The Inner Child

I’m getting old. I admit it – the hair is disappearing, the back is failing and the glasses are coming. Materially speaking, it’s a downhill story. Spiritually, however, the passing of time should deliver a range of invaluable gifts.

Sadhu Sanga Retreat 2019

The 8th annual Sadhu Sanga Retreat in Boone, North Carolina, USA attracted over 2,000 devotees from all over America and beyond. The main focus was, as always, kirtan. With some of ISKCON’s best chanters it was a most relishable experience. The lectures, kirtans and prasadam were all of the highest standard and the famous Blue Ridge Mountains provided the perfect backdrop. A video by Ananta Vrindavan.

Economics of Mayapur
→ KKSBlog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 31 December 2018, Simhachalam, Germany, Srimad Bhagavatam 3.25.21)

Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is mahā-vadānyāya – He is most magnanimous. Devotees are also magnanimous where they will give gifts and receive gifts – dadāti pratigṛhṇāti (Nectar of Instruction, Text 4). This is an important point of the loving exchange of generosity and it is such generosity which is our trademark. 

In the cause of working on the master plan for Mayapur, we came across a man called Charles Eisenstein, not Einstein (laughter). And Charles Eisenstein came up with this idea called ‘Sacred Economics’. It was an economic model based on giving instead of charging for everything. And if one person gives to another, the other person becomes indebted and feels like doing something in exchange. So Eisenstein was an economist who drew a whole model on how an economy can work in this way, instead of paying our way where everyone is in competition with one another.

When I saw this, I thought, “This is our model! He somehow or other came across something that belongs to Lord Caitanya. This is the economics of Mayapur.” I saw that when we were making our master plan, and that is how it is meant to be. Mayapur should be a place of such generosity that everyone who visits there, should be so overwhelmed and should feel so indebted, that they feel like doing some service, something in exchange. That is the principle.  

The article " Economics of Mayapur " was published on KKSBlog.

Sacred rivers of India – 4 part seminar
→ Dandavats

By Bhaktivedanta Manor

HH Bhakti Rasamrita Swami gave an enlivening and enlightening 4 part seminar on “The Sacred Rivers of India” at the Bhaktivedanta Manor, UK. Maharaj spoke about the importance of rivers in general. He recounted how rivers are India’s lifeline and how they enjoy a special place in prayers and its traditional practices. Most of the pilgrimages in India like Varanasi, Haridwar, Talakaveri, Nasik, Ujjain and Patna are situated along the banks of these seven rivers. The Triveni Sangam at Allahabad is a confluence of 3 rivers - the Ganga, the Yamuna and the Saraswati. Maharaja described the religious significance of the each of the 7 rivers by citing references from scriptures. He also narrated the various pastimes that took place on the banks of these rivers and the important pilgrimages. Continue reading "Sacred rivers of India – 4 part seminar
→ Dandavats"

Bhagavatam tenth canto study 56 – 10.10.15-22 Narada curses to cure the cause of the misbehavior, not just to punish the misbehavior
→ The Spiritual Scientist


The post Bhagavatam tenth canto study 56 – 10.10.15-22 Narada curses to cure the cause of the misbehavior, not just to punish the misbehavior appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.

Bhagavad Gita Chapters 15-18 Overview
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Talk to Bhakti Shastri students at Wellington, New Zealand]




Podcast Summary

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Labeling Body Parts
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Satyaraja Dasa

People have assumed that intelligence is linked to the ability to suffer and that because animals have smaller brains they suffer less than humans. That is a pathetic piece of logic, sentient animals have the capacity to experience pleasure and are motivated to seek it, you only have to watch how cows and lambs both seek and enjoy pleasure when they lie with their heads raised to the sun on a perfect English summer’s day. Just like humans. Continue reading "Labeling Body Parts
→ Dandavats"

Winning Life’s Battles
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Krishna Dharma Dasa

Perhaps we should begin by defining religion. Dictionaries usually describe it as a system of belief in some supernatural power. That is where the conflicts tend to arise. My beliefs may well be different to yours, and human nature is such that we identify with these to the point where we create divisions based upon them. Hence we have many religious communities going under different names Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, etc. In most people's minds this is what is meant by religion, all these various designations. The Gita however gives a broader definition. Continue reading "Winning Life’s Battles
→ Dandavats"

Srila Prabhupada’s Ecstatic Symptoms
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Srutakirti das

Hundreds of devotees were assembled in the temple room while Srila Prabhupada spoke. Suddenly, he stopped and became silent with his eyes closed. Everyone in the room became still, not wanting to disturb him. A pin drop could be heard. We didn't dare breathe too loudly. This went on for some time. Hundreds of devotees were transfixed on His Divine Grace's ecstasy, each being transported by his rapture. Our minds were overwhelmed with blissful anticipation. Srila Prabhupada carried us all to another realm. Before he could continue, Srila Prabhupada responded in the sweetest voice, sounding a little embarrassed. "I do not do that very often," Srila Prabhupada said. Continue reading "Srila Prabhupada’s Ecstatic Symptoms
→ Dandavats"

4 principles for improving relationships – Daksha-Sati pastime analysis
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Talk at Wellington, New Zealand]




Podcast Summary

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Bhagavad Gita Chapters 13-14 Overview
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Talk to Bhakti Shastri students at Wellington, New Zealand]




Podcast Summary

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Relationships flourish by sharing, not by dominating – Rama Lakshmana interactions
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Sunday feast class at ISKCON, Wellington, New Zealand]




Podcast Summary

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7 purposes of ISKCON explained
→ The Spiritual Scientist

7 purposes of ISKCON explained
[Talk at Wellington, New Zealand]




Podcast Summary

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India Next Year
Giriraj Swami

On Friday my chiropractor told me, “I think you will be ready to go to India next year. You withstood the travel to the East Coast well—your body feels strong and resilient—and I think you will be able to manage the trip to India.”

He had never said anything like that to me before, and his words had the ring of truth to them. I believe that, Krishna willing, I may actually go to India next year, and that made me feel very happy.

Hare Krishna.

Yours in service,
Giriraj Swami

Thursday, June 6th, 2019
→ The Walking Monk

Toronto, Ontario

Met Maggie

It was a treat to meet Maggie.  Here’s how it happened.  Karuna and I walked back to the ashram after a very successful kirtan at Bellevue Square  Park.  Ekalavya  was ‘reggae-ing’  from the harmonium, making sounds of joy, while Kohl was on the guitar. music drew all kinds of people, especially toddlers, with their parents, of course.  From what I could see, we left people happy.  And then it was time to pack up.

As the two of us headed north, we turned that corner at St. Stephen-in-the-fields. Karuna expressed a need to answer a call of nature, and there was the door to the church—open.  Sitting on the stairs by the door was Maggie.  I recognized her from the church’s website which carried the image of the sculptor of “Panhandler Jesus.”

“Hi! You must be the minister here?” I asked.  

“Yes, I am.”

“Can we take a peak inside?  I’m curious and have read about your church.”

Maggie, the priest-in-charge, was eager to oblige and give us a tour of this charm of a church.  The stain glass images are impressive, so is the pipe organ and the carved wooden benches for the choir.  There is a balcony.  The place is quaint and yet invokes that reverence that sacred space is supposed to. 

Maggie said of her community: “It is the best group of people.  I wouldn’t want anything else.”  She was speaking about a pride that is very genuine in spiritual circles.  

May the Source be with you!
4 km

Wednesday, June 5, 2019
→ The Walking Monk

Richmond Hill, Ontario

The Best Must Go On

Rhythm is something that everyone needs in their life.  (Gershwin wrote the song, “I Got Rhythm.”)  Even if you don’t think you are musically inclined, you must admit that you have a heartbeat inside of you and that is rather consistent, otherwise you are dead.  Everywhere there are happy beats, waves and currents all around us, declaring a kind of rhythm.

I see walking as a form of rhythm involving movement of body and leg with a consistent contact on and off the earth.  I believe that a certain quantity or quota of this natural rhythm of walking should be exerted everyday.  It makes me content at least.

Unfortunately today I could not under the circumstances find the moments to step outside to see to a quota of foot rhythm.  I was sold out to assisting people and it consumed my time. “Excuses! Excuses!”  I could say, but in truth it does work out that way sometimes.

To compensate for the lack of trekking-rhythm for the day, I found myself by commitment  at the home of Kishore, who lives in Richmond Hill.  Couldn’t walk there. Had to be driven.  It was another one of those ‘time’ or lack-of-it issues.  There in Kishore’s house was my friend Ananda, visiting from Edmonton.  He’s a master drummer, whether tabladjembe, or dolak.  He is recovering from some viral illness, but got up enough strength to see me and beat his best drum as a prelude to the drumming he will do for the summer’s “Ratha Yatra,”  The Festival of Chariots.  The beat goes on!

May the Source be with you!
0 km

Tuesday, June 4, 2019
→ The Walking Monk

Etobicoke, Ontario

The King Known as Kichari

There was a spring cleaning that went on in the ashram today, resulting in a switch of room, and a switch of beds.  And although in the mundane world such changes are often perceived as sources of distress, in a monastic setting it engenders a form of excitement.  The boys are also making way for a visitor monk, Ekalavya, a single man who hails from New York.  He’ll be with us for a week only, but it is always stimulating for me when he comes.

In the ashram, the breakfast is cooked by various people and done on a rotation.  This morning it was the duty of the only woman living on our premises.  Krishna is her name, and she prepared a monk’s favourite, kichari, a mixture of dahls, rice, vegetables, and spices (mild).  In some places in India, kichari is regarded as a poor man’s food, but in all reality, from a nutritional point of view, plus the taste factor, you are not going to find anything better. Krishna told me that the key spices are turmeric, cumin, and  cilantro with fresh ginger added.  It is yummy, absolutely.

I am not always a partaker of breakfast.  My digestive powers are somewhat lacking in the morning.  My fires-within are stoked by noon-time when I sample what is being provided and served in Govinda’s restaurant.  But let confessions be what they are, for occasionally, I sneak down to the eating room, and scoop out a generous chunk of kichari to spread out on a portion of a thali, a plate.  When done well, I feel it is worthy of serving out at the summerfest, known as the Festival of Chariots.

May the Source be with you!
5 km


Monday, June 3rd, 2019
→ The Walking Monk

Toronto, Ontario

Discovering It was Thrilling

Well, we honoured someone’s birthday today, in Govinda’s Dining Room.  We remembered Suniti—a sweet, sweet lady—sweet, sweet devotee.  We dared not ask her age.  She’s from Malaysia.  Her hubby, Keshava, was there, daughter-in-law and grandkids.  It was a low-key event but with great prasadam (food blessed to the max).  Friends came too.

After that warm meal, and warm people, a group of four of us left for Bellevue Square Park to chant on the grass.  This place is a favourite.  Karuna and I decided to walk back to the ashramafter the session, along a new set of streets, at least to our eyes.  At Bellevue Avenue and College, we turned a corner at the Church of Saint Stephen-in-the-Fields, and were startled by an impressive bronze sculpture, known affectionately as the ‘Panhandler Jesus’.  Sculptor Timothy Schmalz, did this one which he actually named ‘Whatsoever You Do.’

God knows I’m a sucker for a nice piece of art.  This one is no exception, and the message of a humble Son of God, is also something to deliberate on, while the viewer sees this beautiful and stirring work of art.

Discovering it, was thrilling for both of us.  Whenever you wander, like Karuna and I do, we always come upon unique objects, people, birds and animals, and try to grab messages from their presence.  What is nature trying to say here?  What is man/woman saying there?  Ultimately, what is the Creator wanting to do with us? How do I fit into the Universe?

This type of questioning, or introspection, is a human right. 

May the Source be with you!
3 km

Sunday, June 2nd, 2019
→ The Walking Monk

Winona, Ontario

Prudence is Wisdom in Action

Fernando is this nice kind of guy who is great with his hands when it comes to renos. He’s also a good, safe driver, so I liked the fact that he agreed to take Karuna, Connor and myself for a ride to the starting point of our morning walk.  The exact location for the start was the very place where I finished walking on the Bruce Trail in the Grimsby area last fall.

We commenced—ready for a challenge.  The first known challenge was to contend with some mud and moisture since a shower had occurred overnight.  I did well and had no fall—just almost.  Connor, however, registered a count of four.

Our second challenge was bugs. Mosquitoes were out swirling about.  Karuna swallowed two, but not all at once. Fortunately, they were not biting us. It was a reverse with Karuna. He did the biting.  

Lastly—falling into the same category as bugs—were the ticks.  This is the time of year when they are notoriously prevalent in the forest.  So by the end of our mediocre-to-strenuous hike, at seven kilometres in three hours, one tick clung to my kurta (Indian shirt) and one had taken shelter of Karuna’s right or left sock.  Fernando, who’s from Brazil, told of a friend who was bitten by a certain type of tick and died after fifteen days.  

When we completed our walk, arriving at our destination through Fernando’s taxi expertise, we stripped down to see if any of those guys were working their way through skin territory.  We showered, compliments of Niagara Falls home owners, Vaishnava and Janaki, and then hastened to do the laundry with our walking clothes.  It is always wise to be prudent.

May the Source be with you!
7 km

Saturday, June 1st, 2019
→ The Walking Monk


Two Minds

I did a meagre three kilometre walk with partner, Karuna, along busy but shady streets. Much later, upon arrival at the home of Dharma and Manasi, my eyes walked over the words of Volume Two of Shamasundar’s book, Chasing Rhinos With the Swami.  Like his first volume of the book of the same name, the story of his capers with our guru is completely compelling.  I urge all to secure copies of these two masterpieces and read them.  They are available on Amazon.

May I share the opening to the Prelude:

“I’m of two minds: should I stay in the U.K. and deepen my relationship with George Harrison, remain behind, as his trusted guide, and keep him pumped up in Krishna consciousness?  Or should I take off on a wild adventure to India, a rhino chase with my spiritual master and the merry pranksters?  It was no contest, really.  First, it was Prabhupada’s desire that I join him, and second, we would finally see the land of Krishna, the source of the philosophy and culture that now shaped our lives.  But I was in great anxiety as we prepared for the trip.  Lord knows how long we’d be gone—and I was leaving George out there alone. How would he fare?”

Thank you Shamasundar.  You keep me pumped-up with your writings which will define the time of pioneering bhakti-yogain the West.  And thank you for being a part of the making of good history.

May the Source be with you!
3 km

Friday, May 31st, 2019
→ The Walking Monk

Toronto, Ontario

Body and Soul

Karuna and I walked to Christie Pitts.  It’s actually a partially-sunken park with baseball diamonds.  Our reason for this destination was for more of that celebration of sound.  This time it wasn’t just two or three of us chanting on the grass.  We attracted two dozen or more chanters who brought with them refreshments.

It was Adi Kurma, who was most generous with his delivery of bubble tea, a combination of mango and peach, from what I could detect.  The drink is a flavourful sugar tonic of sorts, however the true sweetness arose from the mantra itself.  

Dhira Grahi is an enchanting singer.  He pumps out these irresistible tunes over-top of his harmonium playing.  Passersby took interest in the instrument.  

For an hour and a half, the group of us, monks, and families with children, delighted in the outdoor just-perfect activity.  Then with Billy’s smartness, he arranged for some indoor dynamics as well. The “House of Yoga” located on Bloor Street, welcomed us to their studio for more of the same.  

I think we were quite sugared-up from the thick and rich bubble tea, if not charged-up by the drums and enthusiasm of our own.  For me, it was Friday night ecstasy.

By 9:00 p.m., all was over, and I told Billy, the organizer, that I could walk back to the ashram.  By doing so I would catch that better sleep.  It is difficult, frankly, to be a good yogi, without proper rest. “Not too much nor too little” is the indication from Chapter Six of the Gita.  Our guru offered that suggestion in regard to doing what keeps body and soul together.  

May the Source be with you!
7 km

Thursday, May 30th, 2019
→ The Walking Monk

Toronto, Ontario

More Fun On the Grass

“I had a stressful day at work.  I walk home through the park and I hear the drum, the kirtan, and I’ve become so happy!” expressed the woman, who in her medical profession does have hard days. She had noticed us chanting at Bellevue Square Park, pulled out her phone to film us, and then shared that with her sister.  I could see, from her demeanour, that she was now relaxed, overcome by our modest performance.  Well, that made us (the chanters) feel good.  

In addition, the fellow who does his daily routine as Spiderman, came to us in civilian clothes to thank us.  He liked the rhythms.  And who else should come down our trail, where we were settled on the grass, but a group of what you might call ‘badass’ boys.  They looked rough.  They looked tough.  They were coming our way, specifically, and one fellow was in his mid-teens.

As he was about to approach us, perhaps to rough us up, or mock us—it sure looked that way, but I wasn’t sure—when he bent his knees intending to sit with us.  At that instance, one of his buddies shouted, “Hey man, yah gotta take your shoes off if yah wanna do that!”  The teen decided to proceed on, and as he did, he gyrated to the sound of the drum.  Some reverence or respect was shown, after all.

The place is a mix of a circus and a peaceful samadhi at the same time. Two worlds.  Another two worlds demonstrated themselves on our way back on foot.  Karuna and I walked from a more dodgy neighbourhood at St. Jamestown, and then crossed over a bridge to the posh Rosedale.  Two worlds, once again.

May the Source be with you!
3 km

Is the concept of “Sustainable Development” a lie? (4 min. video)
→ Dandavats

Is the concept of “Sustainable Development” a lie? (4 min. video)
Those committed to industrial-commercial development of natural areas see this development as inherently progressive. Those committed to the integrity of the natural world and their indigenous peoples see this development as degradation since the intrusion of the human into the life systems of the planet has already gone beyond any acceptable limits.


A final visit
→ Dandavats

Bhumi Devi Dasi: My Godbrother, His Grace PustaKrsna prabhu invited all the devotees over to his home today for a final visit. It was a beautiful and tearful event, and here he is getting a short nap after the program. With him in this picture is Daru Brahma, his wife of 30 something years and in the back row (along with me is Gail Rasangi Lewis, Vaidehi devi dasi and her mother.

Sadhu Sanga Retreat 2019 (14 min. video)
→ Dandavats

Sadhu Sanga Retreat 2019 (14 min. video)
Indradyumna Swami: The 8th annual Sadhu Sanga Retreat in Boone, North Carolina, USA attracted over 2,000 devotees from all over America and beyond. The main focus was, as always, kirtan. With some of ISKCON’s best chanters it was a most relishable experience. The lectures, kirtans and prasadam were all of the highest standard and the famous Blue Ridge Mountains provided the perfect backdrop.