Tuesday, March 1, 2022
→ The Walking Monk

Rosedale, Toronto

The Card

At Robert Stanfield Airport Halifax, I was sitting at Gate 14 waiting for my flight and chatting with Sameer who is from the Ismaili community. He takes a prime interest in education and is involved in the Waldorf school system. Anyway, we were chatting and an excited young woman came towards us. Sameer and I were both masked and so was she. In an energetic tone of voice, she spoke. “Excuse me, but are you the Walking Monk?”

“I’m a sitting one for the moment, but yes. I am the one who also walks,” I said. The confirmation excited her even more.

“I follow you (virtually) all the time.” In certain terms I expressed that I hope the following inspires and she confirmed that indeed it does. As usual in such cases I offer a person a mantracard hoping they will take full advantage of reciting the mantra. which has some kind of healing and magical effect on the taker.

I had offered one to Sameer earlier on as a way to leave my contact info, which is on the flip side. There you have an image of myself walking a mystical trail in Mauritius, next to a mango tree infested by fruit bats. In general, I find the cards are effective.

For the evening, I went for a walk, through Rosedale. Of course, the big thing on my mind is the disturbing political dynamic in Ukraine. I spoke with Achuta Priya, our leader in Ukraine. The curfew is on. Citizens are given arms. Guns shots are heard in the atmosphere. “It’s going to be a mess.”

May the Source be with you!

3 km

Monday, February 28, 2022
→ The Walking Monk

Halifax, Nova Scotia

Prayers for Those in Ukraine

To the staunch devotees in Ukraine

Great bearers of surprise and pain

We offer humble prayers to you

May the hardship you now go through

Be short-lived and strengthen

Your conviction while serving to lengthen

The need to bond in Krishna’s love

Which the world is short of

We all attest to human misunderstanding

Which requires a major disbanding

As we are spirits and not the flesh

May we all be given the chance to refresh

There’s much power in divine song

Which helps overcome what goes wrong

We are with you praying for protection

And offer our support in His affection

            -Composed by Bhaktimarga Swami, The Walking Monk©

May the Source be with you!

4 km


Sunday, February 27, 2022
→ The Walking Monk

Halifax, Nova Scotia

Sunday Funday

Ryan and Daniel were kind to drive me around. Ryan brought me to the hospital once again to see Shyamesvari, a cancer patient, and her back-up partner, Savyasacin. Daniel took me to the seniors at Ramsgate to see retired professor Shankar. Both visits went well.

Angiras then brought me to the dance studio (not to dance, but yes in our own way) where our bhakti group meets weekly. Iskcon has a lively bunch at this location. Young families with some elders. I missed Corey, the unicyclist, but he’s been coming. I was also hoping to see Brian Crawford, who works for the city in the Child Protection department. Savitri is a sweet elderly Dutch lady, 76, who’s in hiding until Covid diminishes. Yogendra, a local school teacher, and family came. He plays a mean mrdanga drum.

There is a very positive presence of Indian families, all fairly new to the city. They want to hear and learn. What was unique about today’s presentation, based on the Gita’s 9.15, was having our Cleveland, Ohio, crew present on Zoom. The verse, along with its two previous verses, outlines the qualities of a topmost yogi or bhakta. It is implied that one is very dedicated, but how can this possibly be achieved? How will spotless purity become a reality for us neophytes?

The answer is in the texts themselves, especially in 13 and 14. Items, such as the points made, when applied can lead to success. 1) avoid delusion, 2) take shelter of divine energy, 3) keep busy in devotion, 4) praising the Supreme, 5) demonstrate conviction, and 6) taking a humble position.

By the way, the Halifax group is not afraid to dance. Dancing is not listed in the six, but it still counts.

May the Source be with you!


→ Hare Krishna Auckland


The temple is at every step a wonderful spiritual experience, from its ornate altar, to its finely crafted doors, large oil paintings, and wonderful Orissan stained-glass windows.

Temple at sunset
Temple Hall

Presiding Deities

Śrī Śrī Rādhā Giridhari

Sri Sri Radha Giridhari

Śrī Gaura-Nitāi


Śrī Jagannātha, Baladeva and Subhadrā-devī


Amalaki-vrata Ekadasi and the TOVP, 2022
- TOVP.org

Amalaki-vrata Ekadasi is celebrated in Krishna Paksha (Waxing Phase) in the Phalgun month (February–March). ‘Amalaki’ or ‘Amla’ is the Indian gooseberry, and the tree is celebrated on this day. It is believed that Lord Vishnu resides in this tree, and this occasion also marks the beginning of Holi — Indian festival of colors.

This is also the final Ekadasi before Gaura Purnuma, 2022 (March 18 in India/March 17 in North America). This is an auspicious time to contribute financially towards the TOVP Marathon to open the TOVP in 2024. There are many, many different types of sponsorships available and most are pledges which can be paid over several months. Visit the Seva Opportunities page for more information.

  NOTE: Amalaki-vrata Ekadasi is observed on March 13 worldwide. Please refer to your local calendar through www.gopal.home.sk/gcal.

  View, download and share the TOVP 2022 Calendar​.


The Glories of Amalaki-vrata Ekadasi

From the Brahmanda Purana

This Ekadasi is described in the Brahmanda Purana in a conversation between King Mandhata and the great sage Vasistha.

King Mandhata once said to Vasishtha Muni, “O great sage, kindly be merciful to me and tell me of a holy fast that will benefit me eternally.”

Vasishtha Muni replied. “O king, kindly listen as I describe the best of all fast days, Amalaki Ekadasi. He who faithfully observes a fast on this Ekadasi obtains enormous wealth, gets free of the effects of all kinds of sins, and attains liberation. Fasting on this Ekadasi is more purifying than donating one thousand cows in charity to a pure brahmana. So please hear me attentively as I tell you the story of a hunter who, though daily engaged in killing innocent animals for his living, achieved liberation by observing a fast on Amalaki Ekadasi following the prescribed rules and regulations of worship.

The Kingdom of Vaidisha

“There was once a kingdom named Vaidisha, where all the brahmanas, kshatriyas, vaishyas, and shudras were equally endowed with Vedic knowledge, great bodily strength, and fine intelligence. Oh lion among kings, the whole kingdom was full of Vedic sounds, not a single person was atheistic, and no one sinned. The ruler of this kingdom was King Pashabinduka, a member of the dynasty of Soma, the moon. He was also known as Chitraratha and was very religious and truthful. It is said that King Chitraratha had the strength of ten thousand elephants and that he was very wealthy and knew the six branches of Vedic wisdom perfectly.

“During the reign of Maharaja Chitraratha, not a single person in his kingdom attempted to practice another’s dharma (duty); so perfectly engaged in their own dharmas were all the brahmanas, kshatriyas, vaisyas, and sudras. Neither miser nor pauper was to be seen throughout the land, never was there ever a drought or flood. Indeed, the kingdom was free of disease, and everyone enjoyed good health. The people rendered loving devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Vishnu, as did the king, who also rendered special service to Lord Shiva. Moreover, twice a month everyone fasted on Ekadasi. In this way, O best of kings, the citizens of Vaidisha lived many long years in great happiness and prosperity. Giving up all varieties of materialistic religion, they completely dedicated themselves to the loving service of the Supreme Lord, Hari.

Observing Amalaki Ekadasi

“Once, in the month of Phalguna (February – March), the holy fast of Amalakii Ekadasi arrived, conjoined with Dvadasi. King Chitraratha realised that this particular fast would bestow especially great benefit, and thus he and all the citizens of Vaidisha observed this sacred Ekadasi very strictly, carefully following all the rules and regulations.

“After bathing in the river, the king and all his subjects went to the temple of Lord Vishnu, where an Amalaki tree grew. First the king and his leading sages offered the tree a pot filled with water, as well as a fine canopy, shoes, gold, diamonds, rubies, pearls, sapphires, and aromatic incense. Then they worshiped Lord Parashurama with these prayers: ‘Oh Lord Parashurama, Oh son of Renuka, Oh all-pleasing one, Oh liberator of the worlds, kindly come beneath this holy Amalaki tree and accept our humble obeisances.’ Then they prayed to the Amalaki tree: ‘Oh Amalaki, Oh offspring of Lord Brahma, you can destroy all kinds of sinful reactions. Please accept our respectful obeisances and these humble gifts. O Amalaki, you are actually the form of Brahman, and you were once worshiped by Lord Ramachandra Himself. Whoever circumambulates you is therefore immediately freed of all his sins.’

“After offering these excellent prayers, King Chitraratha and his subjects remained awake throughout the night, praying and worshiping according to the regulations governing a sacred Ekadasi fast. It was during this auspicious time of fasting and prayer that a very irreligious man approached the assembly, a man who maintained himself and his family by killing animals. Burdened with both fatigue and sin, the hunter saw the king and the citizens of Vaidisha observing Amalaki Ekadasi by performing an all-night vigil, fasting, and worshiping Lord Vishnu in the beautiful forest setting, which was brilliantly illuminated by many lamps. The hunter hid nearby, wondering what this extraordinary sight before him was.

The Fortunate Hunter

“‘What is going on here?’ he thought. What he saw in that lovely forest beneath the holy Amalaki tree was the Deity of Lord Damodara being worshiped upon the Asana of a waterpot and he heard the devotees singing sacred songs describing Lord Krishna’s transcendental forms and pastimes. Despite himself, that staunchly irreligious killer of innocent birds and animals spent the entire night in great amazement as he watched the Ekadasi celebration and listened to the glorification of the Lord.

“Soon after sunrise, the king and his royal retinue – including the court sages and all the citizens – completed their observance of Ekadasi and returned to the city of Vaidisha. The hunter returned to his hut and happily ate his meal. In due time the hunter died, but the merit he had gained by fasting on Amalaki Ekadasi and hearing the glorification of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, as well as by being forced to stay awake all night, made him eligible to be reborn as a great king endowed with many chariots, elephants, horses, and soldiers. His name was Vasuratha, the son of King Viduratha, and he ruled over the kingdom of Jayanti.

King Vasuratha

“King Vasuratha was strong and fearless, as effulgent as the Sun, and as handsome as the Moon. In strength he was like Sri Vishnu, and in forgiveness like the Earth itself. Very charitable and every truthful, King Vasuratha always rendered loving devotional service to the Supreme Lord, Sri Vishnu. He therefore became very well versed in Vedic knowledge. Always active in the affairs of state, he enjoyed taking excellent care of his subjects, as though they were his own children. He disliked pride in anyone and would smash it when he saw it. He performed many kinds of sacrifices, and he always made certain that the needy in his kingdom received enough charity.

“One day, while hunting in the jungle, King Vasuratha strayed from the footpath and lost his way. Wandering for some time and eventually growing weary, he paused beneath a tree and, using his arms as a pillow, fell asleep. As he slept, some barbarian tribesmen came upon him and, remembering their long-standing enmity toward the king, began discussing among themselves various ways to kill him. ‘It is because he killed our fathers, mothers, brothers-in-law, grandsons, nephews, and uncles that we are forced to aimlessly wander like so many madmen in the forest.’

The Great Rescue

“So saying, they prepared to kill King Vasuratha with various weapons, including spears, swords, arrows, and mystic ropes. But none of these deadly weapons could even touch the sleeping king, and soon the uncivilized, dog-eating tribesmen grew frightened. Their fear sapped their strength, and before long they lost what little intelligence they had and became almost unconscious with bewilderment and weakness. Suddenly a beautiful woman appeared from the king’s body, startling the aborigines. Decorated with many ornaments, emitting a wonderful fragrance, wearing an excellent garland around her neck, her eyebrows drawn in a mood of fierce anger, and her fiery red eyes ablaze, she looked like death personified. With her blazing chakra discus she quickly killed all the tribal hunters, who had tried to slay the sleeping king.

“Just then the king awoke, and seeing all the dead tribesmen lying around him, he was astonished. He wondered, ‘These are all great enemies of mine! Who has slain them so violently? Who is my great benefactor?’ At that very moment he heard a voice from the sky: ‘You asked who helped you. Well, who is that person who alone can help anyone in distress? He is none other than Sri Keshava, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, He who saves all who take shelter of Him without any selfish motive.’

“Upon hearing these words, King Vasuratha became over-whelmed with love for the Personality of Godhead Sri Keshava (Krishna). He returned to his capital city and ruled there like a second Lord Indra (king of the heavenly regions), without any obstacles at all.


“Therefore, Oh King Mandhata”, the venerable Vasishtha Muni concluded, “anyone who observes this holy Amalaki Ekadasi will undoubtedly attain the supreme abode of Lord Vishnu, so great is the religious merit earned from the observance of this most sacred fast day.”

Thus ends the narration of the glories of Phalguna-sukla Ekadasi, or Amalaki Ekadasi, from the Brahmanda Purana.

This article has been used courtesy of ISKCON Desire Tree



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Let us PLEASE work together to support devotee refugees- report from Polish yatra
→ Dandavats

By Rasikendra das, Nama Rasana dd & Jahnavi dd

On Thursday 25th of February we watched the news with horror and we knew at that very moment our next door neighbours will need our help. On the same day we got a call from Ukrainian temple in Kiev, asking “If we were to send our woman and children would you look after them?” Our reply ” Of course, but what about you? We need to stay back and fight and protect our homeland and our temple and our elderly who don’t want to leave their homes.” Continue reading "Let us PLEASE work together to support devotee refugees- report from Polish yatra
→ Dandavats"

Surabhi Bhavan – Opportunity to own in Mayapur!
→ Mayapur.com

Introducing for the first time 4 STAR GUEST HOUSE EXPERIENCE IN MAYAPUR Themed and styled on the glorious cows of Kṛṣṇa Excellent location closest to TOVP –  Once in a lifetime opportunity  MAKE YOUR PAYMENT NOW CLICK HERE FOR THE DONATION PAGE **Please leave all your details of which room type and quantity in the […]

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Kyiv Temple Fills Again; Food Distribution in Ukrainian Cities; & More

Food distribution in Lviv, Ukraine ISKCON News Report Anuttama dasa 6 PM EST March 7, 2022 Events in Ukraine are changing daily, if not by the hour. Here are updates that ISKCON News has confirmed. Kyiv Temple Refills With Devotees It was previously reported that many devotee families and temple residents in Kyiv left the […]

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Russian Devotee Volunteers Distribute Food to Refugees

Russia volunteers distributed fruit to 7,500 Refugees from Donetsk and Luhansk regions. There are close to a hundred temporary accommodation centers for refugees in the Rostov region of Russia. In the last few days, Food for Life volunteers drove through some of those centers and distributed over 3 tons of fruit to 7,500 refugees. About […]

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Chant for Peace Global Initiative

Chant for Peace, Mayapur, India The International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), a worldwide religious community and confederation of over 800 temples and cultural centers, conducted Chant for Peace events during the weekend of Saturday, March 5th, 2022 around the globe to pray for all people affected by the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and surrounding […]

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→ Hare Krishna Auckland

The Hare Krishna School


Founded in 1982, our Hare Krishna School is New Zealand’s only Primary and Intermediate school based on Krishna Consciousness. We are a state-integrated special character school catering for students in years 1-10.

Abhishek Seva Opportunity – Gaura Purnima 2022
→ Mayapur.com

Gaura Purnima is now just around the corner with 10 days to go! we humbly urge you all to come forward and make the Abhishek ceremony a success with your generous donations. It is once in a year opportunity to directly bath the Lord with your items, so why not seize it and get all […]

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Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival Day 4: Vaisnava Mahima Gana Utsav – Honoring the Vaisnavas
- TOVP.org

This final video of Day 4 (March 5) of the Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival (March 2-5) documents the appreciation of Vaisnavas who have served in Mayapur for many years, the Maha Yajna, as well as the Grand Finale procession of Radha Madhava through the ISKCON Mayapur complex with a million lamps lighted.



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TOVP Construction Update, March 2022: Staircase Sandstone Jali Panels (Stone Ornamental Screen)
- TOVP.org

Please take a look at the wonderful Jali panel on the Nrisimhadev Staircase Tower! Carved from famous Jaipur sandstone, with its natural pink color and graceful design, it wonderfully complements the architectural beauty of the Temple.

The same Jali will be installed on the rest of the TOVP staircase towers. Each panel is about 14 meters high (46 feet) and 7 meters (23 feet) wide.

Step by step we are approaching the completion of the major temple work so Sri Sri Radha Madhava, Sri Pancha Tattva and Sri Nrsimhadeva can be relocated to Their new home in 2024!

TOVP Mission 24 Marathon



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Devotees Among Those Cut Off in Mariupol

ISKCON Mariupol, 2019 ISKCON News Report Anuttama dasa 6 PM EST March 7, 2022 Events in Ukraine are changing daily, if not by the hour. Here are updates that ISKCON News has confirmed. Devotees Among Those Cut Off in Mariupol The direst situation faced by Ukrainian Krishna devotees may be in the city of Mariupol […]

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An Incident of Prasada Distribution in Ukraine, and a Reflection on Life
Giriraj Swami

Today, March 4, in Kharkiv, by the grace of Krishna, we came to distribute Krishna prasadam in the subway. Guys, it’s just like in a movie of post-apocalypse. People live right on the floor, with dogs, cats, and things. On different types of bedding. Crowds of people. They sleep, chat, read books. They said there were 2,000 people in the subway station. There was a huge queue. We fed at least 500 people.

Today there was soup, 110 liters; drinks of two types, 80 liters; a lot of bread, two types; and three types of sweets. Oh, what an amazing bread we made—fragrant, nice smell. We also handed out Srila Prabhupada’s books. Filming inside was prohibited. There are entire communities living inside the trains. This war brought these people together. They became like one family. As we left, and they simply clapped and thanked us very much.

One guy is reading Bhagavad-gita right now. Another guy came up to us and asked for a book. A lot of children. Everyone took sweets. I deliberately walked around the entire station and went into each train car to give food.

These are the situations that make many of us think about the meaning of life. If we ask the Lord to save our lives, then we must ask why. Who am I that He should save my life? Am I special? What have I done for the good of mankind? What have I done for the good of society? How do I live? Why do I live, and for whom? This question hangs right in the air above each of us. I am asking the Lord to save my life not so that I can just eat, sleep, go to the toilet, and spread hate and gossip on the Internet.

My life must be preserved in order for me to bring values ??to society. I must bring value to God and to people. We have to strive to bring to others the light of knowledge and the values ??of life. Many are offended by war, but war is just one aspect of this world. It teaches us to value our human life and not to waste it simply on animal needs. Man is not an animal. When a person begins to live like a beast, he is deeply dissatisfied and tries to settle down somewhere. War reminds us of the frailty of material existence. War teaches us to appreciate those we love, to see the needs of others. And so we live in a cocoon of marginal consumer relations, where a person’s life is needed only in order to satisfy their needs in a sophisticated way. And it loses its value.

Under normal circumstances, these 2,000 people would never have become a family. War teaches us to appreciate life and enjoy the simple things. Yes, this is a tough training. Mother nature already tried to inspire us naughty children with a whisper of love, then with the voice of conscience. It didn’t work out. And now we need a mouthful of suffering. May it sparkle with fresh colors of love, kindness, joy, abundance, and prosperity that we will share with the world. Appreciate your life and help others understand its value. Then there will be no wars in the world. Material nature will not need to resort to such harsh methods of teaching. And this will be only when the Supreme Lord is pleased with us.

New TOVP Archival Videos Page Launched
- TOVP.org

We are pleased to announce the launch of the new TOVP Archival Videos page on the TOVP website, featuring videos of Srila Prabhupada in Sridham Mayapur and other important footage and documentaries.

In an effort to maintain the historical perspective of the development of ISKCON Mayapur and the TOVP for future generations of devotees, our website team has created this important archival page, along with others such as the Archival Photo Page and Flipbook Page. We hope devotees will visit these pages often for inspiration and are pleased with this endeavor. View the Archival Videos Page today!



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Visions of the TOVP Photo Page Launched
- TOVP.org

Visions of the TOVP is a special photo page on the TOVP website highlighting artistic, beautiful and inspiring views of the Temple of the Vedic Planetarium by various devotees from Mayapur and around the world.

The aesthetic sense of these photos reveals the visual essence of the TOVP as well as its grandness and sheer size amidst the rice paddy fields of West Bengal. As the project reaches completion with its many acres of garden frontage, and becomes one of the Wonders of the World, we anticipate many more images of this kind will find their way to a worldwide audience.

Visit the Visions of the TOVP website page today and feel the presence of the TOVP impress your heart and soul. Hare Krishna!



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→ Hare Krishna Auckland

🙏 Srila Prabhupada: A Spiritual Luminary of the 20th Century 🙏


The life of Srila Prabhupada, an embodiment of devotion and wisdom, is a beacon that continues to inspire hearts across the globe. Born in 1896 in Calcutta, India, under the name Abhay Charan, he embarked on a journey that would transform the lives of countless souls.

As a family man, he managed a pharmaceutical business in the bustling city of Calcutta. Yet, his calling extended beyond material pursuits. In 1950, at the age of fifty-four, Srila Prabhupada stepped into a new chapter of his life. He retired from married life, dedicating himself to intensive studies and writing. His pilgrimage led him to the sacred city of Vrindavana, where he resided humbly within the Radha-Damodara Mandir, delving into the spiritual treasures of the Srimad-Bhagavatam.

In 1959, he embraced the renounced order of life (sannyasa) and adopted the name Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Amidst the austere surroundings of Radha-Damodara, he crafted his magnum opus, a multivolume translation and commentary on the profound Srimad-Bhagavatam.

In 1965, Srila Prabhupada's unwavering spirit led him on an extraordinary voyage. At the age of 69, he embarked on a cargo ship to the United States, carrying with him the timeless message of Krishna Consciousness. Arriving in New York City, his pockets were nearly empty, but his heart was brimming with devotion.

With perseverance, Srila Prabhupada established the International Society for Krishna Consciousness in 1966. Under his compassionate guidance, the society flourished, spreading across continents and cultures, blossoming into a worldwide network of temples, schools, institutes, and farm communities.

His tireless dedication was evident as he journeyed across the globe, circling it twelve times in the last decade of his life, touching hearts and souls with his teachings. Over 5000 disciples, from diverse backgrounds, found solace in his wisdom, and the Ratha Yatra festival adorned major cities worldwide.

Srila Prabhupada's written legacy is profound, comprising over sixty volumes of translations, commentaries, and summaries of India's philosophical and religious classics. Highly esteemed by academia, his writings are standard textbooks in numerous college courses, transcending linguistic and cultural boundaries.

Establishing the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust in 1972, Srila Prabhupada created a platform for his works to reach the world. Today, the Trust is the world's largest publisher of Indian religious and philosophical literature, a testament to his enduring impact.

In recognition of his contributions, Srila Prabhupada is celebrated as one of India's greatest spiritual emissaries of the 20th century. His life, a luminous tapestry of devotion, knowledge, and service, continues to illuminate hearts, guiding seekers on a transformative journey towards spiritual awakening.

BIHS Third Cosmology Workshop

The Bhaktivedanta Institute for Higher Studies Sponsors its Third Cosmology Workshop In 2019, the Bhaktivedanta Institute for Higher Studies (BIHS) sponsored its initial cosmology workshop, “Taking the 5th… Canto!” This gathering explored the study of Puranic cosmography within ISKCON as an outgrowth of interest raised by the development of the Temple of the Vedic Planetarium […]

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“Give Peace A Chance” & “Hare Krishna”

“Give Peace A Chance” and “Hare Krishna” go viral on European radio once again. John Lennon’s pacifist anthem again this Friday sounded throughout Europe on the airways. At the request of Berlin Public Radio, around 160 public radio stations from 28 European countries simultaneously played “Give Peace a Chance”, the song Lennon composed in 1969 […]

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Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival Day 3: Paschatya Desha Tarine Centennial Celebration
- TOVP.org

This video documents Day 3 of the Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival, March 4, 2022 celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Srila Prabhupada receiving the order to preach from Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati (1922-2022). On this day Sri Sri Radha Madhava also received 10 kinds of unique abhishekas.



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The oasis of sense gratification
→ KKSBlog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 24 November 2021, Goloka Dhama, Germany, Srimad Bhagavatam 6.2.40)

I like to offer a little analogy of a group of people who were living in an oasis in the middle of a desert. One day, a stranger appeared there. This stranger brought very exotic fruits, very nice and tasty, something they had never tasted in the desert, something extraordinary. So everyone was impressed because desert life is limited to some dates, dried fruits and some camel milk. What else do they eat in the desert? Maybe some stewed cactus! But all in all, it gets a little bit limited after a while. So anyhow, the stranger was saying that actually these foods were coming from a wonderful land where everything was green.  Most people said, “Come on, you know he is trying to be interesting, he just found it in another oasis. There are no such things there.” Others said, “There must be!” They had some faith and on the strength of their faith, they decided that they were ready to travel with the stranger and go into the desert to find this wonderful land.

Now, the oasis in our analogy is the oasis of sense gratification. Because they got a higher taste, they got some faith and were ready to leave the oasis of sense gratification. But immediately as they went into the desert, they were confronted with the burning sun of lust on their head, now unsheltered. Whereas in the oasis, they had some shelter for the lust in the form of sense gratification. So this is a very difficult phase and some people could not make it, some turned back whereas some just lost it and went off into the desert. A few persevered and those who persevered eventually came to a new oasis, the oasis of the mode of goodness. In the oasis of sense gratification, one is enjoying material life. In the oasis of goodness, one is enjoying spiritual life. But the enjoying propensity, the self-centeredness is still there. Therefore, the oasis of goodness is not good enough. One still has to go further. What really makes the breakthrough is if one lives a life of sacrifice – if one exits the oasis of goodness and voluntarily goes back into the desert for the welfare of others.

It is there that one can overcome this ātmendriya – this self-centeredness in trying to satisfy one’s own senses. In the oasis of uncontrolled sense gratification, the senses are ruling – the senses and the mind. In the oasis of goodness, the senses are controlled by regulated principles but are still pushing very strongly. It is therefore still a struggle. Like I said, particularly in this age, it is the sankirtana yajna – the congregational sharing of the transcendental glorification of Krsna and His Holy Name – that can make the difference. It is there where we can really rise above. It is said that balavān indriya-grāmo vidvāṁsam api karṣati (Srimad Bhagavatam 9.19.17) – the senses are so strong that even a man of learning is struggling, even one who knows is still in trouble because the knowledge is a symptom of the mode of goodness – knowledge is not enough. One cannot be Krsna conscious just on the strength of higher knowledge. Then one is weak and one will be prone to fall down. It is only when we are getting a taste in devotional service that one breaks through!  

The article " The oasis of sense gratification " was published on KKSBlog.

War and Peace

“War! What is it good for? Absolutely nothing.” So sang Edwin Starr in his famous 70’s anthem, ‘War’. Few would argue with that stark assessment as we watch the scenes of yet another conflict with horror. Heartbreaking images of anguished people and their shattered lives in Ukraine flash across our screens, and we pray to […]

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Wisdom of the Sages: Bhakti in Ukraine – An Interview with Niranjana Swami

About this Episode: It may be news to many, but there is a large-scale, vibrant community of Krishna Bhakti in Ukraine. Niranjana Swami is ISKCON’s Governing Body Commissioner for Ukraine, and in this interview, Raghunath and Kaustubha ask him about the history of Bhakti in the former Soviet Union, and what it was like serving […]

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Australian Flooding & Relief Efforts

MELBOURNE, Australia –Approximately a dozen people have been reported dead from the flash flooding that battered northeastern Australia this week, with the wild weather forcing residents to evacuate and schools to close, while thousands of homes have been left immersed in water. Thousands have been ordered to evacuate as the southeast coast of Australia experienced […]

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Art For Peace Initiative to Help Ukrainian Refugee Children Cope

– Sample ‘Art for Peace’ collage Over the past week, more than a million Ukrainian refugees crossed the borders to the neighboring countries, fleeing war. Most of them are women and children, like their husbands, fathers, and sons, —all men between the ages of 18-60 — had to stay back to defend their country, not […]

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Art For Peace Initiative to Help Ukrainian Refugee Children Cope

– Sample ‘Art for Peace’ collage Over the past week, more than a million Ukrainian refugees crossed the borders to the neighboring countries, fleeing war. Most of them are women and children, like their husbands, fathers, and sons, —all men between the ages of 18-60 — had to stay back to defend their country, not […]

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ISKCON Scarborough – Introduction to the Nectar of Instruction – Upadesamrta – Live class on 6th Mar 2022(Sunday)
→ ISKCON Scarborough

Hare Krishna!

Please accept our humble obeisances!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga!

Date: 6th Mar 2022

Day: Sunday

Time: 11 am to 12 noon

Topic: Introduction to the Nectar of Instruction - Upadesamrta

Link to join:


ISKCON Scarborough

3500 McNicoll Avenue, Unit #3,

Scarborough, Ontario,

Canada, M1V4C7

Website: www.iskconscarborough.org




Shantipur Festival -15th March 2022
→ Mayapur.com

Dear Godbrothers and Godsisters please accept my humble obeisance all glories to Gurumaharaj, all glories to Shantipur festival. This to inform all of you of the coming Shantipur festival 15th March 2022. We humble request you to donate any amount for the organization of the biggest prasadam distribution program ever at Shantipur, the house of […]

The post Shantipur Festival -15th March 2022 appeared first on Mayapur.com.

Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival Day 2, March 3, 2022 – Vartamana Pithasthanam Utsav: Worshiping the Original Deities
- TOVP.org

This video documents Day 2 (March 3, 2022) of the Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival, dedicated to the worship and glorification of the original Mayapur chota Radha Madhava Deities on Their 50th Anniversary year in Sridham Mayapur (1972-2022).



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HELP for the UKRAINIAN DEVOTEES (04 March 2022)
→ Dandavats

By Badrinarayan Swami

Hare Krishna. Many devotees and friends are asking how they can help the devotees caught in the middle of the deadly and devastating fighting in Ukraine. ISKCON has over 3,000 initiated devotees in the country, over a dozen temples, and three beautiful farms. I have attached a few photos of the main temple in Kiev. ISKCON’s international governing body is in regular, daily contact with the Ukrainian devotees. Because of the very delicate and dangerous nature of the situation, we cannot say more than this. Continue reading "HELP for the UKRAINIAN DEVOTEES (04 March 2022)
→ Dandavats"