Aksaya Tritiya
Giriraj Swami

Today is Aksaya Tritiya. In May 2003 I wrote Deena Bandhu Prabhu, my godbrother who is based in Vrindavan, about the date, and his reply follows:

My dear Giriraj Swamiji,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I’m not sure of the history of Aksaya Tritiya. But ksaya means to diminish, so aksaya means that which never diminishes, or which goes on increasing. So, this day is considered a very auspicious day to start anything from which you want the fruits to never diminish.

I see that people start their businesses on this day, do griha-pravesha on this day, start their journeys on this day. And there is a big festival in Nandagram on this day. But if you want to come and see it, you have to book your taxi well in advance, because on this day there are a lot of marriages and all the taxis will be booked up!

The festival in Nandagram celebrates Pavana Sarovara. When Nanda Maharaja established his residence in Nandagram, he excavated a huge lake, and it became known as Nanda Sarovara. He and his family and other Brijbasis would bathe in this lake. Sometimes, he and his family would bathe at one end and Vrishabhanu Maharaja with his family would come and bathe at the other end of the lake. The Brijbasis say that Radha and Krishna used to swim underwater to the middle of the lake and have underwater pastimes.

One day, Nandanandana saw that Mother Yasoda was making very strange types of prasadam—not the everyday rice, dal, subji, and chapatis. But she was making fried dal, little fried noodles, and little fried cracker-like things we call muttry. She was cooking so many fried things.

So Nandalala came and asked, “Oh, Meiya, what kind of funny prasada are you making today?”

She replied to her darling little son, “Lala, today your baba is going on pilgrimage, so I’m making all these fried things, so they will last for several days and he will eat them along the way.”

“And where’s Baba going, Meiya? Tell me, Meiya, where’s Baba going?”

“Lala, Baba is going to Prayag.”

“And where is that, Meiya? Tell me, Meiya.”

“Oh, Lala, I’m busy cooking and you ask so many questions. Go ask you ask your baba, Lala.”

So Nandanandana went to his baba and pulled on his cloth, repeatedly asking, “Where are you going, Baba? Oh, Baba, where are you going? Tell me, Baba, where are you going?”

Nanda Maharaja smiled at the beautiful face of his inquisitive son and replied, “I’m going to Prayag.”

“And where is that, Baba? Tell me, Baba, where is that?”

“Lala, that is a very sacred place where Ganga, Yamuna, and Sarasvati join in sangam. So I’m going there to take my bath, Lala.”

“But, Baba, today is a very inauspicious day to start a journey. You should go tomorrow. It’s Aksaya Tritiya tomorrow, and that is a very auspicious day to start your journey.”

“Ok, Lala, since you are asking, I will go tomorrow. Is that ok, Lala?”

So the next morning Nanda Maharaja got up early like he does every day to take his bath in Nanda Sarovara. When he got there, however, he saw some important big man like a king or something rolling in the dust of Braja and laughing, “Ho, ho, ho! Ah, hah, hah!” Then he would bathe in Nanda Sarovara. Then again he would come out and roll in the Braja raja and laugh, and again bathe in the sarovara.

Nanda Maharaja had never seen a personality like this before in Nandagram, so he asked that person, “Maharaja, who are you?”

“Baba, I’m Prayag.”

Baba in his simple Brijbhasa said, “Pryag? Prag? I don’t know anyone in Nandagram with that name?”

Arey, Baba! I’m not from here. I’m Prayagraj, king of all the tirthas!”

“And why have you come here today, Maharaja?”

“Oh, Baba! All year long people come and put their papa on me. So one day in the year, on Aksaya Tritiya, I come here, roll in the dust of Braja, and bathe in this sarovara and become pavana.”

Pavana means pure, or purified.

Accha? Is it?” Nanda exclaimed.

Then on the other side of the lake, Nanda saw so many beautiful ladies bathing, but not like his Nandagram ladies—with beautiful silk saris with gold and silver threads. He never saw ladies like this in Nandagram.

Approaching them very respectfully, Nanda asked, “Who are you, ladies?”

“Baba, I’m Ganga.” Another said, “I’m Sarasvati.” And yet another said, “I’m Godavari.” They all responded with the names of different holy rivers—Kurujangala, Kaveri, Narmada, Brahmaputra, Mahananda, etc.

Then Baba asked, “And why have you come here today? I’ve never seen you all before.”

Arey, Baba! All year long people put their papa on us. On one day, this Aksaya Tritiya day, we come here, roll in the dust of Braja, bathe in this sarovara and become pavana.”

Accha? Is it?”

Then Baba took his bath and went up the hill to Nandagram. By this time Nandalala was awake. Coming before his father, he asked, “Baba, now you’re going? Yes, Baba? Now you’re going?”

Arey, Lala! Now I’m not going!”

“And why is that, Baba?”

Arey, Lala! All the places I wanted to go, they all came here today to take bath and become pavana. So why should I take the trouble to go to all these places when they all came here?”

So from that day, the sarovara became known as Pavana Sarovara.

In the service of Sri Sri Krishna-Balaram,
Deena Bandhu dasa

Sannyasa Diksha Of HG Vrindavan Chandra Prabhu
→ Dandavats

By Venu Govind Dasa

On 10th April, 2019, the auspicious occasion of Sri Ramanujacharya appearance day, His Grace Vrindavan Chandra Prabhu accepted Sannyasa Diksha from HH Radha Govinda Dasa Goswami Maharaj in ISKCON Vrindavan. He received the name HH Vrindavan Chandra Dasa Goswami Maharaj from his dear Guru Maharaj in the courtyard of Sri Sri Krishna Balaram Mandir. Continue reading "Sannyasa Diksha Of HG Vrindavan Chandra Prabhu
→ Dandavats"

Их радостные улыбки
→ Traveling Monk

Дневник странствующего монаха

Том 15, глава 2

8 мая 2019

Почти пять последних месяцев я провел во Вриндаване, отлучаясь лишь на несколько коротких поездок. Но в начале мая я уехал. Несмотря на приближение тягостной летней жары, мне думалось, что я мог бы задержаться и подольше. С огромным сожалением и чувством глубокой разлуки я направлялся в аэропорт Нью-Дели, чтобы улететь из святой дхамы.
Вриндаван проникает в тебя, когда остаешься в нем достаточно долго. Даже краткое посещение святого места может произвести чудотворный эффект. В «Сканда-пуране» утверждается:

«Человек, проживший в Двараке шесть месяцев, месяц или хотя бы полмесяца, заслуживает того, чтобы перенестись на Вайкунтха-локи и получить все блага сарупья-мукти, дарующего преимущества того же четырехрукого тела, что у Нараяны».
[Нектар преданности, глава 7]

А Шрила Прабхупада однажды сказал: «Вриндаван – для вдохновения». Я всегда понимал это так: мы приезжаем во Вриндаван, чтобы очиститься и развить привязанность к нашему возлюбленному Господу Шри Кришне, но через какое-то время должны уехать и делиться нашей огромной удачей с людьми, ничего не знающими о Кришне и Его трансцендентной обители. Заставляя себя уезжать, я держал в мыслях это наставление.
Однако, к тому времени, как я добрался до аэропорта, я уже был в ином настроении, готовый проповедовать сознание Кришны. С самого начала своей карьеры преданного мне одинаково нравилось и проповедовать на улицах западных городов, и бродить по лесам Вриндавана в поисках святых мест. Эти настроения взаимосвязаны. Проповедуя сознание Кришны в странах Запада, мы становимся достаточно подготовленными для посещения Вриндавана, а, живя во Вриндаване, обретаем чистоту и духовную силу, чтобы делиться сознанием Кришны с другими. Шрила Прабодхананда Сарасвати красиво это выразил:

йатха йатха гаура-падаравинде
виндета бхактим кр̣та-пун̣йа-расих̣
татха татхотсарпати хр̣дй акасмад

«До какого уровня мы предаемся служению Господу Чайтанье – того же уровня мы обретаем и качества, необходимые для служения лотосным стопам Радхарани во Врадже».
[ Чайтанья Чандрамрита, текст 88 ]

Из Нью-Дели я вылетел в Польшу, где хранятся мои вещи. Отдохнул там денек и на следующее утро отправился в варшавский аэропорт, чтобы сесть на самолет до Москвы и так начать свой ежегодный месячный тур по России. И столкнулся с очень цепкой сотрудницей иммиграционной службы.
– Ваш паспорт, – рявкнула она. За ней сидела другая дама в униформе, наблюдавшая за каждым ее движением. Я сделал вывод, что попал к стажеру.
– Где посадочный талон? – резко бросила она. Начальница еле заметно одобрительно улыбнулась.
– Вот, мэм, – сказал я, передавая его через отверстие в окне.
– Разве вы не знаете, что должны подавать его вместе с паспортом? – прорычала она так, будто я был самым распоследним тупицей.
– Да, конечно, в следующий раз так и сделаю, – ответил я, удивляясь, неужели в должностные обязанности входит резкое и грубое обращение с вылетающими пассажирами.

Пока она проверяла мои документы, я вспомнил, как однажды в аэропорту Джона Кеннеди в Нью-Йорке проходил иммиграционный контроль вместе со Шрилой Прабхупадой. Таможенник был с ним очень груб. Он хотел посмотреть, что в маленьком белом чемоданчике Шрилы Прабхупады, но замок заклинило, и Шрила Прабхупада никак не мог его открыть.

Офицер потерял терпение:
– Я же сказал открыть! – прикрикнул он на Шрилу Прабхупаду.
Возмутившись, я шагнул вперед, и рука моя сжалась в кулак:

– Еще раз скажешь что-нибудь таким тоном моему духовному учителю – разобью физиономию!
В наше время этого было бы достаточно для ареста. Но тогда таможенник лишь отпрянул от меня в шоке.
– А я-то думал, что вы, Харе Кришны*, за мир! – саркастически заметил он.
Я по-прежнему стоял в вызывающей позе. Как бы желая меня унять, он сказал:
– Ладно, молодой человек, тогда вы откройте.

Я придвинул к себе чемоданчик, немного повозился с замком, и крышка, подскочив, внезапно открылась. Как завороженный, я стоял и разглядывал личные вещи моего духовного учителя: его паспорт, золотую ручку, маленький шарик тилака, тюбик с аюрведическим лекарством, пару каратал и другие трансцендентные предметы.

Голос таможенника нарушил мое благоговение.
– Молодой человек, это я должен осматривать вещи, не вы.
Я подвинул чемоданчик ему, и после беглого осмотра он нас пропустил.

Когда мы шли по летному полю к самолету, Шрила Прабхупада сказал:
– Из-за соприкосновения с гунами материальной природы люди развивают множество плохих качеств. Но когда кому-то выпадает удача общаться с преданными Господа, он развивает все хорошие качества полубогов.


– Ваш паспорт! – сердитая сотрудница польской иммиграционной службы размахивала моими документами по ту сторону стекла.
– О, простите, – сказал я, и она вытолкнула их через окошко.
Начальница улыбнулась ей, будто подтверждая хорошо проделанную работу. А затем переключилась на другого стажера, слева от себя.
Поведение моей таможенницы тотчас изменилось. Широко улыбаясь, она прошептала через окошко:

– Я обожаю ваши лекции на фестивале Индии. Каждое лето я езжу в Реваль. У меня есть «Бхагавад-гита».
Я тоже улыбнулся и хотел было ответить, но начальница, заподозрив что-то неладное, обдала ее холодным взглядом. Мгновенно ее лицо опять стало каменным.
– На этом всё, – сказала она, давая понять, что я должен отойти.
«Спасибо, Кришна, – думал я, – что показываешь мне чудные плоды Твоего движения самкиртаны».

Иммиграционный и таможенный контроль в Москве прошел на удивление легко. В зале прилета меня встречали 60 счастливых преданных, все с улыбками до ушей. Когда я шел к ним, меня посетило странное чувство:
«Что это такое с преданными», – думал я. А затем понял: «Их улыбки! В точности как у сотрудницы иммиграционного контроля в Варшаве. У любого, кто испытал на себе милость Кришны, такая же радостная улыбка».

Я вспомнил фрагмент лекции Шрилы Прабхупады, которую недавно слушал.

«Верховный Господь радостен. Если вы оказались в счастливом сообществе или рядом со счастливым человеком, то автоматически станете радостны. Нет нужды быть радостными порознь. Само общение сделает вас радостными. Таково сознание Кришны. Просто благодаря общению. Это счастье – от общения со Всевышним».
[лекция по «Бхагавад-гите», Лос-Анджелес, декабрь 1968]

Я подошел к собравшимся ликующим преданным, и они задарили меня бесчисленными букетами цветов и прекрасными цветочными гирляндами всех видов. Я уже раздавал букеты преданным рядом, а новые все прибывали в мои руки.

Идя к паркингу, я снимал с себя гирлянды и раздавал недоумевающим прохожим. Конечно, требуется немного смелости, чтобы подойти к совершенно незнакомому человеку и надеть ему гирлянду. Но я всегда убеждаюсь, что этот миг становится одним из «магических моментов» в сознании Кришны, как их называла моя духовная сестра Ямуна даси. Кто бы сомневался, большинство людей расплывались в широченных улыбках, напоминающих улыбки преданных, и принимали гирлянды. Некоторые даже просили с ними сфотографироваться.

Лифт к паркингу был переполнен: пятеро преданных и, по меньшей мере, еще человек двадцать. Столько незнакомцев столпилось в замкнутом пространстве – атмосфера была напряженной. В лифте было душно, плохо пахло, и единственным утешением был невероятный аромат трех гирлянд на моей шее, одна из которых почти касалась пола. Я чувствовал на себе взгляды пассажиров лифта, хотя и не был уверен, что именно кажется им странным: гирлянды, мои одеяния санньяси или и то, и другое. Я обратился к своему секретарю, прижатому ко мне.

– Махаван, – говорю, – хочу сделать объявление. Переводи людям, громко и четко.
Махаван посмотрел на меня в недоумении:
– Но, Гурудева…
– Дамы и господа, – громко начал я, – у меня тут чудесные ароматные гирлянды, которые любезно подарили мне мои ученики. До этого их предложили Богу, поэтому они приносят удачу любому, кто их носит.
Все, включая Махавана, будто застыли.
– Давай! – повторил я ему. – Переводи и улыбайся. Я проделывал это тысячи раз.

Так оно и было. В 1970-е годы я часами разъезжал в поездах парижского метро. На мне были дхоти и курта, яркая тилака и гирлянда, которую носили накануне Шри Шри Радха-Париж-Ишвара. Я запрыгивал в вагон метро и громко объявлял по-французски: «Дамы и господа! Добрый день всем замечательным людям Парижа. Я – монах из Америки, только что вернулся из Индии. У меня с собой книги, написанные моим духовным учителем, в которых он делится со всеми мудростью древней Индии. Это знание может решить все проблемы и изменить мир к лучшему. Когда я буду проходить мимо вас, пожалуйста, возьмите одну книгу и дайте щедрое пожертвование». Наверное, я произнес эту мантру 100 000 раз и продал 10 000 книг. Иногда я встречался с неприятием, но чаще всего люди были заинтригованы моим одеянием, улыбкой и смелостью, – так что они брали книги.

Я слегка подтолкнул Махавана:
-Давай же, – подбодрил я его.
– Дамы и господа, – начал он по-русски.
– Громче!
– Моему духовному учителю надарили чудных благоухающих гирлянд, – говорит он  немного громче.

Когда он закончил, лифт безмолвствовал. Люди переминались, некоторые нервно переглядывались. Время будто остановилось.

Затем женщина лет пятидесяти произнесла:
– Ладно, если можно, я бы хотела розовую.
Атмосфера разрядилась, и все стали уже без стеснения разглядывать гирлянды. Я поместил розово-бело-голубую гирлянду ей на шею.
– Какая честь, – выговорила она, затаив дыхание.
– Как это приятно, – отвечаю.

Будто стараясь опередить заинтересованных в оставшихся гирляндах, другая женщина выпалила:
– Я бы хотела желтую!
Теперь уже все без исключения улыбались. Я вновь вспомнил слова Шрилы Прабхупады: «Если вы оказались в счастливом сообществе или рядом со счастливым человеком, вы автоматически станете счастливы».

Лифт уже доехал до верхнего этажа паркинга, когда стоявший в углу пожилой мужчина в черной потертой одежде тихо сказал:
– Уважаемый, а можно мне последнюю, длинную?
– Конечно, – отвечаю, надевая ему гирлянду. Он разулыбался, глядя, как она раскачивается у его лодыжек.

Лишь только открылись двери лифта, славная атмосфера улетучилась: все бросились искать свои машины. Только старик передвигался медленно, выверяя каждый шаг и сохраняя равновесие при помощи трости.
– Сэр, а вас встречает кто-нибудь? – спрашиваю.
– О, нет, – отвечает он. – Никого. Я один.
– Жаль это слышать.
– А, не переживайте. Я на машине, и ваш добрый поступок осветил мой день. На мне гирлянда из цветов, благословленная Господом! Что может быть лучше такой удачи?

Он направился к паркингу. Это было то еще зрелище: старик в помятой одежде, медленно уходящий в тусклый свет – с гирляндой, доходящей ему до лодыжек, и со светящейся улыбкой.


«У Говинды, изначальной Личности Господа, в руках флейта. Он очень радостный, всегда улыбается. Своей улыбкой Он благословляет вас. Вы видите, как Он улыбается – и сами всегда улыбаетесь. Это настолько замечательно».
[ лекция Шрилы Прабхупады, Монреаль, 4 июля 1968 ]


На английском: https://www.facebook.com/indradyumna/posts/10214222296894318


* Hare Krishnas – общепринятое обращение к преданным движения Харе Кришна в англоязычных странах (прим. ред.)

His Grace Pankajanghri Prabhu Speaks About the #Giving TOVP Worldwide Matching Fundraiser, May 7 – 17, 2019
- TOVP.org

The #Giving TOVP 10 Day Worldwide Matching Fundraiser from May 7th (Akshaya Tritita) until May 17th (Nrsimha Caturdasi) is now underway. His Grace Pankajanghri prabhu speaks about the importance of the TOVP and participating in this 10 day window of opportunity to make a donation to the project.

The #Giving TOVP 10 Day Worldwide Matching Fundraiser will be an incredible, never before done online event to raise funds, large or small, from every devotee, whether they have already given to the TOVP or not. Ambarisa prabhu will match all donations capping at $125,000, thus doubling the income to the TOVP during this fundraising event to help complete the TOVP by 2022.

For more information, go to the TOVP #Giving TOVP Fundraiser page at the link below. You can also become a TOVP Ambassador by downloading the flyer from the website page and posting it on the internet, emailing it to your devotee friends and relatives, and posting at your local temple. We want the participation of every ISKCON devotee and congregation member worldwide. Please spread the word and share this information.




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How obstacles become opportunities – Hanuman’s burning tail
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Talk at St Louis, USA]



Podcast Summary

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Tap your inner power – TAB acronym with Srila Prabhupada’s example
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Sunday feast class at ISKCON, St Louis, USA]



Podcast Summary

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Saturday, May 4th, 2019
→ The Walking Monk

Brampton, Ontario

Glad to be Away from the Smokes

On Bay Street, Connor and I came upon a blown-up photo, by the window display of a gallery, of Keith Richards puffing on a cigarette, or some other mode of smoking. This iconic musician from "The Rolling Stones," looks in the pic as if he ‘ain't got too much satisfaction’. All praises to the music he and his buddies produced, and in general, the music moguls of his period, who broke cultural barriers globally.  That is what rock 'n roll did.  I certainly ponder   whether the sex, drugs and rock 'n roll movement made inroads towards an enhanced life of shanti, peace.  I really question that.

Connor and I walked farther on Bathurst later, to give ease to our assigned driver, for an evening sangha.  It was new territory for Connor, our Edmonton boy, as we took to the ravines going in a northwest angle.  We were edging our way toward Eglinton Avenue, before we actually hitched that ride.

The sangha had commenced at 6:30 p.m., at the home of Sanatana Sevak and Kamala, with a crammed group of enthusiasts for kirtan and a talk on being wise, according to the Gita.  The group really took to smiles, at ours and their dancing session.  Then there was great prasadam.  I would say what we did was a wholesome approach to a Saturday mini-fest.  No one felt the need to smoke, yet we were rocking in my estimation.

A third brief walk took us along a creek near the home of our hosts, Rajasuya and Surabhi. Before we embarked on a final one-plus kilometre, one local boy shooting basketballs with his buddy remarked, "Oh, that guy (in the robes) is here to bless the house." I overheard and thought it was cute.

May the Source be with you!
6 km

Friday, May 3rd, 2019
→ The Walking Monk

Burlington, Ontario

Not the Best News but Laugh Anyway

Connor and I took the commuter GO train westbound to the Burlington area, there to meet up with Dr. Pandith (aka Jagannath Misra).  Apart from yesterday’s chiropractic visit, I had scheduled a physical check up with a Dr. Singh.  Tests showed all to be fairly good, but between the two medicine men, Pandith and Singh, there arose a question about my recent flare-up on the right side.

Pandith drove me to Joseph Brant Hospital for a cat-scan which revealed something to be concerned about.  Some blood-clotting has occurred that has risen  into  the chest area.  I trace it to the flight to Mauritius.  It is dangerous when lungs are hit by this type of blood issue.  So now I’m on blood thinners, and for my own health's sake, restricted in travel, by air especially, for a good month or more.

When I reflect back on this recent trip to South Africa and Mauritius, it had too many stress elements to it, which was however, no fault of anyone.  I want to thank those persons who helped me to explore these physical hiccups and for their advice on remedial regimen.  I will for the time being reduce stressful travel and continue daily walks, but at a slower pace.  I can't walk with gusto.  It affects my breathing.  Coughing or sneezing also puts a little risk of pinching in the chest.

I'm going to ask my friends not to put out too many good jokes because that also challenges the pressure on the chest for now.  I just got over hearing a good one by W.C. Fields the other day, and you might like it.  Someone asked him, "Are you busy?" His answer, "I'm about as busy as a pickpocket in a nudist colony."

May the Source be with you!
2 km

Is Brahman the effulgence of the Absolute or is it the realization of our own eternality?
→ The Spiritual Scientist


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Chandan Yatra Day1: Natabara
→ Mayapur.com

Happy Akshaya Tritiya. Happy Chandan Yatra. On the first day of Chandan Yatra, Sri Radha-Madhava is dressed as Natabara- the Best of Dancers! Sri Radha -Madhava as Natabara: As the vicious snake tried to bite Him, Sri Krsna, moving from one hood to another with lithesome grace and unparalleled speed, earned the name, Nata-bara, the […]

The post Chandan Yatra Day1: Natabara appeared first on Mayapur.com.

A Visit to Southern Russia (Album of photos)
→ Dandavats

A Visit to Southern Russia (Album of photos)
Indradyumna Swami: The city of Sochi is situated in southern Russia. With its beaches, as well as nearby snow-capped mountains, it serves as a resort for the wealthy people of the country. ISKCON has had a successful temple there for a number of years. We spent 3 happy days with the devotees relishing the spring weather and the chanting of Lord Krsna’s holy names.

Is blaming past karma for bad things just a way to avoid blaming God?
→ The Spiritual Scientist



Question: Is blaming past karma for bad things just a way to avoid blaming God?

Yes, bad things happen to us but if you are honest good things also happen to us. When we are successful, we did work hard for that success, but so many other things fall in place. It’s only because all those things also fall in place that we become successful. Success is not just because of our own efforts. There are other things beyond us which also contribute to success. What to speak of success? Even our very existence is dependent on something beyond us for our existence.

When we live, right now we are breathing, we are not even conscious that we are breathing. We don’t consciously breathe. Certainly, we don’t produce the oxygen that we need to breathe. It is already provided. When a child comes to the mother’s womb into the world, the mother does not do anything special to produce milk in her breasts. Milk comes over there. So, we will see that there is much good that is also arranged, which is essential for our existence.

Suppose after this program we will have prasad. When we have food, we digest the food and we enjoy the food. We get some energy after that. If you consider scientifically or medically speaking, digesting of food is a very complicated process. I was in MIT, America, Massachusetts. They took me to a lab over there. They were actually trying to develop an artificial digestive machine. It’s like we have pacemakers and we have other machines. They found that it’s extremely complicated. You don’t need a machine you need a factory. It’s such a complicated process. So now, who is doing that? We just eat the food and we get energy after that. The only time we think of our digestion is when it doesn’t work.

The point here is that if we are to blame God for our bad things, then actually there are good things happening also, in which we are not doing them. If we are just alive, then there is more right with us than wrong. So many people die before they come to the age which we are living right now. If we observe carefully, there is some benevolent arrangement in the world which facilitates our existence. There is a foundation of benevolence in the world. There’s a foundation of goodness and on that foundation of goodness, sometimes good, sometimes bad.

If that foundation of benevolence and goodness would not be there, then even existence would be impossible. Therefore, this foundation of benevolence that is there, this whole system of good and bad that is there, where does the system come from? Sometimes people say that okay, so many bad things happen to good people. Therefore, there is no God. How can God exist if so many bad things are happening? Well possible. That could be an argument. But you could turn that argument around and say, okay, why should bad things not happen to good people? What do you mean? You know, bad things shouldn’t happen to good people. But why not? If there is no higher ordering principle in the world, then anything can happen to anyone. The very assumption that good action should lead to good results and bad action should lead to bad results, where is that assumption coming from? What is the basis for that assumption? It is because there is some ordering principle that whenever there is disorder, we ask why is this disorder there?

So, blaming God might seem simplistic. Blaming God could be one option, but there is a foundation of benevolence and goodness that enables our existence itself. Only with that foundation can everything else follow. We basically have three options. When we look at the world around us, that everything happens by chance, there’s no cause-effect connection and anything happens to anyone. So bad things happen because life is like a lottery. Some people win the lottery. Some people lose the lottery. It’s a very helplessness inducing view. That is not the way we function on a daily basis. We don’t raise our children telling, actually your exam is a lottery. Whether you study or not, it doesn’t matter. Either you’ll get marks or you’ll not get marks. Nobody lives like that.

One possibility is that everything happens by chance. The second possibility is that everything happens simply by God’s arbitrary will. God decides to send bad things for some people’s life, God decides to send good things for some people’s life. Why would God be arbitrary or partial like this? If that were the case, then why would there be a foundation of goodness, which enables our existence, upon top of which there is arbitrary good or arbitrary bad. The idea that God is to be blamed for our misdeeds, for our distresses, recoils against the whole concept that there is a foundational good in the world, on which there is good and bad. And anyway, if that is the case, again, it’s a very helplessness inducing view.

If God is against me, what can I do? Isn’t it? Ultimately, we have to go on with our life. We have to look at a worldview that is most practically beneficial for us, that is the most constructive for us. So, either it is everything happens by chance or everything happens by God’s arbitrary will. The third option could be something else.

Suppose there’s a cricket match going on. The cricket match starts, and you see one team starting score is zero, the other team starting score is two hundred. What’s going on? This is not fair. Now you could have three explanations for this. Why is it like this? One is the scoreboard works by chance. It just automatically puts any numbers over there. This team was unlucky, this team was lucky. The second option is that the scorekeeper is biased. The scorekeeper put extra marks over there and put a zero over here. The third explanation could be that it is a multiple innings match and this team is carrying over from the previous innings. So, this two hundred is a lead from the previous innings.

Similarly, if there are differences in the way we get in life, the most reasonable explanation in a game, if everything were by chance, there is definitely an element of chance in a game, but it is not that everything is by chance. The score doesn’t come by chance over there. And if the scorekeeper is biased, why would he even have a match over there? Without a match only decide this team is winning, that team is lost. The most reasonable explanation is that it’s a multiple innings match. Most reasonable in the sense that it is the most empowering. The other two explanations are most disempowering. If everything is by chance or everything is by God’s arbitrary will then there’s nothing we can do about it.

If you understand that it is by our own past deeds, then that creates a sense of purpose and power within us. If I do good deeds now, I can create a brighter future for myself. I have written the whole book on this topic called “Demystifying Reincarnation”, where this whole reasoning and logic I have explained systematically. This is the broad answer. We could blame God, but actually blaming our past karma is not a replacement for blaming God. Rather, it is the most reasonable and the most empowering explanation for what we experience in our day to day lives.

End of transcription.

His Grace Jananivas Prabhu Speaks About the #Giving TOVP Worldwide Matching Fundraiser, May 7 – 17, 2019
- TOVP.org

The #Giving TOVP 10 Day Worldwide Matching Fundraiser from May 7th (Akshaya Tritita) until May 17th (Nrsimha Caturdasi) is now underway. His Grace Jananivas prabhu speaks about the importance of the TOVP and participating in this 10 day window of opportunity to make a donation to the project.

The #Giving TOVP 10 Day Worldwide Matching Fundraiser will be an incredible, never before done online event to raise funds, large or small, from every devotee, whether they have already given to the TOVP or not. Ambarisa prabhu will match all donations capping at $125,000, thus doubling the income to the TOVP during this fundraising event to help complete the TOVP by 2022.

For more information, go to the TOVP #Giving TOVP Fundraiser page at the link below. You can also become a TOVP Ambassador by downloading the flyer from the website page and posting it on the internet, emailing it to your devotee friends and relatives, and posting at your local temple. We want the participation of every ISKCON devotee and congregation member worldwide. Please spread the word and share this information.




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Famous UK TV’s actress and crew visit Mayapur. Cruising…
→ Dandavats

Famous UK TV’s actress and crew visit Mayapur.
Cruising with Jane McDonald-Series 5 - Episode 4
India - Part Two.
The voyage concludes with the second part of Jane’s journey across India, which sees her fully immersed in her cruise on the sacred Ganges river. After visiting the home of the Hare Krishna movement, she is invited to join the masses making the pilgrimage to the sacred city of Mayapur, where she takes in the spectacular shrines and ceremonies. After the cruise reaches its final stop, Jane continues on land to the famous `Pink City’ of Jaipur, and then onto the Agra.
Source: https://is.gd/cNlnCi

Iskcon Puri’s situation. Prior to hitting Puri, cyclone…
→ Dandavats

Iskcon Puri’s situation.
Prior to hitting Puri, cyclone Fani, since 2nd of May 2019, all the city got disconnected from electricity, water, telephone & internet connection till today. While Fani cyclone gradually made landfall, the whole city got dis-mantled along with Iskcon Bhakti kutir (Bhaktivinode Thakur’s Bhajan kutir), damaged it’s building, broke down doors & windows and filled the whole building with sand.
During this unexpected and frightening storm (by sand) the devotees were crying & praying to Lord Jagannath & Sri Sri Radha Giridhari, our predominated deity, for protection.
Only the Lord knows when everything will be in order again, although we are continuing all temple programs as much as possible.
Please, all of you extend your kind prayers and blessings for us.
Your Servant Gournitai Das.

Complete Happiness
→ KKSBlog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Durban, South Africa, 8 March 2019, Kendra Namahatta

In Navadvipa, before taking sannyasa, Lord Caitanya was known by two names, either Nimai or Visvambhara. Visvambhara was His former name, meaning the maintainer of the entire universe. 

It is said in the Caitanya Caritamrta: He thought, “How can I be called Visvambhara, the maintainer of the whole universe, unless I give people entire happiness?” How can you say you are maintaining someone if you are only feeding them, if you are only providing them a roof over their head, if you are only providing them clothes? How can you say you are maintaining them?

One can only say they are maintaining someone when that person is completely happy. But that is not so simple. Who is completely happy?

The only way someone will be completely happy is when we give them love of God! Therefore Vishvambara is the one who gives love of God to all.

The article " Complete Happiness " was published on KKSBlog.

Former President of Croatia receives Srila Prabhupada’s…
→ Dandavats

Former President of Croatia receives Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita during Harinama(Album of photos)
Srila Prabhupada: The Vedic scriptures say: “Even if one distributes ten million cows in charity during an eclipse of the sun, lives at the confluence of the Ganges and Yamuma for millions of years, or gives a mountain of gold in sacrifice to the brahmanas, he does not earn one hundredth part of the merit derived from chanting Hare Krishna.” (Sri-Caitanya-caritamrta, Adi-lila, 3.79 Purport)

Initiations in Durban, March 4, Durban
Giriraj Swami


Initiation Ceremony by HH Giriraj Swami

Posted by ISKCON Durban on Saturday, May 4, 2019

On Sri Gadadhara Pandita’s appearance day, Giriraj Swami officially connected seven disciples with Srila Prabhupada and the parampara: Anil Basdew became Ananda Krishna dasa, Clive Jugathpal became Krishna Kishore dasa, Leeann Govindsamy became Lila Manjari dasi, Mayawatee Sewjathan became Madhumati dasi, Pranesa Sewpershad became Pradhana Gopika dasi, Reena Sewpershad became Radhika Kishori dasi, and Sheena Basdew became Shobha Radha dasi. Please bless them and support them in their efforts in Krishna consciousness.

Just as Bhishma chose the wrong side, so do we – how can we learn properly from such role models?
→ The Spiritual Scientist


The post Just as Bhishma chose the wrong side, so do we – how can we learn properly from such role models? appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.

Think Choose Relish: 3-point essence of the first three verses of Srimad Bhagavatam
→ The Spiritual Scientist




Podcast Summary

The post Think Choose Relish: 3-point essence of the first three verses of Srimad Bhagavatam appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.

Highlights From The Sacred Sound Kirtan Retreat 2019 in…
→ Dandavats

Highlights From The Sacred Sound Kirtan Retreat 2019 in Australia.
Syamala Gopa Kishori devi dasi: This year’s Sacred Sound Kirtan retreat was a great success and we are very grateful to the many kirtaneers, devotees and guests who made it possible. The annual event, which was held during the Easter weekend, drew a crowd of almost 1000 guests, all enthusiastic to share in the nectar of the holy names.
One of the highlights of the retreat was the uplifting kirtanas led by some of ISKCON’s most prominent kirtaneers, including Indradyumna Swami, Bhakti Bhringa Govinda Swami (BB Govinda), Bada Haridas prabhu, Sri Prahlad dasa, Bali and Dhanya Rico and Akincana dasa, among others. These kirtanas had the devotees dancing and chanting with great devotion. Another great memory of the retreat was the illuminating seminars given by BB Govinda Swami on the Brhad Bhagavatamrta.
The retreat hosted a fantastic market, which offered delicious prasadam as well as gifts handcrafted by talented members of the New Govardhana community. In addition, the Krishna Kids area was a welcome treat for children and their parents, who were able to immerse themselves in kirtanas while their little ones engaged in crafts and activities.
Devotees felt spiritually surcharged by this year’s retreat and are eagerly awaiting the 2020 Sacred Sound Kirtan event.

Sri Gadadhara Pandit Appearance day celebrations!
→ Mayapur.com

On the occassion of appearance day of Sri Gadadhara Pandit, abhisheka took place, with bhog offering, pushpanjali and Arti. In Navadvipa, Sri Gaura -Gadadhara is worshipped at Champahatti. These were the deities worshipped by Sri Dwija Vaninatha, nephew of Sri Gadadhara Pandita. Sri Bhakti Vinod Thakura’s worshippable deities were Sri Gaura -Gadadhara at Godrumadvipa. During […]

The post Sri Gadadhara Pandit Appearance day celebrations! appeared first on Mayapur.com.

Caring For Krishna’s Devotees: The VCC Gets Official!
→ Dandavats

By Ambika devi dasi

As many are aware, New Govardhana’s Vaishnava Care Committee (VCC) has formed to assist seriously ill devotees and those in need of palliative care within our community. On 20 February, the VCC officially registered as a non-profit incorporated association. The VCC has also applied to the Australian Charities and Not-for-profit Commission (ACNC) for charity status, which, if approved, will allow tax deductions for contributors. The VCC requires this status because it plans to construct a palliative care residence on New Govardhana. Continue reading "Caring For Krishna’s Devotees: The VCC Gets Official!
→ Dandavats"

Sri Sri Tota Gopinatha Temple And Sri Gadadhara Pandita
→ Dandavats

By Chandan Yatra Das

Sri Tota Gopinatha is exquisitely beautiful self-manifested Deity of Lord Sri Krishna. Sri Tota Gopinatha is also a most unique Deity because He is the only Krishna Deity in the world “sitting down” and playing His flute. Sri Tota Gopinatha has such a charismatic bewitching quality that draws one to His darshana over and over again. Srila Vrindavana Thakura extols His power: “Even an extreme atheist will be changed upon seeing the Deity of Gopinatha.” Continue reading "Sri Sri Tota Gopinatha Temple And Sri Gadadhara Pandita
→ Dandavats"

May 7, Akshaya Tritiya – The Auspicious Launch of the #Giving TOVP 10 Day Worldwide Matching Fundraiser May 7-17
- TOVP.org

The most auspicious day for giving, Akshaya Tritiya is here! And the #Giving TOVP 10 Day Worldwide Matching Fundraiser is starting.

Please be a generous TOVP Giver and your gift will be matched by TOVP Chairman, Ambarisa prabhu. Simply go to the website address below and select your donation, large or small. Even if you have already given, give again. And if you have already made a pledge to the TOVP you can use this opportunity to make a payment and your donation will be doubled.


TOVP – Together Offer Victory to Prabhupada



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The post May 7, Akshaya Tritiya – The Auspicious Launch of the #Giving TOVP 10 Day Worldwide Matching Fundraiser May 7-17 appeared first on Temple of the Vedic Planetarium.

When a mother will keep mud away from a child, why does Krishna make lust so easily available in this world?
→ The Spiritual Scientist


The post When a mother will keep mud away from a child, why does Krishna make lust so easily available in this world? appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.