Srila Prabhupada’s New Home in the TOVP

This short video by Mayapur TV and the TOVP presents Srila Prabhupada sitting on his Vyasasana in his quarters at the TOVP located on the Pujari Floor. He receives daily Guru Puja and offerings of foodstuffs, while he views the construction work on his personal CATV video screen.

Srila Prabhupada’s presence in the TOVP cannot be taken lightly or sentimentally. He is there to oversee, direct and inspire the completion of the Temple of the Vedic Planetarium, as he personally did for the Mayapur Chandrodaya Mandir, Mumbai temple and others. For those who have faith that his followers live with him through his divine instructions, this is not difficult to understand. And the completion of the TOVP, beginning with the Grand Opening in 2024, is of utmost importance to his followers in fulfilling those instructions.

Once again, you can help with any General Donation (a link for Indian Residents) or by sponsoring one of many Seva Opportunities available on the TOVP website.



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Friday, November 12, 2021
→ The Walking Monk

St. Jamestown, Toronto

MANtra Working

Our first session of MANtra MANifested this evening and it went really well. Yogesvara from New York did a marvelous presentation of “The Hero’s Journey.” It is fashioned after Joseph Campbell’s model of how a person goes through a personal crisis in life, connects with a mentor, and ultimately succeeds in overcoming obstacles to reach a state of transformation.

What comes to my mind are the stories of Prahlada, and more particularly Dhruva; both young person on their own journey where they come to a point of reaching a successful end. Yogesvara gave these two perceptive people as examples of heroes from the Bhagavatam.

Much appreciation was delivered by viewers through chat remarks made on the virtual presentation. It was interesting to hear our host, Vallabha Hari, express how viewers came in from not only the U.S. and Canada, but India, Turkey, Australia, South America, Africa and Europe.

By the way, Vallabha Hari’s co-ordination was excellent; a pro at this type of service, he introduced the program by announcing “Gentleman” and not “Ladies.” This is not to exclude women per se, necessarily. There are retreats of a bhakti nature for the women called “Vaishnavi Retreats,” and they have been running for some time. We had to give a chance to the guys.

Our next session today started at 10 am EST. Gentlemen, if you haven’t joined yet, it’s not too late. Please register.

May the Source be with you!

5 km



Source: BBT Africa Join Aghari Krishna Dasa and panelists Dwarka Vasini Devi Dasi (East Africa), Prema Vilas Dasa (Mauritius), and Vibhu Caitanya Das (South Africa) as they discuss Africa’s key opportunities for outreach and what are the innovations taking place in countries across Africa to seize these opportunities in preaching Srila Prabhupada’s mission.

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What Defines a Person’s Importance, Birthplace or Activities?

Below is a narration of a conversation between His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada and Bhavananda prabhu in Mayapur, 1977: In 1977 I was on the roof of the Lotus Building with Srila Prabhupada. He was walking the perimeter and chanting japa. At one point he stopped on the North side and was looking across the […]

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Srila Gaura Kisora Dasa Babaji Disappearance
→ Ramai Swami

When Babaji Maharaja was living in the grhastha-asrama, his name was Vamsi dasa. At that time he was maintaining his life by farming corn, in this way doing honest work and living a regulated life according to the principles of the scriptures along with his chaste and humble wife.  In this way he lived for some time.

In 1849, Srila Gaura Kishora Dasa Babaji left grhasta life after the death of his wife. He moved to Vrndavana and took initiation from Sri Bhagavata Dasa Babaji, a disciple of Sri Jagannatha Dasa Babaji. For over thirty years Gaura Kisora Dasa stayed in Vrndavana performing bhajana under the trees at Giri-Govardhana, Nandagram, Varsana, Radha-kunda, Surya-kunda, Raval, Gokula.

Sitting in seclusion, he chanted 200,000 names of Krishna every day (128 rounds of japa). He felt painful separation from Radha-Govinda and cried profusely. As he wandered through the dvadasa vana (12 forests) of Vraja, he would loudly chant the holy names in a deep voice full of lamentation.

While staying in Varsana he made a flower garland everyday for Rai and Kanu (Radha-Krishna). After thirty years of rendering intimate services to Radha and Krishna in Vrndavana, Babaji felt inspired by the Divine Couple to see Sri Navadvipa Dhama.

He visited all the lila sthanas of Lord Gauranga in Gaura Mandala. In Navadvipa, he used to sing one bhajana which means, “By receiv­ing Nitai’s mercy one gets Gauranga’s mercy, which makes one eligible for Krishna prema. With Krishna prema one can attain the service of Srimati Radharani and the gopis.”

Regularly, he associated with and heard Srimad Bhagavatam from Srila Thakura Bhaktivinoda in Svananda sukhada kunja in Godrumadvipa. Constantly absorbed in bhajana, Srila Babaji Maharaja had no desire to make disciples.

On the request of Bhaktivinoda Thakura, however, he reconsidered. Upon seeing the true humility and deep attachment of Thakura Bhaktivinoda’s son for bhajana, Srila Gaurakishora Dasa Babaji accepted one disciple-Sri Varsabhanavi-dayita Dasa (Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura).

On 19 November 1915, Srila Gaura Kishora Dasa Babaji Maharaja joined the eternal blissful pastimes of Gandharvika-Giridhari. His beloved disciple, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, established his samadhi on the banks of Sri Caitanya Matha’s Radha-kunda, near Lord Caitanya’s Yogapitha in Sridhama Mayapur.

In Vraja lila he serves Srimati Radharani as Guna-manjari. His pushpa samadhi stands besides the Radha-Kunja Bihari Gaudiya Matha near Radha-kunda.

The Ultimate Guide To Online Dating

The app Hornet, which caters to the gay male community, has seen a 30-percent increase in social feed engagement since social distancing measures began in mid-March, according to CEO Christof Wittig. And the dating app Tinder reported that it saw more engagement on March 29 than on any other day in its history, with more […]

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Bhisma Panchaka Vrata Begins 15th Nov 2021

By following these days of Bhishma Panchaka fasting one gets the benefit of all the four chaturmasya fasting if one had been unable to follow the same. Bhisma Pancaka Fasting: The fasting starts on Ekadasi Day which is 15th November (Monday) and will continue until the 19th of November, Rasa Purnima Day (last day of […]

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Disappearance day of Srila Gaura Kisora Das Babaji

Srila Gaura Kisora Das Babaji Maharaj – Disappearance Today is the most auspicious disappearance day of Srila Gaura Kishor Das Babaji Maharaj. He is the spiritual master of Om Vishupada Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur, spiritual master to HDG A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada. In Chaitanya Math at Sridham Mayapur, we have His samadhi sthan. While […]

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Bhisma Pancaka- The Passing Away of Bhismadeva

Bhisma-panchaka is five days dedicated to Bhismadev, The son of mother Ganga, and his father King Shantanu-Bhismah santanavo birah. He is the Grandfather of Pandavas, descendant of Great king Bharata in the Kuru dynasty. The period falls in the last 5 days of the month Kartik, the resounding 5 days of chaturmasya. It is said […]

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Bhisma Pancaka- The Passing Away of Bhismadeva

Bhisma-panchaka is five days dedicated to Bhismadev, The son of mother Ganga, and his father King Shantanu-Bhismah santanavo birah. He is the Grandfather of Pandavas, descendant of Great king Bharata in the Kuru dynasty. The period falls in the last 5 days of the month Kartik, the resounding 5 days of chaturmasya. It is said […]

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Bhisma Pancaka- The Passing Away of Bhismadeva
→ ISKCON News: Latest Stories

Bhisma-panchaka is five days dedicated to Bhismadev, The son of mother Ganga, and his father King Shantanu-Bhismah santanavo birah. He is the Grandfather of Pandavas, descendant of Great king Bharata in the Kuru dynasty. The period falls in the last 5 days of the month Kartik, the resounding 5 days of chaturmasya. It is said to commemorate the life of Grandfather Bhismadev, a key figure in the history of India, one who is known as a powerful warrior and commander-in-chief of the royal army who renounced his own claim to the throne of the world and instead remained celibate throughout his life as stated in Mahabharata and the Srimad-Bhagavatam.

Be Careful What You Hear

A recent study at Stanford University revealed the potent combination of science and sound. Abazz app can detect the disease a mosquito might be carrying by detecting its buzzing sound. Another discovery from the lab showed the effect of sound on one of the most compact cells in the human body, the heart cells. The idea sprung […]

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Be Careful What You Hear
→ ISKCON News: Latest Stories

A recent study at Stanford University revealed the potent combination of science and sound. Abazz app can detect the disease a mosquito might be carrying by detecting its buzzing sound. Another discovery from the lab showed the effect of sound on one of the most compact cells in the human body, the heart cells. The idea sprung from the conception of Faraday waves, where sound would create repeals in water.

Utthana Ekadasi and Fasting

Today we observe Utthana Ekadashi. Herein you will find suggestions for observing Ekadashi fast, Ekadashi time calculators, and inspiring pastimes and scripture.    NOTE: Utthana Ekadashi is observed on Sunday, November 14 in the US and Monday, November 15 in India and other parts of the world. Please refer to your local calendar through Gaurabda Calendar/Gcal and also […]

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Wear it like a jewel
→ KKSBlog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 17 November 2018, Ter Kadamba, Vrndavana, India, Parikrama 2018 Lecture)

There are many limbs of devotional service, 64 to be precise. By engaging in these 64 aspects, we can make so much spiritual advancement. The first is guru-padasraya – taking shelter of the lotus feet of the spiritual master. The second one is to accept initiation and receive spiritual instructions. The third is serving the spiritual master with love.

Before we reach love, we may serve out of fear. Why? Well, the sastras create a lot of fear in our hearts as it is very clear that we cannot disobey the orders of the spiritual master. If you do not follow the orders of the guru, your spiritual life will be ruined. If it is not too serious, then you just dry up and become slack in your practice. This causes some fear but there is another reason why we are afraid of the spiritual master. Never before has someone had such authority over us, not even our parents; not even the government or the national leaders have the same authority over us. Sometimes we may cut a few corners or cause civil disobedience, and others are just outright criminals. And as I am saying all of this, I realise that I am looking straight at a lawyer seated in front of me! (laughter) We experience our limitations. We practice these 64 limbs and try to serve our spiritual master not out of fear but by trusting him.

We must take the desire of the spiritual master and wear it like a jewel. Take it happily and not reluctantly. This relationship with the spiritual master must become our greatest treasure and we must have full faith in it. When Lord Nityananda goes into a liquor store, we do not question his motives. We have faith that He is going in there to give mercy. In the same way, we must have faith in our spiritual master. We must offer our whole existence in that relationship. We must become what he wants us to become, not what we want to.

The article " Wear it like a jewel " was published on KKSBlog.

Plant based Dietary Lobby groups bring attention to the cow in the room by proposing less cows and other animals
→ Dandavats

By Syamasundara Das

In Jennifer Mishler's article she mentions ‘environmental harms of animal agriculture, often left out of climate change discussions—and most importantly—not addressed in climate policy or action.’ At first glance we might think yes, we would agree with that, we have heard it so many times that it practically rolls off our own tongues. But I ask you to hold on for a minute and pick out the various issues and wonder if we agree with the premise then. In the article the environmental harms are not specifically sited and hence we don’t know what is being referred to. It is clear throughout the article that the drive is towards a plant-based diet and a reduction if not elimination of animal agriculture. In this article I am not going to talk about all the many types of animal agriculture as that is not my focus, here I want to bring our attention to Cows or specifically Cow Protection or Gorakshya and how this might be affected by articles like this. So let me restate then my understanding of the article with cows in mind. The lobbyists are proposing a reduction in dairy production and consumption. Continue reading "Plant based Dietary Lobby groups bring attention to the cow in the room by proposing less cows and other animals
→ Dandavats"

Srila Gaurakisora dasa Babaji’s Disappearance Day
Giriraj Swami

Today is the disappearance day of Srila Gaurakisora dasa Babaji Maharaja. Srila Gaurakisora dasa Babaji was a great devotee—a maha-bhagavata. He was a disciple of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura and was very renounced. Earlier, he lived for many years in Vrindavan, roaming the twelve forests, chanting the holy names of Krishna, begging alms, and sleeping under trees. Later, after Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura discovered Lord Chaitanya’s birthplace in Mayapur, Srila Jagannatha dasa Babaji Maharaja, the siksa-guru of Bhaktivinoda Thakura and parama-guru of Gaurakisora dasa Babaji, instructed Gaurakisora to move to Navadvipa-dhama.

There Gaurakisora resided on the banks of the Ganges and practiced devotional service with intense devotion and renunciation. Because materialistic men would come and disturb him with their desires for mundane blessings (asirvada), the babaji began to stay by a municipal lavatory, where the filth and obnoxious smells would discourage unwanted visitors. There he would chant in peace—in ecstasy. He would beg alms and cook in discarded clay pots, or eat parched rice with green chilies, or just ingest Ganges mud. Sometimes he would collect the discarded cloth from the crematorium, wash it in Ganges water, and use it to cover himself. His only desire was to be absorbed in the mellow of the holy name—in Krishna consciousness.

Gaurakisora was a siksa disciple and intimate friend of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura. The Thakura arranged a bhajana-kutira for him on the same property as his own house in Godruma-dvipa. When the time came for Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura to take diksa, Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura advised him to approach Srila Gaurakisora dasa Babaji Maharaja. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura was the father of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati and his first instructor in the spiritual science, but the etiquette was that one would not take diksa from one’s biological father. So Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura sent him to Gaurakisora dasa Babaji Maharaja.

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura was highly literate. By the age of seven, he had memorized the entire Bhagavad-gita and could even explain its verses. He had a photographic memory, and in school he read all the books in the library. Just by reading them once, he could remember every word, and so the library purchased new books just for him. By the age of twenty-five, he had written numerous articles and published one book, Surya-siddhanta, for which he was awarded the title Siddhanta Sarasvati. So, he was highly educated and literate, and Srila Gaurakisora dasa Babaji Maharaja was hardly educated or literate at all.

The first time Siddhanta Sarasvati approached Srila Gaurakisora dasa Babaji Maharaja, the babaji refused to accept him. He didn’t directly say no, but he said, “I will ask Mahaprabhu.” When Siddhanta Sarasvati returned and told his father what had happened, Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura encouraged him to persevere: “You must go back and beg him with all humility and earnestness to accept you.” So, he went back, but Gaurakisora dasa Babaji again refused, saying, “Oh, I forgot to ask Mahaprabhu. I am so sorry.” When Siddhanta Sarasvati returned home, Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura was most upset. He knew that Gaurakisora dasa Babaji was a pure devotee, a maha-bhagavata, and he urged Siddhanta Sarasvati to persist. He again instructed his son to beg Gaurakisora for his mercy, and he added, “If you fail this time, don’t bother to come back home.”

So, Siddhanta Sarasvati left the house and went to the Ganges. He felt so hopeless, he thought he might as well just drown himself in the river. Just then, Srila Gaurakisora dasa Babaji Maharaja appeared; he knew what was in his future disciple’s heart. Siddhanta Sarasvati just threw himself at Srila Gaurakisora dasa Babaji’s lotus feet in abject humility and complete surrender. Finally, Srila Gaurakisora dasa Babaji accepted him. Siddhanta Sarasvati had shown that he was free from any tinge of false pride for being so learned and literate when his guru was uneducated.

Srila Prabhupada remarked that Gaurakisora dasa Babaji was illiterate and could not even sign his name, yet he became the spiritual master of Sarasvati Thakura, the best scholar of his time. And thus he proved the statement of the Vedas:

yasya deve para bhaktir
  yatha-deve tatha gurau
tasyaite kathita hy arthah
  prakasante mahatmanah

“Only unto those great souls who have implicit faith in both the Lord and the spiritual master are all the imports of Vedic knowledge automatically revealed.” (Svetasvatara Upanisad 6.23)

Although Gaurakisora dasa Babaji was hardly educated or literate, learned scholars and public servants would approach him with their questions on Srimad-Bhagavatam and other shastras, and with his realized knowledge he would answer their questions to their full satisfaction. Sometimes devotees would read various scriptures for him and he would comment on them from his deep spiritual realization.

Still, out of his great humility Srila Gaurakisora dasa Babaji Maharaja refused to accept any disciples; Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura proved to be the only exception.

Gaurakisora dasa Babaji enjoined Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati never to go to Calcutta, which he considered “a bastion of Kali-yuga.” So Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati remained in Mayapur. In 1905 he took a vow to chant the Hare Krishna mantra a billion times. Residing in a grass hut near the birthplace of Lord Chaitanya, he chanted the Hare Krishna mantra day and night. He cooked rice once a day in an earthen pot (or just parched the rice in the sun) and ate nothing more. He slept on the ground, and when the rainwater leaked through his grass ceiling, he sat beneath an umbrella, chanting. Locked in a small room, he chanted japa day and night, day after day, month after month, year after year. Finally, when he had completed his quota, he felt that he was ready to come out and preach. And to preach he went to Calcutta.

In a talk at the Ardha-kumbha-mela in Allahabad, Srila Prabhupada raised the point that Srila Gaurakisora dasa Babaji had instructed Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati never to go to Calcutta but that everyone knows he went to Calcutta. So, Srila Prabhupada questioned whether Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati had disobeyed the orders of his spiritual master. “No!” Srila Prabhupada declared. “He was never in Calcutta; he was always in Vaikuntha!”

We pray to Srila Gaurakisora dasa Babaji:

namo gaura-kisoraya
  padambhujaya te namah

He is saksad-vairagya-murtaye, the personification of renunciation (vairagya); and vipralambha-rasambodhe, always merged in the ocean of the mellow of separation from Krishna (vipralambha-rasa). Padambhujaya te namah: “I offer my respectful obeisances unto his lotus feet.”

That was the mood of Srila Gaurakisora dasa Babaji Maharaja: he was always merged in that nectarean ocean of devotion in separation, and he had no care for his body or for anything material—just hari-nama.

He wrote a beautiful song that is completely in the mood of Raghunatha dasa Gosvami. It is said that of the Six Gosvamis, Raghunatha dasa was the most attached to the service of Srimati Radharani—that he had the most intense desire to serve Srimati Radharani—and Gaurakisora dasa Babaji wrote a beautiful song in that mood. He begins with a refrain: kotai go premamayi, radhe radhe, radhe radhe—“Where is Radha, so full of love? Radhe, Radhe, Radhe, Radhe!” Then he proceeds to express the mood of Raghunatha dasa Gosvami in separation from Radharani, desiring and aspiring for Her service.

When Srila Gaurakisora dasa Babaji Maharaja left this world, there was some dispute over what would happen to his body. His samadhi, of course, would become an important place of pilgrimage, and some of the heads of the local Vaishnava centers saw this as an opportunity to raise money—for their mathas and even for their own sense gratification. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati ran to the site, but when he arrived, some of the local babajis objected: “You are not a sannyasi; how can you give samadhi to such an exalted and renounced personality?” But Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati responded forcefully: “I am the only disciple of Babaji Maharaja, and although I have not accepted sannyasa, I am a celibate brahmachari, not secretly addicted to abominable habits or involved with illicit activities. Who among you can say that in the last year he had no sex or illicit contact with a woman? Please step forward.” Everyone was silent. Then he challenged, “Who has refrained for the last six months?” Everyone was silent. Next, “For the last three months?” Again, silence. “For the last one month?” Silence. “The last three days?” Still silence. They had been exposed and humbled. Not one of the babajis was fit to even touch the transcendental form of Srila Gaurakisora dasa Babaji Maharaja, and one by one they walked away.

But even then there remained some question about how to handle the body, which was still lying on the ground. Out of his great humility, Srila Gaurakisora dasa Babaji Maharaja had instructed that when he departed, his body should be dragged through the streets of Navadvipa so that it would be bathed in the dust from the feet of the Vaishnavas who had walked the holy ground of the dhama. So some of the townspeople proposed to take the body and drag it through the streets of Navadvipa. Such fools! Such rascals! But Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura stopped them. “Although we are fools and offenders,” he said, “still we can try to understand the true meaning of Babaji Maharaja’s humble request. After the departure of Thakura Haridasa, Lord Chaitanya Himself took the spiritually blissful body of the Thakura on His lap and danced. Following the divine example of Mahaprabhu, let us also bear Babaji Maharaja’s blissful body on our own heads.”

So, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati took charge of the body and placed it in samadhi on the western side of the Ganges, across from Mayapur. In time, the course of the Ganges changed and its waters threatened the area of the samadhi. So Srila Bhaktisiddhanta brought the samadhi to Mayapur, to his matha. There he had created a replica of Vrindavan, with tamala trees and kadamba trees, with Syama-kunda and Radha-kunda, and with a small Govardhana Hill made of govardhana-silas. Most appropriately, he placed the new samadhi by the side of Radha-kunda, and that is where the transcendental remains of Srila Gaurakisora dasa Babaji still rest today. One can go there and pray to him and feel his presence and get his mercy.

Srila Gaurakisora dasa Babaji Maharaja is an ocean of mercy (all pure Vaishnavas are). I pray that he will help me to chant the holy name, to chant with taste. When I prayed to him earlier—and this may just be my speculation—I imagined that he said, “You must give up your offenses.” Then I was thinking, “What offenses? What offenses?” And then I imagined that he answered, “You must chant with attention.”

Of course, Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura does state that inattentive chanting is the root of all other offenses and that, conversely, attentive chanting will destroy all the other offenses. “But how do I do that?” I asked. And the answer came: “You must try. You just have to make the effort.” And I suppose that is always the process—that we make our honest effort and depend on the mercy of the acharyas and Krishna.

In my case, however, my chanting sometimes becomes such a routine that I do not even make the effort to hear every word or every mantra. I just do it. I just go through the motions. So, I guess that is my challenge, my special order—to chant with attention.

Devotees often raise the question of chanting with quality. When on a morning walk a disciple asked Srila Prabhupada, “How can we chant with quality?” His Divine Grace replied, “The quality will come. For now, just chant as a matter of duty; chant your sixteen rounds. When the quality comes, there will be no force. You will have taste, and spontaneously you will desire, ‘Why sixteen rounds? Why not sixteen thousand rounds?’ Rupa Gosvami desired, ‘How shall I chant with one tongue and hear with two ears? Had I billions of tongues and trillions of ears, then I could enjoy it.’ ”

Srila Prabhupada said that quality means asakti, attachment, and that Chaitanya Mahaprabhu showed that quality: “Sunyayitam jagat sarvam govinda-virahena me: ‘Oh, I do not see Govinda. The whole world is vacant.’ Sunyayitam jagat sarvam govinda-virahena me. This is quality.” When one feels viraha-bhava, when one feels separation from Radha and Krishna, one is chanting with quality.

 Srila Gaurakisora dasa Babaji is an ocean of mercy, and we pray for his grace.

Hare Krishna.

[A talk by Giriraj Swami on Srila Gaurakisora dasa Babaji’s disappearance day, November 22, 2004, Dallas]

ISKCON Scarborough – "The Great Awakening" – Online Class by HG Rohinipriya das – 14th Nov 2021 – 11 am EST
→ ISKCON Scarborough

 Hare Krishna!

Please accept our humble obeisances!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga!

Date:14th Nov 2021

Day: Sunday

Time: 11 am to 12 noon

Topic: The Great Awakening

Speaker: HG Rohinipriya das

Link to join the class from your desktop or laptop:

HG Rohinipriya das

His Grace Rohinipriya Prabhu is a BACHELOR in MEDICINE & a BACHELOR in SURGERY (M.B.B.S) from BYRAMJEE JEEJEEBHOY GOVERNMENT MEDICAL COLLEGE AND SASSOON GENERAL HOSPITALS (B.J.M.C), PUNE, INDIA. In the early 90s, he came in contact with ISKCON and consequently, joined the ISKCON Pune temple as a fulltime brahmacari. In 1995, he moved to ISKCON Chowpatty, Mumbai, India. He served as the Director of ISKCON YOUTH FORUM (IYF), ISKCON Chowpatty for many years. Then, he served as a Temple Management Committee(TMC) Member at ISKCON Chowpatty. He also served as a Member of the Committee for Spiritual Vision(CSV) at ISKCON Chowpatty. From 1996, he started travelling to Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India, in addition to his services in Mumbai. He fills the lives of people with the joy of Krishna Consciousness, by his practical, mesmerising, scriptural discourses. He also counsels & guides many people, specially, the youth. He currently serves as the General Manager at ISKCON Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India. Under his able guidance ISKCON Aurangabad is a dynamic and flourishing offering & tribute to Srila Prabhupada’s legacy and glory.

He visits North America regularly, especially, the USA & Canada and shares the message of the Bhagavad Gita & the Srimad Bhagavatam. He, also, travels worldwide for serving the people of all denominations. He has been actively distributing the message of the Bhagavad Gita to 1000s of Engineering & Medical students and other professionals all over India. He is an inspiration to many professionals & youth all over the world. He presents the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita & the Shrimad Bhagavatam in a very attractive, eloquent and practical manner.

ISKCON Scarborough

3500 McNicoll Avenue, Unit #3,

Scarborough, Ontario,

Canada, M1V4C7



ISKCON Mayapur Presents First Virtual Sri Kshetra Puri Parikrama

  ISKCON Mayapur will be conducting a Virtual Puri Parikrama for three days, from 14th to 16th November.  This is a zoom-based program of one hour every day from 8 pm to 9 pm. IST. Bhakti Purusottama Swami and many more senior devotees will be our guides to various holy places in Puri dhama.    […]

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Help Russian Devotees Distribute a Million Books

In time for the Prabhupada Marathon 2021, four new vehicles are to be purchased for the Moscow sankirtana ashrama. A fundraising campaign is underway to raise $29,000 to help reach the goal: One million books should be distributed in Russia by the end of 2021. Help sankirtana devotees in Russia stay safe and make a difference in a million lives!   There […]

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Help Russian Devotees Distribute a Million Books
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In time for the Prabhupada Marathon 2021, four new vehicles are to be purchased for the Moscow sankirtana ashrama. A fundraising campaign is underway to raise $29,000 to help reach the goal: One million books should be distributed in Russia by the end of 2021. Help sankirtana devotees in Russia stay safe and make a difference in a million lives!

Thursday, November 11, 2021
→ The Walking Monk

Yorkville, Toronto

That’s It


War is an ugly thing, an explosion of emotions. It is a clash of feelings, triggered by a major misunderstanding. The warring of the mind is enough; the subtle but destructive conflict within that everyone goes through. It’s a tug-of-war between mind and reason.

Today, people are honouring Remembrance Day, at least in Canada, when men and women from all over the world are revered for rendering an incredible sacrifice through war. Can war and combat ever be averted? In the Mahabharat, India’s best of two epics, details of combat are outlined in a rich display of emotions. It was Krishna who personally attempted to stave off a brewing madness between the Pandava and the Kauravadynasties. The attempt failed and in the crazed tug-of-war between greed and goodness, greed insisted on a fight, which it lost. In this scenario, like most clashes of interest, a time of calm, or a down time sets in, but for a brief space until the next flare-up.

As far as possible we try to keep at bay the madness of the world. We forget we are spirits and are not these bodies. It’s a case of false proprietorship. The body is not mine and all connected to it is not mine. Anything outside of my so-called acquisition is also not mine. We may have a quota in which to use but that’s it. No more. This point is made clear in the first verse of Sri Isopanisad. Stewards of a small portion we may require but that’s it. That’s it!

I would propose we battle the senses and mind, first, before tackling anything else. All praises to those who sacrifice for freedom.


May the Source be with you!

3 km


Wednesday, November 10, 2021
→ The Walking Monk

Oakville, Ontario

Walking and a Passing


I am not a happy shopper, but when it comes to going to that drug store that sells the unique ky boots, right there on the main street of Oakville, I have no qualms. The selection for shoes styles is not huge when it comes to ky boots, but they have a great fit and bottom. It was time to get a new pair for winter and a kind donor from Toronto made it possible to get this awesome black, comfy footwear.

I just had to show them off so my kind driving friend, Nanda, dropped me off after the purchase at Yonge and King. Those shoes had me flying. I was going at 5 km per hour. Mind you, Yonge St. walkers have always been fairly speedy. “Going with the flow” is what it was. Both knees were in sync.

When I did arrive home at the ashram, I learned about the passing of another GO BRO, Rajendranandana. Here is my offering to him. I call it Man of Bhakti Contagion.

It didn’t matter what was the occasion

He was always a man of bhakticontagion

An anti-Kali personality

In touch with the ultimate reality

A guy with an incredible smile

To see that you’d walk a long mile

For him cynicism was a sin

Positivity is what he indulged in

A Prabhupada person all the way

Humble steps, gentle breaths, made up his day

He was a detailed lila story-teller

Considering all his services – a remarkable fellow


(All you men, sign up for MANtra this weekend)


May the Source be with you!

5 km


Tuesday, November 9, 2021
→ The Walking Monk

243 Avenue Rd., Toronto

Come Around


I was pleasantly surprised to see a group of ladies suddenly appear. I guess I’ve not been around much when a slew of people come, but there they were, about nine of them, somewhat mournful. Something’s happened. And then one of them, a sister or a daughter of a gentleman, Oberoi by name (who’s not doing well at the hospital), revealed the reason for their visit.

Well, these ladies came at the right time. It was 7 a.m. and the group of us residents were poised to present dhiyas, or ghee lamps, to the beautiful image of Radha-Gopinatha, that is Krishna and Hiss servant Radha. We sang the song which honours Krishna as a baby.

The women then delighted in offering flower petals to Prabhupada, the guru, which is also part of the morning sadhana. They were so relieved when I announced it to the deities that these simple rituals were being dedicated to their relative. I offered them prasadam, a simple sweet. And as one of the women asked for an appropriate book to put under his pillow, I acted swiftly to hand her a book, “Dharma” by author, Srila Prabhupada.

At 8:45 a.m. Ryan came to visit. He’s going through “stuff,” but he’s advancing in Krishna Consciousness. “I’m trying to put in a good effort.”

At 11:30 a.m. two monks and an assistant from the Swami Narayana group arrived with sweets for our residents, which was very nice of them. We chatted and became acquainted with each other. We all agreed that extremism or fanaticism is very harmful.

All in all, I love it when people come around for strengthening their spirituality and engaging in devotional service.


May the Source be with you!


Utthana Ekadasi and the TOVP

This Ekadasi has four names: Utthana – Haribodhini – Prabodhini – Devotthani, and it is the second Ekadasi (Kartik Shukla, light fortnight) in the month of Kartik. It is said that Lord Vishnu goes to rest for four months during the period known as Chaturmasya. Starting from Sayana Ekadasi, which is the first Ekadasi that […]

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Utthana Ekadasi and the TOVP
→ ISKCON News: Latest Stories

This Ekadasi has four names: Utthana – Haribodhini – Prabodhini – Devotthani, and it is the second Ekadasi (Kartik Shukla, light fortnight) in the month of Kartik. It is said that Lord Vishnu goes to rest for four months during the period known as Chaturmasya. Starting from Sayana Ekadasi, which is the first Ekadasi that falls in the month of Ashada Lord Vishnu rests and awakens on the day of Kartika Shukla Ekadasi, which is why it is known as Utthana Ekadasi.

Monday, November 8, 2021
→ The Walking Monk

Ramsden Park, Toronto

Reflect, Reflect

A poem in honour of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada:


Reflect Reflect


Reflect, reflect on His Divine Grace

Mirror the values he’s put into place

Set into practice what he’s left us

Deliberate on his love, then discuss

Evermore is this our obligation

Of commitment and unbroken dedication

May we shine in his powerful glow

Like the formation of crystal, soft snow

Clean and clear directions he’s given

Moving us until we’re self-driven

Let us act with the same heart

With the same vision and make it our art


-Composed by Bhaktimarga Swami, The Walking Monk©


May the Source be with you!

3 km


Sunday, November 7, 2021
→ The Walking Monk

Fredericton, New Brunswick

Prabhupada Remembered Through Speaking


As a speaker of Krishna Consciousness, I feel fulfilled. At the home of Kadamba Priya a group of students and families came to partake in a Sunday sanga and it was the occasion of an event not everyone understands. The date is, by lunar calendar, the passing anniversary of Prabhupada, our guru, and founder/acharya.

Few people know Srila Prabhupada and our gathering was no exception. He departed 44 years ago, so it’s no wonder that the young students in the room know so little. So, I delivered my message about his super but under-rated qualities and contributions, and the listeners were so attentive. Even the boisterous babies in the house (Kadamba Priya’s kids) were peaceful, for a time. So, it was magical. I felt like I was an instrument in doing Krishna’s will.

It was just prior to the talk that I was on the phone with friend, Radhanatha Swami (we do communicate despite the lock-downs) and we were exchanging what each of us was doing when we heard that Prabhupada left his body. It was chilling to go over. Then he said that we have the obligation to gravely share with the next and new generations the power this personality had. Prabhupada was and is powerful.

So, I felt the listeners in the home were really listening. It got through to their hearts. It’s not always the case. I did feel happy, especially with the questions that followed, not all to do with him, necessarily, but to do with their lives and how all questions can lead to relevant answers. Sri Krishna has the answers and it is Prabhupada who can be credited for making known the great voice of Krishna, through his books.

With the talk and feast completed, Kadamba and I hit the trail to the walking bridge. My last walk in New Brunswick. Moving forward.


May the Source be with you!

4 km


12th BBT Africa Conference Offers Inspiration, Strategies for Book Distribution

About 170 book distributors, temple presidents, GBC members, Bhaktivedanta Book Trust staff and devotees in general viewed the 12th Annual BBT Africa Conference, held online and broadcast at on Saturday November 6th. Speakers from Kenya, Ghana, South Africa and Mauritius participated in the three-hour conference, which is a platform for an exchange of ideas […]

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New Vrindaban’s Devotee Care Team Provides Assistance and Association

The new Devotee Care Team started in New Vrindaban, West Virginia in April 2021, is providing resources, assistance and association for residents of the large rural community. The team is run by Lilasuka Dasi, a disciple of Srila Prabhupada who first moved to New Vrindaban in 1980 and has served there as a day school […]

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