The Missing Tapes of Mohan prabhu
→ Dandavats

By Yugala Kishor Gour das

In the MetaVision period Mohan filmed many Krishna Conscious events, seminars and festivals. He even went on an European Tour, recording different temples and their local activities. All these were recorded on a semi professional system called Sony U-Matic. These tapes can not be played on your normal house VHS and/or Betamax systems, they are simply to big. Measuring 3/4 inch. According to several devotees, whom I have spoken to, this archive ended up on Inish Rath in Northern Ireland, brought there by Tribhuvanath prabhu. Some devotees claim to have seen the tapes there. But they are not there anymore and here is where my search stalls. My request is for anybody who knows the whereabouts of these tapes or knows something of them to contact me. This would be such a great help and very much appreciated. Continue reading "The Missing Tapes of Mohan prabhu
→ Dandavats"

The View Of An Irish Hare Krishna On ‘What It’s All About’
→ Dandavats

By Sarah Keogh

Over this period of Lent we’ve spoken to priests, minister and Senators already, asking them ‘what’s it all about?’ What is the meaning of life? What impact does religion have on a person’s everyday life. Sarah Keogh was joined by Praghosh, who is the representative for ISKCON, the Hare Krishna movement here in Ireland, and he also began the Govinda restaurant chain over 20 years ago. Praghosh explained what the Hare Krishna movement is, and what he believes life is about. Continue reading "The View Of An Irish Hare Krishna On ‘What It’s All About’
→ Dandavats"

HH Jayapataka Swami Vyasapuja Festival 2019 Invitation!

This year Vyasapuja festival of HH Jayapataka Swami is special in two ways- being the 70th birthday celebrations -Bhimarata Santi and after a gap of one year of Maharaja’s not present in Mayapur, (2018 Vyasapuja was held in Chennai), this year again Vyasapuja will take place in his home, Sri dham Mayapur. Vyasapuja festival message […]

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Don’t let our desire to use something for Krishna become greater than our desire for Krishna
→ Dandavats

Don’t let our desire to use something for Krishna become greater than our desire for Krishna (Based on Gita 09.26)
Chaitanya Charan Das: While driving to meet someone special, suppose we get a desire to offer them a special gift. But we get so caught in searching that gift that we lose our way and fail to reach for the meeting. By our mistaken priorities, we end up undermining the very relationship that we wanted to sweeten.


His Holiness B.B. Govinda Maharaja Speaks About the #Giving TOVP Worldwide Fundraiser

This week as we head to the start of the #Giving TOVP 10 Day Worldwide Matching Fundraiser from May 7th (Akshaya Tritiya) until May 17th (Nrsimha Caturdasi), His Holiness B.B. Govinda Maharaja speaks about the importance of the TOVP and participating in this 10 day window of opportunity to make a donation to the project.

The #Giving TOVP 10 Day Worldwide Matching Fundraiser will be an incredible, never before done online event to raise funds, large or small, from every devotee, whether they have already given to the TOVP or not. Ambarisa prabhu will match all donations up to $125,000, thus doubling the income to the TOVP during this fundraising event to help complete the TOVP by 2022.

For more information, go to the TOVP #Giving TOVP Fundraiser page. You can also become a TOVP Ambassador by downloading the flyer from the website page and posting it on the internet, emailing it to your devotee friends and relatives, and posting at your local temple. We want the participation of every ISKCON devotee and congregation member worldwide.




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Why did Vidura not instruct Dhritrashtra to apologize to the Pandavas and to thereby become offense-free for practicing bhakti?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Answer Podcast

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Transcendental Association
→ Ramai Swami

While I was in Brisbane recently, I caught up with my old friend and god-brother, Bhanu Maharaja, who was on a tour of Australia and New Zealand.

Maharaja gives wonderful classes and I enjoy listening to his scholarly presentation of Krsna Conscious philosophy. I had the opportunity to have lunch with him at Madhavi Prabhu’s house, where he was staying.

On another evening, I was invited to dinner with Viraja Krsna Prabhu and family, who were originally from Fiji. Needless to say, the prasadam was fantastic.

Your Only Chance!
→ Dandavats

Your Only Chance!
HH Sacinandana Swami: There is a reason why we are here in this world and why we often feel bewildered and afraid. It is because we have turned away from Krsna. Srila Jiva Gosvami gives an analogy: in Indian villages people used to gather in the evening and sometimes an entertainer would stand before a lantern and use his hands to project shadows on a wall while telling a story. Sometimes children and simple villagers would then become afraid because of seeing demons and witches on the wall.


New rescued cows in New Govardhana, Australia (Album of…
→ Dandavats

New rescued cows in New Govardhana, Australia (Album of photos)
Anasuya dasi: With great excitement, the goshalla team announces the recent arrival of four cows and a calf, all rescued from a drought- stricken farm. The cows, which would have been slaughtered if not for Maha Mantra dasa’s intervention, are settling well into New Govardhana farm life under the care of the goshalla team. Maha Mantra, Mani Bhanda dasa, Malcolm, Tom and Mandali Kishori dasi are the new cows’ main caregivers. “Whatever cow we get, we know that it is on the farm for life”, Maha Mantra assures, and the new cows seem to know it, happily giving milk for the Deities soon after their arrival.
The rescued cows have been lovingly named Hamsi, Mangala, Mani Kastani, Vamsi priya and the baby calf, Virabhadra. It is our great fortune that two cows are already confirmed to be pregnant, along with Syamalika from the main herd. So we can expect only more good news from the goshalla team in the future!
Find them here:

Falling short of love
→ KKSBlog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 04 August 2018, Vrindavan, India, Bhagavad-gita 4.9)

When Madhavendra Puri was roaming the planet he never met anyone who had the same depth of love for Krsna that he had. It is amazing that the love of God which later was taught by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu had already manifested two generations earlier in Madhavendra Puri. Madhavendra Puri was anticipating the sankirtana movement of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and experiencing the greatest ecstasy. 

Madhavendra Puri met many people (so it is described in the Caitanya-bhagavata) who were very pious, who were strictly following the injunctions of the scripture, who were religiously going to temples and always worshipping. In that sense we would have said, “Oh they are very good devotees. They are very serious and very dedicated devotees.” From our perspective we would put them way up there. But from Madhavendra Puri’s perspective it was always falling short of love.  We also are experiencing that in our spiritual lives.

The article " Falling short of love " was published on KKSBlog.

‘Watering the Seed’ Seminar
→ The Toronto Hare Krishna Temple!

ISKCON Toronto's Sankirtan Team (TST) is offering a unique Training Seminar, titled 'Watering the Seed' on how to make YOUR follow up easier and effective!
? You may be an expert at personal follow ups OR you may be completely new to this concept - this seminar is for YOU!
? The seminar is open to ALL departments in the temple, and will provide everyone with the essential tools and strategies on how to effectively connect and stay in touch with those fortunate souls ready to take their first step towards Krishna. 
? The training will touch on the following topics, to name a few: 
  • The ‘Noble Necessary Need’
  • Breaking the myths of follow ups
  • Follow up guidelines and tips
  • Planting the seed, watering the seed
  • Overview of various temple programs to plug new comers into
  • and lot more!

Date: Sunday, April 21st 2019
Time: 3:00 to 4:00 pm
Venue: Green Room @ ISKCON Toronto

Please RSVP so we can serve you better.

Is heaven attained by any warrior who fights a war in obedience to authority and dies?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Answer Podcast

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Bullock Cart Seva!

Bullock cart ride is always a welcome service in Mayapur! Pilgrims relish taking a ride in bullock cart -as we see guests are always busy taking selfies and pictures with bullock cart. During Gaura Purnima, a new bullock cart seva is inaugurated by HH Loknath Swami, when Maharaj drove the cart pesonally.  See in this […]

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Ratha-yatra, March 31, Dallas
Giriraj Swami

“If you buy a plane ticket from Dallas to New York in a way it is your destiny to go to New York. But you still have free will to decide how you use your time on the airplane and once you arrive. Our destiny may carry us in a certain direction to a certain place but we still have free will how to engage ourselves on the way and when we reach there. We should use our free will in the best way which is to revive our relationship with God — with Krishna. So, whatever we are doing, wherever we are, we can be in God consciousness — Krishna consciousness.”
Ratha-yatra address (Right-click to download)
Ratha-yatra – Ask a Monk (Right-click to download)

What is the destination of those who obey their authorities and fight in unfair wars such as Vietnam – will their obedience elevate them to heaven?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Answer Podcast

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Three most important rules for chanting Hare Krishna
→ Dandavats

Three most important rules for chanting Hare Krishna.
HH Sacinandana Swami: Our spiritual practice should nourish us, it should supply us with a taste that is better than the taste that material activities and sense gratification provide us with. When our spiritual practice lacks this taste, the temptation of material life which then allures us with a seemingly greater taste is always close to us. And at that time we are in danger. However, if we can find taste in our spiritual practice we are safe on the spiritual platform.


The transcendental boatman
→ KKSBlog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 14 March 2019, Durban, South Africa, Lotus Park Nama Hatta)  

The waves hitting the Jaladuta were overwhelmingly powerful, and as Prabhupada was rocked about on the Atlantic ocean by the intense waves and wind, he was becoming very ill. Prabhupada had a heart attack. Then he prayed to Krsna , and he saw Krsna. 

Krsna was rowing the boat and said, “Do not worry, everything will be fine.”

Then the ocean became very calm, very peaceful. Later the captain said, “Swamiji, you must come with us again, because never before did we have such a peaceful crossing over the Atlantic. Please come back with us.”

While Prabhupada was on the ship, he was reading Caitanya Caritamrta, and he was saying that that was his only solace. He was turning to Krsna and to sastra. So the transcendental devotee simply turns to sastra and finds Krsna in sastra. That is always there. At any moment, one can turn to sastra and just find Krsna there. 

But then Krsna will also reveal Himself to the devotee. In this way, the pure devotee always sees Krsna, sometimes through the sastra, sometimes through the holy name, sometimes through kirtan, and sometimes Krsna reveals Himself directly. But all is equal and all is inspiring and all is satisfying to the heart. Whether we read about Krsna , whether we chant the holy name of Krsna in japa or in kirtan, or whether we speak about Krsna, it is all nourishing.

When you are at sea and have that experience of constant movement, even when you are on land you feel like the ground is moving. In the same way, a transcendental boatman, even when he comes into the world of maya, is still experiencing the ecstasy of being at sea. He carries everything with him from that ocean of nectar.

The article " The transcendental boatman " was published on KKSBlog.