Tuesday, September 7, 2021
→ The Walking Monk

The Annex, Toronto

A Living Barbie-doll


I was walking at normal pace and without a cane, back from a shiatsu session with Carlos when a unique woman of character addressed us.

“What is that?” said the woman in brown vinyl gown and looking half-glamorised half-Barbie doll. The make-up was intense enough. Her question was crass, but here goes my answer.

“I’m a monk.”

“What kind of monk?” she continued

A Krishna monk with a tradition of roots from India.”

“But you’re white!” she challenged.

“Actually, I’m beige.”

“No, you’re not. Your fricking piggy pink.”

She did take me by surprise, being maybe 30 and dressed to kill. I guess we judged each other in a similar material way, a question of are you for real? cut the superficiality. I was hesitant to give her my card. She continued speaking partly blurred saying something about when she gets to a certain point she’ll see to it that I’ll not be a smiling monk (as I was then).

That was quite a threat for sure and I really didn’t know what I had done wrong. Anyway, she was a character. And I hope I’ll be perceived as a monk, a genuine one. She walked on. So did I, but I couldn’t help thinking the encounter was surreal. Hmm! Maybe Just For Laughs had their camera person there getting peoples reactions when meeting someone obnoxious?


May the Source be with you!

3 km



Monday, September 6, 2021
→ The Walking Monk

North York, Ontario

Always Krishna


Walking was meagre. Resting was maximized more than the norm. It’s Labor Day and the last day before school starts. Karuna, K. Chandra, and I wanted to do something, not necessarily laborious but meaningful; devotional. So, we drove to North York and there we met Lila Mayi, who lives but a mere 5-minute walk from Avondale Park. We sat on a madras and started chanting to the accompaniment of harmonium, kartals, tambourine and drum.


“What is that?” asked a young man pointing to the drum.


“This fibreglass drum is called a mrdangaand it resembles the original clay version, also called khol, popular in Bengal and surrounding area.


He mentioned, “I was just curious. I am a drummer. It’s a mrdanga. I’ll look it up.”


One other fellow who came to join us was from the Bronx and he knows the Krishnas well. He was asking Lila Mayi how she became interested in Krishna.


“It happened 10 years ago…”


Our day of less labour also entailed a second kirtan. We are counting the days remaining for outdoor chanting. A slight late summer chill is creeping up on us. But, whatever the weather, our devotion to Krishna is the most important thing to us. Krishna Chandra is tackling cleaning the floor. Karuna is completing his japa chanting, and I am catching up with correspondence, all to do with people in devotion; some out of devotion and some who endeavour to stay in devotion.


May the Source be with you!



Sunday, September 5, 2021
→ The Walking Monk

Innisfil, Ontario

Splash in the Water


It’s only an hour’s drive to Innisfil, which is set along a southwesterly edge of Lake Simcoe. I had been hankering for being in water for my joints and for a healing left leg. Tony is fun-loving, a senior, who declares himself as Greek Orthodox and he opened up his driveway for seekers of beach pleasure. The deal was $25 dollar parking for each of our vehicles for as long as we want. Actually, he saved us from the turmoil of parking many blocks away. This was our picnic and it was the birthday of Aindra, from Oakville, a chance to chill and bring along our team from the “Monk for a Weekend” program.


The water, which seemed warmer than the air, was pleasing and our game of “108 up” with a volley ball in the lake was our high-point. Jason, a monk for a weekend, loved the game like all of us. He was indeed feeling the community spirit. Everything about the weekend was fresh, new and spiritual for him. Like many of us who have tread through the mundane mill, suffering has been ample. A breather is very welcome.


Jason is chanting, reading Prabhupada’s books and keeping company with bhakti yogis. Now he’s splashing, like the rest of us, much like companions of Chaitanya in Puri, India. It must have been therapy and ecstasy for them.


To the cooks of our picnic – thanks! To Aindra on his 47th – congrats! To Jason who’s awakening to Krishna – Haribol! And to Lake Simcoe – thanks for the liquid!


May the Source be with you!

3 km


Saturday, September 4, 2021
→ The Walking Monk

Oakville, Ontario

Golden People


High Park is currently graced with golden rod. To some people, its colour offers an exotic flair, and it is hard to control their spread.


The location where we chant weekly is at a fork in the road, at the main entrance where we are is very visible, but the golden rod is found more in the woods, however, they can be seen in all their glory. It is our experience that pedestrians and cyclists that come through at that entrance cannot but become touched by the kirtan. Perhaps that’s what is the draw. There are people here searching for a “Heart of Gold,” (Neil Young, check it out, one of the best songs to come out of Canada).


There were golden people to join us with the chanting, including Jaram and family. His boy, 3 years old is my guess, was mesmerized by Ajamila pumping away at the harmonium. He certainly helped himself to the keyboard trying to jazz up the music. Overall, the session today, which included dancing, was just so blissful.


Part 2 of today was a Janmastami fest at the IGita Yoga Studio in Oakville. At this event I surprised myself with offering the group of 40 or so, some simple dance steps. Krishna Chandra, by the way, danced out my narration to my poem, “Krishna, His Birth and His Escape” to the sound of Holtz’s “Saturn, the Bringer of Old Age.”


Once the program was over, Kasyapa drove K.C. and I to downtown Toronto, leaving us some distance for walking. K.C. remarked, “You’re not limping anymore, Maharaja.”


Good to hear. That’s due to the new knee.


May the Source be with you!

3 km



Friday, September 3, 2021
→ The Walking Monk

Hamilton / Burlington

The Food Trail


The savories were dynamic, especially the crabless something-or-other with artichoke and celery with dip and the sugar pie, a French-Canadian prep our host prepared. Karana Karana has a French and Anglo background, and she followed her mom’s recipe on the desert, which by the was is not overly sweet.


What was the occasion? It was rather a Vedic gesture. From her Krishna conscious training she adapted to ways that her guru (and mine) helped to enrich life. This afternoon’s occasion, apart from the feast, was one of those rites of passage, technically known as anna-prasana, first grains for a baby. The baby is her grandchild, Penelope Love, and her daughter, Visvadevi, and husband James, were right in there participating in a modified version of an ancient rite. It included a small backyard fire, sesame seeds, mantras, and an administering of kheer, an Indian version of rice pudding. In an absolute rustic setting the well-bonded family saw to its own rendition of a charming practice. James insisted, in a fatherly spirit, to spoon feed his baby. She loved it just as much as Nanda, my driver, and I took to the delicious food mentioned above.


Food for us didn’t desist in Hamilton. The next-door city of Burlington at my family doctor’s home, Dr. Pandith, a.k.a. Jagannath Mishra, arranged a meal from the garden. Boy, are we spoiled. From there, we visited a Latvian Lutheran retreat center, nestled in a green belt and to finish off the day, our ISKCON Burlington crew invited us to a Gita discussion at Louisville Park. We relished in the topic of “Nature, the Enjoyer, and Consciousness,” chapter 13.


May the Source be with you!

1 km


Thursday, September 2, 2021
→ The Walking Monk

Toronto West General

The Physio Fellow


The physio fellow had his mask on. He understood that my cartilage wore down because of an abundance of walking and the need for a new knee. I told him about my powerwalking in the US, Canada and other countries. Over the mask I could see his eyes widen. Then he asked questions.


“You did it alone? Where did you stay at night? Do you use a tent at night? How long does it take from coast to coast? This is amazing!”


I was warmed and charmed by the queries. Then I asked him questions: “How long for the knee to heal? When do you think I should remove the second knee? I’m glad I only have two. Would you recommend I do another walk? How about swimming? Is it good for the joints?”


I added that I’ve been marathon walking to promote the walking culture and pilgrimage. By now he knew I was some kind of monk. Anyways, I received my “graduation” today. That’s what they call it when you have had six weeks of physio and have done well. There’s no diploma but a little bit of pride.


I proudly walked back to the ashramwith a pleasing ease. I reminded myself that it is not to my credit that I can mechanically walk decently again. It is due to Krishna and the people He sends my way for the glorious repair and healing done. In other words, I’m grateful to all those who have and continue to contribute to my well-being.


May the Source be with you!

3 km


Wednesday, September 1, 2021
→ The Walking Monk

Thunder bay, Toronto

Moose Now on the Loose


I like animal rescue stories and one of them recently occurred up in this northern county just the other day. About 75 km north of the town of Timmons two locals spotted a massive bull moose stuck in a mud hole to the level of his neck. He was doomed until he met the two guys on one of those ATV machines. They manage to strap a device by his neck and antler, pull him out of the muddy trap, drag him to higher ground and see him off to freedom after catching his breath. He bolted off into the wilderness and with some gratitude (hopefully) was allowed for another chance to survive.


Krishna das and I, who shared the hotel room together, were super happy to read about the rescue before we departed for home; he on an eighteen-hour drive to the south and I, on WestJet, also to the south; the big city of Toronto.


Luckily, I was able to find some time to get in some walking. A 3 km stretch in the concrete jungle, hundreds of kilometers/miles from moose country. It was dark then and it was enjoyable because the air was good and so were the people. I imagine because summer is still on and the nightly cafés beckon people forward for a last squeeze of sensual pleasure before work and schools go in to a form of reset.


Going back to the bull moose — they are truly soul creatures. They don’t herd like elk or Caribou. Solitude is what they know, especially the males. They are like some kind of yogi who likes remoteness. Bear in mind their challenges — packs of wolves in the winter, the cold, the bugs in summer and sometimes an odd relentless mud hole.


May the Source be with you!

3 km



Tuesday, August 31, 2021
→ The Walking Monk

Thunder Bay, Ontario

Something New


nama om visnu padaya krsna presthaya bhu-tale

srimate bhaktivedanta-svaminn iti namine

namas te sarasvate deve gaura vani pracarine



It was our morning-time focus,

When we offered you a lotus

At guru puja; always so cheerful —

No trace of anything at all tearful


It was the start of the year in Guyana

Where in abundance grow the lotus and banana

We didn’t know what was coming —

Temple operations were smoothly running


Then reports arrived in the month of January:

An attack came from a strange adversary,

An invisible creature who takes human lives,

A threat to children, men and precious wives.


Theories of conspiracies began to surface

As to the origin of a virus to hurt us

Going by the name COVID-19 –

A virus so ominous, dark and mean.


The public demanded answers to the questions they asked

And were told, “To be safe you must be masked,”

And social distancing at 6 feet is standard,

Wall coming together is now abandoned.


This pandemic spreads at the pace of a cheetah,

And disease is mentioned in Bhagavad-Gita,

Locked in arms are Kali and Covid —

You direct us to Krishna or Govind.


It is not surprising that bad omens come:

Sastra states duhkhalyam asasvatam.

Life’s leisurely ways are cut short;

We know it to be a reality distort.


The vision you share makes it all clear;

You offer hope when trouble is near.

Your question: “Are you able and ready?”

The answer: “When sadhana and love are steady.”


Prabhupada, you are helping us through this;

Your teachings burn a hole through this crisis.

Vaikuntha comes when the cycle is over,

Only when our hearts have that solid makeover.


Bless us to be tolerant like a tree.

Lessons on life are not always free:

They come at a price; we have to adjust.

It is as essential as the Earth’s crust.


Your servant,

Bhaktimarga Swami©


May the Source be with you!


Monday, August 30, 2021
→ The Walking Monk

Thunder Bay, Ontario

Happy Birthday in Thunder Bay


It has been a while since boarding a plane – about a year to be fairly precise – and that was a domestic run, in fact, within the province. The limitations are all due to the virus that’s raping the world.


But this day, August 30, was going to be a day of reflection and fun as there exists no bars to the joy of Janmashtami, Krishna’s birthday. For me it kick-started in Toronto at 4:30 AM with the mangalarati ceremony in the temple.


Dozens of people turned up with their donations to honor the most important person in their life - The Supreme Person.


It was from here that I was brought to the airport where Ajamila, the super-funk bhajan Singer, along with finger-tapping-happy-drummer Jetu boarded a plane for Thunder Bay.


Now in the northern town the Krishna community assembled to inaugurate their new building, the Vedic Cultural Center. There we met Patty Hajdu, Federal Minister of Health, and unveiled this wellness facility which will now host cancer patients. The unique thing about this place is that in the inner core is a gorgeous temple and that, in part, is what we also came to celebrate. People from Winnipeg came, Toronto, Orlando and surrounding areas. The night was a long drawn-out atmosphere of love to Krishna.


An honorable mention must go to Prem Kishore and Suniti for establishing Krishna consciousness in this remote place of Thunder Bay.


May the Source be with you!

2 km


Sunday, August 29, 2021
→ The Walking Monk

Barrie, Ontario

At Sunnidale


At Sunnidale Park in Barrie, one hour north of Toronto, I could not manage even a mile of walking its great trails. Time didn’t permit. The group was waiting for us for a presentation on “Krishna’s Birthday.” What a turnout it was. The outdoor event allowed for more than just a cuddly group of singers, dancers and those who are wannabes.


I did, however, on my healing knee, put energy into the simple “Swami Step,” an amateur dance move. I rather surprised myself that I could do it. I was in the mood to engage everyone, and it worked. Initially we were set to more or less do a bhajan session and what some may call a performance. However, I could tell off the bat that the cohesion would be at a loss. After all, we’re outdoors. It’s Sunday. It’s the eve of Krishna’s birth.


Without skipping a beat the dance forged ahead and there were multiple happy faces. In that park we were a patch of a green toned quilt, only our spot was very colorful —an Indian type of colorfulness. Marg from Barrie Post noted that as well.


I regret not having walked a stretch but I gloated in my own ability to move my legs in a way that they like to do. I will never in this lifetime become a master of swing dance but I will, however, maintain some semblance of a monk’s move and demonstrate so at events like this.


May the Source be with you!


Happy Krishna’s Birthday!


0 km


Saturday, August 28, 2021
→ The Walking Monk

High Park, Toronto

Where There’s Green There’s Magic


Wherever there is an emission of sacred sound you can expect some minor miracles or magical moments. We started off with just the four of us but interest grew amongst park pedestrians. I believe that analogy to be true for anyone who walks through green territory. It is the colour of wonder.


Tiki, who’s on crutches for the time being, decided to lean against the trunk of the majestic jack pine while his partner was content on the acorn covered grasses to join the rest of us on kirtan. The sound did attract a low hanging squirrel and a curious parrot. After all, Ajamila’s singing is rather funked-up and all the while he releases a smile that demonstrates the “fun of kirtan”.


We sat at the entranceway and it appears to be the best location for outreach. Mind you, we are not the only ones playing music. As soon as we broke for a much-needed break one guy on clarinet played so beautifully.


People are definitely the happiest 1) in green space 2) where there is peace 3) natural colours, textures, smells and sounds 4) where there is anticipation of adventure and 5) in a place where transcendence is possible.


The heroes of the Vedas such as Rama and Krishna placed themselves in the power of nature. Krishna was a cowherd as a youngster. He was in the pastoral green. And Rama let destiny place him in the wilderness where He, Sita and Laksman survived in the out-of-doors.


So, every Saturday 1 PM, High Park.


May the Source be with you!

2 km


Friday, August 27, 2021
→ The Walking Monk

The Annex, Toronto

New Couple and the 3 km


I feel blessed to meet fine people. Today it was a couple who found out about “Hare Krishna” through the internet. They are soul-searching and in that search they called up and agreed to meet personally.


He is from the Mauri tribe, from New Zealand and he grew up in a community where the boys would dive into the water to pull out clams and catch eels. She is a Toronto person raised in the Beaches area.


So, we had the talk of our life — all on the topic of spiritual matters. I treated them to a meal at Govinda’s. They admitted it was special and different from eating eels. I also handed them a copy of “Science of Self Realization” by author Srila Prabhupada. They were blown away by the murti or statue of Prabhupada in the temple room, seeing him from a distance. Also, the concept of God Masculine and God feminine, as Radha and Krishna, was very appealing to them.


After that gracious exchange I ventured off to the clinic for a shiatsu treatment. Carlos is the pious man who does the work. The walk is a mere 1.5 km so back-and-forth I got an extended physio out of it all amounting to a modest 3 km. It’s a start.


I came back feeling rested and refreshed. I must admit I was elated to me the couple whom I introduced to Krishna.


Krishna, with your help I will stay connected with them and I’ll do my best to bring them to the lotus feet of the Lord.


May the Source be with you!

3 km


Thursday, August 26, 2021
→ The Walking Monk

The Annex, Toronto

Discovery in 10.15


I was walking back from a shiatsu treatment. As I left the clinic Carlos and I both remarked how it would be good for a weather adjustment. Consecutive days have been brutal with sun blasting. Today was no exception. For me the exposure is like saying, “Hey sun! You’re hot but my encounter with you is brief.” I chose streets of high shade and relished the growl of the sky. It sounded threatening and then glancing up to view the rolling of clouds I was anticipating a sudden burst of cool rain. I was hoping for those big drops that begin to poke it out the surface of asphalt and then the explosion of moist dirt to hit the nostrils.


Well, the rain did come, and just upon my arrival to the ashram. The ominous clouds from minutes before and the incredible rebounding thunder just didn’t measure up too much. There appeared to be just a light spitting. I was hoping for more.


I did make it back in time for the weekly Zoom call hosted by a gracious couple from Florida, Ananta Sesa and Vaishnavi. What came out of this week’s discussion based on the Gita, chapter 10, verse 15 was fun. There we have a list (numbering five) of names to imply the opulence is of the Absolute; names that indicate the powers of God; the one ultimately responsible for the sun, wind and rain.


Here’s the list including the Sanskrit and their translations: purusottama- the greatest person, bhuta-bhavana- origin of everything, bhuta-isa- Lord of everything, deva-deva- God of gods, jagat-pate- Lord of the universe.


As an assignment I asked one of the persons who called in — Rasaraj— to list for us all the names of Krishna in the entire Gita. I’m sure we will find plenty.


May the Source be with you!

0 km


Wednesday, August 25, 2021
→ The Walking Monk

Toronto General West

I Married a Couple


I married a couple today and I won’t announce the names as it’s a private affair. What I can say is that they are very devotional. My role is as a blesser. The ultra fancy reception takes place later on. It was so good to see the making of a couple and a future family.


Visitors came from Calgary also to attend a wedding — a different one. They came to visit their guru, myself, as a second reason, I suppose. This family is grounded and they specialize in special care of the sacred plant, Tulsi. Sales of Prabhupada’s books is also a soft spot for them, as a service to humanity. All praise to them.


Another visitor who came around after a year and I may reveal his name — Mahamantra, from the Pickering area. I had taken him to India, South Africa and Buenos Aires. That was a surprise to see him as he’s busy. In the past we have done dramas together and that was the reason for the travel. He expressed to me that although he took some leave of absence, he had always held Krishna in his heart. Yes, this higher consciousness does tend to occur in the heart of sincere seekers and remain there.


Enough of beautiful visitors. Just to turn the tables, I became a visitor with my weekly obligation to the hospital for Physio. I was examined and got a good verbal report. The only thing is at the end of a busy day I sat at the edge of the bed, rather tired. I held in my hand my beads, chanting, then dozed off, lost my balance and fell on my bad knee. Fortunately, it didn’t split open and I swung back in action, which was no action. I actually had a decent sleep.


May the Source be with you!

3 km


Tuesday, August 24, 2021
→ The Walking Monk

The Annex, Toronto

Summer Creatures


According to the Vedas there are 8,400,000 groupings or classifications of living beings in this world. When we use the word “species” the figures don’t necessarily match up to the claim of our modern scientific world. However, the principle that “many” entities inhabit this world still holds true. This reality of “many” is very evident with our experience, especially during the summertime. Creepy crawlies start coming out of the woodwork, literally.


I have plenty of uninvited creatures, not of large magnitude, that come to the indoors of what we call Prabhupada’s Quarters. Some of them have prehistoric looks about them. And outdoors it’s the cicadas that give off that shrill sound from the trees sounding like millions of tambourines being shaken all in unison. That’s in the day. Now, in the night time, you have these green tree crickets in great multitudes. I guess their sound vibrations create a great backdrop for chanting the maha mantra.


These sounds are much to do with the mating calls.


Frankly I find their calls to be exotic compared to the drab sounds of revved up engines from cars and trucks. They are not at all appealing but then I will always hold a begrudging attitude towards all that machinery; clunky or sophisticated.


With cooler weather around the corner, hibernation for the multitudes will cause an avyakta state (unmanifest). We will approach a quieter autumn until the winter snow comes to buffer sounds of some engines.


May the Source be with you!

3 km


Monday, August 23, 2021
→ The Walking Monk

243 Avenue Rd., Toronto

Krishna: His Birth and Escape


There has never been a day like this, nor night

Planets repositioned to create a heavenly sight

Prominent was the star, Rohini, so bright

A proceeding peace kept at bay any tendency to fight


Such was the cosmic sky on that day, and what of the Earth?

Lotus flowers, trees and rivers were welcoming a new birth

Unbounded joy, lightness and expression of mirth

Were centered around a bundle of Absolute Worth


Tucked away in a royal prison was a woman, a man

And a person, blue in hue, from whom a glow began

It was Vishnu, par excellence, there is no greater than

Moreover, the woman, Devaki, asked Him to disguise if He can


In compliance, an infant boy, as charming as could be

Was manifest as Krishna Himself, yet few could see

While all was calm, Devaki sunk into a panic degree

For the child’s life was in danger, therefore, He had to flee


The father, Vasudeva, was mystically mobilized to make

A great escape with babe in arms, all for his sake

It was the power of yoga mayaallowing the two to break

Barriers of shackles, gates and guards unawake


Just minutes after midnight with all the power behind them

Father clutched and held high his tender, fragile gem

While traversing River Yamuna, usually a problem for crossing

The great getaway led to the village named Gokul Vrindavan


The destination point was a modest, rural home

The place of Nanda, Yashoda, a newborn; a safe zone

Vasudeva did the unthinkable, seemingly on his own

With all Vasudeva switched babies, actions were unknown


The return journey back to the prison was unique

There was a girl now in Vasudeva’s arms, in the night so bleak

Guards under spell were bypassed on his quiet technique

As the baby was lain to rest, all things came to a peak


The infant girl let out a cry which broke utter silence

And triggered attention to the tyrant of violence

King Kamsa was suffering from impulsive defiance

He rushed to the prison and the infant of innocence


He mercilessly grabbed the sweet child

But she leapt from his hand, entering the sky so wild

Transformed as a beautiful goddess, she chastised and defiled

This man of disgust who reacted to make even the gods smile


Kamsa relented and fell on knees, begging forgiveness

Atrocities diverted to Devaki and Vasudeva was his business

But now in a humble way his spirit was less ambitious

He was a different man, leaving the couple less suspicious


But always not settled in dealing with this impulsive man

Kamsa’s associates were a bad breed with another plan

Darkness does not end easy for the nefarious, the bad master

Who murdered Krishna’s six brothers, while Krishna was set free in greener pastures


Bhaktimarga Swami: The Walking Monk©


May the Source be with you!

0 km


Sunday, August 22, 2021
→ The Walking Monk

Q Gardens, Toronto

Fun for Balarama


It was only befitting that our day with the KC boys (mostly youth) was all in full for we were wishing Balarama, Krishna’s brother, a Happy Birthday. There are many aspects to Balarama’s life including a long pilgrimage he took during the fateful war of Kuruksetra. However, in the spirit of high energy and youthfulness did we play out the afternoon at Woodbine Beach.


What a lineup of a mix of frivolity and gravity we had — first off was yoga led by Krishna Chandra, kirtan, picnic prasadam, water sports and katha or a talk on “Who is Balarama actually?”


After eighteen months of minimal social interaction, finally, in the outdoors, the group came together. Parama Gauranga coordinated the event. It was so liberating.


One highlight in the afternoon for me was, after I gave a short intro on the green around us, when we met Paul. Paul came forward as I was still on my chair and said with eagerness, “I guess you were teaching lessons. I saw you point at the grass, then the tree we’re now standing under.”


Indeed, I was pointing and pulling out dandelion greens and mentioned a good edible quality. Then I pulled out a plantain leaf and said that this is an incredible natural laxative. I looked above to address the maple tree that gave us shade.


Paul revealed much about his life history. Yes, he’s suffered but he grew spiritually from there and learned simplicity and detachment. Paul was happy to be with us.


May the Source be with you!

2 km


His Holiness Sridhar Swami’s Wise Words
Giriraj Swami

An appreciation spoken by His Holiness Sridhar Swami Maharaja on Giriraj Swami’s Vyasa-puja, September 23, 2001, Carpinteria, California.

We are here not by our good qualities, not by our pious credits, not for any reason except that His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada came here and blessed us. He exposed us. He opened our eyes, our darkened eyes, and he exposed us to this transcendental knowledge, transcendental culture, transcendental way of life, and he is continually guiding us and encouraging us. We all belong to Srila Prabhupada’s family. He is our father or our grandfather; he is our friend, our guru. His mercy is all that we are made of.

Prabhupada’s books are there—his tapes, his lectures, ITV—but my feeling is that we need something more to push us over the edge into the divine realm. We need association with a person who is a servant of Srila Prabhupada. And especially we are connected by the association, or by the mercy, or by the kindness of a diksa-guru, who acts as a surrogate. A surrogate is a substitute—not exactly a substitute, but sometimes a mother and father are not able to produce a child, so another woman, a surrogate mother, agrees to receive the seed of the man, and a child is produced. A better example is a viceroy. We need someone to show us Srila Prabhupada in action, in emotion. We are very much persons, emotional persons. We have intellect and we have emotions, and bahunam janmanam ante, in the end it is our emotional, devotional service—purified devotional service, prema-bhakti, loving devotional service—both to guru and to Krishna, that will bind us.

So we need to find a disciple of Srila Prabhupada who carries Srila Prabhupada in his heart and who will help us. He will share with us his love, his realization, his joy, his ecstasy, so that we also can be inspired. We need this—it’s very important—and we find this person by our intelligence and by our faith. It is a business of the heart, very much a business of the heart, that we are attracted. And disciplic succession is such a sacrosanct principle that we have to protect it. We have to involve ourselves to make ourselves recipients of that descending mercy, and we have to protect ourselves from all sorts of naysayers and envious persons and obstacles.

Of course, as I said, we are in a family, and we have our diksa-guru, but we are also not a personality cult. We have many people who help us in our spiritual lives, and wherever you find Srila Prabhupada in the heart of a devotee, you should bow down there—wherever you find him and wherever you receive genuine siksa. You can have many siksa-gurus, and of course officially people talk about receiving permission from your diksa-guru to accept so-and-so as your siksa-guru, and that’s well and true. But just as the first initiation does not become formalized until later but appears first in the heart, similarly, whenever we hear anything nice about Srila Prabhupada, we can take it with joy and appreciate it.

It is a difficult time in our family; Kali-yuga is such a difficult time. I am amazed how anyone can be Krishna conscious. Srila Prabhupada told us, “You should not be surprised when someone falls down. Everyone is fallen. You should be surprised when someone is able to follow nicely.” So, it is a difficult time, and we are weak. “The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.” And we are bombarded with so many stimuli agitating our senses and mind, and we are surrounded by people who are suffering, who are in ignorance, and some of them are even belligerent, demoniac. It is a very difficult time, and we need all the help we can get; at least I need all the help I can get, and I try to get help from my godbrothers. I really need their mercy. And I have many friends among my godbrothers, but for me, since the very early days in Bombay, ’72, ’73, Srila Giriraj Swami has been my siksa-guru. I am not a very good disciple, but still he is my siksa-guru. I feel like that. And I hope that all of you will enjoy Krishna conscious life by following Srila Prabhupada and by following Giriraj Swami and all of the nice Vaishnavas and Vaishnavis in ISKCON.

One symptom of progress in devotional service is that one should become jolly, brahma-bhutah prasannatma. We should become prasanna, joyful, na socati na kanksati. How will we give up our attachment to material life? By becoming joyful, jolly. Prabhupada said a brahmachari becomes jolly. So we have to judge by the result.

Everything about Krishna consciousness is wonderful—every kind of devotional service. There is no need to be envious of anyone else for any kind of devotional service. Cleaning the bathroom for Krishna is so ecstatic. I offer my obeisances to the bathroom cleaners of Krishna, because they are wonderful devotees. In fact, some of our best devotees in Pakistan are bhangis. Recently someone remembered me from Pakistan, Ranchore Line. Giriraj Swami and I went there one time, and we preached to all the Pakistani people, to intellectuals, but in Ranchor Line, Narayanpur, our devotees come from that line, bathroom cleaners. Whatever service you have, it is the service mood, the service attitude that “I am prepared to do anything to serve Krishna and to serve His devotees,” that will keep us happy and help us to develop that house that people talk about, where everyone can live. But it is based on love and trust. A devotee has no interest in politics or even in polemics.

So, please carry on as you are doing. I know a number of you, and you can tell a tree by its fruits. You are all nice servants of Vaishnavas. For me, in my stage of life, if I have learned even one little lesson, it is dasa-dasanudasah—cultivate service to the Vaishnavas and you will get everything. We need a family in which we can love and trust each other and not fear. We have to preach to so many materialistic people, and their very aura is permeated with lust and greed and anger, and there is a possibility of getting infected. But if we can come to a community of friends, of brothers and sisters, in which we love each other, care . . . I am not talking of superficially saying something, but really caring deep down inside that this person is suffering, even materially. Prabhupada cried when he saw people suffering in the material world, so, what to speak of exalted Vaishnava devotees. We should care for them and love them. This is our family.

Thank you, Giriraj Swami, for being there for all of us, for guiding us. And thank you for producing so many nice boys and girls who are helping you in your preaching work and also preaching nicely all over the world—in India, in Africa. I pray that more and more books will be forthcoming from your wonderful, powerful pen, from your heart, and that people will . . .  I am just so anxious, because Giriraj  Swami has a nickname. Probably you all know it, but for those who don’t, we call him “Mr. Prabhupada Stories,” because he is an ocean of Prabhupada stories. I have heard many of them over the years, but I want to hear more and more. And I know the nectar is coming. So please give us more and more books. We pray that more and more devotees will come to your lotus feet and learn about how to become softhearted and pure.

Hare Krishna!

Urban Devi Sanga – Meditations on Sri Radha: The Original Sacred Feminine

Urban Devi Sanga Urban Devi Sanga explores meditations on Srimati Radharani, the original sacred feminine.  To watch this sanga please click here. During this sanga, Rukmini Devi references a special recipe said to a favorite of Sri Radhika, she shares it with us below: Dear Friends, This afternoon, we had our monthly Urban Devi Sanga online. I […]

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Srila Prabhupada Daya Dashakam – 10 Verses Glorifying The Mercy Of Srila Prabhupada

A musical composition in honor of Srila Prabhupada’s 125th Vyas Puja entitled “Śrīla Prabhupāda Dayā Daśakaṁ:10 verses glorifying the mercy of Srila Prabhupada” has been composed by Gopa Vrndesa Dasa, a brahmacari at ISKCON Melbourne, Australia.    While the composition was written as a private offering, by the will of providence when Bhurijana Das came to know about it, he not […]

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Srila Prabhupada Daya Dashakam – 10 Verses Glorifying The Mercy Of Srila Prabhupada
→ ISKCON News: Latest Stories

A musical composition in honor of Srila Prabhupada's 125th Vyas Puja entitled "Śrīla Prabhupāda Dayā Daśakaṁ:10 verses glorifying the mercy of Srila Prabhupada" has been composed by Gopa Vrndesa Dasa, a brahmacari at ISKCON Melbourne, Australia. 
While the composition was written as a private offering, by the will of providence when Bhurijana Das came to know about it, he not only reviewed it but also helped us improve it by providing feedback on both its message and the accompanying translation. Sripad Bhurijan Prabhu had also directed Gopa Das to record and publish it.  
See more videos from the Hare Krishna Melbourne Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCn0n2sYUqL08KSy8EiHqK0w

Baltimore’s “Hunger-Free Zone” Ensures No One in Ten-Mile Radius Goes Hungry

“We have to see that nobody goes hungry within a 10-mile radius,” Srila Prabhupada said during the Gaura Purnima Festival in Mayapur in 1973. Inspired by this statement, volunteers for the non-profit organization Hunger-Free Zone are ensuring that no one within ten miles of their kitchen in Baltimore goes hungry. It’s a much-needed service, as […]

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Seeking Prayers for the Passing of His Grace Yajna Hotra

The following prayer request comes directly from Bhaktimarga Swami   Please accept my humble obeisance.  All glories to Srila Prabhuapda. Seeking prayers for Yajna Hotra who passed away on Sunday, September 5th, 2021 from heart failure.  He was born on May 26th, 1950 in Winnipeg.  He became an initiated disciple of Srila Prabhupada in 1976.  […]

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Guyana’s President Dr. Irfaan Ali Honors Srila Prabhupada with a Visit to Hare Krishna Study Centre in Cummings Lodge

The celebrations that marked the 125th birth anniversary of AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada were attended by many guests of honor. Srila Prabhupada, who passed away in 1977, founded the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), also in Guyana knows as the Hare Krishna Movement. The festival spanned five days – from 27 to 31 […]

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Guyana’s President Dr. Irfaan Ali Honors Srila Prabhupada with a Visit to Hare Krishna Study Centre in Cummings Lodge
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The celebrations to mark the 125th birth anniversary of AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada were attended by many guests of honor. Srila Prabhupada, who passed away in 1977, founded the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), also in Guyana knows as the Hare Krishna Movement. The festival spanned five days - from 27 to 31 August 2021, with the Guyanese President's visit and reception on 29 August being the highlight of the diverse program of celebrations.

Lakeland Bhakti Cottage to Facilitate Creative Sanga and Retreats

Balaram Nityananda Das, a gurukuli who has been organizing retreats for several years, is looking to establish his house in the UK’s Lake District National Park as a “Bhakti Cottage” where people can stay and learn about Bhakti Yoga, Kirtan and conscious creativity amidst beautiful natural surroundings.   After attending Mayapur Gurukula for nine years, […]

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ISKCON Scarborough – Special Radhastami class – by HH Bhakti Anugraha Janardana Swami and HG Dravida das – 12th Sep 2021 – special 1.5 hour program – 11 am to 12.30 pm
→ ISKCON Scarborough

Hare Krishna!

Please accept our humble obeisances!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga!

Date: 12th Sep 2021

Day: Sunday

Time: 11 am to 12.30 pm

Speakers: HH Bhakti Anugraha Janardana Swami and HG Dravida das 

Link to join the class:


HH Bhakti Anugraha Janardana Swami:

H.H Bhakti Anugraha Janardana Swami is disciple of Gopal Krishna Goswami and in 2014, he was awarded sannyas initiation by Gopal Krishna Goswami. He has been preaching in New Delhi, Vrindavan and Philippines.

H.H Bhakti Anugraha Janardana Swami travels with HH Gopal Krishna Maharaja and has been assigned the work of preaching in Philippines. H.H. Gopal Krishna Goswami is H.H Bhakti Anugraha Janardana Swami's mentor.

H.G. Dravida das

A disciple of Srila Prabhupada, Dravida dasa joined ISKCON in 1973 and has served as an editor and proof-reader for the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust for over 45 years. From 1983 to 1989 he was part of the team that completed Srila Prabhupada’s magnum opus: a commentated English translation of India's jewel of Vedic wisdom, the 18,000-verse Srimad Bhagavatam (Bhagavata Purana). He also helped produce the revised editions of Srila Prabhupada’s Isopanisad, Krsna Book, Caitanya-Caritamrta, and Teachings of Lord Caitanya, and he is part of the team that produces Srila Prabhupada’s Vyasa-puja book every year. In addition to his editing work, he teaches Bhakti Yoga classes at ISKCON’s San Diego temple and other centres in North America.

Throughout all this immersion in transcendental literature, Dravida Dasa developed a love of the Sanskrit language, and especially the elaborate verses of the Bhagavatam and other works of bhakti literature.

His devotion and expertise in chanting form a marvellous combination. He has a been Brahmacari throughout his devotional career.

ISKCON Scarborough

3500 McNicoll Avenue, Unit #3,

Scarborough, Ontario,

Canada, M1V4C7

Website: www.iskconscarborough.org




Karuna Care to Host Virtual Radhastami Festival

About: Karuna Care Education invites you to participate in a virtual Radhastami celebration in three international time zones. Please join us and bring a quote, story, song, picture, or anything that has inspired you about the glories of Srimati Radharani! When:  Monday, September 13th, 2021. There will be three sessions throughout the day: (1) 7 […]

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Srimati Sita Thakurani’s Appearance 11th Sept 2021
→ Mayapur.com

Srimati Sita Thakurani is to be worshiped just as much as Sacidevi herself, as the mother of the universe. She is the eternal wife of Sri Advaita Acharya. She was the daughter of Sri Nrishinga Baduri. She was married to Sri Advaita Acharya in Phuliya Nagara. After their wedding, Advaita Acharya went to Nadiya, to […]

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