Braja Vilasa Invites Us All to the Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival, March 2-5

Braja Vilasa invites us all to participate in the grand and historic, 4-day Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival from March 2-5. If you can’t be personally present you can watch live on



The TOVP Announces – Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival, March 2 – 5, 2022

Celebrating 5 Anniversaries in 1 Festival

The TOVP Team is pleased to announce the upcoming, all-auspicious Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival from March 2 – 5, 2022. This will be a festival to top all festivals, commemorating the anniversary of five important events in the history of ISKCON:

  • 50th Anniversary of Chota Radha Madhava’s Installation
  • 50th Anniversary of the ISKCON Mayapur Gaur Purnima Festival
  • 50th Anniversary of Prabhupada Laying the TOVP Cornerstone
  • 50th Anniversary of Jananivas Prabhu as Mayapur Head Pujari
  • 100th Anniversary of Prabhupada Receiving Bhaktisiddhanta’s Order

For more information and to sponsor an Abhisheka, Radha Madhava Brick or Prabhupada Medallion, visit the Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival page on the TOVP website.



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Wednesday, February 23, 2022
→ The Walking Monk

Yorkville, Toronto

Follow Sadhana

I’m getting invitations to various locations. North Carolina, Montreal, Minneapolis, the Canadian Prairies, and overseas. One friend of mine asked me to come to Florida. “Just walk all the way down from Toronto,” he urged facetiously.

“I don’t have a problem going southbound for the long haul. The issue is the border. It can get tense between Fort Erie and Buffalo.” In one sense I’m ready to go and, when and if I get to some destinations, I’m confident of the good time I’ll have because everywhere I go there will always be engagement in devotional service.

I am not a super fan of Gandhi, but I do believe he did and said some noble things, such as “the meaning of life is service.” Bang on! He was right. Wherever I go I will be routine oriented. I will follow my sadhana, my regulations, because that’s always good for the brain. The spiritual practice, in and of itself, such as chanting, is good for my soul. Besides that, it is a pleasure to execute. “It’s fun,” so says Krishna, in the Bhagavad-gita, Chapter nine.

Part of my daily regimen is to walk wherever I am; whether I’m in Buenos Aires, Hawaii, or India, I have to do my walk, even though it’s embarrassing by meagre distances these days. To wind up the day, I ventured along in the neighbourhood at, negative ten degrees Celsius. After yesterday’s melt and thaw, everything froze again. Everything glistens with sun in daylight and city lampposts at night. The ice is bumpy, dangerous, but shines like anything.

It’s always good to look at the bright-side of everything.

May the Source be with you!

3 km


Tuesday, February 22, 2022
→ The Walking Monk

Roxborough St., Toronto


Gabriel is from a small town in Ontario – St. Mary’s – and he now resides in Toronto while making the effort to be with us on a daily basis, in the morning. He comes in through the door after leaving his shoes in the designated shoe room before entering the large temple room. He then offers his prostrations before the deity of Prabhupada, our guru.

After fetching a sitting mat, he plants himself firmly on it; sitting squarely in a close-to-lotus position. With beads in a bag, he fingers through the tulasi-wood beads, chanting japa.

Japa” is a word found in the ancient text, Bhagavad-gita, and it becomes intrinsic in the regulation of a devotee’s life. It can, in fact, be his life-line.

Gabriel was asked about his consciousness with Krishna and he answered saying, “There are many aspects to the life-style that are particularly appealing. Especially japachanting.” With those beads of 108 in number, he focuses on chanting the mantrafor deliverance.

Gabriel is a great tambourine player and, at the time of kirtan, chanting, he let’s loose with the instrument adding a great dimension to the overall devotional sound. After the kirtanchanting, he relishes listening to the daily class on the book, Bhagavatam. He always asks a question or comments on the talk, which indicates his keen interest in the philosophy. I also know that eating a great breakfast at the end of the morning program is a grand finale for him. It tops it off.

May the Source be with you!

1 km


Monday, February 21, 2022
→ The Walking Monk

Yorkville, Toronto

Great Sadhu

One very inspiring monk of the 20thcentury is our param-guru, our grand guru, the teacher of Prabhupada. His name is Bhaktisiddhanta and he did much in terms of teaching and sharing the Bhagavat philosophy through the subcontinent of India. Today is his birthday.

The areas that he concentrated on, through his sixty-four branches of the Gaudiya Math institution, were extolling the glories of Krishna, challenging caste-ism and impersonal conceptions of the Absolute. Bhaktisiddhanta was quite austere and made a life-long vow to celibacy while also making a commitment to chanting a billion names of Krishna over a period. He made successful inroads with British dignitaries, some of whom took interest in the ways of the sages. He was very innovative in his approaches; never compromising on his moral principles but definitely so on how to engage newcomers to the fold.

On a day like today, our crew of residential devotees take the opportunity to reflect on the achievements of such great a personality. One time a very important gentleman expressed that Bhaktisiddhanta should open temple ashrams in cities all over the world, and he replied, “My real business is to establish temples in everyone’s heart.”

Bhaktisiddhanta had thousands of students. He also organized walks to sacred places.

My day ended with a walk and thoughts of this great sadhu, holy person.

May the Source be with you!

3 km


Monday, February 21, 2022
→ The Walking Monk

Yorkville, Toronto

Great Sadhu

One very inspiring monk of the 20thcentury is our param-guru, our grand guru, the teacher of Prabhupada. His name is Bhaktisiddhanta and he did much in terms of teaching and sharing the Bhagavat philosophy through the subcontinent of India. Today is his birthday.

The areas that he concentrated on, through his sixty-four branches of the Gaudiya Math institution, were extolling the glories of Krishna, challenging caste-ism and impersonal conceptions of the Absolute. Bhaktisiddhanta was quite austere and made a life-long vow to celibacy while also making a commitment to chanting a billion names of Krishna over a period. He made successful inroads with British dignitaries, some of whom took interest in the ways of the sages. He was very innovative in his approaches; never compromising on his moral principles but definitely so on how to engage newcomers to the fold.

On a day like today, our crew of residential devotees take the opportunity to reflect on the achievements of such great a personality. One time a very important gentleman expressed that Bhaktisiddhanta should open temple ashrams in cities all over the world, and he replied, “My real business is to establish temples in everyone’s heart.”

Bhaktisiddhanta had thousands of students. He also organized walks to sacred places.

My day ended with a walk and thoughts of this great sadhu, holy person.

May the Source be with you!

3 km


Sunday, February 20, 2022
→ The Walking Monk

Hamilton, Ontario

Good Things Come in Three

There were three chanting sessions, with water/bio breaks in between, and it worked so well. First, Mahadev and Annapurna led us with guitar, harmonium, and, of course, the human voice. They selected a melody I’d never heard before. So serene. It was a warm up. From there it stayed warm, or perhaps got hot.

Monica’s dreamy yoga studio, in Hess Village of Hamilton’s downtown, is just the ideal escape place. So, for the second session, we used mantra once again, and also incorporated clapping and body movement from the waist up. Finally, our third session involved placing the musicians in the middle, while the rest of us, in continuing kirtan, now added dance from the feet up. It ended up being a natural build-up of devotional intensity.

The sun was streaming its rays through the skylight. Heat was rising. It was the beginnings of a good sweat.

Some of the attendees came for the first time, not knowing what to expect. At intervals (bio breaks) I explained that our technique of kirtan enjoys a history of thousands of years and, thanks to initiator of ecstatic chanting, Chaitanya, we now have this regular uplifting approach to reaching Godhead.

After the third session we mingled and got to know each other much better. To chat or not to chat – that is not the question. We are there to enthuse. To chant or not to chant – that is alsonot the question.

May the Source be with you!

4 km


Saturday, February 19, 2022
→ The Walking Monk

243 Ave. Rd., Toronto

Guru Conference

This morning, or, what is evening in India, I participated in a Guru Conference with the theme “How to deal with Disciple Challenges.” Gurus (or teachers) spoke about and heard about their experiences in coaching their disciples (students). Presenters and listeners had the chance to dive deeper into the grave responsibility.

My thoughts on the position of guru are that he/she is a listener, adviser, coach, guide, cheer leader, blesser and truth speaker, while also being the truth applicant.

A sisya (student) on the other hand is also a listener, a follower, a server, an endeavourer, and is a blessed recipient.

The relationship between the two is most rewarding. Both benefit from each other’s respective role.

One common dynamic that came out of our break out sessions was that there is much time required to steer and cheer the disciple. This is not what we would anticipate before we (the gurus) took up the service. Serving or assisting people in general is a big-time job. People are complicated. Sterling guidance and old-time submission are rare to come by.

Despite the challenges, the call of duty, either by the teacher or student, is on. One must continue to exercise compassion and patience; especially on the part of guru.

One guru suggested that all the guru does is deliver divya-jnan, knowledge of the divine. Another guru countered that by saying that the guru takes personal interest in the student. “How are you physically? Any problems with health? How is your spouse? The children?” If we are to be considered “wholistic” then the guru is concerned for both body and soul.

May the Source be with you!


Friday, February 18, 2022
→ The Walking Monk

Yorkville, Toronto

Fun With Two Groups

“Resist resisting” was one of the remarks that burst out of our Gita Chat with the Hamilton crew. The message implied here was to accept some inconvenience in order to build character.

Another remark was, “Get comfortable about getting out of your comfort zone.” That also implies to getting a bit tough on yourself. Discipline – in other words.

Another theme that came up, as we are nearing the end of the Gita, was “Surrender to the sweet Supreme!” It’s time we realize that we are not the controller. There is something greater than me. Let me take greater control of my senses. Let THE CONTROLLER take control. This is called a happy submission.

These moments of popping-out bursts of bhakti were very gratifying.

Once I clicked off from the Hamilton Zoom, I then connected with a Mississauga group of four couples. With this crew, which came as a group only recently, we are combing through Chapter One. What triggered our discussion over the male and female psychology was a statement by Chanakya Pandit, advisor to King Chandra Gupta. It was fun to discuss the differences. Men often overthink. Women often overtalk. Together they form a good balance in terms of complementing each other.

On of the ladies remarked that partners don’t express appreciation of each other enough. How true! So that became an assignment. “Say or do something nice to each other until our next session.”

May the Source be with you!

3 km


Thursday, February 17, 2022
→ The Walking Monk

243 Ave. Rd., Toronto

How to Know?

Someone asked, “How do you know when you are making spiritual progress?”

This is a classic question and it came up in our Zoom Gita Chat with Florida. The simple answer is, or one answer is, “When you begin to lose the taste for sense enjoyment, then you feel you are spiritually advancing.”

The person asking wanted to go with greater depth. “Is there a time when you know, or a line you cross, when you go beyond just obedience, following regimen, and where everything is spiritually spontaneous?”

Answer: “There is no point in time where you can actually say, ‘I’m now in samadhi.’ A genuine spiritual practitioner will always bear the mood that he/she is unworthy. However, in terms of gauging or monitoring your progress, you consult with guruor guide. That is a blessing. In our spiritual culture you can’t really move forward without the help of others. Self-help doesn’t exist on one’s own endeavour as paradoxical as it may sound.”

Our group’s discussion on progression was sweet. Still, I’m never quite satisfied enough with my contribution. I have a way to go.

In terms of sweetness for the day, I was thrilled to receive the poster of our film “The Embassy.” Our intent is to submit this short film to film festivals in different locations, I like the look of it. I’m proud of the promotional poster.

May the Source be with you!


Wednesday, February 16, 2022
→ The Walking Monk

Rosedale, Toronto

Get It Right

One of our temple/ashram staff was going at the last parking spot outside our building; picking at the snow and ice. With a mild nine degrees Celsius, elements that lie hard and cold were now transforming, and now that a thaw had arisen there was a chance to regain a spot so that enthusiasts with cars have a chance to poke inside and see the gorgeous deities of Krishna, if not pay a visit to Govinda’s for a palate-and-tummy gratification.

We are meant to transform personally. That is our human right. I thought about that word, “right.” It has many connotations. If we talk of people with a right-view on issues it can refer to ultra-conservativism. If we refer to “lefties” or “left-wingers,” we imply extreme liberalism. (Neither are appealing to me). In general, personal transformation and evolution arises more from the middle-ground.

Extreme positions taken on issues are often blinding. From a central point it’s easier to see both positions. In other words, left is not right and right is not right. Right? In many traditions, “rites” of passage indicate change, growth and transformation. A rite of passage can refer to stepping from boyhood to manhood. I hate to say it – a lot of boys these days stay as boys. There appears to be a missing link in what is supposed to be an evolving dynamic.

My simple introspection on the matter is that we should make our mark in life by striking it right. Do not evade the obvious. Humans must strive to transform and go inward.

May the Source be with you!

4 km


Addressing Incorrect Information on ISKCON Ukraine

Correcting False Reports Re: ISKCON Ukraine Food Relief and Sheltering Misinformation has been circulating on social media and other media outlets (not ISKCON News) that fifty-plus ISKCON temples and centers in Ukraine are providing food relief and shelter for the public. ISKCON News has confirmed that this information is false. According to ISKCON authorities on […]

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GBC EC Expresses Concern for Ukraine

February 26,2022  Dear Devotees, Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. As conflict heightens in Ukraine, we understand that your hearts are filled with concern about our dear devotees in the region and offer you a brief report on their situation. The devotees wake up to a changed reality — tanks rolling […]

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Food For Life- Hungary Food Relief

Food For Life – Hungarian Krishna devotees distributing food for Indians rescued from Ukraine How You Can Help: ISKCON Hungary currently has a capacity of distributing 600 plates of prasadam on weekdays and 1200 plates on the weekend. Any donations to help the refugees are most welcome. Donations may be given by bank transfer to […]

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Hungary Food Relief for Refugees

Devotees have started to provide food for those displaced by the conflict ISKCON Hungary is actively participating in helping those displaced by the Ukrainian-Russian conflict. In addition to keeping up the everyday distribution of food, the Hare Krishna Food For Life program is always ready to help feed the masses who arrive from disaster areas. […]

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GBC EC statement on Ukraine 26 Feb 2022
→ Dandavats

By the GBC EC

The devotees wake up to a changed reality -- tanks rolling through the streets in some places, explosions in their neighborhoods in others, and the sound of gunshots in the distance. While the tendency for a living entity in such a situation is naturally to be overcome with fear, our devotees are finding that Srila Prabhupada has offered them an extraordinary alternative -- they are taking shelter of the Holy Names, of the association of the Vaisnavas, and of the most merciful Sri Sri Radha-Madhava who have appeared in Kyiv in their beautiful deity forms. Continue reading "GBC EC statement on Ukraine 26 Feb 2022
→ Dandavats"

Sri Isvara Puri’s Disappearance Day
Giriraj Swami

Today is the disappearance day of Sri Isvara Puri. He was such a perfect disciple of Sri Madhavendra Puri that Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Lord Krishna Himself, was pleased to accept him as His spiritual master. Later, Lord Chaitanya visited Isvara Puri’s birthplace at Kumara-hatta and collected some earth from the birth site, which He kept very carefully and ate a small portion of daily. Thus He showed us how a faithful disciple worships a spiritual master who has faithfully served his spiritual master perfectly.

On this auspicious occasion, we pray that Sri Isvara Puri and his disciple Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu will bless us with devotion to the spiritual master.

Hare Krishna.

Yours in service,
Giriraj Swami

News Brief UPDATE: Ukrainian Devotee Shot is Recovering Well

Vamshi Madhava Das and his family UPDATE: March 2nd, 2022 7:30 AM EST This Report has been confirmed by Anuttama Das through Ukrainian devotees who are involved.  Vamsi Madhava das, who was shot on February 26th, is ok and is recovering fine. He was able to be taken to the hospital the next day and […]

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Official Ukraine Report from Niranjana Swami

Sri Sri Radha-Madhava ISKCON Kyiv   February 26, 2022 Sri Mayapura Dhama 11:30 AM EST Dear devotees, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. I’m receiving communications from devotees all overexpressing their concerns about our devotees in Ukraine. My gratitude knows no bounds, just for your well-wishing thoughts for the Ukraine devotees’ […]

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Srila Prabhupada in Mayapur Archival Photo Collection

Now available on the TOVP website is a collection of archival photos of Srila Prabhupada in Sridham Mayapur from 1972 – 1978, along with a number of undated photos. This is part of our effort to maintain the history of the development of ISKCON Mayapur for present and future generations of devotees to recollect.

The launch of this website collection coincides with the Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival commemorating four historic events that took place 50 years ago this year at ISKCON Mayapur, as well as the 100th Anniversary of Srila Prabhupada receiving the order to preach in the West from Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati in 1922. Read more about that below.

View the full photo collection of Srila Prabhupada in Mayapur.


The TOVP Announces – Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival, March 2 – 5, 2022

Celebrating 5 Anniversaries in 1 Festival

The TOVP Team is pleased to announce the upcoming, all-auspicious Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival from March 2 – 5, 2022. This will be a festival to top all festivals, commemorating the anniversary of five important events in the history of ISKCON:

  • 50th Anniversary of Chota Radha Madhava’s Installation
  • 50th Anniversary of the ISKCON Mayapur Gaur Purnima Festival
  • 50th Anniversary of Prabhupada Laying the TOVP Cornerstone
  • 50th Anniversary of Jananivas Prabhu as Mayapur Head Pujari
  • 100th Anniversary of Prabhupada Receiving Bhaktisiddhanta’s Order

For more information and to sponsor an Abhisheka, Radha Madhava Brick or Prabhupada Medallion, visit the Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival page on the TOVP website.



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The First ISKCON Mayapur Gaura Purnima, February 29, 1972: 50th Anniversary Celebration

The first Gaura Purnima Festival at ISKCON Mayapur was celebrated on Srila Prabhupada’s order in 1972. Though not widely attended by International devotees, it set the standard for an annual festival that has since become the backbone of annual Vaishnava sanga and celebrations in Mayapur and Vrindaban attracting hundreds of thousands of devotees. This year is the 50th Anniversary of this important festival.

1972 also is an important year because three other important events took place in Mayapur:

  • 50th Anniversary of Chota Radha Madhava’s arrival
  • 50th Anniversary of Prabhupada placing Ananta Sesha in the TOVP foundation pit
  • 50th Anniversary of Jananivas as Head Pujari in Mayapur

Additionally, it is the 100th Anniversary of Srila Prabhupada receiving the order to preach in the West from Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati in 1922. We have created a special year-long campaign around this event called the Paschatya Desha Tarine Centennial.

All the above five events will be celebrated at one grand festival in Mayapur from March 2-5 and devotees are invited to come and participate or watch live on MayapurTV. Find out more about the Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival and also sponsor an Abhisheka, Radha Madhava Brick or Prabhupada Medallion to offer your seva and also support TOVP construction.

Below are some relevant quotes from Srila Prabhupada about the importance of the Gaura Purnima Festival in Sridham Mayapur, and a small collection of photos from the first 1972 festival:

I especially wanted to stay in India for this Mayapur celebration. Such festivals should be held very grandly. So I think you should plan that we shall definitely be coming to Mayapur and hold a grand festival there for Lord Caitanya’s Appearance Day celebration.

Letter to Jayapataka Maharaja – January 21, 1972

The best time and place is Mayapur on Lord Caitanya’s Appearance Day. That is not only the best for me but for everyone. Mayapur is meant for that. If possible all devotees from all our centers should go for 8 days at that time.

Letter to Tamala Krishna Goswami – July 20, 1973

I am very anxious to know whether we are going to have our Mayapur function (Gaur Purnima)? I want very much to hold this function this year with all of my students and I ask you to kindly serve me by making this possible. It is a very important day and it will be a great service to Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura. So please arrange for this program.

Letter to Jayapataka Maharaja – January 5, 1972

The members of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness should go to India during the birthday ceremony of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu at Mayapur and perform sankirtana congregationally. This will attract the attention of all the important personalities in India, just as the beauty, bodily luster and sankirtana performance by the associates of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu attracted the attention of Maharaja Prataparudra.

Caitanya Caritamrta – Madhya 11.96


The TOVP Announces – Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival, March 2 – 5, 2022

Celebrating 5 Anniversaries in 1 Festival

The TOVP Team is pleased to announce the upcoming, all-auspicious Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival from March 2 – 5, 2022. This will be a festival to top all festivals, commemorating the anniversary of five important events in the history of ISKCON:

  • 50th Anniversary of Chota Radha Madhava’s Installation
  • 50th Anniversary of the ISKCON Mayapur Gaur Purnima Festival
  • 50th Anniversary of Prabhupada Laying the TOVP Cornerstone
  • 50th Anniversary of Jananivas Prabhu as Mayapur Head Pujari
  • 100th Anniversary of Prabhupada Receiving Bhaktisiddhanta’s Order

For more information and to sponsor an Abhisheka, Radha Madhava Brick or Prabhupada Medallion, visit the Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival page on the TOVP website.



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Official ISKCON Communications Statement on Ukraine

Statement of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness on Ukraine ISKCON Ministry of Communications February 25, 2022 As members of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), we offer our prayers for all persons who are victims of the evolving situation in Ukraine. We earnestly pray that no more innocent people may suffer and that […]

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Devotees in Ukraine Continue On Despite Fears, Instability

Special Report: Devotees in Ukraine Continue On Despite Fears, Instability February 25, 2022  3 PM EST Members of the Governing Body Commission (GBC) were given a report by leaders aware of the Ukrainian situation earlier today. What follows are selected highlights of that report, with additional information provided by other devotees familiar with the current […]

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ISKCON Holds 2nd Online Guru Conference

On the 24th of February, the Guru Services Committee hosted its second online conference for ISKCON diksa (initiating) gurus. The topic was ‘Helping Disciples To Face Challenges.’ The first conference was held on the 5th of June, 2021, and was entitled ‘Challenges of Being a Guru in ISKCON.’ The Guru Services Committee (GSC), a standing […]

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RSS Head Shri Mohan Bhagwat’s program in ISKCON Ujjain
→ Dandavats

By Dhira Gaura Das

Shri Mohan Bhagwat, the head of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) one of the most renowned and influential personalities of India, stayed in ISKCON Ujjain campus for 3 days from 19th February to 21st February. RSS organized their 2 days meetings in the temple's auditorium. A total of 170 RSS men including their leaders, volunteers and security guards stayed in the temple's Guest House and Apartments. Continue reading "RSS Head Shri Mohan Bhagwat’s program in ISKCON Ujjain
→ Dandavats"

Religion vs Spirituality – Chaitanya Charan on Wisdom of the Sages podcast
→ The Spiritual Scientist


<iframe width=”100%” height=”300″ scrolling=”no” frameborder=”no” allow=”autoplay” src=””></iframe><div style=”font-size: 10px; color: #cccccc;line-break: anywhere;word-break: normal;overflow: hidden;white-space: nowrap;text-overflow: ellipsis; font-family: Interstate,Lucida Grande,Lucida Sans Unicode,Lucida Sans,Garuda,Verdana,Tahoma,sans-serif;font-weight: 100;”><a href=”” title=”Chaitanya Charan” target=”_blank” style=”color: #cccccc; text-decoration: none;”>Chaitanya Charan</a> · <a href=”” title=”Religion vs Spirituality – Chaitanya Charan on Wisdom of the Sages podcast” target=”_blank” style=”color: #cccccc; text-decoration: none;”>Religion vs Spirituality – Chaitanya Charan on Wisdom of the Sages podcast</a></div>


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Dowry System: See beyond specific rules to universal values
→ The Spiritual Scientist


<iframe width=”100%” height=”300″ scrolling=”no” frameborder=”no” allow=”autoplay” src=””></iframe><div style=”font-size: 10px; color: #cccccc;line-break: anywhere;word-break: normal;overflow: hidden;white-space: nowrap;text-overflow: ellipsis; font-family: Interstate,Lucida Grande,Lucida Sans Unicode,Lucida Sans,Garuda,Verdana,Tahoma,sans-serif;font-weight: 100;”><a href=”” title=”Chaitanya Charan” target=”_blank” style=”color: #cccccc; text-decoration: none;”>Chaitanya Charan</a> · <a href=”” title=”Dowry System: See beyond specific rules to universal values – Chaitanya Charan” target=”_blank” style=”color: #cccccc; text-decoration: none;”>Dowry System: See beyond specific rules to universal values – Chaitanya Charan</a></div>


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Braja Vilasa Prabhu Unveils the Prabhupada Paschatya Desha Tarine Centennial Medallions

The Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival in Mayapur from March 2 – 5 will also be the launch of the Paschatya Desha Tarine Centennial celebration commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Srila Prabhupada receiving the order to preach from Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati in 1922.

Srila Prabhupada brought to the entire world, not just the West, the three most important angas of bhakti: Harinam, Bhagavatam and Archa Murti. We have custom designed three unique and exceptionally beautiful 3.5″ sized medallions, one for each of the three angas, that can be sponsored to show our love and express our gratitude to our Founder-Acharya, and also help fulfill his desire to build the Temple of the Vedic Planetarium. These medallions are modeled after the 2021 Olympic medallions, including the ribbon, to represent the TOVP Now Marathon to open the TOVP by 2024.

To sponsor a medallion go to the Paschatya Desha Tarine page on the TOVP website and help win the race to open the TOVP by 2024.

This celebration is also part of the Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival from March 2 – 5 celebrating four other anniversaries coinciding this year:

  • 50th Anniversary of Chota Radha Madhava’s Arrival
  • 50th Anniversary of the ISKCON Mayapur Gaur Purnima Festival
  • 50th Anniversary of Prabhupada Laying the TOVP Cornerstone
  • 50th Anniversary of Jananivas Prabhu as Mayapur Head Pujari



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Sravan Utsava Mela – Gaura Purnima Festivity 2022

Hare Krishna Please accept our humble obeisances. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada. This year, by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada and all the Vaishnavas, we will be organizing another Sravan Utsava Mela so that all visiting and resident devotees can get the opportunity to hear and relish nectarean Hari katha from some of our society’s […]

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Nityananda Trayodasi and St Valentine

How do we harness the intoxicating power of falling in love to create the happiness that endures even after the initial flame dies away? Philosophers began pondering this topic during Vedic times during the great revival of bhakti yoga, or the path of divine love and service in the 15th century and beyond. Thus came […]

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First Florida Ratha Yatra of 2022

Lord Jagannatha and Srila Prabhupada Bless 2022 Gasparilla Parade Saturday, January 29, 2022, over 60 Hare Krishna devotees from all over Florida participated in the annual Seminole Hard Rock Gasparilla Pirate parade in Tampa, Florida. This is the 6th year authorities are approving the participation of the Hare Krishna devotees in the parade. This is […]

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New Devotional Kids Book: Nimai’s Adventures

A new devotee children’s book, ‘Nimai’s Adventures’ based on the childhood pastimes of Lord Caitanya, written by Mandakini Devi Dasi is set to release March 2022. The 200-page book with more than 70 beautifully illustrated pictures is based upon the scriptures, Chaitanya Bhagavat and Chaitanya Charitamrita. It is written in a narrative style revolving around […]

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