Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival, March 2-5: Sponsor a Radha Madhava Abhisheka
- TOVP.org

In a few weeks we will be celebrating the Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival in Sridham Mayapur from March 2-5. One of the celebrations being commemorated this year is the 50th anniversary of the arrival of Sri Sri Radha Madhava in 1972, and Their subsequently staying here at Srila Prabhupada’s divine request.

There are several sponsorship opportunities available to participate in this historic occasion and also help further support TOVP construction. Specifically in this article we are promoting the Radha Madhava Abhishekas. There are ten unique and wonderful abhishekas that will be performed, as well as a Welcome Ceremony. These have been organized into five sponsorship categories starting with the Welcome Ceremony for $25.

Sponsor your Radha Madhava Abhishekas TODAY!


The TOVP Announces – Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival, March 2 – 5, 2022

Celebrating 5 Anniversaries in 1 Festival

The TOVP Team is pleased to announce the upcoming, all-auspicious Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival from March 2 – 5, 2022. This will be a festival to top all festivals, commemorating the anniversary of five important events in the history of ISKCON:

  • 50th Anniversary of Chota Radha Madhava’s Installation
  • 50th Anniversary of the ISKCON Mayapur Gaur Purnima Festival
  • 50th Anniversary of Prabhupada Laying the TOVP Cornerstone
  • 50th Anniversary of Jananivas Prabhu as Mayapur Head Pujari
  • 100th Anniversary of Prabhupada Receiving Bhaktisiddhanta’s Order

For more information and to sponsor an Abhisheka, Radha Madhava Brick or Prabhupada Medallion, visit the Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival page on the TOVP website.



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The Appearance Day of Narottama Dasa Thakura

Narottama Dasa Thakura was a leading acharya in the Gaudiya Vaisnava line. He was the only disciple of Srila Lokanatha Gosvami. Srila Narottama Dasa Thakura helped bring the books of the Goswami’s from Vrndavana to Bengal and Orissa.

Appearing as the son of a king, Sri Narottama Dasa Thakura (Shri Thakura Mahasaya) showed all the bodily symptoms of a mahapurusha (an exalted divine person). He had long arms, a deep navel, golden-complexion, beautiful eyes shaped like the lotus petals. In school, he was a sruti dhara (able to memorize whatever he heard). Although he quickly mastered Sanskrit and the Vedas, he hankered to serve Krishna. He was a lifelong brahmachari. By the mercy of the Holy Name Gaura-Nitai, Narottama became detached, left his opulent family, and ran to Vrindavana. He took diksha from Sri Lokanatha Goswami and siksha in Gaudiya philosophy from Sri Jiva Goswami.

When he arrived in Navadwipa-dhama all the Devotees asked him about the health and activities of the Goswamis in Vrindavana. They were eager to hear the news from Vrindavana. After visiting all of Gauranga’s pastime places in Gaura Mandala, Narottama Dasa did the same in Shri Kshetra Dhama (Jagannatha Puri). Then he went to see the Devotees and Shri Chaitanya’s pastime spots in Shantipura, Shri Khanda, Kanthak Nagar, Ekachakra, and Kheturi Gram.

In Kheturi, Shri Narottama Dasa Thakura arranged the famous Kheturi Mahotsava. This was the first “Gaura-Purnima” festival to honor the divine appearance day of Shri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. During the festival six Deities were installed: Shri Gauranga Deva, Shri Vallabhi Kanta, Shri Vraja Mohana, Shri Krishna, Shri Radha Kanta, Shri Radha Ramana.

With his sweet voice, Narottama Dasa began a wonderful kirtana. His chanting filled the heavens and brought down tears of prema from the eyes of the Devotees, who were all sporting in the ocean of ecstasy. “In the midst of their kirtana, the munificent Shri Chaitanya Himself and all His personal associates appeared and joined in the sankirtana. Like a flash of lightning in the midst of a mass of beautiful blue clouds, Shri Chaitanya Himself appeared in the crowd of Devotees through a divine manifestation.” (Bhakti-ratnakar)

“At that time, although Mahaprabhu had, left this world years before, many different devotees saw Mahaprabhu in different ways. Those of Sri Navadvipa dhama saw Him more intimately as Nimaicandra or Visvambhara, as they knew Him during His youth. Those devotees were attracted to Mahaprabhu in sakhya and vatsalya rasa. The followers of the six Gosvamis, who only knew Mahaprabhu as a sannyasi, related to Him in the mood of dasya rasa. And hundreds of devotees also worshiped Lord Caitanya in an aisvarya mood of awe and reverence.
Srila Narottama Dasa Thakur sang numerous songs. One which is most famous in Sri Mayapur Dham is Sri Krishna Caitanya Prabhu Doya Koro More.

The devotees of the Mayapur community happen to sing this song every day during Darshan Arati of Sri Pancha Tattva.
śrī-kṛṣṇa-caitanya prabhu doyā koro more
tomā binā ke doyālu jagat-saḿsāre
patita-pāvana-hetu tava avatāra
mo sama patita prabhu nā pāibe āra
hā hā prabhu nityānanda, premānanda sukhī
kṛpābalokana koro āmi boro duḥkhī
doyā koro sītā-pati adwaita gosāi
tava kṛpā-bale pāi caitanya-nitāi
gaura premamaya tanu paṇḍita gadādhara
srīnivāsa haridāsa doyāra sāgara
hā hā swarūp, sanātana, rūpa, raghunātha
bhaṭṭa-juga, śrī-jīva hā prabhu lokanātha
doyā koro śrī-ācārya prabhu śrīnivāsa
rāmacandra-sańga māge narottama-dāsa
1) My dear Lord Caitanya, please be merciful to me, because who can be more merciful than Your Lordship within these three worlds?
2) Your incarnation is just to reclaim the conditioned, fallen souls, but I assure You that You will not find a greater fallen soul than me. Therefore, my claim is first.
3) My dear Lord Nityananda, You are always joyful in spiritual bliss. Since You always appear very happy, I have come to You because I am most unhappy. If You kindly put Your glance over me, then I may also become happy.
4) My dear Advaita Prabhu, husband of Sita, You are so kind. Please be merciful to me. If You are kind to me, naturally Lord Caitanya and Nityananda will also be kind to me.
5) Gaura’s love embodiment is shown by Gadadhara Pandita. Srinivasa Pandita and Haridasa Thakura are the ocean of mercy.
6) O Svarupa Damodara, personal secretary of Lord Caitanya, O six Gosvamis O Sri Rupa Gosvami, Sri Sanatana Gosvami, Sri Raghunatha Bhatta Gosvami, Sri Gopala Bhatta Gosvami, Sri Jiva Gosvami, and Sri Raghunatha dasa Gosvami! O Lokanatha Gosvami, my beloved spiritual master! Narottama dasa also prays for your mercy.
7) O Srinivasa Acarya, successor to the six Gosvamis! Please be merciful to me. Narottama dasa always desires the company of Ramacandra Cakravarti.

The post The Appearance Day of Narottama Dasa Thakura appeared first on ISKCON News.

The Residents of New Vrindaban: Divyangi Devi Dasi

ISKCON News is proud to announce a new and inspiring interview series, a new look into the world of living the Bhakti Yoga life. In this interview series, we talk to the devotees of New Vrindaban, West Virginia to ask them how they feel living fully immersed in devotional life.

Today we introduce you to Divyangi devi dasi, a well-known New York Harinam book distributor who is now a New Vrindaban resident.

Where do you hail from originally?
Divyangi Devi Dasi: I am originally from Minsk, Belarus.

How long have you lived at New Vrindaban?
I’ve permanently moved here in September 2021.

Oh so fairly new, what is it like living at New Vrindaban?
In my experience, every day something amazing happens here in New Vrindaban, inwardly and outwardly. Living here is transformative, I always learn so many new things about myself and my relationships with devotees. I feel like for me personally, it is a good place to work on my boundaries and recognition of my bodily and mental limits. At the same time, this place uncovers many talents and it’s easy to get involved and enjoy something I’ve never done before.

What are some of your favorite things about staying at New Vrindaban?
There’s always something going on here, in the temple, or in devotees’ houses or outside. It’s kind of like in my childhood, wherever you go there’s adventure everywhere.

I like living in nature and have an opportunity to just take a walk to the forest when I feel like I need it. I also like that it’s quite remote and it feels nice to be able to come back to a peaceful place after Book Distribution in town, for example.

I also like how encouraging devotees are to start new initiatives and engage others in them.

Do you think living in New Vrindaban helps your bhakti?
It definitely helps my spiritual growth. This growth is not always pleasant and comfortable, but encountering all sorts of situations here, helps me to become more responsible and serious in my spiritual practice and my relationship with devotees.

What service do you do there? What are some of your favorite services?
I am a pujari, and love it so much!
It’s quite common to organize book/prasadam distribution events, which I enjoy so much too. Recently I started helping with social media. And I absolutely love gardening services; although it’s hard to find time to do everything here when this opportunity actually comes, I appreciate it a lot!

Are you involved in any special projects or initiatives there?
I would say so. Every devotional festival in the temple is a special project here, as a pujari I am involved in all of them. Also, I have started helping with social media projects.

Do you feel you learning any particular skills there?
I would say I’m constantly learning about Deity Seva and the art of relationships with devotees.

Thanks so much for sitting down and talking to us today, Is there anything else you would like to add?
I feel and see how New Vrindaban is a Holy Dham, which is sometimes is not easy to deal with, it brings up the highest joy, as well as the deepest anarthas in me. Like other temples is a very good place for purification, as we say, but it works better for a devotee who looks for such purification. And I do. Absolutely wonderful place to visit and see what your experience will be like!

Stay tuned for more Interviews with the residents of New Vrindaban every month exclusively on ISKCON News. To book a stay at New Vrindaban visit newvrindaban.com/lodge

The post The Residents of New Vrindaban: Divyangi Devi Dasi appeared first on ISKCON News.

Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival, March 2-5: Sponsor a Radha Madhava Brick
- TOVP.org

In a few weeks we will be celebrating the Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival in Sridham Mayapur from March 2-5. One of the celebrations being commemorated this year is the 50th anniversary of the arrival of Sri Sri Radha Madhava in 1972, and Their subsequently staying here at Srila Prabhupada’s divine request.

There are several sponsorship opportunities available to participate in this historic occasion and also help further support TOVP construction. Specifically in this article we are promoting the Radha Madhava Brick. This golden colored brick will be inscribed with the name(s) of your choice and placed under Their Lordships altar for hundreds of years to come. Your name will also be included in the second volume of the TOVP Book of Devotion. Sponsorship payments can be made in installments over the next two years.

Sponsor your Radha Madhava Brick TODAY!


The TOVP Announces – Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival, March 2 – 5, 2022

Celebrating 5 Anniversaries in 1 Festival

The TOVP Team is pleased to announce the upcoming, all-auspicious Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival from March 2 – 5, 2022. This will be a festival to top all festivals, commemorating the anniversary of five important events in the history of ISKCON:

  • 50th Anniversary of Chota Radha Madhava’s Installation
  • 50th Anniversary of the ISKCON Mayapur Gaur Purnima Festival
  • 50th Anniversary of Prabhupada Laying the TOVP Cornerstone
  • 50th Anniversary of Jananivas Prabhu as Mayapur Head Pujari
  • 100th Anniversary of Prabhupada Receiving Bhaktisiddhanta’s Order

For more information and to sponsor an Abhisheka, Radha Madhava Brick or Prabhupada Medallion, visit the Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival page on the TOVP website.



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Srila Prabhupada’s Mayapur Bhajan Kutir – A Brief History
- TOVP.org

What is known as the ‘bhajan kutir’ in ISKCON Mayapur is the first structure built on the property. It was also the original ‘temple’, functioning as chota Radha Madhava’s first place of worship when They arrived in Mayapur in 1972. An entire day is dedicated to this ‘temple’ during the Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival from March 2 – 5, the 50th Anniversary of that arrival.

The kutir was built by Acyutananda Swami in 1971 on the order of Srila Prabhupada, who personally instructed him about the materials to use and the manpower to hire. Acyutananda Swami oversaw the design, construction and finances. When Prabhupada arrived in Mayapur and saw the finished kutir he happily remarked, “It shall be called Acyutananda Cottage.”

Bhavananda das recalls a most prophetic and important event :

The story regarding the straw house or bhajan kutir, as it was later called, and the TOVP really requires to be seen as well as heard because of Prabhupada’s arm gesture. However, I will try to narrate as best I can. In June, 1973 Prabhupada was in Mayapur and was staying in the Lotus building. That building was erected at the backmost border of our ISKCON land. The bhajan kutir was at the front border of the land next to Bhaktisiddhant road. The empty land between consisted of many paddy or rice fields. It was all just empty flat fields where Prabhupada had planned for the main temple to be constructed. During a morning walk Prabhupada and I were standing in front of the straw house. I turned to him and said, “Should we demolish this since we don’t use it anymore?” Prabhupada was quiet for a moment and then he said, “No, let the people see – this is what we were”, and then with a grand swing of his right arm he pointed up to his right and said, “and this is what we have become”. And, of course, as we now know he was pointing directly to where the TOVP stands today.

From Prabhupada Lilamrta by Satsvarupa Goswami:

The monsoons came, and the Ganges spilled over her banks, flooding the entire ISKCON Mayapur property. Acyutananda Swami had built a straw and bamboo hut where Prabhupada was soon to stay, but the waters rose until Acyutananda Swami had to live in the bamboo rafters. He wrote Prabhupada that had it not been for Bhaktisiddhanta Road the damage would have been extensive. Prabhupada replied, “Yes, we were saved by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Road. We shall
always expect to be saved by His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Goswami Maharaja Prabhupada. Always pray to His Lotus Feet. Whatever success we have had in preaching Lord Caitanya’s mission all over the world is only due to His mercy.”

This year also celebrates the 50th Anniversary of the Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers book conversation between Srila Prabhupada and Brahmatirtha das (Bob Cohen) who, as a young Peace Corps worker in India at the time, met with Srila Prabhupada in the bhajan kutir for three consecutive days. Published in 1977, Srila Prabhupada personally gave the title of the book, and millions of copies have been distributed worldwide in over fifty languages since then.


Srila Prabhupada's Mayapur Bhajan Kutir - A Brief History

The TOVP Announces – Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival, March 2 – 5, 2022

Celebrating 5 Anniversaries in 1 Festival

The TOVP Team is pleased to announce the upcoming, all-auspicious Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival from March 2 – 5, 2022. This will be a festival to top all festivals, commemorating the anniversary of five important events in the history of ISKCON:

  • 50th Anniversary of Chota Radha Madhava’s Installation
  • 50th Anniversary of the ISKCON Mayapur Gaur Purnima Festival
  • 50th Anniversary of Prabhupada Laying the TOVP Cornerstone
  • 50th Anniversary of Jananivas Prabhu as Mayapur Head Pujari
  • 100th Anniversary of Prabhupada Receiving Bhaktisiddhanta’s Order

For more information and to sponsor an Abhisheka, Radha Madhava Brick or Prabhupada Medallion, visit the Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival page on the TOVP website.



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Monthly Media – Jan 2022
→ KKSBlog

We are already half way February but we still reflect back on last January. At the beginning of each year many of us like to make resolutions and focus on to achieve these promises. One of the resolutions we could all make is to keep following Kadamba Kanana Swami’s journey in Europe and be inspired by his teachings. On the 1 st day of this year, Kadamba Kanana Swami celebrated the New Year in Simhachalam, Germany. I am sure we all had a wonderful time listening to Kadamba Kanana Swami’s kirtan and his lectures on Srimad Bhagavatan (S.B.) and CC Adi-Lila. Please see the links below:

1st January – Sankirtan Katha with HG Mandihara Prabhu and HH Kadamba Kanana Swami – CC Adi Lila 9.36

1st January – New Year’s Kirtan with HH Kadamba Kanana Swami

2nd January – S.B. 3.24.13 – Simhachalam, Germany

After spending time in Simhachalam, Kadamba Kanana Swami went to Ljubljana, Slovenia, where he shared many teachings from Srimad Bhagavatam. Please see the links below.

5th January – S.B. 8.16.8 – Ljubljana, Slovenia

6th January – S.B.8.16.10 – Ljubljana, Slovenia

12th January – small kirtan

13th January – S.B.8.16.23 – Ljubljana, Slovenia

Kadamba Kanana Swami then took a direction to the South of Europe. His first destination was Italy. Please see the links for a morning program and a harinam.

15th January – Morning program and lecture on S.B.9.2.23-24. – Italy

15th January – Italy – Harinam

After Italy, Kadamba Kanana Swami decided to visit Nueva Vrajamandala and ISKCON Malaga in Spain, where he gave lectures from Srimad Bhagavatam, initiated some devotees and played kirtan for Radhadesh Mellows online. Please see the links below.

21st January – S.B.4.14.49 – Nueva Vrjamandala, Spain

22nd January – S.B.4.13.41 – Nueva Vrajamandala, Spain

23rd January – Harinam in Madrid, Spain

24th January – Initiation ceremony – Nueva Vrajamandala, Spain

26th January – S.B. 1.11.12 – ISKCON Malaga

28th January – S.B.1.11.14 – ISKCON Malaga

28th January – Radhadesh Mellow online

29th January – S.B.1.11.15 – ISKCON Malaga

30th January – S.B.1.11.16-17 – ISKCON Malaga

Weekly Zoom Meetings

7th January – Build a Bhajan Kutir

14th January – Program at Prabhupadadesh ISKCON Vicenza

21st January – From New Vraja Mandala Spain

Did you miss any previous Monthly Media articles? Find them here!

Until next month…

The article " Monthly Media – Jan 2022 " was published on KKSBlog.

Increasing the Number of Diksa-gurus – 2021
→ Dandavats

By the GBC

RESOLVED: The GBC hereby states their commitment to increase the number of diksa-gurus in ISKCON by systematically and promptly increasing the number of diksa-gurus before we lose the present gurus. The GBC also accepts the principle that the number of diksa-gurus must reflect, as closely as possible, the actual size of ISKCON, and that the future system leans to having many local diksa-gurus with fewer disciples, rather than having a limited number of international gurus with many disciples. Furthermore, the GBC members will support and promote prominent siksa-gurus initiating while their diksa-gurus are present. Continue reading "Increasing the Number of Diksa-gurus – 2021
→ Dandavats"

Narottama Das Thakur Appearance
→ Ramai Swami

akumara-brahmacari sarva-tirtha-darshiparama-bhagavatottamah shrila-narottama-dasa    

A brahmachari for his entire life, Narottama Das visited all the places of pilgrimage. He was on the highest platform of devotional achievement. (Bhakti-ratnakara 1.256)

Narottama Thakur was Champaka Manjari in Krishna-lila. Eternally assisting Rupa Manjari in her service to Radha and Krishna, Champaka Manjari had mercy on the conditioned souls of this earth and appeared as Narottama in the village of Kheturi, about twelve miles from Rampur Bowaliya in the Gopalpur subdivision of Rajshahi district. This took place on the full moon day of the month of Magh sometime around the middle of the 15th century of the Shaka era. 

Narottama’s father was Raja Krishnananda Datta, the zamindar of the Gopalpur area. His mother’s name was Narayani Devi. Raja Krishnananda had a younger brother named Purushottam Datta, who had a son named Santosha. In order to show that His associates can take birth in any caste, Krishna had Narottama take birth in a kayastha family.    

From his early childhood, Narottama began to display symptoms of his future greatness. Everyone was amazed to see his great intelligence and his devotional demeanor. He was constantly absorbed in meditation on the wonderful qualities of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Nityananda Prabhu. The Lord and His associates appeared to him in his dreams. 

According to the Premavilasa, when Mahaprabhu passed through Kanair Natashala, as He was dancing ecstatically in kirtan, He began to call out the name Narottama. When Nityananda asked Him why He was calling out this name, Mahaprabhu answered, “My Lord. You do not know your own glories. When we went to Jagannath Puri, you shed tears out of divine love, day after day. I managed to capture your divine love and save it. Now I wish to keep it here by the Padmavati River for Narottama Das.” 

Mahaprabhu then went on to the Padmavati River to the place known as Kutubpur, where He bathed and sang and danced in ecstasy. He then called out to the river, “O Padmavati! Take my love and keep it here. When Narottama comes and bathes here, give it to him.”    

The Padmavati inquired, “How will I recognize him?”    Mahaprabhu answered, “You will know it is Narottama, for when he enters your waters, you will overflow.”    The place where Mahaprabhu placed prema for Narottama’s sake was later given the name Prematali.

When Narottama was twelve years old, he had a dream in which Nityananda Prabhu told him to bathe in the Padmavati and take the prema which had been stored there for him. He went the next day to the Padma and as soon as he put his foot in the water, the river started to overflow. The Padmavati then remembered Mahaprabhu’s words and gave Narottama the prema which she had been safeguarding for him.

As soon as he experienced the ecstasies of prema, Narottama’s character, his appearance, everything about him changed. His parents noticed the transformation and did everything they could to bring him back to his normal state, but failed. Having drunk the wine of divine ecstasy, Narottama had become intoxicated and the bonds of family life could no longer hold him back.

Narottama waited to go to Vrindavan until after the death of his father when his cousin Santosha was given the responsibility for the zamindari. Even though he was the son of a rich zamindar, in his desire to unite with the Lord, he was ready to abandon the pleasures of the body in a moment.

The Prema-vilasa also describes how Narottama took initiation from Lokanatha Goswami. Narottama was born on Maghi purnima, his renunciation took place on the Karttik purnima, and he was initiated by Lokanatha on the Shravan purnima.

After the disappearance of Rupa and Sanatan Goswamis, Shri Jiva Goswami became the undisputed intellectual leader of all Gaudiya Vaishnavas throughout Mathura, Bengal and Orissa and the chief-minister of the universal court of Vaishnavas at Vrindavan — the Vishva-vaishnava-raja-sabha. Shrinivas Acharya, Narottama Das, and Duhkhi Krishna Das all studied the scriptures under Jiva, receiving detailed personal instruction from him. When their studies were completed, Jiva gave them the titles of Acharya, Thakur and Shyamananda, respectively. 

After their studies were complete, Jiva sent his three students to Bengal with the Vaishnava scriptures. Shri Jiva heard the news that the books had been stolen in Bana Vishnupura and then later that they had been recovered.

Lokanatha Goswami considered Narottama’s previous life as a wealthy zamindar to be particularly suitable for preaching in his home area of northern Bengal and thought that with his status he would be able to teach the standards of renounced devotional behavior. Out of compassion for that country’s people, he ordererd Narottama to return to his home town of Kheturi. 

On Lokanatha Goswami’s orders, Narottama installed six sets of Deities in his Temple in Kheturi: Gauranga, Vallabhikanta, Vrajamohana, Shri Krishna, Radhakanta, and Radharamana. The great festival which he held on that occasion is still remembered in the Vaishnava world. 

Shrinivas Acharya acted as the officiating priest at the festival and performed the rituals installing the Deities. In the kirtan led by Narottama which followed, Mahaprabhu and His associates themselves appeared.

bhaktih kim ayam kim eshavairagya-saras tanuman nrilokesambhavyate yah kritibhih sadaivatasmai namah shrila-narottamaya    

I offer my repeated obeisances to Shrila Narottama Das Thakur, who appears to some as devotion itself incarnate, or as the essence of renunciation in human form — this is forever the opinion of the wise.

Valentine’s Day Message: The Love That Satisfies
Giriraj Swami

Today, February 14, Saint Valentine’s Day, I was struck when Srila Prabhupada, at the conclusion of his class on Sri Isopanisad, spoke about love—the love that Krishna wants and the love that will satisfy us:

“Any religion, it doesn’t matter whether Hindu religion, Muslim religion, Christian religion—if you are developing love of God, then you are perfect in your religion. . . .

And what kind of love? Ahaituki: without any cause. ‘O Lord, I love You, God, because You supply me so many nice things. You are order-supplier.’ No, not that sort of love. Without any exchange. That is taught by Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, that ‘Whatever You do . . .’ Aslisya va pada-ratam pinastu mam. ‘Either You trample me under Your feet or You embrace me—what You like. You make me brokenhearted by not seeing You—that doesn’t matter. Still You are my worshipable Lord.’ That is love. . . . That sort of love Krishna wants. Therefore He was so much fond of the gopis. In the gopis’ love there was no question of business propaganda: ‘Give me this, then I love You.’ No. That is pure love. . . . If you want to love God, there is nothing throughout the whole world which can check you. Simply you have to develop your eagerness: ‘Krishna, I want You.’ That’s all. Then there is no question of checking. In any condition you’ll increase your love, increase your love. . . . If you can develop your love for God, or Krishna, without being checked, without any cause, then you will feel fully satisfied.”

Hare Krishna.

Yours in service,
Giriraj Swami

Saturday, February 12, 2022
→ The Walking Monk

Yorkville, Toronto

Best Avatar

My poem about Nityananda, whose birthday is on Monday.


Best Avatar


He is indeed by far

The mercy avatar

For He bore the blood

During the love flood


As companion to Gaur

Life was less-is-more

Distributing a wealth

For everyone’s health


Committed to the name

And establishing its fame

He went door to door

In the effort to explore


He went with Haridas

Many gains – no loss

With interesting reception

Prepared for any rejection


Jagai/Madhai, there in queue

The loud obnoxious two

Met more than their match

When Nitai did dispatch


Totally drunk as hell

They swayed, they fell

Nitai had a thought

These men shall not rot


They should be given a chance

To sing and to dance

To the ultimate sound

With head up, feet to the ground


If they do succeed

That’s all we need

Gaur’s mission is won

To home we will run


Unknowing such a plus

The two nasties raised a fuss

Struck the head of Nitai

As if to say “Good bye”


But Nitai did stand up

Told Gaur not to chop

The thug’s two lives to spare

Hearts turned then and there


The two lowly drunks

Practically became monks

Like a victorious Skanda

Credit to Nityananda

-          Composed by Bhaktimarga Swami, The Walking Monk©


May the Source be with you!

3 km


Friday, February 11, 2022
→ The Walking Monk

243 Ave. Rd., Toronto

Bless You, Hari Bhakti Vilas

Hari Bhakti Vilas is from Maharastra, India. He was a regular attendee at our morning program in Toronto. But now we will not see him coming again. Covid took his life this morning, but we are confident that Govinda is calling him back to the spiritual realm. Perhaps he will be walking in that world, very zealously enroute to the service of His Lord.

This message of his passing is the type of thing I receive all the time; grieving news or relieving news. Naturally I respond to both (and we are making plans to deal with Hari’s body). Regular news, I don’t follow. It is quite depressing so I abstain. Still, it is important to be informed so I don’t become an ignorant or naïve person. I usually hear of significant current events from a resident monk who is a little more in tune, or I hear from one of our Iskcon admins who puts his or her ear to the news.

Our guru, Prabhupada, would spend little time on mundane news. He might look at the headlines of an article but not do much more than that to get the gist of things. He did show some interest in any article to do with India and in the past may have written his own article for his “Back to Godhead” periodical, putting some relevancy to his message such as addressing China and India declaring war on each other going back decades ago.

Reporting on the events of the world aren’t usually very sanguine, so hence it’s not a bad idea to reflect on the goings on with God’s own abode. This is called lila and it’s worth noting that it is found in the holy texts and provides the reader with a sense of optimism.

May the Source be with you!


Thursday, February 10, 2022
→ The Walking Monk

Ramsden Park, Toronto


From the Gita, 11.42, “Thinking of You as my friend, I have rashly addressed You ‘O Krishna,’ ‘O Yadava,’ O my friend,’ not knowing Your glories. Please forgive whatever I may have done in madness or in love. I have dishonoured You many times, jesting as we relaxed, lay on the same bed, or sat or ate together, sometimes alone and sometimes in front of many friends. O infallible one, please excuse me for all those offenses.”

Before I went off on my evening trek today, the Gita Chat group on Thursday and I discussed the subject of forgiveness, based on the verse above. The wise Krishna and attentive Arjuna struck this most important topic when Arjuna put his apology into the conversation. He admitted to a familiarity and complacency.

In looking at the definition of complacency we arrive at something like this, “a feeling of smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one’s achievements.” This attitude is hurtful on the path of spirituality and it’s something to be avoided. Arjuna spotted his weaknesses and opened his heart to the Lord.

We should probe into our weaknesses and offenses and, once we have identified those whom we have crossed in some way, attempt to resolve mistakes made in order to clear our path from clutter.

Krishna was and always is reasonable. It seemed He did not take offense to Arjuna’s familiarity. Perhaps we could refer to a couple of what’s called “The Paradoxical Commandments:”

1) The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds. Think big anyway.

2) What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight. Build anyway.

May the Source be with you!

2 km


Wednesday, February 9, 2022
→ The Walking Monk

Owen Sound, Ontario

The Sad Case of Humans

A group of us were talking about addictions. We all know of people or are self-confessing victims of addiction, which can range from hoarding of things to substance-taking, pornography-gazing, to sex addition, cell-phone usage, coffee consumption, etc. The range is broad and broadening more with the advances of materialism and enhancement of Kali yuga pleasures.

I opine that with the lowering of spirituality in one’s life, the tendency to grab for things over God simply increases. Once you bring down your guard you become a hunter’s sitting duck; the hunter being maya, illusion.

While we were talking on the subject and also over our Bhagavatam discussion, it appeared that some eavesdropping was occurring. Outside the window of our host’s home was a family of deer. I’m sure, though, they were more interested in food than philosophy. We simply let them be and avoided disturbing their hunger for forest goods.

When Mahadeva, Annapurna, and I left and headed back to the city, we decided to put some leg-work in by walking a section of the Grey County Trail off of Puddicombe Lane from Highway 10. As we were about to get out of the van, we spotted a family of wild turkeys. They were hungry too, like the deer. It was interesting to see them sink into the snow in their attempt to avoid us. Who can blame them? Humans are crazy creatures. They have these outrageous addictions.

May the Source be with you!

4 km


The Sacred Abode Of Puri (Album of photos)
→ Dandavats

By Indradyumna Swami

Though we are visiting remote areas of Orissa to document ancient temples, we couldn't resist a pilgrimage to Jagannatha Puri. We spent the day visiting numerous sacred temples and places associated with the pastimes of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, such as Siddha Bakula, where the Lord visited Haridas Thakur and planted a Bakul tree to give His devotee shade while chanting the Holy Names. That sacred tree still exists. Continue reading "The Sacred Abode Of Puri (Album of photos)
→ Dandavats"

Bhakti Kids Sangha Podcast

Bhakti Kids Sanga had started out with having devotional activities for families, resources for parents, and even yoga classes for children, but they heard a need in their community. There has seemed to be an influx of Hare Krishna podcasts popping up, but nothing geared towards children and family. “I’ve even noticed parents on Facebook groups for homeschooling say they wish there was a podcast”  Abhidheya devi dasi shared with us.

So I’ve started one, the first episode is feb 26th, 2020. So far I have the lead teacher of the Sydney Sanskrit school, Madhu devi, the author of Janma Lila, Avatar Lila das, and Urmila Prabhu confirmed so far.”


This coming February 26th, You will be able to watch the premiere podcast on their Youtube here. The podcast will also be broadcasted on their Facebook page.

In our day in age, especially in a pandemic where so many of us cannot associate in-person, podcasts are an essential connection, and family podcasts overall are not focused on much in media. Bhakti Kids Sanga provides families with a unique, flexible, and customizable way to bond and have discussions. Through this podcast, families can find common interests to celebrate, explore, discover new passions, and be introduced to topics in fun formats that are engaging and educational.


To be seen and heard is a tremendous benefit to our practice, our mind, and then reflects back on how we treat our families. Bhakti Kids Sanga not only helps connect families with resources and activities to do, it builds community.



The new podcast will be simultaneously broadcasted on Facebook and YouTube.

Stay connected with Bhakti Kids Sangha




The post Bhakti Kids Sangha Podcast appeared first on ISKCON News.

Tuesday, February 8, 2022
→ The Walking Monk

Owen Sound, Ontario

Credit to the Credit

Argentina devotees approached me for a Zoom call on the topic, “Personal Journey,” so I delivered what I could about my early days of contact with monks while I was at college. I was a fine arts student but more than eager to be a student of life in becoming more acquainted with who I really am and what is my purpose. I felt, at the time, that it was rather futile to just “follow the herd” and then end up dying. I was looking for human depth, so those five brahmacaris (monks) got me going.

The listeners, many miles away in Argentina, were happy with the details, completing a second class for the morning but one more class, a Gita Chat, was to occur in the evening in a northern town. Enroute to the place – Owen Sound – Mahadeva, Annapurna, and I stopped by midway to meet Mitchel of Orangeville.

Mitchel took us to the Credit Valley Trail, which edges along the Credit River, a spring-fed flow of water originating above the Niagara Escarpment and flowing for 100 kilometres to Lake Ontario. It is a gem of a river. Because of the time of year we are content contending with the snow. Everything is pristine on the trail; the water, snow, the cedars and pines and the glowing sun.

With the walk completed, we moved north on our set of wheels to indulge in prasadam at the Hannas and then finally our Gita Chat with Chapter 2.

May the Source be with you!


Monday, February 7, 2022
→ The Walking Monk

Yorkville, Toronto



Today was to remember Advaita, a fifteenth century saint. As for tomorrow, the eighth, we recall the heroism of Bheesma. Here is my poem:




He was the dear son of Mother Ganga, the river

In childhood ksatriya play he took from his quiver

And aiming at the water he released his arrow

Causing her current to reverse in her narrow


For his father’s sake he made a great vow

“For you to have a queen I will take a bow”

It was a sacrifice for a determined happiness

Scarce do we hear of such noble warrior-ness


His character was built on the power to abstain

An act of endurance to conquer pleasure and pain

Earning him blessings to pass at will from the world

And making him a jewel of a man, if not a pearl


He was a protector, counsellor, very much a guide

There’s no limit to the compassion he could provide

Imparting much wisdom for leaders to thus thrive

He offered the tools to keep a warrior alive


An ascetic, Amba, attempted to make his heart rattle

And it was on the tenth day of that devastating battle

When fate had him fight on the side where his heart was not

That he received multiple wounds, leaving many distraught


Piteously he lay on an arrow-bed suspended in the air

For a General, combat could be heaven or a nightmare

His waiting for Krishna and loved ones to come, see, and hear

Is his way of giving and dying that holds him so dear.


May the Source be with you!

3 km


Sunday, February 6, 2022
→ The Walking Monk

Casa Loma, Toronto

Follow or Fall

I love the Gita chats that have become part of my covid reality. Regular groups are hosted from Florida, Cleveland, Halifax, Vancouver, Saskatoon, Mississauga, Hamilton, Toronto, Mauritius, Niagara Falls, and Buenos Aires. And it looked like South Africa was on the list, but I’m not so sure now. I can’t forget Ottawa.

While I conduct these chats, I like to keep them as such, keeping them interactive as much as possible. I want to hear from the participants. Similarly, I also want to listen in on classes in the morning from others. These are somewhat related to the Gita, only it’s another book – the follow up – called the Bhagavatam.

The person organizing the schedule for those classes in Toronto is Maha Bhagavat. He just happened to be the speaker this morning as he was on the schedule. He did a splendid job speaking about the precarious nature of moths doing their suicide thing. Attracted by the light and heat of fire, they end up unceremoniously being reincarnated.

It was a pleasure to hear him talk, as I like to hear others, like our own Woody Allen look-a-like, Hara Kumar. His content is good, although he might make use of eye-contact a little more.

I know for a fact that our guru, Prabhupada, relished hearing his disciples give class.

Some of today’s talk was a play on words, “Follow or fall.”

Of course, this is not in reference to the moths.

May the Source be with you

4 km


Saturday, February 5, 2022
→ The Walking Monk

Aurora, Ontario

Warming Up

I had a feeling that we broke some ice in two ways. Fresh snowfalls are rather regular these days, with some thaw occurring at intervals. This is the recipe for ice formations, which you might feel tempted to creak at the surface of a water puddle. Whether we clear the windshield of snow or smash ice this is a reality of early February in our part of the world, and you live with it so you learn to love it.

To people who gripe somewhat about winter, I just like to say, “Stop complaining. You are the one that’s cold. Just warm up to it. Be warm. Warm up to the cold and the cold will warm up to you!”

In a second way, we broke ice more socially. In our province, restrictions are lifted for covid. I took advantage immediately by accepting an invitation with a household in Aurora, which is north of Toronto. The home is actually more of a mansion and after a grand tour of the place we indulged in the most splendid meal. My favorites were on the menu – asparagus and Brussels sprouts.

Sweeter than food is mantraand that’s what we swam in for a good hour by the fireplace. While the magic of snow was all around and crystally icicles hung from the eavestrough on the extension of the house, we experienced only warmth through prasadam, warm to the tongue, with mantra providing warmth to the heart, and the firewood, all lit, giving comfort to the body.

May the Source be with you!

3 km


Friday, February 4, 2022
→ The Walking Monk

243 Ave Rd., Toronto

Under One Roof

At this wintry time it makes absolute sense to communicate with those whom you share the same roof. With our resident monks we shared Vedic wisdom. Hara Kumar, who in some ways is my senior, delivered this morning’s class on being like an ocean. The ocean receives plentiful water in the form of flowing rivers, yet it remains grave. In a similar way HK explained that desires may flow into our mental lake, however, one must stay level-headed in thought and action.

With recent new residents, Mahadeva and Annapurna, we talked of future traveling plans. The east coast is on our desire list and there we will attend a wedding, play music and mantrain parks and what to speak of walking a few trails. We day-dreamt about the time of departure, the particular vehicle we had in mind and the adventure and prospects of making new friends.

A brief drop into the kitchen and there I did not see our dear Dwarkanath cooking up his usual storm. He was perched on a stool strumming away at his musical instrument. I think all the pots and pans were enchanted by his playing and presence.

It was under our common roof, sheltered also by walls and warmth that I conducted three classes on our Gitachat. So, while I was under one roof I connected, technically, with people under other roofs, in different parts of the world. It was just wonderful.

May the source be with you!


Thursday, February 3, 2022
→ The Walking Monk

243 Ave. Rd., Toronto



“Hey,” said the rather bubbly guy, tall, middle-aged, jovial. “I haven’t seen you guys for a while. When I was a kid and we saw you bald and white fellows my dad would say, ‘They’re crazy.’Anyways, here I am now picking up a take-out dinner, seeing you guys again after all these years. We used to live one street over...”

Our new friend was amiable and talkative (in a most positive way). He kept Srikant and I very busy listening and we kept quite happy for his being there. He was a character, for sure. Persons like him put a nice exclamation mark to the day. Some light-heartedness needs to be there in the course of twenty-four hours. Life is drab if you go through it without even a joke here or there.

I was trudging through the snow on a street and then came to a clearing. I then met, at the juncture of the street, a man who looked a bit lost. Of course, he was needing directions.

“Can I help you?”

With a substantial hat on and masked for covid, it was hard to tell of his ethnicity.

“Yes, I’m looking for Avenue Road.”

“I live on Avenue at a temple. I’ll show you to the street,” I said when I could detect light-to-dark skin and with a bit of an accent.

“I’m from Bangladesh.” He stated.

“Then you must know Krishna?”

From there came another light moment to my day, and to the man who was a bit lost.

May the Source be with you!



Wednesday, February 2, 2022
→ The Walking Monk

243 Ave. Rd., Toronto

Unity and Diversity

Song by luminary Bhaktivinode Thakur

The following lyrics demonstrate this great saint’s sense of vision on the principle of unity and diversity:

1) Why do you continue to hate the way the Lord is worshiped by people of other lands? There exist a number of authentic ways to worship God according to the custom of various people living in different countries.

2) Some people worship the Lord in an untidy or careless manner, some worship Him by bending down on their knees, still others close their eyes while worshiping His impersonal Brahman aspect.

3) Some people worship Him by assuming various yoga postures, and some immerse themselves in the congregational chanting of the Lord’s holy names, but all of them worship that one and only supreme treasure – Lord Sri Krishna.

4) Therefore, you should all reflect a mood of brotherhood and live together in transcendental friendship. Always practice devotional service to the Lord, Hari, whether in situations of life or death.

The above beautiful words by Bhaktivinode speak about nothing but inclusiveness.

May the Source be with you!


Tuesday, February 1, 2022
→ The Walking Monk

Queen’s Park, Toronto

Beware of Bad Rap


On the wedding day of Krishna’s parents, King Kamsa led the chariot of the newly married couple through the crowds when a prophetic voice from the skies revealed his fate; being slain by their eighth son, who would be Krishna. Kamsa became very defensive, unsheathed his sword and was prepared to behead his sister right on the spot. Vasudeva, Kamsa’s new brother-in-law, stepped into action holding back Kamsa’s sword-held arm. The crowd was in a panic. Vasudeva tried to reason with the impulsive king.

On several angles of whisper into the tyrants’ ears, the wise Vasudeva tried to convince Kamsa of his wrong doing. “Think of your reputation.” “This is your sister.” “It’s her wedding day.” “A true warrior doesn’t slay a woman.”

Reputation’s preservation became the theme of our Gita Discussion Group this night. In Chapter two of the Gita Krishna reminds his friend, Arjuna, that reputation is important, and since Arjuna contemplated on walking out on responsibility that prestige would be majorly hurt. “Dishonour is worse than death!” Krishna declared.

Who really wants to go down in history with a bad rap, a bad reputation? So, from the story of Krishna’s relatives and the story of His friend, we can takeaway the message that dignity has a place in culture.


May the Source be with you!

3 km


Monday, January 31, 2022
→ The Walking Monk

Queen’s Park, Toronto

Hard Times/Strong Men


A few of us created another Zoom Gita Study Group, with a west coast crew. It was our orientation day, but I must not forget to include three families from Saskatchewan, where they are encountering a terrific snow blizzard. “Not to worry,” I ensured Vivek and Amee. When the freak of nature rears its ugly head, we go into our holes and there’s nothing better to do on a wintry night than to cuddle around the comforting words of Bhagavan.

I want to thank those who joined today, and for every alternative Monday, while east coast enthusiasts occupy the other Monday.

What about central U.S. and Canada? Already underway.

The Gita perspective is a draw. Perhaps it has an appeal during these interesting times. I was reflecting on our time today during my walk tonight. You’ve heard the saying:

Hard times create strong men,

Strong men create good times.

Good times create weak men,

Weak men create hard times.

I have yet to see our hard times creating strong anything. When we come out of pandemic hiding, then we might see something. As far as the above saying goes, this cyclic pattern reminds me of the demigod/demon dynamic we read about in the Puranas. In general, people do get complacent when things run relatively easy. Are the current times rocky? To some degree, yes. Come then strong people. Let’s especially speak on being spiritually strong.

May the Source be with you!

3 km


Sunday, January 30, 2022
→ The Walking Monk

Hamilton, Ontario

About Dad

Shortly after my father passed away in 2008, I wrote a poem in his honour, a way of saying “Thanks!” It will be his birthday on the 1st of February. He was born in the Netherlands, the place of tulips, in 1919. As a member of the Vaishnava tradition, bhakti yoga, we have a natural obligation to feel for our parents who did so much for us. Here’s my poem:

About Dad

Dear Creator


You struck a good balance

When you linked the leaf and petal

Came a man of heart and muscle

Smooth as silk, hard as metal


With pride he told his pastimes

Of a place of windmills and dikes

Which fueled life then and there

With feet on skates and feet on bikes


Folks then bore brutal war

Watched the stock market crash

Lost jobs but not nerve

Convictions could never be smashed


He left the land below sea level

For a promised place remote

Atlantic waters rippled by

On a real and wanderlust boat


He married a lady called Rose

Life was of both fragrance and thorn

They begot two guys ‘n two gals

Then twins were newly born


He walked us down the outdoor trails

But inside told of birds and bees

He gave us each those daily chores

And how to milk those cows with ease


He grew those plants with a green thumb

Toiled decades on the assembly line

With different strokes he cracked those jokes

He was just fun-loving all the time


Patience he learned in a very hard way

He gave us our choices in life

Our music was not to cope with

It gave him some stress and strife


His was a life full of colours

Sporting half beard and wooden shoes

He was extraordinary, yet ordinary

An upbeat dad you thought to never lose


His heart froze in the land of the petal

His body lies in the land of the leaves

Oh Creator, rest his soul in heaven

For he was born to give and please


May the Source be with you!

4 km


Nityananda Trayodasi – Appearance Day of Lord Nityananda

Lord Nityananda was born in Ekachakra, a small village in the Birbhum district of West Bengal, around the year 1474. He was born to Hadai Ojha and his mother Padmavati. Nityananda Prabhu was born on the auspicious thirteenth day of the bright fortnight of Magha month. As a child, Nitai would love to enact the different pastimes of the Lord. So much so that the entire village would be immersed in the love of Godhead. Once while he played the part of Lakshman and remained unconscious as long the child who was playing the part of Hanuman did not bring the medicine as had happened during the original pastime during Lord Rama’s time.

He spent the first 12 years of His life in Ekachakra. In the 13th year, a traveling sannyasi, famous Lakshmipati Tirtha, requested Nitai from his parents, as a traveling companion. His father, although could not refuse the request, was devastated by the separation with Nitai, and soon gave up his life. Nitai traveled with Lakshmipati Tirtha for about 20 years, during which He visited all the holy places in the country.

Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta
Adi 14.3

vrajendra-nandana yei, śacī-suta haila sei,
balarāma haila nitāi.

Lord Nityananda is non different from Lord Balaram. To fight with the onslaught of this material energy, we need spiritual strength and therefore it is advisable to seek the shelter of Lord Nityananda which not only provides us strength but also is more soothing than a million moons. nitāi-pada-kamala koṭi-candra-suśītala. The material nature is unceasingly tossing us, the only shelter is Lord Nityananda’s lotus feet. In this world full of anxieties, His lotus feet are the only hope for peace.

Lord Nityananda is guru-tattva, the original spiritual master. A bona fide spiritual master is the representative of Lord Nityananda. By following the instructions of a bona fide spiritual master, one pleases Lord Nityananda and thereby receives His blessings to make advancement on the path of pure devotional service to Lord Gauranga.

Lord Nityananda is an embodiment of compassion. Thus having been hit by Madhai, He was considering how to deliver them with pure love of Godhead. Lord Nityananda was instructed by Lord Caitanya to come back to Bengal and preach Krishna consciousness. He lived in Khardah, a place near Panihati, with his two wives Vasudha and Jahnava, the daughters of Gauri Das Pandit. In the famous Panihati Cida dahi mahotsav, Lord Nityananda could feel and see the presence of Lord Caitanya wearing South Indian garlands. Lord Nityananda could not tolerate Lord Caitanya’s taking sanyasa and living like a mendicant, that once He broke the sannyasa danda of Lord Caitanya.

Lord Nityananda himself distributes the holy name in the market of holy name based on a person’s faith.

Śrī Nāma Pracāra


(nitāi) nām eneche, nāmer hāṭe,
śraddhā-mūlye nām diteche re.

Only by the mercy of Lord Nityananda does one receive the favor of Radha Krishna. heno nitāi bine bhāi, rādhā-kṛṣṇa pāite nāi. Nitāiyer koruṇā habe, braje rādhā-kṛṣṇa pabe, dharo nitāi-caraṇa du’khāni. If one takes shelter at the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda, one can get the mercy of Radha Krishna in Vraj. It is only by His mercy that our material attachment will be vanquished. Nitāi caraṇa satya, tāhāra sevaka nitya. Lord Nityananda’s lotus feet are eternal and therefore one who takes shelter at His lotus feet becomes eternal. Nitya means eternal and Ananda means happiness. Thus by taking His shelter all one’s distress is vanquished. ha ha prabhu nityananda, premananda sukhi
kripabalokana koro ami boro dukhi.

On this auspicious occasion of Lord Nityananda’s appearance, we may seek His blessings so that empowers us with spiritual strength, compassion, and enthusiasm to relish and distribute the holy name.

The post Nityananda Trayodasi – Appearance Day of Lord Nityananda appeared first on ISKCON News.


a poem by bhaktimarga swami

He is indeed by far
The mercy avatar
For he bore the blood
During the love flood

As companion to Gaur
Life was less is more
Distributing a wealth
For everyone’s health

Committed to the name
And establishing its fame
He went door to door
In the effort to explore

He went with Haridas
Many gains, no loss
With interesting reception
Prepared for any rejection

Jagai/Madai, there in queue
The loud obnoxious two
Met more than their match
When Nitai did dispatch

Totally drunk as hell
They swayed, they fell
Nitai had a thought
“These men shall not rot

They should be given a chance
To sing and to dance
To the ultimate sound
With head up, feet to the ground

If they do succeed
That’s all we need
Gaur’s mission is won
To home we will run”

Unknowing such a plus
These two nasties raised a fuss
Struck the head of Nitai
As if to say ‘Goodbye’

But Nitai did stand up
Told Gaur not to chop
The thugs’ lives to spare
Hearts turned then and there

The two lowly drunks
Practically became monks
Like a victorious Skanda
Credit to Nityananda

The post BEST AVATAR appeared first on ISKCON News.