opportunities Page on the TOVP website and sponsoring one of our donation options.



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“Wwwait a minute!” and “Wicked!”
→ Dandavats

My initial thought when I looked at Kevin Chung was: “He is rushing away after a haircut on a busy street and will never take a book.” I stopped him anyway. “Wwwait a minute!” he said. “Are these writings in Sanskrit?” He started reading the Sanskrit letters and talking about how Vedic civilisation had sonic technology andRead More...
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I left Guru but Guru didn’t leave me
→ Dandavats

We went to apartments door to door distributing Sri Caitanya Caritamrita sets in the Bay area. We saw one middle aged lady at one apartment, we greeted her by saying “Hare Krishna” and she replied with “Hare Krishna.” She studied in Varanasi and said when she was studying she used to follow Srila Prabhupada and the Hare Krishna movement. AfterRead More...
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The TOVP Presents: Prabhupada Mayapur Quotes
→ Dandavats

This is a large collection of Srila Prabhupada’s known quotes relating to the Mayapur project and the TOVP taken from lectures, conversations, morning walks, his books and other books. It covers a wide range of topics and illustrates how important and dear ISKCON Mayapur, the World Headquarters of the Hare Krishna Movement was to him.Read More...
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Padayatra resumes in Nepal’s hill country
→ Dandavats

Padayatra resumes in Nepal’s hill country April 2, 2022 By Dayal Gopal dasa, Nepal sankirtan preacher After a break of a few months to regroup and make minor personnel changes, by the mercy of Sri Guru and Gauranga and by the pure desire of pure devotees, on December 14, 2021, the auspicious day of GitaRead More...
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My Sweet Govinda

Radha Krishna Records has released a new song called “My Sweet Govinda”. It’s an uplifting track and a heartfelt callout to Govinda! A funky fusion, grooving along to the Mantra Govinda. The song is dedicated to Vinod Shivprasad Trivedi who met Srila Prabhupada at Bhaktivedanta Manor in the early 1970s. Prabhupada signed a book for […]

The post My Sweet Govinda appeared first on ISKCON News.

Padma Nabh Goswami’s visit to the TOVP (Album of photos)
→ Dandavats

Padma Nabh Goswami: Mayapur’s upcoming biggest attraction is Temple of the Vedic Planetarium (TOVP). It was Srila Prabhupada’s dream project which he revealed to Ambarisa Prabhu (Alfred Ford) in Detroit. Srila Prabhupada had a vision to build a huge temple and show the Vedic cosmology as per the descriptions from Srimad-Bhagavatam and attract the peopleRead More...
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Tsunami in the gopis’ hearts
→ Dandavats

Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, “Though the hearts of the gopis are like high-standing hills, they are inundated by the waves of the nectarean ocean of Krsna’s beauty. His sweet voice enters their ears and gives them transcendental bliss, the touch of His body is cooler than millions and millions of moons together, and the nectarRead More...
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→ Dandavats

Encouraged by the Youth I thoroughly enjoyed the article “Hare Krsna Youth on Tour,” in the January/February issue. Not having the good fortune of living near a temple, I have often wondered about children raised as devotees. Are they happy? Well-adjusted? It was encouraging to see that the American Hare Krsna youth were able toRead More...
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A simple explanation convinces a young man to dedicate himself to a life centred around chanting the names of and serving God
→ Dandavats

Giriraja Swami Starting To See The Center Of Things A simple explanation convines a young man to dedicate himself to a life centred around chanting the names of and serving God.   “Ever since the Stone Age, people have come up with so many nonsensical ideas to explain the forces of nature.” That’s what myRead More...
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The power of book distribution
→ Dandavats

In the early 1980s, my father was a doctor working with the United Nations. He had some friends who were visiting the United States, and while there, they met a devotee in the airport who gave them a BTG. They were Buddists, so they weren’t very interested, but they knew that my father was aRead More...
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A most amazing distribution point
→ Dandavats

As we know from the “Teachings of Lord Caitanya,” there are no hard and fast rules for chanting Hare Krishna. Similarly, there are no hard and fast rules for distributing books. I was distributing books at a college, and I saw a security guard coming my way. Sometimes people complain. He was some distance away,Read More...
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Nanda Maharaja’s Maternal Home
→ Dandavats

Indradyumna Swami: The other day we went on pilgrimage to Batesvar, the maternal home of Nanda Maharaja, where he grew up before marrying Yasoda-mayi and moving to Gokul. It was far away, but worth every minute of the 3-hour drive. Batesvar is situated on the banks of Yamuna river. We saw the ruins of aRead More...
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Thoughts on April Fools’ Day
Giriraj Swami

April Fools’ Day is celebrated yearly on April 1, and today I thought of Srila Prabhupada’s instruction that we remain fools before the spiritual master, as stated in a room conversation in Bombay on August 16, 1976.

A devotee asked, “Even nitya-siddha has guru . . . Even the liberated soul, nitya-siddha?” And Srila Prabhupada replied, “Liberated soul never says that ‘I am liberated.’ As soon as he says ‘liberated,’ he’s a rascal. A liberated soul will never say that ‘I am liberated.’ That is liberation. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, He is God—guru more murkha dekhi’ karila sasan [Cc Adi 7.71]: ‘My Guru Maharaja saw Me fool number one, and he has chastised Me.’ He’s God. This is the example. If one remains always a servant, everlastingly, of guru, then he is liberated. And as soon as he thinks that he is liberated, he’s a rascal. That is the teaching of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Guru more murkha dekhi’. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is murkha? Why He is posing Himself that murkha, ‘I am fool number one’? That means that is liberation. You must be ready always to be chastised by guru. Then he’s liberated. And as soon as he thinks that ‘I am beyond this chastisement. I am liberated,’ he’s a rascal. Why Chaitanya Mahaprabhu says guru more murkha dekhi’ karila sasan? This is sahajiya-vada, thinking, ‘Oh, I have become liberated. I don’t require any direction of my guru. I’m liberated.’ Then he’s rascal. . . . So better remain a foolish person perpetually to be directed by Guru Maharaja. That is perfection.”

In a letter dated December 14, 1967, Srila Prabhupada wrote, “I may inform you that you cannot be fool as you have humbly expressed yourself. Better to remain ever a fool before the spiritual master. But if a disciple is actually fool, it reflects on the spiritual master. To think of becoming a fool is the real qualification for a bona fide disciple. As soon as one thinks that he has become a wiser man than the spiritual master, one is surely doomed. We should remain everlastingly a fool before the spiritual master—not artificially but feelingly—and then we can make real progress. Even my spiritual master, a great scholar, remained a so-called fool before his spiritual master, who was outwardly an illiterate village fellow. So, in the absolute world the fool is also the master and the master is also a fool in reciprocal exchange of dealings. Lord Chaitanya also accepted Himself a great fool before His spiritual master, and all of us must follow the transcendental process.”

I pray to be directed by Srila Prabhupada eternally as his humble servants’ servants’ servant.

Hare Krishna.

Your servant,
Giriraj Swami

Mother Yasoda’s Maternal Home (Album of photos)
→ Dandavats

Yesterday we went to Mehrana, the maternal home of Mother Yasoda. It’s a very beautiful village, not far from Nandagram, where she spent her youth before marrying Nanda Maharaja. After a blissful kirtan, attended by many of the local villagers, we spoke for over an hour about Mother Yasoda’s personality and pastimes, relishing her specialRead More...
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Mother Yasoda’s Maternal Home (Album of photos)
→ Dandavats

Yesterday we went to Mehrana, the maternal home of Mother Yasoda. It’s a very beautiful village, not far from Nandagram, where she spent her youth before marrying Nanda Maharaja. After a blissful kirtan, attended by many of the local villagers, we spoke for over an hour about Mother Yasoda’s personality and pastimes, relishing her specialRead More...
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Krsna’s mercy — take advantage of it
→ Dandavats

Devotee: Prabhupada, before this movement came here we were so caught up in sinful activities. How is it that we were so fortunate to be benedicted with this great Hare Krsna movement? Prabhupada: It is Krsna’s mercy. Caitanya Mahaprabhu wanted to give you. Now He has come here. You take advantage of it. Caitanya MahaprabhuRead More...
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