Gaura Purnima Story: Narada Muni & Lord Gauranga!

Once Narada Muni could see that Kali yuga was going to come very soon. So, he thought he will ask Krishna what the solution for this was, so he went to Dwaraka. That time Krishna was staying at the house of Satyabhama and he had to inform Rukmini that He was going to her palace. […]

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Tolerating pains and pleasures (video)
→ Dandavats

O master of yogic power, you said that fatigue resulting from moving the body here and there is appreciated by direct perception, but actually there is no fatigue. It simply exists as a matter of formality. By such inquiries and answers, no one can come to the conclusion of the Absolute Truth. Because of your presentation of this statement, my mind is a little disturbed.


(This post has been viewed 336 times so far)

ISKCON Scarborough – Gaura Purnima celebrations – Limited number of devotees can visit the temple on Sunday (28th Mar 2021) from 3 pm to 6 pm!
→ ISKCON Scarborough

Hare Krishna!

Please accept our humble obeisances!
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga!

The Gaura Purnima this year is on Sunday March 28th 2021 - On this auspicious day, all devotees fast until moonrise.

Gaura Purnima means "golden full moon" signifying that:
1) Lord Caitanya was “born” during a full moon, and
2) The Lord blesses everyone with the soothing, moon-like rays of His sublime teachings.

Who is Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu:
Lord Caitanya is Lord Krsna Himself appearing in the role of His own devotee.

He accepted the mood and golden complexion of Srimati Radharani, His consort and greatest worshiper.

Radha and Krsna became one to reveal the divine love of Goloka Vrindavan to the world.

Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu's most important biographers, such as Shri Vrindavan das Thakur (Caitanya Bhagavat), Shri Murari Gupta (Caitanya Charita Mahakavya), Shri Locana das Thakura (Caitanya Mangal) & Srila Krishnadas Kaviraj (Caitanya Caritamrta) confirm the above statements.

If we are to understand Shri Krishna, we must do so through Lord Caitanya. First the giver, then the gift.

Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu was the most merciful and a munificent incarnation of the Lord, whose mercy surpassed the bounds of mundane discrimination in the matter of caste, colour, and creed.

CC Adi 14.1:“Things that are very difficult to do become easy to execute if one somehow or other simply remembers Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. But if one does not remember Him, even easy things become very difficult. To this Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, I offer my respectful obeisances”.

We at ISKCON Scarborough will be celebrating this auspicious event on Sunday - March 28th 2021.
As you are all aware, our temple currently remains closed for the public since April 2020.

However, we have great news!

We will be opening the temple for darshan on the day of Gaura Purnima for a limited period of time from 3 pm to 6 pm on 28th Mar 2021(Sunday).

We will strictly follow the province's guidelines:
  • We will take down your name & contact details when you enter the temple.
  • At any point in time, only a maximum of 10 devotees shall be allowed inside the temple
  • All devotees shall wear a face mask, disinfect the hands at the entrance, stay in marked spots that are separated by 6 feet inside the temple.
As only a limited number of devotees can take darshan during this 3-hour window, we request you to contact Amal Tagore -(please send a text or WhatsApp message to 647-338-2216) before end of day Thursday (25th Mar 2021) with your name, email address, mobile number and the number of members who will be coming with you.

We will then confirm back to you with your timeslot for darshan & other procedures to follow.

As we will be strictly following the health guidelines and as the health of devotees is paramount- only devotees who are healthy and who have been pre-approved by Amal Tagore and the team will be allowed to enter the temple on Sunday.

We apologize for any inconvenience this process may cause.

ISKCON Scarborough
3500 McNicoll Avenue, Unit #3,
Scarborough, Ontario,
Canada, M1V4C7

Traveling Monk 2021-03-22 14:59:33
→ Traveling Monk

“O Goddess! In great distress I prostrate myself before You, falling on the ground, praying piteously unto You with faltering voice. O Gandharvike! After You bestowed Your mercy on this fool, count him (her) amongst Your own people!”

[ Sri Rupa Goswami In Stavamala ]

ha devi kaku-bhara-gadgadayadya vaca
yace nipatya bhuvi dandavad udbhatartih |
asya prasadam abudhasya janasya kritva
gandharvike nija-gane gananam vidhehi ||2||

Understanding Vaishnava Relations through Caitanya-caritamrita (video)
→ Dandavats

Vrajalila is a certified trainer in Conflict Resolution, Mediation, Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy (EFT) and Non-Violent Communication (NVC). Currently she and her husband Ekavira are being trained as Certified Family Life Educators(CFLE) Vrajalila travels worldwide and also offers online webinars on “Essential Technologies for Managing Conflicts” both in secular as well as in the devotee communities. She joined ISKCON New York in 1979. During her first years of service, she found herself nurture and care for new people and creating communities where preparing for marriage and getting married was a natural by product.


(This post has been viewed 344 times so far)

The characteristic of ideal japa
→ Traveling Monk


“The mantra firmly situated in the mind.​ The mind firmly situated in the mantra. Such a seamless connection of the mind and mantra is the characteristic of ideal japa.​”

[ Dhyanacandra Gosvami’s Gaura-govindarcana-smarana-paddhatih, text 64 ]

mano-madhye sthito mantro​
mantra-madhye sthitaṁ manaḥ​
etad dhi japa-lakṣaṇa

Это я могу, Шрила Прабхупада!
→ Traveling Monk

Одна дама подняла руку после того, как Прабхупада закончил класс Бхагавад-Гиты. У нее был вопрос. Она спросила:
–  В Бхагавад-гите говорится, что если в момент смерти думать о Кришне, то отправишься к Кришне. Теперь вопрос, а если я подумаю о вас в момент смерти? Будет такой же эффект?
Прабхупада ответил не сразу. Он закрыл глаза на две-три секунды, как будто искал ответ.
Потом улыбнулся и сказал:
–  Очень мило с вашей стороны. Да, будет тот же эффект.
[ воспоминания о Шриле Прабхупаде, Джая Гауранга даса ]


The magic of Monthly Sankirtan Festival (video)
→ Dandavats

By Bhaktivedanta Book Trust

It increases the team spirit in such a nice way! Devotees start cooperating with each other because it's just like two soldiers on the battlefield they may be from opposite parts of that country and maybe politically completely opposite and all but when they are there they have to be nice to each other and they naturally start to encourage each other and then they develop a bond so we saw that with with with our team also and devotees started getting close to each other they started appreciating each other not only that we um many many devotees initially have this fear for distributing books I may get rejected or I don't want to be seen like that so we would encourage them just come hold a book give get water for devotees distribute the prasad and in this way devotees started finding out their own niche... Continue reading "The magic of Monthly Sankirtan Festival (video)
→ Dandavats"

Curating the Devotional Atmosphere: Reflections on the service of Svarupa Damodara Goswami (video)
→ Dandavats


Sri Chaitanya Caritamrita is a jewel mine, a treasure house of all kinds of wealth, there are stories there are descriptions of the pastimes of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, there are blessings and benedictions galore for all of us who hear them with faith and love and devotion and conviction but if ever we were wondering why Krsnadas has Kaviraj why he is Kaviraj there's that too and when I look at the beautiful within the Chaitanya Caritamrita there is poetry, he is the king of poets there is such poetry embedded in these lines that Srila Prabhupada stopped everything to painstakingly translate Continue reading "Curating the Devotional Atmosphere: Reflections on the service of Svarupa Damodara Goswami (video)
→ Dandavats"

Job Openings At TKG Academy
→ Dandavats

Interested in empowering students, becoming a role model, and making an impact? TKG Academy, a spiritually-based, Pre-K thru 12th grade school in Dallas, TX, is now seeking qualified candidates to join our enthusiastic, collaborative team of teachers.


(This post has been viewed 330 times so far)

Love is based on conquering
→ KKSBlog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 25 November 2020, Simhachalam, Germany, Srimad Bhagavatam Lecture)

Krsna is conquered by all, but most by the devotee who gives the most, who does the most.

Love is the foundation of everything. It is not like a sentimental wet blanket. Sometimes, we hear of impersonalists speak about the cosmic love and how one has to connect to that cosmic love, that all this cosmic loving energy is all-pervading and if one simply connects to it then they will also become like an instrument of that love. That is the impersonal loving energy, like a wet loving blanket. Love has nothing to do with that. Love is personal. And love means you have to do something to capture me if you want me to love you. Real love is based on conquering. We have to do something that is really dear to someone else if we want to conquer them. That is the basis of love, that is the basis of the spiritual world. Everyone is trying to do something extraordinary to conquer Krsna. And Krsna is conquered by all, but most by the devotee who gives the most, who does the most. Pure devotional service attracts Krsna and that is the secret of the spiritual world. And when we attract Krsna, then miracles start to happen, then we become uplifted above the mundane.

The article " Love is based on conquering " was published on KKSBlog.

School of Bhakti – Bhagavata Life
→ Dandavats

The translation of Srimad Bhagavatam is perhaps Srila Prabhupada’s greatest gift to the world. As we browse through the pages, we’ll find a relevant story, an inspiring personality, a striking situation, a philosophical exchange or a powerful life lesson that illuminates our heart. Every word brings life back into perspective, reminding us of the greater journey we are on, and filling us with clarity, hope and inspiration.


(This post has been viewed 221 times so far)

Scotland’s Karuna Bhavan Receives CCAF Grant to Support Green Recovery

The Keep Scotland Beautiful initiative, on behalf of the Scottish Government, has granted ISKCON Karuna Bhavan (also known as Krishna Eco Farm) almost £9,000 from the Community Climate Asset Fund (CCAF). The fund aims to support green recovery in Scotland’s communities, in order to tackle climate change and help Scotland cut greenhouse gas emissions to […]

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Vrinda Sheth Talks About The Final Book of Her Ramayana Trilogy Focusing on Sita’s Perspective

Destroyer of Sorrow, the epic conclusion to Vrinda Sheth’s Sita’s Fire trilogy based on the Ramayana, is set to be released by Mandala Publishing on April 20th. Hardbound and 336 pages long, the book features over ninety illustrations by Vrinda’s mother Anna Johansson (Annapurna Dasi) and is the culmination of a decade of work on […]

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Vrinda Sheth Talks About The Final Book of Her Ramayana Trilogy Focusing on Sita’s Perspective
→ ISKCON News: Latest Stories

Destroyer of Sorrow, the epic conclusion to Vrinda Sheth’s Sita’s Fire trilogy based on the Ramayana, is set to be released by Mandala Publishing on April 20th. Hardbound and 336 pages long, the book features over ninety illustrations by Vrinda’s mother Anna Johansson (Annapurna Dasi) and is the culmination of a decade of work on the trilogy by the mother and daughter team. 

Why I Decided That Getting Vaccinated Was the Right Choice for Me

Many times in life we have heard the saying, “A single twig will break, but the bundle of twigs is strong.” For practicing devotees the connotation was that we always live, practice, and teach in the society of like-minded Vaisnavas. Then we will maintain spiritual strength. Yet, this past year has given us a new […]

The post Why I Decided That Getting Vaccinated Was the Right Choice for Me appeared first on ISKCON News.