Devotional Service Transcends Socio-Cultural Rules (video)
Websites from the ISKCON Universe
The following pastime is found in the Sri Caitanya-caritamrita, but is more elaborately described in the Sri Caitanya-bhagavata, Adi-khanda, Chapter 3 as follows: One saintly brahmana who was most virtuous was touring the places of pilgrimage in order to obtain Sri Krishna. He used to worship Gopala by chanting the six-syllable Gopala mantra, and without […]
The post Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu as Gaura Gopala! appeared first on Mayapur.com.
Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita is the main work on the life and teachings of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the incarnation of Krishna who appeared in India five hundred years ago. Lord Chaitanya introduced the chanting of the holy names of God as the prescribed method of God-realization for our time. He began what is today called the Hare Krishna movement, since the movement’s founder, Srila Prabhupada, comes in the Chaitanya line of spiritual masters.
Adapted from ‘Japa Affirmations’ by His Grace Mahatma Dasa. Treat the Holy Name, the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra, as Radha and Krishna Deities in the form of sound. When you chant the Maha-mantra, it is the same as taking darshan of the Deities. In this way, bow down to the Holy Name as you would to the Deities, as Krishna is fully present in the Holy Name. Continue reading "Affirmations for chanting the Hare Krishna Maha mantra
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Achintya-bhedabheda-tattva refers to the inconceivable oneness and difference of the Supreme Person and His energies. This is one of the key points of theistic philosophy taught by Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. As parts of God's energy, we're also equal in quality with God, but there's a vast difference in quantity. We're each infinitesimal sparks of spiritual energy, and the Supreme Person, Krishna, is the infinite, supreme source of all energies. Some parts of the Vedas say that all beings are one with God, and others say that God is different from all beings. Vedanta philosophers have long argued back and forth about this, but Chaitanya Mahaprabhu taught that both statements are simultaneously true. Continue reading "Achintya Bhedabheda tattva (video)
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Victory to the sacred sound, that cleanses all around. There’s filth in the heart, piled up from the start. Many births of desires, have burst up like fires. Therefore, the kirtan charge, is for humanity at large. It’s a practice so cool, like the rays of the moon. It’s the fruit of wisdom, with joy that’s arisen, So sweet to the taste, we go there in great haste. Continue reading "“Chaitanya’s Verses” (Siksastakam in rhyme)
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243 Avenue Rd., Toronto
A good massage brings on the agility I need for getting the legs to operate better. Thanks Cameron. And shingles are slowly faded, for now. I feel great.
I was speaking with another one of my monk godbrothers, a swami, who is itching away with shingles. “Better get it confirmed,” I suggested. “Send some photos of your rash to your doctor. He’ll know.” I also suggested to try a little tilak method, application of sacred clay. Regular clay should do also to help stop the spread. At least the method is doing something for me.
Around the corner is Gaura Purnima, the full moon when monk Chaitanya was born. His birth was on February 18, 1486 by solar calendar, and bhakti yogis in the Vaishnava tradition will be engaged in joyful ceremonies to honour the person referred to as the Golden Avatar. He was quite the influential swami, who traveled on foot throughout much of India, sharing the maha mantra.
It was back in the early 80s that we sent delegate of monks to the eastern city of Halifax to share this great mantra with the people on the Atlantic coast. One of those monastics recently sent me a pic of a group of three engaged in Kirtan chanting in the downtown. It’s a vintage shot and it’s precious.
The prediction holds that in every town and village the chanting of the name of God would come to pass. Currently, we have a nice group of young families living there and meeting together (at least virtually for now). Try to say this, param vijayate sri Krishna sankirtan, which means victory to the mantra movement.
May the Source be with you!
0 km
Please view our new film, Rolling the Dice: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IF3legHdMgI
Ramsden Park, Toronto
Day of Coming Green
Hey! I made it to the park, but on crutches. David, who lives in the ashram with us, accompanied me. I couldn’t have done it without him. We sat at a bench bathing in the sun. People walked by, many of whom were wearing green. Yes, of course, it’s St. Patrick’s Day and those who take to the green carry the spirit.
David and I were talking and wondering if anyone really knows much about him aside from him being some very kindly man from Ireland. “I think he has something to do with a shamrock, or a four-leaf clover,” David said in role-play.
As we sat there, we were acknowledging the pedestrians. “Happy St. Patrick’s Day!” we would say and they would respond favourably. Coincidentally, I had my green crocs on, complements of a nice bhakti yogi from Buenos Aires.
One lady in shades of green had her dog with her in her little green booties. “Wow!” we said in different pitches.
“Oh!” She said with prowess. She reached in her bag and continued, “I even have a green tutu for her,” and then she held it up.
Other than people in green, the park, which was recently laden with silver and white in the form of ice and snow, will soon reveal light greens from the trees. Mind you, some spruce and pine were facing us, but the rest of vegetation are of brown to black tones, holding their own beauty. Thank God for colours that change tones pertaining to season. It’s been two weeks since I’ve been out.
May the source be with you!
1 km
Please view our new film, Rolling the Dice: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IF3legHdMgI
243 Avenue Rd., Toronto
From 1 km We Build up
A bit of a mile stone for me: I managed to walk fairly straight along the not so trustworthy balcony, without crutches. Yahoo! Perhaps Jayho! Which means pretty much the same thing. A sigh of relief, victory and healing. It tallies at 1 km.
Cameron is just a great help to me. He is with the Red Cross, does mostly construction work but took time off to take care of matters in the temple, and me. I’m grateful.
He brought up my lunch — a plate laden with asparagus, curried veggies, exquisite dahl soup and an avocado smoothie. I thought, “How fortunate I am when much of the planet’s population is divested of food, or not enough or weened on mostly processed products. I am a spoiled brat, in a sense, and feeling undeserving.” With a great meal, as described above, I can say I live like a king. I must count this as a blessing.
Another blessing is time. I programmed my day in such a way as to put pen to paper and get back to some poetry writing. For the upcoming Ramnavami I was entrusted to retell the story of Ram. A work in progress. What a pleasure this brings! Like the song goes, “What a wonderful world!”
I’ve been “Blessed by the best” as friend, Krishnanandini used to say. On my Zoom call last Sunday I was reminded of the phrase by followers in Cleveland. What a great crew! Before Covid we used to meet at Pelee Island for an annual summer retreat. Cleveland, Detroit and Toronto folks would gather for sangha, divine togetherness. Another reason to say Yahoo or Jayho!
May the Source be with you!
1 km
Please view our new film, Rolling the Dice: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IF3legHdMgI
243 Avenue Rd., Toronto
The Lotus Foundation is an initiative of learning about basic principles of dharma. As one of the directors, I was asked to promote the initiative, which has been up and running for its third year now. The participants are young and it is attracting families who want to gain some insight into Vedic culture. Some of the subjects learned are hands on yoga, nutrition, plant-based diet and the values behind it, gardening, chanting mantras, basic elements of etiquette and even learning of the three energies that govern our lives.
Today I pieced together a video promotion for this initiative. From a distance, Sarthak, who recently arrived from India, has been very helpful.
Also, on the boil, we accomplished a recording of “Chaitanya’s Verses” a rewrite translation of Chaitanya’s expressions of devotion called sikshatakam. I have put that masterpiece to English and to rhyme. This five-minute video will be up and available in time for the 28th of this month on this great monk’s birthday.
The day was productive indeed. No walking outside yet but stretching of limbs and a good massage are slowly bringing me back to recovery.
To top the day off I sat by for our Monday night reading, which is currently executed by David, our resident handyman.
May the Source be with you!
0 km
Please view our new film, Rolling the Dice: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IF3legHdMgI
243 Avenue Rd., Toronto
Zoom-ing began at 11 a.m., when the sun became very strong; lighting up the room with the arched window. It was Cleveland that was on the other end of my call and I was at their end. It was good connecting with them again.
We dwelt on the verse 7.29 from The Gita, a beautiful verse which establishes our real self. No need for identity crisis in the face of this text. We are clearly brahman, spirit, and not the body.
I recall, when I walked through Cleveland in the spring of 2016, the big game was on that night. One of the playoffs, between Cleveland and guess who else? Yes, Toronto. The home team one, to my recollection.
In the afternoon, six hours later, I actually delivered a class for those in Toronto. Topic? Hero of Commitment. Indeed, Shiva demonstrated his absolute love for his consort, Sati, as she did for him. In fact, while defending him, Sati sacrificed her life. The two were not only heroes but yogis of the highest calibre.
They reside on Mount Kailash, and own practically nothing. Very renounced. Very cool, calm and collected.
A final class was to be an actual combing through of the Gita with a young man from Hamilton. It has been one-on-one with him for months now. It is going well. We are both enjoying thoroughly.
May the Source be with you!
0 km
Please view our new film, Rolling the Dice: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IF3legHdMgI
Many devotees who are very dear to me have physically departed from this world due to the Covid-19 virus. This breaks my heart. Srila Prabhupada desired that we do the needful to take care of our health. Our health belongs to Srila Prabhupada. Sincere devotees who are specialist doctors of Allopathy, Ayurveda, and Homeopathy have all strongly urged me to get vaccinated. Continue reading "Why I Decided That Getting Vaccinated Was the Right Choice for Me
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Srila Madhavendra Puri appeared in the 14th century. He was a guru of the Brahma or Madhvasampradaya, one of the four (Brahma, Sri, Rudra and Sanaka) Vaishnava lineages that purify the world in the age of Kali.
Madhavendra Puri was the disciple of Lakshmipati-Tirtha. Madhavendra Puri’s disciples included Ishvara Puri, Advaita Acharya, Paramananda Puri (a Brahmin from the Tirhu area), Brahmananda Puri, Sri Ranga Puri, Pundarika Vidyanidhi, Raghupati Upadhyaya, and others.
Madhavendra Puri was the first shoot of the desire tree of divine love that came out of the Madhva lineage. Prior to his appearance, there was no sign of the conjugal mood of devotion in the Madhva line.The feeling of separation from Krishna, or transcendental vipralambha is the only practice by which the spirit soul can achieve perfection.
Material feelings of separation give rise to a despondency that reveals the attachment one has for matter, whereas the despondency that results from the feelings of separation for Krishna are the best proof of one’s desire to bring pleasure to His senses.
The desire to bring pleasure to Krishna’s senses shown by Madhavendra Puri, the great soul who is the root of this movement, is the ideal example to follow for anyone who wishes to serve the Lord. It is especially worth remarking that Mahaprabhu and His closes followers later adopted this example and made it their standard.
If the surface of the globe is overflooded with the chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra, the people of the world will be very, very happy. (Srimad Bhagavatam, 4.24.11 Purport)
In this vlog I share the Ladies Ashram's recent Spiritual Olympics fun and games .... !
They are good sports and humoured me!
Of the ever-conditioned living beings, there are two divisions. They are the faithful and the infidels. Of the faithful there are again two divisions, namely the devotees and the mental speculators. The mental speculators desire to merge into the existence of the Lord, or to become one with the Lord, whereas the devotees of the Lord desire to keep separate identities and constantly engage in the service of the Lord.
“Today, Sunday, November 10, 1974—corresponding to the 10th of Kartika, Caitanya Era 488, the eleventh day of the dark fortnight, the Rama-ekadasi—we have now finished the English translation of Sri Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami’s Sri Caitanya-caritamrta in accordance with the authorized order of His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Gosvami Maharaja, my beloved eternal spiritual master, guide, and friend. Although according to material vision His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada passed away from this material world on the last day of December 1936, I still consider His Divine Grace to be always present with me by his vani, his words.”
Once Narada Muni could see that Kali yuga was going to come very soon. So, he thought he will ask Krishna what the solution for this was, so he went to Dwaraka. That time Krishna was staying at the house of Satyabhama and he had to inform Rukmini that He was going to her palace. […]
The post Gaura Purnima Story: Narada Muni & Lord Gauranga! appeared first on Mayapur.com.
O master of yogic power, you said that fatigue resulting from moving the body here and there is appreciated by direct perception, but actually there is no fatigue. It simply exists as a matter of formality. By such inquiries and answers, no one can come to the conclusion of the Absolute Truth. Because of your presentation of this statement, my mind is a little disturbed.
[Srimad Bhagavatam 9.1.9 – 16 was given on March 12th, 2021 at Bhakti Center New York]
Hare Krishna!
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“O Goddess! In great distress I prostrate myself before You, falling on the ground, praying piteously unto You with faltering voice. O Gandharvike! After You bestowed Your mercy on this fool, count him (her) amongst Your own people!”
[ Sri Rupa Goswami In Stavamala ]
ha devi kaku-bhara-gadgadayadya vaca
yace nipatya bhuvi dandavad udbhatartih |
asya prasadam abudhasya janasya kritva
gandharvike nija-gane gananam vidhehi ||2||
Vrajalila is a certified trainer in Conflict Resolution, Mediation, Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy (EFT) and Non-Violent Communication (NVC).
Currently she and her husband Ekavira are being trained as Certified Family Life Educators(CFLE)
Vrajalila travels worldwide and also offers online webinars on “Essential Technologies for Managing Conflicts” both in secular as well as in the devotee communities.
She joined ISKCON New York in 1979. During her first years of service, she found herself nurture and care for new people and creating communities where preparing for marriage and getting married was a natural by product.
Sri Radha Govinda Dasi was born in a Madhva brahmana family in South India. She grew up listening and learning Vaisnava songs and Krishna's pastimes from her grandfather, [Jayasimha]. She was initiated at 18 by HH Jayapataka
“The mantra firmly situated in the mind. The mind firmly situated in the mantra. Such a seamless connection of the mind and mantra is the characteristic of ideal japa.”
[ Dhyanacandra Gosvami’s Gaura-govindarcana-smarana-paddhatih, text 64 ]
mano-madhye sthito mantro
mantra-madhye sthitaṁ manaḥ
etad dhi japa-lakṣaṇa
The Study Circle of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, ISKCON Dominican Republic, carried out a book donation activity, sankirtan, in the main universities of the country and in the National Library.
It increases the team spirit in such a nice way! Devotees start cooperating with each other because it's just like two soldiers on the battlefield they may be from opposite parts of that country and maybe politically completely opposite and all but when they are there they have to be nice to each other and they naturally start to encourage each other and then they develop a bond so we saw that with with with our team also and devotees started getting close to each other they started appreciating each other not only that we um many many devotees initially have this fear for distributing books I may get rejected or I don't want to be seen like that so we would encourage them just come hold a book give get water for devotees distribute the prasad and in this way devotees started finding out their own niche... Continue reading "The magic of Monthly Sankirtan Festival (video)
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Since the most holy Appearance Day of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu is on March 28, 2021, Rukmini discusses the mercy of Lord Caitanya. How has His mercy impacted and changed our lives, and the whole trajectory of our future? Continue reading "The Mercy of Lord Chaitanya (video)
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Sri Chaitanya Caritamrita is a jewel mine, a treasure house of all kinds of wealth, there are stories there are descriptions of the pastimes of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, there are blessings and benedictions galore for all of us who hear them with faith and love and devotion and conviction but if ever we were wondering why Krsnadas has Kaviraj why he is Kaviraj there's that too and when I look at the beautiful within the Chaitanya Caritamrita there is poetry, he is the king of poets there is such poetry embedded in these lines that Srila Prabhupada stopped everything to painstakingly translate Continue reading "Curating the Devotional Atmosphere: Reflections on the service of Svarupa Damodara Goswami (video)
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Interested in empowering students, becoming a role model, and making an impact? TKG Academy, a spiritually-based, Pre-K thru 12th grade school in Dallas, TX, is now seeking qualified candidates to join our enthusiastic, collaborative team of teachers.
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