Wednesday, December 1, 2021
→ The Walking Monk

Burnaby, British Columbia

Getting Around

I’m getting around now, being in B.C. Travels recently have taken me east, west, and north. Just to be on the safe side, I’m keeping it domestic for now.

Anyway, it’s great to be back after two years of being away. I have met Manu, Jaya Govinda, Radhika, Mathura Lila, and so many more. There is a younger chap here, Satya Mohan, whom I’ve been talking about the clean up on the grounds and how that is pleasing to God, the Guru, the neighbours, and each other. I won’t get into details here but we just need to step up sattva-guna, the mode of conscientiousness or thoughtfulness.

The climate here is fairly mild, but grey and wet this time of year. I reminded Radhika, who hails from the same Dutch ancestry (although I was born Canadian), that our ancestors understood this climate. Whatever the weather, whether the weather, wherever we’re together we can be very clever, let’s get to serving the Chief. Nothing can hold us back from making the endeavour.

For a section of today, I ventured over to the flat lowland of Chinese and Punjabi farms, just south of our Burnaby property. This is my solitude space when I come here and it is to walk. I shared it with my doctor friend, Sunil, and also with my new and young friend, Satya.

“I didn’t know this was here,” both of them said.

“You must explore, my comrades. Know what’s around. Give the device a break and touch magic.”

May the Source be with you!



Tuesday, November 30, 2021
→ The Walking Monk


Moving to Places

I left our ashram in Toronto for the airport feeling good. David has pruned the bushes in the front yard and Cameron really took to the elbow-grease-work of cleaning the resident washrooms. These areas needed some TLC (tender loving care or Teachings of Lord Chaitanya).

Karuna Sindhu drove me to the airport – thanks to him. Frankly, I would love to walk the stretch but, as in most cities, airports and runways are far-reaching, distance-wise. I’m anticipating daily walks while in Vancouver. Fortunately, the flooding and mudslides are on the interior. Strange karma this world comes up with. All summer long the area of British Columbia encountered an incredible dry spell with forest fires to boot. Now, rains are in excess.

Over the five-hour plane ride my legs hankered to move. I’ve got some of those standard exercises down for ankle and foot mobility. It really does go to show that stationary, or sedentary positions are not for us humans to be in for too long, unless of course, you are in a yogic asana regimen, and it doesn’t go for too long.

Chanting japa did occupy most of my time. It was all relatively comfortable except for my passenger next to me who inadvertently monopolized the full arm-rest the whole time. What can be done? As expressed in yesterday’s blog entry, patience is the thing. If a couple want to have a child it goes with a 9-month waiting period.

May the Source be with you!


Monday, November 29, 2021
→ The Walking Monk

Toronto, Ontario

Proper Perception

From the purport of text 11.7.8 from the Bhagavatam, we read, “When a woman loves a man, she is most eager to see him, and she daily sees him dressed in different clothes. Actually, the woman is interested not in the clothes, but in the man. Similarly, within every material object is the Supreme Personlity of Godhead; therefore, one who has developed love of God is constantly seeing the Lord everywhere, and not just the superficial material objects that cover the Lord.”

Nice example on “proper perception.” See the spirit behind everything. See the God factor in all things. This is practically the single point to grasp from the Bhagavat teachings; the awareness of spiritual presence.

One more thing I wanted to convey involved my endeavour to get back to Toronto by flying from Sudbury. I learned and saw a virtue in others. My departure for Toronto was a bit frustrating. It was Sunday night, and the scheduled time for flying got changed. It was delayed. No problem. Everyone goes through that. Then the flight was delayed again. “Mechanical difficulty,” they said. Well, I’ve heard that one before. The final delay was messaged. The plane arrives for our pick up. Somehow the aircraft is working. During this whole time no passengers expressed any grumpiness. I was amazed. Finally, we boarded and sat there for a while until it was announced that the flight was cancelled.

Again, nothing was said, not even a swear word or a gentleman’s remark like, “that’s unfortunate.” Meanwhile motel arrangements were made. That process took a while, in addition to rebooking. Not a word. How heroic all that was? I was proud to be a human.

May the Source be with you!


Meeting with the new India Ambassador for Ireland
→ Dandavats

By Goloka Devi Dasi

Having been appointed just a matter of weeks ago, one of the first meetings the new Ambassador for Ireland, Mr. Akhilesh Mishra, wanted to arrange was with ISKCON! A very nice, knowledgeable and humble man we spent about 40 minutes discussing Sanskrit (which he has studied and his father was a professor of), Vedic culture and the achievements of Srila Prabhupada. Before leaving we presented him with the complete edition of the Srila Prabhupada Lilamrta. Somehow that seemed hugely appropriate given it was during the Prabhupada marathon. We look forward to his next three years as Ambassador here as he was super clear that he wants to support, in whatever way he can, ISKCON's mission here in Ireland Continue reading "Meeting with the new India Ambassador for Ireland
→ Dandavats"

Miracles come from Krsna
→ KKSBlog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 2 December 2021, Radhadesh, Belgium, Srimad Bhagavatam 10.23.27)

It is the constitutional position of the living entity to be a servant of Krsna. Therefore, this means that we are always in a relationship with Krsna. Service is our natural position. If we are not serving Krsna, then we are serving others – family, profession, society at large, animals, plants and so on – in so many ways, we are serving other living entities. Therefore, serving is our nature. But ultimately, everything finds its origin in Krsna and everything is only a spark of Krsna’s splendour. So, we turn to Krsna because behind everything, there lies Krsna. Ultimately, every miracle we see in life is because of Krsna. And there are many miracles in our daily lives – the way the sun is rising, the way children come into this world and so on. Even though this is part of daily life, it is still miraculous! This is because this is all the opulence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. People write all kinds of poetry about this because they are all wonderful and miraculous manifestations of the mercy of the Lord!

The article " Miracles come from Krsna " was published on KKSBlog.

Srila Prabhupada—Always There for His Followers
Giriraj Swami

The following account is from Srila Prabhupada’s disciple Bhaktisiddhanta Dasa.
Srila Prabhupada appeared to Prthuputra Swami, the first French sannyasi, just before Prthuputra died. Maharaja had done a lot of service for Srila Prabhupada’s preaching mission. But after Srila Prabhupada’s physical demise, Prthuputra left Krishna consciousness. He broke the regulative principle and went back to the sinful lifestyle he had led before. Nevertheless, he never criticized ISKCON or Krishna consciousness.

Some years later Prthuputra contracted AIDS. As the disease progressed, he ended up in hospital, and as it progressed further, he was hooked onto the machines which kept him alive. During his last, he was in coma.

As he was about to die, doctors gathered around his bed and tried to estimate how many days—if not hours—he had left. As they discussed his condition, all of a sudden Prthuputra opened his eyes, sat up in his bed, and looked towards the door. “Prabhupada, you came,” he said. Then he laid back on his bed, closed his eyes, and died.

Doctors later told this story to the devotees.



Monthly Media – Nov 2021
→ KKSBlog

Written by Szilvia Bukta-Mako

On a Tour in Europe

From the beginning of November until the 19th you hopefully all had the opportunity to share or hear Krishna’s wonderful stories and to discover new places in Vrindavan by rewatching the parikrama videos on KKSBlog website. Even though kartik month is over, now is still a great time to remember and serve Krishna. The more we can relish His glories, the more we can feel His presence.

Kadamba Kanana Swami, after spending time in New York City and New Jersey, came back to Europe to start his winter tour. However, before flying to Europe, he attended an evening home program in New Jersey, USA. Please see the link to the program below:

New Jersey, USA, evening program

Kadamba Kanana Swami’s European tour started from Ljubljana where he gave a class on Srimad Bhagavatam. Please see the link below.
SB. 8.9.25 in Ljubljana

His second destination in Europe was the Simhachalam temple in Germany where he spent a full week there. He lectured on Srimad Bhagavatam, celebrated Diwali (the festival of lights), Govardhan Puja, and Srila Prabhupada’s disappearance day. Govardhan Puja, also known as Annakut, is a festival in which devotees worship Govardhan Hill and prepare and offer a large variety of vegetarian food to Krishna as a mark of gratitude. That is the time when we can hear about the story of Krishna lifting the Govardhan Hill to provide the villagers of Vrindavan shelter from torrential rains. Please see the links to these classes and programs below.

5th November – SB.10.25.19

5th November – Govardhan Puja

8th November – Srila Prabhupada’s Disappearance Day evening lecture

12th November – SB.3.23.30

After Simhachalam Kadamba Kanana Swami decided to drive to Goloka Dhama in Germany, where he gave classes on Caitanya Caritamrita and Srimad Bhagavatam. See the links to these classes below.

14th November – CC. Adi 5 71

23rd November – SB.6.2.39

24th November – SB.6.2.40

25th November – SB.6.2.41

26th November – SB.6.2.42

Weekly Zoom meetings:

5th November – Sri Govardhan Puja

12th November – Remembering Wonderful Krishna

19 th November – Last Day of Kartika

26 th November – Following the Vaishnava Calendar

Let’s keep following Kadamba Kanana Swami’s journey in Europe and start preparing for the book marathon month, so we can all spread Krishna consciousness all over the world.

The article " Monthly Media – Nov 2021 " was published on KKSBlog.

George Harrison 20th Anniversary held at Bhaktivedanta Manor

“Everybody is looking for Krishna. Some don`t realize that they are, but they are. Krishna is GOD, the Source of all that exists, the Cause of all that is, was or ever will be. As God is unlimited, He has many names, Allah, Buddha, Jehovah, Rama: all are Krishna, all are ONE.” – George Harrison […]

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Godhead: New Krishnacore Band Debuts First Record
→ ISKCON News: Latest Stories

Godhead is a new Los Angeles-based Krishnacore band. Krishnacore is a subgenre of hardcore punk that draws inspiration from the Bhakta Yoga traditions. Although some hardcore punk bands had already made references to Krishna Consciousness in the 1980s punk and hardcore scene, this subgenre was established in the early 1990s by bands like Shelter and 108. Godhead recently released their first EP and just had their first show on November 21st at Programme Skate & Sound in Fullerton, California.

AI for Teaching Kirtan Music
→ ISKCON News: Latest Stories

A group of engineers, who somehow got the blessings of Srila Prabhupada, got inspired to build an online platform for teaching Sankirtan music. The efforts started a year ago and they have come up with a platform called Narottam, named after our Acarya, Srila Narottama Das Thakura, the original propagator of the Sankirtan music of Sri Gauranga. The platform is available to use by devotees all around the world in the form of an Android application free of cost.

Growing Through Grief
→ ISKCON News: Latest Stories

Most of us discover at a fairly young age that the world is not a bed of roses. The carefree joys of childhood were brutally interrupted for me when I was just seven and I lost my mother. Navigating my way through an uncertain world after that, I encountered much more pain in the shape of a less-than-loving stepmother.

ISKCON Scarborough – Class by HG Nitaisevini DD – 5th Dec 2021- 11 am to 12 noon EST
→ ISKCON Scarborough

Hare Krishna!

Please accept our humble obeisances!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga!

Date: 5th Dec 2021

Day: Sunday

Time: 11 am to 12 noon EST

Speaker: Dr. Nitaisevini Mataji

Link to join the class 


Dr. Nitaisevini Mataji

Dr. Nitaisevini Mataji was born in Mumbai in a Gujarati Business family, conventional followers of the Pushtimarg. Later she with her family shifted to Hyderabad in 1984, since then she was closely connected to ISKCON Secunderbad. Inspired by Visits of many senior devotees, she later joined as a Full time devotee in 1997 and took initiation in the year 1998 in Atlanta,USA from H.H.Jayapataka Swami. She has completed her Graduation in Commerce, Masters in Education with a PG diploma in Management of Voluntary Organization. She completed her PhD in Education from Andhra University. Presently she is the Principal of Divine Touch School, actively involved in Collection, Festival Coordination, Congregation preaching, College Preaching, and shouldering management responsibility with her husband H.G. Samba Das ,President ISKCON Visakhapatnam. She initiated Bhakti Yoga Residential Summer camp at Visakhapatnam where by school Children stay as a devotee for one week in the temple, which has been very successful program.

ISKCON Scarborough

3500 McNicoll Avenue, Unit #3,

Scarborough, Ontario,

Canada, M1V4C7



Growing through Grief
→ Krishna Dharma

Most of us discover at a fairly young age that the world is not a bed of roses. The carefree joys of childhood were brutally interrupted for me when I was just seven and I lost my mother. Navigating my way through an uncertain world after that, I encountered much more pain in the shape of a less than loving stepmother. It was enough to make me rather circumspect about the prospects of a trouble-free life. I tried to make the best of it, of course, but it was only when I came across the messages of the Bhagavad-gita that things began to make sense. Learning that the material world is intrinsically a place of suffering and that we belong somewhere else came as a great relief. It wasn’t that I was exceptionally unfortunate; all of us are in the same rocking boat, according to the Gita.

The pandemic has brought that message home all too starkly for many of us. It has been a particularly difficult time, and for some it has brought terrible grief. A workmate lost four members of his family to Covid, at a time when it was not possible to be with them at the last or even perform their funeral rites. Such pain is hard to imagine, although as a practising Muslim he found comfort in his faith, accepting it as the Lord’s supreme and inscrutable will. Thankfully, I have not had to endure such loss during the pandemic; although recalling my own trauma of losing my mother, I could at least relate to the pain a little. Grief is the hardest of all sufferings, according to the Mahabharat. It robs us of our senses and very ability to function. When a loved one dies, it leaves a gaping hole in your life. Going back to normal is near impossible, and you have to learn how to somehow cope with a new reality.

Like my work friend though, we can find solace in the words of scripture. The Gita tells us we are all eternal souls, temporarily dwelling in mortal frames. It therefore shocks us when suddenly something we took for granted as a part of our lives is cruelly taken from us. We can’t easily process it, as we are meant for eternal existence where nothing and no one ever passes away. Again, the Gita’s message is that we belong to the spiritual world, the abode of God, our ever-loving father and friend. Somehow we have fallen from there to this world of ever-shifting sands where nothing stays the same and everything we hold dear is lost in time.

This is ultimately the cause of all anxiety. Many of us have also had to deal with this and even bouts of depression during these difficult times. Anxiety is really just uncertainty—‘what will happen?’—and this stems from us knowing that we really don’t have any control. The world is rapidly changing even as we watch; we can’t hold onto anything and so often we have to accept things we never bargained for or wanted. This can be depressing at times; we want life to be predictable and certain, to bring happy things and joy, but sadly that is not always the way it happens.

There are some powerful instructions in this regard in the Ramayana. Some time after Lord Rama was banished to the forest, his brother Bharata brought him the news of his father’s passing. Rama was distraught to hear this, a grief that was compounded by his feelings of guilt at not having been there when he died, and not being able to conduct his funeral ceremony. He censured himself and lamented loudly, but seeing that the many others present were also giving way to sorrow to see him grieve, he gradually calmed his mind and began to speak profound words of consolation. “In this world the embodied soul is moved by the all-powerful force of Providence,” said Rama. “No one can control that power. All gains must end in loss, every meeting ends in separation and all life has its end in death.”

It is perhaps a hard message, but its truth is undeniable. Rama also pointed out that the power to prevent one’s own death does not exist in one grieving for another. C.S.Lewis said, “No one ever told me that grief felt so much like fear.” We know that the fate that befell those we have lost awaits us all. The Gita therefore tells us to strive for the eternal, get free of this world of suffering where we do not belong.

But even while we are in this world we can find tranquility by following the guidance of the Gita. It tells us that complete peace comes when we realise three things. The first is that our real happiness lies in serving the Supreme, not in our own attempts to enjoy. The more we try to exploit this world for our happiness, the more we suffer. This is becoming all too apparent as we witness global events like climate change and of course the pandemic unfolding around us. But the Gita assures us that when we give ourselves to divine service these problems will vanish, and a deep sense of joy and satisfaction begins to envelop us.

The second key point is that we are not the controllers. As they say, ‘your anxiety will end when you accept that you are not the general manager of the universe’. As Rama pointed out, the all-powerful force of Providence or God controls this world and indeed us. Everyone is trying to be happy, but still we see so much suffering. Why? The Gita says it is because we do not recognise God’s control and follow his guidance, which is meant for our greatest good. Which leads to the last point, the Lord is our truest friend. This one can sometimes be hard to understand. When things go wrong in life and we face difficulties, it tests our faith. “Why has God done this to me?” Or to our loved ones, especially when we are trying our best to be good people. But we must know that Krishna is preparing us for far greater things than we can even imagine. There will surely be some tests, but when see God’s hand working they become uplifting and transformational. Pressure turns coal into diamonds, and we are all diamonds in the rough, waiting to shine again in our original brilliance.

The strength we need will come from Krishna if we constantly connect with him through our practises. This can also greatly help in alleviating the strain on our relationships that the lockdown has so often brought on us. My spiritual teacher Srila Prabhupada said that the brotherhood of man will come when accept the common fatherhood of God. When we pray together, we stay together. But even if our family members do not join us and it is just us alone practising, we will still see wondrous changes around us as we begin to change. By realising the three points above our aching hearts will become assuaged, all anxieties will be dispelled, and we will find true and lasting peace.



Godhead: New Krishnacore Band Debuts First Record

Godhead is a new Los Angeles-based Krishnacore band. Krishnacore is a subgenre of hardcore punk that draws inspiration from the Bhakta Yoga traditions. Although some hardcore punk bands had already made references to Krishna Consciousness in the 1980s punk scene, this subgenre was established in the early 1990s by bands like Shelter and 108. Godhead […]

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The ‘North’ Holds Their Annual Leadership Retreat

On Saturday, November 27th, over 50 leaders from across Canada got together for the annual Canadian leadership conference to present, strategize, and generate ideas for the future. Centers from the West Coast such as Sarangati to the East Coast such as Halifax were represented. The all-day conference, organized by Vrnda Dasi, Canadian Zonal Supervisor, was […]

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Jananivas Das Has Been Hospitalized

Dear Devotees, Hare Krishna, Our dear head pujari, HG Jananivas Prabhu was admitted to a hospital in Kolkata, last night. On CT scan a small tumor(1.8cm) was found on his urinary bladder. The doctor’s advice was to have it operated on and sent for a biopsy. The surgery is scheduled for Monday. Today morning, Prabhu […]

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In Memory of Srimati Madhavi Bhattacharya

We would like to announce the passing of one of ISKCON Mayapura’s most loyal and devoted supporters, Srimati Madhavi Bhattacharya, wife of Sri Dr. Bhattacharya. She left her body on the auspicious day of Krishna Rasa Purnima, November 18, in her home in Kolkata. She and her husband have been the biggest supporters of the […]

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Manu Murti Now Completed at TOVP

As everyone knows, the Nrsimhadeva Deity will be installed on a separate altar in the East Wing of the Temple of the Vedic Planetarium. The temple room of Nrsimhadeva will be smaller than the central hall, but nevertheless, it will be beautifully decorated and very majestic. The Grand Opening of this wing is scheduled for […]

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New Film Is A Window Into Bhagavad-gita’s Timeless Wisdom

Light of the Bhagavata, a new 25-minute film by ISKCON guru and GBC Bhaktivaibhava Swami, brings to life the timeless wisdom of the Bhagavad-gita, teaching the viewer about the nature of the soul and taking them on a meditative and enlightening journey from planet earth, through galaxies, to the eternal, blissful world of freedom from […]

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New Vrindaban’s Winter Retreats to Refresh and Rejuvenate

In response to the success of its summertime Sunday Brunches at Prabhupada’s Palace Rose Garden, ISKCON New Vrindaban is set to offer a series of winter retreats that will give newcomers as well as devotees a chance to refresh and recharge in a spiritual setting. The four-night mini-retreats will run every week from Thursday through […]

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Kaliya Krishna Dasa Disappearance
→ Ramai Swami

Srila Kaviraja Goswami writes (Chaitanya Charitamrta-lila Adi 11:37.) that Kaliya Krishna Dasa Thakura was one of the principle devotees of Nityananda Prabhu. He knew nothing other than the lotus feet of Sri Nityananda Prabhu.

According to Srila Kavi Karnapura’s Gaura-Ganodesha-Dipika (text 132.), he was one of the 12 gopals in Vrindavana, and in the pastimes of Krishna in Vrindavana was known as Labhanga, one of Krishna’s cowherd boy friends. Here he is refered to as Kalah Krsnadasa or Kalakrsnadasa.

On the twelfth day of the dark moon in the month of Caitra, Sri Kaliya Krishna Dasa Thakura disappeared from this world. This is not the same Kaliya Krishna dasa who accompanied Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to South India. At present, Kaliya Krishnadas’s descendents live in different holy places in Bengal.

His birthplace is in the Bardhaman (Burdwan) district of West Bengal within a short distance from the Railway station at Katwa, at the village called Akai Hatta. This village is situated on the old king’s road between Nabadwipa and Katwa. Akai Hatta is a very small village.

Sura Prabhu Departs
→ Dandavats

By Badrinarayan Swami, Arcita and Dravida Prabhus

Yesterday, December 2nd, at about 5:30 am California time, during the auspicious Brahma Muhurta period, His Grace Sura Prabhu, a disciple of Srila Prabhupada and long-time servant of the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust (BBT), left his body in Los Angeles. He had been hospitalized since November 26th, after being diagnosed with Covid-19. His son, Ram Nomi, and his daughter, Sitapriya, were in the room chanting when he departed. Srila Prabhupada's chanting was also playing softly in the background. Sura Prabhu had his japa beads and was wearing a Nrsimha-pavitra from Mayapur. Continue reading "Sura Prabhu Departs
→ Dandavats"

In Memory of Srimati Madhavi Bhattacharya

We would like to announce the passing of one of ISKCON Mayapura’s most loyal and devoted supporters, Srimati Madhavi Bhattacharya, wife of Dr. Sri Bhattacharya. She left her body on the auspicious day of Krishna Rasa Purnima, November 18, in her home in Kolkata.

She and her husband were the biggest supporters of the ISKCON Mayapur project, having sponsored the Pancha Tattva Deities, and second only to Ambarisa prabhu (who they supported wholeheartedly) in donating to the TOVP. She resided at the ISKCON Mayapur complex for many years, until health issues forced her to relocate.

She is fondly remembered at this program held at ISKCON Mayapur.



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Srila Saranga Thakur Disappearance Day

Shri Saranga Murari Thakura used to reside at Modadrumadwipa Mam-gachi, where his Deities of Shri Shri Radha-Gopinath are still present. There is also a Bakul tree there which is perhaps existing since the time of Sharanga Thakura. There is a local legend concerning this tree. One day when Mahaprabhu came there, he noticed that the […]

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Srila Prabhupada Disciple and Stalwart Preacher, Sura Dasa, Passes

  The Passing Away of Sura Dasa Today, December 2nd, at about 5:30 am California time, during the auspicious Brahma Muhurta time, His Grace Sura Prabhu (disciple of Srila Prabhupada and a long-time servant of the BBT) left his body in Los Angeles. He had been hospitalized since November 26th, after being diagnosed with Covid-19. […]

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