New Zealand Devotees Feed Thousands During Auckland Lockdown

After being virtually free of Covid-19 for most of the pandemic, New Zealand instituted a lockdown in August after discovering its first case in six months. Auckland, the epicenter of the outbreak, has remained in lockdown for over 90 days now, while most of the rest of the country has been living with minimal restrictions. […]

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MAN-tra Retreat for Devotee Men Explores The Hero’s Journey

This year’s MAN-tra Retreat, held from November 12th to 14th, explored “The Hero’s Journey,” a common story template that involves a hero who goes on an adventure, is victorious in a crisis, and comes home transformed. The retreat applied the template to the life of devotees, who often see a similar awakening or call to adventure, followed by trials and […]

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MAN-tra Retreat for Devotee Men Explores The Hero’s Journey
→ ISKCON News: Latest Stories

This year’s MAN-tra Retreat, held from November 12th to 14th, explored “The Hero’s Journey,” a common story template that involves a hero who goes on an adventure, is victorious in a crisis, and comes home transformed. The retreat applied the template to the life of devotees, who often see a similar awakening or call to adventure, followed by trials and transformation.

ISKCON Scarborough – "What Causes extremism – And How To Deal With It"- Class by HG Chitanya Charan das – Sunday – 21st Nov 2021
→ ISKCON Scarborough

Hare Krishna!
Please accept our humble obeisances!
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga!

Date: 21st Nov 2021

Day: Sunday

Time: 11 am to 12 noon

Topic: "What Causes extremism - And How To Deal With It"

Speaker: HG Chitanya Charan das

Link to join the class from your desktop or laptop:

HG Chatanya Charan das

Chaitanya Charan is a monk, mentor and spiritual author. He has done his Electronics & Telecommunications Engineering from the Government College of Engineering, Pune. He subsequently served as a software engineer in a prominent multinational software corporation. He also secured 2350 out of 2400 in GRE, gaining the top rank in Maharashtra.

Seeing the prevalent problems of stress, depression, addiction and overall misdirection – all caused by a lack of spirituality – he felt inspired to dedicate his life to the cause of sharing the spiritual wisdom of the Bhagavad-gita under the aegis of ISKCON (International Society for Krishna Consciousness).

He travels all over the world from Australia to America, giving talks on spiritual subjects in universities such as Princeton, Harvard, Stanford and Cambridge and companies such as Intel, Google, Amazon and Microsoft. See Chaitanya Charan’s talks across the world

He is the author of the world’s only Gita-daily feature, wherein he writes daily a 300-word inspirational reflection on a verse from the Bhagavad- Gita. Till now he has written over seventeen hundred Gita meditations that are posted on and are read through daily feeds by thousands from all over the world. He also answers questions by seekers on his site, where his over three thousand five hundred audio answers and several hundred articles are available.

His articles have been published in many national newspapers including Indian Express, Economic Times and Times of India in the Speaking Tree column. His writings in English have been translated into several foreign languages including German, Chinese and Romanian and several Indian languages including Kannada, Telgu, Bengali, Hindi and Marathi.

He is a member of ISKCON’s leading intellectual body, the Shastric Advisory Council, and is the associate-editor of ISKCON’s global magazine, Back to Godhead.

He has authored several wonderful books

ISKCON Scarborough

3500 McNicoll Avenue, Unit #3,

Scarborough, Ontario,

Canada, M1V4C7




The Purnima or full moon of Damodar month is the second full moon of the autumn season, and rasa lila is again celebrated. This second rasa yatra is celebrated more in Bengal, whereas the first one is celebrated more in Sridham Vrindavan. ISKCON Mayapur celebrates this day by decorating beautiful dancing deities of Srimati Radharani […]

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Tulasi- Saligram Vivaha

This festival which falls on the bright half day of Kartik. Tulasi devi descended as the daughter of King Kushadvaja the faithful wife to demon Jalandhar. Being born in water Jalandhar claims sovereignty over the ocean and demands the 14 treasures churned out of the ocean in Vishnu’s second incarnation. He declares war and becomes […]

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Sri Nimbarkacharya Appearance
→ Ramai Swami

Accurate biographies are difficult to find, yet authorities agree that Shri Nimbarkacharya preached Krishna consciousness about three-hundred years before the adventure of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. 

In Navadwipa Dhama Mahatyam, Shrila Bhaktivinoda Thakura says that Nimbarka had previously worshiped Lord Shiva in Bilva Paksha, Rudradwipa (Navadwipa). Lord Shiva appeared before Nimbarka instructing him to take initiation from the four Kumaras, who were meditating nearby.

Nimbarka received Radha-Krishna mantra and continued living in Navadwipa. Following the teachings of the Sanat-Kumara Samhita, he worshiped Radha and Krishna with great love. Soon Radha and Krishna appeared before Nimbarka. Then the Divine Couple displayed Their unified form as Shri Gauranga Mahaprabhu. 
Lord Gauranga said, “Nimbarka, in the future when I begin My sankirtana movement I will personally preach the perfect transcendental philosophy of achintya-bheda-abheda-tattva. I will take the essence of the philosophies of Madhva, Ramanuja, Vishnuswami. From you, Nimbarka, I will take two important principles: (1) The necessity of taking shelter of Shrimati Radharani. (2) The high esteem of the Vraja gopis love for Shri Krishna.”

Lord Gauranga disappeared after instructing Nimbarka. Shedding tears of ecstasy, Nimbarka left Navadwipa to begin his preaching mission. In Chaitanya lila, Nimbarka appeared as Keshava Kashmiri and received love of Godhead directly from Nimai Pandit.

In Vrindavana, about one mile from Govardhana, there is the village of Nimgaon, named after Nimbarkacharya, who lived there from childhood and later performed bhajana there. Many of Radha-Krishna’s pastime places in Vrindavana are now maintained by the Nimbarka sect.

In Mathura-Vrindavana, innumerable Devotees follow Nimbarka’s path of bhakti. The Shriji Mandir, just off Loi Bazaar in Vrindavana, serves as the center of Nimbarka sampradaya. 

Emotions in bhakti
→ KKSBlog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 17 November 2018, Prema-Sarovara, Vrndavana, India, Parikrama 2018 Lecture)

The word bhakti can be translated to devotion, devotional service. Bhaja is the root form of bhakti. Bhaja dhatu includes love, service and worship. The very essence of bhakti is emotions. When we speak of rasa, it implies emotions.

Whilst we are in this material world, we become conditioned, therefore we have a lower and a higher nature. There are two sides to our nature. The lower nature has become attached to the temporary and things of small significance, like when I lost my teddy dog as a child. I got over it. I grew up. When I was five, however, that was a tough moment. Emotions that are too affected by the temporary are not to be given much importance. Our emotions have to be awakened to the eternal. As we are advancing, we awaken our emotions to the eternal, towards Krsna, and then these emotions become favourable. When connected to temporary things, these emotions will bind us to them, and because it is temporary, it will make us broken hearted.

The dhama remains after the whole world is destroyed. After the dissolution of the universe, when England, Brazil and Holland will be no more, the dhama will still be there. Not exactly as we see it now, but in a spiritual, eternal form. Let us connect our feelings to the eternal and that will liberate us. It is an advanced state to have feelings for Krsna!

The article " Emotions in bhakti " was published on KKSBlog.

Srila Bhugarbha Gosvami’s Disappearance Day
Giriraj Swami

Today is the disappearance day of Srila Bhugarbha Gosvami, who is described in Sri Caitanya-caritamrta (Adi 12.82):

bhugarbha gosani, ara bhagavata-dasa
yei dui asi’ kaila vrndavane vasa

“The eleventh branch of Gadadhara Gosvami was Bhugarbha Gosani, and the twelfth was Bhagavata dasa. Both of them went to Vrndavana and resided there for life.”

Purport: “Bhugarbha Gosani, formerly known as Prema-manjari, was a great friend of Lokanatha Gosvami, who constructed the temple of Gokulananda, one of the seven important temples of Vrndavana—namely those of Govinda, Gopinatha, Madana-mohana, Radharamana, Syamasundara, Radha-Damodara and Gokulananda—which are authorized institutions of Gaudiya Vaisnavas.”

“Bhugarbha Gosani, a disciple of [Gadadhara] Pandita Gosani, was always engaged in topics regarding Lord Caitanya, knowing nothing else. Among his disciples were Caitanya dasa, who was a priest of the Govinda Deity, as well as Mukundananda Cakravarti and the great devotee Krsnadasa.” (Adi 8.68–69)

May Srila Bhugarbha Gosvami bless us all.

Hare Krishna.

Yours in service,
Giriraj Swami


Today is the auspicious disappearance of Kāśīśvara Paṇḍita. He was a disciple of Īśvara Purī and son of Vāsudeva Bhaṭṭācārya, who belonged to the dynasty of Kāñjilāla Kānu, was sent to Jagannatha Puri by his spiritual master to humbly serve Lord Chaitanya there. Kashishvara along with Govinda Pandit used to bring Yamuna water to Lord […]



Today is the auspicious disappearance day of Srila Bhūgarbha Goswami, a disciple of Gadadhar Paṇḍita Gosāñi, was always engaged in topics regarding Lord Caitanya, knowing nothing else.He is therefore considered to be Gadadhara’s branch. He along with his intimate friend Lokanatha Goswami located lost sacred places in Vrindavan by the order of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. To […]


TOVP Book of the Week #23

Stephen Hawking on Trial: Confronting the Big Bang

By Pierre St. Claire (Vaiyasaki Dasa)

The wee Doctor behind the electronic voice on trial?

Stephen Hawking’s influence was significant. Nonetheless, renowned cosmologists have detected serious errors in his Grand Design theory of the universe.

Stephen Hawking On Trial documents the flaws in the final theory of an elder physicist.

Inconsistencies in Hawking’s thesis:

  • Hypotheses vital to his theory lack supportive data
  • Three major questions he glossed over deserve real answers
  • What we factually know, but more importantly, what Hawking’s theory fails to explain

Author: Pierre St. Claire (Vaiyasaki Dasa)
Published: December 13, 2015
Book/File size: 202 KB, 144 pages
Formats: Kindle, Paperback


  Residents of India will have to search for this book on

  View other books by Pierre St. Clairre (Vaiyasakdi Das) and other authors at the TOVP Book Marketplace.



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Virtual Puri Paraikram Address By HH Jayapata Swami

Beautiful Address to all those that attended the Virtual Puri Paraikram By HH Jayapata Swami. Maharaj gave us such a wonderful opportunity to take his darshan yesterday on our zoom virtual puri parikrama. He gave his blessings to all attendees and encouraged the team for such wonderful service. HH Jayapataka Swami Ki Jai!

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Srila Prabhupada’s New Home in the TOVP

This short video by Mayapur TV and the TOVP presents Srila Prabhupada sitting on his Vyasasana in his quarters at the TOVP located on the Pujari Floor. He receives daily Guru Puja and offerings of foodstuffs, while he views the construction work on his personal CATV video screen.

Srila Prabhupada’s presence in the TOVP cannot be taken lightly or sentimentally. He is there to oversee, direct and inspire the completion of the Temple of the Vedic Planetarium, as he personally did for the Mayapur Chandrodaya Mandir, Mumbai temple and others. For those who have faith that his followers live with him through his divine instructions, this is not difficult to understand. And the completion of the TOVP, beginning with the Grand Opening in 2024, is of utmost importance to his followers in fulfilling those instructions.

Once again, you can help with any General Donation (a link for Indian Residents) or by sponsoring one of many Seva Opportunities available on the TOVP website.



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Friday, November 12, 2021
→ The Walking Monk

St. Jamestown, Toronto

MANtra Working

Our first session of MANtra MANifested this evening and it went really well. Yogesvara from New York did a marvelous presentation of “The Hero’s Journey.” It is fashioned after Joseph Campbell’s model of how a person goes through a personal crisis in life, connects with a mentor, and ultimately succeeds in overcoming obstacles to reach a state of transformation.

What comes to my mind are the stories of Prahlada, and more particularly Dhruva; both young person on their own journey where they come to a point of reaching a successful end. Yogesvara gave these two perceptive people as examples of heroes from the Bhagavatam.

Much appreciation was delivered by viewers through chat remarks made on the virtual presentation. It was interesting to hear our host, Vallabha Hari, express how viewers came in from not only the U.S. and Canada, but India, Turkey, Australia, South America, Africa and Europe.

By the way, Vallabha Hari’s co-ordination was excellent; a pro at this type of service, he introduced the program by announcing “Gentleman” and not “Ladies.” This is not to exclude women per se, necessarily. There are retreats of a bhakti nature for the women called “Vaishnavi Retreats,” and they have been running for some time. We had to give a chance to the guys.

Our next session today started at 10 am EST. Gentlemen, if you haven’t joined yet, it’s not too late. Please register.

May the Source be with you!

5 km



Source: BBT Africa Join Aghari Krishna Dasa and panelists Dwarka Vasini Devi Dasi (East Africa), Prema Vilas Dasa (Mauritius), and Vibhu Caitanya Das (South Africa) as they discuss Africa’s key opportunities for outreach and what are the innovations taking place in countries across Africa to seize these opportunities in preaching Srila Prabhupada’s mission.

The post THE 12th ANNUAL BBT AFRICA CONFERENCE 2021 appeared first on ISKCON News.

What Defines a Person’s Importance, Birthplace or Activities?

Below is a narration of a conversation between His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada and Bhavananda prabhu in Mayapur, 1977: In 1977 I was on the roof of the Lotus Building with Srila Prabhupada. He was walking the perimeter and chanting japa. At one point he stopped on the North side and was looking across the […]

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Srila Gaura Kisora Dasa Babaji Disappearance
→ Ramai Swami

When Babaji Maharaja was living in the grhastha-asrama, his name was Vamsi dasa. At that time he was maintaining his life by farming corn, in this way doing honest work and living a regulated life according to the principles of the scriptures along with his chaste and humble wife.  In this way he lived for some time.

In 1849, Srila Gaura Kishora Dasa Babaji left grhasta life after the death of his wife. He moved to Vrndavana and took initiation from Sri Bhagavata Dasa Babaji, a disciple of Sri Jagannatha Dasa Babaji. For over thirty years Gaura Kisora Dasa stayed in Vrndavana performing bhajana under the trees at Giri-Govardhana, Nandagram, Varsana, Radha-kunda, Surya-kunda, Raval, Gokula.

Sitting in seclusion, he chanted 200,000 names of Krishna every day (128 rounds of japa). He felt painful separation from Radha-Govinda and cried profusely. As he wandered through the dvadasa vana (12 forests) of Vraja, he would loudly chant the holy names in a deep voice full of lamentation.

While staying in Varsana he made a flower garland everyday for Rai and Kanu (Radha-Krishna). After thirty years of rendering intimate services to Radha and Krishna in Vrndavana, Babaji felt inspired by the Divine Couple to see Sri Navadvipa Dhama.

He visited all the lila sthanas of Lord Gauranga in Gaura Mandala. In Navadvipa, he used to sing one bhajana which means, “By receiv­ing Nitai’s mercy one gets Gauranga’s mercy, which makes one eligible for Krishna prema. With Krishna prema one can attain the service of Srimati Radharani and the gopis.”

Regularly, he associated with and heard Srimad Bhagavatam from Srila Thakura Bhaktivinoda in Svananda sukhada kunja in Godrumadvipa. Constantly absorbed in bhajana, Srila Babaji Maharaja had no desire to make disciples.

On the request of Bhaktivinoda Thakura, however, he reconsidered. Upon seeing the true humility and deep attachment of Thakura Bhaktivinoda’s son for bhajana, Srila Gaurakishora Dasa Babaji accepted one disciple-Sri Varsabhanavi-dayita Dasa (Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura).

On 19 November 1915, Srila Gaura Kishora Dasa Babaji Maharaja joined the eternal blissful pastimes of Gandharvika-Giridhari. His beloved disciple, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, established his samadhi on the banks of Sri Caitanya Matha’s Radha-kunda, near Lord Caitanya’s Yogapitha in Sridhama Mayapur.

In Vraja lila he serves Srimati Radharani as Guna-manjari. His pushpa samadhi stands besides the Radha-Kunja Bihari Gaudiya Matha near Radha-kunda.

The Ultimate Guide To Online Dating

The app Hornet, which caters to the gay male community, has seen a 30-percent increase in social feed engagement since social distancing measures began in mid-March, according to CEO Christof Wittig. And the dating app Tinder reported that it saw more engagement on March 29 than on any other day in its history, with more […]

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Bhisma Panchaka Vrata Begins 15th Nov 2021

By following these days of Bhishma Panchaka fasting one gets the benefit of all the four chaturmasya fasting if one had been unable to follow the same. Bhisma Pancaka Fasting: The fasting starts on Ekadasi Day which is 15th November (Monday) and will continue until the 19th of November, Rasa Purnima Day (last day of […]

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Disappearance day of Srila Gaura Kisora Das Babaji

Srila Gaura Kisora Das Babaji Maharaj – Disappearance Today is the most auspicious disappearance day of Srila Gaura Kishor Das Babaji Maharaj. He is the spiritual master of Om Vishupada Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur, spiritual master to HDG A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada. In Chaitanya Math at Sridham Mayapur, we have His samadhi sthan. While […]

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Bhisma Pancaka- The Passing Away of Bhismadeva

Bhisma-panchaka is five days dedicated to Bhismadev, The son of mother Ganga, and his father King Shantanu-Bhismah santanavo birah. He is the Grandfather of Pandavas, descendant of Great king Bharata in the Kuru dynasty. The period falls in the last 5 days of the month Kartik, the resounding 5 days of chaturmasya. It is said […]

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Bhisma Pancaka- The Passing Away of Bhismadeva

Bhisma-panchaka is five days dedicated to Bhismadev, The son of mother Ganga, and his father King Shantanu-Bhismah santanavo birah. He is the Grandfather of Pandavas, descendant of Great king Bharata in the Kuru dynasty. The period falls in the last 5 days of the month Kartik, the resounding 5 days of chaturmasya. It is said […]

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Bhisma Pancaka- The Passing Away of Bhismadeva
→ ISKCON News: Latest Stories

Bhisma-panchaka is five days dedicated to Bhismadev, The son of mother Ganga, and his father King Shantanu-Bhismah santanavo birah. He is the Grandfather of Pandavas, descendant of Great king Bharata in the Kuru dynasty. The period falls in the last 5 days of the month Kartik, the resounding 5 days of chaturmasya. It is said to commemorate the life of Grandfather Bhismadev, a key figure in the history of India, one who is known as a powerful warrior and commander-in-chief of the royal army who renounced his own claim to the throne of the world and instead remained celibate throughout his life as stated in Mahabharata and the Srimad-Bhagavatam.

Be Careful What You Hear

A recent study at Stanford University revealed the potent combination of science and sound. Abazz app can detect the disease a mosquito might be carrying by detecting its buzzing sound. Another discovery from the lab showed the effect of sound on one of the most compact cells in the human body, the heart cells. The idea sprung […]

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Be Careful What You Hear
→ ISKCON News: Latest Stories

A recent study at Stanford University revealed the potent combination of science and sound. Abazz app can detect the disease a mosquito might be carrying by detecting its buzzing sound. Another discovery from the lab showed the effect of sound on one of the most compact cells in the human body, the heart cells. The idea sprung from the conception of Faraday waves, where sound would create repeals in water.

Utthana Ekadasi and Fasting

Today we observe Utthana Ekadashi. Herein you will find suggestions for observing Ekadashi fast, Ekadashi time calculators, and inspiring pastimes and scripture.    NOTE: Utthana Ekadashi is observed on Sunday, November 14 in the US and Monday, November 15 in India and other parts of the world. Please refer to your local calendar through Gaurabda Calendar/Gcal and also […]

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