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(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 8 October 2021 New York City, United States of America, Zoom Disciple Meeting)
We all know our capacity. We have our limits in all directions. All these limits are expanded through empowerment which comes from mercy.
The article " Empowerment comes from mercy " was published on KKSBlog.
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 8 October 2021 New York City, United States of America, Zoom Disciple Meeting)
We all know our capacity. We have our limits in all directions. All these limits are expanded through empowerment which comes from mercy.
The article " Empowerment comes from mercy " was published on KKSBlog.
On the eighth day of the waning phase of the damodara month the appearance day of Radha Kunda is celebrated by the residents. Bathing in Radha Kunda is especially benefical on this day. By this one gains the favor of Radha, by which one gains the favor of Krsna. Radha Kunda appeared at midnight. People go to Radha Kunda and offer prasadam, garlands and pumkins (gords) into the water, then at midnight take bath in Radha Kunda and then bathe in Syama Kunda.
After killing a bull-demon named Aristasura, Krishna approached Radharani to engage in loving affairs. However, She rebuked Him, stating He was impure because of committing the sin of killing a bull, the symbol of religion. She suggested that to counteract this sin He should bathe in all the sacred rivers.
Krishna, being eager to engage in loving affairs with Srimati Radharani, immediately shoved His lotus foot into the ground, making a large hole, and called all the sacred rivers to enter into it. They appeared before Him and formed Syama-kunda (the bathing place of Syama–one who is the color of a dark rain cloud).
After bathing, Krishna stated that He had become pure by bathing in Syama-kunda, but that the gopis had become impure, having sided with a demon, even though he appeared in the form of a bull.
Radharani, along with some of Her gopi friends, broke their bangles and dug a hole with the broken pieces. But there was no water – so Krishna laughed. The gopis then formed a line to the Manasi Ganga and started to fill the hole with water that was passed from one gopi to another.
At that time, all the sacred rivers again arrived in person and requested permission to enter into Radharani’s kunda, which they did after receiving Radharani’s blessing.
HG Yadunath Prabhu - “George Harrison: The Philosophy Behind the Songs” ISKCON Ottawa
How to Make Devotees in the West. "Endangered Species: ISKCON Ashramites in the West,” nicely outlines the shortfalls of ISKCON’s past while providing valuable advice and direction for ISKCON’s future. The strong statements in this book will remind ISKCON leaders about the benefits of ashram training. In addition to being very much a part of the Vedic tradition, ashrams were integral to ISKCON’s initial worldwide growth. Krishna House proves that such ashram training is still applicable even today. Having seen the success of Krishna House firsthand, I wonder why other leaders have not followed its example. Nothing speaks louder than success. Continue reading "Endangered Species: ISKCON Ashramites in the West
→ Dandavats"
At the end of the day, having rounded up all His cows, Krsna plays a song on His flute while exalted demigods standing along the path worship His lotus feet and the cowherd boys accompanying Him chant His glories. His garland is powdered by the dust raised by the cows’ hooves, and His beauty, enhanced by His fatigue, creates an ecstatic festival for everyone’s eyes. Eager to fulfill His friends’ desires, Krsna is the moon arisen from the womb of mother Yasoda.
Wearing a peacock-feather ornament upon His head, blue karnikara flowers on His ears, a yellow garment as brilliant as gold, and the Vaijayanti garland, Lord Krsna exhibited His transcendental form as the greatest of dancers as He entered the forest of Vrndavana, beautifying it with the marks of His footprints. He filled the holes of His flute with the nectar of His lips, and the cowherd boys sang His glories.
Source: Bhaktivedanta College
The post Choice – Vaijayanti Devi Dasi appeared first on ISKCON News.
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 6 July 2021, Goloka Dhama, Germany, Srimad Bhagavatam 6.1.18)
Purification is a realistic element of life. A lot people nowadays go into some therapy with an idea that they can overcome something within themselves. In the Vedic culture, purification is essential in life. It says that everyone needs to purify themselves. In principle, it is understood that every living being has a higher and lower nature. The higher nature is elevating us. It is bringing out noble qualities and it is bringing us to a point of being free from causing suffering to others. Acting for the upliftment of others, and thereby, uplifting ourselves. So we can see that everyone has these two sides within them. Therefore, there is a need for purification of the previous things that we have done due to our lower nature. And there is the need of purifying ourselves completely from the tendency to act according to our lower nature.
The article " Uplifting ourselves " was published on KKSBlog.
Today is the disappearance day of a great saint, Srila Narottama Das Thakur! Appearing as the son of a king, Shri Narottama Dasa Thakura (Shri Thakura Mahasaya) showed all the bodily symptoms of a mahapurusha (an exalted divine person). He had long arms, a deep navel, golden-complexion, beautiful eyes shaped like the lotus petals. In […]
The post The Disappearance Day of Srila Narottama Das Thakur appeared first on ISKCON News.
Radha Sivyer, a prominent member of the Bhaktivedanta Players drama group, is appearing regularly as a talented contestant on Channel 4’s Handmade: Britain’s Best Woodworker. Nine of the country’s most talented craftspeople are battling it out in Channel 4’s new competition, Handmade: Britain’s Best Woodworker. Hosted by former Great British Bake Off host Mel Giedroyc, and judged […]
The post Britain’s Best Woodworker appeared first on ISKCON News.
На прошлой неделе, в день ухода Шрилы Рагунатхи Бхатты Госвами, нас пригласили на его бхаджан-стхали здесь, во Вриндаване. Пять братьев-Госвами, которые там служат, милостиво позволили мне провести аротику :
– деревянным сандалиям Рагунатхи Бхатты Госвами,
– Шримад Бхагаватам, который он получил лично от Господа Чайтаньи,
– а также гирлянде из туласи, которую дал ему Махапрабху.
Эти трансцендентные предметы выставляют на обозрение только раз в год, в день, когда нас пригласили. Всем пришедшим преданным ИСККОН разрешили прикоснуться к сандалиям. Беспрецедентная беспричинная милость ко всем нам. Мы отмечали долгим экстатическим киртаном: и наши преданные, и Госвами пели и танцевали вместе несколько часов. Вот духовное общение на высочайшем уровне. Огромная благодарность семье Бхатты Госвами!
Last week on the Disappearance Day of Srila Ragunatha Bhatta Goswami, we were invited to his bhajan-sthali for the celebrations here in Vrindavan. The five Goswami brothers who serve there graciously allowed me to do arotika to the wooden shoes of Ragunatha Bhatta Goswami, the Srimad Bhagavatam he personally received from Lord Caitanya, as well as the tulasi garland Mahaprabhu gave him. These transcendental items are brought out on display only once a year, on the day we were welcomed. All the ISKCON devotees who came were allowed to touch the wooden shoes. It was unprecedented and causeless mercy upon us all. We celebrated with a long ecstatic kirtan in which our devotees and the Goswami’s chanted and danced for hours together. It was spiritual networking on the highest level. We are very grateful to the Bhatta Goswami family!
Narottama Dasa Thakura was a lifelong brahmacari. He was born in a Kayastha caste family, the son of King Shri Krishnananda Datta, who ruled the area of Gopalpura in Rajashahi district of modern day Bangladesh, his capital being Khetri on the Padma River. Narottama’s mother was Narayani Devi, and he was born on the purnima in the month of Magha (January) 1520 AD.
From Narottama’s early childhood he was always attracted to Shri Chaitanya. When Narottama was born the astrologers came, cast a chart, and said that either this boy will become a great king or a mendicant preacher. He was also trained in Sanskrit which he mastered in a very short time, and for this was very much renowned for his eloquence in the use of Sanskrit grammar, poetry, prosody etc.
At the age of twelve Narottama dasa Thakura had a vision of Lord Nityananda in a dream. He told Narottama to take bath in the Padma River whereupon he would receive love of Godhead. Following the instructions of Lord Nityananda, Narottama bathed in the Padma and the Goddess of the river appeared and on the order of Lord Chaitanya, gave him pure love of Godhead, which the Lord had left there.
Narottama dasa Thakura would preach relentlessly, removing the misconceptions of the age, and would invoke his disciples to follow suit.
Narottama had many thousands of disciples, mostly in the areas of modern day Bangladesh. He departed under the tamarind tree at Prema Ghat by the side of the Ganges (Padma River) at Kheturi, where Lord Chaitanya had sat, and where the goddess of the river presented to Narottama pure love of Godhead, after composing the beautiful song, “Saparsada bhagavad viraha janita vilapa,” which begins “je anilo prema dhana koruna pracur heno prabhu kotha gela acarya thakura.
His life is described in Prema Vilasa. In Vrindavan Narottama was received by Rupa Goswami and Sanatana Goswami. After Narottama was initiated by Lokanatha Goswami who in turn instructed him to go and study from Jiva Goswami. He traveled to Bengal with other sadhus, like Srinivasa Acharya, to distribute devotional writings to the general public.
Fifty years after the disappearance of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Narottama organised annual festivals in Bengal, which served to keep the Gaudiya philosophy unified. The significant meeting took place in Kheturi where the Gaudiya Vaishnava Theology of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s sect was defined. The exact year of this event is unknown but some say that it was around 1572.
Yesterday, Saturday, October 23rd, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) members around the world along with the wider community came together to raise awareness and to demand protection and justice from the Bangladesh government for the religious minorities that are suffering atrocities and violence including attacks on temples, homes, property, and people. #globalkirtanprotest, Times […]
The post Global Kirtan Protest for Bangladesh – Recap appeared first on ISKCON News.
Yorkville, Toronto
Show Support
I am picking up my pace, since knee surgery on July 20, so I’m doing quite well three months later, though my distances are short. I’m happy to pull off 3 kilometres per day and could do more. I get busy, frankly, and a lot of that business lately entails helping orchestrate a major protest-chant across Canada. Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Winnipeg, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal and Halifax – 8 cities – are geared up for chanting in defiance of recent violence incurred by extremists in Bangladesh.
The approach will be a peaceful one, today, on the 23rd of October. Anyone who wishes to attend and show support is most welcome. With this endeavour, which is going on in the States as well as globally, participants are seeking justice that the perpetrators of death and violence be punished and that people of minority traditions be safe and protected.
To make a point, those who practice native customs of South East Asia follow Vedic or Hindu ways and are the original people. Their beliefs and peaceful practices need to be respected. Those of us who follow ISKCON are, in some cases, new to the ancient ways, but the world has recognized the integrity of purpose by members of ISKCON.
History tells that Hindus have experienced one of the greatest genocides in the world over the last one thousand years. The indigenous population of that part of the world has been under duress for centuries. The sad story of intolerance persists to this day. Please come out and support.
May the Source be with you!
2 km
Ramsden Park, Toronto
Fanaticism is a Tragedy
“Let us trust God and our better judgment to set us right hereafter. United we stand, divided we fall. Let us not split into factions which must destroy that union upon which our existence hangs,” said Patrick Henry at his last public speech in 1799.
Such also was the sentiment expressed by former Congresswoman, Tulsi Gabbard over the tragedy on Hindu/Vaishnava minorities in Bangladesh. In her words, “It broke my heart to see such hate and violence directed towards devotees of God in their temples in Bangladesh.” Her address questions the nature of the secular government boasted of in that country of 9% minorities. Furthermore, she points out a hypocritical tendency: “For these jihadists to believe it’s pleasing to God to burn and destroy temples, and the murti of such a saintly person as His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, this just shows how far away from God they really are.”
Gabbard’s message went clear across the cyber world with deep concern over human conduct by fanatics. Whether Muslim extremism or Hindu, or Christian and Buddhist, the “holier than thou” is so far removed from the gentle side of saintliness.
I was walking through the park and then sat out on a bench and viewed not only her broadcast but also perused my Instagram post of the ceremony I attended in Cleveland. It was glorious, and the views of that day are phenomenal (over 130, 000).
However, the remarks by some Hindu viewers are quite surprising, expressing the same kind of fanaticism; the likes of smarta-brahmans. Many viewers miss the point of bhakti and become stuck in puny details. Woe is me!
May the Source be with you!
Yorkville, Toronto
Violence is Ignorance
In the wake of a darkness regarding oppression of minorities in Bangladesh, I was compelled to write the following:
Violence is not golden
But action with intelligence stolen
The insecurities that a person may feel
Arise from that which is not real
A mistaken notion that the body is me
When I am its engine, a soul identity
If someone has a belief of a different view
Does it mean then that they are askew?
No! Me and my group are not the center of all
That is the beginning of a major downfall
A failure in human thought and behaviour
Morphing into an obnoxious disfavour
The greatest flaw is misinterpretation
A gross misread fueling discrimination
So, before we pass any needless judgement
Reason should call for some adjustment
Ignorance is the vacuum of wisdom
A pull to an ugly fearsome asylum
It must be smashed by common sense
Dismantling a poor ineffective fence
We all stand to profit from peaceful aggression
And avoid then a flood of blood obsession
-Composed by Bhaktimarga Swami, The Walking Monk©
May the Source be with you!
Ramsden Park, Toronto
Temperatures, weather-wise, are very much moderate today to the point that it drew a crowd of people and their pets. The dog park is very popular and on the street level a shop that caters to all dog needs recently took up a rental commitment. The place is called the Dogfather and it’s just around the corner.
Next to the dog park I planted myself at a picnic table only to meet with two devotees for a chat about relationships, but yes, most definitely about honey badgers and, most of all, GOD not DOG.
I had walked the area of Yorkville and in a lane of shops between Cumberland and Yorkville Ave. a young woman from a soap shop asked if I wanted to sample some soap from a spray container.
“Yes, sure, why not?” She did say “sample” and it was for free. Also, the product was invented in Amsterdam and, for some reason or another, operations were transferred to Toronto.
We went inside and we tried another spray sample with a choice of scents. I took the olive brand with, something else mixed with it, and it was sweet. A convenient sink was there to wash off excess soap. She also gave me a take-home of a colour-rich, licorice-stick-shaped soap.
The woman was so kind, caring and I thought I not only walked home (first to the park) with a sample of soap but also a sample of how to deal, in a cordial way, with a newcomer. She and her co-workers did excellent. I also gave them a take-home card with the mantraon one side. I learned from the past “Always carry a sample.”
May the Source be with you!
Every Krishna bhakta looks forward with great anticipation to Kartik Maas, the month of Damodar. During this time we make a special effort to remember the pastime of Mother Yashoda binding her naughty son with a rope to a grinding mortar as punishment for stealing butter.
In her frustration to bind the unbindable Supreme Lord with a rope that is always two inches too short, Krishna’s heart finally melts seeing his mother’s extreme prema, and He allows her to bind him in His ecstacy of reciprocal love. He thus fulfills His own desire for ever-increasing pastimes of bliss with his pure devotees.
During this auspicious month we chant the beautiful Damodarashtakam, offer ghee lamps to the Lord and chant extra rounds. In essence, Kartik and its vratas are meant to increase our love for the Lord. While this is a voluntary effort on our part, many times, like with Yashoda mata, the Lord tests us and puts us into a challenging situation where we have no alternative than to surrender to Him. It’s His sublime way of putting on the pressure to remind us of who we are in relation to Him, and testing our eagerness to be His servant.
How does that relate to the TOVP? After all, the TOVP is just a building under construction. What does the above example have to do with building the TOVP?
The answer could take several pages to explain in detail, but the essence is that by Srila Prabhupada’s order we have undertaken this humungous, time-consuming and expensive TOVP project, and it is completely dependent on all devotees to help complete; it is not one person’s project. And that is the Lord’s mercy on us all, to give us a chance to experience some transcendental anxiety in our combined service of completing the temple at Prabhupada’s command. The Lord wants us all to be a part of this great adventure of manifesting this Crown Jewel of Prabhupada’s ISKCON society.
And the funding, like the rope mother Yashoda used to bind the Lord, always falls short. And we always need to keep asking for more donations and come up with new schemes to inspire devotees to give more. More, more, more, the Lord always wants more service, more anxiety, more love, to increase the ever-expanding ecstasy of reciprocation with his devotees.
So, here is the new donation campaign. Actually, this started the beginning of September with the release of the India Govt. minted Prabhupada 125th Anniversary Year coin. We are just reminding devotees that they can get one of these rare coins from the TOVP, which will remain as an heirloom in their family for generations to come.
The coin is available for $1,250 / ₹1,25 Lakhs / €1,250 / £1,250. A two-year installment payment plan is an option for long-term payments. That’s a payment of $50 / ₹3700 / €85 / £37 a month for two years.
Reserve your coin today as supplies are limited!
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Hare Krishna!
Please accept our humble obeisances!
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga!
Date: 24th Oct 2021
Day: Sunday
Time: 11 am to 12 noon
Topic: 'Importance of Hearing'.
Speaker: Dr Keshav Anand das from Punjab, India
Link to join the class from your desktop or laptop:
Dr. Keshav Anand
Dr. Keshav Anand is a professional doctor and a monk. Since the last twenty years he has conducted extensive research and authored books in the field of science and spirituality. He feels the rift between science and spirituality must disappear to bring peace in the world. If spirituality is a superstition and a myth, science is materialistic and atheistic. A new approach to life is needed today that can bring the best of both. Science must re-embrace spirituality and be humble to admit its defects, flaws, and ignorance, and spirituality must base itself on sound, scientific, and rational ideas. Dr. Keshav Anand found this new approach in the Sanskrit sutras of the Vedas and the Bhagavad Gita. For decoding the Sanskrit sutras of the Vedas and the Bhagavad Gita, he studied Sanskrit and Western and Indian philosophy. Besides Sanskrit, he also learned Bengali, Gujarati, Marathi, and Kannada to known about other traditions. His persistent endeavor in the field of science and spirituality has enabled him to come up with seminars on diverse topics like Science and the Vedas, Mind and Machines, Science fails to Explain life, Consciousness and Beyond etc. that he has presented in various colleges in India, Europe, and America. Under the guidance of his spiritual master H.H. Bhakti Vikasa Swami, He has also started a Gurukula, a traditional system of Vedic Education, in Punjab, India, where children learn the ancient Vedic culture and values. Besides, he has started a farm community. The community has a traditional way of living with mud huts and thatch roofs. With Cows. And of course, farming. The communities will set a model for the world to show how to live a life based on the principle of ‘Simple living High thinking
ISKCON Scarborough
3500 McNicoll Avenue, Unit #3,
Scarborough, Ontario,
Canada, M1V4C7
Website: www.iskconscarborough.org
Source: GBC SPT The heritage of Bangladesh is an integral part of Gaudiya Vaishnava culture. The culture of Bangladesh is appreciated for its diversity. Several associates of Lord Caitanya appeared in Bangladesh, the land of sacred books, rivers, and so much more.
The post Appreciating Bangladesh Heritage & Culture with Gauranga Das appeared first on ISKCON News.
Source: Vishaka Devi Dasi This song describes Krishna’s early childhood pastime of running from His mother when she tried to chastise Him for stealing butter. During the month of Kartika, devotees around the world sing this prayer every day while offering ghee lamps to Krishna. Each verse describes various qualities of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, […]
The post Damodarastakam | Vishaka Devi Dasi | appeared first on ISKCON News.
Source: Vishaka Devi Dasi
This song describes Krishna's early childhood pastime of running from His mother when she tried to chastise Him for stealing butter. During the month of Kartika, devotees around the world sing this prayer every day while offering ghee lamps to Krishna.
Each verse describes various qualities of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Damodar, who, in this pastime, appears as a child and allows Himself to be captured by the love of His devotees.
Credits: Producer- Bhaktivinodanuga Das Music : Anirban & Harishankar Studio: Divine Tunes (Harishankar Mohapatra) Videography & editing: Mantra Prema (Janeshwar Das)
Special appearances: Krishna- Haridev Das Radharani- Krishnamayi Dasi Gopas- Keshav, Vraja gauranga, Devaprastha Gopis- Nandapriya prema, Rasapriya Suchitra, Mana DD
Dedicated to: AC Bhaktivedanta Srila Prabhupada & my Guru Maharaj H.H. Subhag Swami, & my sangeet Guru Pt. Ajay Chakrabarty.
Many of us feel compassion for others’ suffering and would like to help but don’t know-how. Karuna Care Education is now offering three Introductory Courses to answer this need: – Impact of Grief on Spiritual Growth: As Krishna Bhaktas we may think that, if we just chant more, the pain of grief will go away. This will […]
The post New Introductory Course by Karuna Care Education appeared first on ISKCON News.
Source: Temple of the Vedic Planetarium TOVP On October 14 and 15, ISKCON worldwide celebrated the Grand Welcome Ceremony of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada to the Temple of the Vedic Planetarium (TOVP). Through Mayapur TV, the two-day event was broadcast live on YouTube and multiple ISKCON-related Facebook Pages, and viewed by hundreds […]
The post PRABHUPADA IS HERE! The Grand Prabhupada Welcome Ceremony a Grand Success appeared first on ISKCON News.
Source: Temple of the Vedic Planetarium TOVP
On October 14 and 15, ISKCON worldwide celebrated the Grand Welcome Ceremony of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada to the Temple of the Vedic Planetarium (TOVP). Through Mayapur TV, the two-day event was broadcast live on YouTube and multiple ISKCON-related Facebook Pages, and viewed by hundreds of thousands of devotees, and attended by thousands of local Mayapur devotees.
This is a historic event for ISKCON, the earth, and the entire universe, to witness the jagat guru Founder-Acharya of ISKCON and Senapati Bhakta of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu welcomed to his greatest preaching project to date, and the new home of his beloved Sri Sri Radha Madhava, Sri Pancha Tattva and Sri Nrsimhadeva. It is also another milestone in the progress towards completing the TOVP, now scheduled for its Grand Opening in 2024.
Srila Prabhupada now resides in his quarters at the TOVP. The significance of this cannot be overlooked or overstated, as expressed by various speakers at the event. He will now personally oversee the remainder of the construction, as he did for the Bombay, Vrindavan, Hyderabad, and Mayapur Chandrodaya Mandir temples, and hold us all accountable for the completion of this unique and magnificent temple/planetarium which will be his personal offering to our acharyas and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
The first-of-its-kind Vaishnava Sampradaya Samelan organized by HG Gauranga das on ZOOM on October 14 was also a great success. It was appreciated by all the participants and hundreds of devotees who watched on ZOOM or on the live broadcast.
Additionally, we are happy to announce that we reached our $1 million Guru Dakshina goal to offer Srila Prabhupada. We thank all the abhisheka and general sponsors who made this possible.
Faced with challenges such as a seriously deteriorating building and a pandemic, the Krishna House in Tallahassee, Florida recently came close to closing its doors for good. But the efforts of dedicated devotees brought it back from the brink, and the project is now steadily reaching out to students at Florida State University (FSU) with […]
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Faced with challenges such as a seriously deteriorating building and a pandemic, the Krishna House in Tallahassee, Florida recently came close to closing its doors for good. But the efforts of dedicated devotees brought it back from the brink, and the project is now steadily reaching out to students at Florida State University (FSU) with Krishna Lunch and other regular programs.
The final volume in ISKCON pioneer Shyamasundar Das’s epic Srila Prabhupada trilogy “Chasing Rhinos with the Swami” is available now for pre-order. Nearly three years in the making, the book runs to 460 pages, with 290 photos, many never seen before. It’s a thrilling firsthand account of the ISKCON Founder-Acharya’s unbending energy, uncanny intelligence, sidesplitting […]
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Devotees in Santo Domingo, the capital of Caribbean island nation the Dominican Republic, have launched a fundraising campaign to build a new temple for Sri Sri Gaura Nitai. ISKCON was established in the Dominican Republic nearly 50 years ago, and Gaura Nitai have been the presiding Deities in Santo Domingo ever since. But the current […]
The post ISKCON Dominican Republic Starts Campaign for New Gaura Nitai Temple appeared first on ISKCON News.
Since the dawn of civilization, all philosophical, scientific, religious and even artistic works, in principle, have centered around the study of life, its meaning and the origin of the universe.
What is life? What is the origin of the universe? Is there any meaning and purpose behind the manifestation of life and the universe? What is the unseen cause behind the manifestation of the perceivable universe? These questions have puzzled all the great thinkers around the world over the ages. Vedanta, the topmost scientific and philosophical treatise of Indian spiritual and cultural heritage has a lot to contribute in this area and could provide a vital leap in expanding our knowledge of life and the origin of the universe. In this unique book, His Holiness Bhaktisvarupa Damodara Swami (Dr. T. D. Singh) investigates life and the secrets of the origin of the universe and depicts the relevance of Vedantic wisdom in the context of modern scientific and technological developments. His Holiness, who is both a scientist with a Ph. D. in Physical Organic Chemistry from the University of California, Irvine, USA and a spiritualist in the Bhakti-Vedanta tradition of India, has been one of the pioneers in advancing the science and religion dialogue for over thirty years. His writings, investigating a profound relationship between science and spirituality in the search for a deeper understanding of life and the universe will provide useful insights in the search for the Ultimate Reality.
Author: T.D. Singh, PhD (HH Bhaktisvarupa Damodar Swami)
Published: October 18, 2020
Book/File size: 4,008 KB
Formats: Kindle
Residents of India will have to search for this book on www.amazon.in
View other books by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and other authors at the TOVP Book Marketplace.
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Specifically in the month of Damodara, one should daily worship Lord Damodara and take bath early in the morning, give charity and follow a fasting vow. This is the duty of Vaisnavas. Oh brahmanas, any person who tries to observe a Karttika month without following rules and regulations properly, Lord Sri Krsna remains against them because this month (Karttika) is very pleasing to Him. Continue reading "Sri Dik Darshini Tika and Hari Bhakti Vilas on the Month of Karttika
→ Dandavats"
The Vedas do not recommend horse sacrifices nowadays, anyway. They don't work. Better to chant Hare Krishna. And, considering that Yamaraja is the universal superintendent in charge of meting out punishment to those who transgress karmic law, it's easy to appreciate the significance of the following benediction: "For a devotee who worships Lord Vishnu with offerings of malati flowers in the month of Karttika, Yamaraja orders the removal of all his sinful reactions from the account book." (Hari-bhakti-vilasa, 7.90-92) Not bad. And the list goes on. Whatever you offer--tulasi, malati, ghee lamps, time, energy, attention--takes on greater significance this month. Karttika could be thought of as the ultimate "buy one, get a-whole-lot-more free" sale, (or the equivalent of a "super, multi-triple word score" for those familiar with the game of Scrabble. For a limited time only, whoever is lucky (or greedy, or intelligent) enough to do some service for Krishna during this special month gets a uniquely huge return on their investment. The ultimate return: one becomes more Krishna conscious. Continue reading "Karttika-The “Sale of the Year”
→ Dandavats"
Violence is not Golden By: Bhaktimarga Swami Violence is not golden But action with intelligence stolen The insecurities that a person may feel Arise from that which is not real A mistaken notion that the body is me When I am its engine, a soul identity If someone has a belief of a different […]
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