A Sugesstion for Resolving Our Conflicts

I would like to start by offering my respectful obeisance unto all those who love or respect Srila Prabhupada and desire to see his mission succeed, regardless of their level of practice, philosophical persuasions, and institutional affiliations. I am a neophyte on the devotional path, but I hope you will accept any truth you perceive in what I share here. As Srila Prabhupada said, the wise take gold even from a filthy place.

I see our movement suffering because of various conflicts and polemics, and many individual devotees also suffer despite practicing Krishna consciousness. This may be due to not properly understanding what should or should not be done, or to difficulty in controlling the mind and senses, or perhaps in cultivating loving spiritual relationships.

I believe that the key to resolving our institutional and individual difficulties is improving the culture of sadhu sanga within ISKCON. I see the GBC is trying to protect the institution by controlling some of our important decisions with legislation, such as by controlling the process of diksha. I believe they have also stipulated certain ‘official’ philosophical positions, for example around whether we were ever with Krishna, and more recently I understand they have introduced a code of ethics.

There may be other areas of which I am unaware, I believe that an ‘ISKCON Law Book’ is being compiled, and I fully accept that all this is with the honest desire to maintain the highest standards in our society. However, with a straw between my teeth, I humbly suggest that we replace the tendency to control devotees’ decisions with better training in the culture of good sadhu sanga. Srila Prabhupada famously told Karandhara not to centralize control over any aspect other than book printing and distribution. In all other areas, devotees must be trained to think for themselves. He explicitly warned that attempts to centrally control other decisions would spoil everything.

Do not centralize anything. Each temple must remain independent and self-sufficient. That was my plan from the very beginning, why you are thinking otherwise? Once before you wanted to do something centralizing with your GBC meeting, and if I did not interfere the whole thing would have been killed. Do not think in this way of big corporation, big credits, centralization—these are all nonsense proposals. Only thing I wanted was that books printing and distribution should be centralized, therefore I appointed you and Bali Mardan to do it. Otherwise, management, everything, should be done locally by local men. Accounts must be kept, things must be in order and lawfully done, but that should be each temple’s concern, not yours. Krishna Consciousness Movement is for training men to be independently thoughtful and competent in all types of departments of knowledge and action, not for making bureaucracy. Once there is bureaucracy the whole thing will be spoiled. Letter to Karandhara in Dec ‘72

Of course, this admonishment related specifically to a plan to centralize administration, butstill, Srila Prabhupada said that our movement should be training us to be “independently thoughtful.” In SB 9.10.50 purport, he points out that even nation-states that have the power to physically punish their citizens cannot make them good just by passing and enforcing laws.

“Simply enforcing laws and ordinances cannot make the citizens obedient and lawful. That is impossible. Throughout the entire world there are so many states, legislative assemblies and parliaments, but still the citizens are rogues and thieves. Good citizenship, therefore, cannot be enforced; the citizens must be trained.”


From this, I understand that a more effective way of protecting ISKCON and ensuring good behaviour from its members is through training. Training in what? Srila Prabhupada gives the answer to that question in SB 3.3.6 purport:

“…unless and until one is trained in the culture of good association, one cannot become good.”

Good association is sadhu sanga. Good association means to hear about and glorify Krishna in the association of devotees.

…hearing and chanting of the glories of the Lord can be made possible in the association of devotees only. Lord Caitanya therefore recommended five main principles for attaining perfection in the devotional service of the Lord. The first is association with devotees (hearing); SB 2.9.31 purport


On several occasions Srila Prabhupada instructed ISKCON leaders to concentrate on improving the culture of good association in ISKCON:

Your first job should be to make sure that every one of the devotees in your zone of management is reading regularly my literatures and discussing the subject matter seriously from different angles of seeing, and that they are somehow or other absorbing the knowledge of Krishna Consciousness philosophy. If they are fully educated in my philosophy and if they can get all of the knowledge and study it from every viewpoint, then very easily they will perform tapasya or renunciation and that will be their advancement in Krishna Consciousness. Letter to Satsvarupa Maharaja ‘72

So I want you leaders especially to become very much absorbed in the philosophy of Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, and become yourselves completely convinced and free from all doubt. On this platform you shall be able to carry on the work satisfactorily, but if there is lack of knowledge, or if there is forgetfulness, everything will be spoiled in time. So especially you must encourage the students to read my books throughout the day as much as possible, and give them all good advice how to understand the books, and inspire them to study the things from every point of view. In this way, by constantly engaging my tongues in the service of the Lord, either by

discussing His philosophy or by chanting Hare Krishna, the truth is that Krishna Himself will reveal Himself to us and I shall understand how to do everything properly. Now I have got so many students and so many temples but I am fearful that if I expand too much in this way that I shall become weakened and gradually the whole thing will become lost. Just like milk. I may thin it more and more with water for cheating the customer, but in the end it will cease to be any longer milk. Better to boil the milk now very vigorously and make it thick and sweet, that is the best process. So let us concentrate on training my devotees very thoroughly in the knowledge of Krishna Consciousness from my books, from tapes, by discussing always, and in so many ways instruct them in the right propositions. Letter to Hansadutta, 22/6/’72, Los Angeles.


The correct culture of good association is called vada, as opposed to vitanda and jalpa. These terms are defined in Baladeva Vidyabusana’s Govinda Bhasya commentary to 10.32.

When both parties desire to win by establishing their own opinion with proofs and arguments, and by refuting the opponent’s view with circumvention….false generalization…and syllogistic fault…it is called jalpa. When one party refutes the opponent’s view (by the above means), without establishing his own opinion, it is called vitanda. These two types of debate, with a desire to win, simply display skill in debating and bear no result. That discussion having a desire for truth is called vada. Being outstanding for being fruitful in determining truth, vada is My vibhuti.”

This I feel is an extremely important point which I would like to explore further in future articles, trying to elucidate the above passage and demonstrate how jalpa and vitanda frequently mar discussions within ISKCON.

For now, I would like to touch on some of the many instructions that Srila Prabhupada gives regarding the culture of good association. For a fuller delineation of his instructions on this topic, kindly see the ‘Principles’ menu on . According to Srila Prabhupada only a devotee can teach us how to discuss according to the principles of vada.

In order to become really learned, we have to associate with devotees. Then we can actually relish kṛṣṇa-kathā. When discussed among devotees, kṛṣṇa-kathā is pleasing to the heart and ear. This requires a little training, and this training is given by the devotees. TLK chp 12

For us, the most qualified person to teach us is Srila Prabhupada himself. Here are some items of good sadhu sanga that I have seen in his teachings:


1. Discussing is better than passive reading or hearing:

Generally, people cannot understand. But if one understands, he becomes liberated. If some way or other… It is not very difficult; simply we have to associate with devotees and discuss this literature. Then we’ll understand Kṛṣṇa very easily. (Lecture 5/6/’76)


2. We should become practiced in seeing from different perspectives (not just our own):

“I am very much stressing nowadays that my students shall increase their reading of my books and try to understand them from different angles of vision. Each sloka can be seen from many, many angles of vision, so become practiced in seeing things like this.” (letter to: Tribhuvanatha — Los Angeles 16 June, 1972)


3. We should speak very respectfully to each other, and always cite scriptural evidence:

The process of speaking in spiritual circles is to say something upheld by the scriptures. One should at once quote from scriptural authority to back up what he is saying. At the same time, such talk should be very pleasurable to the ear. By such discussions, one may derive the highest benefit and elevate human society. (BG 17.15 purport)


4. We should repeat what we read in our own words:

It is not very difficult. Just read from my books and try and explain the meaning in your own words. (letter to Sudama; 26/01/’73)

There are many benefits if we practice sadhu sanga correctly. Here are some of those benefits delineated in BG, SB and directly by Srila Prabhupada.


In BG chapter 109-11, Krishna says:

The thoughts of My pure devotees dwell in Me, their lives are fully devoted to My service, and they derive great satisfaction and bliss from always enlightening one another and conversing about Me.

To those who are constantly devoted to serving Me with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me.

To show them special mercy, I, dwelling in their hearts, destroy with the shining lamp of knowledge the darkness born of ignorance.


SB 11.3.30-31 Śrī Prabuddha says:

One should learn how to associate with the devotees of the Lord by gathering with them to chant the glories of the Lord. This process is most purifying. As devotees thus develop their loving friendship, they feel mutual happiness and satisfaction. And by thus encouraging one another they are able to give up material sense gratification, which is the cause of all suffering.

The devotees of the Lord constantly discuss the glories of the Personality of Godhead among themselves. Thus they constantly remember the Lord and remind one another of His qualities and pastimes. In this way, by their devotion to the principles of bhakti-yoga, the devotees please the Personality of Godhead, who takes away from them everything inauspicious. Being purified of all impediments, the devotees awaken to

pure love of Godhead, and thus, even within this world, their spiritualized bodies exhibit symptoms of transcendental ecstasy, such as standing of the bodily hairs on end.


Srila Prabhupada writes to his disciple Bhagavatananda in ’72:

“Try to always study my books and see my philosophy from different lights of directions, become convinced yourself of this knowledge and without a doubt all of your difficulties of mind will disappear forever and you will see Krishna face-to-face.”

If we find that our attempts to resolve conflicts or confusions turn into polemics it is probably because we are not applying the culture of good association. One or both parties may be resorting to circumvention, faulty syllogisims and false generalisations as mentioned above. Such discussion will not help us become either individually or collectively happy and successful.

Srila Prabhupada saw sastra discussion as critical to our spiritual progress. He warns us of the danger of minimizing it:

“If you are not interested in association, discussion, then you are finished. So? Karmis, they are fools and rascals. When you have got this center, it is not that you should be engaged from morning till you go to bed for sense gratification. That is not life. That is karmi’s life. You have no time for sat-sanga, for association. You cannot make any progress by this sort of karmi’s life. We have to work for organization, but not that whole day and night engaged and no sat-sanga. That is a misguided policy, and it will spoil the whole structure.”

Room Conversation on Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.10.11– November 3, 1973, Delhi

“We have to hear and we have to speak. But if we are not interested in hearing and speaking, then it will be simply formula. That’s all. And gradually it will be stopped. Unless there is life of sravanam kirtanam, these big, big building, temples, will become burden. So if we are…, if we want to create burden for future, then we may give up this hearing and chanting and sleep very nicely. It will be burden. Galagraha. Not sri-vigraha, but galagraha. Galagraha. Sri-vigraha means worshipable Deity. So if we give up this sravanam kirtanam visnoh [SB 7.5.23], then it will be thought that “My Guru Maharaja has given a burden in the neck, galagraha.” This is the danger. So we must be very much alert in sravanam kirtanam. Otherwise, all this labor will be futile. This building will be only the nest, nest for the doves and the pigeons. That is the danger. That is being done. Nobody is interested.”

lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.8.19 — September 29, 1974, Mayapur

I believe that by focusing on training all devotees in the culture of discussing sastra according to the principles Srila Prabhupada himself outlines, we will be able to:

1: find solutions to the conflicts which threaten to divide us.

2: cultivate loving relationships.

3: help devotees become independently thoughtful and able to discern according to scripture so they can make spiritually healthy decisions in their lives.

4: enable devotees to authentically improve their mind and sense control.

5: and create a future in which there will be many devotees qualified to guide newcomers on the spiritual path. “One who is very eager to hear, he can become, in future, the spiritual master. ” lecture on SB 1.2.14-16; 27/03/’67; San Francisco.


I pray that ISKCON’S leaders will give this serious thought. I also pray that individual devotees proactively take steps to improve their own sadhu sanga practices by looking at the principles, useful tips, and discussion videos showcasing this approach to improving sanga.

Hare Krishna

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Late Breasking News: Sadhu Sanga 2022 @ Spanish Fork, Utah!

Remember, once upon a time, there used to be a festival called the Sadhu Sanga ?!

By the mercy of Lord Nityananda Ram, the Sadhu Sanga Kirtan Retreat is happening again this year during the Memorial Day Weekend: May 27-30, 2022!

As we are just beginning to get out of the pandemic, this year will be an outdoor event, for extra safety. Which also means it will be held in a new outdoor venue in a new state: Shri Shri Radha Krishna Temple in Spanish Fork, Utah.

A lot of devotees on the West Coast have been asking us for years to have the retreat closer to the West Coast at least once. So we hope this choice would facilitate many of them to experience the bliss of the Sadhu Sanga retreat for the first time! And we hope kids will have a fun time petting the llamas, cows, peacocks and parrots in the Temple park.

We have invited the following esteemed kirtaneers for this event with more than half of them already confirming their attendance.

His Holiness Giriraja Swami
His Holiness B.B. Govinda Swami
His Holiness Sacinandana Swami
His Holiness Radhanath Swami
His Holiness Indradyumna Swami (the Organizer, confirmed, of course!)
His Grace Badahari Prabhu – confirmed
His Grace Vaisesika Prabhu – confirmed
His Grace Mahatma Prabhu
His Grace Madhava Prabhu – confirmed
His Grace Sri Prahlada Prabhu – confirmed

We’ll update the status of remaining confirmations on our website (https://www.sadhusangaretreat.com) as they confirm in the next few days.

This year all accommodations will be in offsite hotels that are 10-20 mins away from the venue as there are no onsite accommodations in the venue. We’ve already booked many of the nice hotels nearby at a group rate with a pretty good discount so we can offer you the whole retreat package at our usual low rates just enough to cover the costs.

We’re expecting to open the registration in a couple of weeks. We’ll send another email in a week with all the details such as registration costs, room sharing options, safety requirements related to Covid-19, etc.

Meanwhile, we just wanted to inform you all so you can save the date and start looking for good flight deals. The closest airport is Salt Lake City International Airport (SLC), an hour away from the venue.

For any burning questions that can’t wait till our next email with all the information, please email info@sadhusangaretreat.com


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First Florida Ratha Yatra of 2022

Lord Jagannatha and Srila Prabhupada Bless 2022 Gasparilla Parade

Saturday, January 29, 2022, over 60 Hare Krishna devotees from all over Florida participated in the annual Seminole Hard Rock Gasparilla Pirate parade in Tampa, Florida. This is the 6th year authorities are approving the participation of the Hare Krishna devotees in the parade. This is not in the least a result of the devotees strictly adhering to the organizer’s rules for participation – refraining from book distribution, not making direct contact with the crowd, and ensuring participants are bringing the youthful energy of chanting to the event.

Lord Jagannatha, along with Lady Subhadra and Lord Baladeva, along with Srila Prabhupada rode on their Ratha-yatra chariot on top of a flatbed trailer, pulled by a pickup truck, as one of over 110 floats in the parade. The devotees chanted and danced in front of the chariot for over 8 hours along the 4-mile parade route, and Lord Jagannatha bestowed His merciful glance on thousands of onlookers. Even though it was the coldest Gasparilla parade in recent history, over 300, 000 people participated.

Passersby were invited to partake in prasadam ahead of the start of the parade and joined in the chanting and dancing to the beat of the 8 mridangas, various karatals, and vocals. The event was televised on Channel 8 and youtube.

Below is a link to a video compilation:


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New Devotional Kids Book: Nimai’s Adventures

A new devotee children’s book, ‘Nimai’s Adventures’ based on the childhood pastimes of Lord Caitanya, written by Mandakini Devi Dasi is set to release March 2022.

The 200-page book with more than 70 beautifully illustrated pictures is based upon the scriptures, Chaitanya Bhagavat and Chaitanya Charitamrita. It is written in a narrative style revolving around the protagonist who is a ‘traveler’ mouse landing in Navadwip. On his journey, he meets many ‘devotee dhamvasi’ animals, who tell him various childhood pastimes of Nimai that had taken place in Navadwip.

The author of the book, Mandakini Devi Dasi, who is currently finishing the final year of her Bachelor’s Degree in English Literature and Language, shares her journey in Krishna Consciousness and what exactly intrigued her to write in the children’s genre.

Born and raised in the United Kingdom till the age of twelve, Mandakini Devi Dasi moved to Sridhaam Mayapur in 2013. Since her childhood, she has been engaged in Krishna Consciousness activities under the guidance of her parents and elder brother. She says her own experience has laid the foundation of the writing of this book.

”Growing up as a ‘devotee’ child, there are many challenges and advantages that you face. I personally experienced finding it challenging to balance my education as well as my Krishna Consciousness. I also experienced sometimes wishing there was more for children to read that would entertain my curiosity as well as keep me engaged. I, therefore, wanted to create something unique that could serve the purpose of both and hopefully help even a few children in the journey in Krishna Consciousness.”

She considers children and youth as the most crucial aspect of ISKCON and how important it is to nurture and sustain them. She explains,” A particular interest I have always had was how to engage children and youth in Krishna Consciousness, and make their experience fun and engaging. Since I am studying English, I thought writing a devotional book for children was a method to utilize my studies in something devotional. As a child, I loved reading devotional kids’ books; however, when it came to reading for school, I would have to switch to novels to improve my reading and writing skills. My main aim was to create a book that incorporated an educational aspect that assisted children in their vocabulary development and creative writing skills and enhanced their spiritual knowledge in a fun way. My family, husband and friends were also very encouraging which motivated me further.”

Mandakini Devi Dasi further adds,”My Gurumaharaj, HH Subhag Swami Maharaj, was my biggest inspiration, and I wanted to offer something as his disciple to him that would please him.”

Nimai’s Adventures covers the majority of Nimai’s childhood pastimes so that children can become well educated and familiar with the life of Lord Chaitanya!

Writing is an integral part of her life and she intends to write more subsequently. She says,” I write as a hobby and for educational purposes regularly. However, this is actually my first book that I have written for public release! I aim to write more sequel books to the Nimai Adventures series and more books that will assist devotee children’s English language and speech skills in a Krishna Conscious way in the near future.”

In addition to this, Mandakini Devi Dasi endeavors for more such service in the future,” After I finish university, I aim to contribute more to youth and children’s development in ISKCON. Along with a few other youths, I am currently involved in running a Mayapur youth development group, where we try to engage youth in preaching, devotional and recreational activities. I want to expand this eventually and share our experiences and techniques with other temples across the world whose youth may require these services. We want to be of some assistance to them.”

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Nityananda Trayodasi and St Valentine

How do we harness the intoxicating power of falling in love to create the happiness that endures even after the initial flame dies away?

Philosophers began pondering this topic during Vedic times during the great revival of bhakti yoga, or the path of divine love and service in the 15th century and beyond.

Thus came the merciful Nityananda Prabhu, whose appearance we celebrate today which happens to also be the popular Valentine’s Day. Nityananda Prabhu was the closest associate of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the founder of Gaudiya Vaishnavism and an avatar of none other than Krishna Himself, who spread the chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra as the most effective way to reach God during the 14- and 1500s in West Bengal. The Chaitanya-Bhagavata by Vrindavana Dasa Thakura tells us that one day, Sri Chaitanya requested Nityananda Prabhu and Haridasa Thakura, another great devotee dedicated to chanting the Holy Name: “Please go door to door, to every house, and beg everyone, ‘Chant the holy name of Krishna, worship Krishna and cultivate his devotional service.’”
The two devotees did so, coming across some who happily received them and agreed to their request and some who thought they were crazy and shut the door on them.

Our beloved founder, Srila Prabhupada brought these teachings to us and although we can never repay our debt to him, if we have the mood of wanting to repay that debt, then we should follow his merciful example, as he wrote: “If you at all feel indebted to me, then you should preach vigorously like me. That is the proper way to repay me. Of course, no one can repay the debt to the spiritual master, but the spiritual master is very much pleased by such an attitude by the disciple.” We should follow in his footsteps and preach vigorously, work together to spread Krsna consciousness. That should be our prayer.

So in this spirit, some of the Vaishnavis in New Vrindaban decided to join the Jerusalem dance challenge, basically taking up the challenge to perform a dance reel to the song Jerusalema, a gospel-influenced house song by South African producer and singer-songwriter Master KG featuring Nomcebo.

Our intention is to spread a little of the beauty and joy of New Vrindaban. While the song is in the Zulu language it has become popular across the globe– music is the universal language, after all—and we know from engaging in kirtan, what joy and harmony it brings to everyone participating.

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A Glorious, Historic Occasion
Giriraj Swami

On February 21 we are celebrating the 148th birth anniversary of Om Vishnupada Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Maharaja. This is the 100th year since our dear Srila Prabhupada met his guru maharaja on the rooftop of the building at 1 Ultadanga Junction Road. The Gaudiya Matha was there for twelve years, beginning in 1918, and it is from there, joined by his sannyasi disciples, that Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati preached. Only three people lived there with him—I think Bhakti Pradip Tirtha Maharaja and Kunjabihari (later Bhakti Vilasa Tirtha Maharaja) and one other. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati’s bhajana-kutira, where he lived, was on the rooftop, and everybody else lived on the ground floor—that’s all there was. Because the house was so small, he would give his main lectures on the rooftop too, and that is where Srila Prabhupada first met him and got the order that changed the whole world—the seed of our movement.

The Gaudiya Matha then moved to Bagbazar (the building on Ultadanga Junction Road was taken over by four or five families), but Srila Bhaktisiddhanta stayed there for only four years, and he regretted what transpired during that time. “When we were living in a rented house,” he said, “if we could collect two hundred or three hundred rupees, we were living very nicely at Ultadanga. We were happier then. But since we have been given this marble palace in Bagbazar, there is friction between our men. Who will occupy this room? Who will occupy that room? Who will be the proprietor of this room? Everyone is planning in different ways. It would be better to take the marble from the walls and secure money. If I could do this and print books, that would be better.”

In a room conversation on July 26, 1976, in London, our Srila Prabhupada said, “My guru maharaja was lamenting that ‘These men did not publish any number of books. They are simply after this stone and bricks.’ He condemned. He was very, very sorry. So, I thought that I must take a risk. And he’s pleased. . . . I never stressed on temples. I was engaged in publishing Back to Godhead. Whatever I could do, I did it, because I took it very seriously that he is very sorry that these things were not done. He said that ‘There will be fire in this Gaudiya Math.’ Aguna jvalabe, he said. Amari iccha chila kichu bai kare jaoya: ‘If I can, I shall sell the marbles of this temple and convert them into books.’ That was his ambition. He started a very nice press.”

A year and a half ago, we got possession of the whole building on Ultaganga Junction Road. We had to seal parts of it, but we got possession, and last year we started renovation. Devotees got as many photos as they could, interviewed people, and worked to make the building exactly the way it was when Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati lived there. It was an effort, because the building was totally dilapidated. But now it really is exactly the same as it was originally, and devotees will be able to sit in the very place on the rooftop where Srila Prabhupada sat when he was only twenty-five years old.

It is a glorious, historic occasion.

Nityananda Trayodasi and St Valentine

How do we harness the intoxicating power of falling in love to create the happiness that endures even after the initial flame dies away?

Philosophers began pondering this topic during Vedic times during the great revival of bhakti yoga, or the path of divine love and service in the 15th century and beyond.

Thus came the merciful Nityananda Prabhu, whose appearance we celebrate today which happens to also be the popular Valentine’s Day. Nityananda Prabhu was the closest associate of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the founder of Gaudiya Vaishnavism and an avatar of none other than Krishna Himself, who spread the chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra as the most effective way to reach God during the 14- and 1500s in West Bengal. The Chaitanya-Bhagavata by Vrindavana Dasa Thakura tells us that one day, Sri Chaitanya requested Nityananda Prabhu and Haridasa Thakura, another great devotee dedicated to chanting the Holy Name: “Please go door to door, to every house, and beg everyone, ‘Chant the holy name of Krishna, worship Krishna and cultivate his devotional service.’”
The two devotees did so, coming across some who happily received them and agreed to their request and some who thought they were crazy and shut the door on them.

Our beloved founder, Srila Prabhupada brought these teachings to us and although we can never repay our debt to him, if we have the mood of wanting to repay that debt, then we should follow his merciful example, as he wrote: “If you at all feel indebted to me, then you should preach vigorously like me. That is the proper way to repay me. Of course, no one can repay the debt to the spiritual master, but the spiritual master is very much pleased by such an attitude by the disciple.” We should follow in his footsteps and preach vigorously, work together to spread Krsna consciousness. That should be our prayer.

So in this spirit, some of the Vaishnavis in New Vrindaban decided to join the Jerusalem dance challenge, basically taking up the challenge to perform a dance reel to the song Jerusalema, a gospel-influenced house song by South African producer and singer-songwriter Master KG featuring Nomcebo.

Our intention is to spread a little of the beauty and joy of New Vrindaban. While the song is in the Zulu language it has become popular across the globe– music is the universal language, after all—and we know from engaging in kirtan, what joy and harmony it brings to everyone participating.

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New Devotional Kids Book: Nimai’s Adventures

A new devotee children’s book, ‘Nimai’s Adventures’ based on the childhood pastimes of Lord Caitanya, written by Mandakini Devi Dasi is set to release March 2022.

The 200-page book with more than 70 beautifully illustrated pictures is based upon the scriptures, Chaitanya Bhagavat and Chaitanya Charitamrita. It is written in a narrative style revolving around the protagonist who is a ‘traveler’ mouse landing in Navadwip. On his journey, he meets many ‘devotee dhamvasi’ animals, who tell him various childhood pastimes of Nimai that had taken place in Navadwip.

The author of the book, Mandakini Devi Dasi, who is currently finishing the final year of her Bachelor’s Degree in English Literature and Language, shares her journey in Krishna Consciousness and what exactly intrigued her to write in the children’s genre.

Born and raised in the United Kingdom till the age of twelve, Mandakini Devi Dasi moved to Sridhaam Mayapur in 2013. Since her childhood, she has been engaged in Krishna Consciousness activities under the guidance of her parents and elder brother. She says her own experience has laid the foundation of the writing of this book.

”Growing up as a ‘devotee’ child, there are many challenges and advantages that you face. I personally experienced finding it challenging to balance my education as well as my Krishna Consciousness. I also experienced sometimes wishing there was more for children to read that would entertain my curiosity as well as keep me engaged. I, therefore, wanted to create something unique that could serve the purpose of both and hopefully help even a few children in the journey in Krishna Consciousness.”

She considers children and youth as the most crucial aspect of ISKCON and how important it is to nurture and sustain them. She explains,” A particular interest I have always had was how to engage children and youth in Krishna Consciousness, and make their experience fun and engaging. Since I am studying English, I thought writing a devotional book for children was a method to utilize my studies in something devotional. As a child, I loved reading devotional kids’ books; however, when it came to reading for school, I would have to switch to novels to improve my reading and writing skills. My main aim was to create a book that incorporated an educational aspect that assisted children in their vocabulary development and creative writing skills and enhanced their spiritual knowledge in a fun way. My family, husband and friends were also very encouraging which motivated me further.”

Mandakini Devi Dasi further adds,”My Gurumaharaj, HH Subhag Swami Maharaj, was my biggest inspiration, and I wanted to offer something as his disciple to him that would please him.”

Nimai’s Adventures covers the majority of Nimai’s childhood pastimes so that children can become well educated and familiar with the life of Lord Chaitanya!

Writing is an integral part of her life and she intends to write more subsequently. She says,” I write as a hobby and for educational purposes regularly. However, this is actually my first book that I have written for public release! I aim to write more sequel books to the Nimai Adventures series and more books that will assist devotee children’s English language and speech skills in a Krishna Conscious way in the near future.”

In addition to this, Mandakini Devi Dasi endeavors for more such service in the future,” After I finish university, I aim to contribute more to youth and children’s development in ISKCON. Along with a few other youths, I am currently involved in running a Mayapur youth development group, where we try to engage youth in preaching, devotional and recreational activities. I want to expand this eventually and share our experiences and techniques with other temples across the world whose youth may require these services. We want to be of some assistance to them.”

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First Florida Ratha Yatra of 2022

Lord Jagannatha and Srila Prabhupada Bless 2022 Gasparilla Parade

Saturday, January 29, 2022, over 60 Hare Krishna devotees from all over Florida participated in the annual Seminole Hard Rock Gasparilla Pirate parade in Tampa, Florida. This is the 6th year authorities are approving the participation of the Hare Krishna devotees in the parade. This is not in the least a result of the devotees strictly adhering to the organizer’s rules for participation – refraining from book distribution, not making direct contact with the crowd, and ensuring participants are bringing the youthful energy of chanting to the event.

Lord Jagannatha, along with Lady Subhadra and Lord Baladeva, along with Srila Prabhupada rode on their Ratha-yatra chariot on top of a flatbed trailer, pulled by a pickup truck, as one of over 110 floats in the parade. The devotees chanted and danced in front of the chariot for over 8 hours along the 4-mile parade route, and Lord Jagannatha bestowed His merciful glance on thousands of onlookers. Even though it was the coldest Gasparilla parade in recent history, over 300, 000 people participated.

Passersby were invited to partake in prasadam ahead of the start of the parade and joined in the chanting and dancing to the beat of the 8 mridangas, various karatals, and vocals. The event was televised on Channel 8 and youtube.

Below is a link to a video compilation:


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Late Breasking News: Sadhu Sanga 2022 @ Spanish Fork, Utah!

Remember, once upon a time, there used to be a festival called the Sadhu Sanga ?!

By the mercy of Lord Nityananda Ram, the Sadhu Sanga Kirtan Retreat is happening again this year during the Memorial Day Weekend: May 27-30, 2022!

As we are just beginning to get out of the pandemic, this year will be an outdoor event, for extra safety. Which also means it will be held in a new outdoor venue in a new state: Shri Shri Radha Krishna Temple in Spanish Fork, Utah.

A lot of devotees on the West Coast have been asking us for years to have the retreat closer to the West Coast at least once. So we hope this choice would facilitate many of them to experience the bliss of the Sadhu Sanga retreat for the first time! And we hope kids will have a fun time petting the llamas, cows, peacocks and parrots in the Temple park.

We have invited the following esteemed kirtaneers for this event with more than half of them already confirming their attendance.

His Holiness Giriraja Swami
His Holiness B.B. Govinda Swami
His Holiness Sacinandana Swami
His Holiness Radhanath Swami
His Holiness Indradyumna Swami (the Organizer, confirmed, of course!)
His Grace Badahari Prabhu – confirmed
His Grace Vaisesika Prabhu – confirmed
His Grace Mahatma Prabhu
His Grace Madhava Prabhu – confirmed
His Grace Sri Prahlada Prabhu – confirmed

We’ll update the status of remaining confirmations on our website (https://www.sadhusangaretreat.com) as they confirm in the next few days.

This year all accommodations will be in offsite hotels that are 10-20 mins away from the venue as there are no onsite accommodations in the venue. We’ve already booked many of the nice hotels nearby at a group rate with a pretty good discount so we can offer you the whole retreat package at our usual low rates just enough to cover the costs.

We’re expecting to open the registration in a couple of weeks. We’ll send another email in a week with all the details such as registration costs, room sharing options, safety requirements related to Covid-19, etc.

Meanwhile, we just wanted to inform you all so you can save the date and start looking for good flight deals. The closest airport is Salt Lake City International Airport (SLC), an hour away from the venue.

For any burning questions that can’t wait till our next email with all the information, please email info@sadhusangaretreat.com


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A Sugesstion for Resolving Our Conflicts

I would like to start by offering my respectful obeisance unto all those who love or respect Srila Prabhupada and desire to see his mission succeed, regardless of their level of practice, philosophical persuasions, and institutional affiliations. I am a neophyte on the devotional path, but I hope you will accept any truth you perceive in what I share here. As Srila Prabhupada said, the wise take gold even from a filthy place.

I see our movement suffering because of various conflicts and polemics, and many individual devotees also suffer despite practicing Krishna consciousness. This may be due to not properly understanding what should or should not be done, or to difficulty in controlling the mind and senses, or perhaps in cultivating loving spiritual relationships.

I believe that the key to resolving our institutional and individual difficulties is improving the culture of sadhu sanga within ISKCON. I see the GBC is trying to protect the institution by controlling some of our important decisions with legislation, such as by controlling the process of diksha. I believe they have also stipulated certain ‘official’ philosophical positions, for example around whether we were ever with Krishna, and more recently I understand they have introduced a code of ethics.

There may be other areas of which I am unaware, I believe that an ‘ISKCON Law Book’ is being compiled, and I fully accept that all this is with the honest desire to maintain the highest standards in our society. However, with a straw between my teeth, I humbly suggest that we replace the tendency to control devotees’ decisions with better training in the culture of good sadhu sanga. Srila Prabhupada famously told Karandhara not to centralize control over any aspect other than book printing and distribution. In all other areas, devotees must be trained to think for themselves. He explicitly warned that attempts to centrally control other decisions would spoil everything.

Do not centralize anything. Each temple must remain independent and self-sufficient. That was my plan from the very beginning, why you are thinking otherwise? Once before you wanted to do something centralizing with your GBC meeting, and if I did not interfere the whole thing would have been killed. Do not think in this way of big corporation, big credits, centralization—these are all nonsense proposals. Only thing I wanted was that books printing and distribution should be centralized, therefore I appointed you and Bali Mardan to do it. Otherwise, management, everything, should be done locally by local men. Accounts must be kept, things must be in order and lawfully done, but that should be each temple’s concern, not yours. Krishna Consciousness Movement is for training men to be independently thoughtful and competent in all types of departments of knowledge and action, not for making bureaucracy. Once there is bureaucracy the whole thing will be spoiled. Letter to Karandhara in Dec ‘72

Of course, this admonishment related specifically to a plan to centralize administration, butstill, Srila Prabhupada said that our movement should be training us to be “independently thoughtful.” In SB 9.10.50 purport, he points out that even nation-states that have the power to physically punish their citizens cannot make them good just by passing and enforcing laws.

“Simply enforcing laws and ordinances cannot make the citizens obedient and lawful. That is impossible. Throughout the entire world there are so many states, legislative assemblies and parliaments, but still the citizens are rogues and thieves. Good citizenship, therefore, cannot be enforced; the citizens must be trained.”


From this, I understand that a more effective way of protecting ISKCON and ensuring good behaviour from its members is through training. Training in what? Srila Prabhupada gives the answer to that question in SB 3.3.6 purport:

“…unless and until one is trained in the culture of good association, one cannot become good.”

Good association is sadhu sanga. Good association means to hear about and glorify Krishna in the association of devotees.

…hearing and chanting of the glories of the Lord can be made possible in the association of devotees only. Lord Caitanya therefore recommended five main principles for attaining perfection in the devotional service of the Lord. The first is association with devotees (hearing); SB 2.9.31 purport


On several occasions Srila Prabhupada instructed ISKCON leaders to concentrate on improving the culture of good association in ISKCON:

Your first job should be to make sure that every one of the devotees in your zone of management is reading regularly my literatures and discussing the subject matter seriously from different angles of seeing, and that they are somehow or other absorbing the knowledge of Krishna Consciousness philosophy. If they are fully educated in my philosophy and if they can get all of the knowledge and study it from every viewpoint, then very easily they will perform tapasya or renunciation and that will be their advancement in Krishna Consciousness. Letter to Satsvarupa Maharaja ‘72

So I want you leaders especially to become very much absorbed in the philosophy of Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, and become yourselves completely convinced and free from all doubt. On this platform you shall be able to carry on the work satisfactorily, but if there is lack of knowledge, or if there is forgetfulness, everything will be spoiled in time. So especially you must encourage the students to read my books throughout the day as much as possible, and give them all good advice how to understand the books, and inspire them to study the things from every point of view. In this way, by constantly engaging my tongues in the service of the Lord, either by

discussing His philosophy or by chanting Hare Krishna, the truth is that Krishna Himself will reveal Himself to us and I shall understand how to do everything properly. Now I have got so many students and so many temples but I am fearful that if I expand too much in this way that I shall become weakened and gradually the whole thing will become lost. Just like milk. I may thin it more and more with water for cheating the customer, but in the end it will cease to be any longer milk. Better to boil the milk now very vigorously and make it thick and sweet, that is the best process. So let us concentrate on training my devotees very thoroughly in the knowledge of Krishna Consciousness from my books, from tapes, by discussing always, and in so many ways instruct them in the right propositions. Letter to Hansadutta, 22/6/’72, Los Angeles.


The correct culture of good association is called vada, as opposed to vitanda and jalpa. These terms are defined in Baladeva Vidyabusana’s Govinda Bhasya commentary to 10.32.

When both parties desire to win by establishing their own opinion with proofs and arguments, and by refuting the opponent’s view with circumvention….false generalization…and syllogistic fault…it is called jalpa. When one party refutes the opponent’s view (by the above means), without establishing his own opinion, it is called vitanda. These two types of debate, with a desire to win, simply display skill in debating and bear no result. That discussion having a desire for truth is called vada. Being outstanding for being fruitful in determining truth, vada is My vibhuti.”

This I feel is an extremely important point which I would like to explore further in future articles, trying to elucidate the above passage and demonstrate how jalpa and vitanda frequently mar discussions within ISKCON.

For now, I would like to touch on some of the many instructions that Srila Prabhupada gives regarding the culture of good association. For a fuller delineation of his instructions on this topic, kindly see the ‘Principles’ menu on . According to Srila Prabhupada only a devotee can teach us how to discuss according to the principles of vada.

In order to become really learned, we have to associate with devotees. Then we can actually relish kṛṣṇa-kathā. When discussed among devotees, kṛṣṇa-kathā is pleasing to the heart and ear. This requires a little training, and this training is given by the devotees. TLK chp 12

For us, the most qualified person to teach us is Srila Prabhupada himself. Here are some items of good sadhu sanga that I have seen in his teachings:


1. Discussing is better than passive reading or hearing:

Generally, people cannot understand. But if one understands, he becomes liberated. If some way or other… It is not very difficult; simply we have to associate with devotees and discuss this literature. Then we’ll understand Kṛṣṇa very easily. (Lecture 5/6/’76)


2. We should become practiced in seeing from different perspectives (not just our own):

“I am very much stressing nowadays that my students shall increase their reading of my books and try to understand them from different angles of vision. Each sloka can be seen from many, many angles of vision, so become practiced in seeing things like this.” (letter to: Tribhuvanatha — Los Angeles 16 June, 1972)


3. We should speak very respectfully to each other, and always cite scriptural evidence:

The process of speaking in spiritual circles is to say something upheld by the scriptures. One should at once quote from scriptural authority to back up what he is saying. At the same time, such talk should be very pleasurable to the ear. By such discussions, one may derive the highest benefit and elevate human society. (BG 17.15 purport)


4. We should repeat what we read in our own words:

It is not very difficult. Just read from my books and try and explain the meaning in your own words. (letter to Sudama; 26/01/’73)

There are many benefits if we practice sadhu sanga correctly. Here are some of those benefits delineated in BG, SB and directly by Srila Prabhupada.


In BG chapter 109-11, Krishna says:

The thoughts of My pure devotees dwell in Me, their lives are fully devoted to My service, and they derive great satisfaction and bliss from always enlightening one another and conversing about Me.

To those who are constantly devoted to serving Me with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me.

To show them special mercy, I, dwelling in their hearts, destroy with the shining lamp of knowledge the darkness born of ignorance.


SB 11.3.30-31 Śrī Prabuddha says:

One should learn how to associate with the devotees of the Lord by gathering with them to chant the glories of the Lord. This process is most purifying. As devotees thus develop their loving friendship, they feel mutual happiness and satisfaction. And by thus encouraging one another they are able to give up material sense gratification, which is the cause of all suffering.

The devotees of the Lord constantly discuss the glories of the Personality of Godhead among themselves. Thus they constantly remember the Lord and remind one another of His qualities and pastimes. In this way, by their devotion to the principles of bhakti-yoga, the devotees please the Personality of Godhead, who takes away from them everything inauspicious. Being purified of all impediments, the devotees awaken to

pure love of Godhead, and thus, even within this world, their spiritualized bodies exhibit symptoms of transcendental ecstasy, such as standing of the bodily hairs on end.


Srila Prabhupada writes to his disciple Bhagavatananda in ’72:

“Try to always study my books and see my philosophy from different lights of directions, become convinced yourself of this knowledge and without a doubt all of your difficulties of mind will disappear forever and you will see Krishna face-to-face.”

If we find that our attempts to resolve conflicts or confusions turn into polemics it is probably because we are not applying the culture of good association. One or both parties may be resorting to circumvention, faulty syllogisims and false generalisations as mentioned above. Such discussion will not help us become either individually or collectively happy and successful.

Srila Prabhupada saw sastra discussion as critical to our spiritual progress. He warns us of the danger of minimizing it:

“If you are not interested in association, discussion, then you are finished. So? Karmis, they are fools and rascals. When you have got this center, it is not that you should be engaged from morning till you go to bed for sense gratification. That is not life. That is karmi’s life. You have no time for sat-sanga, for association. You cannot make any progress by this sort of karmi’s life. We have to work for organization, but not that whole day and night engaged and no sat-sanga. That is a misguided policy, and it will spoil the whole structure.”

Room Conversation on Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.10.11– November 3, 1973, Delhi

“We have to hear and we have to speak. But if we are not interested in hearing and speaking, then it will be simply formula. That’s all. And gradually it will be stopped. Unless there is life of sravanam kirtanam, these big, big building, temples, will become burden. So if we are…, if we want to create burden for future, then we may give up this hearing and chanting and sleep very nicely. It will be burden. Galagraha. Not sri-vigraha, but galagraha. Galagraha. Sri-vigraha means worshipable Deity. So if we give up this sravanam kirtanam visnoh [SB 7.5.23], then it will be thought that “My Guru Maharaja has given a burden in the neck, galagraha.” This is the danger. So we must be very much alert in sravanam kirtanam. Otherwise, all this labor will be futile. This building will be only the nest, nest for the doves and the pigeons. That is the danger. That is being done. Nobody is interested.”

lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.8.19 — September 29, 1974, Mayapur

I believe that by focusing on training all devotees in the culture of discussing sastra according to the principles Srila Prabhupada himself outlines, we will be able to:

1: find solutions to the conflicts which threaten to divide us.

2: cultivate loving relationships.

3: help devotees become independently thoughtful and able to discern according to scripture so they can make spiritually healthy decisions in their lives.

4: enable devotees to authentically improve their mind and sense control.

5: and create a future in which there will be many devotees qualified to guide newcomers on the spiritual path. “One who is very eager to hear, he can become, in future, the spiritual master. ” lecture on SB 1.2.14-16; 27/03/’67; San Francisco.


I pray that ISKCON’S leaders will give this serious thought. I also pray that individual devotees proactively take steps to improve their own sadhu sanga practices by looking at the principles, useful tips, and discussion videos showcasing this approach to improving sanga.

Hare Krishna

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NASN January 2022 – North American Sankirtan Newsletter
→ Dandavats

By Mayapur Sasi dasa

For the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada this report contains the following North American results of book distribution for the month of January 2022. North American Totals, Monthly Temples, Monthly Weekend Warriors. Monthly Top 100 Individuals, Monthly Top 5, Cumulative Countries, Cumulative Temples, Cumulative Top 100 Individuals, Cumulative Top 5 Continue reading "NASN January 2022 – North American Sankirtan Newsletter
→ Dandavats"

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saravati Thakura Appearance
→ Ramai Swami

Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura prayed to Lord Caitanya to send him an assistant and a successor from the Lord’s personal staff of preachers. Answering the prayer of the Thakura, a son was born to him on February 6th, 1874 while he was serving as the government magistrate in the holy city of Jagannatha Puri in Orissa.

Through various signs the Lord showed Thakura Bhaktivinoda and his good wife that this was the great soul that had been sent by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to carry on the preaching work that Bhaktivinoda Thakura had started.

It was witnessed by all present that when the child came out of the womb, his umbilical cord was wrapped around him like the sacred thread worn by brahmanas. Everyone was very amazed by this sign. Six months later at the annual Jagannatha Puri Rathayatra festival, the Jagannatha cart, being pulled by hundreds of people, came to a stop in front of Bhaktivinoda Thakura’s house.

When all the people were trying to get the cart moving again, BhaktivinodaThakura’s wife took the opportunity to take the child, whose name then was Bimala Prasad, out to see Lord Jagannatha and because she was the wife of Thakura Bhaktivinoda, who was the manager of the Jagannatha temple then, everyone respected her and she was allowed on the cart for darshana of the Lord.

She then placed the child at the lotus feet of the Jagannatha deity and immediately one of the huge flower garlands hanging around the neck of the Lord fell down and encircled the child. Thakura Bhaktivinoda’s heart was filled with joy, for he knew beyond all doubt that this child was the answer to his prayers.

As the boy grew, the Thakura instructed him in the science of Krishna Consciousness. At the age of only seven Bimala Prasad Datta, who was later to be known  as Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati, had memorized all seven hundred verses of the Bhagavad-gita and could explain each one.

At the age of ten, while attending the Serampore Missionary School, he was initiated by his father into the Hare Krishna mantra and a Narasimha deva mantra. In school he invented a novel kind of phonetic alphabet which he called Bikranti or Bicanto. Later on he attended a special Sanskrit college where he became expert in Sanskrit grammar, Vedic shastra and different views of philosophy.

Due to his lifelong celibacy he had such a clear memory that even in his last days he could reproduce word for word any passage of any book he had read fifty years back.

At college he read all of the books in the library and made private studies into higher mathematics, international history and philosophy and Vedic astronomy. At that time he attended a cultural association in Calcutta called August Assembly and in which the study of various philosophical and theological topics was conducted. He was such a powerful debater that no one’s arguments could stand up against his vast erudition and scholarship.

At the age of twenty-three in the year 1897 he opened a school in Calcutta which he called Sarasvata Chatuspathi. It was here that he began teaching Vedic astronomy. Many prominent and scholarly Calcutta gentlemen were among his students.

At this time he also edited two monthly journals, the Jyotirvid and the Brhaspati and published several authoritative documents on Vedic astronomy such as the Suryasiddhanta which he had written himself. He was offered a chair at the University of Calcutta by Sir Asutosh Mukherjee, but he declined thinking that it might be too much an impediment on his devotional life.

Since 1895 Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura was attending the meetings of his father’s Vishva Vaishnava Raja Sabha in Calcutta. In 1899 he was editing and writing for a weekly cultural magazine, the Nivedana. In 1900 he wrote and published a book on the society and different religious sects in Bengal called Bange Sama-jikata

In 1901 Srila Bhativinoda Thakura requested his son to become initiated in the Gayatri mantra and accept a spiritual master. The Thakura had one very beloved disciple, Srila Gaurakisora dasa Babaji Maha­raja, a very renowned Vaishnava saint of Navadvipa. It was therefore he who the Thakura requested his son to take initiation from. 

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura then approached the babaji for getting initiated, but Gaurakisora dasa Babaji, who hadn’t any disciples, out of his infinite humbleness refused to accept such an erudite pandita as Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati, when he himself could not even write his own name.

So, disappointed, Sarasvati Thakura went back to his father and related to him what had happened, but Thakura Bhaktivinoda sent him out again, and again Srila Bhaktisiddhanta came back with the same news. So this time the Thakura told his son, “Unless you take initiation from Gaurakishora dasa Babaji your life is useless and no longer may you enter this house”. 

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati then set off with great determination, and meeting Srila Gaurakishora dasa Babaji on a bridge along the road told him that he would jump off the bridge and kill himself if the babaji did not accept him as a disciple. He said to him, “My father has told me that human life is worthless without a spiritual master, so if you refuse to accept me as your disciple I must kill myself”. Upon hearing that and seeing the young man’s sincerity of purpose, the babaji accepted him as his only disciple.

From that year, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta traveled with Thakura Bhaktivinoda in his pilgrimages to all the principle holy places in India. During this time he compiled a Vaishnava encyclopedia named Vaisnava-manjusha. In 1900 he was staying in Puri where he began to publicly preach the holy precepts of Srimad-Bhagavatam. In 1904 Srila Sarasvati Thakura traveled in East Bengal. In 1905 he travailed to the far southern provinces of India, lecturing, preaching, writing, debating, fully absorbed in the fire of propagating the message of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

In 1914 on the disappearance of Thakura Bhaktivinoda from this mortal world, the task to carry on the movement of Sri Caitanya now lay in the hands of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupada. He took over as the editor of his father’s journal, the Sajjana toshani, a monthly Vaishnava paper in Bengali. Later on in 1927 he converted it into an English fortnightly called the Harmonist.

In 1918 at the age of fourty-four, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati accepted the title Gosvami Maharaja by taking the renounced order of life, sannyasa. On that same day he established his first Vaishnava monastery, the Caitanya Math at Sridhama Mayapura, which became his preaching headquarters.

One time a very important gentleman approached Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupada and said that your Gaudiya Math is so nice you should open up temples in all cities of the world, and Srila Bhaktisiddhanta replied, “My real business is to establish temples in everyone’s heart”. 

From the years 1919-1929 he was constantly traveling all over India lecturing to crowds of thousands, debating, destroying various bogus religious sects and performing parikrama (walks to the holy places) with his disciples to different sacred sites, seeking to improve and preserve them. During these travels he installed foot­prints of Lord Caitanya in one hundred and eight places where the Lord had traveled during His sannyasa life. At those spots he also recorded the date when Sri Caitanya had been there.

In 1933, eager to spread Lord Caitanya’s message beyond the borders of India, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Thakurasent some of his sannyasa disciples to England to preach and open up Gaudiya Maths in the West, but not being able to convince the Westerners to take up spiritual life, they returned to India unsuccessful.

Fortunately for the benefit of all people of the world, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Prabhuipada’s most beloved disciple, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada carried out his Guru Maharaja’s order and has spread Lord Caitanya’s Nama-sankirtana movement to every corner of the globe, and is now being assisted by thousands of disciples in this preaching work.

In 1936 he was residing in Jagannatha Puri and on December 31st, 1936 at the age of sixty-two he left this mortal world and again re-entered the loving pastimes of Sri Sri Radha and Krishna in the sweetness of Braja Dham, the spiritual atmosphere.  

Srila Prabhupada’s Mayapur Bhajan Kutir: A Brief History

What is known as the ‘bhajan kutir’ in ISKCON Mayapur is the first structure built on the property. It was also the original ‘temple’, functioning as chota Radha Madhava’s first place of worship when They arrived in Mayapur in 1972. An entire day is dedicated to this ‘temple’ during the Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival from March 2 – 5, the 50th Anniversary of that arrival.

The kutir was built by Acyutananda Swami in 1971 on the order of Srila Prabhupada, who personally instructed him about the materials to use and the manpower to hire. Acyutananda Swami oversaw the design, construction and finances. When Prabhupada arrived in Mayapur and saw the finished kutir he happily remarked, “It shall be called Acyutananda Cottage.”

Bhavananda das recalls a most prophetic and important event :

The story regarding the straw house or bhajan kutir, as it was later called, and the TOVP really requires to be seen as well as heard because of Prabhupada’s arm gesture. However, I will try to narrate as best I can. In June, 1973 Prabhupada was in Mayapur and was staying in the Lotus building. That building was erected at the backmost border of our ISKCON land. The bhajan kutir was at the front border of the land next to Bhaktisiddhant road. The empty land between consisted of many paddy or rice fields. It was all just empty flat fields where Prabhupada had planned for the main temple to be constructed. During a morning walk Prabhupada and I were standing in front of the straw house. I turned to him and said, “Should we demolish this since we don’t use it anymore?” Prabhupada was quiet for a moment and then he said, “No, let the people see – this is what we were”, and then with a grand swing of his right arm he pointed up to his right and said, “and this is what we have become”. And, of course, as we now know he was pointing directly to where the TOVP stands today.

From Prabhupada Lilamrta by Satsvarupa Goswami:

The monsoons came, and the Ganges spilled over her banks, flooding the entire ISKCON Mayapur property. Acyutananda Swami had built a straw and bamboo hut where Prabhupada was soon to stay, but the waters rose until Acyutananda Swami had to live in the bamboo rafters. He wrote Prabhupada that had it not been for Bhaktisiddhanta Road the damage would have been extensive. Prabhupada replied, “Yes, we were saved by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Road. We shall always expect to be saved by His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Goswami Maharaja Prabhupada. Always pray to His Lotus Feet. Whatever success we have had in preaching Lord Caitanya’s mission all over the world is only due to His mercy.”

This year also celebrates the 50th Anniversary of the Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers book conversation between Srila Prabhupada and Brahmatirtha das (Bob Cohen) who, as a young Peace Corps worker in India at the time, met with Srila Prabhupada in the bhajan kutir for three consecutive days. Published in 1977, Srila Prabhupada personally gave the title of the book, and millions of copies have been distributed worldwide in over fifty languages since then.


More pictures are available on tovp.org

The post Srila Prabhupada’s Mayapur Bhajan Kutir: A Brief History appeared first on ISKCON News.

A Revolution is Born

Take part in this historic inauguration of the reborn Bhaktivinode Asana at #1 Ultadanga Road in Kolkata.

100 years ago this year, on the roof of the building, the seed of ISKCON was planted in the heart of Srila Prabhupada by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur.

ISKCON Kolkata acquired this historic property and has completely restored it as it was then.

Join us for a live broadcast of the inauguration on February 21st and be inspired by the power of the humble start of what is now a global movement.

The old building at #1 Ultadanga Road is the same one where Om Vishnupada Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Maharaj started his preaching movement and resided for 14 years (1918 to 1932) out of the total 18 years of his preaching mission.

And this is the historic place where His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada met Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada for the very first time and received the momentous instruction to spread Krishna consciousness in the West.

By the grace of Srila Prabhupada, ISKCON has acquired the old property, which had become dilapidated and in danger of collapse, and fully restored it.

Now, as a fitting offering on the 148th Vyasa Puja ceremony of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Prabhupada, ISKCON Kolkata will inaugurate the newly restored building with a daylong event.

The entire day’s program will be broadcast live on GBCSPT YouTube and Facebook channels, starting at 9 a.m. IST.

Facebook: Inauguration of #1 Ultadanga Road

The post A Revolution is Born appeared first on ISKCON News.

“Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaja Has Actually Done It!” From the Book, Our Srila Prabhupada – A Friend to All, by Her Grace Mulaprakriti devi dasi
- TOVP.org

The following is a remembrance of Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada during his years prior to coming to the US, from the book ‘Our Srila Prabhupada – A Friend to All’, by Her Grace Mulaprakriti devi dasi, published in 2004 just after her demise in Vrindavan.

This emotionally saturated recollection by an old pujari from the house of Advaita Acharya in Shantipur epitomizes the mood and determination of Srila Prabhupada as he left the land of Bharat at the advanced age of seventy to fulfill his life’s mission to follow the order of Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati to preach in the West, given to him in 1922 at their first meeting.

This year, 2022, is the 100th Anniversary of receiving that order and we have aptly named it the Paschatya Desha Tarine Centennial. To commemorate this anniversary, we will be celebrating it at the Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival from March 2-5. You are invited to sponsor a specially designed Prabhupada Medallion prepared for this occasion.

One day in Mayapur an old Gaudiya Vaishnava came to the pujari room looking for someone to talk to. He was holding a Back to Godhead magazine and he said, “Is anyone here a disciple of Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaj?” A few of us said, “We are.” He said, “I have to tell you something really special.” He was very excited. He said, “For many years at Advaita Acharya’s house in Shantipur, I humbly served as the pujari, doing the aratis and taking care of guests. Many years ago, when I was young, I noticed a grihastha gentleman who, in a sober and quiet way, sometimes sat at the back of the hall, chanting japa and weeping. I never disturbed him. I never asked who he was, but whenever he came my heart would fill with joy and I would give him some maha prasadam. He moved with great determination—he came in in a very determined way and he left in a very determined way. Sometimes he would chant all afternoon.

“After some time, he didn’t come anymore and one day a few years later I was doing my seva when I saw someone in saffron robes sitting and chanting in the back exactly as he had. I looked closely and recognized that it was my old friend, but now chanting even more deeply and weeping bitterly. He wept so much that I also wept. I got some maha prasadam and when that sannyasi was ready to leave I gave it to him and said, ‘I’ve seen you for many years but this time I didn’t recognize you at first. I’m so glad to see you. What is your name? Who are you?’ “He said, ‘My name is Abhaya Charanaravinda Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaj, and I am a humble and fallen disciple of my most glorious Gurudeva, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupada. I’ve been coming here for many years because this is the place where Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Nityananda Prabhu and Advaita Prabhu used to gather to plan the whole worldwide sankirtan movement. This is such a holy place. I have been praying in the dust of this place, the dust of Their feet, for Their mercy. Many years ago my Gurudeva gave me an impossible mission. He ordered me to go across the ocean and plant Krishna consciousness on foreign soil. I do not know how to do this and I come here to pray for Their guidance and inspiration. I am feeling Their great mercy. Tomorrow I am leaving Bharata-varsa on a ship. I have no place to turn. I don’t know what will happen. I only know that my Gurudeva has given me this order, and the personalities of this place have given me Their mercy. Would you also bestow your mercy upon me?’ That devotee said, “Of course, you have any mercy that I have to give. I pray that you will be successful.” Prabhupada said, “May we meet again,” and Prabhupada took his little bag and walked away.

So, the day before Prabhupada left India on the ship he made a visit to Mayapur—and he also went to Shantipur. That old Vaishnava said, “I often remembered him and wondered how had he done, what had happened to him. Then I noticed a strange occurrence—white Vaishnavas started coming to our little temple. I was shy of them and didn’t speak to them—I didn’t speak English. I didn’t know where they were from or how they had become devotees. But one day one of them gave me a Back to Godhead magazine with an article about Prabhupada’s life and a picture of Srila Prabhupada as a grihastha in Calcutta. And I saw that that was my old friend, and now I am looking here and I see that the Acharya is also him. Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaj has actually done it. I am so happy. I want everyone to know about your Gurudeva and his glories.”



The TOVP Announces – Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival, March 2 – 5, 2022

Celebrating 5 Anniversaries in 1 Festival

The TOVP Team is pleased to announce the upcoming, all-auspicious Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival from March 2 – 5, 2022. This will be a festival to top all festivals, commemorating the anniversary of five important events in the history of ISKCON:

  • 50th Anniversary of Chota Radha Madhava’s Installation
  • 50th Anniversary of the ISKCON Mayapur Gaur Purnima Festival
  • 50th Anniversary of Prabhupada Laying the TOVP Cornerstone
  • 50th Anniversary of Jananivas Prabhu as Mayapur Head Pujari
  • 100th Anniversary of Prabhupada Receiving Bhaktisiddhanta’s Order

For more information and to sponsor an Abhisheka, Radha Madhava Brick or Prabhupada Medallion, visit the Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival page on the TOVP website.



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Tuesday, February 15, 2022
→ The Walking Monk

Yorkville, Toronto

Good Experience

It is always encouraging to see young folks coming around, showing interest in the science of bhakti yoga; particularly the Bhagavad-gita. I had two students from George Brown College come to conduct an interview for their school project. Circumstantially they arrived rather late due to the protests still going on, hence, blocked traffic was an issue.

Regardless, they liked the interview because it came out as rather candid. They asked about my personal participation as a monk:

“How, when and why did you become a monk?” From that question followed a satisfactory back and forth. It’s always important to have visitors go though a good experience. The students here were happy to hear me reciting Sanskrit verses from the Gita. They especially loved the arati ritual, which they filmed along with the melodious kirtan chanting from Mahadeva and Annapurna.

The contents of our recorded discussion involved the goal of the Gita, the purpose of reincarnation and how to overcome life’s challenges. Pertinent stuff.

The students got what they wanted. Vallabha Hari, our new resident in the ashrama, continued on with his friendship making sure that their needs were met. When I saw him offering them a potato-mix pakora I knew that indeed they would be further pleased. I just had the feeling they would come back. Those pakorasare prasadam, blessed savouries, and they are to die for.

May the source be with you!



Tuesday, February 15, 2022
→ The Walking Monk

Yorkville, Toronto

Good Experience

It is always encouraging to see young folks coming around, showing interest in the science of bhakti yoga; particularly the Bhagavad-gita. I had two students from George Brown College come to conduct an interview for their school project. Circumstantially they arrived rather late due to the protests still going on, hence, blocked traffic was an issue.

Regardless, they liked the interview because it came out as rather candid. They asked about my personal participation as a monk:

“How, when and why did you become a monk?” From that question followed a satisfactory back and forth. It’s always important to have visitors go though a good experience. The students here were happy to hear me reciting Sanskrit verses from the Gita. They especially loved the arati ritual, which they filmed along with the melodious kirtan chanting from Mahadeva and Annapurna.

The contents of our recorded discussion involved the goal of the Gita, the purpose of reincarnation and how to overcome life’s challenges. Pertinent stuff.

The students got what they wanted. Vallabha Hari, our new resident in the ashrama, continued on with his friendship making sure that their needs were met. When I saw him offering them a potato-mix pakora I knew that indeed they would be further pleased. I just had the feeling they would come back. Those pakorasare prasadam, blessed savouries, and they are to die for.

May the source be with you!



Monday, February 14, 2022
→ The Walking Monk

Yorkville, Toronto

Valen Nitai Day

Today was Valentine’s Day and it showed, somewhat, with activities downtown as we walked a brisk one. It was assumed that lovers were out and about, in restaurants perhaps. For a Monday night, on a wintery night, to experience such a buzz of activity; it’s rare.

For those of us taking seriously our Vaishnava calendar there really is a love God, and His name is Nityananda, born in a village called Ekachakra, West Bengal, India, in 1474. As a prominent person to initiate a revolution of love, Nityananda spread Krishna Consciousness. In essence, He and companion Chaitanya identified who we should love. To put it in simple terms, love of the Creator, love of Creation, and love of all the creatures fairly well sums up the initiative.

The methodology was to go to the public, the pedestrians, people in their homes and suggest to those recipients to see God in sound and to vocalize it. “The name of Hari is important. Chant!”

To celebrate His birthday, programs were held online all over the world. I had the pleasure of singing at the Gaura-Arati. A bit out of practice, I became embarrassed, forgetting one verse out of the song.

Oh well!

At least Mahadeva, Annapurna, Vallabh and I had the pleasure to meet the elements in the form of a harsh air (yet clean), the full moon, both giving us a kiss, in a sense of love. The Valentine spirit. A walk for Nityananda.

May the Source be with you!

3 km


Sunday, February 13, 2022
→ The Walking Monk

Oakville, Ontario

Nitai Avatar

I’m so happy to hear new speakers take a crack at delivering a class for the first time. This morning Premarani, from Mexico, gave the class. Each person brings something unique to the table.

Later I went to visit Neil Cox, the wood sculptor, at his workshop. He is progressing with his massive chunk of maple tree, carving out Krishna. I was moved when I heard he secured a tree from the area I was raised in, the Blenheim-Ridgetown area. I was further moved when I saw in the loft the mock image of Chief Tecumseh, the great warrior of whom he crafted a beautiful piece for the Windsor public library. I was born by the river just a two day walk from where Tecumseh was killed in action two centuries before.

By 3:15 in the afternoon, it was time to scoot over to Oakville where there is this amazing yoga studio called “iGita.” Such ambiance! I was glad to see a group dynamic there numbering around the figure of fourty, all masked. A good number of children were present. If you have a Sunday school program, you will attract people.

It was such a pleasure to speak about the most benevolent avatar of all, Nityananda. This historic personality is not so well established in the world. The onus is on us, bhakti-yogapractitioners, to share with whomever we meet. Nityananda, along with another avatar, Chaitanya, inaugurated the movement of sankirtan, ecstatic chanting amongst the public. His name in short is Nitai.

May the Source be with you!


Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival, March 2-5: Sponsor a Radha Madhava Abhisheka
- TOVP.org

In a few weeks we will be celebrating the Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival in Sridham Mayapur from March 2-5. One of the celebrations being commemorated this year is the 50th anniversary of the arrival of Sri Sri Radha Madhava in 1972, and Their subsequently staying here at Srila Prabhupada’s divine request.

There are several sponsorship opportunities available to participate in this historic occasion and also help further support TOVP construction. Specifically in this article we are promoting the Radha Madhava Abhishekas. There are ten unique and wonderful abhishekas that will be performed, as well as a Welcome Ceremony. These have been organized into five sponsorship categories starting with the Welcome Ceremony for $25.

Sponsor your Radha Madhava Abhishekas TODAY!


The TOVP Announces – Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival, March 2 – 5, 2022

Celebrating 5 Anniversaries in 1 Festival

The TOVP Team is pleased to announce the upcoming, all-auspicious Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival from March 2 – 5, 2022. This will be a festival to top all festivals, commemorating the anniversary of five important events in the history of ISKCON:

  • 50th Anniversary of Chota Radha Madhava’s Installation
  • 50th Anniversary of the ISKCON Mayapur Gaur Purnima Festival
  • 50th Anniversary of Prabhupada Laying the TOVP Cornerstone
  • 50th Anniversary of Jananivas Prabhu as Mayapur Head Pujari
  • 100th Anniversary of Prabhupada Receiving Bhaktisiddhanta’s Order

For more information and to sponsor an Abhisheka, Radha Madhava Brick or Prabhupada Medallion, visit the Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival page on the TOVP website.



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The Appearance Day of Narottama Dasa Thakura

Narottama Dasa Thakura was a leading acharya in the Gaudiya Vaisnava line. He was the only disciple of Srila Lokanatha Gosvami. Srila Narottama Dasa Thakura helped bring the books of the Goswami’s from Vrndavana to Bengal and Orissa.

Appearing as the son of a king, Sri Narottama Dasa Thakura (Shri Thakura Mahasaya) showed all the bodily symptoms of a mahapurusha (an exalted divine person). He had long arms, a deep navel, golden-complexion, beautiful eyes shaped like the lotus petals. In school, he was a sruti dhara (able to memorize whatever he heard). Although he quickly mastered Sanskrit and the Vedas, he hankered to serve Krishna. He was a lifelong brahmachari. By the mercy of the Holy Name Gaura-Nitai, Narottama became detached, left his opulent family, and ran to Vrindavana. He took diksha from Sri Lokanatha Goswami and siksha in Gaudiya philosophy from Sri Jiva Goswami.

When he arrived in Navadwipa-dhama all the Devotees asked him about the health and activities of the Goswamis in Vrindavana. They were eager to hear the news from Vrindavana. After visiting all of Gauranga’s pastime places in Gaura Mandala, Narottama Dasa did the same in Shri Kshetra Dhama (Jagannatha Puri). Then he went to see the Devotees and Shri Chaitanya’s pastime spots in Shantipura, Shri Khanda, Kanthak Nagar, Ekachakra, and Kheturi Gram.

In Kheturi, Shri Narottama Dasa Thakura arranged the famous Kheturi Mahotsava. This was the first “Gaura-Purnima” festival to honor the divine appearance day of Shri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. During the festival six Deities were installed: Shri Gauranga Deva, Shri Vallabhi Kanta, Shri Vraja Mohana, Shri Krishna, Shri Radha Kanta, Shri Radha Ramana.

With his sweet voice, Narottama Dasa began a wonderful kirtana. His chanting filled the heavens and brought down tears of prema from the eyes of the Devotees, who were all sporting in the ocean of ecstasy. “In the midst of their kirtana, the munificent Shri Chaitanya Himself and all His personal associates appeared and joined in the sankirtana. Like a flash of lightning in the midst of a mass of beautiful blue clouds, Shri Chaitanya Himself appeared in the crowd of Devotees through a divine manifestation.” (Bhakti-ratnakar)

“At that time, although Mahaprabhu had, left this world years before, many different devotees saw Mahaprabhu in different ways. Those of Sri Navadvipa dhama saw Him more intimately as Nimaicandra or Visvambhara, as they knew Him during His youth. Those devotees were attracted to Mahaprabhu in sakhya and vatsalya rasa. The followers of the six Gosvamis, who only knew Mahaprabhu as a sannyasi, related to Him in the mood of dasya rasa. And hundreds of devotees also worshiped Lord Caitanya in an aisvarya mood of awe and reverence.
Srila Narottama Dasa Thakur sang numerous songs. One which is most famous in Sri Mayapur Dham is Sri Krishna Caitanya Prabhu Doya Koro More.

The devotees of the Mayapur community happen to sing this song every day during Darshan Arati of Sri Pancha Tattva.
śrī-kṛṣṇa-caitanya prabhu doyā koro more
tomā binā ke doyālu jagat-saḿsāre
patita-pāvana-hetu tava avatāra
mo sama patita prabhu nā pāibe āra
hā hā prabhu nityānanda, premānanda sukhī
kṛpābalokana koro āmi boro duḥkhī
doyā koro sītā-pati adwaita gosāi
tava kṛpā-bale pāi caitanya-nitāi
gaura premamaya tanu paṇḍita gadādhara
srīnivāsa haridāsa doyāra sāgara
hā hā swarūp, sanātana, rūpa, raghunātha
bhaṭṭa-juga, śrī-jīva hā prabhu lokanātha
doyā koro śrī-ācārya prabhu śrīnivāsa
rāmacandra-sańga māge narottama-dāsa
1) My dear Lord Caitanya, please be merciful to me, because who can be more merciful than Your Lordship within these three worlds?
2) Your incarnation is just to reclaim the conditioned, fallen souls, but I assure You that You will not find a greater fallen soul than me. Therefore, my claim is first.
3) My dear Lord Nityananda, You are always joyful in spiritual bliss. Since You always appear very happy, I have come to You because I am most unhappy. If You kindly put Your glance over me, then I may also become happy.
4) My dear Advaita Prabhu, husband of Sita, You are so kind. Please be merciful to me. If You are kind to me, naturally Lord Caitanya and Nityananda will also be kind to me.
5) Gaura’s love embodiment is shown by Gadadhara Pandita. Srinivasa Pandita and Haridasa Thakura are the ocean of mercy.
6) O Svarupa Damodara, personal secretary of Lord Caitanya, O six Gosvamis O Sri Rupa Gosvami, Sri Sanatana Gosvami, Sri Raghunatha Bhatta Gosvami, Sri Gopala Bhatta Gosvami, Sri Jiva Gosvami, and Sri Raghunatha dasa Gosvami! O Lokanatha Gosvami, my beloved spiritual master! Narottama dasa also prays for your mercy.
7) O Srinivasa Acarya, successor to the six Gosvamis! Please be merciful to me. Narottama dasa always desires the company of Ramacandra Cakravarti.

The post The Appearance Day of Narottama Dasa Thakura appeared first on ISKCON News.

The Residents of New Vrindaban: Divyangi Devi Dasi

ISKCON News is proud to announce a new and inspiring interview series, a new look into the world of living the Bhakti Yoga life. In this interview series, we talk to the devotees of New Vrindaban, West Virginia to ask them how they feel living fully immersed in devotional life.

Today we introduce you to Divyangi devi dasi, a well-known New York Harinam book distributor who is now a New Vrindaban resident.

Where do you hail from originally?
Divyangi Devi Dasi: I am originally from Minsk, Belarus.

How long have you lived at New Vrindaban?
I’ve permanently moved here in September 2021.

Oh so fairly new, what is it like living at New Vrindaban?
In my experience, every day something amazing happens here in New Vrindaban, inwardly and outwardly. Living here is transformative, I always learn so many new things about myself and my relationships with devotees. I feel like for me personally, it is a good place to work on my boundaries and recognition of my bodily and mental limits. At the same time, this place uncovers many talents and it’s easy to get involved and enjoy something I’ve never done before.

What are some of your favorite things about staying at New Vrindaban?
There’s always something going on here, in the temple, or in devotees’ houses or outside. It’s kind of like in my childhood, wherever you go there’s adventure everywhere.

I like living in nature and have an opportunity to just take a walk to the forest when I feel like I need it. I also like that it’s quite remote and it feels nice to be able to come back to a peaceful place after Book Distribution in town, for example.

I also like how encouraging devotees are to start new initiatives and engage others in them.

Do you think living in New Vrindaban helps your bhakti?
It definitely helps my spiritual growth. This growth is not always pleasant and comfortable, but encountering all sorts of situations here, helps me to become more responsible and serious in my spiritual practice and my relationship with devotees.

What service do you do there? What are some of your favorite services?
I am a pujari, and love it so much!
It’s quite common to organize book/prasadam distribution events, which I enjoy so much too. Recently I started helping with social media. And I absolutely love gardening services; although it’s hard to find time to do everything here when this opportunity actually comes, I appreciate it a lot!

Are you involved in any special projects or initiatives there?
I would say so. Every devotional festival in the temple is a special project here, as a pujari I am involved in all of them. Also, I have started helping with social media projects.

Do you feel you learning any particular skills there?
I would say I’m constantly learning about Deity Seva and the art of relationships with devotees.

Thanks so much for sitting down and talking to us today, Is there anything else you would like to add?
I feel and see how New Vrindaban is a Holy Dham, which is sometimes is not easy to deal with, it brings up the highest joy, as well as the deepest anarthas in me. Like other temples is a very good place for purification, as we say, but it works better for a devotee who looks for such purification. And I do. Absolutely wonderful place to visit and see what your experience will be like!

Stay tuned for more Interviews with the residents of New Vrindaban every month exclusively on ISKCON News. To book a stay at New Vrindaban visit newvrindaban.com/lodge

The post The Residents of New Vrindaban: Divyangi Devi Dasi appeared first on ISKCON News.

Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival, March 2-5: Sponsor a Radha Madhava Brick
- TOVP.org

In a few weeks we will be celebrating the Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival in Sridham Mayapur from March 2-5. One of the celebrations being commemorated this year is the 50th anniversary of the arrival of Sri Sri Radha Madhava in 1972, and Their subsequently staying here at Srila Prabhupada’s divine request.

There are several sponsorship opportunities available to participate in this historic occasion and also help further support TOVP construction. Specifically in this article we are promoting the Radha Madhava Brick. This golden colored brick will be inscribed with the name(s) of your choice and placed under Their Lordships altar for hundreds of years to come. Your name will also be included in the second volume of the TOVP Book of Devotion. Sponsorship payments can be made in installments over the next two years.

Sponsor your Radha Madhava Brick TODAY!


The TOVP Announces – Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival, March 2 – 5, 2022

Celebrating 5 Anniversaries in 1 Festival

The TOVP Team is pleased to announce the upcoming, all-auspicious Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival from March 2 – 5, 2022. This will be a festival to top all festivals, commemorating the anniversary of five important events in the history of ISKCON:

  • 50th Anniversary of Chota Radha Madhava’s Installation
  • 50th Anniversary of the ISKCON Mayapur Gaur Purnima Festival
  • 50th Anniversary of Prabhupada Laying the TOVP Cornerstone
  • 50th Anniversary of Jananivas Prabhu as Mayapur Head Pujari
  • 100th Anniversary of Prabhupada Receiving Bhaktisiddhanta’s Order

For more information and to sponsor an Abhisheka, Radha Madhava Brick or Prabhupada Medallion, visit the Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival page on the TOVP website.



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Srila Prabhupada’s Mayapur Bhajan Kutir – A Brief History
- TOVP.org

What is known as the ‘bhajan kutir’ in ISKCON Mayapur is the first structure built on the property. It was also the original ‘temple’, functioning as chota Radha Madhava’s first place of worship when They arrived in Mayapur in 1972. An entire day is dedicated to this ‘temple’ during the Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival from March 2 – 5, the 50th Anniversary of that arrival.

The kutir was built by Acyutananda Swami in 1971 on the order of Srila Prabhupada, who personally instructed him about the materials to use and the manpower to hire. Acyutananda Swami oversaw the design, construction and finances. When Prabhupada arrived in Mayapur and saw the finished kutir he happily remarked, “It shall be called Acyutananda Cottage.”

Bhavananda das recalls a most prophetic and important event :

The story regarding the straw house or bhajan kutir, as it was later called, and the TOVP really requires to be seen as well as heard because of Prabhupada’s arm gesture. However, I will try to narrate as best I can. In June, 1973 Prabhupada was in Mayapur and was staying in the Lotus building. That building was erected at the backmost border of our ISKCON land. The bhajan kutir was at the front border of the land next to Bhaktisiddhant road. The empty land between consisted of many paddy or rice fields. It was all just empty flat fields where Prabhupada had planned for the main temple to be constructed. During a morning walk Prabhupada and I were standing in front of the straw house. I turned to him and said, “Should we demolish this since we don’t use it anymore?” Prabhupada was quiet for a moment and then he said, “No, let the people see – this is what we were”, and then with a grand swing of his right arm he pointed up to his right and said, “and this is what we have become”. And, of course, as we now know he was pointing directly to where the TOVP stands today.

From Prabhupada Lilamrta by Satsvarupa Goswami:

The monsoons came, and the Ganges spilled over her banks, flooding the entire ISKCON Mayapur property. Acyutananda Swami had built a straw and bamboo hut where Prabhupada was soon to stay, but the waters rose until Acyutananda Swami had to live in the bamboo rafters. He wrote Prabhupada that had it not been for Bhaktisiddhanta Road the damage would have been extensive. Prabhupada replied, “Yes, we were saved by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Road. We shall
always expect to be saved by His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Goswami Maharaja Prabhupada. Always pray to His Lotus Feet. Whatever success we have had in preaching Lord Caitanya’s mission all over the world is only due to His mercy.”

This year also celebrates the 50th Anniversary of the Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers book conversation between Srila Prabhupada and Brahmatirtha das (Bob Cohen) who, as a young Peace Corps worker in India at the time, met with Srila Prabhupada in the bhajan kutir for three consecutive days. Published in 1977, Srila Prabhupada personally gave the title of the book, and millions of copies have been distributed worldwide in over fifty languages since then.


Srila Prabhupada's Mayapur Bhajan Kutir - A Brief History

The TOVP Announces – Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival, March 2 – 5, 2022

Celebrating 5 Anniversaries in 1 Festival

The TOVP Team is pleased to announce the upcoming, all-auspicious Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival from March 2 – 5, 2022. This will be a festival to top all festivals, commemorating the anniversary of five important events in the history of ISKCON:

  • 50th Anniversary of Chota Radha Madhava’s Installation
  • 50th Anniversary of the ISKCON Mayapur Gaur Purnima Festival
  • 50th Anniversary of Prabhupada Laying the TOVP Cornerstone
  • 50th Anniversary of Jananivas Prabhu as Mayapur Head Pujari
  • 100th Anniversary of Prabhupada Receiving Bhaktisiddhanta’s Order

For more information and to sponsor an Abhisheka, Radha Madhava Brick or Prabhupada Medallion, visit the Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival page on the TOVP website.



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Monthly Media – Jan 2022
→ KKSBlog

We are already half way February but we still reflect back on last January. At the beginning of each year many of us like to make resolutions and focus on to achieve these promises. One of the resolutions we could all make is to keep following Kadamba Kanana Swami’s journey in Europe and be inspired by his teachings. On the 1 st day of this year, Kadamba Kanana Swami celebrated the New Year in Simhachalam, Germany. I am sure we all had a wonderful time listening to Kadamba Kanana Swami’s kirtan and his lectures on Srimad Bhagavatan (S.B.) and CC Adi-Lila. Please see the links below:

1st January – Sankirtan Katha with HG Mandihara Prabhu and HH Kadamba Kanana Swami – CC Adi Lila 9.36

1st January – New Year’s Kirtan with HH Kadamba Kanana Swami

2nd January – S.B. 3.24.13 – Simhachalam, Germany

After spending time in Simhachalam, Kadamba Kanana Swami went to Ljubljana, Slovenia, where he shared many teachings from Srimad Bhagavatam. Please see the links below.

5th January – S.B. 8.16.8 – Ljubljana, Slovenia

6th January – S.B.8.16.10 – Ljubljana, Slovenia

12th January – small kirtan

13th January – S.B.8.16.23 – Ljubljana, Slovenia

Kadamba Kanana Swami then took a direction to the South of Europe. His first destination was Italy. Please see the links for a morning program and a harinam.

15th January – Morning program and lecture on S.B.9.2.23-24. – Italy

15th January – Italy – Harinam

After Italy, Kadamba Kanana Swami decided to visit Nueva Vrajamandala and ISKCON Malaga in Spain, where he gave lectures from Srimad Bhagavatam, initiated some devotees and played kirtan for Radhadesh Mellows online. Please see the links below.

21st January – S.B.4.14.49 – Nueva Vrjamandala, Spain

22nd January – S.B.4.13.41 – Nueva Vrajamandala, Spain

23rd January – Harinam in Madrid, Spain

24th January – Initiation ceremony – Nueva Vrajamandala, Spain

26th January – S.B. 1.11.12 – ISKCON Malaga

28th January – S.B.1.11.14 – ISKCON Malaga

28th January – Radhadesh Mellow online

29th January – S.B.1.11.15 – ISKCON Malaga

30th January – S.B.1.11.16-17 – ISKCON Malaga

Weekly Zoom Meetings

7th January – Build a Bhajan Kutir

14th January – Program at Prabhupadadesh ISKCON Vicenza

21st January – From New Vraja Mandala Spain

Did you miss any previous Monthly Media articles? Find them here!

Until next month…

The article " Monthly Media – Jan 2022 " was published on KKSBlog.

Increasing the Number of Diksa-gurus – 2021
→ Dandavats

By the GBC

RESOLVED: The GBC hereby states their commitment to increase the number of diksa-gurus in ISKCON by systematically and promptly increasing the number of diksa-gurus before we lose the present gurus. The GBC also accepts the principle that the number of diksa-gurus must reflect, as closely as possible, the actual size of ISKCON, and that the future system leans to having many local diksa-gurus with fewer disciples, rather than having a limited number of international gurus with many disciples. Furthermore, the GBC members will support and promote prominent siksa-gurus initiating while their diksa-gurus are present. Continue reading "Increasing the Number of Diksa-gurus – 2021
→ Dandavats"

Narottama Das Thakur Appearance
→ Ramai Swami

akumara-brahmacari sarva-tirtha-darshiparama-bhagavatottamah shrila-narottama-dasa    

A brahmachari for his entire life, Narottama Das visited all the places of pilgrimage. He was on the highest platform of devotional achievement. (Bhakti-ratnakara 1.256)

Narottama Thakur was Champaka Manjari in Krishna-lila. Eternally assisting Rupa Manjari in her service to Radha and Krishna, Champaka Manjari had mercy on the conditioned souls of this earth and appeared as Narottama in the village of Kheturi, about twelve miles from Rampur Bowaliya in the Gopalpur subdivision of Rajshahi district. This took place on the full moon day of the month of Magh sometime around the middle of the 15th century of the Shaka era. 

Narottama’s father was Raja Krishnananda Datta, the zamindar of the Gopalpur area. His mother’s name was Narayani Devi. Raja Krishnananda had a younger brother named Purushottam Datta, who had a son named Santosha. In order to show that His associates can take birth in any caste, Krishna had Narottama take birth in a kayastha family.    

From his early childhood, Narottama began to display symptoms of his future greatness. Everyone was amazed to see his great intelligence and his devotional demeanor. He was constantly absorbed in meditation on the wonderful qualities of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Nityananda Prabhu. The Lord and His associates appeared to him in his dreams. 

According to the Premavilasa, when Mahaprabhu passed through Kanair Natashala, as He was dancing ecstatically in kirtan, He began to call out the name Narottama. When Nityananda asked Him why He was calling out this name, Mahaprabhu answered, “My Lord. You do not know your own glories. When we went to Jagannath Puri, you shed tears out of divine love, day after day. I managed to capture your divine love and save it. Now I wish to keep it here by the Padmavati River for Narottama Das.” 

Mahaprabhu then went on to the Padmavati River to the place known as Kutubpur, where He bathed and sang and danced in ecstasy. He then called out to the river, “O Padmavati! Take my love and keep it here. When Narottama comes and bathes here, give it to him.”    

The Padmavati inquired, “How will I recognize him?”    Mahaprabhu answered, “You will know it is Narottama, for when he enters your waters, you will overflow.”    The place where Mahaprabhu placed prema for Narottama’s sake was later given the name Prematali.

When Narottama was twelve years old, he had a dream in which Nityananda Prabhu told him to bathe in the Padmavati and take the prema which had been stored there for him. He went the next day to the Padma and as soon as he put his foot in the water, the river started to overflow. The Padmavati then remembered Mahaprabhu’s words and gave Narottama the prema which she had been safeguarding for him.

As soon as he experienced the ecstasies of prema, Narottama’s character, his appearance, everything about him changed. His parents noticed the transformation and did everything they could to bring him back to his normal state, but failed. Having drunk the wine of divine ecstasy, Narottama had become intoxicated and the bonds of family life could no longer hold him back.

Narottama waited to go to Vrindavan until after the death of his father when his cousin Santosha was given the responsibility for the zamindari. Even though he was the son of a rich zamindar, in his desire to unite with the Lord, he was ready to abandon the pleasures of the body in a moment.

The Prema-vilasa also describes how Narottama took initiation from Lokanatha Goswami. Narottama was born on Maghi purnima, his renunciation took place on the Karttik purnima, and he was initiated by Lokanatha on the Shravan purnima.

After the disappearance of Rupa and Sanatan Goswamis, Shri Jiva Goswami became the undisputed intellectual leader of all Gaudiya Vaishnavas throughout Mathura, Bengal and Orissa and the chief-minister of the universal court of Vaishnavas at Vrindavan — the Vishva-vaishnava-raja-sabha. Shrinivas Acharya, Narottama Das, and Duhkhi Krishna Das all studied the scriptures under Jiva, receiving detailed personal instruction from him. When their studies were completed, Jiva gave them the titles of Acharya, Thakur and Shyamananda, respectively. 

After their studies were complete, Jiva sent his three students to Bengal with the Vaishnava scriptures. Shri Jiva heard the news that the books had been stolen in Bana Vishnupura and then later that they had been recovered.

Lokanatha Goswami considered Narottama’s previous life as a wealthy zamindar to be particularly suitable for preaching in his home area of northern Bengal and thought that with his status he would be able to teach the standards of renounced devotional behavior. Out of compassion for that country’s people, he ordererd Narottama to return to his home town of Kheturi. 

On Lokanatha Goswami’s orders, Narottama installed six sets of Deities in his Temple in Kheturi: Gauranga, Vallabhikanta, Vrajamohana, Shri Krishna, Radhakanta, and Radharamana. The great festival which he held on that occasion is still remembered in the Vaishnava world. 

Shrinivas Acharya acted as the officiating priest at the festival and performed the rituals installing the Deities. In the kirtan led by Narottama which followed, Mahaprabhu and His associates themselves appeared.

bhaktih kim ayam kim eshavairagya-saras tanuman nrilokesambhavyate yah kritibhih sadaivatasmai namah shrila-narottamaya    

I offer my repeated obeisances to Shrila Narottama Das Thakur, who appears to some as devotion itself incarnate, or as the essence of renunciation in human form — this is forever the opinion of the wise.

Valentine’s Day Message: The Love That Satisfies
Giriraj Swami

Today, February 14, Saint Valentine’s Day, I was struck when Srila Prabhupada, at the conclusion of his class on Sri Isopanisad, spoke about love—the love that Krishna wants and the love that will satisfy us:

“Any religion, it doesn’t matter whether Hindu religion, Muslim religion, Christian religion—if you are developing love of God, then you are perfect in your religion. . . .

And what kind of love? Ahaituki: without any cause. ‘O Lord, I love You, God, because You supply me so many nice things. You are order-supplier.’ No, not that sort of love. Without any exchange. That is taught by Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, that ‘Whatever You do . . .’ Aslisya va pada-ratam pinastu mam. ‘Either You trample me under Your feet or You embrace me—what You like. You make me brokenhearted by not seeing You—that doesn’t matter. Still You are my worshipable Lord.’ That is love. . . . That sort of love Krishna wants. Therefore He was so much fond of the gopis. In the gopis’ love there was no question of business propaganda: ‘Give me this, then I love You.’ No. That is pure love. . . . If you want to love God, there is nothing throughout the whole world which can check you. Simply you have to develop your eagerness: ‘Krishna, I want You.’ That’s all. Then there is no question of checking. In any condition you’ll increase your love, increase your love. . . . If you can develop your love for God, or Krishna, without being checked, without any cause, then you will feel fully satisfied.”

Hare Krishna.

Yours in service,
Giriraj Swami